Prep for the Week Issue 1854

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1854 – 10 March 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations A View from Coach House Kingfishers and Lower School News House Music, STEM Club, Bugsy Malone, Music Award Holders' Recital, Ski Trip and House Baking Year 6 Sports Tour to Guernsey Girls' and Boys' Sports Cross Country Calendar Notices

some f o e r pictu t a e r g a ockey h l o Here's o h le Sc d d i M oying j n of our e s eam t l l a b t bout a e and ne r o ad m e r e if r to u o T beach l s t Spor 6 r a e 10! the Y e g a P ey on s n r e u G

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents This week I wish to focus on the successes of those who have sat examinations, either for scholarships at College or to gain entrance into a range of senior schools. I am delighted to announce the following awards and successes: •

Sydney Fairs has gained a place at Rendcomb College in Year 7

Noah Campbell-Black has gained a grammar school place

Tom Shaw has gained a Sports Scholarship to Dean Close

Meredith Aylott, Aleki Jeveons, Martha Llewellen Palmer and Kamila Aldongar have all gained places to Cheltenham Ladies' College in Year 7

Laura Bingham has gained an Academic Scholarship to Cheltenham Ladies' College in Year 9

Phoebe Channing has gained a Drama Scholarship to Dean Close

Awards from Cheltenham College: • Academic: Gabby Bifulco, Finlay Hurst, Molly Krauer, Rory Maddinson, Thea Peterken •

Art: Annie Carter, Imogen Friessner-Day, Molly Krauer, Tobias Millar

Design Technology: Oliver Callon Hine, Maria Cowing

Drama: Minette Tombleson

Music: Annie Finan, Imogen Friesner-Day, Harry Garbutt, Thea Peterken

Sport: Gabby Bifulco, Ross Broughton-Johnson, Eddie Buttress, Oliver Elliot, Finlay Hurst, Anya James, Isabella Mills, David Noble, Tom Peck

Not only do I wish to congratulate those who have been successful, but also I wish to applaud the willingness of those who were not for their courage and determination in testing themselves. I refer again to my quote in last week’s edition: “It is not the critic who counts, nor the person who points out how the strong one stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017

the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who knows great enthusiasm, great devotion and the triumph of achievement and who, at the worst, if they fail at least fail while doing greatly so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." I have also one very important piece of staff news to announce. After six years, Mrs Jenkins has decided to step down from the position of Deputy Head (Academic). In this time, the academic standards in The Prep have improved dramatically and this progress is down to Mrs Jenkins’ drive, expertise and professionalism. Concentrating on ensuring that teaching standards are high through lesson observation and work scrutiny, Mrs Jenkins has also raised the levels of planning and the extent to which we track all children’s progress. Undoubtedly, the academic awards detailed above are as a result of the work that has been completed ‘under her watch’. After an exhaustive selection process, I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Rachel Hamlyn to the position of Deputy Head (Academic). Educated at Reading University, Mrs Hamlyn has worked in the state sector and, most recently, at St. Hugh’s Preparatory School where she is the Head of Middle School. This position at St. Hugh’s cannot be compared directly to the Head of Middle School at the Prep as Mrs Hamlyn is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the Academic Management Team, which she chairs. Mrs Hamlyn is also a member of their Inspection Preparation Group. It is hoped that Mrs Hamlyn will be able to visit The Prep next term prior to starting in September 2017. 2

On Monday and Tuesday, we have Parents' Evening for Year 8 Common Entrance candidates. It is necessary to hold these events in Classrooms 19 and 20 (adjacent to the Library) as the Assembly Hall has the Bugsy Malone set in place. I would like to encourage you to bring your child/children with you to this Parents' Evening. Over the next few days it will be necessary for me to be away from The Prep. In a competitive market, it is important that The Prep investigates new possibilities and we are already seeing increased interest from those families relocating from London, returning to the UK from overseas and wishing to send their child to board whilst parents undertake a contract abroad. Consequently, I will be attending recruitment events on Tuesday 14 March and from late Wednesday 15 March until Monday 20 March. I will also be interviewing on Wednesday 22 March. As is always the case when I am unavailable, Mr Jenkins will deputise and, of course, I will be in contact by email. I do apologise to those parents who wish to see me and for whom Miss Kent is unable to find the time.

Headmaster's Commendations Rory Jenkins for an outstanding independent research project on Bristol Rovers Willoughby Cooke and Archie McNeill for outstanding commitment to STEM club Joshua Poulain for outstanding work for the school, looking after visiting pupils at Open Morning

It only remains for me to wish you an enjoyable extended weekend with your children as we enjoy Exeat, taking a deep breath before the run up to the end of term. Jon Whybrow

The Cross Country season is coming to a close... Read more on Page 13.

Happy 100 Days of School, Kingfishers! Read more on page 6. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


A View from Coach House our interventions. Learning is reinforced through the use of games, with younger pupils in particular. Pupils really enjoy coming to Coach House – we aim to make our lessons fun, positive and relevant.

In Coach House, we are very lucky to have the opportunity to work with pupils from Years 3 to 8, and this variety is one of the most enjoyable aspects of what we do. We support pupils with a wide range of skills including reading, handwriting and fine motor abilities, spelling, memory, listening skills, maths, laptop use, exam strategies, touch-typing and study skills. Most importantly, we support pupils in developing and maintaining self-confidence, resilience and self-esteem: fundamental qualities to successful learning not just in school, but in life.

If there are concerns about the progress of a pupil, further investigation by specialist trained Coach House staff can be undertaken, following agreement with parents. Should we require it, we have excellent links with external independent Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists who can complete further in-depth assessments and provide valuable advice to parents and staff. Support for learning is fully incorporated within teaching and learning practices across The Prep and Coach House works in partnership with academic departments: contributing to INSETS, organising Learning Lunches on a range of topics,

conducting lesson observations, liaising regarding pupil needs and differentiation, pre-teaching concepts and vocabulary and generally offering advice on special educational needs and issues. We also maintain a detailed learning support database which staff can access, in order to share relevant advice for specific pupils with all staff. As is true of teaching and learning across The Prep, the aim of Coach House is to help pupils to enjoy learning, achieve their academic potential and develop the confidence to become independent learners. Come that all-important and often anxious exam period, we organise exam access arrangements, conducting some assessments ourselves, to allow pupils to have the correct access to exams. Knowing a little bit of extra time or support is available to them makes a huge positive difference to our pupils' state of mind going into these exams. An important part of our role

Pupils who visit Coach House often have mild specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or maths learning difficulties. We aim to teach pupils learning skills and strategies, which they can apply independently to help them to achieve their potential in classes and in exams. We are able to conduct specialist assessments to identify exactly which areas to target and then use multi-sensory resources to address these specific areas in Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


opportunities to develop speaking, reading and writing skills. Pupils enjoy taking part in learning walks: by walking around their new school they discover many new words. Mrs Barrett organises several school wide events such as the annual Year 7 Independent Learning Project, a summer research project (each year we are amazed by the high calibre of entries and this year was no exception) and also 'Young Scientist Day', in partnership with Cheltenham Festivals. At this event, Years 5 and 6 pupils from local schools visit The Prep for an exciting and fun-filled day of science experiments and Design & Technology challenges.

is to meet parents regularly to review pupil progress, discuss any concerns and agree a plan of action to support pupils. We view it as essential that parents are active partners in their child’s education. Coach House staff are fully involved across the school, being integral members of Houses, as well as leading clubs such as Bakery Club (Mrs Barrett and Mrs Williams also organised the House Baking Competition in the Spring Term) and being closely involved in Scouts. Such opportunities allow us to meet a wider cross-section of the pupil community, which is very beneficial.

Years 5 to 8 – this provides greater consistency of support to pupils and to staff. Lower School also benefit from having dedicated Year 3 and Year 4 LSWs for Maths and English.

English as an Additional Language is also part of Coach House, led Learning Support Workers (LSWs) by Mrs Williams. Cheltenham Prep form an important part of the values its international students Coach House team, offering some and is enriched by cultural and 1:1 support in class and general educational diversity. Some support to pupils across the school, international pupils for whom as well as running Maths Clubs, English is an Additional Language spelling lessons and 'Chill & Chat' (EAL) may require additional groups. Handwriting Club also runs support in developing proficiency every morning in Coach House with the English language. The EAL and is much enjoyed by pupils department assesses proficiency who attend – not only do they and delivers a curriculum to develop their handwriting but they develop students’ confidence also participate in fun, fine motor and competence in speaking and activities to develop hand strength. writing the English language. These LSWs are attached to the Maths lessons are taught in an exciting and the English Departments in and interesting way that promotes Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017

Finally, three members of Coach House staff have found time to take up the Music Department's musical challenge! Mrs Buxton is learning the trombone; Mrs Paterson is learning the oboe and Mrs Williams is singing (see picture below!). If anyone would like to sponsor them for the Sue Ryder Leckhampton charity, then please get in touch with these Coach House staff. Mrs Barrett & the Coach House team



Next term we are very excited to introduce four new FREE sports clubs! These unique sports activity sessions will be run by specialist Cheltenham College sports professionals, including our Director of Rugby, ex-England and Gloucester Rugby player Mr Olly Morgan. The clubs on offer are: cricket, tag rugby, tennis and football, and will take place during Tuesday and Thursday lunch times for Years 1 and 2.

Make sure to sign up for Kingfishers Cricket Club on Saturday 18 March 09.00-10.00 - it is great fun for everyone. The Kingfishers boys and girls have been practising their bowling and batting skills as well as learning the rules of the game!

Thank you to everyone who bought and baked delicious sweet treats for the our cake sale - we were delighted to raise £83.00 for our school charity, Sue Ryder (and eat some tasty cakes!).

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017

At the weekend, Kingfishers joined the school Open Morning, where they showed off their skills in Cricket, made mud pies in Forest School and demonstrated their cake decorating skills and creativity in Art. They also showed off teamwork skills while playing with board games and iPads! It was a fun-packed morning. They followed this by celebrating their 100th Day of School by writing 100 words in Reception, making number bond crowns in Year One and playing a variety of Maths 100 games and writing an acrostic poem with 100 verses in Year 2! The day was rounded off with a bake sale (see left!) and, finally, a “show and tell” assembly which ended in the children being covered in balloons! An amazing day enjoyed by all! 6

Lower School rse'! Meet 'Big Ho

Some of the presentations included visits to Dubai and Pembroke, skiing holidays, summer holidays, cats, dogs and horses – to name but a All the children in Lower School very few. As you can see from the have been undertaking our internal boards that the children created Speaking and Listening Exams. themselves (pictures below), a These were based loosely on the old variety of information was available. The Lower School staff would like ESB exams. Each pupil had to learn a poem off by heart, prepare a book to thank all the children for their to read and present a subject. The efforts in preparing for, and then listening element was examined presenting, their information. They through the answering of questions were all very polite and courteous and, overall, they enjoyed the by the class. experience. The exams took place over two days – including World Book Day – and We would also like to introduce you the children performed really well. It to 'Big Horse'! This is the 3D project is always daunting to stand in front that Lower School are undertaking ahead of the SATIPS National Prep of your peers and be the centre Art Exhibition, which will be with us of attention, but everyone coped again in April. Big Horse is coming admirably.

along well and will soon be covered in the hand prints of all the Lower School children. But we can’t call him Big Horse forever! So, we would like to offer you the chance to name him. This competition will be open to all children from Nursery through to Year 8, as well as all the adults associated with The Prep – teachers, parents, friends and support staff. Entries cost £1 and all proceeds to go to the school's charity, Sue Ryder. Visit Lower School to complete an entry form and the winner will be drawn out of The Prep Gold Cup. The prize also entitles you to be the Winning Owner of The Prep Gold Cup and have your name attached to Big Horse.

House Music - Preliminary Rounds Well done to all of The Prep's enthusiastic musicians for their performances in the preliminary rounds of the House Music competition. After this first round of the competition, based on the number of children who entered from each House, the results stand thus: 1st Athens 2nd Rome 3rd Corinth 4th Troy 5th Persia 6th Sparta Head of Music, Mr Kit Perona-Wright said "Congratulations to everyone for taking part in this competition. You have represented your Houses with distinction and have all earned valuable House points by doing so. The playing and singing has been to a very high standard." Who will take the lead in the final round? Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


STEM Club glide into National Final of Engineering Challenge "The Cheltenham Prep STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Club set off with gliders and poster presentations in hand to the Flying Start Challenge this week! Hosted by Churchdown School, eleven teams competed in the aerospace-themed engineering competition, four of them from Cheltenham Prep. When we arrived, the Event Manager for Gloucestershire explained the terms of our challenge. There were to be five sections: an engineering challenge, a quiz on the STEM of flight, a chance to present our posters explaining the STEM of the glider we had designed and made, a practice flight and, finally, questions from the judges. Our engineering challenge was to build a life size model of landing gear as quickly as possible! We then had to fly our glider with the landing gear in place. There were a maximum of 600 points to be won: 200 for the glider flight, 150 for the

engineering, 150 for the poster and 100 for the quiz. Our team was called the ‘Royale Flyers.’ Whilst we were a little disappointed with the flight of our glider, we felt we did well with the engineering challenge, quiz and poster. There were to be four awards: one for best engineering performance, and three for overall performance. The winners were to be invited to the national final at the National Aviation Museum in Somerset, and given the opportunity to fly their gliders under a real Concorde! Finally, the moment arrived when the results were announced. We were so anxious to find out how we had done. We couldn’t believe it when we won the award for best engineering performance and a place at the national final! We are now trying to improve our glider to do our very best… wish us luck!" By Archie McNeill & Willoughby Cooke

Book Bugsy Tickets Now!

y s g u B e n o l a M

The cast of Bugsy Malone is in the final week of rehearsals and we’re almost ready to practise with real ‘splurge’ guns and custard pies! The cast are costumed, the songs are buzzing in our heads and an air of excitement is in the air. Blue Parrot, our visiting technical company, have half-built the set and there are more spectacular effects to follow, such as a huge video wall, which will be centre-stage and atmospheric lighting effects. Blue Parrot, a company run by two ex-Prep pupils, Jonnie and Alex Clough, will be resident with us for the final weeks of rehearsals and production. Tickets are available from Reception and are going quickly, so please book your seats if you wish to see the show.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


Music Award Holders' Recital at Gloucester Road Primary School As part of the Music Outreach Programme, the Upper School Music Scholars travelled to Gloucester Road Primary School on Friday 3 March to perform to their pupils. Only a one-form entry school, the entire school from Reception to Year 5 (Year 6 were on a trip) sat attentively and listened to our scholars perform a variety of pieces on their various instruments. This is our second visit to Gloucester Road to perform to the school, and we look forward to strengthening the community partnership further in due course.

Artemis British Interschool Ski Challenge 2017 Good luck to Bertie Bennett, Ben Cunningham, Toby Jones, Oscar Mann, Hector McPherson, Charles Maynell and Harry Richardson who will all be travelling to Italy to compete in the Giant Slalom and the Stubby Slalom at the Artemis British Interschool Ski Challenge! The trip, arranged by Mr Yiend, will take the team to the snowy slopes of Pila from 17 to 22 March, for a combination of training, competing and enjoying the glorious surroundings! We look forward to hearing all about the team's progress.

House Baking Prize Winners! Congratulations to the following pupils who have received prizes for their wonderful, creative efforts in the House Baking competition: Lower School Winner: Sophia McCarthy 3A Runner Up: Ava Blackhurst 3S Middle School Winner: Tom Shaw 6B Runner Up: Matilda Culpan 5W Upper School Winner: Joe Coley 7S Runner Up: Maria Cowing 8P Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


Year 6 Enjoy Sports Tour to Guernsey Thirty two Year 6 children had a superb couple of days of sport and beachside fun in Guernsey last weekend. The schedule was jampacked with Hockey and Netball, with some sandcastle sculpting and dodgeball thrown in for good measure. The Prep's children were hosted by families of Elizabeth College Junior School pupils; this gave our children a fabulous opportunity to make new friends and experience island life as part of a

Guernsey family. On Friday evening and Saturday afternoon our pupils were treated to a huge variety of activities from movies, shopping, bowling and meals out to trips to one of the many beautiful beaches that can be found across the island. For some of our children, it was the first time on a plane and staying away from their own families. The staff on the trip were impressed with how well the

children dealt with this and they were all excellent ambassadors for the school. Aside from the brilliant experiences off the field, there was the small matter of the Hockey and Netball matches to attend to: 33 in total! Staff are very proud to report that our teams performed impressively against the various oppositions. A collation of the sports results from the weekend are below.

Friday Morning Hockey - Boys' & Girls' teams Cheltenham (Boys 1) V ECJS (1) 3-1 Win Cheltenham (Boys 1) V Cheltenham (Girls 1) 0-5 Cheltenham (Girls 1) V ECJS (1) 1-3 Loss Cheltenham (Boys 2) V ECJS (2) 2-1 Win Cheltenham (Boys 2) V ECJS (3) 3-0 Win Cheltenham (Girls 2) V ECJS (2) 1-0 Win Cheltenham (Girls 2) V ECJS (3) 2-0 Win Afternoon Hockey - Boys teams Cheltenham (Boys 1) V ECJS 4-0 (Rain stopped play) Cheltenham (Boys 2) V ECJS 1-1 Draw Afternoon Netball - Girls teams Cheltenham A V ECJS 3-0 Win Cheltenham A V Blanchelande 6-2 Win Cheltenham A V Melrose 4-1 Win Cheltenham A V Cheltenham B 3-0 Win Cheltenham B V ECJS 0-1 Loss Cheltenham B V Melrose 0-0 Draw Cheltenham B V Blanchelande 1-3 Loss Saturday - Hockey Tournament - Mixed teams A team tournament (7 teams) 1st Cheltenham Prep Sky (unbeaten champions) 2nd Cheltenham Prep Royals (beaten only by Cheltenham Sky!) 3rd Victoria Prep Blades 4th eq. ECJS Eagles 4th eq. Guernsey Hockey Pumas 6th St Michael's Colts 7th Ladies College Chargers B team tournament (8 teams) 1st St George's Dragons 2nd Victoria Prep Stripes 3rd Ladies' College Lightning 4th Cheltenham Prep Navvies 5th Cheltenham Prep Turks 6th ECJS Elks 7th ECJS Eskimos 8th Guernsey Hockey Leopards Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


Girls' Sports d fixtures an For news, itter! w ow us on T ll fo , s te a d up pgirls @cheltpre

1st Team Congratulated for 'Team Spirit' at U13 IAPS Netball The 1st team arrived at Bruton full of anticipation, with only one team in their group known to them and a morning of exciting games and opportunities ahead. The ‘known team’ were Beaudesert who had provided a challenge at the start of our season and the girls took to the court with determination to come out with a different result. The conditions were poor for the first two hours of the morning and the team battled against a very strong, gusting wind which made it very difficult to bring the ball down the court. Shooting was particularly hard and the result was a 2-4 loss despite a great comeback

in the second half. There was time to regroup and consider how best to adapt play on a windswept Somerset hillside and they emerged victorious from their second game against Perrott Hill where the score was a hard-fought 3-2. The girls executed shorter passes and ensured that they drove forward to receive the pass with great success. The next match turned out to be the girls’ toughest: the strength of Durlston Court’s defence was extremely impressive, despite our excellent movement and timing in the attacking circle. This team actually went on to qualify for the National finals so the girls should not feel too disappointed with their 2-9 defeat. By this stage we knew that we would have to win our final two games and other teams would have to stumble in order to have a chance to reach the knockout stages of the day, and the girls dug deep not only to win but to ensure that their opponents did not gain a point for reaching half of their score. The playing conditions were much improved by this point and they worked hard on executing well-timed interceptions

Girls' Netball Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE 1st VII Abberley Hall Wed 8 March 15 – 28 The Elms 1sts Wed 8 March 3 – 22 2nd VII 3rd VII Abberley Hall 2nds Wed 8 March 13 – 11 4th VII The Elms 2nds Wed 8 March 6 – 25 5th VII Abberley Hall 3rds Wed 8 March 5–9 U11 A Prior Park Tourn. Wed 8 March Semi Finals U11 B Airthrie Wed 8 March 7–3 U10 A Downs Wraxall Wed 8 March 16 – 3 U10 B Downs Wraxall Wed 8 March 4–4 U9 A Richard Pate Wed 8 March 9–2 U9 B Richard Pate Wed 8 March 1–5 U8 A Richard Pate Wed 8 March 4–2 U8 B Richard Pate Wed 8 March 4–1 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017

and ensuring they used controlled passes to convert the defensive work into goals. They were able to secure wins of 7-2 and 6-2 versus King’s Hall and Salisbury Cathedral School respectively. Unfortunately we had not quite done enough to go through as runners up and finished third in our group after our five matches. However the whole team should be congratulated for their team spirit, their willingness to work hard for each other and their ability to adapt their play in order to cope with the outdoor conditions. The team have made such improvements to their skills and court awareness since January and have worked hard to play as a coherent team. This shone through at IAPS and all is now nicely poised for their final match of the season next week.

U11 A Tournament at Prior Park The under 11A girls had the pleasure of being in a group playing all their group matches indoors in the Prior Park Sports Hall. We played some really good netball and qualified highest in our group. We then came up against St Gabriel’s school in the Semi Final and we had to quickly readjust to playing on an outdoor court. Sadly, St Gabriel's pipped us to it and we didn’t quite make the final. Here are the scores of the individual games: Cheltenham 6 - St Edward's 1 Cheltenham 2 - St John's 2 Cheltenham 5 - Prior Park 3 Semi Final Cheltenham 4 - St Gabriel’s 6 11

Boys' Sports For news, fixtures and updates, follow us on Twitter! @cheltprep_boys

The Downs Rugby 7s Tournament There are four big 7s tournaments on the prep schools’ circuit and usually the winner of the National Schools’ 7s is the winner of one of these tournaments. Most of the big rugby schools stop hockey at half term and focus on their 7s in games. Let me tell you that, in our school’s history, not once have we won one of the ‘Big Four’ tournaments – we lost one in 2011 31 -29 to Millfield (so close!). But 2017 saw us share the title with Moulsford Prep. What makes it all the more remarkable is that we achieved the win by undertaking 7s as an activity and not as part of our games lessons. We played three pool games – drawing against QEH Bristol after leading throughout. After the game some positional changes were made.

The boys seemed too uptight and they were told to go away, relax and have some fun!

one try conceded – the boys were establishing a controlled pattern to their defence.

Then the magic started.

This left the last game. Moulsford had won tournaments already and went one try up in the first half. Then the boys started reeling them in and scored a try to make it 5-5. The whistle sounded for fulltime! After a furious countback it was determined that both sides had scored eleven tries and conceded just two in the final round-robin.

Five tries were scored against Prior Park and then Port Regis were beaten, seeing us qualify for the cup competition. This meant a roundrobin group format where we would play the winners of the other groups. Caldicott – national champions from 2015 and 2016 were beaten 15-0. No tries conceded! The next game was against Dulwich Prep – the biggest prep school in England. The score was 35-5 to Cheltenham. Only

The title was shared and with it Cheltenham found its reputation enhanced.

Boys' Hockey Results Team Opposition 1st XI Dean Close 2nd XI Dean Close 3rd XI Dean Close 4th XI Dean Close 5th XI Dean Close U11A Dean Close U11B Dean Close U11C Dean Close U10A Dean Close U10B Blue Dean Close U10B White Dean Close U10C Dean Close U9A Dean Close U9B Dean Close U9C Dean Close

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017

Result Lost Drew Won TBC Drew Lost Lost Friendly Lost Draw Won Friendly Lost Win Win

Score 0-1 0-0 4-1 TBC 1-1 0-7 0-8 N/A 1-3 1-1 4-0 N/A 0-2 1-0 5-0

Well done to our Year 2 boys and girls who enjoyed hockey fixtures away vs Dean Close School this week!


Cross Country House Cross Country Relays Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in this week's House Cross Country relays (see photos left). It was a perfect bright, cold day for running and many of our staff and pupils came out to support the runner representing their Houses, making for an excellent atmosphere! One boy and one girl ran from each Year Group in each House. Although boys and girls ran in separate races, the event is a co-ed one and the results are combined. The overall results are now in and the outcome was: Results 1st – Athens 2nd – Persia 3rd – Rome 4th – Corinth 5th = Troy and Sparta

Cheltenham & District Cross Country League Race at St Edward's School You always know that the Cross Country season is drawing to a close when the sun is shining and the final race of the Years 4-6 Cheltenham and District Cross Country League is held at St Edward's. The children always look forward in anticipation of “the hill!” After hosting the 3rd race of the season last week, where nearly 400 runners took part, the Cheltenham Prep team set off for St Edward's on Thursday, hoping to finish the league in style. The children did not disappoint! There were some fantastic runs, and each runner tackled “the hill” with enthusiasm and a smile! Many of our runners finished in the top 20 including two Year 4 girls, Lois Jeveons (12th) and Matilda Barter (13th) - our runners of the future! Izzy Anton-Smith finished 4th, despite running for most of the race with one shoe, which meant she came 2nd overall across the season and has now qualified for the County race this Saturday - a great achievement. The depth of the boys and girls teams is fantastic as demonstrated by the final team positions: 3rd for the girls and 5th for the boys, out of at least 25 schools. Well done to one and all - keep on running! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 12 March 2017 19:00 Boarders return, please arrive no later than 19:30 Monday 13 March 2017, Week 10, 13 - 19 March House Music Finals (Lake House) 07:00 Departure for IAPS Hockey Final at Repton (A): U11A VII. Start 10:00. Pick up 17:00 09:10 Academic Scholars to visit Master Printmaker, Sue Brown (Mrs Alayne Parsley) 18:15 Parents' Evening for Year 8 Common Entrance candidates (Surnames A-G) Tuesday 14 March 2017 10:00 Cheltonian Association at the Races (Cheltenham Racecourse) 11:00 Departure for Sibford Rugby 7s (A): U12A VII. Start 12:30. Pick up 17:00 12:00 Year 2 visiting Year 3 in Lower School 18:15 Parents' Evening Year 8 for Common Entrance candidates (Surnames H-Y) Wednesday 15 March 2017 12:35 Departure for Prior Park Hockey Festival (A): U11A VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:00 13:45 Departure for Netball v Richard Pate (A): U10A, U10B. Start 14:30. U11A, U11B. Start 15:30. Pick up 17:15 14:00 Upper School House Hockey. Pick up 16:15 14:00 Hockey v Prior Park (H). U11B VII, U11C VII. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Upper School House Netball. Pick up 16:15 15:00 Lower School House Netball. Pick up 17:00 15:00 Lower School House Football. Pick up 17:00 17:00 Staff v 1st VII Netball. Pick up 18:00 Thursday 16 March 2017 09:00 Year 2 Assembly (Assembly Hall) Parents welcome. Cancelled 11:00 'Bugsy Malone' Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) 16:45 Swimming Gala v RGS Worcester v Wycliffe (H): Years 7-8. Pick up 18:00 Friday 17 March 2017 Ski Trip 08:00 Preparation for Middle School: A talk for Year 4 parents (Library) 14:15 ‘Bugsy Malone’ Technical Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) Saturday 18 March 2017 Ski Trip 09:00 KF Cricket, Barn 10:00 House Swimming Gala. Pick up 13:00 Sunday 19 March 2017 Ski Trip 11:00 Boarders' Mystery Tour (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Isabella Boyd 3 Lily Wheeler 6 William Maynell 7 Charles Maynell 9 Hector McPherson 9 Isabella Mawdesley-Thomas 10 Alexander McCombie 10 Ngonidzashe Mudange 10 Isabelle Hillman-Cooper 12 Matthew Albutt 13 Mark Samonov 13

Uniform Shop We would like to politely ask parents not to bring any more secondhand grey trousers for sale for the time being, as we have large amounts of stock. At the same time, parents are very welcome to visit us and purchase secondhand uniform items. We are open on Wednesdays 13:30 - 16.00 and Fridays 13.00-15.00. Thank you.

Monday 10th - Thursday 13th April 2017 ACTIVITY CAMPS


Easter Camp Over 20 exciting games and sports, including arts, crafts and swimming for boys and girls aged 4½ - 14 years

01242 705 551

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1854 10 March 2017


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