Prep for the Week Issue 1862

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1862 – 9 June 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations A View from the Design & Technology Department Kingfishers, Lower and Upper School News Girls' and Boys' Sports Olly Morgan's R360 Rugby Camps Calendar Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents Monday’s assembly was quite hectic as we had to get through our business quickly in order that the Upper School children could participate in the 1500m race. This has set the tone for the final weeks of this academic year as the exciting events come thick and fast. I hope that we see as many of you as possible at some stage! One of these is the Friends of The Prep “Family Camp Out”. I am delighted to announce that we have 45 families who have signed up to create our very own camp site in the heart of Cheltenham and there is a range of activities planned. My thanks to Dan Bingham and all of the form representatives who have planned and publicised this event. The work of the the form reps is crucial in that they often publicise the various events to other parents in their year group. If you have the time and inclination to undertake this valuable role during the next academic year, please contact your existing form rep, or Dan Bingham. As the final pieces of the staffing ‘jigsaw’ are now in place, Heads of Section are able to begin the process of building forms for the new academic year. Using the ‘hands of friendship’ system, a child can be guaranteed that at least one of their friends, from a choice of five, will be in the same form next year. Promising anything else is mathematically impossible. As much as I would like to offer every child exactly who they would like to be with, I think all are aware that this is unrealistic and I thank you for your understanding in this matter. Parents should be aware that we are aiming to publish form and tutor groups for the new academic year on Wednesday 21 June. At the same time, staff discuss the academic sets for next year and so I have asked Mrs Jenkins, the Deputy Head (Academic) to offer a short explanation of what ‘setting’ entails. How we establish and use ‘setting’ “Setting” is used in academic subjects to ensure that all pupils receive the level of support and challenge that is right for them. As a child moves up through the school the number of subjects Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017

that are setted increases as Common Entrance examinations approach. Setting is dynamic. While we would look to avoid a ‘yo-yo’ effect of moving pupils up and down on a weekly (or even monthly) basis, it is right to make moves if a pupil is struggling or not finding the work challenging enough. Working at a slower pace is sometimes the right course of action to help build up confidence and conversely, greater pace can ensure that a child is not underwhelmed by the tasks in front of him/her. These decisions are never set in stone and pupils do move when the time is right. Heads of Department meet their colleagues on a weekly basis and pupils are always discussed in these meetings. When making the decisions to change sets many pieces of information are used: standardised data, internal test scores, marks gained from prep and classwork as well as the teacher’s regular observations. A move up or down is never made based on one of these items in isolation. Probably one of the most important considerations when promoting a child is his/her willingness to be ‘spot on’ with the more mundane tasks on a consistent basis, as well as wanting greater challenge. We must also take into account that some pupils perform at the top of a lower set rather than the bottom of a higher set, so we take into account their pastoral needs in tandem with their academic ability. At the end of the Summer Term each Head of Department will review each pupil’s placement in their subject, taking into account all of the data listed above. A draft version of sets is decided 2

in June but this cannot be confirmed until late August since we often have many new pupils join us over the Summer holidays and their placement can affect the overall set sizes and decisions. For this reason, the Head of Department may not make contact with you until the new academic year begins to inform you if there has been a move. It should also be remembered that next year there will be four teaching groups in Year 7, as there are in Year 8. This means that the existing Year 6 pupils will move from three to four groups. Since many new pupils join us in Year 7 there are likely to be many changes for these pupils. The same is true of current Year 7 pupils (now in three sets) who will move into Year 8 with four teaching groups. If you are ever unsure about your child’s sets

please don’t hesitate to contact their tutor or the relevant Head of Department. And finally… Weather permitting, Sports Days will be held on Friday and Saturday. Whilst we, of course, celebrate excellence, PARTICIPATION is our watch word as we run these events. Participation by those who delight in physical activity and who find the day fulfilling. And participation by those for whom the day is an ‘occupational hazard’ and who are doing it for the House and no other reason. In advance, my congratulations to all as we enjoy traditional Sports Days! Jon Whybrow

Headmaster’s Commendations Maya Forde for excellent participation, attitude and willingness to learn on the Lower School Science Festival day Luke Richardson for excellent independent work outside of lessons in Latin As The Prep's Sports Day preliminary events get underway, we've been looking back at our school's rich sporting history. Thanks to our archives team for digging out these fantastic pictures from 1948, which show both pupils and parents all taking part.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


A View from the Design & Technology Dept. Design and Technology has been enjoying its new location between Art and Science for the past year, with the finishing touches now in place. The updated facilities mean the children can have access to numerous new tools and processes to inspire their creativity and up skill their manufacturing ability. The official launch back in January wonderfully crowned the technologically advanced workshop, with Andy Mitchell (DATA CEO) and Julian Dunkerton (Co-founder of Superdry) giving a speech and cutting the ribbon, respectively. The former, referred to the excellent and model facilities that exist in the brand new department at Cheltenham Prep, saying, “This school can provide you with your first stepping stone along that journey to success. Cheltenham Prep clearly values the subject and the department’s facilities, coupled with the experience, expertise and commitment possessed by its staff are second to none. You will I am sure take full advantage of what is on offer.” The D&T Holiday Courses were initiated this year, with great participation and excitement from the children when making their bird houses, propeller powered karts or catapults. With the Summer Holiday Course now full, this event will continue to be offered during the first week of the holidays. As we look to the future of the department, other initiatives will be implemented, such as a new Design and Technology House Competition, Inter-Schools Tournament and Parent and Child Competition as this subject starts to flex its muscles to engage with the wider community. In order to fully understand this subject and the impact it has not only on the children but on the world around us, I cannot do it justice in this short article. With that in mind, I would like to highly recommend that you click on the link below and spend 10 minutes watching an insightful and inspiring video at Mr Boyd, Head of Design & Technology Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


Kingfishers Kingfishers' Open Afternoon During the Kingfishers Open Afternoon, the children had a lovely time showing their parents what they do at school. They proudly shared their books, explaining what 'pink for think’ and ‘green for go’ meant and also how hard they had worked. In Reception class, the children were very keen to share the bubble-blowing art activities and some mummies even tried their hands at skittles in the children’s homemade bowling alley.

Election Day Election Day in Kingfishers On Thursday our boys and girls took part in election day fever. They were to vote for a book that Mr Whybrow will read in assembly next week. They have learned all about how to vote in an election in the best way - by doing it themselves. The Kingfishers polling station was set up in the Kookaburra Room, with a private polling booth, voting slips and a ballot box. Everyone queued up (we wanted to make it as lifelike as possible!), kept a respectable distance from the polling booth, added their cross and popped it in the ballot box. The children can’t wait to tell Mr Whybrow who the winner is.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


Lower School

Exploring Cheltenham Science Festival The pupils from Lower School were lucky enough to visit the Cheltenham Science Festival and had a fantastic time last week. The day started by attending a very informative session from musical instrument designer Will Embliss. He brought sound to life with his collection of unusual instruments and objects: the pupils found out how sound travels through solids, liquids and gases; discovered a range of string, wind, brass and percussion instruments; and learnt how to vary pitch and volume to create the music we all enjoy. It was a great show. The pupils also explored the Discovery Zone, a huge interactive space, which was a real sight to behold! It was packed with a variety of exhibits and full of enthusiastic scientists and engineers to answer any questions. It was the perfect place to get hands-on with science and discover more about the world around us. The pupils also made their way around the tricky Science Trail, answering difficult questions and cracking the code. During the afternoon, there was a chance to visit ‘The Bloodhound’ and many children tried to make their own version of the fastest car in the world. The final stop was ‘The Craft Tent’, which occupied the children for a long time. There was the opportunity to programme robots, make willow structures, control cars, use a 3D printer, carry out some print-making and much more. It was a great day and the pupils have certainly been inspired to find out more about science in everyday life.

We look forw ard to seeing you all at the Lower Sc hool BBQ! Tuesday 27 J une 18.00-20 .30, Headmaster's Lawn. Please reply to Mrs Grieves by Friday 16 June. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


Year 8 Scholars' Assembly As a part of the History Post-Scholarship Programme, just before Half-Term the scholarship pupils gave a presentation to the school regarding significant Presidents of the United States of America.

The purpose of the presentation would be to determine which president was the most significant. The school would listen to the four arguments and at the end vote on which they thought was the most important.

Elections have dominated the news both in the UK and America over the last twelve months. Earlier in the year as a part of their scholarship extension sessions, the scholars were given a fantastic insight into the US Presidents and their elections, organised by College and presented by pupil, Pablo Espona Barbara, the current President of the Morley Society at College and Mrs Eldred, Head of Politics. This inspired the scholars to further explore politics in the US, moving away from the more traditional studies of the UK and Europe.

The pupils devised these presentations themselves, preparing a script and researching each topic. They had to measure how much of an impact each president had but also think carefully about how to convey this to an audience and convince them that their cause was the most worthy. It is important to note that not all of the presenters were convinced that their president had the most impact but still put on a fine exhibition that did not express their true feeling.

Since the scholarship exam, in the pupils have been working on various projects that have departed from the curriculum and explored further into different characters and events that have coloured our past. The group have produced their own ‘Historical Dinner Parties’ inviting seven guests from across time, predicting their conversations and debates. They have also assembled together a screenplay on the story of 1066, with filming scheduled to be completed by the end of this week. The first step of this new project was to find out which personalities to present. To do this each of the pupils researched ten presidents of the US who they felt had a significant impact on history, giving a brief summary of their influence. A list was then drawn up of the most commonly occurring figures and four candidates were chosen: John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017

The expositions were wide-ranging and superbly put across. There was plenty of historical detail, humour and even a video of a speech! The pupils pitched their subjects at the right level, keeping the attention and interest of staff and pupils alike. However, the results were as follows: 1. Barack Obama; 2. Abraham Lincoln; 3. George Washington; 4. John F. Kennedy Barack Obama was the popular winner but with the fourth place dignitary still receiving a good number of votes, this helps to show the quality of the presentations and the divided nature of opinion. Many thanks go to the Year 8 Scholars for their enthusiasm, research and for putting on a great morning of entertainment celebrating four very important presidents who have had a significant impact on the shape of today’s society. Let’s hope that our newly elected leaders take heed of the past! 7

Girls' Sports and For news, fixtures on Twitter! updates, follow us @cheltprepgirls Girls’ Tennis Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT U13 3 pairs The Elms Wed 7 June 0 – 9 LOST U13 6 pairs Pinewood 1 Wed 7 June 10 – 8 WON U13 5 pairs Pinewood 2 Wed 7 June 18 – 7 WON U13 3 pairs Prior Park 1 Wed 7 June 3 – 5 LOST U13 3 pairs Prior Park 2 Wed 7 June 5 – 3 WON U11/U10 3 pairs Prior Park U11 Wed 7 June 6 - 3 WON Girls’ Rounders Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULT U8 A Berkhampstead Wed 7 June 7 – 8.5 LOST U8 B Berkhampstead Wed 7 June 8 – 4.5 WON U9 A Berkhampstead Wed 7 June 9 – 6.5 WON U9 B Berkhampstead Wed 7 June 9.5 – 2.5 WON U10 A Richard Pate Wed 7 June 14 – 14 DREW U10 B Richard Pate Wed 7 June 15.5 – 17.5 LOST U11 A Kings Hawford T’ment Wed 7 June See report Runner Up U11 B Prior Park Wed 7 June 16 – 10 WON Invitational U11 Rounders Tournament Kings Hawford in Worcester hosted 12 Schools from across South West and the Midlands. We did exceptionally well to reach the Final and came very close runners up to The Elms, who turned out to be our nemesis for the afternoon – both matches against them being ’nail-biters'. Results as follows: Group Stage Won 10-3 V RGS Springfield Lost 5-6 V The Elms Won 5.5-2 V Bluecoat Won 8-3 V Winterfold Won 11.5-6 V RGS The Grange Semi-Final Won 5.5-2 V Bromsgrove Final Lost 5.5-7 V The Elms Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


Boys' Sports For n update ews, fixtures a s, follo w us o nd n Twitt @chelt er! prep_b oys

Boys’ Cricket Results Team Opposition Result Score U12A XI Bourneside U12A Won By 110 runs Bourneside U12B Won By 53 runs U12B XI U10A XI Cardiff and Vale U10 Lost By 3 wickets

Wednesday afternoon provided a snapshot of what we try to do each week at The Prep. It may just appear like a lot of boys playing sport on the fields every Wednesday, but there is always a goal behind every event. The key aim is always added value, not the win/loss, but how each sporting session can ‘add value’ in a certain way to the development of the boys. Wednesday was no different. Year 8, up to their neck in Common Entrance exams, needed something different to provide some mental relief. Standing in the field for hours was not the right solution to this, so we decided to give them a totally new experience – they went rowing. Unfortunately the winds down at the river made the conditions unsafe, so it was an indoor ergo session with the College rowing coaches. This showed the boys that, although being on the river sounds great, there is an awful lot of hard work that goes into rowing behind the scenes and I have no doubt that some boys will have had their appetites whetted for this College option, which only happens by giving them new experiences. In the nets over the road at College and in the Barn, there were plenty of Middle School boys working hard on their batting, bowling and fielding. As great as matches are, if you are out first ball and only bowl two overs... it is a long afternoon of not doing much. Taking the odd Wednesday off to

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017

work on technique gives the coaches two solid hours with the boys, meaning they will hit and bowl an awful lot of balls and add value to their technical development. On the fields we had contrasting matches. On wicket A and C our U12A and B took on Bourneside School, which for many of their boys was their first ever game of cricket. On wicket B our U10A team took on the county U10s from Cardiff and Vale. A huge contrast between the wickets. Our U10As, who were unbeaten, were 11 boys selected from a year group of 31, the opposition 11 boys selected from thousands. It was a very close game, which came right down to the penultimate over and our boys more than stepped up to the challenge that was put in front of them. They lost, but learnt so much from being taken out of their comfort zone. Both the Bourneside games were easy wins for our boys, but they were superb in showing empathy and working with the boys who were new to the game. A wonderful example of how to win with grace and demonstrate true sportsmanship. So, whether boys were winning with grace, learning from a loss, developing their technique or experiencing new challenges every child would have finished the day yesterday in a better situation than they were at 14:00... and we will do it all again next week !


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Monday, 12 June 2017, Week 9, 12 - 18 June Year 8 in Bude 07:00 Departure for Year 7 Spanish Trip (Returning Friday 16 June) 10:30 Departure for Year 7 French Trip (Returning Friday 16 June) 13:00 Cricket v Elizabeth College Guernsey (H): U11 Hosting XII. Pick up 16:30 14:30 Athletics v Elizabeth College Guernsey (H): U11. Pick up 16:15 Tuesday, 13 June 2017 Year 8 in Bude 08:30 Year 5 Trip to WWT Slimbridge 12:30 Parents invitation to pupil ballet lessons - Contact Mrs Macinnes Cricket v Elizabeth College Guernsey and Richard Pate (H): U11 Hosting XII. Pick up 17:30 13:00 14:30 Rounders v Elizabeth College Guernsey (H): U11. Pick Up 16:15 Wednesday, 14 June 2017 Year 8 in Bude Departure for The Downs Wraxall Cricket 6 a-side (A): U11A VI. Start 13:00. Pick up 18:45 11:45 12:30 Parents invitation to pupil ballet lessons - Contact Mrs Macinnes 13:00 Departure for Rounders v St Hugh’s (A): U9A, U9B, U10, U11. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15 13:15 Departure for Cricket v Dean Close (A): U11B XI, Wanderers XI. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 14:00 Cricket v Dean Close (H): U10A XI, U10B XI. Pick up 17:15 14:15 Cricket v Pinewood (H): U9A VIII, U9B VIII, U9C VIII. Pick up 16:30 14:30 Tennis v St Hugh’s (H): U11 5 pairs, U10 5 pairs. Pick up 16:15 15:00 Departure for Cricket v Dean Close (A): U8s. Start 15:30. Pick up 17:45 Thursday, 15 June 2017 Year 8 in Bude 09:15 Reception Class Trip to WWT Slimbridge 13:30 Lower School Maths Challenge (Assembly Hall) Friday, 16 June 2017 08:30 Year 6 History Trip to Bosworth Battlefield. Pick up 16:30 Fun Friday: Stay and play session for Pre-3s (Nursery) 09:00 10:00 Cheltenham Prep display at Royal Three Counties Show (Malvern) 12:00 Year 7 return from Spanish Trip 13:15 Kingfishers Moving Up and Joining In Afternoon 14:15 Chapel (Parents welcome) Year 8 return from Bude Residential Trip 15:30 17:00 Year 7 return from French Trip 18:30 Year 8 Leavers' Dinner (Dining Hall). Pick up 21:30 Saturday, 17 June 2017 Year 8 Post CE programme 08:30 Summer Concert rehearsal (Chapel) 10:00 Cheltenham Prep display at Royal Three Counties Show (Malvern) 10:00 Cricket and Rounders internal Fixture (H): Year 2 Boys and Girls. Pick up 12:00 10:30 Summer Concert and House Singing Competition (Chapel) 18:00 Friends of The Prep Family Camp Out Sunday, 18 June 2017 10:00 Cheltenham Prep display at Royal Three Counties Show (Malvern) 13:15 Boarders' Bushcraft with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) 15:00 Year 7 24 Hours at College Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the

following pupils this week! Reuben Chakraborty


Sofia Games


Arthur Robinson


Nell Lamyman 7

Felix Warr 10 Phoebe Channing 13 Isabella Mills


Olivia Piggott 13

Key Dates With just three more weeks to go until the end of the 2016-17 academic year, don't forget to add these key dates to your diary! Saturday 11 June Lower, Middle and Upper School Sports Day Saturday 17 June Summer Concert and House Singing Competition (Chapel) Tuesday 20 June Whole School Photograph Friday 23 June Kingfishers Moving Up and Joining In Afternoon Saturday 1 July Parents Day and end of Summer Term

Don't forget to come and find Cheltenham Prep at the Royal Three Counties Show in Malvern, from Friday 16 - Sunday 18 June! Find us on stand 7017 on Row 7. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1862 9 June 2017


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