Prep for the Week Issue 1847

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1847 – 16 December 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations History Club Roundup Kingfishers and Lower School News A Christmas Carol Middle and Upper School News Sports - Netball Pre-Season Training, House Football, Year 2 Fixtures and House Cross Country Notices

u o y g Wishin y r r e M a very a d n a s a m t s Chri ! r a e Y w e N y happ

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents Resilience is a quality which we promote regularly at The Prep. It is a quality which we often ignore as, nowadays, the trend had been to a offer praise liberally and, often, without justification. My PTI (Physical Training Instructor) in the Royal Marines, Sergeant Hall, always used to qualify his relatively kind words with “praise, where praise is due gentlemen”. We have needed resilience this term, especially towards the end when the flu seriously depleted the ranks for a few days. To everyone’s credit, we kept going despite the absence of those activities which are so important to schools such as The Prep. It is amazing how restless and listless the community can become without a regular injection of physical activity and competition: mens sana in corpore sano (a sound mind in a sound body)! It has been a great term. My approach to The Prep is not one of rose tinted glasses and there are always areas in which we seek to improve, not least in the classroom. Following on from the ISI inspection this year, it is important that we react to the recommendations contained therein. A consistent approach to marking, especially in Years 5-8, was one particular recommendation and, although we have made a start at improving this, further work is required. Critical behaviours, such as differentiation, are clearly embedded in our teaching and all children are benfitting from this. Complementing the work of the teachers is that of the Estates Department who have begun the gargantuan task of refurbishing the classrooms in Day End. Right now is the time to see the contrast between ‘before’ and ‘after’. We are very grateful to those in the Estates Department who are changing somewhat dowdy classrooms into much lighter and more welcoming environments. I alluded to the importance of what goes on outside of the classroom in offering children complementary activities to their core academic responsibilities. Music has been to the forefront in these final two weeks of term. Three nativity plays, two Lower School performances of A Christmas Carol, Lower School’s own informal concert, the Christmas Concert, the Carol Service and staff carol singing have all served to highlight how music can contribute to the well being of the school. It is another communal activity which promotes team work and offers children, who might not excel in other aspects of school life, a chance to have their moment. I will take this opportunity to encourage you to encourage your child to learn an instrument. Even if you reach the stage that I have Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016

with my 14 year old, who does minimal practice but still attends lessons, you will find that you have offered your child the opportunity to learn a skill for life, one which I see offering my children a real chance to relax and recuperate. Learning music is not all about passing grades! As we hurtled towards the end of term I was thankful for the excitement of the forthcoming festive period. It excited the children, and many of the staff too, and offered that adrenaline surge which was necessary to get us over the finishing line. The Spring Term is different and this is the term to which I refer as ‘the difficult bit in the middle’. There is no Christmas at the end of next term, nor are there the long summer holidays to look forward to. Instead we turn to drama in the final weeks and the production of Bugsy Malone. Preparations for this have already begun and I really encourage all cast members to learn their lines over this holiday period. The performances of Years 3 and 4 in their production of A Christmas Carol and those of Year 6 and Year 8 in the Shakespeare Schools Festival augur well for the future of our drama productions. Once again I refer to the importance of working together as part of a company: the concept that everyone, and not just the lead, is responsible for setting the scene and telling the story. I have been so impressed with our results and attitudes on the games field. The rugby coaching staff have adapted well to the new rugby rules and not only has this allowed our very impressive 1st team to demonstrate their skills and physicality, it has also enabled us to seek more appropriate fixtures for those boys who view rugby as an ‘occupational hazard’. Consequently, when we have other schools with whom we can work, a day of fixtures becomes a truly inclusive occasion. As I watch and coach the girls’ hockey, it is clear that we now have a consistent style of play throughout the school and girls are moving through the age groups seamlessly. I am not 2

the sort who dwells on results although we all like to win. We are more than competitive and, as a school across both genders, regularly win more than we lose. The perception that we do this because we are some sort of behemoth (probably on account of our link with College), is unfair. Instead it is on account of the quality of coaching and the outstanding response of the children. We also know how to win and lose in a magnanimous fashion and how to host afterwards. The abiding memory of this term for me was provided by the parents of the younger children who were sat directly in my line of sight at the Christingle Service.

As the Upper School children stepped up to give their readings or offer the prayers, written in the faces of those parents were the thoughts “that is the confidence and assurance that I want my child to display”. As another Year 8 move through The Prep, thus far impressing us with their maturity, enthusiasm and leadership, one can reflect positively on ‘what it is all about’. My thanks for your critical contribution to the partnership which produces such impressive young adults and let me wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Jon Whybrow

Headmaster's Commendations Hannah Davies, Harry Checketts, Henry Watkinson, Sophia Griffin and Emily Grant for being a super host with wonderful manners and ensuring our elderly visitor had a great visit to Lower School Eve Loosemore for consistently leading the way with singing in the Lower School Production Lois Jeveons and Verity Cooke for stepping up and stepping into a role, at short notice, to ensure that the Lower School performance was a success Silas Clarke for achieving a remarkable improvement in his House X-Country position from Year 3 to Year 4 - a wonderful effort

On Sunday 11 December, over 100 Santas from both The Prep and College took part in the fourth annual Santa Fun Run in aid of The Prep's Charity of the Year, Gloucestershire Community Foundation. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the new route round the College pitches. Thank you to all involved! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016



On Tuesday morning, Reception were very excited about their trip to see The Great Bear of the North at the Everyman Theatre. The children were not sure if they wanted to see a great big bear and were relieved to see a friendly, furry face peeping out from behind the curtain. The performance had it all: moments of laughter, trepidation and sadness. But in true Christmas spirit, all was well in the end. Their special treat was to meet the cast and they asked lots of questions and had their picture taken. "I liked it when the bear copied everything the little girl, Freya, said and did" - Zandra "I liked the trolls' boots and costume" - Bobby "We liked it when the bears scared the trolls away" Bertram and Sam "I liked it when I gave the bear a high 5" – Henry "My favourite was when the trolls were trying to spook us!" - Clara

The children had a wonderful time at their Christmas party on Wednesday! Kingfishers was filled with party games, Christmas Crafts, Christmas cooking and, of course, Mrs Baker’s disco. The crowning moment of our afternoon however, was the visit from Father Christmas. He arrived bearing gifts into our Assembly Hall, where he was greeted with a rousing, “Hello Santa!” This was a super finish to a term full of fun and achievement and Mrs Rachael Buttress would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the Kingfishers team. The Nursery alien returned yesterday in festive style, having borrowed Santa's hat and coat! He came to bring a little festive cheer for all in the Nursery and enjoyed a story with all the boys and girls. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


Lower School What a jam-packed term Lower School have had; so busy in fact that it seems no time at all since we all started back in September. Over the term we have worked hard and played hard, achieving hugely. Our Year 3s quickly settled into the new routines of Lower School and soon understood their new timetables, how we worked and how we played. Meanwhile, Year 4 enjoyed being in their new classrooms upstairs and have taken the responsibility of being the older year group well within their stride.

the term, starting with our topic year visits to Dundry Nurseries and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. We enhanced our learning with themed days for Science, Egypt and India. Most recently our Christingle Service provided the pupils with the chance to empathise with others less fortunate than themselves.

Once again, everyone took part and it was a pleasure to see all our instrumental groups take their first steps in performing to an audience and great fun to hear our favourite Christmas songs played by a variety of instruments. Everyone loved joining in with the singing and The Twelve Days of Christmas may never be quite the same again.

After the successful performances of A Christmas Carol, and as the term drew to a close, we had one final opportunity to appear in front of an audience: our Lower School Informal Christmas Concert.

Well done Lower School pupils and staff on such a hard-working and fulfilling term. We wish all pupils, parents, staff and friends a very happy Christmas from Lower School!

So much has been crammed into Year 4 have been learning about forces this term and recently investigated the effects of air resistance. The pupils were set a mission; to a create stellar space landing parachute. This needed to deliver an important soldier to the ground floor of Lower School in one piece. Each group planned a fair test and created three different sized parachutes. These were then launched from the top floor and timed. The results showed that the largest parachute took the longest to fall and therefore delivered the soldier in the safest possible way. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


A Christmas Carol

The icing on the Christmas cake that was our excellent end of term, had to be our Lower School performance of A Christmas Carol. All the pupils are to be congratulated in the energy and enthusiasm they brought to their characters, their lines and all their singing. The performances were a real showcase of amazing acting and sensational singing. It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to collaborate in this joint effort and have a huge amount of fun at the same time!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


Upper School

Middle and Upper School Chistmas Concert

Upper School celebrated the end of term with music and dancing at the Jingle Bells party! Here's what the party-goers had to say: "We had pizza and curly fries in the dining hall then the DJ started playing songs. We started dancing (Mrs Reid's dancing was incredible)." - Angus "It was a great time to talk with people in your year and the year above. It was also a great time to let loose and relax after the hard term that has just gone." - Rui "It started with a plate of pizza and curly fries then we cleared up and let the DJ do his stuff as we partied through the evening! Thank you to all the staff for your hard work and I hope we can do it again next year." - Joe "The Jingle Bells party was amazing! We listened to music and danced till we dropped. When we got tired we had a refreshing drink of juice. Overall, it could not have been better!" - Maya

Tuesday night saw the Assembly Hall resounding to the festive music performed by the various musical ensembles in Middle and Upper School. These included String Orchestra, String Quintet, String Trio, Wind Band, Brass Group, Jazz Band and Orchestra. There was a mix of repertoire throughout, ranging from The Most Wonderful Time of the Year and Deck the Halls, through to Rock Around the Clock and Firework by Katy Perry (sung by Josie Grounds, accompanied by the Jazz Band). Instruments were adorned with tinsel, Christmas hats and reindeer antlers were worn, there was a fantastic festive atmosphere, and the pupils all played brilliantly. Well done all! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


Sports For news, fixtures and updates, follow us on Twitter! @cheltprepgirls or @cheltprep_boys Netball Pre-Season Training Training got underway this week for netball teams who will begin fixtures in January. The players focused in on their team work, footwork and ball handling, showing the games staff how excited they are to get on the court in the Spring Term!

House Football Well done to all the boys who participated in House football this week. The teamwork displayed was excellent and everyone enjoyed a selection of really competitive matches.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


Sports Year 2 Fixtures It was a pleasure to see Year 2 boys and girls fulfil their first ever fixture against Dean Close. Our matches, although competitive, were played with fantastic sportsmanship and our children learned the importance of taking part, playing with enthusiasm and fair play - and of course how to host their visitors through the all–important match tea! Mrs Rachael Buttress was impressed by the commitment of the boys and girls and the pride they took in representing their school. We look forward to our hockey fixture next term away at Dean Close.

House Cross Country Results: 2nd – Rome 1st – Corinth 5th – Sparta 4th – Persia

3rd – Athens 6th - Troy

Cross Country continues to be an exciting House event, which shows off most of our pupils at their best. In each section of the school we had exceptionally well run and close contests, with the front runners battling it out all the way round, showing great competitive spirit and determination. What is always pleasing to see too, are those runners not going for the title but just giving it their best for their House and supporting their peers along the way. Well done to all. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils who will

celebrate their birthday over the Christmas break! Eva Shortt 4 Dameli Aldongar 7 7 Timur Kazakov Sean Degnan 8 Felix Duggan 9 Monty White 9 Zara Leach 10 Tula Leach 10 Resul Nurjanov 10 Jerome Yu 10 Kamila Aldongar 11

Ronan Cowing 11 Florence Piggott 11 Jasper Brumpton 12 Charlie Keene 12 Isobelle Mace 12 Freya Wood 12 Maria Cowing 13 Sasha Kemp 13 Annie Carter 13 Iint Ekwongviriya 13 Tobias Millar 13

Thanks to all our fantastic staff and teachers, who turned out in their finest Christmas jumpers and festive hats, to sing carols this Thursday morning - it made for a brilliant start to the day. Thanks also to The Friends of The Prep for organising a tasty Christmas bake sale!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1847 16 December 2016


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