Prep for the Week Issue 1831

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1831 – 10 June 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Cheltenham Science Festival Fun Happy Birthday, Your Majesty! Kingfishers and Lower School News Artists Discover Lady Windsor in Birmingham Letter from the Library Bakery Club Boys' and Girls' Sports R306 Rugby Camps Calendar and Notices

l l a o t k c u l d o Go s e t e l h t a g n u o our y s ' k e e w at this ! y a D s t Spor

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents By the time you read this, Kingfishers will have run their races and Years 3 to 8 will be preparing for their House Sports. If we used a podium at the end of each event, you would expect to see the numbers 1, 2 and 3, showing the places achieved by the first three home. I would prefer a podium with different descriptions: The Winner – I have run my best, I have beaten the competition through natural ability, hard work and determination and I am magnanimous in victory. Close runner-up – I too have done my best but was beaten by the better runner. I’ll get him/her next time! Keen participant – I really enjoyed taking part today and although I didn’t think that I would win, I tried my best, enjoyed the support from my friends and can’t wait to have another go. One day... Participant – Although this is not my favourite day of the year, I did try my hardest. I was worried about how it would look when I came in behind the others but actually everyone was supportive. I have at least done my duty for my House. Anyway, I’m better at baking/art/music/drama/academic work etc. My point is that House Sports is one of those days when children learn vital lessons. They realise that

Headmaster's Commendations Charlie Maynell er Point for an excellent Pow an artefacts presentation on Rom Sam Attwood Mathematics, for fantastic work in mbers subtracting 2-digit nu sponding and showing the corre answer addition to check his Jemima Penny nding Maths for producing outsta lf term work at home over ha

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016

they can’t all be winners, even though, to use an X Factor phrase, "they really want it… it’s my destiny and all I live for". They understand that life is not fair. When nature was doling out its favours, some were made faster, some cleverer and some more artistic. They experience the need for resilience in the face of failure. They acknowledge, sometimes reluctantly, the importance of duty, turning up for the House when they would much prefer not to be placing themselves in an uncomfortable situation (last). Encapsulated into a morning of simple movement and competition are the brickbats of every day life and I hope that you will enter into this spirit. Support from the touchlines validates much of the effort expended by the children, whether it be towards the dashing winner of the blue riband event or the enthusiastic participant bringing up the rear of the vortex throwing competition. Jon Whybrow

Personal Achievement Well done to Phoebe Channing who was delighted to represent The Prep at the College's Polo Day last weekend!


Extraordinary Experiments at the Cheltenham Science Festival All year groups from years 3-8 attended the Science Festival this week and had an amazing time. They watched a range of different shows and were wowed by giant bubbles, huge electrical currents, had their taste buds chemically changed and then enjoyed time in the ‘Discover Zone’ getting hands on with some super Science experiments.

Happy Birthday, Your Majesty! As the cavalry polish up their buckles ahead of the Trooping of the Colour tomorrow, and St Paul's Cathedral prepares a national service of thanksgiving, pupils throughout the school have been celebrating the Queen's historic 90th birthday. From hats, wigs, flags and scarves, boys and girls in Years 3 to 8 donned accessories of red, white and blue. Kingfishers enjoyed a tea party in the school grounds, and enjoyed stories with a royal theme! Will you be enjoying a street party near your home this weekend? Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016



The children in the Cottage had a very exciting end to the last Half Term when they had their first outing, to Cotswold Farm Park! 23 very excited children boarded the coach (the most exciting part of the day for some!), and the chatter was constant all the way. After a quick snack, they sat on hay bales to watch and learn about a goat being milked. Some free time followed with fun on the bouncy pillows, the soft play area and the climbing apparatus. Watching a sheep being sheared was the next exciting part of the day, before a packed lunch was enjoyed. Following lunch, there was the safari tour, bug-hunting in the pond and, finally, handling chicks and rabbits. Our tired but still excited Kingfishers then climbed aboard to return back to school. What a brilliant day out!

The children in 1B have been practising painting techniques inspired by artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Claude Monet and Joseph Turner. They have produced their very own interpretation of The Lake and are very proud of their finished masterpieces. These are on display in their classroom for all to admire!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


Lower School lll ab anno Salve (Hello from Year 3!)

Roman day in Lower School was another ‘historical' triumph! The children were arranged into five geographical teams - Italia, Britannia, Gaul, Hispania and Germanica.

They undertook lots of Roman-themed activities on the day. All had a go at some form of baking, whether it was making the dough or creating the rolls. Shields were made, painted and used to protect themselves from hordes of marauding Iceni warriors (or teachers as they are also known.) They also played a fascinating board game of true or false facts. They worked on simple Roman numerals and then found out how to work out their date of birth and they also carried out research on the internet and answered quiz questions. Overall they gave the day a ‘thumbs up’ and no one was sentenced to death in the amphitheatre!

Lower School’s trip to the Science Festival This week, both Years 3 and 4 were lucky enough to visit Cheltenham’s Science Festival. During their trip, everyone learnt about many weird and wonderful Science facts and had an opportunity to get stuck into Science. We visited the Discovery Zone where we learnt how to programme a robot, got involved in hands-on experiments and travelled into space!

Some of us were also lucky enough to visit the GE Aviation workshop where we were able to try our hands at flying an aircraft and learn more about the mechanics involved. We also enjoyed a spectacular talk all about energy and how chemical reactions happen all around us… believe it or not, we saw a pig fly! Overall, we had a fantastic day out and we can’t wait to be the Scientists of the future!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


Artists Discover Lady Windsor Just before The Prep staff and pupils disappeared on Half Term, 30 keen Art pupils from Years 6, 7 and 8 visited Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. After a workshop on ‘Portraits and People’, the group saw The Staffordshire Hoard and an interactive historical journey of Birmingham from the Saxons through to modern times. The museum is home to the greatest collection of preRaphaelite paintings anywhere, including Work and The Last of England by Ford Maddox Brown. Hear from some of the group's members about their trip: "The Art trip was really enjoyable! We looked at some of the history of the place, which was really interesting. Then we went for a walk around the museum, pausing to draw whatever we wanted. I drew the painting Lady Windsor by Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones. I Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016

also saw a really cool light. The last thing we did was a portrait session with the museum staff. I learnt a lot about the pre-Raphaelite paintings and the meanings behind the painting." - Anya James "The Art trip was very fun and exciting. We got to see some Egyptian goods and artefacts they were beautiful and exquisite! In addition we got to see the preRaphaelites: these were paintings of important women, with floaty hair! They were amazing! I can't believe how the artists got all those tones of the skin and the light. A lovely lady showed us around and now I can understand the stories behind each painting. There was a woman in a painting called Lady Windsor and it was a lot of fun to draw her. This Art trip was the best yet!" - Imogen Friessner-Day 6

Summer Fete Saturday 18 June 2016 From 12 noon BBQ ~ Strawberry & Pimms Tent ~ Ice-cream Go Karts ~ Face Painting ~ Raffle

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


Letter from the Library A huge thank you to all those that supported the book fair that was held in the Library before Half Term. We managed to sell over ÂŁ2,300 of books and with the commission we will be able to purchase many new books for the school. It is great to see so many of the children reading the books that they bought. Most popular in the Upper School was I am Malala and The Honest Truth by Dan Gemeinhart. Middle School brought a range but the Hetty Feather series by Jacqueline Wilson was popular with girls and Ghost Soldier by Theresa Breslin and Tom Palmers new series The Squad with the boys.

Bakery Club We have been very busy in Bakery Club making all sorts of delicious treats! We made cherry or chocolate chip oat crunchies which were very successful. We used butter in this recipe which required a lot of effort with the creaming! Did you know that baking can give you muscles?! Next we made blueberry muffins, which are plain cupcakes with fresh blueberries placed on the top, or mixed through the middle. They taste delicious once they are cooked.

Lower School were drawn to the eye-catching and funny books by Pamela Butchart such as My Headmaster is a Vampire Rat. Kingfishers liked Hubble Bubble by the author that visited us last term, Tracey Corderoy. The School Fete Earlier in the year we held a couple of successful book swaps. The books that were left over will be sold on the Gloucestershire Bundles Book Stall at the Summer Fete on Saturday 18 June. If anyone has any more books they would like to donate to the stall, then I am happy to receive them in the Library next week. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016

The Bakery Club crew also whipped up some amazing chocolate cupcakes just before Half Term. For these we used margarine, which made the creaming much easier! They looked and smelt delicious as they came out of the oven. They were then decorated with chocolate icing and a range of sprinkles. This week, the pupils were set the challenge of making colourful pinwheel biscuits. It is tricky to achieve the correct consistency: the dough needs to be not too sticky to allow it to be rolled out. Two different coloured layers are put on top of each other and rolled up, then sliced into lovely swirled biscuits. The pupils decided to use some crazy colours for their biscuits: we had green, purple, pink and blue biscuits! 8

Girls' Sports Girls' Tennis Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT 1sts – 3 pairs Pinewood 8 June 6 – 3 WON 2nds – 3 pairs Pinewood 8 June 2 – 7 LOST 3rds – 4 pairs Pinewood 8 June 15 – 0 WON 4ths – 4 pairs Pinewood 8 June 14 – 1 WON U11 – 4 pairs Pinewood 8 June 7 – 7 DREW U10 – 4 pairs Pinewood 8 June 10 – 5 WON

Girls' Rounders Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT Year 7 Pinewood 8 June 3 – 8 LOST Year 8 Pinewood 8 June 8.5 – 8 WON U11 Pinewood 8 June 8 – 16 LOST U10 Pinewood 8 June 13.5 – 16 LOST U9 A Pinewood 8 June 6 – 14.5 LOST U9 B Pinewood 8 June 11 – 9.5 WON U8 A Pinewood 8 June 13.5 – 10.5 WON U8 B Pinewood 8 June 4.5 – 11 LOST

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Guernsey Return Tour As an extension of our very successful Year 6 Guernsey Tour which has been running for 30 years now, a return leg was established a few years ago which saw the pupils from Elizabeth College Junior School, Guernsey come to play us on our home turf and be hosted by our families. The boys played cricket and the girls did athletics, tennis and swimming. It was an experience enjoyed by all. Our ‘hosting’ girls had this to say: "Having the Guernsey girls over was a great experience for everyone. We thoroughly enjoyed playing against non-local teams. We started off with an afternoon of athletics and everyone did three events that involved vortex, long jump and a running event. Then we all went off for a well-deserved pizza party at Zizzi. We also met up with other girls who weren’t actually hosting. The next day while we went to school in the morning, they had fun shopping in town and going to the Science Festival. In the afternoon we had a competitive but enjoyable game of rounders, followed by a great fun swim session with party music. Sadly it all had to come to and end and we waved them off on Wednesday morning, but we hope to see them again soon." By Alice Bradley, Isobelle Mace, Ruby Coull and Helaina Lenden

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


Boys' Sports Boy's Cricket Results TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE Hosting XII St Elizabeth, Guernsey Won By 125 runs Hosting XII St Elizabeth and Richard Pate Festival Format U12A Bournside Won By 6 wickets U12B Bournside Won By 72 runs

Team of the Week – U12B, beat Bournside School by 72 runs Often a cricket match can be decided by a couple of individuals, whilst their teammates sit on the boundary watching on; however there can be days when everything comes together and it is a proper team event. Wednesdays was one of those days for the U12B. Not only did every member of the team manage to bowl two overs, but everyone had a bat and we came away with the win. We even managed to get all 14 of the Bournside squad a bat!

For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n Twitt @chelt er! prep_b oys

The boys batted well, however too often were guilty of pre-selecting their shots instead of reacting to what they were facing. A strong score soon built up over the 25 overs and we set a target of 143 before we broke for tea. When we returned, the boys (powered by cake!) produced an outstanding fielding performance. Despite the sweltering heat and even when the result was not in doubt, the boys worked superbly in the field, putting their bodies on the line again and again. Solid bowling performances, outstanding catches and a fine stumping took us through all 14 of the Bournside wickets to finish with a strong 72 run win. It was a great game, played with a lovely spirit by two sides who were there to enjoy their afternoon. Well done to all.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 12 June 2016 12:00 Boarders' Watersports Activity (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 13:00 Friends of The Prep Headmaster's XI Cricket and Tennis Tournament Monday 13 June 2016 Week 10, 13 - 19 June Departure for Year 7 French Trip to Normandy. (Returning Friday 17 June) 00:00 Year 8 Newspaper Project Tuesday 14 June 2016 Year 5 English Speaking Board Examinations Year 8 Newspaper Project 08:30 Year 6 History Trip to Coughton Court and Bosworth Battlefield. Pick up 18:00 Date changed to 21/06/16 Wednesday 15 June 2016 Year 8 Newspaper Project 08:30 09:30 Prep at Work for Prospective Parents 12:00 Departure for The Downs Wraxall Cricket Festival (A): U11A VI. Start 13:00. Pick up 18:30 13:00 Departure for Tennis v St Hugh’s (A): U11 4 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 13:00 Departure for Rounders v St Hugh’s (A): U11 IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 13:00 Departure for Rounders v St Hugh’s (A): U9A, U9B. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 14:00 Cricket v Dean Close (H): U10A XI, U10B XI, Wanderers XI. Pick up 17:30 14:00 Cricket v The Crypt (H): U13A XI, U13B XI. Pick up 17.30 14:30 Tennis v St Hugh’s (H): U10 5 pairs. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Rounders v St Hugh’s (H): U10 IX. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Tennis v Bromsgrove (H): U13 11 pairs. Pick up 16:15 Thursday 16 June 2016 18:00 Year 8 Arts Alive. Parents welcome. (Assembly Hall) 19:00 Cheltonian Association: Drinks Over The Thames (The Walkway, Tower Bridge, Tower Bridge Road, SE1 2UP) Friday 17 June 2016 Year 7 Return from Normandy Mufti in aid of Gloucestershire Bundles Cancelled 14:15 Chapel (Pupils only) Saturday 18 June 2016 08:30 Summer Concert rehearsal (Chapel) 10:00 Year 2 Rounders and Cricket Fixtures (H). Pick up 11:15 10:30 Summer Concert and House Singing Competition (Chapel) 12:30 Friends of the Prep Fete - to commence after the House Music Competition concludes Sunday 19 June 2016 Year 7 24 Hours at College 11:00 Departure of Year 8 Trip to Bude 13:00 Boarders' Laser Quest (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the

following pupils this week! Reuben Chakraborty


Harry Whitney 7

Arthur Robinson 10 Isabella Mills 12 Olivia Piggott 12

Playtime at Cotswold Farm Park!

What a fabulous birthday tea party for the Queen!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1831 10 June 2016


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