Prep for the Week Issue 1816

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1816 – 22 January 2016

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In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Official Opening of the Science Centre Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News Girls' Sport Natasha Houseago Exhibition Calendar Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents The loins are girdled, the chest puffed out, no chickens have been counted and the team will give 110%! Next week we welcome the inspectors from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). My thanks in advance for participating in the parents’ questionnaire and should you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to ask. There was a time when a visit from ISI was viewed with trepidation and many schools adopted a defensive approach. Times have changed and it is in everyone’s interests to work with the teams of inspectors for the benefit of the whole school community. We look forward to welcoming the team on Tuesday morning. I do wish that they had been able to watch Year 5’s “Play in a Day”. This was a remarkable achievement which I was disappointed to miss, swamped as I was by constructing the timetable for the visit by the inspectors. Resourceful, engaged and enthusiastic, their performance summed up all that is good about the Prep and I am confident that this will be on show next week in all aspects of Prep life. Jon Whybrow

Personal Achievements Congratulations to Harry Mills and Magnus Hall for gaining selection for the Cheltenham District Cricket squad. The coaches who ran the trial were very impressed by their cricketing skills, concentration and application.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


"These facilities would be the envy of any medical school - let alone a Prep school." - Mr John Ferris, MB ChB FRCOphth

On Wednesday evening, staff, pupils and Governors of the Prep welcomed guests from Cheltenham schools and the wider science industry to the brand new Science Centre, as part of it's official opening. Guests, including College Headmaster, Dr Peterken, and representatives of the Cheltenham Science Festivals and University of Gloucestershire's Science Department, were invited to explore the facilities and try out a selection of experiments, guided by Year 7 scientists. The Centre certainly wowed guests who were impressed by the technology in use, including dual HD projectors and visualisers. "These facilites would be the envy of any medical school - let alone a Prep school," said guest of honour, Mr John Ferris, before he declared the building open by delivering his very own experiment: setting the ceremonial ribbon alight! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


Headmaster's Commendations Izzabella Sneyd for a small but significant act of kindness Freddie Young and Flora Mudie for doing extra research on Nelson Mandela, our Inspirational Person this week Archie McNeill for excellent research skills and independent work in Classics Jamie Reid for his independent research on volcanoes & earthquakes Pablo Benedit, Poppy Treasure, Dekhan Dodo, Hermione Lloyd-Horton, Arabella Finch, Billy Mayes, Victoria Larsen, Genny Richardson, Imogen Creed, Denis Solovyev and Alfie Watkins for the quality of their personal recount writing Andrew Urbanovsky for a super maths investigation Lilly Poulain and Polina Solovyeva for outstanding observational drawing in Art Harry Dawson for sharing an independently produced Power Point on Henry VIII and how he transformed the English Navy Hugo Ladkin player of the day at House Football for his unselfish play throughout the whole day Louis Dessalles for representing the College U15s at the National Schools Squash Tournament at RGS High Wycombe Freddie Young A fantastic piece of research in his own time to find out about why the marathon has its name and why it is not exactly 26 miles anymore Sienna Baggioli Taking the time to research why the marathon it is not exactly 26 miles anymore and how Queen Alexandra was involved in this decision

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


Kingfishers In Reception there is great anticipation as we have two dinosaur eggs waiting to hatch! Each morning the children check carefully to see if any cracks have appeared and there is much speculation as to what might be inside. In Forest School the children went on a fossil hunt and dug up some dinosaur bones. They couldn’t be sure if they were real or not. We are having so much fun learning about dinosaurs and have some real experts in class who love to share their knowledge, keeping the teachers on their toes especially when it comes to using the correct pronunciation.

We also made junk models of dinosaurs - here's a picture of Rory painting the model he made using cardboard tubes and tissue boxes!

Pupils enjoy Houseago Inspiration This week in Art pupils visited the Natasha Housego exhibition at The White Gallery, where they were asked to produce a response to the work on display. They used charcoal and worked on brown paper to illustrate the heavy wooden quality of Nastasha's sculptures. These pieces are framed and will feature in the 'Meet The Artist' evening Tuesday 26 January 18.30 - 20.30. Please do come and have a look.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016

will be on es s n o p es r s il Pup y e White Galler h T in y la p is d 5

Lower School Year 4 trip to Gloucester Cathedral ‘Donna Nobis Pacem (Give us Peace)’ was once sung by the monks at St Peter’s Abbey: known in modern times as Gloucester Cathedral. This prayer was chanted by Year 4 on their visit to the Cathedral on Tuesday, as they dressed in traditional monks’ habits and (unsuccessfully) vowed silence. Not that we mind - they sang with great feeling and imagination! We had a marvellous tour of the grand Cathedral at Gloucester and learned of the dress code, daily rituals and roles of the monks who once resided there. The boys and girls were all given the opportunity to write with quills and produce small bags of sweet smelling herbs such as rosemary and sage from the gardens within the historic grounds. In ancient times, the monks would have come to the Cathedral to study, work and pray. Many of the Year 4s were enthusiastic about the idea of a life playing ‘9 Men’s Morris’ (a traditional game) whilst eating eel stew. Delicious! Our history topic continues back at school with the children travelling back in time… Working as though they are monks from Lindesfarne and imagining they have escaped an attack from the Vikings, the pupils have witnessed everything that happened during the attack and must warn the monks in Gloucester! The topic has been incredibly popular with the pupils, so we’re looking forward to our Viking Day on 29 January.

Middle School Last week, Middle School competed in the House netball and hockey competitions. It was fantastic to see every pupil taking part in these events, and pupils playing across different age groups and teams than in normal Games sessions. On the touchlines of the hockey pitches, staff observed some great camaraderie and sportsmanship, with team captains ensuring that all players got a chance to play and team members offering each other their hats and gloves to keep warm. There was an equally friendly and encouraging atmosphere on the side lines of the netball courts too. Unfortunately, the pitches did not thaw out in time for Middle School Football to go ahead as planned on Saturday. However, it did give many a chance to recover from the Sports Scholarship assessments, which took place the day before! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


Upper School Music award holders from Year 7 and 8 performed a recital on Thursday evening to an appreciative audience of friends, family and staff. The occasion was more formal than our usual pupils' concerts, with the pupils wearing concert dresses and black tie and the event taking place in A fantastic the stunning Thirlestaine Long Gallery at formal evenin College. Each pupil performed on each of g of music in the Thirle s t a in e their different instruments, and a drinks Long Galler y reception was held afterwards to enable the audience to chat to and congratulate the performers. This event partly serves as preparation for the Year 8 pupils who will be auditioning at College for their 13+ music awards next week, but also as a celebration for these pupils who do so much for the wider musical life of the school. Well done to everyone involved - the musicians put on a fantastic show and our guests were impressed by their musical talent and professional approach.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


Girls' Sports Netball Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1st VII Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 23 – 15 WON 2nd VII Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 9 – 7 WON 3rd VII Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 5 – 18 LOST 4th VII Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 2 – 4 LOST 5th VII Beaudesert 4ths Wed 20 Jan 3 – 8 LOST U11 A Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 3 – 2 WON U11 B Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 4 – 2 WON U10 A Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 4 – 5 LOST U10 B Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 8 – 14 LOST U10/U11 C Beaudesert Wed 20 Jan 0 – 8 LOST U9 A Beaudesert + Wycliffe Wed 20 Jan WON 1, LOST 1 U9 B Beaudesert + Wycliffe Wed 20 Jan WON 2

Team of the Week – 2nd VII After a couple of defeats in the last couple of weeks, the girls were driven to win this Wednesday. Their centre court play was a little frantic at times, with Beaudesert controlling this area for much of the game. The defence worked together effectively and with tight marking, the opposition struggled to get the ball in the D, and their chances to shoot were limited. We had been practising our attacking play around the D in our training sessions and although our shooting lacked accuracy today, we created lots of opportunities. On balance, the teams were equally matched, but our determined spirit won us the victory today.

House Netball Results - Saturday 16 January

s and s, fixture witter! w e n r o F s on T follow u , s e t a d up repgirls @cheltp

LOWER SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL 1st Rome Corinth Persia 2nd Persia Rome Athens 3rd Sparta Sparta Rome 4th eq – Corinth& Troy Troy Sparta 5th Athens Persia Corinth 6th Athens Troy

There are no Boys' Sports results as matches were frozen off this week!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016




Recent Sculpture and Working Drawings by Natasha Houseago Meet the Artist and be guided around the exhibition by a College student who has created an artistic response to Natasha’s work Tuesday 26 January 2016 from 6.30pm - 8.30pm

The White Gallery, Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham GL53 7AB

Exhibition open 6 January - 10 February, please email Miss Juliet Wallace-Mason at to book an appointment Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 24 January 2016 18:30 Boarders return (please arrive no later that 19:30) Monday 25 January 2016, Week 4 25 - 31 January Book Swap Day (Assembly Hall) 16:30 Pupils' Informal Concert (Lake House) Tuesday 26 January 2016 Cheltenham College 13+ (Year 8) Music Scholarship (College) 15:00 Year 3 Bath Road Geography trip Wednesday 27 January 2016 12:35 Departure for Severnside Netball Tournament (Wycliffe): 1st VII, 2nd VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 18:00 12:35 Departure for Football v Clifton (A): 1st XI, 2nd XI. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:30 12:35 Departure for Football v Wycliffe (A): 3rd XI, 4th XI. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:30 12:45 Departure for Netball v Pinewood (A): U8A, U8B, U8C, U9B. Start 14:15. Pick up 16:30 13:00 Departure for Dean Close Hockey Festival (A): U11A VII, U11B VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:30 13:30 Departure for Netball v Pinewood (A): U9A, 3rd VII, 4th VII, 5th VII. Start 15:00. Pick up 17:30 14:00 Cheltenham College Prep Hockey Festival (H): U10A VII, U10B VII. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Netball v Pinewood (H): U10A, U10B, U10C. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Hockey v Dean Close (H): U11C VII, U10C VII. Pick up 16:15 14:45 Netball v The Richard Pate School (H): U11A, U11B. Pick up 16:15 Thursday 28 January 2016 09:15 Year 1 Assembly (Assembly Hall) 15:40 Departure for Swimming Gala v Wycliffe (A): Years 6-8. Start 16:45. Pick up 19:00 Friday 29 January 2016 Year 4 Viking Day 09:00 Departure for Girls' Cross Country Relays (Warwick School): Years 4-6. Start 10:30. End 12:30. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Chapel (parents welcome) Saturday 30 January 2016 10:00 House Swimming Gala. Pick up 13:30 Sunday 31 January 2016 13:00 Boarders' Trip to Foodworks Cookery School (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Max Walker 7

Noah Holder 8 Jude Richardson


Honor Hardie 12

Jude Bridge 13 Denis Solovyev


Uniform Shop Current term time opening hours are: Wednesdays 13.30 to 16.00 Fridays 13.00 to 15.00

Parents Netball Training with CC Foxes now taking place at Cheltenham College Sports Hall, every Friday during term time at 09.50

A huge thank you to our Year 7 Scientists who helped show off our fantastic new Science Centre at Wednesday's official opening event. They demonstrated excellent subject knowledge and great confidence with our guests. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1816 22 January 2016


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