Prep for the Week Issue 1804

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1804 – 18 September 2015

In this week’s issue...

r ve you o l y l e t absolu ents? u o y o D par Grand o! We d

Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School news Prefects and Positions of Responsibility for 2015-16 Girls' and Boys' Sport Letter from the Library Individual Achievements Calendar Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Saturday mornings Our new arrangements worked well last Saturday and my thanks to all members of the school community for their efforts. We face another test tomorrow when we introduce visitors to our new arrangements for the first time. Once again, we will have as many members of staff on hand to direct you and your child to the right place at the right time and you will have already received your Saturday Programme. The main information point is the Prep Reception.

Dear Parents The new academic year I hope that you have found the Information Evenings and Parents Receptions helpful. Some feedback has focused on the difficulty of arranging for childcare and questioning whether the School can help. We have considered this but with so many staff involved in either the event itself, boarding duties or, in the case of the second week, activities, there are not too many staff available. We will look at this next year. Continuing with our desire to make the start of the new academic year as smooth as possible, please can I remind you of the informal parents meetings which will take place next week. Timings: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

08.00-09.30 Years 1 and 2 Reception & Cottage Lower School Middle School Upper School

Should you wish to attend, Reception, Cottage and Lower School parents should sign up on classroom doors, Middle and Upper School parents should sign up at Day End.

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015

Parking Without the extra space created by using the grass, drop off and pick up have inevitably suffered from congestion. We continue to try and reduce this by encouraging as many as possible in Years 5-8 to ‘kiss and go’ outside Day End. We will also mark the playground with parking bays to ensure that the space is used more efficiently. We are also creating more parking spaces away from the drop off zones so that there is more parking for parents. All of these efforts will come to nothing if a small minority insist on parking in an inconsiderate manner. Please can I insist that parents do not park in unmarked areas, especially at the front of the Prep School Reception, at the entrance to that area and near the entrance to the kitchens (where I stand most mornings). And finally …… Although we include all those who receive a Headmaster’s Commendation in Prep for the Week, I wish to bring everybody’s attention to this particular one, earned by Emma Critchley. Hers was awarded for “Promising to always be there for a new pupil!” Thank you Emma. I would suggest that this attitude has been prevalent in the first two weeks from all of our children. A list of all this week's commendations is on the next page. Jon Whybrow


Headmaster's Commendations Sophia Griffin (Year 3)

For her bravery and sheer determination. Two years ago Sophia was a complete non swimmer, terrified to get in the water. This Tuesday she was attempting to swim in the middle of the pool. She did well on her front but she ran out of breath doing back stroke and the lifeguard had to jump in to help her safely to the side. She was not at all upset and continued with the rest of the lesson. When I spoke to her to make sure she was ok she said “at least I was trying my best".

Victor Larsen (Year 5)

For a wonderful holiday diary which he completed over the summer. He has clearly spent considerable time and effort writing and describing a whole range of activities he did with his family in the holidays.

Eva de Quincey Adams (Year 6)

For the excellent Geography work she did over the holidays.

Jasper Norman (Year 6)

For gallantly coming to the rescue of a distressed Year 5 pupil who was missing essential rugby kit, by immediately offering to lend his spare rugby shirt and shorts, without being asked.

Rebecca Cook (Year 8) and Imogen Friessner-Day (Year 7)

For the outstanding artwork they produced over the holidays towards their Scholarship portfolios. Both would have given up a lot of time to complete this work.

Rebecca Cook (Year 8)

For reading a novel in three days - the first ever time in her Middle School/Upper School life.

Anna Goff, Anna Forde, and Fionnuala Dowling Membrado (Year 8) For showing responsibility and maturity with younger pupils. They were so helpful with helping to organise all the boarders in the 11.30-13.00 slot this Saturday, and showed great maturity and independence.

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015


Clubs and Activities begin in Kingfishers! Making new friends and taking the opportunity to try new activities, whilst being a little daunting, can be very exciting and the start of our lunch time and after school activities programme this week has created some very excited and enthusiastic children! Our Pre-Prep department currently has sixteen weekly clubs running, with a variety of lunch time activities for Cottage and Reception and eleven after school clubs running for Years 1 and 2. From board games to bug hunting, the children have thrown themselves in and thoroughly enjoyed the results of their efforts. Roll on Week 3!

Kingfishers This week our Year 1 and Year 2 boys and girls have been learning about the value of co-operation! They listened to the story of how a King challenged his greedy brother and sister to eat using only a very long spoon. Their challenge was to eat a jelly tot using a spoon that was 1 metre long. Although stumped at first, with many spilling onto the floor, with encouragement and several ideas tried and rejected, they came to the conclusion of feeding each other. Well done boys and girls for recognising that we can achieve so much more if we work together!

Our fir

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Lower School Year 4 have been learning about poetry this week and have been writing their own haikus. They learnt how to count in syllables in order to make their haikus authentic and focused on using interesting vocabulary and short, snappy sentences.

"The orange leaves fall down, The green conkers drop quickly, Blustery wind blows." - Robyn Parks, who has us feeling very Autumnal!

Middle School

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On Sunday, a girls U11 select team played in the local schools hockey festival, which was hosted by Cheltenham College. It gave the girls a great opportunity to train together in a match situation and to play against some other local schools. The team played 5 matches, of which they won 3. It was a really positive experience and at the end of the festival each team were presented with a goodie bag containing T-Shirts for the team.

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015


Upper School

Wigg ly w lots U orms - ther nder O e ur Fee 's t!

tistry r a l u f r onde Some w o this wire tree t went in

What's Under Our Feet? e!


This i

s mad e of ol d nut and b s olts!

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015

Year 6 to Year 7 Summer Holiday Project

The theme for the Year 7 Independent Learning Project this year was ‘Under our feet’ and it has prompted an array of very impressive individual and creative projects. The projects are currently on display in the Assembly Hall for all to see. There are interesting investigations, archaeological and mining projects, an ant farm and a wormery, some unique shoe designs, some detailed display boards and books of different types. Some pupils constructed large 3D models including a mysterious metallic creature, a beautiful wire sculpture and a carefully constructed dinosaur. Our thanks to all the pupils for their hard work and creative ingenuity in interpreting this year’s theme. Prizes will be awarded shortly in Assembly. Mrs Gill Barrett, Director of Learning and Mrs Sarah Reid, Director of Upper School 6

Prefects and Positions of Responsibility for 2015-2016

Upper School

This year we have 10 prefects from our Year 8 pupils: we expect to appoint some more during the year. They’ll perform duties around school, as well as getting to know all the boys and girls in the Prep. Their first task is to make sure they’re working with the younger girls and boys and the pupils in their Houses. We’re really keen to make sure all boys and girls lead by example around school, and it’s part of the ethos of Upper School that we do so. I asked some of our prefects and positions of responsibility holders what having these positions means to them; all Year 7s applied for these positions last year. "As Head Girl, I think I should be looking out for the younger pupils and helping them around school. I enjoy talking about school to prospective parents and, as I’ve been here since Kingfishers, I know a lot about the school and what it represents. I’m really pleased to be Head Girl." - Anabelle Wells, 8W

"I am delighted to be Head of Athens. I really wanted to be appointed Head of House, and I am looking forward to working with all the pupils in my House and getting to know everyone." - Piers Brown, 8L Mrs Sarah Reid, Director of Upper School Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015

Head Girl Anabelle Wells Head Boy Charles Hellens Head of Boarding (girls) Fionnuala Dowling-Membrado Head of Boarding (boys) Rory Southall PREFECTS Athens Piers Brown Corinth Anna Forde Persia Charlie Anton-Smith Rome Jessica Hale Sparta Francesca Pinchard Troy Rebecca Cook POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY Head of Hockey Freya Coull Head of Rugby Charlie Anton-Smith Head of Netball Anabelle Wells Head of Tennis Fionnuala DowlingMembrado Heads of Swimming William Bradley and Caitlin Brister Head of Cricket Monty Graveney Head of Orchestra Grace White Head of Choir Isabella Reid 7

Boys' Sport This Saturday was host to our first ever Saturday morning event. The morning began with U8 and U9 rugby trials before the U10s, U11s and U13s came out for team training sessions. With 17 teams in action, there were huge numbers of boys trying their hardest to prepare for the start of the season. It was a fantastic start to a new era at Cheltenham Prep. To the right you can see College Director of Rugby Mr Olly Morgan leading a kicking clinic for the U13 boys. Keep up to date with fixtures and training as well as getting the insider view on our team by following us on Twitter: @CheltPrepBoys

Result of the Week – U11B v The Grange – Won – 30-5 The first match of the season is always a mixture of excitement and nerves. The first run, tackle, ruck and try are important contests that lay down a marker on which to build. The U11Bs have put together a string of positive training sessions, including a strong showing at a productive pre-season Saturday. With new rules to adapt to and playing away from home against a tough opposition, there was plenty to take away the focus from ‘playing the game’. However, the boys really rose to the occasion. The first run, tackle, ruck and try were strong, direct, purposeful and full of intent. The opposition were up for the challenge and The Prep’s defence had to match their offence. The team held a one try advantage coming into the break, coming together at half time to constructively discuss how to play better and to put more points on the board. The second half saw a great spell of dominance from the side, five tries were scored with only one against in the late stages. The significant difference between the two teams was The Prep’s ability to build ‘phase rugby’: retaining the ball and recycling play. The forwards were excellent in going to ground ‘long and strong’, as well as unselfishly protecting the ball at the breakdown, ensuring that this was available for the scrum-half. The backline was well ordered by the fly-half and lined up continuously ‘wide and deep’ ready to receive and look to offload or to find gaps in the opposition defence. The boys also kept up their professionalism and enthusiasm throughout. There is plenty to work on, especially getting the ball out to the wings and looking to make runs into space, but a very promising start from a team that is eager to learn and plays for one another.

Fixtures - 16 September TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE 1st XV Sir Thomas Rich's U13A Lost 5-31 2nd XV Sir Thomas Rich's U13B Lost 10-22 3rd XV Sir Thomas Rich's U13C Lost 5-39 U11A The Grange U11A Won 70-5 U11B The Grange U11B Won 30-5 U11C The Grange U11C Lost 40-55 U10A The Grange U10 A Won 35-20 U10 B The Grange U10 B Won 30-10 U10 C The Grange U10 C Won 25-15

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015


Girls' Sport Team of the Week – 4th VII With the predicted rain satisfyingly on hold, the Fourths opened their hockey season with a 5-0 win over Wycliffe. After an initial tentative start to the game as the two teams sized each other up, the girls began to find their feet and nerves were soon put to one side. Our defenders were a force to be reckoned with throughout both halves, with strong and increasingly accurate passing; the improved spacing of our mid-fielders in the second half ensured we set up some easy goals for our strikers. The Fourths worked well as a newly-formed team and should be proud of a great opening result. To the right you can see Freya sporting her Hockey Captain's Band. Keep up to date with fixtures and training as well as getting the insider view on our team by following us on Twitter: @CheltPrepGirls

Fixtures - 16 September TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE U9 A Wycliffe Won 3-0 U9 B Wycliffe Lost 1-4 U10 A Wycliffe Won 5-0 U11 A Wycliffe Drew 0-0 U11 B Wycliffe Drew 2-2 1st VII Wycliffe Lost 1-8 2nd VII Wycliffe Lost 1-9 3rd VII Wycliffe Drew 1-1 4th VII Wycliffe Won 5-0 5th VII Wycliffe Won 5-0

GIRLS SPORT NOTICES SWIM SQUAD Please be reminded that Swim Squad is a selected club, but we would love to welcome as many children as possible to our trials in the coming weeks. If your child is keen on swimming and likes the idea of competing in galas, please do encourage them to attend. Trials take place on Thursday 17 and Thursday 24 September. The Lower School session will run 16.15 – 17.00 followed by Middle and Upper School 17.00 – 18.00. Pupils may sign out from the pool or from back at school. CURRICULUM PE AND SWIMMING Please note that on the day your child has PE and Swimming in their timetable, they should come into school that morning already wearing their PE kit and tracksuit. CONTACTS If you need to contact me for anything to do with PE, Swimming or Girls’ Sport, please note that my email address is slightly different than other members of staff –

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015


Letter from the Library It has been pleasing to see so many Middle and Upper School pupils making use of the main Library outside of their lesson times. Some have been attempting the First News quiz, others have read quietly, completed wordsearches or played a game of chess. I would encourage them to regularly use this fantastic resource. Next week we launch our Upper School book club and this half term we will read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee to coincide with the Cheltenham Literature Festival's Big Read.

Happy Roald

Dahl Day!

Prep schoo l pupils cele brated Roald hearing a re ading from Dahl day by The Twits an favourite Ro d voting for th ald Dahl bo eir ok. And the winners we re... In third pla ce... Matild a In second p lace... The T wits Clear winne r, in first pla ce... Charlie and the Chocolate F actory!

I will be supporting reading throughout the school and as each pupil is expected to have a reading book, I would be happy to help them with recommendations, although often the best recommendations come from their peers. Finally could I make a plea to ensure books are returned to the library so that others may borrow them and please check if you have any at home that were borrowed over the Summer. Mrs Sarah Dawson, Librarian

Individual Achievement Showjumping Success! Congratulations to Laura and her pony Bryn, who competed for Cheltenham College Prep this Sunday in the NSEA (National Schools Equestrian Association) regional competition, hosted by Cheltenham Ladies' College. She came 5th out of 67 competitors in the 70cm

Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015


Bakery Club Bakery Club started this week and the pupils made delicious double chocolate cookies! They learnt the importance of weighing out ingredients carefully, so that the baking turns out as it should. As you can see from the photos – the results were delicious! Next week, all bakers should bring an apron and a tuppeware box or tin.

Prep for the Week Issue Number 1804 18 September 2015

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1802 26 June 2015


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday, 20 September 2015 11:00 Boarders' High Ropes Adventure (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) Monday, 21 September 2015 Week 3 (3) 21 - 27 September Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Years 1 and 2 (Library) 08:00 Tuesday, 22 September 2015 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Reception and Cottage (Library) Year 5 Try Boarding Night (Places limited to those who have not yet boarded - booking 18:00 through Mr Wells essential) Wednesday, 23 September 2015 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Lower School (Library) Fixtures Departure for Rugby v Wycliffe College (A): 2nd XV, U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII, U9D VII. Pick 12:45 up 17:00 12:45 Departure for Rugby Festival at The Downs School, Wraxall (A): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Start 14:30. Pick 17:45 12:45 Departure for Rugby Festival at Clifton College (A): U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:45 13:00 Upper School Hockey Re-trials and Fitness Testing. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Hockey v Clifton College (H): U10A VII, U10B VII, U11A VII, U11B VII. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Rugby v Wycliffe College (H): 1st XV, 3rd XV, 4th X, U8A VI, U8B VI, U8C VI. Pick up for U8s 16:00, Upper School 16:30 Thursday, 24 September 2015 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Middle School (Library) 16:15 Lower School Swim Squad 2nd Trial. Pick up 17:00 Middle and Upper School Swim Squad 2nd Trial. Pick up 18:00 17:00 18:00 Rome House Dinner. Pick up 20:00 Friday, 25 September 2015 Exeat begins: Boarders can depart, timings by prior arrangement House Maths Challenge 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Upper School (Library) 15:00 Harvest Festival Service in Chapel for all pupils except Cottage and Reception. (Parents welcome) 15:30 Exeat begins for pupils in Kingfishers (no after school care, activities or tea) 16:00 Exeat begins for pupils in Lower School (no after school care, activities or tea) 16:30 Exeat begins for pupils in Middle and Upper Schools (no after school care, activities or tea) 16:30 Parents' Meeting for Choir Tour to Rome (Assembly Hall) Saturday, 26 September 2015 17:30 Football v New Beacon (H): Upper School. Evening with opposition. Pick up 20:30 Sunday, 27 September 2015 Football v New Beacon (H): Upper School. Pick up 11:00 09:00 19:00 Boarders return, latest return 19:30 Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week!

School Uniform Shop

Hattie Lait 7

Amelia Hounam-Brooker


Flora Mudie 9 Monty Wayman 9

Victor Larsen 10

The school uniform shop term-time opening hours are: Tuesday 13.30 to 15.30 Wednesday 15.30 to 17.00 We are happy to recieve email enquiries, as it is not always possible to get to the shop. We are also happy to accept clean uniform in good condition for sale. Julie Tague and Irene Jones

Date for your diary! Friends of the Prep Call My Bluff Wine Tasting and Quiz Fri 2nd Oct 20.00 for 20.30 start Food and healthy portions of wine included for ÂŁ15 a ticket. Speak to your Year Friends of the Prep representative for more details or if you want to put a table of 6 together.

Activities for Cheltenham Prep Mums! Mum's netball training Sessions every Friday 09.00, Bentham Sports Club. All welcome, no previous netball experience necessary – just an opportunity to have a run around and socialise! Contact Amy Mills for more details or just come along! Mum's running club Every Monday 08.30, meet in the Sports Hall car park. Various groups depending on ability, also meeting on other mornings by arrangement. Contact Josie Mayes for more details or call 07771 595081. Prep for thefor Week Issue Number 18 September Prep The Week Issue1804 Number 1802 262015 June 2015

Santa Family Fun Run 11.00 - 12.00 Sunday 6 December 2015 Save the date - more details to come!


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