Prep for the Week Issue 1826

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1826 – 29 April 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations SATIPS Art Exhibition Review Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News Townsend Warner History Prize Results Girls' and Boys' Sports Updates R360 Rugby Camps Calendar and Notices

TIPS A S e h that t til t n e u g r y o l i f a t d Don' pen o s i n o me! hibiti o x c l E e t r w A ll are A . 0 0 . 18 book h c t e k s your g n i r by b d t e o r i n p s y Wh be in d n a ork , l i w c t r n e a p f and lay o p s i d c i t ry? t tas n n a u f o c s i th nd the u o r a from

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents I need to apologise for my first article of the term in which I foolishly mentioned boundaries, strolling, tennis, cricket and warmth all in the same sentence. Since then winter has returned, sport has been curtailed by frost, hail and snow and all spectators have been clad in overcoats and scarves. Hopefully this article will have the reverse effect and soon we will have donned more appropriate clothing in response to some sun and warmth. Every cloud has a silver lining and in this case the disappointing weather is, at least, reducing the temptation to get outside and play when some noses should be at the academic grindstone as the children prepare for examinations. I refer specifically to Upper School, all of whom should never be saying that they have no prep as any spare time should be used for revision. All children have their own ways of revising and prescribing techniques is unwise, as what works for one does not necessarily work for others. I have stumbled on one system which seems eminently sensible, though: On a small slip of paper, write down a question drawn from a text book or notes eg “When was the battle of Hastings?” On the reverse of the slip, write down the answer, “1066.” This act of writing down a question and answer is, in its own right, an act of revision. It also produces a revision resource which can be used again and again. Now, using the slips, test yourself, creating a pile of answers that you know and ones which you don’t. Return to the ‘don’t know’ pile and have another go. Keep going until all slips are all in the ‘know’ pile. Repeat little and often. Other news… Boarding Schools Association Next week I will be away from school from Tuesday mid-morning until Thursday at the Boarding Schools Association annual conference. The theme of this event is 'Building Bridges' and one of the most important seminars will focus on our charitable efforts and obligations. We will also be addressed by Nick Gibb MP, the Minister of State for Schools. SATIPS National Prep Schools Art Exhibition I hope that you have taken the opportunity to visit the SATIPS National Prep Schools' Art Exhibition Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016

which is being staged on the balcony of the Assembly Hall. It really is worth the time as Mrs Parsley and her team have done an excellent job in curating work from over 50 prep schools. This exhibition attracted nearly 800 visitors over the weekend and I am delighted to use it unashamedly to emphasise the importance of Art in providing breadth to the curriculum. Form teachers, tutors and class groups for the next academic year It is at this time of the year that parents and their children begin to wonder who will be their class teacher or tutor when they return in September. There is plenty of playground and car park natter to fuel the fires of rumour and supposition, something which I wish to end as soon as possible. As much as I would like to act quickly, I still have appointments to make and so am unable to finalise matters. As soon as I can I will and, in the meantime, I thank you for your patience. Marking the Queen’s official birthday We will mark the Queen’s official birthday (Saturday 11th June) on Friday 10th June by enjoying a mufti day when all children are invited to attend school dressed in Red, White and Blue. Saturday School It appears that we have initiated a change of attitude towards Saturday School arrangements. In 2016, Clifton College will be mirroring our system and St Hugh’s Preparatory School will be following suit in 2017. Do enjoy a relaxing Bank Holiday weekend; Upper School pupils – remember the balance between work and play! Jon Whybrow 2

Headmaster's Commendations Izzy Anton-Smith, Rebecca Cook, Imogen Freissner-Day, Charlie Anton-Smith, Peter Marstrand, George Hardy, Magdalina Afanaseva, Victoria Larsen, Anna Goff, Jemimah Kayode, Maria Cowing, Annie Carter, Laura Bingham, Molly Krauer, Anabelle Wells, Charles Hellens, Anna Forde, Hermione Lloyd-Horton, Harry Garbutt and Polina Solovyeva for helping with the SATIPS National Prep Schools' Art Exhibition opening events Pablo Benedit for a well-made cabinet in Boarders' CDT Alexander McCombie for incredible resilience with a Countdown mathematical problem with both accuracy and speed Cody Watts for giving an informative presentation about Florida to his tutor group

look up! Don't forget to


Take a mom ent to consid er the craftsm anship involv ed! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


400 pieces of art, 800 Visitors: SATIPS 2016 "I was so proud when The Prep won the opportunity to host the SATIPS National Prep Schools' Art Exhibition 2016/17. However, back in 2014 it seemed such a long way away... BANG! Suddenly after months of planning and weeks of hanging and curating we were open for our first Private View, this one especially for parents and pupils at The Prep, on Friday evening. Any apprehensions I had about how it would be received were soon a distant memory, the positive reaction from all who visited was fantastic! "On Saturday we welcomed more than 60 VIPs including Art teachers from Northumberland to Kent, Plymouth and London. The event was opened by Sophie Ryder, who spoke beautifully about the importance of art in schools and in life generally. "On Sunday it was the turn of Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016

those children exhibiting and their families. We opened our doors at 10.00; the first visitors had travelled from London, stayed overnight in a hotel and made a weekend of it. Fabulous! The whole day was an absolute joy, with thrilled children showing their proud parents their work exhibited in a national exhibition. Around 800 people visited the exhibit over the three days. This week we have played hosts to The Downs Malvern, Holme Grange, Christ Church Primary, Berkhampstead, St James’ Primary, Airthrie School and Salisbury Cathedral School, who all brought delighted children to look and draw.

SATIPS National Prep Schools' Art Exhibition 2017 (I can’t wait!)." Mrs Alayne Parsley, Head of Art

"The exhibition is open until 18.00 daily. Parents can visit at pick up times, but must make an appointment if visits are required during the school day. The exhibition closes on Friday 6 May. Watch this space for news of the 4

Praise for the SATIPS National Prep Schools Art Exhibition 2016 "Thank you for this amazing exhibition. It made me so emotional to see this talent; big lump in my throat throughout! The self esteem this gives the children is priceless." "The work is displayed beautifully and, as always, it is so good to see such a range of creativity covering all ages." "It was wonderful to see the fantastic art from all the different schools." "It's always good to be inspired by the diversity and creativity of the children's work; love the umbrellas!"

Kingfisher boys and girls were very excited to visit the SATIPS exhibition. They were astounded by the truly amazing work that was on display and could not get over how young some of these brilliant artists were! What an inspiration!

"It was so lovely to celebrate the children's art work and be able to meet other art teachers." "Thanks for this afternoon with Year 4, they were really enthused and, like me, can’t wait for our next art lesson! The children continued with their sketches back in class." "We all loved seeing the children’s work; the range and quality was inspiring. Hard to believe the age of the artists! Please pass on our thanks to everyone at school for the warm welcome we received."

We have been lucky enough to welcome visiting art classes from The Downs Malvern, Christ Church Primary, Holme Grange, Airthrie School and Salisbury Cathedral School!

"My daughter and her classmate from Blue Coat School in Birmingham had artwork exhibited and it was a thrill to see them, and a joy to see all the other outstanding work presented by young artists." Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016



It has been yet another busy and exciting week in Kingfishers this week! On Tuesday, the children from Year 1 and Year 2 attended music workshops, where they were able to enjoy a variety of international music performed on the violin and viola by Miss Ginns and Mrs Skeet. The music was of the highest quality and also gave the children the opportunity to join in with parts of the production.

"It was lovely to listen to" - Jocasta, 1J "It was great because we got to listen to them playing" - Theo, 1J "We got multi-coloured sails that we had to flap about to the music!" - Lola, 1B "I liked all of the adventures" - Hugo, 1B "We visited different islands and the teachers played music for us to dance to" - Ava, 2D

Parents of Kingfishers children joined us to try some of our delicious lunches! The children were very excited to share this time with their families and enjoyed showing off their excellent table manners, their lunchtime prayer and demonstrating how well they work together to tidy away after. The parents were then invited to watch playtime on the patio, whilst enjoying a cup of tea or coffee and some yummy biscuits. The children were very proud to show their parents how well they look after each other, play together and enjoy the lovely play equipment on offer. Children in 1J enjoyed another weekly visit from Mr Rahman, an Art specialist, to continue their jungle art. After the successes of their beautiful animal drawings, oil pastel leaves and symmetrical butterflies with intricate pen detail, children were shown how to use watercolours effectively to create some stunning flowers. The children were very excited when Mr Rahman began to create their very own ‘jungle’, with vines and creepers overtaking the upstairs area! We cannot wait to see the final result and find out what he has in store for us next…

"It is brilliant doing Art with Mr Rahman. I liked learning how to put patterns on the butterflies." - Kitty 1J Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


Lower School

On Tuesday, Year 4 visited the SS Great Britain in Bristol. The trip provides the pupils with an valuable insight into life on board one of the most famous ships ever built. Whilst exploring the dry dock, pupils found out about why the hull was built from iron and not wood ,and the advantages of this, whilst seeing the sheer size of the boat from bottom to top. In the museum, the boys and girls read many facts and figures, which will fill the information booklets being written later in the term. After lunch, the group took part in a workshop and now understand what tools and materials were required to build the ship as well as what the day of the official launch would have been like. The trip ended with a very informative tour of the inside of the ship, taking in sights, sounds and smells to enable them to empathise with passengers that travelled on the SS Great Britain. Overall, the day was a great success and the pupils have learnt a huge amount about Brunel, the SS Great Britain and how explorers may have travelled the world.

Science is everywhere! Year 3 were surprised to find that bungee jumpers need Science to make sure they can bungee safely! Our classroom teddies carried out some spectacular bungee jumps and then the pupils tested bungee elastics in controlled scientific experiments. They had to carry out a fair test to see how much different elastics stretched. We found that the thicker the elastic, the less it stretched. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


Middle School On Tuesday, Year 6 travelled to their Geography field trip to Weston-super-Mare, with the exciting expectation of sun, surf and ice creams on the beach! The reality, however, was a bit chillier than hoped for. The children started full of enthusiasm, measuring wind speed and temperature along a strip of beach, experimenting with sheltered and open spaces. They completed some map work locating local features, and drew a field sketch of what they could see from our spot on the beach. After lunch, we were all set to explore the sea defences and tourist attractions, however, the hailstones had other ideas! Unfortunately we had to cut the trip short. The children and staff were great, and kept up their enthusiasm throughout the weather variations, enjoying and embracing their field trip experience - even if it was lacking the obligatory ice cream.

Upper School The Science Department took a team of 4 pupils from Year 8 to The Salters Chemistry Festival held at Birmingham University. The team, made up of Charlie Anton-Smith, Louis Dessalles, Holly Ellis and Grace White, was set a Salters forensic challenge as well as a university challenge. After this, they were given an amazing demonstration of ‘Chemical Magic’ where they saw liquid nitrogen at its scariest, exploding water, colour-changing liquids and fluorescent chemicals, amongst others. It was a great day and the pupils did the school proud by coming second in the challenges. Well done!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


Prize Historians

As written previously, this year 22 Cheltenham Prep pupils entered the Townsend-Warner History Prize. This year, two candidates qualified from Paper 1 to sit Paper 2: Louis Dessalles was placed 201st nationally (of over 1000 candidates in total) with a score of 46/100 in Paper 1; Charles Hellens was placed 16th nationally with a score of 71/100. What a fantastic achievement! Paper 2 is in the form of essay questions, but allows candidates a very wide choice so that they can write on what they know, but also Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016

show analytical skill and historical imagination. It was incredibly challenging, asking for five mini essays within two hours. The first question invited candidates to comment on two topics from a lengthy list from as early as Julius Caesar to as late as the Falklands War. Question 2 asked for three diary entries from soldiers at war, a religiously persecuted individual or a struggling reformer. Question 3 sought to put famous historical figures on trial, such as Henry VIII, Bonaparte and Stalin, requesting that candidates write a speech for or against the individual. Question 4 gave the pupils an opportunity to write about the historical importance of a notable event, steering away from narrative and towards a series of well-argued points. This is only a small flavour of the type of questions that the Townsend-Warner Prize produces, but also an insight into the depth of knowledge that the participants had to exhibit.

Both boys performed exceptionally in Paper 2. Louis jumped 64 places to be placed a superb 137th overall, scoring an impressive 72/100 in Paper 2. Charles amazingly scored 85/100 in Paper 2, seeing his position rise to 9th, inside the Top 10, the best result ever achieved by a Cheltenham Prep pupil. Charles’ Paper 2 score was the 5th best in the country, only five marks off the top score. These are both magnificent results in a national competition, against some of the top Prep Schools in the country. It should also be noted that the boys sat Paper 2 during the ‘examination season’, just a week prior to their Scholarship Exams, which makes their achievements and dedication towards the subject all the more special. Congratulations again to all the pupils who entered, and especially to Louis and Charles.


Girls' Sports Girls Tennis Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1sts – 4 pairs Beaudesert 27 April 8 – 4 WON 2nds – 4 pairs Beaudesert 27 April 5 – 10 LOST 3rds – 4 pairs Beaudesert 27 April 3 – 11 LOST 4ths – 4 pairs Beaudesert 27 April 4 – 9 LOST 5ths – 3 pairs Beaudesert 27 April 6 – 3 WON 6ths – 3 pairs Beaudesert 27 April 6 – 3 WON

Team of the Week – 1st team Tennis As tennis goes from strength to strength at Cheltenham Prep, our top performing individuals are really setting a good example. We have worked hard in training on trying to find the most effective pairings and our players really settled and worked well together this week. The games were faster, being played on the hard courts, and it gave them a real chance to show off their skills and ball control. Some very strong wins and exciting matches.

and , fixtures s w e n itter! r Fo us on Tw w o ll o f , updates eltprepgirls @ch

Girls Rounders Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT U11 A Beaudesert 27 April 15 – 11 WON U11 B Beaudesert 27 April 14 – 12 WON U10 A Beaudesert 27 April 12 – 14.5 LOST U10 B Beaudesert 27 April 7.5 – 10.5 LOST U9 A Beaudesert 27 April 8.5 – 12 LOST U9 B Beaudesert 27 April 6.5 – 6 WON

Rowing On Saturday 23 April, the Year 8 girls took to the water for a rowing taster session run by Cheltenham College, which taking place at Gloucester Rowing Club. They enjoyed the experience and some have already decided to take this up when they go to College.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


Boys' Sports Cricket County Cup (20 Overs) Pates 43-7, Cheltenham Prep 44-0 Won by 10 wickets

For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n @chelt prep_b Twitter! oys

The 1st XI began the defence of the County Cup in good style with a comfortable win against Pate's. Choosing to field first, the opening bowlers bowled a good line and length in the first few overs but it was the spinners in the middle overs that did all the damage and put Pate's under real pressure by taking 5 wickets for 7 runs in 6 overs between them. They were backed up by an enthusiastic and energetic display from the fielders which was much improved from the first match of the season. The openers started a little slowly in reply, and need to recognise the importance of getting the scoreboard moving early on to disrupt the bowlers but they increased the run rate just as the dark clouds were gathering. The team finished the match off in style with some beautifully timed drives through the ‘V’ to win by 10 wickets, with more than 10 overs to spare. A good performance but there will be tougher matches to come.

Boys Cricket Results TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE U9A Llandaff U9A Won Won by 90 runs U9B Llandaff U9B Won Won by 15 runs U9C Llandaff U9C Won Won by 20 runs U8ABC Dean Close U8AB No scores kept U11A Llandaff U11A Won Won by 70 runs Colts B Llandaff Colts B Won Won by 34 runs 1st XI Beaudesert 1st XI Drawn due to rain 2nd XI Beaudesert 2nd XI Drawn due to rain 3rd XI Clifton 3rd XI Won Won by 28 runs 4th XI Beaudesert 3rd XI Won Won by 1 run 5th XI Pinewood 5th XI Won Won by 10 wickets U11A Beaudesert Colts A Lost Lost by 1 wicket U10A Beaudesert Colts B Lost Lost by 12 runs U11B Beaudesert Colts C Won Won by 8 runs U10B Beaudesert Colts D Drawn due to rain Wanderers Beaudesert Colts E Lost Lost by 100 runs 1st XI Pate's Grammar Won Won by 10 wickets – County Cup 2nd Round

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016

The Prep wishes the best of luck to Ethan Fineson, Thomas Martin-Harrington, Tom Shaw and Harry Mills who are representing Cheltenham Hockey Club in regional finals this weekend!


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Monday 2 May 2016, Week 4, 2 - 8 March Bank Holiday 19:00 Boarders return, latest return 19:30 Tuesday 3 May 2016 08:00 School resumes 08:00 Friends of The Prep Coffee Morning (Drawing Room) 14:15 Music Scholars' recital at Local Care Home 18:00 Parents' Meetings with Visiting Music Staff (Lake House) Wednesday 4 May 2016 08:30 Emily Draper visiting Lower School 12:45 Departure for Cricket v Abberley Hall (A): U11A XI, U11B XI, U10A XI, Wanderers XI. Start 14:15. Pick up 18:45 13:00 Departure for Tennis v Wycliffe (A): U11 5 pairs, U10 3 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 13:00 Departure for Rounders v Wycliffe (A): U11 IX, U10A, U10B. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 14:00 Cricket Nets for U10B XI. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Cricket v Abberley Hall (H): 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI. Pick up 18:00 14:30 Tennis v Wycliffe (H): U13 16 pairs. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Rounders v Wycliffe (H): U13 IX. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Rounders v Wycliffe (H): U9A, U9B, U8 Mix 1, U8 Mix 2. Pick up 16:15 Thursday 5 May 2016 16:00 Parents' Meetings with Visiting Music Staff (Lake House) Friday 6 May 2016 08:45 Year 1 Trip to Weston-super-Mare 09:00 Fun Friday Pre-3s Stay & Play in Kingfisher Cottage 14:15 Chapel (parents welcome) Saturday 7 May 2016 08:30 Departure for Rounders v St Hugh’s (A): U8 Mix 1, U8 Mix 2. Start 10:00. Pick up 12:00 08:30 Departure for Rounders v Prior Park (A): U9A. Start 10:00. Pick up 12:00 09:50 Departure for Cricket v Bromsgrove (A): 2nd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI. Start 11:00. Pick up 16:30 10:00 Kingfisher Cottage and Reception: Bring your Family to Forest School 10:00 Tennis v Bromsgrove (H): U11 5 pairs, U10 4 pairs. Pick up 11:45 10:00 Internal Cricket Match (H): U8s. Pick up 12:00 10:00 Optional Cricket Nets for Years 5 and 6. Pick up 11:30 10:15 Upper School House Tennis and Rounders. Pick up 12:00 10:30 Cricket v Bromsgrove (H): 1st XI, 3rd XI. Pick up 15:00 Sunday 8 May 2016 10:00 Charity Tennis Tournament open to Parents, Pupils and Staff (Tennis Courts) 13:00 Mr Baird's Movie Outing (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016





13:00 -17:00

HEADMASTER'S XI CRICKET MATCH DOUBLES TENNIS TOURNAMENT NETBALL MINITOURNAMENT With a BBQ at 15:30 To take part in the Tennis, email Lucy Hill on If would like to participate in the Cricket, contact Tim Buttress on If you are interested in playing Netball, call Amy Mills on 07507 847012

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the

following pupils this week! Raif Nelson 8 Autumn Conner 10 Sydney Fairs 10 Thomas Hill 10 Oliver Elliott 12 Imogen Friessner-Day 12 Josie Grounds 12 Bobby Hui 13 Oliver Schallamach 13

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1826 29 April 2016

Spotted on the Lake this week!


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