Prep for the Week Issue 1837

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1837 – 23 September 2016

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In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Friends of The Prep Wine Tasting Competition Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News Year 5 Print Workshop Girls' and Boys' Sports Calendar and Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents What a pleasure it has been to enjoy bright weather, bright pupils and a bright start to the year. Pupils, parents and staff alike have eased well into the routine of School, and we begin the Exeat weekend safe in the knowledge that the school community is thriving together. I hope that all parents found the tutor and class teacher informal meetings useful; not only do they provide a positive foundation for strong mutual communication throughout the year, they offer valuable insight into how pupils are coping both inside and out of the classroom. I offer my thanks to everyone for adhering to the parking rules and restrictions here at The Prep. Please bear with us as the grass area at the Sports Centre is put out of commission, and remember that we will always seek to make parking arrangements, for pick-up and also for matches, as simple as possible. During my Wednesdays and Saturdays as either a spectator or a referee at our many sports fixtures, I have been delighted to see so many parents on the touchline, cheering on teams of all ages and abilities. This encouraging and collaborative community gives life to our programme of fixtures, as well as giving

our players something to really be proud of. I offer my thanks to everyone who has been to watch and cheer on our fantastic young sportsmen and women. Finally, many of you have already visited the brand new Design and Technology classroom which was installed in the Science and Technology Centre during the Summer Holidays. Alongside our excellent academic offering across all subjects, these inspirational, state-of-the-art facilities put The Prep at the cutting edge of STEM education. I hope that the refurb of the old Technology suite is a precursor of things to come. Jon Whybrow

Headmaster's Commendations Freddie Young for outstanding commitment to Art during the summer holidays Joseph Tagg and Jasper Norman for an entertaining song about French reflexive verbs James French for being an excellent ambassador for the school

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


WINE TASTING COMPETITION Can you distinguish a Rioja from a Merlot, a Chardonnay from a Chenin Blanc?

Wine Tasting with Curry Supper Cheltenham College Prep School Dining Hall from 8 pm

Friday 30th September 2016 £18 per head (on your end of term bill) For tickets please email your Year Rep or Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


Kingfishers Fun and games with the Year 8 Peer Mentors!

This week in Kingfishers we have been lucky enough to be joined by the Year 8 Peer Mentors. They have organised games of football and exciting playground games, such as Grandmother’s Footsteps and What’s the Time Mr Wolf? It has been a great opportunity for the oldest members of the school to mix with the youngest. We have also continued thinking about our Golden Rules and have talked in class about being gentle. Why don’t you come down to Kingfishers and read all the different examples that are on our display board?

Nursery boys and girls headed off to Forest School this week. Whilst some watered the plants, others took a sneaky peek through their binoculars.

Having found a wiggly worm, the children decided to see if they could identify their find from the book. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016

It's been a full week of clubs in Kingfishers, including some exciting new ones. On a Monday, the boys and girls have had the opportunity to try a range of musical instruments with Mrs Buxton, and on Friday Kingfishers used the Ipads to go on a scavenger hunt, as part of ICT Club.


Lower School Year 3 visited Dundry Nurseries and Butterfly Garden on Friday 16 September as an introduction to their Science topic on plants and living things. It was a wonderful day, filled with many exciting and interesting activities. The children had hands on experience of planting seeds, recycling unwanted materials and how to look after seedlings. It was also an opportunity to meet new people and learn about their experiences and knowledge of plants. Chris Evans, who runs the centre, was a fount of knowledge about seeds and plants and even put on a cabaret with some of his staff at lunchtime! The children were fascinated with the varieties of plants on show and how varied the seeds were in size, shape and colour. We all loved breaking up tubs of soil, getting up to our elbows in compost and carefully planting a seed in order to wake it up from its slumbers and bring it to life. The centre recycles many materials for local businesses, including video tapes. The children found it very relaxing spooling tape into bags and watching the staff taking apart the tapes and saving each piece for recycling. All our rubbish from lunch was also sorted and recycled! At the end of the day, Year 3 boarded the bus with armfuls of plants and seeds which they will now take home to look after. A fantastic way to bring the Science topic to life.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


Year 5 Print Workshop It was great to see pupils learning and understanding the differences between reduction and relief printing. By the end of the session, each of the artists was able to apply different types of ink: for the lino prints they applied ink with a roller in single colours, and for the collographs, Things took a botanical twist this week as The Prep welcomed with a stencil brush using a budding Year 5 printmakers from stippling motion. Airthrie School, Naunton Park Whilst many of the pupils had Primary and The Richard Pate School to the annual Print @ The previously tried lino cutting at school or at home, they were Prep Workshop. delighted to make collograph Taking inspirationfrom art deco prints using the large etching press in the Cheltenham Prep Art floral designs, photographs from the beautiful Kew Gardens room. and freshly collected leaves and “We had such a wonderful group flowers from the grounds, the of pupils this year, who made pupils sat together to design the day a real pleasure,” said simple prints. Once they had Mrs Parsley, Head of Art at The decided on a design, they were Prep. “I hope they have had a able to practise lino cutting little insight into the variety of and reduction printing with print making techniques and a Chine-collé. There was also outcomes that can be achieved the opportunity to have a go really quite easily. One of the at collograph making, using children said she didn’t want to mounting board with textured go home. What a lovely thing to wallpapers, stickers, feathers, hear!” string and tape. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


Upper School Year 8 Peer Mentors This year we have introduced a Peer Mentor scheme into school. Back in the summer term, Dr Kerry Samuel and myself trained up then Year 7 pupils on different areas of mentoring other pupils, such as: • effective listening skills • reading body language • understanding that we can’t always fix problems but we can listen! • empathy and sympathy • working through different scenarios and thinking and talking about “what to do if...” The scheme is now being rolled out throughout the school, with 18 new Year 8s now trained and ready to put their new skills to good use! We’ve

been working on the boys and girls getting to know the Peer Mentors, through different activities such as “Wake and Shake” with Lower School; playing with pupils in Kingfishers and acting as reading buddies for younger pupils. It’s hoped that this level of interaction will enable pupils to approach Peer Mentors if they’re having problems with friends, for example, or anything at all at school which is worrying them. Peer Mentors are easily recognisable by a yellow shield worn on their blazer, which is discreet yet visible to pupils. The boys and girls are taking their responsibilities very seriously, and I am sure they will work hard to promote that link between all sections of the school.

On Monday, the Year 8 scholars visited the Chatfeild-Roberts Library at College. Mr Delbrooke-Jones, one of the knowledgeable College librarians, welcomed us all before allowing us to explore the wonderful selection of books on offer. An excited hush overcame the class as they began pouring over enticing fiction and nonfiction books. It wasn’t long before everyone was huddled on a beanbag or at a table devouring a new book. The rest of Year 8 will shortly be visiting the library too and all will be able to take out books to enjoy. “If only we could visit every day,” sighed Molly Krauer on her return to the Prep! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


Girls' Sports Team of the Week: 3rd VII, Sat 17 Sept

Girls' Hockey Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE RESULT SCORE U8 Mix 1 Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 3–1 U8 Mix 2 Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Lost 1–3 U9 A Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 4–0 U9 B Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Drew 2–2 U10 A Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Drew 2–2 U10 B Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Lost 0–4 U11 A Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 5–2 U11 B Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 4–1 U10 / U11 C Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Lost 0–2 1st VII Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Lost 1–3 2nd VII Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 2–1 3rd VII Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 4–2 4th VII Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Lost 1–4 5th VII Pinewood Sat 17 Sept Won 1–0 1st VII Moor Park Wed 21 Sept Won 3–1 2nd VII Moor Park Wed 21 Sept Won 2–0 3rd VII Moor Park Wed 21 Sept Lost 1–5 4th / 5th VII Beaudesert Wed 21 Sept Won 2–1 U11 Mix Airthrie Wed 21 Sept Won 4–1 U11 Mix Airthrie Wed 21 Sept Won 3–0 U10 A Beaudesert Wed 21 Sept Lost 1–2 U10 B Beaudesert Wed 21 Sept Lost 0–1 U11/10 C Beaudesert Wed 21 Sept Lost 0–2

Team of the Week: 1st VII, Wed 21 Sept

Following a great victory in their opening match of the season last week, the Thirds were hungry for more against Pinewood. Playing halves instead of quarters this time was a new challenge and fitness was tested to the max! Pinewood were a strong opposition who were wellcoached in using not only the width of the pitch but primarily, on our weak stick side. Fortunately, our defenders were on top form and boldly knocked any attempts out to the wing, only letting in one goal in the first half. Our girls certainly dominated the game and often found themselves in the opposition’s D, knocking home 2 goals before half-time (shooting even earlier would have resulted in an even bigger goal score). Pinewood’s determination matched our own and some jostling for the ball caused two of our players to need time out, however, they came back fighting in the second half to romp home to a 4-2 win.

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The 1st VII have had a very positive start to the season, bonding quickly as a team and showing great potential. And all the hard work came together this week when they put in a tactically sophisticated performance to come away with a convincing and well deserved win over tough opposition. They executed the game plan to perfection, remained calm under pressure, showed off some advanced skills, and never gave up. In defence, they were solid and safe, but most improved from previous games was how clinical they were in attack, they created and took chances. Well done girls! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


Boys' Sports

Start of the Season This has been a superb start to the season from a huge number of teams. The coaching set-up this season is the strongest the school has seen in many years. Every single team from the U8C team to the U11A team have their own team coach and all the U12 and U13 teams each have two coaches. For a school of our size to be able to field 16 teams with 20 coaches is a huge weekly achievement. The staffing team involves ex-Premiership players, ex-Premiership Academy coaches and a number who have coached senior school A teams.

Olly Morgan and the ex-Gloucester Nick Runciman. They attend all sessions from Y3-Y8 and their focus is on developing both the boys and the staff. Over the next couple of weeks, we have a number of guest coaches visiting. The ex-England winger James Simpson-Daniel will be coming in to work with the Year 3 boys and the current Gloucester coach, Jonny Bell, will be tightening up the defence of the U12s and U13s.

against Pinewood and St Hugh’s show the corner has been turned and the season has kicked into gear. The U11A team have started the season slowly, but the results at the Wraxall Festival showed the boys are starting to hit second gear. The U11B and U11C teams had great results against Pinewood and are playing some terrific rugby.

The U10ABC teams have continued their good U9 form and have been The 1st team have started strongly playing some outstanding rugby. with good wins over Bredon Hill, Sir They cannot rest on their laurels and need to keep working hard on Thomas Rich’s and Pinewood. The boys lost in the semi-final at the St the training field. Hugh’s tournament, but only due to four of the boys being unable to The U9s also continued their good start to contact rugby, with a set of play due to injury. What has been particularly pleasing has been the solid results at Wycliffe, and the U8s were definitely the most excited way the boys have kept the ball alive at every opportunity. The boys at their first ever Festival. U12A team have been absolutely flying and are yet to be challenged The boys now hit the exeat for a well deserved break... but with – a great season awaits. The U13B The coaches and pupils are also Clifton on the horizon the work supported by the College Director and U12B had tough starts to starts again on Monday. of Rugby, ex-England international, the season, but the recent results Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


Boys' Sports Boys' Rugby Results TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE U13A Pinewood U13A Won 50-5 U13A St Hugh’s Tournament Lost 10-5 (Semi final v Winchester House) U13B Pinewood U13B Won 15-0 U13B St Hugh’s U13B Lost 25-30 U12A Pinewood U12A Won 50-0 U12A St Hugh’s U12A Won 50-0 U12A Wycliffe U12A Won 25-0 U12B Pinewood U12B Drew 5-5 U12B St Hugh’s U12B Won 25-10 U12B Wycliffe 3rd XII Lost 0-15 U11A Pinewood U11A Lost 0-35 U11B Pinewood U11B Won 25-10 U11C Pinewood U11C Won 50-5 U11ABC Wraxall Festival Festival N/A U10A Pinewood Won 25-0 U10A Dean Close Won 30-5 U10A Wycliffe Won 30-0 U10B Pinewood U10B Won 20-15 U10B Dean Close U10B Won 20-10 U10B Beaudesert U10B Lost 5-15 U10C Pinewood Lost 0-30 U10C Dean Close Won 15-5 U10C Wycliffe Won 10-0 U10ABC Clifton Festival Festival N/A U9A Wycliffe U9A Drew 21-21 U9B Wycliffe U9B Won 40-5 U9C Wycliffe U9C Drew 30-30 U9ABC Cheltenham Festival Festival N/A U8ABC Cheltenham Festival Festival N/A

Some of our players managed to capture this great moment on camera last week: chilling out on the sidelines of The Prep's rugby tournament with Bear Grylls! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 25 September 2016 19:00 Boarders return, latest return 19:30 Monday 26 September 2016, Week 4, 26 September - 2 October European Day of Languages 16:30 Years 3-8 Pupils' Informal Concert (Lake House) Tuesday 27 September 2016 19:00 Boarders Trip to Cheltenham Town FC v Stevenage (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) Wednesday 28 September 2016 12:35 Departure for Beaudesert Rugby Festival (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:30 13:00 Departure for Hockey v The Dragon (A): U11A, U11B, U10A, U10B, U10/U11C. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15 14:15 Hockey v The Dragon (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Rugby v Pate's Grammar School (H): U13A XIII, U13B XIII. Pick up 16:30 - Cancelled 14:30 Rugby v Richard Pate and St Edward’s (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX, U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Pick up 16:30 15:15 Hockey v The Dragon (H): 4th VII, 5th VII. Pick up 16:45 15:15 Hockey v Beaudesert (H): U9A, U9B. Pick up 16:30 Thursday 29 September 2016 09:00 Year 8 SSF Cast Workshop at Roses Theatre (return 13:00) 13:00 Year 6 SSF Cast Workshop at Roses Theatre (return 16:30) Friday 30 September 2016 09:00 Cottage and Reception Harvest Assembly (Assembly Hall) 14:15 Harvest Festival Service in Chapel for Years 1-8 (parents welcome) 15:00 Upper School House Rugby (H): Pick up 17.30 20:00 Friends of The Prep Parents' Quiz Night (Dining Room) Saturday 1 October 2016 10:30 Open Morning for Prospective Parents Sunday 2 October 2016 10:00 The Dick Lewis Rugby Festival (H): U10A VIII. Pick up 13:00 - Cancelled 12:00 Boarders' Outdoor Rock Climbing and Canoeing Adventure (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Charlie Bell 4 Sophia Ward 6

Theo Archer 7

Matilda Barter 9

Monty Wayman 10 Elizaveta Karagulakova 11

Anya James 13

The Cheltonian Association Dates for the Diary Thursday 17 November

London Drinks at Davy’s Wine Bar Crown Passage, 20 King’s Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6QY

Sunday 27 November

Cheltenham College Christmas Shopping Fair


Saturday 1 October at 10.30am

For boys and girls aged 3 - 13 Nursery • Pre-Prep • Prep

01242 522697 | |

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1837 23 September 2016


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