Prep for the Week Issue 1819

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1819 – 12 February 2016

he art in T ay, p k o o rsd ers t on Thu d hold r e a m w A m . usic rogra school The M y each P r r t a u m i O al pr Music o a loc t Prep's g n i nd m eces a i perfor p r i e d th on rming roduce t o f In this week’s issue… n r i e s l p i p ere d rep pu er Roa they w t t s a e Headmaster's Blog and Commendations h c t Eight P u s nt Glo e trume y all th rls from i r g e s A View from the Science Department r d the ins u n d eir N boys a ce aske rom th n f , e to 150 l i o Shrove Tuesday Pancake Races d o u ea ts, y Sch rumen ar 6. Th t e s Primar Y n i o l t Kingfishers, Lower and Middle School News a to hestr rough iatively c he orc t e way th r t p u p o Letter from the Library th nd a ns ab t for bo n tively a uestio e n q v e t e t y a English and the BBC Radio 2 500 Words Competition at in lovel ened was a to repe nd list t n I a . e y e a k l Boys' and Girls' Sports Updates e are pils p that w our pu e n o Calendar and Notices ure! s and the fut school

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents It is always important that the children take advantage of the Half Term, establishing a balance between rest, alternative activity and family time. Year 8 especially must understand the concept of balance, remembering their academic responsibilities whilst also enjoying some down time. The only peaks and troughs which appear in the academic calendar are term time and holidays and consequently all children can expect another intensive period of activity when they return after To finish on the subject of balance, I am struck by Half Term. Some rest is therefore absolutely essential. how many times fixtures involve over 90% of the children, if not all. Total inclusion was something My congratulations to those musicians who took which used to happen occasionally and now, thanks part in the concert at the Cadogan Hall in London to the ambitions of Mr Simpson, Miss Ramsay and on Tuesday. It was a splendid event and I was most their counterparts at other schools, it is almost the impressed with how the Prep children merged norm. With a cast of 100 also performing in the seamlessly with the College orchestra. Particularly forthcoming production of Joseph, it is clear that pleasing was the trio of Anya James, Thea Peterken children enjoy working hard and playing hard! and Violet Bailey. To play so well in such a daunting venue was truly impressive. Mr Jon Whybrow

Harry Potter Book Night On Thursday 4 February a group of enthusiastic Potter fans joined in celebrating the magic of the second Harry Potter Book Night. Hosted by Mr and Mrs Baird, it was an evening of colouring Diagon Alley, inventing spells, eating pizza and ‘Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans’ as well as some dramatic readings from the famous Harry Potter Books and a viewing of The Prisoner of Azkaban. There was an enchanted atmosphere as pupils shared their best bits of the stories and designed spells of their own. All left armed with their bespoke Harry Potter Book Night Sticker and a quiz to further test their knowledge

Everyone was spellbound...! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016

Pupils enjoyed a magical night in 2

A View from the Science Department The year started with a bang when we opened the doors to our fantastic new Science Centre. The science team couldn’t wait to tear open the bubble wrap and start using all of the fabulous new equipment in lessons! With everything in full use from the first day, as I wander around the department I am always impressed with the amount of exciting experiments and demonstrations taking place. These are easy to spot as they are accompanied by cries of “Wow!” and “Awesome” from the students! In just one week staff will be carrying out lung dissections, burning food to investigate energy content and watching colourful convection currents swirling in huge beakers of hot water. “To raise new questions and to regard old problems from new angles” is the aim of lessons in the Science Department. Science is embedded in everything we see and do and we are keen for our pupils to connect what happens inside the classroom to the world around them. To encourage this practical application, the pupils are given lots of opportunities to learn outside the classroom too. Year 5 have explored the habitats around the grounds, studying food chains in the Lake and investigating seasonal change in Forest School. We never miss the opportunity to bring the outside in too - whether it’s animals from the pond or my dogs!

competition is a brilliant way of motivating students and I am delighted to be taking 20 children from Years 5-8 to the ‘Flying Start Challenge’ competition. The challenge is run by a group of Aerospace engineering companies within the Southwest of England and its aim is to increase engineering awareness. The challenge itself is to design and build a hand-launched glider assisted by two very enthusiastic graduate engineers from SAFRAN Messier-Bugatti-Dowty. The pupils have thrown themselves in to the competition and I have high hopes of success at the Regional Finals, later this term. Looking forward to the remainder of the Spring Term, we are delighted to be hosting Young Scientists' Day as part of the Cheltenham Science Festival events. A group of Year 6 students from local schools will spend a day investigating 'Space, Technology and Life’, with activities ranging across Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In addition, every pupil from Years 3 - 8 will visit the Science Festival this year, whilst a group of our keen scientists from Year 8 will be attending the Salters' Festival of Chemistry at Bath University. A very exciting year so far in Science with a lot more to come. Watch this space! Mrs Faye Wells, Head of Science

We encourage pupils to practise cross-curricular skills learned in other subjects: you will be impressed by the artistic and creative ‘cells’ that the Year 7s have made, which can be found in the Science Centre. I was impressed to hear Mrs Baird’s quote from Aristotle, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world”, during an investigation into levers! As well as practical activities we have found Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


Headmaster's Commendations Tulliah Shaw for the extra work and research she completed at home about Anne Frank, as part of the RS topic on inspirational people Victor Larsen, Florence Piggott, Ronan Cowing, Emily Lopez, and Finn Cutts for producing some really exciting writing in English: they have been creating a sense of danger through their choice of words to describe sound, appearance and movement Matilda Barter, Noah Holder, and Harry Checketts for working hard to produce their own versions of traditional tales Toby Ellis for an excellent electricity board in Science Ben Mace for fantastic extra work in Creative Writing, creating a non chronological report about the Rugby 6 Nations

Pupils put their pancake flipping skills to the test in the annual Pancake Race this Shrove Tuesday. Children in Years 3-8 took a lap of the school playground, whilst carrying their frying pan and pancake, pausing twice to demonstrate their flipping prowess before charging to the finish line. In total ÂŁ112.20 was raised for The Prep's charity of the year, Gloucestershire Bundles.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016



A Sense-itive Week for Year 2!

Reception Parents' Assembly Love was in the air and emotions were running high in the Reception Assembly this week. The children recited a poem and made declarations of love and affection to their parents, before giving a rose as a Valentine’s gift to their lucky family members in the audience. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house! Our Assembly finale was an excellent dinosaur dance. Get your dancing shoes ready mummies and daddies, dinosaur dancing lessons are coming your way soon- Boom, boom, acka-lacka lacka boom! Well done children, you were dinotastic! Thank you also to Reception parents for being such a fantastic audience.

This week Year 2 have become poets who know it! They have heightened their senses to become more familiar with the Kingfishers surroundings and promote the school to anyone who enters, through the genre of poetry! We have listened to children playing, teachers shuffling, pancakes flipping and 'Forest Schoolers' digging. The children have seen blustery winds and plenty of rain, but also many acts of kindness and generosity. To help the children get into the creative mood and generate adjectives to enhance their poems, everyone took part in a touch experiment. Brave, (although not always willing!) volunteers, had their own version of a ‘bush tucker trial’ and described what they felt in different bowls. There were slimy, sludgy scrambled eggs, mushy, revolting banana, soft, gentle feathers, juicy, squishy oranges and rough, spiky bark. There were gasps of horror, squeals of delight and plenty of laughs: that was just from the Year 2 teachers! Look out for our special ‘Come to Kingfishers’ poems around the department after Half Term. A kiss and a flower for Mummy!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


Letter from the Library


Love is in the air in the Library! All week pupils have had the opportunity to tell Mrs Dawson which book they love and why.

Radio 2 500 Words Short Story Competition 2016

Tillie Dessalles (Year 6) loves To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee because it makes you think. Rebecca Cook (Year 7) loves Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan because it’s very emotional and interesting. Kamila Aldongar (Year 5) loves Harry Potter because it is an amazing adventure story.

This year marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and, as part of the celebrations Radio 2 are holding the final of their 500 Words Short Story Competition at Shakespeare’s Globe in London. Haven’t entered a story yet? Don’t worry, there’s still time! All you need to do is write a story about absolutely anything, which is 500 words or less (not a single word over) and enter it here on the website:

Coming up after Half Term... World Book Day Start planning for your fancy dress outfit, perhaps take your extreme reading photo or make your ‘egg head’ characters over Half Term. Read more here...

The closing date for entries is 19.00 on Thursday 25 February, just after Half Term. If you’re lacking inspiration, then get your creative juices flowing by reading previous story winners on the Radio 2 website and watch video clips with top tips from a range of wellknown children’s authors. Get writing and good luck! World Book Day 2016

Kingfishers Book Swap The Kingfishers Book Swap event is due to happen on Friday 4 March. If you are not in Kingfishers anymore but have some books that you have outgrown and want to donate then you are welcome to take part! Like our previous Book Swap event, any excess books will be sold to raise money for Gloucestershire Bundles. Remember have a look on your bookshelves over Half Term.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016

If you read this week’s clarion you’ll know that World Book Day is fast approaching! Don’t forget to start planning and creating your Egg Head and your costume for Thursday 3 March and, if you want to enter the Extreme Reading Competition, get snapping with your camera and send your entries to Mrs. Dawson in the Library s.dawson@


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


Lower School Year 4 English Enrichment Morning This week the Year 3 and Year 4 pupils enjoyed a fantastic morning of exciting English activities. The pupils were split in to seven different teams and rotated around all of the different activities on offer. These ranged from interviewing each other for a new Headteacher role, creating word clouds about literacy, hot seating characters, playing word and sentence games, creating ransom notes in relation to a newspaper article and much more fun. Every team was given a score out of ten for their teamwork and the overall winners were ‘Team Bolt’. The morning was a great success and complementary to the brilliant work already taking place in literacy lessons in Lower School. A big thanks to Miss Anderes and Mrs Mackman for organising such a fulfilling event.

Middle School Year 6 pupil, Rui, volunteered to come and share some of his extensive knowledge about dinosaurs with the children in the Cottage. Cottage pupil, Zico, was particularly proud to have his big brother visit. The children were very excited and Rui did very well when faced with all the continuous questions throughout his talk! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


Showcase Concert at Cadogan Hall 175th Aniversary of Music at College As part of the College 175th anniversary celebrations, the combined Music departments of Cheltenham College and Cheltenham Prep gave a showcase concert in London’s prestigious Cadogan Hall. Head of Music at College, Mr David McKee commented, “Performing in such an impressive venue was a huge privilege for all involved, and the students worked incredibly hard to produce an absolutely stunning evening of music that will be remembered for a very long time." The concert featured a number of music ensembles from The Prep School, including the Prep Orchestra, String Trio, and Percussion ensemble. The combined orchestras from both schools, accompanied by the choir, treated the audience to a rousing rendition of Parry’s Jerusalem. The evening's repertoire ranged from Baroque string music to 20th century jazz via Dvořák and African drumming, giving a snapshot of the sheer breadth of music that is on offer at Cheltenham College and the Preparatory School. "Having diverse musical opportunities from as early as Cottage and Nursery classes through to Upper School has given Prep pupils confidence in their musical abilities," said Head of Music at the Prep, Mr Perona-Wright. "We've been able to cultivate confidence with performances in Lake House as well as in the community. The pupils demonstrated that confidence wonderfully at this evening's concert, and I was very impressed with everyone who took part." Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


Girls' Sports Girls' Netball Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1st VII Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 6 – 8 LOST 2nd VII Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 7 – 8 LOST 3rd VII Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 12 – 5 WON 4th VII Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 12 – 7 WON U11 A Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 6 – 2 WON U11 B Pinewood Sat 6 Feb Festival W1, D1, L2 U10 A Pinewood Sat 6 Feb Festival W3, L1 U10 B Pinewood Sat 6 Feb Festival W1, D2, L1 U10/U11 C Pinewood Sat 6 Feb Festival U9 A Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 6 – 8 LOST U9 B Pinewood Sat 6 Feb 1 – 4 LOST

Team of the Week – 3rd VII The girls’ play was absolutely superb; everything that they have been practising in Games sessions seemed to come together, resulting in a deserved win. From the starting whistle, until the end, the girls made effective use of space and were constantly driving into gaps for the ball. Whilst they started off making hurried passes, the team began to slow down their play to ensure that they made sensible, safe decisions. On centre passes, the girls were able to maintain possession. This allowed them to build up an early lead, thanks to some brilliant shots on goal. It is clear that the girls are working hard and enjoying working together as a team, keep up the good work!

TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1st VII RGS Worcester Wed 10 Feb 11 – 27 LOST 2nd VII RGS Worcester Wed 10 Feb 10 – 19 LOST 3rd VII RGS Worcester Wed 10 Feb 3 – 13 LOST 4th VII RGS Worcester Wed 10 Feb 8 – 14 LOST 5th VII RGS Worcester Wed 10 Feb 6 – 5 WON 6th VII RGS Worcester Wed 10 Feb 0 – 9 LOST U11 A Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 6 – 4 WON U11 B Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 4 – 5 LOST U10 A Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 7 – 2 WON U10 B Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 8 – 6 WON U9 A Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 4 – 15 LOST U9 B Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 2 – 5 LOST U8 A Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 9 – 2 WON U8 B Berkhampstead Wed 10 Feb 5 – 2 WON

s and s, fixture witter! w e n r o F s on T follow u , s e t a d up repgirls @cheltp

Team of the Week – U10 B The girls played and kept to their positions well, even when playing in different positions throughout the game. There was good teamwork and strong communication between the players, which ensured that The Prep had good possession of the ball. It was great to see our defence marking effectively and being in place for when they were needed. All of the work we have done in Games sessions on getting into space and making strong passes really paid off today. A great result, well done girls! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


Boys' Sports Boys' Hockey Results TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE 1st VII Pinewood Won 6-4 2nd VII Pinewood Drew 1-1 3rd VII Pinewood Won 2-1 4th VII Pinewood Lost 1-2 5th VII Pinewood Won 4-0 6th VII Pinewood Won 4-0 1st VII Clifton College Won 4-0 2nd VII Clifton College Lost 0-2 3rd VII Clifton College Won 2-1 4th VII Clifton College Lost 0-3 5th VII Clifton College Lost 2-5 6th VII Clifton College Won 1-0

Boys' Football Results TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE U11 A Pinewood Lost 0-9 U11 B Pinewood Won 9-1 U10 A Pinewood Won 4-0 U10 B Pinewood Drew 3-3 U11 A St Hugh’s Won 2-0 U11 B St Hugh’s Won 2-0 U11 C St Hugh’s Lost 3-4 U10 A St Hugh’s Lost 0-1 U10 B St Hugh’s Lost 1-2 U10 C St Hugh’s Lost 0-7 U9 A Pinewood Won 6-1 U9 B Pinewood Won 6-0 U9 C Pinewood Won 2-1 U8 A Pinewood Lost 0-5 U8 B Pinewood Lost 0-5

Team of the Week - 1st VII v Clifton Prep, Won 4-0 This Wednesday the boys' 1st Hockey team played Clifton College away, where we were aiming to build on recent success and in their understanding of the game. From start to finish the boys dominated and controlled the pace and flow of the match, displaying clear structure and application of what they have been taught during games sessions. They ended up winning 4 - 0, however, had we been more clinical in front of the opposition's goal, it could have been a lot higher. Speaking on behalf of all who have coaching input, we could not have been more pleased with the progressthat they have made in the last week and, as we look to IAPS this week, we hope to continue this trend.

For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n Twitt @chelt er! prep_b oys

Here's a great picture of our U9A football players from their match last Saturday v Pinewood - it was a muddy game but the boys played excellently! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


RACE NIGHT £10 tickets to include fish ‘n’ chip supper with cash bar place your bets

FRIDAY 4TH MARCH 2016 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM

PREP ASSEMBLY HALL ADVANCE TICKETS FROM RECEPTION Simply complete a form location to have the nontime refundable cost added to your end of term account. Any questions, please see Prep Reception your Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819or 12 February 2016 FoTP Year Rep.



All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 21 February 2016 18:30 Boarders return, please arrive no later than 19:30 Monday 22 February 2016, Week 8, 22 - 28 February School resumes 08:00 08:00 House Baking entries to the Dining Hall 08:30 Year 8 Common Entrance Mock Examinations 15:00 Upper School Townsend-Warner History Prize Paper 2 (Room 4) Tuesday 23 February 2016 08:30 Year 8 Common Entrance Mock Examinations 09:00 Year 2 visit Lower School 15:00 Year 3 Bath Road Geography Trip Viewing of College Headmaster’s Third Form Projects (Thirlestaine Long Gallery) 15:30 Parents' Evening for parents of pupils in Kingfishers 16:00 Wednesday 24 February 2016 08:30 Year 8 Common Entrance Mock Examinations 12:30 Departure for the Severnside Hockey Tournament at Clifton (A): 1st VII, 2nd VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 13:00 Departure for Netball v Wycliffe (A): U8A, U9A, U9B, U10A, U10B, U11A, U11B. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 14:00 Hockey v The Richard Pate School and Magdalen College (H): U11A VII, U11B VII, U11C VII, U10A VII, U10B VII, U10C VII. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Netball v Wycliffe (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII, 4th VII, 5th VII, 6th VII. Pick up 16:15 Thursday 25 February 2016 08:30 Year 8 Common Entrance Mock Examinations Departure for IAPS Swimming at Millfield (A): Years 5–8, returning 18:30 11:15 16:00 Parents' Evening for parents of pupils in Kingfishers 16:15 Departure for Swimming Gala v Dean Close (A): Years 3-6. Start 16:45. Pick up 18:30 16:30 Pupils' Informal Concert (Lake House) 18:30 Association Informal London Drinks (Trinity House, W1S 1AY) Friday 26 February 2016 08:30 Year 8 Common Entrance Mock MFL Oral Examinations Chapel (parents welcome) 14:15 15:15 Football v Berkhampstead (H): U8A VI, U8B VI, U8C VI. Pick up 16:30 Saturday 27 February 2016 08:30 Departure for Beaudesert Netball Festival (A): U8A, U8B. Start 10:00. Pick up 13:00 Departure for Hockey Festival at Clifton (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII, U8A VII, U8B VII, U8C VII. 08:30 Start 10:00. Pick up 13:00 09:15 Departure for Netball v Dean Close (A): U10A, U10B. Start 10:00. Pick up 11:30 09:15 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): U10A VII, U10B VII and U10C VII. Start 10:00. Pick up 11:45 10:00 Netball v Dean Close and Prior Park (H): U9A, U9B. Pick up 11:30 10:00 Internal Hockey Match (H): 5th VII, 6th VII. Pick up 11:15 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


12:00 12:30 12:45 12:45 13:30

Departure for Netball v Dean Close (A): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII. Start 12:45. Pick up 14:15 Departure for Hockey v Beaudesert (A): 1st VII, 2nd VII. Start 13:30 for 2nd team, 14:15 for 1st team . Pick up 16:00 Netball v Dean Close (H): U11A, U11B, 4th VII, 5th VII, 6th VII. Pick up 14:00. U11B match cancelled Hockey v Dean Close (H): U11A VII, U11B VII,U11C VII. Pick up 13:30 Hockey v Beaudesert (H): 3rd VII, 4th VII. Pick up 14:30

Sunday 28 February 2016 Boarders' Trip to Combat Splat, paintballing. (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 11:30

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Henry McQuitty


Norah Fielden


Jocasta Aylott


Harry Noble 9 Alice Bradley


Henry Hewer 11 Evie Cook 12

Uniform Shop Current term time opening hours are: Wednesdays 13.30 to 16.00 Fridays 13.00 to 15.00

Parents' Netball Training with CC Foxes now taking place at Cheltenham College Sports Hall, every Friday during term time at 09.50

One, two, three... toss! Prep boys practising their frying pan handling technique ahead of the races that took place this Tuesday

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1819 12 February 2016


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