Prep for the Week Issue 1853

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1853 – 3 March 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Personal Achievements Pancake Races World Book Day Kingfishers and Lower School News Girls' and Boys' Sports Calendar Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents Tomorrow we welcome visitors to the school as we hold an Open Morning. As always, not only does this offer an opportunity for prospective parents to view the school, but also a chance for our guides, primarily drawn from Year 8, to hone their presentational skills. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parents. The strongest form of marketing for most institutions is ‘word of mouth’ and The Prep is no different. I sincerely hope that the experience we are giving your children encourages you to speak well of The Prep. If not, you should be challenging me. If so, thank you. Although it is only two weeks since Half Term, the busy nature and the pace of life of the school has already resulted in tired children having to work hard at showing patience and understanding. It is not going to get any easier, especially as we approach the run up to the spectacular production of Bugsy Malone. One has only to see the huge, ambitious set which has been partially constructed in the Assembly Hall to understand the size of the challenge in trying to involve so many, whilst ensuring that it is of the highest standard possible. My belief is that schools should set themselves these challenges as, inevitably, a production does not just rely on the abilities of those directly involved. As well as the producer, director and musical director, there are the many staff who help backstage. Meanwhile, the normal routine of the school must go on and other demands on the cast, especially those which are academic, satisfied. The success, or otherwise, of a school production is a decent barometer of how well a school is functioning overall as the production places demands on the most important aspect of all schools – relationships. There is one disappointment that I always experience at this time of the year and I do see it as

a failure on the part of the school. There will always be at least one child who will have declined the opportunity to have taken part in an event, who will then watch it and regret that they didn’t give it a go. We are always encouraging children to try activities which they would not normally do, even if it removes them from their 'comfort zone’. Learning from failure has almost been removed from the experiences of children as the popular view that children must always be successful has taken hold. Here, we wish to develop greater resilience so that children are willing to 'give it a go’, rather than take the easy option. My favourite quote has to be: “It is not the critic who counts, nor the person who points out how the strong one stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who knows great enthusiasm, great devotion and the triumph of achievement and who, at the worst, if they fail at least fail while doing greatly so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." Jon Whybrow

Heamaster's Commendations Finn Cutts for showing kindness and concern to another pupil in Coach House

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017


Personal Achievements

Congratulations to Jude Richardson, who won 8 medals at the Gloucester County ASA Championships (Swimming) - one more than last year! He won one Gold medal, one Silver medal, two Bronze medals and 4 finalists medals.

Laura Bingham acquitted herself very well at last week's Show Jumping competition. She had a mature approach and slotted well into the team coursewalk. She had one pole down in the 80cm competition but rode very well in the 90cm despite her pony not being quite as cooperative as he might have been!

A huge well done to our chess champs Monty Campbell-Black and Theo Archer, for their performances at the Schools Chess Competition last week, representing Cheltenham Prep. Monty won 5 matches and qualified for the County Megafinal of the Delaney UK Schools Chess Challenge 2017, whilst Theo won the Under 7 Boys' Competition.

Pancake Races!

Well done to everyone who celebrated Shrove Tuesday by taking part in Pancake Races in the School playground this week! We raised ÂŁ189.00 for our charity, Sue Ryder.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017


World Book Day

‘Do Something Booky,’ were the instructions from the organisers of World Book Day 2017 and, in true Cheltenham Prep style, that’s exactly what we did! For the past few weeks, pupils have been busily taking photographs of themselves reading in extreme situations and locations, selecting scenes from books and re-creating them in shoe boxes, planning and making costumes, and scouring bookshelves looking for books to include in our book swap. The day itself was equally busy and exciting and the costumes on display were outstanding; what a superb effort from pupils and parents alike. Two competitions ran all day, Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017

the ‘Staff Shelfie Competition’ where pupils had to match up the photographs of staff bookshelves with their owner, and the ‘Who Am I? Competition’ where pupils had to work out which made-up autobiography title belonged to which member of staff. Who on earth could have written ‘This is the Yiend,’ or ‘All’s Wells That Ends Wells’?! Entrants for all competitions (including Best Costume, Story Boxes and Extreme Reading) will have received a House point and the winners will be announced in Monday’s Assembly. Bookish activities were enjoyed all over the school and in all sorts of different subjects but perhaps the highlight of the day was the fashion show. This year we were

lucky enough to be able to use the fantastic staging for Bugsy Malone for our catwalk. Pupils from every section of the school strutted their stuff and struck a pose for the paparazzi and the judges. The younger members of school were accompanied by the their bookish friends, teachers and weird and wonderfully costumed pupils from higher up the school. This event was the perfect example of how books can bring people together; a united bookish front. Book tokens have been given out to all pupils and these can be used in participating bookshops to swap for a FREE World Book Day book or to get £1 off any book or audiobook worth £2.99 or more.


Kingfishers It has been a very busy week in Kingfishers. Reception have enjoyed investigating the Design and Technology tools they might need in order to make a bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff. After lots of measuring, hacksawing, drilling and testing the bridges were complete and the goats were able to skip over. They also celebrated St David’s Day and tried their hand at making delicious Welsh cakes. We hope you enjoyed them at home!

We learned to use a saw and a drill to make a bridge for the Billy Goats!

The children throughout Kingfishers have also been learning about the importance of Shrove Tuesday in the Christian faith and, after discovering why many people try to give something up during Lent, Year 2 discussed what they might give up. Everyone agreed this sounded like it could be tricky, especially if we picked something we really liked, such as eating chocolate! Thanks to everyone who brought in their frying pan on Tuesday - we all took part in the pancake races and had a flippin' good time! World Book Day was great fun: the boys and girls came up with such a wide array of characters to dress up as, and even the teachers came to school in their costumes! Everyone tried to guess which characters the teachers were - some were easy but some were very tricky.

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Now we know how to roll out and cut the Welsh cakes before cooking them...

It was great fun showing off our World Book Day costumes, and we even took part in the costume parade in the Assembly Hall with the older children. 5

Lower School Over the past few weeks, Year 4 pupils have been enjoying their Viking topic in History lessons, but also throughout the rest of the curriculum. They have created some beautiful artwork and below are a few examples. Please feel free to visit Lower School later in the term to see some of this fabulous work on display. The children have more to look forward to in this topic, especially next week when they will be taking part in the Year 4 Viking Day experience. This will be lots of fun and add to everything they have learnt so far.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017

Boys' Sports... Boys' Hockey Results Team Opposition 1st VII Beaudesert 1st VII 1st VII Bromsgrove 1st VII Beaudesert 2nd VII 2nd VII 2nd VII Bromsgrove 2nd VII 3rd VII Beaudesert 2nd VII Bromsgrove 3rd VII 3rd VII 4th VII Beaudesert 3rd VII Bromsgrove 4th VII 4th VII 5th VII Beaudesert 4th VII 5th VII Bromsgrove 5th VII Beaudesert 4th VII 6th VII 6th VII Bromsgrove 6th VII Beaudesert 5th VII 7th VII 7th VII Bromsgrove 7th VII U11A Dean Close U11A Rugby School Festival U11A U11B Dean Close U11B U11B Bromsgrove U11B U11C Dean Close U11C U11C Bromsgrove U11C U10A Dean Close U10A U10A Bromsgrove U10A U10B Blue Dean Close U10B U10B White Dean Close U10B U10B Bromsgrove U10B U10C Dean Close U10C U10C Bromsgrove U11D U9s Clifton Festival U8s Clifton Festival

Result Won Won Won Won Won Drew Won Won Won Won Won Won Won Lost Lost Winners Lost Lost Lost Lost Drew Won Won Drew Won Won Lost Festival Festival

Score 8-1 4-1 4-0 2-1 2-0 1-1 5-1 6-1 2-0 5-0 3-0 2-1 4-0 0-7 1-6 N/A 1-7 0-5 0-7 5-2 1-1 9-5 1-0 1-1 2-0 5-0 0-3 N/A N/A


...continued For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n Twitt @chelt er! prep_b oys 1st VII v Beaudesert: Won 8-1 Having performed well in the Severnside tournament, the players were confident ahead of their game against Beaudesert, despite missing their Captain and centre midfield. There was a very good start: playing the ball early into space and running directly at opportunities in the early part of the game meant we were able to pull out to a comfortable four goal lead, scoring regularly in the first half. The team was able to snub out most of their attacks before they developed, and those that did were dealt with comfortably by the goalkeeper.

and the floodgates opened. Credit should go to the boys who had stepped up from the second team, who slotted in extremely well and demonstrated the depth we have in Upper School hockey at present. 2nd VII v Beaudesert The Prep 2nd VII took to the astro, having emerged as winners from the Severnside Tournament the previous Wednesday, beating Dean Close in the process and not conceding a goal on their route to finishing first place. The boys have developed an expansive style of play over the last few weeks, looking to move the ball wide and dictate the tempo of the game through passing.

There were a few changes to the side, enforced by absences in the 1st VII but the team were ready for the challenge The second half showed more resolute posed by Beaudesert. Right from the defence from the Beaudesert 1st team start The Prep set the pace, searching and we found it harder to break their for an early goal. After some sustained defence down as we eased off a little. pressure the deadlock was broken and this initial goal was quickly followed They scored on the break and this sparked us back into action. The boys by a second. The 2nds then continued then started to play a simple passing to control the game and there was game linking up passes, making good a great variety of passing as they asserted their dominance. The full decisions with and without the ball, backs broke up play and provided creating time for others to play. We some excellent distribution to support scored four in quick succession and finished dominating the game at 8-1, the sustained attack. A third goal as their energy levels dropped a little was scored as a deserved reward for

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017

the pressure applied by the forward players. The fourth goal was a serious contender for 'goal of the season'; a number of passes were strung together from almost all the players on the field and this was finished with a tap in, which completed a very tidy performance and another clean sheet. The game was only 20 minutes long due to the round-robin format but it is clear to see that the 2nd VII are playing a very good but effective brand of hockey. U11A Tournament Win (photo below left) The journey these boys have been on this term has been incredible; with disappointments, near misses and now triumphs! They have proven themselves to be a very resilient group, having experienced the lows and now achieving the great highs. The latest of which being their tournament win at Rugby School, a culmination of impressive progression during the last month. Having recently nearly qualifying to the IAPS Finals, beating Dean Close at Clifton Tournament (only to be pipped on goal difference), to beating Bilton Grange, the winners of the IAPS Regional Final, on our way to winning the tournament this week. The real difference now is that they believe in their own ability and work tirelessly for the team and, in doing so, have notched up 5 wins and 1 draw this Wednesday against other large sporting schools. From this victory, the children will take away memories which will give them the self-belief and trust in each team member to fulfil their role well, in an encouraging and resourceful culture. As one parent said, this achievement “will have done their self-esteem no end of good as a team�. It is all about their team performance and this term they have really embraced and understood this, let's hope this is only the beginning of a winning mentality. 7

Girls' Sports s and s, fixture witter! w e n r o F s on T follow u , s e t a d up repgirls @cheltp

Team of the Week – 3rd VII We started off a little shakily, dropping easy balls and finding it difficult to retain possession. We looked like fish out of water until… that first goal went in and then our confidence grew. Our shooters were on fire today, rarely missing an opportunity to score and by the end of the first quarter we were leading easily. Our goal attack had to miss the second quarter due to injury and this really upset our attacking play and shooting opportunities. Our defending was strong, and the Gloucester team lacked the shooting power needed to make any realistic comeback. We did lack flow in our centre court area today, so our focus for our final match is to get back the lovely through court rhythm that has developed in our last two matches.

Girls' Netball Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE 1st VII Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 7 – 23 2nd VII Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 5 – 15 3rd VII Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 15 – 15 4th VII Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 13 – 8 5th VII Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 15 – 0 U11 A Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 14 – 11 U11 B Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 8–0 U10 A Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 5 – 11 U10 B Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 1–7 U10/U11 C Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 2–7 U9 A Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 7–2 U9 B Dean Close Sat 25 Feb 4–6 U8’s – 3 teams Beaudesert Festival Sat 25 Feb W 4, D 2 , L 6 TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE Denmark Road HSFG Wed 1 Mar 10 – 6 1st VII 2nd VII Denmark Road HSFG Wed 1 Mar 9 – 5 3rd VII Denmark Road HSFG Wed 1 Mar 20 – 14 4th VII Denmark Road HSFG Wed 1 Mar 7 – 20 5th VII Denmark Road HSFG Wed 1 Mar 10 – 16 St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 14 – 10 U11 A U11 B St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 10 – 3 U10 A St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 8 – 7 U10 B St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 7 – 3 U9 A St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 5 – 2 U9 B St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 3 – 2 U8 A St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 2 – 4 U8 B St Edward's Wed 1 Mar 3 – 6

The U11 Girls travelled to Port Regis School near Shaftesbury for their regional IAPS Netball Tournament The first 4 teams in each group went through to the play off rounds. We came 4th out of 8 teams in our side of the draw and narrowly missed out. However, it was a great day of netball, with lots of matches played and the girls gave a good account of themselves against some tough competition. We saved our best game till last, against Clayesmore, showing off some exceptional netball and everyone finished happy and proud. Well done girls. Results as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lost 3-4 v Port Regis Won 7-0 v Truro High Drew 3-3 v Hanford Drew 3-3 v Dumpton Lost 2-6 v The Marist Prep Won 7-2 v Clayesmore

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 5 March 2017 13:00 Boarders' Trip to The Oasis (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 14:00 Year 6 mixed Hockey and Netball Tour returns from Guernsey Monday 6 March 2017, Week 9, 6 - 12 March House Music Competition - preliminary round (Lake House) 10:30 Upper School Girls' Team Photos 11:15 Lower School Team Photos 12:00 Middle School Team Photos 13:00 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): Year 2 Boys and Girls. Start 13:45. Pick up 15:30 15:00 Upper School Team Bath Trip 15:00 Upper School Boys' Team Photos Tuesday 7 March 2017 House Music Competition - preliminary round (Lake House) 10:30 House Cross Country Relays Wednesday 8 March 2017 House Music Competition - preliminary round (Lake House) Kingfishers 100 Days of School 12:15 Departure for Prior Park Netball Tournament (A): U11A. Start 13:30. Pick up 17:15 13:00 Departure for Netball v The Downs Wraxall (A): U10A, U10B. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 13:00 Departure for Netball v The Elms (A): 2nd VII, 4th VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 13:30 Hockey v Dean Close (H): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Pick up 16:00 13:30 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): 3rd XI, U11A VII, U11B VII. Start 14:15. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Netball v Abberley Hall (H): 1st VII, 3rd VII, 5th VII. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Hockey v Dean Close (H): 1st XI, U10A VII, U10B VII. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): 4th XI, 5th XI. Start 15:15. Pick up 16:45 15:00 Departure for Netball v Richard Pate (A): U9A, U9B. Start 15:45. Pick up 17:15 Hockey v Dean Close (H): U11C VII, U10C VII. Pick up 16:30 15:15 15:30 Netball v Airthrie (H): U11B. Pick up 16:45 15:45 Netball v Richard Pate (H): U8A, U8B. Pick up 17:00 Thursday 9 March 2017 Year 4 Viking Day 08:30 Year 7 overnight History Trip to Kent (Battle of Hastings and Canterbury Cathedral) 15:35 Departure for Cross Country League Race 4 at St Edward's (A): Years 4-6. Pick up 17:15 Friday 10 March 2017 House Maths Challenge 14:15 Chapel (parents welcome) 15:00 Netball v St Olave's, York (H): U10A, U10B. Pick up 16:15 Rugby v St Olave's, York (H): U10A VII, U10B VII, U10C VII. Pick up 16:15 15:00 15:30 Exeat begins for children in Kingfishers: no after school care, activities or tea 16:00 Exeat begins for children in Lower School: no after school care, activities or tea 16:15 Exeat begins for children in Middle and Upper School: no after school care, activities or tea 18:00 Year 7 return from overnight History Trip to Kent Saturday 11 March 2017 09:00 College Open Morning until 13:00 Sunday 12 March 2017 19:00 Boarders return, please arrive no later than 19:30 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Charlie Birch 4 Ryan Navaei 8

Maya Colbourne 9

Charles Martin 9 Isla-Rose Elliman


Sky Jamieson 11 Maja Hague 12 Imogen Mansell-King


Eddie Buttress 13

Uniform Shop We would like to politely ask parents not to bring any more second hand grey trousers for sale for the time being, as we have large amounts of stock. At the same time, parents are very welcome to visit us and purchase second-hand uniform items. We are open on Wednesdays 13:30 - 16.00 and Fridays 13.00-15.00. Thank you.

Monday 10th - Thursday 13th April 2017 ACTIVITY CAMPS


Easter Camp Over 20 exciting games and sports, including arts, crafts and swimming for boys and girls aged 4½ - 14 years

01242 705 551

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1853 3 March 2017


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