Prep for the Week Issue 1821

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1821 – 4 March 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations "The Trials and Tribulations of Parenthood" Netball Mums Triumph! Kingfishers, Lower and Middle School News House Baking: The Finalists STEM Club Flying Start Competition Girls' and Boys' Sports SATIPS 2016 Calendar and Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents The range of events that can bring a school together is endless. Yesterday’s wonderful World Book Day celebrations, organised and led by Nikki Massey, enthused the children and galvanised the community. There were some great costumes and you are probably not surprised that I declined an early meeting at College. Crossing the A40 dressed as Miss Trunchbull was a reputational risk too far! Such an event does not happen in isolation and I commend to you the work of Mrs Dawson in the library. Not only has she extended the range of the voracious readers, Mrs Dawson’s energy has engaged those less enthusiastic. I would encourage any parent who struggles to encourage their child to read to speak with her as she has an extensive number of titles to suggest. You are probably aware of the challenge facing the College as they strive to overcome the effects of the flu like virus which has affected so many pupils. The advice that we have communicated to the children here is to clean hands regularly, cover their mouth and nose when sneezing and/or coughing and to use tissues when needed. It is important to use all events as a learning experience. With two weeks to go before the end of term, I must encourage all those who will sit examinations and tests next term to be absolutely sure of their revision

plans and materials in good time. There must not be an unseemly scrabble on the last day to find and organise notes and books. Guidance in this respect is offered by staff, who are on hand to advise about timetables for revision and how to approach that specific challenge. This is an early opportunity to establish techniques and routines which will serve a child well when they face the challenges of public examinations. Preparations for Joseph continue and this is a major challenge when you consider the myriad of other events which are taking place at the same time. Trips to Guernsey and Kent, hosting visits from schools from Kenya and York whilst continuing with our normal day to day business – what a story for us all to tell to our visitors on Open Day tomorrow! Mr Jon Whybrow

Netball Mums Triumph! It’s been a busy term of netball! Cheltenham Prep girls have been enjoying lots of matches and it is super to see so many parents supporting court-side.

e league and th f o s r e n in W the cup final! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016

This group of Prep Mums were just itching to play themselves and entered a team in the league playing at The Sports Hall. Congratulations to the team for winning their league and cup finals too! It’s great to see so many people enjoying the sport and we hope your daughters are proud of you! 2

Headmaster's Commendations Arabella Finch for reading two books in four days Noah Campbell Black for his work in Geography, his excellent knowledge on the 'Water around the School' topic, and for helping others in the class Fred Barter for collating family documents and evidence and then presenting this to his History peers Thomas Hesketh for his excellent independent volcano project he presented to the class Izabella Sneyd for her independent work on the Tokyo Tower

Louis Dessalles, George Hardy, Charlie Anton-Smith and William Bradley for working in Ms Duggan's classroom amazingly, helping the Kingfishers children to create a diary of a hedgehog or wood mouse Rafferty Turner and Izzy Anton-Smith for an outstanding print, using the reduction printing technique Ethan Feinson for achieving full marks in all of his spelling tests Emily Lopez for her hard work and success in learning her spellings this term

Calling all Parents: Help is at Hand! Many of you will have seen and read reports in the media in recent months on the importance of good emotional and mental health, not just for us but also for our children. The Prep is very much looking forward to welcoming Dick Moore to the school at the start of next term. He will be talking to the staff as part of our INSET programme but he will also be running a session for parents at 17.30 on Monday 11 April. The talk, entitled The Trials and Tribulations of Parenthood looks at how children develop during their Prep School years and beyond, and the vital role that good mental and emotional health can play during this period of their lives. It is aimed at parents with children in Years 3 and above and will be held in the Assembly Hall. We have timed the event so that it could also be convenient for boarding parents to attend.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016

Who claimed that adolescence is just a phase? Who suggested that being a parent is easy? Dick Moore, the parent of four often errant children and a Headmaster for almost 23 years, has now embarked upon a mission to discover more about what makes young people tick and what he could or should have done during the tough times! He has a passion for adolescent mental health and will be exploring what mental health is, offering thoughts about how young people think and about common issues which can arise when the going gets tough. Finally, he will offer some tongue-in-cheek tips for parenthood‌ Dick has spoken at over 250 schools, universities and businesses in the UK and overseas, together with talks at major conferences. He has also appeared on BBC Breakfast, BBC Radio 5 Live, various local BBC radio stations and ITN News, with Mary Nightingale. Mr Whybrow and I have both had the privilege of hearing Dick speak at first hand and very much hope that as many parents as possible will be able to join us on 11 April. More details will be forthcoming via a clarion next week. Please put this date in your diary! Noll Jenkins, Deputy Head (Pastoral)


Kingfishers This week Year 2 boys and girls played their first Hockey Tournament against Dean Close School. It was their very first away match! Everyone caught a coach and minibus there, played 4 matches and had match tea. The children not only practised their hockey skills, but also their sportsmanship, shaking hands with the opposition after each match, and giving three cheers to Dean Close, at the very end.

"It was my very first hockey match and I found it really, really fun!" - Jack Evans "It was very fun because we got to see the Dean Close children again." - Ava Blackhurst "I enjoyed it very much and I scored lots of goals." - Oliver Weale

Lower School

Year 3 have been investigating light and shadow in Science this Half Term and have found out that light travels in straight lines. Objects block the light and so shadow are formed. The children were surprised to discover that the size and position of a shadow can change and we investigated this using shadow puppets. Afterwards, as the sun was shining, everyone went outside to see what their shadows would look like. Before heading out of the classroom, everyone predicted if their shadows would be long or short. Some of Year 3 were spot on and worked out that because the sun was fairly low in the sky, their shadow would be long. No one's shadow was as tall as Mrs Mackman's or Miss Anderes' though! In the next lesson, the children were given the task of finding out which materials were transparent, translucent or opaque and tested them using ray boxes, kindly borrowed from the Science Department. Year 3 have had fun with Science and have learned plenty of interesting facts about shadows.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016


Middle School

Year 5 Trip to Cheltenham Synagogue Year 5 headed down to Cheltenham's local Synagogue this week as part of their Religious Studies lessons. The children were given an interesting and informed talk by a member of the Synagogue explaining its history and traditions, and the children were given the opportunity to ask questions and take part in some role play. Their behaviour was impeccable!

House Baking: The Finalists Following the hundreds of entries made to the House Baking competition last week, judges had a difficult task of awarding prizes to the best bakes. It wasn't easy, but here are the winners - well done to you all!

Lower School

Middle School

First Prize: Jude Richardson

Upper School

First Prize: Sasha Kemp

First Prize: Savannah Palmer

Runner up: Emelia Kesketh Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016

Runner up: Tom Shaw

Runner up: Molly Krauer 5

STEM Club Flying Start Competition - Regional Finals Tuesday 1 March was a big day for STEM club and one we have been preparing for since October! The Flying Start Competition is an annual competition that has been running for over a decade, organised by aerospace engineering companies within the South West of England. The challenge aims to increase engineering awareness amongst young people and to help schools forge links with local industry. The challenge itself was to design and build hand-launched gliders, to fly as far as possible. Philip and Arthur, two graduate engineers from SAFRAN, Messier-Buggati-Dowty, have been visiting school every fortnight to help the children design their gliders and teaching them about the physics behind flight. This week's regional competition consisted of a glider fly-off between all participating teams, a poster presentation of the glider's design, which was judged by a panel from the engineering companies as well as a tower building activity and quiz which challenged students’ knowledge and understanding of engineering. Our graduates were there with us at the competition to lend a helping hand. The competition was judged on a combined score from the quiz, presentation of the design and the distance that the glider flew. Cheltenham Prep had amazing results and out of the 7 schools and 22 teams that participated we achieved the following:

The team's glider and poster presentation

The teams working together...

For the quiz section: 1st overall was TEAM TOXIC WASTE (Luke Richardson, Ed Carter and Finn MerhiemKealy). This was a fantastic achievement as we had the youngest pupils of all the schools, entering only Years 7 and 8 pupils. For all sections combined 3rd Place: TEAM PENFLEX (Rory Southall, Andre Zamora and Billy Mayes). This was a brilliant result and they should be very proud. They have now been invited to the Grand Final, held at Fleet Air Arm Museum near Yeovil, later in the month. There they will launch their glider under Concord in the museum! It was a great day and the pupils were fantastic ambassadors for Cheltenham Prep.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016

Building their tower


Girls' Sports Girls' Netball Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1st VII Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 7 – 13 LOST 2nd VII Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 6 – 24 LOST 3rd VII Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 12 – 7 WON 4th VII Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 6 – 6 DREW 5th VII Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 2 – 7 LOST 6th VII Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 3 – 1 WON U11 A Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 20 – 5 WON U10 A Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 9 – 6 WON U10 B Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 8 – 5 WON U9 A Dean Close + Prior Park Sat 27 Feb 8 – 8, 7 – 2 DREW, WON U9 B Dean Close Sat 27 Feb 12 – 5 WON U8 MIXES Beaudesert Festival Sat 27 Feb See report See report Team of the Week – U9 B The U9B team played a match against Dean Close on Saturday 26 February and won the game 12-5. The girls played really well throughout the match, with the different shooters being successful and the defence being very tight on their opponents. It was very pleasing to see how the team used the whole court and created space, something we have been working on in training. The passing was also very accurate and quick, meaning the opposition defence was caught napping a few times. An excellent match played in good spirit and a very well deserved win for the girls.

d tures an er! x fi , s w e For n Twitt w us on o ll o f , s e updat repgirls @cheltp

Girls' Netball Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1st VII Prior Park Wed 2 Mar 13 – 7 WON 2nd VII The Dragon Wed 2 Mar 10 – 29 LOST 3rd VII Prior Park Wed 2 Mar 18 – 6 WON 4th VII The Dragon Wed 2 Mar 2 – 9 LOST 5th VII The Dragon Wed 2 Mar 4 – 17 LOST U11 A St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 7 – 2 WON U11 B St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 5 – 4 WON U10 A St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 17 – 4 WON U10 B St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 8 – 9 LOST U9 A St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 10 – 8 WON U9 B St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 3 – 3 DREW U8 A St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 8 – 0 WON U8 B St Edwards Wed 2 Mar 0 – 8 LOST

Team of the Week – 1st VII A great result from the 1st team against Prior Park! The girls put in to practise some of the set moves we had been using in training, which worked very well. As we were comfortably ahead at the end of the first quarter it gave us the opportunity to try the girls in some new positions and we now have two formations that are working very effectively. The centre court players have made great progress and they were playing with discipline and control, thinking before passing and using accurate, powerful passes to gain advantage. The Prep's shooters moved well within the D, holding the defence. Successful set moves, involving centre and wing attack on the edge of the circle, allowed us to increase the number of shots at goal and most went in! A great result, well done girls. We now look forward with confidence to the IAPS competition later in the week.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016


U8 Beaudesert High 5’s Festival We took two teams to the Festival, named Cheltenham Crusaders and Cheltenham Cavaliers, on a lovely morning - if a little cold! The girls got the opportunity to play lots of netball and see a number of other teams in action. Each team got to play 4 matches and the girls rotated positions every half so they were able to experience all the aspects of netball and try their hand at both shooting and defending. The girls were brilliantly behaved, focussed on their team play and thoroughly enjoyed the morning - they were a pleasure to spend time with. The Crusaders won 3 out of 4 matches and the Cavaliers were undefeated in all 4 of their matches, conceding only one goal all morning. Thank you to the parents who came to support. Crusaders v Beaudesert Pirates Crusaders v Clifton Lions Crusaders v Wycliffe Ferns Crusaders v Pinewood Foxes Cavaliers v Downs Springbok Cavaliers v Pinewood Badgers Cavaliers v Wycliffe ladybirds Cavaliers v St Hugh’s Apples

won 2-0 won 4-1 won 2-1 lost 1-3 won 5-1 won 1-0 won 2-0 won 6-0

Ther girls really enjoyed the Festival, saying "I like that I got to play in every position"; "It was fun, though tiring and cold"; "It was really exciting and our netball improved as we went" and "I loved that we got to play against lots of different schools."

Boys' Sports Team of the Week - U11 B A fantastic game for the under 11Bs! Dean Close School put them under a great deal of pressure early on and scored a well-deserved goal. This was a key moment for the team as they could easily have crumbled. Instead they kept their shape and passed slickly, before earning a good equaliser. Confidence began to build. Dean Close had their chances, but The Prep's defence stayed strong. Goals started to flow for the team, building an unassailable lead. The boys should be very proud of their performance as they can now see the benefit of holding position and shape. Boys' Hockey Results TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE U11 A Bromsgrove U11A Lost 1-3 U11 B Bromsgrove U11B Lost 1-5 U11 C Bromsgrove U11C Lost 0-2 U10 A Bromsgrove U10A Won 7-1 U10 B Bromsgrove U10B Lost 0-2 U10 C Bromsgrove U10C Lost 2-3 U9 A Dean Close U9A Drew 1-1 U9 B I Dean Close U9B Won 2-0 U9 B II Dean Close U9B Won 3-0 1st VII Beaudesert 1st VII Won 2-1 2nd VII Beaudesert 2nd VII Won 7-1 3rd VII Beaudesert 3rd VII Won 6-2 4th VII Beaudesert 4th VII Won 11-1 U11 A Dean Close U11A Lost 0-1 U11 B Dean Close U11B Won 8-1 U11 C Dean Close U11C Won 1-0 U10 A Dean Close U10A Lost 2-5 U10 B Dean Close U10B Lost 1-2 U10 C Dean Close U10C Won 2-1 U9 ABC Clifton Festival Festival N/A U8 AB Clifton Festival Festival N/A Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016

For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n Twitt @chelt er! prep_b oys


SATIPS National Prep Art Exhibition 2016 Saturday 23 April - Friday 6 May at Cheltenham Prep

Cheltenham College Preparatory School T: 01242 522697 E: Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AB

Private view for artists and families: Sunday 24 April, 10.00am - 4.00pm Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 6 March 2016 Music for Youth Regional Competition (Town Hall) 12:00 Boarders' High Ropes Team Building (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) Year 6 mixed Hockey and Netball Tour returns from Guernsey. Pick up 14:00 14:00 Monday 7 March 2016 Week 10, 7 - 13 March House Music Solo Competition - preliminary rounds Departure for Sibford 7s (A): U12 VII. Start 13:00. - Now on Tuesday 11:30 18:15 Parents' Evening for parents of Year 8 CE Candidates (surnames A-G) Tuesday 8 March 2016 House Music Solo Competition - preliminary rounds 11:30 Departure for Sibford 7s (A): U12 VII. Start 13:00. Pick up dependent on progress 14:00 Year 5 World War II Evacuation Afternoon Parents' Evening for parents of Year 8 CE Candidates (surnames H-Z) 18:15 Wednesday 9 March 2016 House Music Solo Competition - preliminary rounds Reception and Years 1 and 2: 100 Days of School Maths Event Departure for Prior Park Netball Festival (A): U11A. Start 13:30. Pick up 17:30 12:00 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Start 13:30. Pick up 16:00 13:00 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): 3rd XI, U11A VII, U11B VII. Start 14:15. Pick up 16:15 13:30 Hockey v Dean Close (H): 1st XI, U10A VII, U10B VII. Pick up 16:15 14:00 Netball v Abberley Hall (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII, 6th VII, U11B. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Netball v Hatherop Castle (H): 4th VII. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): 4th XI, 5th VII. Start 15:15. Pick up 17:00 14:45 Hockey v Dean Close (H): 2nd XI, U11C VII, U10C VII. Pick up 16:15 15:00 Netball v Hatherop Castle (H): 5th VII. Pick up 16:30 15:15 Netball v Airthrie (H): U10 Mix. Pick up 16:45 15:30 Thursday 10 March 2016 House Music Solo Competition - preliminary rounds 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' - Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) 11:15 Kenyan Rugby 7s (H): 1st VII. Pick up 17:30 14:30 15:40 Departure for Cross Country League Race 4 (St Edward's): Years 4-6. Start 16:00. Pick up 17:30 Troy House Event: Easter Treats (Lower School kitchens) Years 3-5 only 16:30 Swimming Gala v Dean Close and RGS Worcester (H): Years 7-8. Pick up 18:15 17:00 Friday 11 March 2016 08:00 Preparation for Middle School: a talk for Year 4 parents (Assembly Hall Library) House Music Solo Competition Finals (Lake House) 08:30 10:00 'Les Miserables' Workshop/Performance for selected pupils (College) 11:15 Lower School Team Photos 11:55 Middle School Team Photos Upper School Team Photos 14:15 Rugby v St Olave's, York (H): U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Pick up 16:45 14:30 14:45 Netball v St Olave's, York (H): U10A, U10B, U10C. Pick up 16:15

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016


14:55 15:00 16:30 18:45

Year 8 Careers’ Fair (Library) Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): U8A VII, U8B VII and U8C VII. Start 15:30. Pick up 16:45 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' - Technical Rehearsal. Pick up 18:30 Cheltenham College Production of Les Misérables School Edition (Big Classical)

Saturday 12 March 2016 06:00 National U11 and U13 IAPS Netball Finals at Roedean School, Brighton (if qualified). Pick up 19:00 08:30 Departure for Prior Park Netball Festival (A): U8A, U8B. Start 10:00. Pick up 13:15 10:00 Cheltenham College Prep Hockey Festival (H): U8A VII, U8B VII, U8C VII. Pick up 12:30 10:30 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' - Dress Rehearsal Sunday 13 March 2016 09:30 Boarders' Mystery Trip (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 10:00 Departure for IAPS Cross Country (Malvern College): U11, U13. Start 13:00. Pick up 16:00

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the

Uniform Shop

following pupils this week!

Please note that the current term time opening hours are: Wednesdays 13.30 to 16.00 Fridays 13.00 to 15.00

Ryan Navaei 7

Maya Colbourne 8

To make an appointment, please contact the Shop Manager, Emma Collings, on either 07770 678698 or uniformshop@cheltenhamcollege. org

Isabella Mawdesley-Thomas 9

Alexander McCombie 9 Martha Williams 9

Sky Jamieson 10 Charlie Butler 11

Parents' Netball Training with CC Foxes

Maja Hague 11 Eddie Buttress 12

now taking place at Cheltenham College Sports Hall, every Friday during term time at 09.50

Piers Brown 13 Zeashan Choudhary 13

Happy World Book Day!


Cheltenham Activity Camps are the number 1 provider of Multi-Sport & Activity Camps in Gloucestershire


01242 705 551

Tuesday 29th March – Friday 8th April 2016 AT CHELTENHAM COLLEGE SPORTS CENTRE l


Over 20 exciting games and sports, including arts and crafts. Fun filled days, for boys and girls aged 4 ½ - 14 years.


Childcare Vouchers accepted.


Delivered by outstanding, highly qualified and experienced staff.


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Ofsted registered.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1821 4 March 2016


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