Prep for the Week Issue 1861

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1861 – 26 May 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Athens, Rome and Sparta House BBQ Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News Letter from the Library Can you spare your recyclables? Plea from Craft Club Girls' and Boys' Sports Calendar Notices

exed l e r d n na u f a g all o Wishin t y a d i hol m r e T ds Half n e i r f , f staf , s l i p u our p ies. l i m a f and

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents As part of the introduction of the new Prep rewards system, there has been much conversation throughout the school about how we can both develop and recognise acts of empathy in our pupils. I have no doubt that this quality is not only essential for developing an awareness and sensitivity to modern issues affecting young people (the plight of refugees or the victims of attacks like this week's in Manchester, for example), but is a vital life skill which is highly valued in social circles and work places alike. This week, I have observed many of our staff members discovering empathy for our own pupils, by the bucket-load! As you may have been aware, a small selection of our teachers, many of whom have no musical background and cannot read sheet music, have undertaken to learn a musical instrument and take their Grade 1 exam, here at The Prep. This week's examinations have been a real opportunity for these brave adults to get under the skin of our pupils' experiences here at school. It may surprise you to know that under the eyes of a friendly examiner, there were varying degrees of sweaty palms, shallow breath and genuine anxiety about the exam outcomes. I cannot think of a more timely opportunity for staff to be reminded of the pressures that exams put on all boys and girls in a school environment. First-hand experience of the preparation and practice involved in this kind of undertaking has allowed these staff members to get under the skin of a typical Prep pupil, and I think we all have a renewed sense of empathy for our wards. Of course, testing is necessary to measure and enhance attainment in any school. However, I take great pride in the work-life balance that we aim to instill in our pupils, and am proud to see our Year 8 pupils embracing both revision and rest. I hope this trend continues through the Half Term holiday and into the second half of the Summer Term. Jon Whybrow Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017

Headmaster's Commendations Jemimah Kayode for a quiet and determined approach to her various projects during Boarders' CDT Reuben Chakraborty for terrific effort in swimming Angus Wragg for challenge perceptive questioning Emma Critchley for participation: demonstrating genuine kindness and gratitude to a member of the catering staff

Year 5 enjoyed a taster of life at College this week... find out more on page 8! 2

Friends of The Prep invite you to join in the fun at the...

Headmaster's XI Cricket Match, Doubles Tennis Tournament & BBQ

SUNDAY 11 JUNE If you would like to enter the Headmaster's Doubles Tennis Tournament, please contact Lucy Hill on Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a doubles partner - this is a friendly tournament where partners swap after each match! If you are a cricketer and wish to participate, please contact Tim Buttress on A delicious BBQ tea will be served at 15.30 Thank you and we really hope you can come, the event will be a lot of fun!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Perfect BBQ Weather!

The weather couldn’t have been better for the pupils and parents in Athens, Rome and Sparta Houses to hold their summer barbeque.

After some delicious barbeque food, everyone enjoyed being in the summer sun. The pupils enjoyed playing football, skipping in groups, performing plays and practicing running races for Sports’ Day, whilst the adults just enjoyed relaxing and chatting on a warm evening. A perfect start to summer.

Here are the Holroyd Howe catering team: Executive Head Chef of Cheltenham College, Mike Rooke, and The Prep's Head Chef, Mark Robbins, cooked up a storm together to produce a fantastic BBQ dinner enjoyed by everyone! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Life's a Beach! Year 1 children experienced a truly traditional day at the seaside whilst consolidating their topic work with a talk about the seaside past and present. The children were fascinated to learn about a bathing machine, which people in the past used to enter the water. They had the opportunity to dress up in beach clothing similar to what they would have worn in the past, and discovered that the attire included hats and long dresses! For lunch, we devoured delicious fish and chips on the Grand Pier and followed this with a yummy ice cream on the beach! We built sand castles in abundance whilst enjoying the warm sunshine and had fun playing games! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Lower School

It is hard to believe that we are at half term already with so much packed into six weeks of term. I am delighted with the way Lower School have worked this term, demonstrating so many positive attitudes towards their learning. It has been a pleasure to see them so engaged with their learning activities, classrooms positively hum with energy as they get stuck into a variety of learning tasks. It is so clear to see whether it is a curricular lesson or an after school club that Years 3 and 4 look to make the most of every opportunity that comes their way. City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Lower School Workshop Last week Lower School were lucky enough to be treated to a workshop with the CBSO. During the afternoon we listened to some amazing playing from the string quartet, who played a wide selection of pieces, some classical and some more modern. “My favourites were the theme from James Bond and Dangermouse,” commented one pupil after the performance. “I loved learning the new song, especially finding out about the cello,” stated another. Whilst some pupils who played strings were taught a new piece, others were learning a new song. Putting both together for a mini performance at the end of the afternoon, it sounded sensational as layer upon layer of added voices blended with our musicians to make a lively and memorable finale. Towers Project Working in small teams across the year groups, Years 3 and 4 faced the challenge of ‘Towers Project’. Finding out about different towers, both ancient and modern posed an interesting problem for the teams. With only one source of facts to be accessed, team members had to work in relays to retrieve a fact and share it with their teams. Within a short space of time an amazing number of facts were found out about a variety of famous towers, from The Three Pagodas in China to the record breaking Burj Kalifa in Dubai. Problem solving continued with mathematical problems such as an interactive game of the Towers of Hanoi, and a design and technology challenge for the teams to build the tallest tower from just spaghetti and marshmallows. Although the biggest problem of all may have been resisting the temptation to eat the marshmallows! An independent art activity wrapped up the project with every pupil creating a wonderful wax resist impression of the Eiffel Tower. Satisfying and successful, Years 3 and 4 know a lot more about collaboration, determination and resilience when things don’t go as planned, as well as a lot more about some of the world’s most amazing towers. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Lower School show off their musical skills with a summer concert!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Middle School

On Tuesday the Year 5s had their annual experience day at College. The aim is to do some activities that represent life in Cheltenham College. In the morning they had a round robin of CCF and leadership activities mostly run by College pupils. These were followed by an opportunity to ask questions of current pupils. After lunch in the Dining Hall, the Year 5's had lessons in German, Spanish, Textiles and Resistant Materials. It was judged a very enjoyable day and the pupils got a glimpse of the opportunities available at College. Here's what some of the Year 5 pupils thought of the day: "I loved the challenge of climbing over the wall in CCF. At first I could not do it, but then my friends helped me and it made me realise about the importance of teamwork and sticking at something." - Mia

"I liked using the sewing machines because it was something new and also we made a drawstring bag to take home." - Noah "All the teachers were really nice and friendly. They made us feel welcome." - Zara

"Going through the tunnel in CCF was scary as I get claustrophobic. But once I did it I felt a great sense of achievement. I'm glad I challenged myself." - Kate

Upper School

A huge well done to all The Prep's Upper School Scholars, who took over Assembly this week, and impressed everyone with their confidence and how well they prepared. Watch out after Half Term for more about their presentations and the results of the vote they coordinated.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Letter from the Library A Plea from Craft Club

Pupils may have noticed the clever, colourful signs outside the Library, inviting them in to read. Could you come up with a catchy phrase for Mrs Carson's blackboard? Let her know your witty calls-to-action by popping in to the Library or emailing

After Half Term, the summer Crafts Club will start making desk organisers from recycled goods and are in need of a bit of help with materials. If you come across any of the items below, the club members would be hugely grateful if you could save it and bring it in. If you have anything you can donate, the pupils will need them for the first Friday after Half Term. 1) Tube shaped cardboard - pringle, gravy granule or coffee pots, kitchen roll, poster tubes 2) Shoe boxes - or similar size and shape cardboard boxes, other cardboard 3) Tin cans - eg. baked beans 4) Old wrapping paper/tissue paper, ideally patterned Please bring your donations to Prep Reception, marked for Mrs Lucy Baird, or take them to her in her classroom: Room 15 in the Davies Block. Many thanks in advance for any contributions!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Girls' Sports Year 8 Girls' Rowing Taster Sesison We could not have asked for a better day for the Year 8 girls to do their taster session of Rowing, which was run by Cheltenham College Rowing, to give the girls an idea of what will be on offer to them next year. The sun was shining, the temperature was hot, and the water at the Boat House in Tewkesbury was idyllic. The girls worked round a rota of three activities – a tour of the extensive boat house, a technical session on land, and best of all, a session out on the water in one of the boats. It was an excellent taster for them and the feedback was very positive from both the pupils and the rowing coaches. It seems we may have some budding rowers in our midst.

Tennis Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT U11 5 pairs The Dragon Wed 24 May 5 – 8 LOST U10 5 pairs The Dragon Wed 24 May 5 – 8 LOST Rounders Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT U8 A Pinewood Wed 24 May 7 – 7 DREW U8 B Pinewood Wed 24 May 9.5 – 9.5 DREW U9 A Pinewood Wed 24 May 18.5 – 7.5 WON U9 B Pinewood Wed 24 May 3.5 – 5.5 LOST U10 Pinewood Wed 24 May 16 – 16.5 LOST U11 Pinewood Wed 24 May 9.5 – 14.5 LOST

d tures an er! x fi , s w e itt For n us on Tw w o ll o f , s update repgirls @cheltp

Team of the Week – U9A The U9 A girls have worked really hard to tighten up their fielding. They work well as a team and have been superbly supporting of one another, working hard to back each other up in the field and especially at 2nd and 4th posts. Our first innings saw Pinewood scoring 5 rounders to our 8.5. However, with the second innings, Pinewood went in to bat first scoring a further two rounders. Despite the assured win, we continued to bat well and push for extra points, with the girls now recognising when a score is on the cards. Those valuable half rounders all count and an impressive ten rounders from 18 balls was our second innings score. This was a super win and all round performance from the U9 team this week. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Boys' Sports For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n Twitt @chelt er! prep_b oys

Cricket Results TEAM OPPOSITION RESULT SCORE Chipping Camden U13A Won By 47 runs 1st XI St Hugh’s 1st XI Won By 4 runs 1st XI 3rd XI St Hugh’s 2nd XI Won By 6 wickets 4th XI St Hugh’s 3rd XI Lost By 76 runs 6th XI St Hugh’s 4th XI Lost TBC U11A Cardiff and Vale U11s Lost By 8 wickets Wanderers Beaudesert Colts E Won By 16 runs U9A St Hugh’s U9A Lost By 55 runs U9B St Hugh’s U9A Won By 13 runs

Teams of the Week On Wednesday afternoon our Upper School teams managed something quite special. Caught by fixture congestion we were forced to play the Quarter Final of the Gloucestershire County Cup on the same day as the fixture block against St Hugh’s. Rather than worrying, we were confident enough in the boys' ability and character to ask them to rise to the challenge. We mixed the 1st and 2nd XIs to form two equal ability 1st XIs to play both matches at the same time and we sent our unbeaten 3rd XI off to St Hugh’s to play their 2nd XI. The American baseball player, John Wooden, once said “Sports do not build character. They reveal it”. Faced with a challenge the boys more than stepped up. At St Hugh’s, with their unbeaten season on the line, the 3rd XI made short work of their 2nd XI. The boys chased down the opposition’s total with plenty of wickets in the bank. A superb achievement by the boys. Back at school we were graciously allowed to play a match on the College 1st XI square over the road.

It is quite an honour to grace this wicket and the boys did it justice. A strong batting performance saw our boys post 182/3 off the 30 overs, with one boy falling just short of a century. St Hugh’s started hard and fast after tea and were making good progress, but as the pressure increased our boys stepped up with the ball and in the field. The game came down to the last over and we were able to finish the game with a well-earned victory. Meanwhile over on the Prep 1st XI wicket the other 1st XI took on Chipping Camden in a 20:20 cup quarter final. We posted a strong total of 151/2 off the 20 overs and came out after tea to win the game. Not only had we stretched and challenged the boys, we actually had a Year 5 boy making his 1st XI debut. He not only rose to the challenge, but took wickets in a very strong spell. The game petered out as the wickets fell and Cheltenham Prep won by 47 runs. This was a great day for the school and proof that boys can rise to the challenge when offered the opportunity.

Aquathlon at Malvern College

Congratulations to our U11 and U13 Aquathletes! We came first overall as an entire team and Jude Richardson came 3rd in his individual age group. The race at Malvern College pool and grounds involved a 100m swim followed immediately by an 800m run and ten schools were invited to compete. Our team: U11 Girls: Izzy Anton-Smith, Evie Poulain, Autumn Conner, Aleki Jeveons U11 Boys: Jude Richardson, Tom Hill, Fred Barter, Teddy Bennett. U13 Girls: Matilda Kitson, Evie de Quincey Adams, Laura Bingham, Anya James U13 Boys: Harry Garbutt, Jack O’Connor, Theo Nicholson, Joseph Tagg. A surprising, but well deserved result – well done Team. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


Cheltenham College Prep School

Family Camp Out 16.00 Saturday 17 June to 9.00 Sunday 18 June 2017 •A camping experience for the whole family. •Bathroom facilities in tennis changing rooms. •Pitch your tent on the school grounds for £30 (charged to your end of year account). •Gas barbecues available, bring your own food (or order an Indian takeaway from the Bath Road!). •Gas Barbecue reserved for vegetarians. •Your children will have their friends to play with, under your supervision. •Swimming pool. •Live music by Rock Project.

Please reserve your pitch with Reception or Year Rep by Friday 9 June Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017

•Sunday breakfast included.


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 4 June 2017 19:00 Boarders return, latest return 19:30 Monday 5 June 2017, Week 8, 5 - 11 June School resumes 08:00 10:30 Sports Day Preliminary: 1500m Finals – Year 7 Boys, Year 7 Girls, Year 8 Boys, Year 8 Girls 12:00 Sports Day Preliminary: High Jump Finals – Year 5 Boys, Year 5 Girls, Year 6 Boys, Year 6 Girls 15:00 Sports Day Preliminary: High Jump Finals – Year 7 Boys, Year 7 Girls, Year 8 Boys, Year 8 Girls Tuesday 6 June 2017 Year 8 Common Entrance Examinations 09:30 Years 3 and 4 Trip to The Cheltenham Science Festival 10:30 Sports Day Preliminary: 1500m Finals – Year 5 Boys, Year 5 Girls, Year 6 Boys, Year 6 Girls Wednesday 7 June 2017 Year 8 Common Entrance Examinations 11:30 Year 5 Trip to The Cheltenham Science Festival 12:30 Departure for Rounders Tournament at King's Hawford (A): U11A. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 13:00 Departure for Tennis v The Elms (A): U13 4 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15 13:00 Departure for Tennis v Pinewood (A): U13 6 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15 13:00 Departure for Tennis v Prior Park (A): U13 3 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15 13:15 Year 8 Departure for Rowing Taster Session. Pick up 16:15 14:15 Cricket v Cardiff and the Vale (H): U10A. Pick up 17:30 14:15 Cricket v Bourneside (H): U12A, U12B XI. Pick up 17:30 14:30 Tennis v Pinewood (H): U13 7 pairs. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Tennis v Prior Park (H): U13 3 pairs. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Tennis v Prior Park (H): U11 3 pairs. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Rounders v Berkhampstead (H): U9A, U9B. Pick up 16:00 Rounders v Prior Park and Richard Pate (H): U10A, U10B. Pick up 16:30 14:45 15:30 Rounders v Berkhampstead (H): U8A, U8B. Pick up 17:00 Thursday 8 June 2017 Year 8 Common Entrance Examinations Year 7 Trip to The Cheltenham Science Festival 10:00 10:30 Year 6 Trip to The Cheltenham Science Festival 10:30 Sports Day Preliminary: 1500m Finals – Year 3 Boys, Year 3 Girls, Year 4 Boys, Year 4 Girls Finance, Risk & Development Committee 16:30 16:30 Sports Day Preliminary: Ball Throw Finals – Year 3 Boys, Year 3 Girls, Year 4 Boys, Year 4 Girls. Pick up 17:15 17:00 Sports Day Preliminary: Vortex Finals – Year 5 Boys, Year 5 Girls, Year 6 Boys, Year 6 Girls. Pick up 18:00 17:00 Sports Day Preliminary: Javelin Finals – Year 7 Boys, Year 7 Girls, Year 8 Boys, Year 8 Girls. Pick up 18:00 19:00 The Cheltonian Association – Drinks on the House of Commons Terrace Pavilion Friday 9 June 2017 Year 8 Common Entrance Examinations 09:15 Invited Years 6 and 7 Young Scientists’ Day (part of The Cheltenham Science Festival) Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


11:15 12:00 13:00 14:15 16:15

Sports Day Preliminary: High Jump Finals – Year 3 Boys, Year 3 Girls, Year 4 Boys, Year 4 Girls Year 8 Trip to The Cheltenham Science Festival Kingfishers Sports Day Chapel: House Music rehearsal An exhibition showcasing the work of this year’s 13+ Art Scholars. All welcome.

Saturday 10 June 2017 Year 8 Post CE programme Transition Meeting for parents of children in Year 4 moving into Year 5 (Library) 08:15 Lower, Middle and Upper School Sports Day. Pick up 13:00 09:00 Sunday 11 June 2017 11:00 Departure for Year 8 Residential Trip to Bude (Returning Friday 16 June) Boarders' Fun in The Sun 2 (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 12:30 Friends of The Prep Headmaster's XI Cricket and Tennis Tournament 13:00

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils who

celebrate their birthday this

Keep up to date! Stay up to date with Cheltenham Prep by following us on Twitter (@cheltprep) or on Facebook ( CheltenhamPrep).

week and during Half Term! Charlie Faulkner 4 Yi Cheng Shi 4

Bertram Cooke 5 Peter Cyphus-Hocken


Morgan Dawson 7 Flora Maxwell 7 Iola Waley-Cohen 7

Adam Emirali 10 Adam Yousuf 10 Kitty Dunkerton 11 Sophie Essenhigh 12 Sofia-Maria Capelastegui Josh Yang

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1861 26 May 2017

13 13

Summer Term 2017 Key Dates Mon 5 Jun - return to school Sat 10 Jul - Sports Day for LS, MS & US Sat 17 Jun - Summer Concert & House Singing Sat 1 Jul - Parents' Day (Summer Term ends)


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