Prep for the Week Issue 1835

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1835 – 9 September 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog Individual Achievements Independent Learning Projects Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News ABRSM Exam Results Hockey Trials Calendar and Notices

k c a b e m o c l e W ! l o o h c to S

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents The Prep has eased into the new academic year with little fuss and plenty of energy. The majority of those who are new are already comfortable in their surroundings, helped by the 'buddy' system and their willingness to ask for guidance when necessary. You, as parents, have also played your part, disguising your huge sighs of relief with enthusiastic and encouraging farewells as the children set off for their classrooms. As you would expect, my assembly on Tuesday was designed to set the tone for the academic year. Firstly I offered the children the ingredients for success: • Try your hardest, do your best. • Behave in a way that benefits everybody and not just yourself. • Get involved: try new activities and experiences. • Get the balance right: there is a time for work and a time for play! I reminded them of the School’s core values: respect, kindness, honesty, forgiveness, commitment, and responsibility. And by using the quote from Edmund Burke, I emphasised the need for us all to take responsibility for the happiness of our community. If children see a child being teased by others and they choose to do nothing, then they condone that act. “The only necessary thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The tactics for dealing with an unpleasant situation were repeated. If someone is unpleasant to you: 1. Say "Please stop. I find this unpleasant." 2. Say "I’ve asked you once, please stop or I will tell a member of staff." 3. Tell. And, of course, the little behaviours that ‘oil the wheels’ of any successful community were emphasised: manners, greetings and time for each other. Whether we like it or not, the majority of children live, or will live, two lives: one real and one virtual. And so I Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016

offered this warning: "I must warn you all of the dangers of electronic communication, how your privacy can be invaded, how core values can be undermined and the consequences of misuse of mobile phones, cameras, e-mail, social media etc." "Be warned: any invasion of other people’s privacy and any misuse of electronic communication will be dealt with severely." "Be warned: protect your password and do not allow others to use your site." I was delighted to welcome not only 70 new children, 19 of whom are full Boarders, but also six new members of staff: • Mrs Carson is the new Librarian and it is also hoped that she will help with Girls’ Games. • Mrs Parish will teach Modern Foreign Languages. • Mr Patterson is the new Head of Religious Studies and will be involved with Boys’ Games. • Miss Sheehan will teach English and Girls’ Games. She will also undertake duties in the Girls’ Boarding House. • Mr Powell will teach in Lower School and contribute to Boys’ Games. • Mr Yiend will teach Mathematics and Boys’ Games. Internal staff changes are as follows: • Mr Wells, whilst retaining his role as Housemaster, assumes the responsibilities of Deputy Head (Operations). • This allows Mr Jenkins (Deputy Head, Pastoral) to take on the role of Designated Safeguarding 2

• • • • • •

Lead, a position of supreme importance bearing in mind the emphasis quite rightly placed on Keeping Children Safe in Education. Mr McCracken is now the Head of Wellbeing and is already engaged in developing the Prep’s Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum into a fullyfledged wellbeing programme. Miss Ramsay becomes the Assistant House Parent with special responsibility for the flexi and occasional boarding arrangements. Mrs Grieves assumes the role of Head of Lower School. Mrs Simpson is now the Head of Persia. In the Boarding House Mrs Neale becomes the Resident Matron and Mrs Service the Day Matron. We welcome both Mrs Theedom and Mrs Griffiths back from maternity leave. Mrs Jones and Ms Duggan have both recently given birth to baby boys! And finally, our congratulations go to Mrs Jones and Mrs Baird who have both passed their Post Graduate Certificates in Education.

We are very fortunate to work in a school which has excellent facilities and we continue to strive for the best. There have been plenty of physical improvements made to the Prep during the Summer holidays and our Estates staff are to be congratulated on what they have achieved. The move of Design Technology to the classrooms alongside the new Science classrooms has been completed. This is now a first rate facility which rivals not only any prep school, but also many senior schools. Please do take the time to have a look. The classrooms vacated by DT have been refurbished and are excellent learning environments, adjacent to the Library. New carpet has been laid in Kingfishers and an undercover Outdoor Learning Zone has been added. In the boarding house, the Junior Boarders now have their own shower rooms: much needed additions for boys and girls.

Additional News

Charity Our chosen charity for the next two years is the Gloucestershire Community Foundation. The Foundation aims to build a stronger Gloucestershire Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016

by tackling modern social problems. Its mission is to overcome disadvantage across the county, especially in rural communities. Many of our children at The Prep come from towns and villages in the county, so supporting an organisation which issues grants to small, local Gloucestershire charities made a lot of sense. Our aim is to raise £25,000. Saturday School I have already outlined the arrangements for Saturday’s events for the term but just to ensure that you have received them, they are copied below. Please bear in mind that Years 7 and 8 will continue to have two lessons on Saturdays prior to the advertised events. Attendance at sports fixtures and House events is compulsory for children in Years 5 and 6. We would particularly like to encourage children in the Lower School, for whom Saturday school is not compulsory, to attend fixtures. 10 September: Boys in Upper School rugby fixtures Boys in Middle and Lower School rugby trials Girls hockey trials 17 September: Girls hockey fixtures Boys rugby fixtures 24 September: Exeat: No Saturday school 1 October: Open Day 8 October: Boys rugby fixtures Girls hockey fixtures 15 October: Girls hockey fixtures (Year 4) or House Hockey (Middle and Upper Schools) Boys in Middle and Upper School rugby fixtures 22 October: Half Term 29 October: Half Term 5 November: Half Term 12 November: Boys rugby fixtures Girls hockey fixtures (Please check calendar for possible late finish; the opposition still have Saturday academic lessons)


19 November: Girls in Middle and Upper School netball training Girls in Year 3 hockey fixtures Girls in the Year 4 A Team a hockey fixture There are no Lower School boys rugby fixtures Boys in Middle School House rugby Boys in Upper School rugby fixtures 26 November: Exeat: No Saturday school There is an Upper School football fixture 3 December: Boys rugby fixtures Girls in Lower School hockey fixtures Girls in Middle School and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd VII hockey fixtures 10 December: Lower School 1st Performance of Christmas play Middle and Upper School “Focus on the Arts" Fixtures for children in Lower School are arranged with other schools in good faith and although school is not compulsory for Lower School, I would ask that children are available for fixtures on the following dates: 17

September, 8 October and 12 November. If you have issues with multiple drop offs, please inform myself or Mr Wells, who is seeking to refine the offer, but needs to discover specific trends before doing so.

And finally... During my holiday I managed to launch myself over the edge of a 120ft vertical water slide called Summit Plummet. Such was the queue for this terrifying experience, I was afforded 45 minutes to worry about it! I have tried to use this experience to encourage the children to ‘have a go’ whether it is extending themselves in a piece of work or auditioning for a part in a play. No child should look back with regret at what they might have achieved. And no child should be afraid of failure – we must develop resilience in our children so that are confident to try and, if necessary, pick themselves up and try again. Jon Whybrow

A Message from Development and the Cheltonian Association Investment in sports facilities at the school continued during the summer, and we are enormously grateful for the generous support received from OCs David Noble (1976‑1981, NH and current Prep parent) and Neil Harvey (1979-1981, NH) for the resurfacing of the tennis courts and major improvements to the squash courts. The work on the tennis courts was completed in 2015 and the work on the squash courts was completed during the summer holidays. We were delighted to also receive a £10,000 donation from a friend of The Prep towards the new Design and Technology classroom. If you would like to find out more about our current projects or how to get involved please don’t hesitate to contact our Development Director, Christiane Dickens, on or 07881 850206. Cheltonian Association Events - dates for the diary All parents at the Prep are automatically members of the Association and this term they are looking forward to meeting members for informal drinks at Davy’s Wine Bar, Crown Passage, 20 King’s Street, St James’s, London, SW1Y 6QY, on 17 November. On 27 November, the annual Christmas Shopping Fair takes place at College from 10.00 - 16.00. With other 70 stallholders it is an excellent opportunity to start your Christmas Shopping. We end the term with The Carol Service on Friday 16 December at 14.00 followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the Dining Hall. Invitations to these and other events have been posted to you, to book tickets and for more information, please do contact the Association Manager, Rebecca Creed, who will be happy to help.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Individual Achievements An Act of Kindness Following time spent at the HQ of our Charity of the Year last year, Gloucestershire Bundles, the Ellis family were very moved and humbled by the work going on there. The Prep offers enormous thanks to Toby Ellis and his family, who raised an amazing ÂŁ1,574.00 for the Lower School Aquathlon, in aid of this brilliant cause.

Along with their parents, Theo and Raif Nelson decided to raise money for injured marines, following their tour around the Museum of Marines, in Washington. They raised $150 dollars selling loom band bracelets wherever they went - at beach clubs and swimming pools everywhere - and the money has been donated to the charity organiser on the marine base called QUANTICO.

Evie de Quincey Adams was invited to a prizegiving at The Wilson Gallery after coming in the top 10 of 500 entires into the RNLI art competition. The Mayor officiated the ceremony, and amongst the judges was local, celebrated artist PJ Crook. Although Evie didn't win the ÂŁ100 prize money, she did win a year's family entrance to Nature in Art.

Monty Campbell Black had a successful day at the Delancy Chess Gigafinal in Manchester, winning two of his matches, drawing one and losing three. One of his wins was accomplished using 'scholar's mate' a four move checkmate, much to the annoyance of his opponent!

Rank outsider Zak O'Sullivan won the Kartmasters British Grand Prix 2016! This race is the most challenging event of the karting year. Below is a picture of Zak on the podium with his trophy, prize cheque, driver of the event plaque and GP plate (which will now be his racing number).

What did you get up to over the Summer Holidays? Don't forget to share your projects and achievements with us! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Independent Learning Projects The Year 7 pupils have started this term on a very positive note with the high standard and wide variety of projects submitted for this year's Independent Learning Project.

solar system, investigations of planets, space themed paintings, a recorded mime, iced space biscuits, a home made astronaut, a huge rocket, space stories, PowerPoints, satellites and investigations into animals in space.

shortly and prizes awarded in due courseand they are currently on display in the Assembly Hall. Parents The theme of the project, which are more than welcome to pop in pupils undertook during the and have a look, when the Hall is Summer Holidays, was Space. As Well done to all pupils for all their they could interpret in any way they original thoughts and hard work on not in use. wished, there are many different these over the Summer Holidays. kinds of projects: models of the The projects will be judged Mrs Gill Barrett, Director of Learning

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Kingfishers Dear Kingfishers and your families It has been lovely to welcome the children back to Kingfishers this week and to extend a warm welcome to our new families. Some of our Year 2 children have already stepped up to volunteer to be our first Playground Friends and Playground Helpers, and I look forward to offering more opportunities for them to be our new leaders in Kingfishers. As the children have discussed their Summer Holidays this week, it has become clear how important their Grandparents are to them and we look forward to meeting as many of them as possible on Saturday morning, for Grandparents’ Day.

From Mrs Buttress, Head of Kingfishers

What we've been up to... Reception

Reception class have had a great start to the year! We have been exploring the new undercover Outside Learning Zone as well as getting to know each other.

Year 1

We have made a fantastic start to Year 1, especially learning new routines and taking responsibility for our own belongings. We have enjoyed beginning our 'Town and Country' topic by designing houses using paint, chalk and coloured paper shapes. Why not pop in and look at our 'Homes' display?

Year 2

We've had a brilliant start to Year 2. We have started our topic by looking at the United Kingdom and the countries that make up the UK. The children should be able to tell you a special fact about each one of the four countries!

Have you seen our new feathered friend around Kingfishers? Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Lower School It has been a great start to the term in Lower School: smiling faces and cheery “good mornings� have greeted us throughout the week as we welcomed back our new Year 3s and grown up Year 4s. As all the boys and girls settle into their new classes and new routines, they are all eager to share with us what they have been doing in the Summer holiday, particularly their learning. We have seen some great work in their folders, exciting postcards, interesting research and some great number problems.

Tuesday afternoon saw everyone having a wonderful time getting to know each other through a carousel of activities that they took part in. Getting to grips with juggling scarves and spinning plates took lots of concentration but they needed some helping hands with the unicycle. Sound scapes and drama activities provided much laughter whilst everyone was in good voice for a sing-along. Working in teams, everyone took up the challenge

of orienteering around the school grounds. A very successful, afternoon was had by all. We are delighted to see such positivity at the start of term and find that Lower School is a busy and active learning environment. Already we have many trying to face new challenges and be the best that they can be this term.

It's a Pig's Life! A new trio of lovely pigs arrived at The Prep Farm this week. Reception class were there to greet them, and enjoyed watching them tuck into some lunch.

'Wow, hungry pigs!' Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Middle School As part of their induction into Middle School, Year 5 were treated to an afternoon of circus skills from the Circusology company. Pupils were taught how to juggle with tissues, balance feathers, spin plates as well as have a go on a unicycle. In smaller groups, Year 5 learned how to ‘speed stack’, competed to build the tallest tower with sweets and cocktail sticks, and had to communicate with one another

to complete a ‘find someone who….’ challenge. It gave all pupils a chance to learn new skills, develop new friendships and get to know their new class tutors. Year 6: Our First Day Back, by Toby Krauer Tuesday was our first day back at School. We met our new class tutors, some new pupils and also said 'hello' again to old friends. After getting our planners and getting organised, we had some class and individual photos taken; both the morning and the photos

went as quick as a flash! In the afternoon, we did a really fun team building exercise where we made national themed costumes... out of NEWSPAPER! Each group had to decide on a nationality, design and make a costume and present it to the year group in the final fashion show. There were costumes from China, Spain, America and Mexico. My favourite bit was making the costumes, whereas Harry enjoyed ripping up the costumes at the end! Tom’s favourite bit was eating the prize, because his group won.

Reading (in Unusual Places) Our brand new Librarian, Mrs Carson, has been capturing Year 8 pupils reading in unusual places, as part of the Extreme Reading challenge that was set by World Book Day. Where do you like to settle down with a good book? Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Upper School Upper School have had a great start to the new academic year, and after a morning of getting used to new routines, timetable and new faces, we went out onto the field during the afternoon to try some alternative Olympic-style activities. All Upper School pupils were mixed into 12 teams of Year 7 and 8 boys and girls. This gave them the chance to make some new friends. They then tried their hands at tower building, balloon challenges, charades and making a list of ten items they couldn’t live without if shipwrecked. It was great to see everyone getting stuck in and trying their best. Of course there was a competitive element to the Games (thank

you, Mr Baird for your excellent score-keeping), and chocolates were awarded to the best team performances. However, no one went away empty handed and rewards were given to all Upper School Pupils for giving their best efforts. Mrs Reid, Head of Upper School, said: "I was delighted to see so much fun taking place, and my thanks go to the Gap students and Upper School tutor team for wholeheartedly entering into the spirit of the Games. We’re all looking forward to a productive and positive year in Upper School, and I look forward as well to seeing as many of you as possible at Friday’s Information Evening and drinks afterwards."

Year 8 Art Study Keith Haring

Set 1 and 2 Art combined their efforts on Tuesday to create large artworks inspired by the work of New York artist, Keith Haring. Here's how:

2 Choose a bright colour that Keith would use and fill in the shape with careful brush strokes.

1 Ask a Year 8 pupil to make a dynamic shape on a large piece of paper, then draw around them. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


4 Carefully paint a black outline around the body shape and fill in a block colour background 10

ABRSM Exam Results

Well done to all the Music pupils who took their ABRSM Exams at the end of last year, including a few former-Year 8 pupils who have since moved up to College. Certificates were awarded in Assembly on Tuesday and all of the musicians should be very proud of their achievements. Candidate Meredith Aylott Meredith Aylott Jemima Bailey Alice Bradley Oliver Callon Hine Oliver Callon Hine Eva Colbourne Autumn Connor Freya Coull Harry Dawson Monty Dawson Honor Hardy Elie Haugen Charlie Kenne Helaina Lenden Alexander McCombie Robyn Parks Dorothea Peterken Francesca Pinchard Jamie Reid Jamie Reid Grace Ren Molly Ropner Izabella Sneyd Georgia Turner Jay Wheatley Grace White Gwener Wood

Subject Clarinet Singing Bassoon Flute Piano Singing Singing Singing Singing Trombone Piano Singing Singing Tuba Piano Horn Piano Piano Piano Trumpet Piano Piano Cello Singing Singing Piano Singing Singing

Grade Mark 02 126 02 124 01 130 03 123 01 121 01 120 02 120 03 117 02 122 02 125 03 127 03 121 02 115 03 123 01 126 01 126 01 125 05 127 03 126 03 128 03 121 05 127 01 125 01 126 02 120 02 123 04 118 01 125

Category Merit Merit Distinction Merit Merit Merit Merit Pass Merit Merit Merit Merit Pass Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Pass Merit

Books for Bosnia

In June, the Geography Department donated nearly 100 textbooks and atlases to a charity supported by Simon Evlyn-Bufton and his father. The charity helps a school in the town of Gorazde, which was devastated by the Balkan conflict, nearly 20 years ago. We were thrilled to recently hear that the books we donated had arrived in Gorazde and that the children were using them well. As you can see from the picture, the students were pleased to receive them! A pen-pal project is now being planned, which will partner Prep pupils with pupils from the school in Gorazde. We hope that our pupils will gain an insight into the lives of children from a very different background to their own. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


Sports Girls' Hockey Trials and Team Selection Hockey trials are now well underway. We had a good turn out at preseason training last week, with the girls full of enthusiasm and excited about the season ahead. This positive atmosphere has continued in to the trials this week! Our full trial programme is detailed below. Saturday 3 Sept Wednesday 7 Sept Friday 9 Sept Saturday 10 Sept Sunday 11 Sept Monday 12 Sept

Pre Season Team Trials (MS/US only) Games Session Team Trials College Festival (selected U13 & U11 players only) Games Session GB Coaching Day (selected US players only)

Matches begin on Wednesday 14 September, but please be aware that there are still likely to be a lot of changes to teams until the Exeat weekend. Often a player performs differently in competitive matches than they do in training and it can take a few weeks to see what players are going to gel together etc. All selection decisions will be undertaken by a group of at least 3 staff members and will also involve the College Head of Hockey and College Hockey professional. We ask that parents respect selection decisions and show positivity and encouragement to their child regardless of what team they play in.

This year, Cheltenham Prep is proud to be the Official Mascot Partner of Gloucester Rugby. Our first mascot of the year, Hector Evans, had an incredible night at the Gloucester vs Leicester Tigers match, last Friday. Here's what his family had to say about it: "Hector had a very special evening on Friday. Despite being nervous beforehand, he was very brave and within a couple of minutes of arriving at the stadium, someone recognised him from the programme and wished him luck, which made him feel more at ease. After a member of the Gloucester support team collected Hector from our seats, he had to walk around the pitch with her, clapping and getting the crowd cheering, which he loved. Then he got to visit the changing rooms and was very intrigued by the ice baths! Running on with Greig was the best bit he said. He loved the roar of the crowd and the match afterwards and cheered super loud whenever Greig kicked the ball, and he was super chuffed with his kit too."

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 11 September 2016 08:45 Cheltenham College Hockey Festival (H): U13 VII, U11 VII. Pick up 15:30 13:00 Boarders' Welcome BBQ and Superstars (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) Monday 12 September 2016, Week 2, 11 - 18 September 07:30 Depart for GB Hockey Coaching Day at Millfield (A): 1st VII. Start 09:45. Pick up 18:00 18:30 Information Meeting for parents in Kingfishers (Assembly Hall) 19:00 Drinks Reception for parents in Kingfishers (Headmaster's Lawn) Tuesday 13 September 2016 Kingfishers and Sibling Photographs (Winter Uniform) Wednesday 14 September 2016 12:45 Departure for Rugby v RGS The Grange (A): U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:30 Departure for Hockey v Wycliffe (A): 1st VII, 2nd VII (start 14:15), 3rd VII, 4th VII, 5th VII (start 13:00 14:15). Pick up 17:30 14:00 Rugby v Sir Thomas Rich's (H): U13A XIII, U13B XIII, U12A XII, U12B XII. Pick up 16:30 Hockey v Wycliffe (H): U11A, U11B, U10A, U10B. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Rugby v RGS The Grange (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Pick up 16:30 14:30 Hockey v Wycliffe (H): U9A, U9B, U8s. Pick up 16:45 15:15 Friday 16 September 2016 Year 3 Science Trip to Dundry Nurseries Butterfly Garden Project Friends of The Prep Coffee Morning (Drawing Room) until 09:00 08:15 Chapel (parents welcome) 14:15 Rome House Bowling Evening (Hollywood Bowl) Pick up 20:00 17:00 Saturday 17 September 2016 Departure for Hockey v Pinewood (A): U10/U11C (start 09:15), U10B (start 10:00). Pick up 12:15 08:00 09:15 Hockey v Pinewood (H): U8A, U8B, U9A, U9B. Pick up 10:30 Departure for Dean Close Rugby Festival (A): U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Start 10:00. Pick 09:15 up 12:30 09:50 Departure for Hockey v Pinewood (A): 5th VII. Start 11:00. Pick up 13:00 Departure for Rugby v Pinewood (A): U13A XIII, U13B XIII, U12A XII, U12B XII. Start 11:15. Pick 09:50 up 13:30 10:00 Hockey v Pinewood (H): U11A, U11B, U10A. Pick up 11:30 Cheltenham Prep Rugby Festival (H): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII, U8A VI, U8 Blue VI, U8 White VI. 10:00 Pick up 12.30 Rugby v Pinewood (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Pick up 12:00 10:00 11:00 Hockey v Pinewood (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII, 4th VII. Pick up 12:30 Sunday 18 September 2016 Boarders' Trip to Ninjatastic Waterpark (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 10:00

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Zico Palmer 5 Jack Boyd 6 Edward Davies 7 Ava Blackhurst 8 Verity Cooke 9 9 Isabelle Marriott Toby Ellis 10 James Katz 10 Ben Mace 10 Tom Shaw 11

The Cheltonian Association Dates for the Diary Thursday 17 November

London Drinks at Davy’s Wine Bar Crown Passage, 20 King’s Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6QY

Thursday 27 November Cheltenham College Christmas Shopping Fair

Don't forget to visit the new pigs! OINK! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1835 9 September 2016


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