Floreat 2018 - Obituary Supplement

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Timothy Peter Graystoke Allen FICA (BH, 1971)

Timothy Allen died on the 25th August 2017, aged 64. Dr Francis Michael Andrews FRCP (DB, 1949) Francis Andrews died on the 5th September 2016, aged 85. On leaving College, he went on to study Medicine at the Middlesex Hospital, graduating in 1954, leading to a very distinguished career from which he retired early as a Consultant in Rheumatology and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. He objected strongly to what he saw as the politicisation of health and the National Health Service. He then qualified as a Deacon, serving in the Birmingham Diocese until his very last moments. Many experienced Francis in his public roles in the NHS and in the Diocese where his reserve and shyness were masked by his role. Fewer saw his behind the scenes commitments. These included his involvement as a trustee of the Arthros Charity, his practical support of single young mothers in difficulties, involving him and his wife opening up their home to people who would otherwise have no support, his support of the Developing World Food programme, his membership of Amnesty, CND and the Labour Party. Francis committed to what he believed in, even when those commitments could be considered controversial by some. This commitment extended even to challenging the Church institution when he felt it had got things wrong. He was certainly not a passive follower. In his spare time, he was an avid model railway enthusiast and a collector of Moulton bicycles. He was an enthusiast for decent wine, and for the rather more dubious homemade variety! Francis lived a full life despite being very ill since childhood. He was diagnosed as diabetic at 7 years old and succeeded educationally despite missing a great deal of schooling. He injected himself twice a day with insulin for almost all of his life and had every expectation of dying early. His family were aware of this but it was not shared with many others. Francis was predeceased by his wife and is survived by his six children, seventeen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. John Charles Boutflower (OJ & NH, 1951)

John Boutflower, son of C.H. Boutflower (Hsm Xt, 1947-61 and Past Head of Classics) and father of Robert Boutflower (OJ & H, 1983) and Kirstin (Cha, 1984), died on the 14th December 2017, aged 84. He was Head of House and a College Prefect. The highlight of the year was when he and the other College Prefects escorted the then Princess Elizabeth when she visited College as part of the Centenary celebrations. On leaving College, he qualified as a Vet at Bristol University. John served his National Service as a Captain in the Royal Veterinary Corps and was posted to Cyprus in the troubled times before separation. After several short veterinary assistant posts, he ended up in Chepstow in a partnership with Johnny McEwan (Th, 1962).

spent Beagling with the Clifton Foot over the Somerset Levels. He never really valued fox-hunting in the same way, although he wrote often in Hunting Magazine about scent hounds and their breeding, while his association with the horse was somewhat ambivalent. He liked them best viewed through binoculars crossing the finishing line at Prestbury Park (where he worked for many years at the Festival), rather less when they refused to box, broke the fences, churned up the paddocks or ate the trees! John was a very keen fisherman, his grandfather teaching him aged six! It took him on a New Zealand adventure in search of monster wild brown trout, where his ‘singular’ approach and stubbornness almost forced his wife Sheina onto the plane home without him. He caught a salmon each decade of his life, always in the most underfished, challenging parts of the UK, including the longest and thinnest 8-pounder ever to come out of the Barle (to huge acclaim from the Tarr Steps Hotel). Sadly, John’s long-term battle with Parkinson’s Disease set in as they moved to Wiveliscombe in the late 90s. He locumed, and even had a stint looking after the health of a dairy herd in Riyadh, but found he could do less and less veterinary work. Happily, they settled into life on the edge of Exmoor and made many good friends, as well as attending Cheltonian South-West events whenever he could. John is survived by his wife Sheina, son Robert and daughter Kirstin and his three grandchildren. Stewart John Russell Osborne Carey (Xt, 1947) John Carey, brother of R.K.O. Carey (OJ & Xt, 1957), died on the 21st of December 2016, aged 87. Harvey Ian Richard Cole (OJ & Ch, 1947)

Harvey Cole, brother of R.D. Cole (OJ, 1945) and the late M.E. Cole (OJ & Ch, 1950), died on the 25th March 2017, aged 87. Harvey came to College from the Junior School on a scholarship. He won the Francis Cade prize in the 5th form and, as well as being a scholar of the College, he was awarded the James of Hereford scholarship. He was awarded the Ronald Marsden Prize for Latin in the L6th. He won the Ronald Marsden prize for Latin in the L6th and the Schacht prize for Modern Languages in the U6th. He was awarded his boxing colours in 1947, played in the 1947 cricket XI and represented College in golf. On leaving College, he was awarded an exhibition to Magdalene College, Cambridge. After initially reading Modern Languages, he opted to switch to Economics in the final term of his first year. He was told that to stay on the course he would need to achieve a second class honours mark for the year; typically, he passed with high first class honours. After graduating, Harvey enjoyed a successful and varied career and was a highly respected journalist for a wide range of national newspapers and journals specialising in economic and political issues and subsequently in economic consultancy with a specific focus on town planning.

During the 70s he became the Saluki Coursing Club’s Secretary, and this was his major sporting preoccupation. Having come across smooth haired salukis – not the longer haired, ‘feathered’ ones seen at Crufts – in Cyprus, John bred several fantastic dynasties of dogs which challenged for, and more often than not won the main pots and stakes all over the country. The saluki is a singular breed, particularly inclined to doing just what it wants! John had possibly the loudest whistle ever heard and he didn’t walk, he strode fast, covering lots of ground. The perfect saluki man really!

While at University, Harvey served on the Labour Party National Executive Committee as the University’s student body representative. He went on to stand for parliament for the Labour Party in the 1950s and, after losing in an election, he was approached about taking a seat in the House of Lords. An offer he declined on the basis that he thought he could achieve more locally. He left the Labour Party in the 1980s and joined the Liberal Democrats. He was a Hampshire County Councillor, representing the Winchester Westgate Division for the Liberal Democrats from 1985 to 1989 and 1993 to 2001. He was also briefly Hampshire County Council Leader in 1997. After he stood down as Councillor, he continued to take a strong interest in local affairs, in particular planning. He maintained an interest in local politics and was chairman of the constituency party for many years.

He had always enjoyed hunting the hare, his student Saturdays

In later life Harvey became an inveterate letter writer, addressing with



great wit and perception the matters that interested or frustrated him. He was also passionate about art and classical music, becoming a keen supporter of young musicians. At no more than 5 feet 5 inches, Harvey was a small but impressive man. He was not easy to know, but once known he was impossible to forget. He had an infectious laugh and savoured good food, wine and company to the end: his was a life well lived. Harvey is survived by his wife Sonia, his daughters Helen, Barbara, Viv and Naomi, his step children Phillippa, Guy, Kate and his grandchildren. Geoffrey Brian Coop (OJ & BH, 1952)

Geoffrey Coop, father of Andrew Coop (BH, 1988), died on the 9th February 2017, aged 83. David Shelley Cooper (L, 1951)

David Cooper, father of James Cooper (NH, 1979) and grandfather of Laura Watts (A, 2009), Tom Watts (L, 2011) and Will Cooper (U6th, L), died on the 5th November 2017, aged 84. David was a John Dill Scholar at College and was Head of House and a College Prefect. He played for the 1951 XV, 2nd XI hockey and was Secretary of the Shakespeare Society. In the 1951 Cheltonian it was reported that: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Mr Neame was supported with light hearted vigour and a good Oxford accent by D. S. Cooper, who read Puck” and: “Much Ado About Nothing – In spite of the flu epidemic there were several excellent readers present, the most noteworthy being Mrs Vignoles (Beatrice) and D.S. Cooper (Benedict) who proved to be admiral foils for each other.” On leaving College, David served his National Service with the South Lancashire Regiment and then worked in various insurance brokers in the City, Manchester, Swansea and Bristol (1954-75) and joined the Welsh Water Board in 1975 where he worked until he retired in 1994. In retirement, he enjoyed visiting College to watch his grandchildren represent College on the games field and worked for various charities, in particular the RNLI. David is survived by his wife Carol, son James, daughter Kate, and his grandchildren. The Rev. Dr. Reynaud De La Bat Smit (College Chaplain, 1996-2011) It was with considerable shock that we learned of Reynaud’s death on the 22nd of May 2017 after a period of illness. Reynaud retired from College in 2011 and had moved to Kidlington, Oxford, to be closer to his beloved Bodleian Library where he had hoped to do more academic research and writing. He subsequently became interim Chaplain at Brasenose College before health issues intervened. Reynaud first came to Cheltenham College in 1975 when he spent a year teaching Classics and English. He then continued his theological training and was ordained in 1983 by the Bishop of Oxford. He was Chaplain of St Hild and St Bede’s College at Durham University until 1996 when he returned to College as Chaplain and Head of Religious Studies and Philosophy. Reynaud was an immense figure in College life. Having a commanding stature, yet also being so reassuringly approachable, made him both respected and highly effective as a pastoral leader. He had an unassailable integrity and never betrayed confidences.

He took his various responsibilities and his own faith extremely seriously, to such an extent that we also began to understand the importance of these things in our own lives. There was something of the polymath about him, with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and for philosophical debate. His research, preparation and commitment were total, often working until the small hours. But such meticulous attention to detail enabled him to preach from the heart and to inspire generations of Cheltonians over fifteen years. A recent search of the College database under religious denominations revealed over thirty different affiliations in the College as a whole. That was a very wide canvas on which to operate but Reynaud managed to steer a determined and focused path. He understood totally how religious faith and culture are uniquely intertwined. He loved the challenge of keeping adolescents interested and questioning. Music and literature were frequently the vehicles for weekly themes in Chapel which were as varied as life itself, from Arvo Part to Frank Zappa, from Karl Marx to John Lennon. His presentations were equally bizarre, from fancy dress to formal vestments; from abseiling from the organ balcony to skateboarding down the nave. There was always something to be interested in. A champion of human rights, Reynaud was quick to make us all aware of the atrocities in the world, the inequality, the poverty, and the discrimination. He believed very strongly that the young were the agents of change. As Einstein said: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Reynaud believed this with a passion. In the classroom he was rigorous. Debate and the sharing of opinions were paramount but he did not tolerate careless thinking. Opinions needed to be challenged and young minds sharpened. When there was time for his own interests, Reynaud loved Greece and would go there whenever he could. He loved surfing and his most favoured pastime, swimming. But above all his knowledge and love of music bound together what was so much of Reynaud. He had a number of expensive guitars; pursued a profound interest in African spirituals, jazz, rock and blues music and attended live performances whenever he could. He was never without his iPod on which he had a lifetime’s collection of music and could not resist the opportunity to play something to us we had not heard before. He had an impish delight in the comic and zany which would send him off into gales of laughter. From the spoonerisms of Lennon to the quirkiness of Zappa: “A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it is not open.” Quotes like this would pop up over lunch or just in passing, such was his love of the unusual. Reynaud lived and loved life to the full. From the stupidity of Trump to the beauty of a rose, his sensibility was all encompassing. We were all very lucky to have known him as he was such an example to us all. Our thoughts are with his wife Glenda and the family, Genevieve (Cha, 2000) and Julian. “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long” (Lao Tzu) “How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!” (Cannon Henry Scott-Holland) Mark Ward (Past Staff) George Robert Douglas (S & NH, 1942)

George Douglas died on the 15th March 2017, aged 92. Richard Probert Evans MA (OJ & DB, 1956)

Richard Evans, brother of John (OJ & DB, 1954) died on the 9th February 2017, aged 78. In his final year at College, Richard was Head of House and Senior Prefect. He was also a member of 2.


the Shakespeare Society and the Morley Society. However, he will best be remembered for his varied and impressive sporting career. He received his House Colours for rugby, rowing, fives, hockey, shooting, athletics, cross-country and swimming. He also played for the College Rugby 1st XV, was selected for Gloucestershire Schoolboys, and was in both the Rowing and Shooting VIIIs. He was awarded College Colours for rugby, rowing and fives. His Headmaster, the Rev. Pentreath, wrote in his final report that: “He was one of the best Senior Prefects, and most discerning and helpful to me, that I have had in 23 years. He cannot fail to climb high in life. Thank you, Richard.” On leaving College, he served his National Service in the army, joining the 3rd Carabiniers, which later became the Royal Dragoon Guards and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. He captained the Regimental rugby and cross-country teams. In 1959, he went up to Clare College, Cambridge, where he took his degree in History. He was Secretary of the Clare VIII and was President of the Clare CRABS – a drinking society based on membership of the Rugby and Boating Clubs! He was also the Secretary of the Junior Common Room. His first job was at Perkins, an engineering company in Peterborough. It is fair to say that his heart was not in engineering. Meanwhile, he played squash for Huntingdonshire. Richard then got a job with Jardine Matheson, which he claimed was because of his sporting achievements! He was sent out to Hong Kong, where he met his first wife, Valerie, who was also working for Jardine’s. Initially he worked in the China Trading Department and so had to learn Mandarin. He resumed his great interest in squash, playing in Jardine’s team and for Hong Kong. He also managed to swim Hong Kong’s famous harbour in the annual Cross Harbour Race – coming 26th out of 750. Richard’s career with Jardine’s was successful, but after nearly ten years in Hong Kong and Thailand, he was head hunted by an American conglomerate, Muller & Phipps, in Singapore. He was on his own in Singapore by the time he decided to join Sime Darby Plantations, who had the BMW dealership and this was when he met Evelyn, who was doing the advertising for BMW and who would become his second wife. He played international squash again, this time for Singapore. He was President and Chairman of the Singapore Squash Rackets Association. Between 1976 and 1980 he directed the national team in the East Asia Championship and under his guidance Singapore won every year. He set up the Singapore Squash Racquets Association and negotiated to host the PIA World Series of Squash, which attracted world class players including Richard’s old school friend – the legendary Jonah Barrington (H, 1958), who was effectively the long-time world champion. His next posting was to Manila in the Philippines. Here, he was instrumental in Sime Darby’s acquisition of the Goodrich Tyre Company. He chaired the Philippines Squash Association. He also rowed for the Philippines in events in Hong Kong, Japan and elsewhere. He was President of the Manila Boat Club and is remembered there for many reasons including his parting gift of a Coxless Four named The Probert Evans. Sime Darby then sent him to Bangkok to look after their interests there. His last posting was to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, where he joined Harper Gillfillan, a subsidiary of Swire’s, and this was where he remained for eleven years. Harper Gillfillan was eventually sold by the Swire Group to the Swiss. Richard ran a very successful business and husbanded the profits astutely, holding back in reserve what he felt was prudent in case a subsequent year provided a nasty shock. So much so that when his Swiss boss arrived for a board meeting he asked Richard how much profit he was going to make. Richard replied: “How much profit would you like to make?” A figure acceptable to the main board in Switzerland was suggested and that was what was delivered.


He was also a great prankster. His letters written on spoof headed writing paper from a ficticious firm of solicitors were the stuff of legend. As was the invitation he sent round to the ex-pat community to form the Singaporean equivalent of the Home Guard. People actually turned up to parade as instructed with their buckets, spades and broomsticks. After retirement Richard and Evelyn came back to England. Richard was determined to continue the friendships he had made abroad. He attended annual reunions with the Hong Kong Group, the Predictions group from Singapore, the Malaysian Society, the BOGS (Bangkok Old Geysers’ Society) and CAPINDS (Captains of Industry). His role in the development of rowing in the Philippines was later recognised when he was fast-tracked into membership of Leander. Richard was rightly proud of his Leander membership. He and Evelyn organised wonderful outings to Henley Royal Regatta. With Richard resplendent in his Clare Boat Club blazer, Leander tie and socks and Panama hat he entertained his guests regally and piloted them up and down the river. The Panama hat only went overboard once! In 1994 Jimmy Goldsmith formed the Referendum Party and Richard was selected to fight the 1997 election in Birkenhead. He stood against Frank Field. He worked hard but sadly he garnered only 800 votes – or 2% of the votes cast - but it was a wonderful experience. He eventually got his wish after the referendum in 2016. Richard threw himself into everything he did. He was Chairman of the Evercreech branch of the Royal British Legion and made that a most successful organisation. Every year he and Evelyn held a party in their garden – it was the highlight of the RBL year and it made money for the charity. He became an officer of the Somerton and Frome Conservative Association and was Chairman of the Evercreech branch, which he built up into the largest in the constituency. On Polling days, Evercreech House was where the local campaign was co-ordinated. He was also a long-standing and much respected member of the Freemasons. He had been a member of lodges in Bangkok, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and naturally he joined lodges in the area when he came back to the UK. He was a member of the Royal Clarence Lodge in Bruton where his last promotion was to Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden. He was a Past First Principal of Royal Cyrus Chapter, where he was recently promoted to Past Provincial Grand Sojourner. He was made an Honorary Member of both these lodges, prestigious honours in their own right, for his services to freemasonry both nationally and internationally. Richard was a man of many parts – a reluctant engineer – a remarkable international sportsman – a successful businessman – a hard-working politician – a distinguished Freemason – a mischievous prankster – an eccentric collector – a wonderful host. Richard is survived by his wife Evelyn, his sons James (OJ) and Robert (OJ) from his first marriage, and his grandchildren. Alexander Edward Inglis Falconar (BH, 1943)

Alexander Falconar died on the 18th December 2016, aged 90. Anthony John Richard Goodwin BSc MSc (Ch, 1960)

Anthony Goodwin (Ch, 1960), son of Lieutenant General Sir Richard Goodwin KCB, CBE, DSO, DL (Ch, 1926) and brother of Nigel (Ch, 1961) and Robert (Ch, 1965), died on the 27th March 2017, aged 74.

Anthony possessed characteristics of both courage and individuality. He was born with rickets and for the first few years of his life had to wear splints on both legs. He bravely overcame this setback


and developed an enthusiasm for sport especially swimming and running. He was awarded his College Colours for both athletics and cross-country and House Colours for cross-country, athletics, rugby and swimming. The Cheltonian cross-country report said: “A.J. Goodwin and D.C. Gallimore (NH, 1961) were very important in making up the cross-country six and ran consistently well throughout the season.” Anthony was not one to follow the rule book and during a general election was the only pupil to display a Labour poster on his shack door in an otherwise solidly Conservative boarding house. After leaving College in 1960, he then went to Sandhurst, but in an institution requiring conformity Anthony offered the opposite. It was decided that due to poor timekeeping and other deficiencies his future lay elsewhere! He then went out to Kenya (true to form arriving a week late after missing a connecting flight!) where his father had been posted as General Officer Commanding. This trip laid the foundation for both his future career and marriage. He found work as an assistant farm manager and first met Suzi Archer who was secretary to the Rhodesian High Commissioner in Nairobi. Work on the farm made him realise that agriculture was the avenue to follow. After gaining the necessary Science A level he went up to Reading University in September 1965 to read for a BSc in Agricultural Economics. His individuality again came to the fore and during holiday periods, instead of the usual undergraduate jobs, he literally went underground digging the Victoria Line. He then spent a post-graduate year specialising in tropical agriculture. The call of Africa was still strong and in 1971 he moved out to Zambia where he worked for the Commonwealth Development Corporation for eight years. His territory in Zambia took him close to the dangerous area bordering Southern Rhodesia under the control of Ian Smith. On one trip he and his driver were stopped by rebels. Not an alarming development until Anthony found he had forgotten his ID card and was now being viewed as a suspected Rhodesian spy. Captivity or a worse fate was only avoided by his driver racing back to his office and returning at speed with the missing card. Whilst in Zambia, Anthony learnt that his friend Suzi Archer, who had by now married an Army Officer, Rupert Gowring, had been tragically widowed leaving two young children Amanda and Nick. Over the next three years their feelings became mutually stronger and they married in Zambia in 1979. The family remember Anthony as a wonderful stepfather and grandfather Gramps (or occasionally Grumps) in latter years. Shortly afterwards, his time with the Commonwealth Corporation came to an end and he then joined the development arm of the European Union. Apart from a period in Headquarters in Belgium, Anthony, Suzi and the family went on an almost global journey of 4-5 year postings in Jordan, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago and two stays in Bangladesh. A prodigious output of work included the overseeing of agricultural projects and the building of schools and roads. Only Anthony could arrange to import goats from Syria into Trinidad and Tobago! Whilst in Jordan he purchased a Peugeot 304 which he fell instantly in love with and in 1983 bought the latest version. The car went on nearly all his postings. From Nigeria he made a solo trip across the Sahara and at the end of his Bangladesh posting the return journey to home near Bishops Stortford (Henham) totalled 8,000 miles. The December 2016 Classic Car magazine covered the extraordinary exploits of this 304, as did the January 2017 edition of Floreat Cheltonia. By the time of his retirement in 2007 the Peugeot had crossed 30 countries, five continents and covered 200,000 miles. The only drawback was the rather sluggish speed and he was twice stopped by the police, once in France and once in England, for driving too slowly on motorways. Retirement did not slow Anthony down. He retained some interests in Belgium and, aged 71, went paragliding in Tunisia. He also took an interest in politics and in spite of his views at Cheltenham he became Chairman of Henham and Elsenham Conservative Association in 2013.

Throughout his life Anthony maintained his desire for a morning constitutional run and, as any host will confirm, a pile of sweaty running vests and shorts left at the back door was evidence of his daily exertions. Sadly, the end came suddenly and unexpectedly for Anthony. He collapsed whilst on a run in Hyde Park in London. His brother Robert said: “The manner of your departing was a great shock to us all, but it is the way you would have wanted to go. Your character, with its ability to surprise, shone through to the end.” A sentiment echoed by all his family and a host of friends worldwide. Anthony is survived by his wife Suzi, his step-children Amanda and Nick and his grandchildren. David Peter Grainger (Xt, 1951)

Peter Grainger died on the 12th February 2017, aged 82. On leaving College he served his National Service with the REME in Cyprus and then enjoyed a successful engineering career in and around Bath where he lived all his life. He had an abiding love for the countryside and a passion for bird watching. He is survived by his wife Gina and their daughters Helen and Kate. Sir Cosmo Dugal Patrick Thomas Haskard (Xt, 1934)

Sir Cosmo Haskard died on the 21st February 2017, aged 100. He was first brought up in County Cork, then lived in Egypt and China before coming to College. He joined on the Military and Engineering side and his original application form stated that he was destined for a profession in the army. He was made a House Prefect in 1934 and his final report from the Headmaster read: “I shall be sorry to say goodbye to such a cheerful and helpful fellow. He has worked well this year and deserves success.” On leaving College, he went to Sandhurst where he passed out second, but he failed the medical because of a chest infection. He was awarded a place at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he read Modern Languages. On the outbreak of war, he joined the Royal Irish Fusiliers and the Colonial Service in Tanganikya, which posted him to the King’s African Rifles. Following another bout of chest trouble he served with the 13th battalion in Ceylon before becoming adjutant of the 2nd battalion in Burma as it harried the Japanese retreating after the battle of Kohima. Coming out of the Army as a Major with an MBE, Cosmo first joined the Tanganikya and then the Nyasaland Civil Services, particularly enjoying travelling on foot as a District Commissioner. He served as a member of the Nyasaland-Mozambique Border Commission, and on his first home leave in 1949 took the unusual step of visiting Dr. Hastings Banda, the future dictator of Malawi, who was living with a white mistress in North London while working as a General Practitioner. After the formation of the Central African Federation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, Cosmo became Provincial Commissioner in the Northern Province and watched as relations between Africans and the Government deteriorated, leading to widespread disturbances in Nyasaland, some deaths and the declaration of a State of Emergency in 1958. The following year a commission under Mr. Justice (later Lord) Devlin was set up to examine whether the actions of the Colonial Administration in suppressing dissent had been appropriate. Although its findings were unfavourable to the Nyasaland Government, it was less censorious about events in the north, which Cosmo attributed partly to the precise diary of events which his wife Phillida had helped to compile. Two years later Cosmo was appointed a CMG (Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George) and, as Nyasaland evolved into self-governing Malawi, he worked in the ministry of natural 4.


resources. He returned home for a successful lung operation and was then appointed, on promotion, as Governor of the Falklands in 1964. At this time the Labour Government of Harold Wilson was attempting to persuade the 2,000 islanders to cede sovereignty to Argentina, which had long claimed the islands. Cosmo was delighted at being posted to a quiet colony whose austere charms reminded him of his home in County Cork. But even while he was sailing out with his wife and two-year-old son, a lone Argentine pilot landed at Port Stanley to plant his country’s flag, while Panorama, an Argentine magazine, carried a picture of him with the caption “El ultimo gobernador ingles?” The last English Governor. On settling in, Cosmos recommended that a platoon of Royal Marines remain on the islands and personally visited farms by float plane or on horseback. He revived the annual horticultural show, started a winter arts and crafts fair and paid a visit to Britain’s Antarctic territories. In the 1965 New Year’s Honours he was appointed KCMG (Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George). But at this time Britain was abandoning its east of Suez policy for financial reasons, and thinking of ways of winding up its residual empire. The islanders received a severe shock six months later when it was revealed in London that a transfer of the islands’ sovereignty to Argentina was being discussed. Cosmo could see the logic in Whitehall thinking, but with more than 20 years experience in Africa he was imbued with a primary sense of duty towards his colonial charges. The islanders became more nervous still when an aeroplane containing 16 young Argentines landed on the race course at Port Stanley, while the light cruiser Belgrano, outside the threemile limit, regularly pointed her guns inland. As Cosmo was reminded by London about the value of Argentine trade, he replied in increasingly outspoken letters and telegrams, protesting that the islanders were being kept in ignorance of discussions and emphasising their aversion to any accommodation with Argentina. When he found that their objections were not being taken seriously he went to London, where the Foreign Secretary George Brown, returning from a bibulous lunch, thought he was talking to the British Ambassador to Argentina and proceeded to drive Cosmo to such fury that his colleagues had to urge him not to resign. The following day he was summoned to another meeting at which Brown fulminated against the failure of Foreign Office staff to inform him of the British islanders’ fears. Back in the Falklands, Cosmo held a closed meeting of the Islands’ Executive Council, at which he informed them about what was being discussed. The members were so appalled that they broke their oath of secrecy and wrote letters of protest to every MP. In the row that followed, his superiors in London suggested he might tell them that the publicity was not helping their cause. His response was to suggest that a member of the Government should pay a visit to the islands. In November 1968, Lord Chalfont, the Junior Foreign Office minister, duly arrived at Stanley to be greeted on his arrival with the messages: “Chalfont Go Home” and “Keep the Falklands British”. Cosmo left Chalfont in no doubt about the strength of opinion in the islands, and during the visit the minister got a taste of why they felt as they did, when an Argentine aircraft suddenly crashed on a road outside Stanley and he was taken to inspect it. Chalfont left the islands with a promise that nothing would happen without the islanders’ agreement, but on his return to Britain he reported: “I do not believe that the Falkland Islands can continue to exist for many years as they are presently constituted. I believe one day that the Falkland Islands may be prepared to choose Argentine sovereignty. We must at all costs avoid giving the impression that we want to get rid of them, since that would set up precisely the reaction we would want to avoid.” The Foreign Office eventually decided not to proceed with the plans, however, because of opposition within the Cabinet, exasperating the Argentines with whom it was revealed 5.

in Foreign Office documents released in 2001, the government had made progress on a memorandum of understanding to hand over sovereignty – to the extent of discussing the right to continued use of the English language. As his five-year Governorship drew to a close, the islanders showed their appreciation by asking the Foreign Office if he and his wife could stay on for a further year. He devoted his last year to improving the pasturage on the islands’ farms and supervising the transfer of Brunel’s iron steamship SS Great Britain from a beach outside Stanley, where it had lain since 1937, to become a tourist attraction in Bristol. Cosmo retired to Co Cork, where he kept up his friendships with the islanders. He was also a trustee of the Beit Trust, which builds hospitals and libraries in Africa, and particularly enjoyed returning to Malawi. When war with Argentina broke out in 1982 he offered his aid to the Foreign Office. It was not accepted. However, the day after this, when his son Julian passed out at Sandhurst to join the Gurkhas, Sir Peter de la Billiere, Director of Special Forces, had a meeting with the Haskards to discuss the likely conditions the infantry would encounter on the islands. He also ordered Julian to report immediately to SAS headquarters in Hereford. In 2012 Cosmo was astonished to discover that his Governorship had been commemorated in the name Haskard Highlands, a range of peaks in Antarctica, more than 40 years earlier. Flags were flown at half-mast in Port Stanley after his death and with good reason. His wife Phillada died in August 2017 and he is survived by their son Julian. David Henry Gason Ince DFC (NH, 1939)

David Ince died on the 2nd August 2017, aged 96. He boxed for the House in 1937. The Muglistonite magazine reported; “We brought back the boxing Pot after a four-year absence. In the Open Flyweight, Ince received a walk over in the first round and put up a good fight against Mayers (Ch), a College boxer.” He performed on stage in The Middle Watch, playing the character Ah Fong. In his final year he was a sergeant in the OTC and was first reserve for the 1939 Shooting VIII. On leaving College, he went to Glasgow University to read Mechanical Engineering. At the outbreak of war, he joined up and although he had always wanted to fly, he failed an eyesight test with the RAF and started his military career as a Royal Artillery officer. He found out that with 18 months’ commissioned service in the Army, he could be seconded to fly as a pilot with the RAF. Having passed another sight test, he was seconded to the Air Force for Army co-operation duties and then sent to Canada for training as a pilot. Eager to have the chance to fly the Typhoon with its mighty Sabre engine, David had got his way by telling the recruiting Wing-Commander how a childhood injury that had shortened his right index finger made it easier for him to fly British, rather than American, aircraft. British ones had a spade-grip control and thumb-firing button. US ones required the pilot to pull levers and press with the finger. The astonished Wing-Commander could not believe his luck: with a death-rate of one in three – 150 of the 450 Typhoon pilots would be lost by the war’s end, some summarily executed on capture by the SS – he had been wondering how to persuade replacement pilots to take on the challenge. David did not, however, reveal exactly how he had got the mangled finger he called “Stumpy”. At the age of seven he had an enquiring mind, he had tried sticking his finger into the spinning spokes of his bicycle, to see what would happen! David was one of the most outstanding of the pilots who, flying the ground-attack Hawker Typhoon, bombed, rocketed and cannoned Nazi Germany’s military transport to a standstill across northwest


Europe after D-Day, June 6, 1944, when the Allies landed in northern France. He flew nearly 150 sorties and won a Distinguished Flying Cross for exploits that included the only raid in Europe to use napalm. It was dropped on April 12, 1945 over a German strongpoint near Arnhem, which Allied troops captured. The napalm was put in 180-gallon containers, which were 8ft long, shaped like beer barrels, and painted red, with phosphorus igniter pistols on the outside. The barrels tumbled so badly when released that it was essential — but against orders — to fly low over the target to unload them. “The sight of a shower of flaming liquid chasing one’s tailplane, immediately after release, was really quite something,” he said. “We were never asked to do this again.” On one mission, while photographing the Gestapo headquarters in Rotterdam, David’s Typhoon was hit and he limped back to base badly damaged, with oil leaking over the canopy. On another, he achieved the spectacular destruction of a bridge in northern Holland, seeing its 200ft span roll over. After the war he completed his mechanical engineering degree at the University of Glasgow and then took a course at the Empire Test Pilots’ School in Wiltshire. However, chronic sinusitis put an end to high-altitude flights and he then took up gliding. In 1958 he flew an Olympia 419 glider from Lavenham, Suffolk, to Land’s End, which, at 315 miles, set a UK distance record. He worked for Elliotts of Newbury, makers of the Olympia glider, as a test pilot. The company later became Elliott Flight Automation. He was its aviation specialist at a time when Elliott flight systems were adopted for Lightning and Buccaneer military jets. In 1992, he published a book, Combat and Competition. He published a second, Brotherhood of the Skies, in 2010. After his wife’s death in 1993 he trained as a Church of England lay pastor, visiting disabled people and those living alone. In 2007, he founded the Typhoon Entente Cordiale Trust, which preserves the history and traditions of the wartime Typhoon squadrons, linking them with those serving in today’s Eurofighter Typhoons. In his eighties he flew a Eurofighter simulator. A man who maintained rigorous high standards all his life, David was unhappy with his bumpy landing, but was reassured he had done better than many pilots! David is survived by his daughters Rosalind and Virginia. Damon Gerard Alexander Jarrett (H, 1981)

Damon Jarrett, son of the late Hugh Jarrett (S, 1934) and brother of Jasper Jarrett (H, 1972), died on the 10th November 2017, aged 54, after a long battle with tongue cancer. Damon followed his father and brother to College, where he played 1st XI cricket for two years and enjoyed success in rugby, cross-country and, when time permitted, golf. He played 3rd XV rugby where he became famous for a prodigious right boot which often cleared play from one 22 to the other, and kicked a good deal of penalties and conversions. But his favourite memory was of playing in the House Pots final for Hazelwell against Southwood. Hazelwell had four or five 1st XV players, including the fly half, but Damon was entrusted with the goal kicking. Eventually, he slotted his first kick and followed it up with a match winning drop goal. In his end of term report, the Headmaster, Richard Morgan, wrote, “His great achievement in the Pots Final is worthy of a song by Max Boyce.” He loved his cricket, whether playing or watching. After 17 years of waiting, he finally became a member of MCC and enjoyed many happy days in the Tavern stand with friends, or Saturdays with Jasper in Q stand. A friend, Mark Cadbury, wrote in his eulogy: “One memory that stands out features Damon batting for the Gloucestershire Gypsies at Malvern where the ground is cut into the slope and sixes only counted as fours. Damon hit a glorious lofted

drive way over the long boundary, only to be given 4 runs. He was understandably a bit grumpy. Damon also loved his golf and had 3 holes in one, all on the 3rd at Leckford Golf Club, a wonderful 9-hole course near his home in the Test Valley. He loved old England, sweeping views, horse-racing, Cornwall, country pubs and good warm bitter, about which he was a connoisseur. He did have a wonderful turn of phrase and used this to good effect in the two books he wrote about his daughters and their toys. We will all miss Damon…his irreverent sense of humour, his rants and blogs, his witticisms, his love of life, his honesty and integrity.” Damon tried his hand at various jobs before joining the 9th/12th Royal Lancers and passing out of Sandhurst in 1986. He served in various parts of the world and attained the rank of Captain. Having left the army, he worked for various charities, including Heroes Return which took ex-servicemen back to their fields of wartime operations. Roger Barclay wrote in his eulogy: “I first met Damon in December 1989 when I joined the 9/12th Royal Lancers. Of all the officers I met at that time, Damon was the warmest and the kindest and I was lucky enough that he became my friend. He subsequently became my boss while serving in Canada. When I was involved in a Land Rover accident and ended up in hospital, it was Damon who was the first to visit. While joking that I had doubled his workload, it was clear that he was concerned about my welfare. He was considerate and he was loyal. Towards the end of his illness he wrote to me saying he was trying to be brave. I said he had succeeded. He was brave, very brave. He was also a gentleman in that very old English sense. He never boasted of his achievements, was gracious when friends let him down and as one fellow officer recently wrote when informed of his death, ‘He left big shoes for us (more junior officers) to fill by sheer character and presence, and those who did not know him personally certainly knew him by reputation. His context and relevance continued well beyond his service. He was a stalwart lancer.” Damon is survived by his wife Barley and their daughters Georgia and Imogen. Lt. Col. Charles Peter de Brisay Jenkins MBE MC (NH, 1942)

Peter Jenkins, father of Charles Stephen de Brisay (NH, 1969), died on the 8th February 2017, aged 93. Peter was born in Belfast and his father, a Brigadier in the Royal Army Service Corps, was closely involved in the planning for D-Day. Peter was a College Prefect and Head of House in his final year. His final report commented that he had been a very good Prefect and had grown into the job. He played in the 1941 XV and was awarded his Colours. The Cheltonian report on the XV said: “Jenkins was the hardest working forward in the side and the least conspicuous. Shoved hard in the second row, and used his height and weight in the line-out. A good tackler.” On leaving College, Peter enlisted and started his training for the Royal Engineers. This included Infantry training, Battle School, basic Sapper training, mines (how they worked and how to clear them), explosives and bridging with the new Bailey Bridge. He was commissioned into the Royal Engineers the next year and posted to 271 Field Company RE. Peter took part in Operation Torch, the invasion of French North Africa, and then the campaign in Italy. After the capture of Naples, Vesuvius erupted. He and his men had the job of dealing with an ash-covered airfield. Peter won an Immediate MC in 1945 at the Battle of the Argenta Gap. Early in April, the Eighth Army crossed the River Senio and pushed the Germans northwards towards the River Po. On the night of the 17th April, 169 Brigade, part of 56th (London) Infantry Division, was held up by a minefield 1,000 yards deep. Peter, a platoon leader serving with 501 Field Company RE, was ordered to 6.


clear a lane through it. The long grass and the fact that the mines had been laid months earlier made this task dangerous, but he and his men accomplished it and the Brigade was able to continue its advance through the gap between Argenta, east of Bologna, and Lake Commáchio. After the capture of Portomaggiore, the Brigade was held up by the river on the northern edge of the town. Peter had to build two bridges across it. He did this quickly despite being under shellfire and having to cope with German tracked vehicles deployed on the far bank. He was awarded an Immediate MC. This is a special and highest form of the Military Cross only awarded with the signed approval, on the citation by the Commander in Chief, on this occasion, Field Marshal Alexander. The trapped Germans surrendered in droves.

his own company, Loreburn Engineering Ltd, from which he retired in 1991. He was a past President of the British Plastics Federation and a Freeman of the City of London. He was also a FIME (Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering) and a FIM (Fellow of the Institute of Materials). In retirement, he undertook voluntary work and was very active in local organisations, being particularly involved in Probus. He enjoyed music, playing the flute, keyboard, singing and listening. His interest in sport continued all his life.

When the Germans surrendered in May 1945, the troops needed to be entertained and Peter, who liked opera, built a temporary opera house near Padua, capable of holding 3,000 people. Before going up to Selwyn College, Cambridge, for the short post-war course, he became P.A. to Major General Coxwell-Rogers, Chief Royal Engineer. Based at GHQ Caserta, north of Naples, he lived in the Royal Palace. A posting to Hong Kong in 1953 was followed by a spell at the War Office. He was posted to BAOR and then Kenya before, back in Britain, instructing at the Senior Officers’ Staff College. He returned to BAOR for four years but retired from the Service in 1967.

David Kelway died on the 24th of February 2017, aged 83.

He is survived by his wife Muriel, daughters Liz and Angela, son Robert and his grandchildren. Major David James Kelway (Xt, 1951)

He played in the Cricket XXII in 1950 and the 1st XI in 1951. The College Notes in the 1951 Cheltonian said: “Congratulations to D.J. Kelway on scoring a century against the Free Forresters and half centuries (59 & 63 not out) in the drawn match at Lords against Haileybury.”

For the next 20 years, he worked for the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, eventually as Clerk. He introduced more women into the Company, relaxed the dress code at dinners from white tie to black and promoted a change so that Liverymen could invite ladies to dinner once every other year. Hallmarking of items at the Assay Office numbered, at the peak, 20 million items a year, and this took up much of his time.

David was a member of the 1950 rugby XV, playing on the wing, and taking the kicks. The Cheltonian report on the game against the Cheltenham Town XV reported that: “From now to the end, College attacked persistently and soon Kelway scored the best try of the game after he and Whitehorn split open the defence with a cleverly executed scissors movement – Kelway converted from in front of the post.” Christowe beat Hazelwell 11-3 in the House Pots competition. The Cheltonian reported that: “The Boyceites made the game safe when Kelway broke through to score wide out.” David also played a few games for the 1950 Hockey XI and was an established forward in the 1951 XI.

Settled in South Brent, Devon, he was a frequent visitor to the Wagner festival at Bayreuth and researched material for a book on Wagner’s travels. He published Unravelling the Mystery – the story of the Goldsmiths’ Company in the 20th century (2006). In 1960 he was appointed MBE.

On leaving College he had a distinguished career in the Royal Artillery from 1953-79. He was Gallery Manager of the Canterbury Fine Arts 1979-80, Deputy Bursar of Wycombe Abbey School from 1980-85 and Bursar of Bishop Stortford College from 1985 until he retired in 1996.

Peter is survived by his wife of sixty-four years, Joan, and their son Stephen (NH, 1969).

He is survived by his wife June, sons James, Simon and daughter Gillian.

Gilbert Keith Johnston MA (Ch, 1942)

Brigadier John William Martin Kincaid CBE (H, 1958)

Keith Johnston, father of R.K. Johnston (Ch,1973), died on the 6th January 2017, aged 92. He was a member of the Engineering Society and was Chairman in his final year. The Cheltonian report on a lecture by Professor Charles Inglis (DB, 1894), President of the Institute of Civil Engineers, on The Construction of LongSpan Suspension Bridges said: “The Chairman, in welcoming our distinguished visitor with some admirably chosen remarks, called our attention to the fact that Telford, the great bridge builder, was the first President of the Institute of Chemical Engineers, and it was therefore most appropriate that Professor Inglis, the first OC to occupy that high office, should have chosen for his address a subject on which he too was an authority of world-wide reputation on suspension bridges.” Keith was an opening batsman in the 1941 & 1942 cricket XIs and played in the 1942 2nd XI hockey team. The 1941 Cheltonian cricket report said: “A sound straight bat player. With a little more experience he should make plenty of runs. He is rather slow in the field – perhaps this is due to the fact that previously he had always kept wicket.” Chicken-pox meant he missed several games, including the two-day match versus Haileybury at Lords, towards the end of the 1942 season. On leaving College, he gained a place at Pembroke College, Cambridge, to read Mechanical Engineering. On graduating in 1944, Keith joined the Artillery Gunnery Establishment at Teddington and in 1946 he joined John Brown Plastics Machinery & Co Ltd in Sheffield as a graduate apprentice, rising through the ranks to become Managing Director. He left the company in 1980 to form 7.

Bill Kincaid, son of Major John Kincaid (H, 1926) and father of John Richard Kincaid (L, 1981), died on the 21st September 2016, aged 76. On leaving College, he went to Sandhurst from where he was commissioned into the Gunners in 1961. He read Engineering at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, from 1962-65. Regimental duty included tours in 3 RHA in Detmold; 18 Field Regt in Munsterlager and Hong Kong; and 16 Lt Air Defence Regt in Barton Stacey and Soest, including an emergency tour in Northern Ireland. The Staff College at Shrivenham and Camberley was followed by the first of many tours in the MoD. He commanded 76 (Maude’s) Bty, a Lance nuclear missile battery in 50 Military Secret Intelligenceri Regt in Menden, where his CO commented that: “his quiet demeanour and technical bent suited this role perfectly, and his battery sailed over all the hurdles with colours flying.” Bill then embarked on a series of tours in the MoD, in the operational requirements, intelligence and procurement branches, where he gained a reputation as a highly professional, intelligent and forward thinking Weapons’ Staff Officer, and it was here that he really made his mark. Initially working largely on Gunner equipment projects, it is perhaps not too much to claim that his influence ensured the Gunners had an equipment programme to equal the best in the world. In his last appointment as Director of Operational Requirements (Land) he had OR responsibility for the day-to-day direction of the total land systems programme across equipment for all arms and services.


There can have been few officers who so directly affected the MoD acquisition process. Nineteen years as an MoD warrior, with only a short interlude at the National Defence College, was a punishing commitment requiring dedication and stamina. In 1995 he was appointed as CBE for his outstanding contribution to Defence; he was also awarded the Lefroy Gold medal for ‘furthering the science and application of artillery.’ During this time in the MoD, Bill developed and expressed deeply held critical views about the many weaknesses in the MoD procurement system: Critical but also constructive as he was convinced that things could and should be done better. In retirement he published a series of four books all of which had ‘Dinosaur’ in the title, which explored how procurement processes could be improved, to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and waste, and to get better equipment into the hands of troops faster. Little did he know that they would become required reading for aspiring weapons staff officers, or that he would be invited to lecture at Shrivenham and the Royal United Services Institute! He set up his own consultancy where he put his vast experience to work advising the MoD, the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency and a wide range of defence companies. He also edited the Royal United Services Institution Defence Systems Journal. He developed a passion for opera and ballet while still at College - he was a member of the Gramophone Society, the Music Club and the Hazelwell Scottish Dancing Club - and it was through that, while at Cambridge, he met his wife who was a ballet dancer. They were regular patrons of Covent Garden and other venues. He sang with the Hong Kong Choral Society, the Whitehall Choir and the Treasury Singers among others. His small garden was packed with a glorious collection of fuchsias, with not a square inch of open space. He carried out exhaustive research into the history of the Clan Kincaid, and published a very readable history under the title of ‘This I’ll Defend,’ the Clan motto. However, there was much more to the man than this factual account of his career. Bill had many abiding passions, the first of which was his wife and family, closely followed by cricket, opera and ballet, singing, his garden and the Clan Kincaid. He packed more in his life than most people. His cricketing exploits were legendary, playing for and often captaining regimental sides; British Army of the Rhine; the Gunners of which he became Chairman; Combined Services Hong Kong; the Stragglers of Asia; the Sunbury Cricket Club (SCC) where he played regularly for over 40 years. He wrote the definitive history of the SCC on its 75th anniversary. Bill was a man of many parts with enormous energy and a wide range of interests. He was a force for good in many areas of life, especially in Defence procurement and in cricket. He will be sorely missed by his family, by his many military colleagues and friends and by the world of cricket which he loved, remaining a passionate vicepresident of Gunner cricket right up to the end of his life. Bill is survived by his wife Hilary, their sons John, Charles and daughter Rebecca. John Bruce Legard (Xt, 1943)

John Legard, son of the Rev. Charles Legard M.C. (Xt, 1906), who was awarded his Military Cross for service on the Western Front in WW1, and nephew of Lt. George Legard (Xt, 1902) who was killed near Neuve Chappelle on the 28th October 1914, died on the 14th January 2017, aged 92. John contracted polio at the age of two which led to a series of operations and having to wear calipers, being in pain and unable to play sport which he loved. Yet somehow he remained upbeat, cheerful, good company and active. As a boy and young man, he cycled everywhere and finally he got a car and adored driving both in Britain and on the Continent.

John loved life and people and his family was very important to him. He adored his parents and was very close to his brother Hugo whose premature death left him devastated. He had lost his best friend, yet he was still a tower of strength to his parents and stepped into a very supportive role with his sister-in-law and her family. He often stayed with them and went on holidays with them. After family, John had three great passions! In no particular order, cricket, film and London! Film was his great passion and he enjoyed his life. He would often say: “If I had my life to live over again I would do exactly the same.” On leaving College, and unable to join the front line during World War II, John started work at the Crown Film Unit in 1943 as an assistant editor. Exposed to both feature film and public information film making, John studied the craft of his fellow editors with great care, spending equal time observing the productive nature of a positive relationship with a film’s director, and in 1951 he was head-hunted by British Transport Film where he revelled in the life of editing: Meeting musicians and actors of the day and matching music and voice to film footage, and then the after works drinks! Wild Wings, one of the films he edited, won an Oscar. After retiring, he became involved in setting up the British Film Institute’s History Project and enjoyed conducting interviews with documentary film makers for the archives. He remained a voting member of BAFTA well into his 80s which kept him very up to date and modern-minded. A proud member of the MCC, John spent many happy hours at Lords with friends watching cricket. In later life, when he was house bound, John continually watched cricket from around the world. John loved living in London and greatly enjoyed his membership of the Savage Club. Visits from his nephew and nieces often meant a trip to BAFTA to see the latest movie, dinner at his beloved Savage Club, and a visit to his cutting room at the top of Melbury House. John is survived by his nephew Robin and nieces Joanna and Hilary. Leonard Sulla Manasseh (PBH, 1934)

Leonard Manasseh died on the 5th March 2017, aged 100. He was born in Singapore. His father, Alan, was a partner in the family firm of S Manasseh and Co, Sephardi Jews from Baghdad who had gone to the Far East to trade, first in opium and later in jute. His mother, Esther, was the sister of Joseph Elias, a wealthy Singaporean merchant who provided the financial support for Leonard to acquire an English education and, eventually, to set up in practice. Leonard went to preparatory school in Surrey and then to College, where he was encouraged to develop his abilities as an artist. On leaving College in 1934, he went to the junior part of the Architectural Association, going on to complete his studies in the first years of the Second World War. Leonard was a pragmatist not a dogmatist, making a distinctive contribution to the architecture of the post-war decades and bringing wit, verve and a sense of place to the interpretation of Modernism. He listed among his recreations in Who’s Who “being optimistic”. Leonard belonged to a notable generation of idealistic rebels and took part in their politicised pantomimes and other recreations. He won a student competition for a school design in the News Chronicle and in 1964 became the President of the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA) when it was riven by an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to amalgamate with Imperial College. After service in the Fleet Air Arm, he worked at Hertfordshire County Council and the nascent Stevenage New Town before winning a competition for the design of a restaurant for the Festival of Britain, which was almost immediately cancelled as an economy. He went on, however, to design the ’51 Bar on the South Bank, a lightweight structure incorporating a nude figure by Daphne Hardy Henrion that he later installed in the garden of the house he built in Highgate, itself a characterful as well as thoroughly practical design. 8.


For most of the duration of his practice, Leonard worked with the late Ian Baker, an architect whose ideas closely matched his own. They did not trumpet their achievements in a number of fields, including schools, housing and museums, but the book, Leonard Manasseh & Partners, by Timothy Brittain-Catlin, published in 2011 with the Twentieth Century Society, made amends. In its early years, the practice designed one-off houses, and later housing groups for private clients, areas of Harlow and Basildon New Towns and compact GLC schemes in Hoxton and Waterloo. Brick was used throughout, with bold, angled skylines. Education buildings included the Gilbert Murray Hall of Residence at Leicester and the Rutherford School (now King Solomon Academy) off Lisson Grove (1957-60), which stood out for its pyramid forms on the roof, one covering the assembly hall and the other, inverted à la Brasilia, acting as a water tank. An article in the Listener asked, “Is your pyramid really necessary?” but concluded that these ones were. Furzedown College, an LCC teacher training complex in Tooting (1960-65), was a substantial if less conspicuous work. The inventor and philanthropist Jeremy Fry had been Leonard’s student at the wartime AA, and among several jobs that Leonard carried out was a factory and office complex for Fry’s company, Rotork, beside the River Avon on the edge of Bath. In 1960, Leonard undertook a “facelift” scheme for Hampstead and made friends with an older Architectural Association School of Architecture AA contemporary, the architect-planner Elizabeth Chesterton, a long-time resident of the village. Their collaboration led to his offer of a partnership, but she preferred to rent space in his office and to work together when the occasion offered. Her development plan for King’s Lynn, commissioned in 1964, was friendly towards the existing older buildings, but included a site for new Law Courts on South Quay, completed by the Manasseh Partnership in 1981 in a tough version of what had then become a prevailing “vernacular” mode. In 1965, Lord Montagu of Beaulieu commissioned a master plan from Elizabeth Chesterton for his estate with its numerous summer visitors drawn by the collection of vintage cars. She brought in Ian Baker as designer of the new National Motor Museum while the Brabazon Restaurant was Leonard’s. The buildings featured protohigh tech steel frames in bright colours and all were linked to parking and other parts of the site by a monorail. For the Duke of Wellington at Stratfield Saye, the same team created the Wellington Country Park and its buildings. Leonard remained involved in his practice during the 1980s but took on more public duties. In 1979, he and John Partridge were elected to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Council “Hurrah for Architecture” party with as much support as the next three candidates combined. He became a Royal Academician in the same year and in 2016 the first RA centenarian. He was the first architect President of the Royal West of England Academy (1989-95). Leonard was an artist himself, drawing colourful Christmas cards to the end. Leonard was married, first, to Karin Williger and secondly to Sarah Delaforce, who predeceased him. He is survived by his five sons. Peter Treharne Marshall (OJ & DB, 1949)

Peter Marshall, son of H.E. Marshall MC (Past staff, 1945-53), died on the 29th December 2017, aged 86. Charles Jonathan McInerny (H, 1955)

Jonathan McInerny died on the 21st September 2017, aged 80. He was descended from one of the founders of Barings Bank, and allegedly from Robert Jones, a highwayman deported to Australia, only to turn Jailor and mentioned in Robert Hughes The Fatal Shore. Jonathan started off well at College. However, in his second year 9.

his performance was more variable. His Housemaster’s report in 1953 said: “I wish I could share some enthusiasm about him in House matters, but he doesn’t seem to take any active interest in anything and causes a good deal of annoyance by his slovenly ways.” Nonetheless, his Headmaster said: “I think he is an able boy and I hope he will set himself the highest possible standards.” In his penultimate year his teachers were quite critical. The Headmaster said: “His promise lies in the balance – if he fully plays his part with his will and personal efforts, his brain will do theirs. As it is, his personal response falls short.” After National Service, in the Royal Army Service Corps, he went to Hertford College Oxford, as a Baring Foundation Scholar to read History. He didn’t get the good degree he hoped for. This was because although he studied widely, he did not pay much attention to the set syllabus! His History tutor at Oxford said to him: “I am certainly prepared to say that your Third does not represent your real intellectual capacity. Take a temporary job for a year to give yourself time to look around and sort out your ideas.” It is probably fair to say that Jonathan did sort out his ideas, and one of them was a disdain for having a career! He did a variety of temporary jobs to make ends meet. His first job was as a reporter on the Yorkshire Post based in Leeds – he wrote about wine. He was then employed by West Ham Borough Council, followed by a stint at A.W. Gamage, a Department store in Holboun. He then worked for J.C. Wells Ltd, a gentleman’s tailors in Hanover Square. In the early seventies he worked as a History teacher in a large comprehensive school in the East of London where he interested himself in the social problems of the area. Later he worked as the Material Control Administrator in the Data General Corporation in West Hanworth. He was made redundant in 1992 and took early retirement. His real career was the life of the mind, his real ambition a voracious and mischievous curiosity, tempered by an exacting and demanding intellect. For example, he was a member of The London Library, but when he was temporarily ostracised by the Library for failing to take some books back, that would have been as big a blow to him as any redundancy. He was a friend of The Royal Academy, an inveterate and tireless attender of lectures and concerts and exhibitions, often choosing to walk the length and breadth of London to drink deep at these experiences. He was also a voracious reader. Early in his retirement, he was recruited at an open meeting for Kensington and Chelsea branch of the Royal British Legion. He soon became the membership secretary, was a regular poppy seller and was very involved with the administration right up to the time of his death. He lived in a tiny bedsit in Sydney Street, a tenant of The Royal Marsden Hospital. Armed with a copy of Pevsner he would stamp around London, a defiant and yet simultaneously a completely authentic creation of the city he lived in all his life, and which he utterly personified, London. He was a character out of Dickens re-imagined by Martin Amis via Zadie Smith – a reactionary progressive, or maybe even – to quote Michael’s Foot marvellous description of Jonathan Swift – a Tory Anarchist. He was a regular attendee at Cheltonian Society events in London, with other members of his Greenite year group. He was described more than once as secretive, reclusive and private. When he died, one person wrote in to say: “It is when people die that you realise how little you know about them.” Jonathan is survived by his four nephews, three great nieces and two great nephews. (Adapted from the eulogy given by his nephew, Nicholas McInerny)


Francis Hugh Penn Milton (OJ & Ch, 1939)

Hugh Milton, son of Frank Milton (Ch, 1905) and nephew of John Penn Milton (Ch, 1891), Thomas St Michael Milton (Ch, 1899), Reginald Devenish Milton (Ch, 1901) and Leonard Milton (Ch, 1903), died on the 3rd February 2017, aged 95. Hugh was very proud to have been a member of the unbeaten 1939 XV, playing at fly-half. College had moved to Shrewsbury and the Clifton game was played at Cheltenham Athletic Ground. The game was watched by a crowd of around 2000 which included the Mayor and the local MP. In a closely fought game, which College won by 16-15, the Cheltonian reported that: “Milton handled well and carried out the task of setting the three quarters moving.” The Cheltonian end of season report said: “Essentially a pivot and as such he filled his position admirably. A fine pair of hands and an ability to kick well with both feet made him a good link with the strong three quarters line.” As the only surviving member of the 1939 side, he attended a lunch at College in September 2009 along with members of the unbeaten 1957 and 2008 XVs. He won a place in the Hockey XI in the first half of the 1939 season. The Cheltonian end of season report said that: “He came into the side late and justified his place by resourceful displays against Downside and Marlborough. His impudent stick work saved many disasters - he was thinking all the time. He never quite learned the art of interception but his distribution was constructive and full of ideas. Most promising.” He played in the 1939 Cricket XI. The Cheltonian Report said: “A courageous but unlucky cricketer. A delightful fielder on the offside with an accurate throw. His batting lost the confidence and natural spontaneity with which he started the season. An accurate left arm bowler who could turn the ball but his arm was villainously low.” He missed out on playing at Lords as the 1939 game against Hailebury was rained off. On leaving College, Hugh enlisted in the army and was posted to India. On the troop transport to India he found himself one of seventeen OCs, several, like himself, joining the Gurkhas. He served as a Major with the Princess Mary’s Own, 10th Gurkha Rifles. He met his wife Marnet in India and their son Peter was born there. The family travelled through India in a military convoy during the partition of India and took passage to the UK in 1948 after the disbandment of the 10th Gurkha Regiment, upon which Hugh transferred his Commission to the newly formed RAF Regiment as Squadron Leader. He was given a family posting to Germany and served there for some time near Pinneberg. He returned to England where he undertook a course of Gunnery Training and then was given another family posting, this time to Singapore where he served for just over two years, spending some time in Malaya. On returning to the UK, he was posted to RAF Catterick and whilst serving there he was tasked with commanding a RAF Regiment detachment on a joint services honour guard, to Paris, to lay a wreath at L’Arc de Triomphe during the visit of HM Queen Elizabeth II. He retired from the RAF in 1958 and joined Power Petroleum, a division of Shell Mex and BP. After some time establishing himself within the company, he gravitated to the Marketing, Press and Trade Relations side and was eventually based at Shell Centre in London. He was offered the opportunity of taking up the reins of the department and its involvement with the North Sea Oil operations, based in Glasgow. He worked there for a number of years and then wanted to return South so he and his wife could be nearer to their grandchildren and they moved to Kent where he managed the marketing arm of the operations on the Isle of Grain, until his retirement in 1978. In retirement, he acted as a management evaluation consultant to Kimberley-Clarke until 1988. Hugh was predeceased by his wife Marnet and is survived by his son Peter and his grandchildren.

Dr Henry Francis Reade Morris (OJ & NH, 1936)

Henry Morris died on the 31st October 2016, aged 99. Anthony Clive Errol Mossford (L, 1958)

Clive Mossford died on the 4th November 2017, aged 77. He was very good friends with Richard Cleghorn-Brown (L, 1958). On one occasion they found an old 9.5mm projector and bought a motor in a junk shop to get it working. They set it up in the Leconfield basement and began with small reels of old film and moved on to hiring longer films from a library. All this had to come to an end when someone thought the films were not quite suitable! Clive enjoyed the Combined Cadet Force. He and Richard particularly liked the artillery camp at Castle Martin where the two of them could scavenge for derelict equipment to take back to Leconfield. They built a system to speak to each other after lights out and by adding an ex-army signals radio were able to speak to boys in other houses. He met his future wife Mary at an early age at a tennis club in the Castle grounds in Cardiff. They were both good at the game and were boy and girl champions at the same time. Clive went on to win his tennis colours at College and to Captain Dinas Powys Tennis Club. A great friend from Prep School, David Wheeler (NH, 1958), had a sister at the Ladies’ College where Mary was also a pupil. David used to get the odd invitation to Sunday tea from his sister and on occasions asked Clive if he would like to come with him. Clive was not really interested in getting some decent food but more interested in trying to catch up with Mary. One of their meetings was spotted by the powers that be and in the resulting dressing down by the Principal, amongst other things the most disgraceful misdemeanour was that Mary was not wearing her hat! On leaving College, Clive did his articles with R H March and became a Chartered Accountant in 1964. He and Mary were married on the 7th September 1963 before he had qualified and he became a kept man as Mary had already qualified as a Physiotherapist. After qualifying, Clive had to get established in the accounting world and began a short spell with Peat Marwick before moving on to Aberdare Holdings as P.A. to the Chairman. Next, it was to Powell Duffryn Engineering as Financial Director for thirteen years before moving on to Lion Laboratories, who manufactured breathalyzers. Being with Lion meant trips back and forth to America with Mary and they reckoned they visited forty two states over the years, including Kentucky where they were appointed Kentucky Colonels. Clive finally moved on to Minton, Treharne & Davies where he was Financial Director until he retired but he continued to work part time to help out. While Clive pursued his day jobs, he also worked nights and weekends running Mossford Monumental Masons, a business inherited from his father. This he found hard work but because the employees had all been friends of his father he said could not let them down. Ultimately he was able to sell the business. Clive kept up his links with College and became the South Wales representative for quite a long period. He put tremendous efforts into arranging functions as he did with everything he was involved in. He also attended many of the Cheltonian Society gatherings enabling him to keep his old friendships going. He thoroughly enjoyed the Leconfield 150th Anniversary Dinner which he and Mary attended in 2016. He had many interests outside work including collecting dinky sized model cars. A quick estimate puts the number at way over 1,000 all beautifully laid out on glass shelves along one wall of his study and they make a superb sight with so many models and so many colours. He was a member of the Cardiff and County Club for 49 years and was involved in many of their activities. Clive was also a member of 10.


the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus. The Order has about 5,000 members worldwide and last year was able to provide support to the value of one and three quarter million pounds to help leprosy sufferers, the hungry, particularly children, homeless, medical support for the sick anywhere there was a need. Clive became the Commander of the Wales district and had a very successful period of command before stepping down and becoming auditor to keep his finger on the pulse. The Order on hearing of his death wrote: “He was a quiet unassuming man with a great sense of duty and loyalty.” Clive is survived by his wife Mary. James Desmond Howard Neil MBE (BH, 1941)

Desmond Neil died on the 27th May 2017, aged 93. He joined Boyne House in 1938 but due to the outbreak of war he finished his education in Barbados. Joining up in Trinidad, he returned to England for training and was commissioned into the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and transferred to the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, with which he remained in the UK until posted to India in early 1945. By October that year, Desmond was in Singapore where he enlisted into the British Military Administration. When this disbanded in 1946, he joined the Malay Civil Service which was then short of Chinese speakers, especially those fluent in Hokkien, the language favoured by immigrants to Singapore. Applying for a post, Desmond was asked if he had a musical ear for tone or knew any other languages. “No.” he replied. “That makes you just the man we need.” beamed the interviewer, dispatching Desmond to South China and Amoy (now known as Xiamen). A two-year struggle to master Hokkien’s seven phonemic tones followed during daily lessons from the longgowned Mr. Lim. Such mastery of Hokkien proved useless in Malaya, where Desmond was dispatched on returning from Amoy. “Neil, speak to these people in that language you speak.” the British commissioner would bellow, only to be told, with a laugh by Desmond, that the local Chinese spoke only Cantonese. With a stroke of luck, he found a Cantonesespeaking driver and began to persuade the rubber-tappers to resettle in villages. His success made him a target for communist fighters. Ambushes were twice laid for him along jungle roads. On both occasions he escaped death because he was late, and therefore not in convoys of cars stopped by communists. Instead, they murdered an interpreter and the wife of a district officer. At the age of 33 he was awarded an MBE, believed to be in silent recognition of his secret negotiations on behalf of the British with Chinese communist leaders. He denied knowing Chin Peng, the political activist and guerrilla leader, in interviews later. A natural diplomat, Desmond put his knowledge of Hokkien to good use in Singapore. In 1955, he attended a court hearing where the judge ruled in favour of the management of a bus company in a dispute involving workers’ rosters. Sitting between Chinese trade union leaders, Desmond translated the verdict delivered in English into Hokkien. The ruling sparked fury. He hurried to telephone his boss, Singapore’s Minister for Labour, to warn that trouble was in the offing. Thirty-one people were injured and four died in the ensuing Hock Lee riots. Afterwards, workers piled into his spacious office to thank him for his intervention. During the riots Desmond befriended a young Lee Kuan Yew. They would swap news over rounds of golf. Meeting in old age they would greet each other with the words: “Well, you’re still here then!” An able negotiator, he was offered a job in the personnel department of Fraser & Neave on his retirement, in 1957, from the Malayan Civil Service. Rapidly promoted, he became Fraser & Neave’s Chief Executive, helping the company to expand across Asia. Business interests grew from food and drink into property. He acquired a small fortune, worth £10 million. Frequent travel honed his skill as a linguist. Arriving for lunch at the Raffles hotel in Singapore, he would dismiss his driver in 11.

Malay, greet the doorman in Hindi, flirt in the lobby with Japanese women, and on entering the restaurant converse with the maître d’ in Hokkien. A gentle bon viveur, who smoked four cigars a day and peppered his letters with references to Somerset Maugham, Desmond retained an old-world colonial aura. His Chinese servants dressed in black and white, sometimes wearing their hair in long plaits. Occasionally, they accompanied him on his annual cruises, during which Desmond, who never married, would count with amusement the number of “cougars” who approached him. He was less delighted when one turned up at his home in Reigate. After suffering a heart attack in Majorca, his first request on recovery was for a copy of the Financial Times and a magnifying glass to inspect his stocks and shares. A sharp mind lurked beneath a genial exterior. He received the Pingat Bakti Masyarakat public service award and served as President of the Singapore National Employers’ Federation 1975-77. A generous man, he opened his home to a destitute Russian émigré who was living in his street. He also paid the hospital expenses and for the funeral of his former Housekeeper. Desmond is believed to have been the only surviving Briton in Singapore to have worked for the Malayan Civil Service and was proud of the island having developed a distinct Singaporean identity, after splitting from Malaysia in 1965. To the last, he enjoyed the confusion induced at airports by his passport. “What they see is a European with a Singapore passport that says he was born in Fiji,” he would say. William Thomas Charles Offer F.C.A. (OJ & L, 1958)

Bill Offer, son of H.C.S. Offer MC (DB, 1928), nephew of W.E.C. Offer (DB, 1928), and J.C. Offer (OJ & L, 1937), died on the 5th June 2017, aged 77. Bill was brought up by his mother and grandmother while his father Charles was serving with the Royal Artillery. During the latter stages of the war the family moved to the Cotswold village of Stoke Orchard, and in 1946 they moved again, this time to Wilmslow, Cheshire. Bill joined his cousin James (OJ & L, 1957) at the Junior School in May 1950, moving up to College in 1952. He was a College Prefect and played in the 1957 House XV which got to the final of House Pots, losing to Christowe. On leaving College in 1958, Bill entered into articles with accountants Thompson McLintock in Manchester. After fighting his way through the Foulks Lynch correspondence course, and enduring two sessions at Caer Rhun Hall with the formidable Ronnie Anderson, Bill emerged as a qualified Chartered Accountant in 1965. But for Bill, by far the most significant event of 1965 was his marriage at Wilmslow Parish Church, on September 4th, to Hazel Susan Sharrock. In this same year he joined the family business of James Galt & Co. Ltd., manufacturers of educational materials and equipment, based in Cheadle, Cheshire. Bill’s first area of responsibility in the company was to expand UK sales for the Galt Toys Division, established in 1959 but only as a Mail Order business. Under his leadership the division grew through the setting up of shops-in-shops, followed later by sales to the retail Toy Trade. His promotion to Export Sales Director took him on many trips to exotic locations around the world. One of Bill’s more memorable export coups took place in the United Arab Emirates. As part of a contract to equip local play nurseries he succeeded in selling them several sandpits and four bags of sand to go with each one - coals to Newcastle comes nowhere near! On the retirements of his father Charles, and uncle James (J. C. Offer, OJ & L, 1937), Bill became company Chairman, and in 1993, he oversaw the successful sale of the business.


The family had had long-standing links with Majorca. His father Charles and uncle Teddy (W.E.C. Offer, DB, 1928) having rented a villa on the rocky seashore of Puerto Andraitx, long before any serious commercial development. Charles went on to build his own villa on the other side of the port, and many wonderful holidays were enjoyed there by family and friends. Unsurprisingly therefore, on retirement, one of Bill’s first significant moves was to buy his own place in Puerto Andraitx, and again the family and friends have enjoyed many wonderful times there. Bill was a true family man, very fond of his two sisters Hazel and Sally, and devoted to his beloved wife Hazel, and their three children. His greatest pleasure in the summer months would be to take out his boat with a few friends, a picnic, and a few drinks, and find a secluded bay in which to drop anchor. In winter he liked nothing better than to walk locally and enjoy the natural beauty of the coastline, the sea, and the mountains. Outside of family life, Bill had a wide range of interests, both sporting and social. At school he had been a useful scrum half, and his interest in rugby continued with enthusiastic support for Macclesfield Rugby Club. For many years he was a keen hockey player with Alderley Edge, and a member of both Wilmslow and Prestbury Golf Clubs at various times. But his greatest sporting love was cricket. His obsession started with cricket on the lawn at his grandmother’s house in Charlton Kings, followed by many years of beach cricket on holidays in Carbis Bay and Rhosneigr, playing the special rule, that you could be caught out, one hand, first bounce! Socially, Bill very much enjoyed his bridge, and he was a long standing and popular member of the Old Boys’ and Park Green Club in Macclesfield. Within this club, he was an enthusiastic member of their investors’ group, the Penny Black Club. He is survived by his wife Hazel, their daughters Victoria, Caroline, son Charles and his grandchildren. Professor Ian Herbert Porter MD MB BS (Xt, 1948)

Ian Porter, son of R.N.V. Porter (OJ & Xt, 1918) and grandson of H.E. Porter (DB, 1872), died on the 12th December 2016, aged 87. Ian was born in Copenhagen and moved to Kenya where his father was a forester. After spending his early childhood in Kenya, he returned to Denmark to live with his maternal grandmother during World War II and to attend boarding school there. He came to College for the Sixth Form. Ian was a very accomplished athlete and was awarded the Ladies’ Prize in 1947 and 1948 (his Grandfather won the Ladies’ Prize in 1876). The Ladies’ Prize was awarded to an athlete who gained the highest number of points, according to the International Decathlon table, in three events in the College Sports’ Day. In 1948, Ian won the 100 yards, 220 yards, came second in the 440 yards, won the long jump, broke the College Record in the Shot Put, and won the discus! He played in the 1947 XV on the wing. The 1947 Cheltonian Report said: “Porter on the right wing, probably as fast as anyone playing in school football, fractured his wrist early in the term but he proved his worth in the only school match in which he played -the Marlborough game – by scoring two very fine tries.” For one of the tries he intercepted a loose pass from a Marlborough player, in one of their attacking movements in College’s twenty-five, and by sheer speed he out distanced the opposition to score a try. Ian’s final College report said he was a House Prefect, was pleasant and well mannered, but showed not as much drive in his work as in his sport! On leaving College, he read medicine at St Thomas’ in London. After graduating and doing graduate work there, Ian was recruited by Victor McKusick (known as ‘the father of medical genetics’) to work at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He was board certified in paediatrics and rheumatology. He moved to Albany, New York, to help set up the birth defects unit within the New York State Department of Health. Ian later joined Albany Medical Centre where he spent the rest of his career, in paediatrics and medical genetics, serving as Chief of Paediatrics and later as Assistant Dean

for Graduate Medical Education, VP of Medical Affairs, and Medical Director. He travelled frequently with an accreditation team from the New York State Department of Education to countries that send medical school graduates to the United States for clinical medical education. He was a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society as well as the member of the Paediatric Travel Club and PEDS (Paediatric Early Developmental Screening). Ian served on the board of the Albany Institute of History and Art for many years and especially enjoyed serving on the Collections and Acquisitions Committee. He was a long-time member of the Fort Orange Club and Schuyler Meadows Club. He especially liked racquet sports including squash and tennis. Ian was a knowledgeable and avid gardener. His white garden at his townhouse on Jay Street in Albany was on the neighbourhood garden tour several times. He was honoured to be asked to be a part of a book/discussion group organised by a teacher from Albany Academy where the goal was to use literature as the basis for the exploration and discussion of ideas, history and philosophy. He and a fellow scholar-athlete continued the book group and included wives and partners in the dinner discussions, a tradition which continues to this day. He is survived by his former wife Ingrid, their sons Julian and Robert, and his partner of many years, Josey Twombly. David Michael Richards MA(Cantab) (BH, 1950)

David Richards died on the 6th January 2017, aged 85. He came to College in 1945 on a Music Exhibition from Salisbury Cathedral School where he had been a Chorister (Bishop’s Chorister, 1945) and captained the Cricket XI in his final year. An extremely good musician (he won the Hannam Clarke Music Prize in 1949) and games player, especially cricket, he flourished at College. He played the trombone in the College Orchestra and the euphonium in the College Band. In his final year he was a College Prefect, Head of House and an Under Officer in the CCF. David played in the Cricket XI for three years, 1948-50, captaining the team in his final year He was a very useful bowler and batsman. During his time at College he never lost to Haileybury in the two day matches at Lords (two wins and a draw): this must have given him bragging rights when on the staff at Haileybury where he was Master i/c of Cricket. In the 1950 game against Malvern he scored 47 runs. The Cheltonian report said: “Richards scored rapidly and looked thoroughly set when he was stumped well down the wicket, just short of what would have been a splendid 50.” He took 5 for 57 v MCC and 6 for 36 v the OC XI and scored a century (120) v Repton. The Cheltonian Report said: “Richards batted superbly and his driving was a treat to watch.” He also scored a century (124) against the Free Foresters. College won the Haileybury game at Lords. He scored 22 in the second innings and the Cheltonian report said: “Richards batted well and it was a pity he did not last to make the winning hit. This would have been a fitting end to a season owing much to his skill and influence.” He was in the winning House Pots XI which beat Leconfield by 7 wickets. He took 3 for 50 and 6 for 29, and scored 52 and 113 not out. In the 1949 XI he took 5 for 27 v Repton, 5 for 46 v Clifton Club, 4 for 46 v St Edwards, and despite scoring two ducks v Marlborough, he took 4 for 17 in 18 overs, 12 of which were maidens. He also played in the 1949 XV. He played in the 1950 Hockey XI. The Cheltonian hockey report on the match against Oxford Casuals said: “College were playing far more as a team than on any other game and Evans and Richards were outstanding in a more energetic defence.” On leaving College, he served his National Service as a 2nd 12.


Lt. in the 5th Regiment Royal Horse Artillery at Larkhill and Osnabruck and played cricket for the Army and the BAOR He started a medical course in 1952 at the London Hospital (Queen Mary College) but after his second year he decided to take up a place at Magdalene College, Cambridge, to read English and Theology. Whilst at Cambridge he played cricket for the Crusaders Club. After graduating, David was appointed an Assistant Master at Haileybury, where he taught for 11 years. He was an officer in the CCF, Master i/c Cricket and a Housemaster for five years. In his Haileybury years, he played a lot of cricket, not just with Wiltshire, whom he captained at one stage, and Wiltshire Queries, but with the Free Foresters (he was manager of the Devon tour for several years) and MCC, after qualifying as a player in 1957. David was appointed Headmaster of Hereford Cathedral School in 1968. He led the school through constitutional changes arising from the withdrawal of Direct Grant status that necessitated transition into independence. He was appointed Headmaster of Portsmouth Grammar School in 1975 and again was tasked with implementing constitutional changes requiring transition into independence. In both schools he fronted major development appeals and introduced co-education. David served on the HMC Direct Grant and Education committee, as a JP in Hampshire (Portsmouth bench) and as a Lay Canon of Portsmouth Cathedral. In 1983, David was appointed Principal of Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside, where he was responsible for implementation of Trust policy across a full range of training operation in charitable, educational, industrial and commercial fields. On retirement in 1989, he advised in comprehensive schools seeking emancipation from local control, and trained as a professional proof reader to work in educational and art fields. He found time for plenty of golf, achieving a handicap of 6 in his seventies. However, music was his predominant interest in retirement. He was a long standing member of the Bloxham choir and of the Wheatsheaf consort. In 2004, he and his partner Laura founded the Barnsford Singers. David was predeceased by his wife, Margaret, of forty years, and is survived by his partner Laura, his sons Jim, Matthew, daughter Lucy and his grandchildren. John Gervase Trafford Shipman (H, 1957)

John Shipman died on the 3rd November 2016, aged 77. He was the elder son of Brigadier Robert Trafford Shipman RAMC and Elizabeth Dorothy Smith. The peripatetic nature of his father’s life as a British Army doctor brought the family to Egypt, where John spent his early childhood (1946–49). This first acquaintance with the Middle East would augur a life-long association with the region and the Arab world in general. When the family returned to England, John gained an Exhibition to College. He was awarded the Sykes Prize in his last year and his final report read: “Keen enough to do well, sound and sensible. Very good – I am sure he is going to have a good career. He has the right attitude. He has always been a help here and we shall follow his course with warm interest and keen hope.” He played rugby, hockey and fives for his House and was awarded his House Colours. On leaving College, John read Modern History and Politics at Trinity College, Dublin. It was his friendship with three fellow Yemeni students at Trinity on a scholarship by the Imam of Yemen that kindled his interest in southwestern Arabia. They were ardent republicans, and John would remember lively discussions about developments in the Yemeni civil war with them. What motivated him to join Her Majesty’s Overseas Civil Service 13.

was a spirit of adventure “before being tied up with a Foreign Office posting at a young age”, and the impressions of another Trinity alumnus, Peter Hinchcliffe, who was already serving as Political Officer in the Western Aden Protectorate. Indeed, after graduation he rejected an early appointment to the Foreign Service, to the consternation of his parents. Thus, on Christmas Eve 1962 and at the young age of twenty-three, John arrived on the P&O liner SS Chusan in Aden to take up his post in Hadhramaut as Assistant Adviser for Sayʾun in the Kathiri Sultanate of the Eastern Aden Protectorate (EAP). One of his seniors at the time has rather typically described him as “an invaluable young man with a string-thin body and a monkish dedication to his assistant advisership.” During his five years in the EAP, John had the opportunity to travel extensively in one of the least known parts of Arabia, and to be given an insightful lesson in local tribal politics that would prove invaluable in his later career. The nationalist political climate of the time, and the fact that the people of the town of Shibam were enthusiastic listeners to the Voice of the Arabs (one of the first and most prominent Egyptian transnational Arabic-language radio services) did not escape young John who, during the opening of the first cold fish store in Shibam, resorted to mentioning the name of President Jamal ʿAbd al-Nasir during his speech in order to elicit the enthusiastic response of the crowd. In June 1964, he became the first British ‘Resident’ Assistant Adviser to the Sultan on the island of Soqotra. However, his efforts to reason with the old ruler were frustrated by the elusive sultan, who feigned illness and retreated to his hinterland refuge. Two years later he was posted in al-Ghaydha, near the Omani border, to advise the Mahra Tribal Council, after Operation Gunboat opened up this part of South Arabia to oil exploration. During the turbulent last months of British presence in al-Mukalla, capital of the Quʿayti Sultanate, John narrowly escaped a mine explosion in front of the car he shared with the SAS Captain (later Field Marshal) Charles Guthrie. A quarter of a century later, on his first visit to united Yemen in 1993, he and three former colleagues were hosted by the perpetrator. On the same occasion the four ex-political officers assisted the Yemeni authorities in determining the Yemeni–Saudi boundary in the region that had been under their authority. The atmosphere was not as cordial, though, on his first return to Hadhramaut in 1970 just after the socialist takeover; during that trip he was distressed to come across familiar faces that were nevertheless prohibited by law to talk to foreigners, even erstwhile friends. An event that fittingly sums up John’s unselfish character took place just as the British Residency in al-Mukalla was being evacuated at the end of August 1967. At the time, John took with him Ghazi, the eldest son of his Mahri assistant, effectively saving his life from the approaching revolutionaries of the National Liberation Front. The boy’s uncle, had already been assassinated a few days earlier and his father, who at the time was escorting the Mahra Sultan in Geneva, was executed in the post-independence period. Ghazi was cared for by John in Aden and sent away safely to Bahrain to continue his studies. Eventually, he became a diplomat for the United Arab Emirates, currently serving as the UAE Ambassador to Ethiopia and its representative to the African Union. After leaving Aden, John joined Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service, spending a term at the Middle East Centre for Arab Studies (MECAS) in Shemlan, Mount Lebanon, where he achieved “the best result so far recorded” in the study of Arabic. His first overseas posting with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office came in 1970 as Consul (later First Secretary) in Muscat at a time of profound political change in the Sultanate of Oman. He arrived just after the Sultan had overthrown his father, with Britain deeply involved in the containment of the Dhufar Rebellion and the establishment of Qabus’s reign. John returned to Arabia at the British Embassy in Jedda as First Secretary (1977–81), where he re-connected with the local Hadhrami merchant diaspora and is remembered for his efforts to rekindle their interest in their homeland. His last overseas assignment was at the British Embassy in Abu Dhabi (1984–87), from which he returned in the rank of Counsellor. During his terms at the FCO Middle East desk in London he was an


inexhaustible source of information on Arabia, having developed personal friendships with most of the principal political figures of the time. His innate tactfulness proved indispensable whenever he was called to interpret between British and Arab officials. When HM The Queen Mother asked the then Saudi Crown Prince ʿAbdalla how much he liked dogs, John quickly substituted the embarrassing subject with horses, allowing the conversation to continue at crosspurposes for some time. John’s long association with the Royal Society for Asian Affairs (RSAA) began on the 7th October 1970, when he was elected a member. Although he studiously avoided the limelight throughout his life, he lectured the Society on his favourite subject, the Hadhramaut, on the 18th October 1983. He also served in the Society’s Council (1991–94), and as the editor of Asian Affairs (1995–97), where his usual monkish dedication even succeeded in eliciting a four-yearoverdue book review. However, John’s brainchild and major contribution to the study of southwestern Arabia remains the British–Yemeni Society Journal (BYSJ), which he compiled and edited assiduously for 14 years (1998–2012) from his antediluvian word processor. Under his direction the BYSJ became an important repository of scholarship on Yemen and remains a testament to the breadth of his own sagacity. John was always generous with his knowledge of Arabia, readily available to share his own experiences, but also to correct many an author’s linguistic and factual oversights. Over the years he took under his wing a number of young scholars of Arabian studies, offering paternal moral support and even discreetly funding some of their research exploits. For this, he has earned a mention in the acknowledgement sections of a great many publications on Yemen and Oman. During his latter years, John endured with characteristic stoicism and dignity the effects of deteriorating health and immobility. When entertaining at the Travellers Club, of which he remained a proud member since 1982, he would find it amusing that he should be making use of the same handrail first fitted to the main staircase of the clubhouse to assist Talleyrand, the doyen of European diplomacy. John will be remembered for his singular personality, steadfast adherence to his moral principles, constancy to his friends, and scholarly erudition. But above all as a true gentleman, who would often sum up his own experiences by using Doreen Ingrams’s words in A Time in Arabia: “when you break bread with people and share their troubles and joys, the barriers of language, of politics, and of religion soon vanish.” John is survived by his younger brother Robert. (Adapted from an obituary written by Thanos Petouris, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and first published in Asian Affairs, the Journal of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs, vol. 48, no. 2 (2017)). Major John Anthony Noel Sim MC (H, 1938)

John Sim, brother of the late Major P.G.E. Sim (H,1940), the late Rev D.H. Sim (H, 1947), and uncle of Lt. Col N. A. Sim MBE (H, 1972), died on the 24th December 2016, aged 96. John was born in a tent in Persia in 1920, and his early years were spent in India, where his father was stationed with the York and Lancaster Regiment. At College, he excelled as a gymnast and was a member of the College Gym team from 1935-38. He was also a member of the Fencing Team in 1937 & 38. In his final year he was Company Sergeant Major in the OTC. He was commissioned into his father’s regiment shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War and posted to the Hallamshire Battalion in Iceland. In May 1941, he led a patrol to try to locate a Fairey Battle of 98 Squadron RAF that had disappeared in bad weather. He found it after two days, crashed on a mountain glacier

near Akureyri, with the bodies of its two crewmen and two other RAF passengers. He descended the mountain to pick up a padre to conduct a service and erected a small cross on the crash site, which was rapidly covered by snow and ice. It was only rediscovered in 2000, revealed by the melting of the glacier. John, who was mentioned in dispatches for his leadership, contracted pneumonia in the atrocious weather and spent six months recovering in England. He then volunteered for the newly-formed airborne forces and transferred to the 10th (East Riding Yeomanry) Battalion, Green Howards, which became 12th (Yorkshire) Battalion, Parachute Regiment in May 1943. John’s account of D-Day, June 6, 1944, begins in a deceptively lyrical way. The first of his platoon of 22 men to jump from their Short Stirling aircraft, he landed shortly before 1.00am in the 12th (Yorkshire) Parachute Battalion’s designated drop zone east of the River Orne. One of the first British soldiers to set foot in Normandy on D-Day, he recalled later: “There was a sudden stillness. The clean, crisp rush of air behind the ears and round the body, the swelling of the chute above as it developed, sensations quickly following one after another, and I found myself floating lazily down and, it seemed, alone.” He was soon in action. The battalion’s task was to prevent the Germans using the bridges over the Orne and the Caen Canal to disrupt the great Allied beach landings to the west. By 4.00am half of the battalion were digging defensive positions around the hamlet of Le Bas de Ranville. John was commanding an outpost line of only a dozen men with two machine guns, a six-pounder anti-tank gun and a forward observer with a radio link to the 12 six-inch guns of the cruiser HMS Mauritius. About 300 yards east of the rest of the battalion, they were among the most advanced British troops in Normandy, deep in German-held territory. Shortly after dawn, John saw a large party of men in parachute smocks and helmets approaching. At about 300 yards, he realised they were Germans and that they outnumbered his small party by about 20 to 1. He told his men to hold their fire until the enemy reached a barbed wire fence 50 yards away. As he was about to give the order to fire, the Germans dropped into dead ground and three of their formidable 88mm self-propelled guns, following in support, engaged John and his lightly-armed party from only 70 yards away. They made a fine target for John’s six-pounder, but the crew discovered that its breechblock had been damaged on landing and it would not fire. John let off two Very lights to call for mortar support from the battalion, just as German mortars started raining down on his position. Two of the men nearest to him were killed immediately and the forward-observation officer was badly wounded in the thigh; the German infantry, protected by fire from the impregnable 88s as well as their mortars, crawled in to outflank his position. Soon almost all of his men were casualties. As their own mortars began to retaliate, he collected three survivors and led them down a shallow ditch to safety in their own lines. He then returned with reinforcements to reoccupy the outpost. Attacks and counterattacks continued almost all day; at one stage the Germans reoccupied the village, but were driven out by the parachutists. In the early afternoon, men of Lord Lovat’s commando brigade linked up with them and Ranville became the first village in France to be liberated by the Allies. John was awarded an immediate Military Cross. The citation ends: “He continued to fight till all but three of his men were killed. By his personal example of conspicuous gallantry, he held together his force and warded off the attack for two vital hours, this enabled a redistribution of troops to meet the armoured threat thereby ensuring the safety of the vital bridgehead held by the Airborne troops.” Six days after winning his MC, John was wounded in the elbow by shrapnel during the battalion’s attack on the villages of Amfreville and Bréville, near where they had landed on D-Day. He was evacuated to England, but returned to the battalion in August in time to cross the Seine. Shortly before Christmas 1944 he went with the battalion to the Ardennes to reinforce the Americans as the Germans launched their last great offensive of the war. They 14.


returned to England in January to prepare for Operation Varsity, the airborne operation on the east bank of the Rhine to prevent German counterattacks on the Allied armour as they crossed the river. Involving two airborne divisions totalling more than 15,000 men, it was the largest single daytime airborne drop in history, and among the most successful, achieving all its objectives within the day, March 24, 1945. 12 Para fought on until the German surrender, when they were redeployed to the Far East to take part in the recapture of Singapore from the Japanese. The planned battle was obviated by the Japanese surrender and John, now a major, was appointed commandant of the notorious PoW camp at Changi, many of whose new Japanese inmates were executed for war crimes. In the autumn of 1945, John was deployed with the battalion to Java to counter the Indonesian National Revolution, and in 1947 he was posted to Palestine. After three years of almost ceaseless operations, he was posted to Aldershot to command Pegasus Company, known throughout the British Army as “P” Company, running the preparachute selection courses that must be passed in order to undergo airborne training. In 1952 he returned to the Hallams, serving in Khartoum, Egypt and Dover, from which they were redeployed to Suez in 1956. He was interviewed handing over positions on the canal to Danes of the United Nations force by a young Robin Day. Having commanded a company of the Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion at Shorncliffe from 1967 to 1969, he completed his service at the Army Apprentice College at Arborfield. As he approached compulsory retirement aged 55, in 1975 he recommended to the authorities that his job could be done by a civilian. They agreed, he applied and got it as a retired officer, finally retiring in 1985 to Barkham, near Wokingham. John was described by one of the soldiers he commanded as an example of those regimental officers who were forged in war: “He guided and looked after you, but never over-supervised you: he let you do things.” John was predeceased by his wife Heather and daughter Jennifer and is survived by his sons Richard and Tony. Lt. Col. Charles Ian St Johnston (NH, 1948)

Ian St Johnston, father of Nicholas (NH, 1979), died on the 4th October 2017, aged 87. On leaving College, Ian joined the army, being commissioned from Sandhurst into the Royal Army Service Corps. An early posting was to a Tank transporter company in the Suez Canal Zone, based in a camp surrounded by barbed wire. Outside, predatory locals were eager to steal anything left unguarded. Sentries were posted at night and the duty officer was required to check on them, but lights weren’t allowed. Ian remembered the frustration of being unable to find the sentries who would lurk in a dark corner and suddenly loom out to startle him. A fellow officer at the time recalls how Ian as senior subaltern was a most excellent role model to the newly joined officers, many straight from school. Ian was posted to Libya, from the Canal Zone, to command the transport troop attached to the Royal Scots Greys. He looked back on that time with great affection, partly because he found them congenial company and partly because of the freedom of being able to train anywhere in the desert, out of sight of one’s superiors, albeit lost! From the desert, Ian went to Germany, where in 1958 he met Frances, who was out there with her father, who was working for the Allied Control Commission. They were married a year later in London. After Germany, Ian was seconded to the Malaysian Army, and the family went by ship to the Far East in 1963 to be stationed in Taiping. Confrontation with Indonesia had just begun, mainly confined to North Borneo, and he was posted to Kuching, the capital of Sarawak and although no great distance from the disputed boundary with Indonesia, his family joined him. Both Ian and Frances remembered


their time there as the highlight of their married life in the army. Ian’s tour with the Malaysian Army ended in 1967. Having travelled to the Far East by ship, he was amazingly allowed to return the same way, and make his own arrangements to do so. “Join the Army and see the World” they certainly did!! They sailed via Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, through the Panama Canal, to Bermuda, and across the Atlantic. Back in England, Ian very wisely made himself an expert specialising in Management Services and was promoted to Lt. Colonel, becoming Head of UK Land Forces Management Services at Wilton. His last ten years of Army service included an unaccompanied tour of the Persian Gulf, and an accompanied one to Hong Kong. Ian retired from the Army aged 50, and had a succession of jobs, starting with a medical organisation in London, then three years in Oman, carrying out Management Services for the Sultan’s Army. He then worked for a publishing firm for two years, and his final job was to work for Strutt and Parker in the job of letting out their shooting and fishing. This was right up his street as he loved all country pursuits. He finally retired aged 58, but continued to lead an active life. He shot well, on the local army shoot, enjoyed playing bridge and walked his dogs – he was something of an expert having been a judge at Crofts. He was absolutely straight, genial open minded and well able to laugh at himself. Ian is survived by his wife Frances and their son Nicholas and daughter Camilla. Major Gerald David Brandreth Thatcher (BH,1949)

David Thatcher, son of Col. Brian Thatcher (BH, 1923) died on the 23rd May 2017, aged 85. He was a member of the Morley Society and Shakespeare Society. The Cheltonian report on the 453rd Meeting, The Merchant of Venice, said: “G.D.B. Thatcher read Lorenzo’s poetic speeches with great competency.” and on the 454th meeting, The Tempest, “Thatcher was a charming Ariel.” David was a College Prefect and Head of House. His Housemaster’s final report said: “A first class Head of House. Quiet, firm and good mannered. He should go a very long way.” He played for the House 1st XV, 2nd XI hockey and 1st XI cricket teams. The House magazine reported that: “Once again a plucky last wicket stand, this time between Lawrence and Thatcher put a few more runs on the score to make our final total almost respectable.” He was also the Sergeant Major in the Corps. David excelled in the classroom and in his final year he won the Hornby French Prize and gained a place at Oxford. However, on leaving College National Service beckoned and so after training at Mons Officer Cadet School (OCS), he was posted to J (Sidi Rezegh) Battery, 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery (RHA) in Germany. He did a lot of racing over fences in Germany, hurdles and on the flat and won his first race. It was while he was there that he was persuaded to take a regular commission to which he agreed on the proviso that he could remain with 3 RHA. The decision to forego his place at Oxford was never regretted. He soon found himself in Fayid, on the Suez Canal and then at Homs in Libya, where sporting activities included sailing and polo. In 1956, he was selected to join The King’s Troop RHA, and after completing the Long Equitation Course, he joined the Troop as Commander of Left Section (the Blacks) and so was responsible for providing the gun carriage for the funeral of FM The Lord Ironside. Another highlight during his tour was the parade in the Quadrangle of Buckingham Palace where HM the Queen was presented with a King’s Troop brooch. Scamperdale, his charger, not only carried him on parade, but also won the Troop point-to-point as well as competing at Badminton where, despite several refusals, he managed to complete the cross-


country course in the sixth fastest time of the day. Unfortunately, he was found to be lame after the cross-country phase and so was not able to complete the show jumping. While at the Troop, David rode successfully in many point-to-points and hunter chases, winning the RA Gold Cup on Major RL Spiller’s Spitall Hill in 1958. After the Troop, he did a short tour as Adjutant in 18 Regiment, before undergoing language training prior to secondment to the Sultan’s Armed Forces, Muscat, where he much enjoyed being back in the desert and being his own boss of the Artillery Troop. On returning to the UK, he attended the Long Gunnery Staff Course and became engaged to Anna (daughter of a Gunner, Col L.H. Landon) whom he had met sailing while home on leave from Muscat. Following the course, he did a tour as an Instruction in Gunnery (IG) before taking Command of A Bty (The Chestnut Troop) of 1 RHA, stationed at Colchester. After a posting to Bovington as Chief Instructor of the Driving and Maintenance Wing, he returned to Larkhill in December 1974 as an IG and moved into a quarter (Ivy Cottage) in Netheravon, where he was to spend the rest of his life having managed to purchase the house from the MoD after living in it for eight years. Most people will remember David for the time that he spent at Larkhill where he became involved in almost every kind of activity associated with horses. He took over as Master of the RA Hunt in 1978 and did a splendid job for seven years, during what was a most difficult period in the Hunt’s history. Money was short and the MoD was forever placing restrictions on where and when the Hunt could operate. By careful husbandry, many fundraising activities, including the instigation of the 200 Club, the books were made to balance and local landowners, including the MoD, were kept happy as were the hunt followers. Besides hunting, he was Clerk of the race course for many years, secretary for the United Services Point-to-Point, builder of hunter trial courses and organiser of the Larkhill Horse Show. Throughout all these activities, he was ably assisted by Anna who worked furiously, generally behind the scenes, to ensure that everything ran smoothly. So much were his services in demand that, when he reached his “sell-by date” the powers that be granted him an extension to the age of sixty so as to be able to count on his wealth of experience and organisational abilities in the running of the many equine activities to which he had become so closely associated. David and Anna were happily married for 51 years and he was a devoted father to his three children. He was quite unflappable, absolutely loyal and scrupulously honest. Above all, he was extremely modest and always gave credit to others, especially the horses that he rode, rather than accept any praise for anything that he himself had successfully done. This modesty was epitomised finally when, after his untimely death, instructions concerning his funeral were unearthed which stated that it was to be a private family affair with no public announcement of his death until after his funeral. In summary, David can be said to have been the perfect example of a true Officer and Gentleman. David is survived by Anna, their sons John, Michael, their daughter Caroline and his grandchildren. David Campbell Vetch (OJ & DB, 1943)

David Vetch, brother of the late Ian Vetch (OJ & DB, 1945), died on the 4th October 2016, aged 90. He was predeceased by his son Robin and is survived by his wife Ann, daughter Davina and his grandchildren.

Michael Arthur Howard Walford MA, FI Mech E, FIEE, FI Marine E (H, 1942)

Michael Walford, son of H H Walford (Corinth, 1900), son-in-law of L Gluckstein (Corinth & Lyon, 1925), brother of J H Walford (H, 1944) father of Thomas Walford (H, 1973) and Julian Walford (H, 1974), died on the 1st July 2015, aged 90. Michael was at College when they moved to Shrewsbury for a term. When back at College, Michael on one occasion discovered a burning incendiary device which had made a hole near the entrance to the South Door of Chapel. He alerted the authorities and the device was put out before any real damage had been done to Chapel. He was secretary of the Engineering Society – The Cheltonian report on one of their meetings said: “M.A.H. Walford presented a paper very successfully and which was well received on the First Principles and Modern methods in Television.” On leaving College, Michael won a place to read Mechanical Sciences at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, which, because of the War, was a two-year course. On graduating, he joined the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve (RNVR) in 1943, saw action in the Western Approaches and was later appointed to serve on HMS Camperdown, a newly built destroyer. During this time, he helped develop underwater radar, which was used for anti-submarine detection. Camperdown was sent to the Far East, following the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, but had only got as far as Ceylon (Sri Lanka) when the war finally ended in August 1945. The ship was an early arrival in Hong Kong and remained there until he was demobilised in December 1946. Michael was involved in restarting horse-racing at the Happy Valley racecourse in Hong Kong and rode in a number of races. On returning home, and after a short apprenticeship with an electrical firm, he joined the shipping firm of William Cory. The Cory Chief Engineer left the company in 1954 and asked Michael to join him as Managing Director of an old established pump manufacturer in Newbury and he had a long and successful career with the firm until it was taken over. He later held a number of Directorships of engineering companies and was also a consultant for which he was widely qualified as an electrical, mechanical, marine and civil engineer. Michael had a great capacity for friendship and a wide circle of friends. He was a man of great integrity and many enthusiasms including chastising public bodies who provided him with less than adequate service. Many years ago, he persuaded the Central Electricity Generating Board, for the first time, to bury electrical cable underground rather than disfigure the countryside with pylons. He served on Hampshire County Council and played a full role in local affairs. He was a talented silversmith to which skill he devoted many years of his retirement. He left a fine collection of work much prized by family and friends and those who commissioned work from him. He was predeceased by his wife Jill and he is survived by his sons Thomas and Julian and daughters Louise and Harriet. Luke Ulrich Wendon (BH & L, 1943)

Luke Wendon, brother of the late John Wendon (BH & L, 1940), died on the 6th December 2016, aged 90. Luke was born into a Jewish family in Germany in 1933. With the rise of Hitler, the family found themselves threatened and targeted. Life was not easy but a family friend, who was appropriately connected, protected them by providing a high ranking officer’s SS uniform to hang, visible, through the glass entrance door of the apartment. Despite all this, Luke, along with fellow children, attended the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and had the lasting pleasure of seeing Jessie Owens run! Luke was sent to London in 1939 under the auspices of the Childrens’ Refugee Movement, later known as the Kinder Transport, his brother John having come to London in 1938, whilst his mother walked out of



Germany through Switzerland and the Alps without any papers or passport. After living initially in Hendon, Luke was supported by, and lived with, his cousin Peter Barshall’s (S, 1934) family and with their assistance he came to College. During his years at College, Luke developed a real skill in fencing. He was a member of the fencing team for three years, captaining the team in his last year when they won the prestigious Bartlett Cup at the Public Schools’ Fencing Competition and became the English U18 champion. The 1943 Cheltonian reported that: “It was Wendon’s year; he was in his best form, which is saying a good deal. By winning the Foil and Sabre competitions and coming third in the Epee, he won the competition. He beat last year’s winner in the Foil, after a tie in the final pool.” He went out on a high note, winning all his fights in his final College match against Eastbourne College, and by winning all his fights in the House Competition he led his House to victory.” Luke went on to represent Great Britain in the 1948 and 1952 Olympic Games and held the British title for several years. After leaving College, Luke went to Imperial College and after graduating he started to study for a PhD. However, after a short time he decided that this was not for him! He recognised that his good degree was as a result of being able to spot questions and that he was no academic – he was always totally truthful and totally down to earth! Luke started as a salt salesman for a company in Cheshire, Murgatroyds. Whilst travelling from London to Cheshire to meet with the company secretary, he met his wife to be, Jean, on the platform at Crewe station. It was love at first sight, although at the time of their meeting on the station platform they were both engaged to another. They married shortly after meeting. The family later moved to South Wales, the move being precipitated by the company being taken over by BP and a two-year stint when Luke worked in London. Luke’s career at BP involved negotiations with the Union, which he adored, along with the day to day management of the plant and its process. He thoroughly enjoyed his work but when BP suggested an upward move in the ranks to London or a golden handshake, he took the latter with alacrity, as always based on his pragmatic view that his wife’s health was declining and his children were being schooled locally. He then started on a second career, which he attacked with verve and dedication, as a silver and jewellery dealer. He revelled in the bargaining at auctions and salesrooms. His son Jon became a highly effective partner, subsequently training in silver and metal work. As his wife’s health deteriorated, Luke started his third career as a carer. The dedication and love he showed was astounding, as not only was the duration of her life prolonged for many more years than expected, but also the quality of her life was greatly improved. Luke supported Jean through her second degree through the Open University, reading and acting as a scribe for her essays. Animals, and especially dogs, were an inherent part of Luke and Jean’s lives, both as companions and also as disabled dog workers – picking out clothes from the tumble dryer and opening cupboards. Luke’s care and compassion in supporting his wife was remarkable and allowed her to be Jean and not a patient, and his skill in caring for her continued to her death. Luke’s deafness at a relatively early age was something of a defining feature. His energy in searching out appropriate hearing aids was phenomenal and in recent years the advent of Bluetooth technology meant he was always to be seen with his little flashing box allowing him to hear in all environments, appreciate music again and speak on the phone. Luke remarried, and with his new wife Linda, and their dogs, enjoyed life to the full. He maintained his silver and jewellery interests, continuing to peruse the auction houses, even buying a ring some four weeks before his death. He was an astoundingly caring, compassionate and loyal man and his motto, which he had engraved


on his signet ring, personified his views on life - “Neither oppress nor be oppressed.” Luke is survived by Linda, and his children, son Jonathan, daughter Julia and his grandchildren who meant so much to him. Guy Stephen Foster Wilkin (Past Staff, 1954-1981)

Guy Wilkin died on 24th March 2017 at the age of 88, having struggled with illness over the last four years of his life. Guy’s career fell into two distinct parts, of which the first 27 years were at College where he was successively master in charge of Hockey, Housemaster of Leconfield and then Head of the Maths Department. In 1981 he changed course and moved to Walthamstow Hall as Bursar, staying there for a further 17 years. Guy was a man of very great and varied abilities - something occasionally hidden behind a naturally self-effacing exterior. On leaving school he did his National Service and won the Belt of Honour at Mons Officer Cadet School, before being commissioned into the Royal Artillery. He was a scholar at Hertford College, Oxford, where he read Maths, and while at the University he won Hockey blues in three successive seasons, captaining the side in his final year. Somewhere in all this he was also trialled for Surrey County Cricket Club. It was an outstanding foundation to his involvement in schools. He was appointed to College in 1954 and immediately took over the running of the hockey, still in those days played on a rather unpredictable grass surface. His impact was immediate and College’s subsequent success in the sport owes much to his work. He also masterminded the College timetable in these early years and applied to that rather unenviable task the clear logic of the Mathematician the same logic that he used so effectively at the Bridge table, as a number of young Cheltonians were to discover. It was no surprise when in 1966 David Ashcroft asked Guy to take over Leconfield. He ran the house with great calm and efficiency throughout the period of unrest that spread through secondary schools and universities in the late 60s and Leconfield boys were always well turned out and nicely mannered as a result of his influence. His considerable practical skills enabled him to not only virtually re-build his own canal narrow boat but also to re-floor one of the basements in Leconfield to accommodate a splendid billiard table which he acquired for the house. He was delighted and touched when Chris Reid, the then Housemaster, invited him to join in the presentation of a cup for achievement in the House - one of his last contacts with College. In 1973, he came out of the House and took over the Maths department from Alan Barton. Sixth Form mathematicians benefited greatly from his careful teaching and regular discussions about their progress. His colleagues found him a wise leader with a consensual style. In 1981 Guy changed direction and became Bursar of the Kent girls’ school, Walthamstow Hall. Unsurprisingly, he showed in that new job all the care and consideration which he had displayed at College. He managed to create a wonderfully productive relationship with the staff, the Headmistress and the governors, so navigating a path through a minefield which has blighted many schools. His Headmistress, when Chairman of the GSA, spoke so warmly to the Association of her relationship with the Bursar that she was inundated with requests from other Heads to share the key to the partnership. Sir Jeremy Elwes, for many years Guy’s Chairman of Governors, writes: “He was a delightful man and it was a joy and a privilege to have known and worked with him.” Retirement in 1996, following a slight stroke, was an opportunity


for Guy to indulge in yet more interests. He continued his long association with Burmese cats, was Treasurer of the Burmese Cat Club and became an expert in training espaliered fruit trees. Guy’s first marriage ended shortly before he left Leconfield and in 1974 he married Felicity Latham, the two of them bringing together four children to make a very happy family. Guy is survived by his wife Felicity, sons Paul, Mark, step-daughters Serena, Victoria, 7 Grandchildren and one great grandson. Guy Dodd (H, 1959, Past staff, 1966-82) John D R Willday (Past Member of Staff, 1967-75)

John Willday, husband of Prue White (OC, 1971), died on the 21st of December 2016, aged 79. He was educated at Truro School where he excelled in the classroom and on the sports field, playing for the 1st XV and 1st XI cricket and was awarded colours in both sports. On leaving school he served his National Service in the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. He was then awarded a county scholarship enabling him to read Classics and Economics at St Andrew’s University. He enjoyed his sport at University and took the prestigious leading part in the annual Kate Kennedy Celebrations.

with Prue, a very successful B & B, many of the guests becoming life-long friends. His last five years were beset by increasing health problems which he faced with remarkable courage. In spite of cruel physical problems, he continued to show his quick wit, his strong sense of right and wrong and his great determination. The weekend before he died he attended a performance of the Messiah in Penzance and the following day Prue drove him to Exeter for a lunchtime reunion with his family. That was John all over; get on with it, whatever the obstacles. A life well lived; he will be much missed, especially by Prue and their son Rupert. Guy Dodd (H, 1959, Past staff, 1966-82)

John Maxwell Woolley MBE (Ch,1935)

John Woolley, father of Christopher Maxwell Wooley (Ch,1971) and Anthony John Woolley (Ch, 1973), died on the 4th October 2017, aged 100. A full obituary will appear in Floreat 19.

On graduating, he started his very successful teaching career at Epsom College and came to College in 1967. He made a considerable impact in the classroom. Everyone taught by John had the same reaction to him. They were swept along by his enthusiasm, struck by the way in which he managed to be friends with his pupils - while at the same time preserving that essential gap between teacher and taught - and delighted by the warmth of his approach. John kept the loyalty and friendship of many he taught during his years as a schoolmaster. He taught Economics, Politics, and some Latin and English at College. Throughout his teaching career he was a proper schoolmaster, as opposed to just being a teacher. He led the Maynard Society to success in the business game and was a tutor for Boyne House for whom he produced two House Plays. He was ubiquitous and untiring on the games field, being responsible for College Hockey, Colts Rugby and 2nd XI Cricket. In many ways it was surprising that John was the master in charge of Hockey because he saw himself more as a rugby player and a cricketer. However, he had a more famous rival for the role of 1st XV rugby coach in the late Roger Hosen, the ex-England and Cornwall full back who also played cricket for Cornwall and took the 1st XI cricket side. John moved to Norwich School in 1975 where he ran the rugby and was in charge of the boarding in addition to taking a full role in the classroom. John retired from Norwich in 1992 and returned with Prue to his Cornish homeland, to the house on the cliff at Sennen which had been built by his father. His two children, Rupert and Rachel (who was very sadly to die in a motor accident shortly after leaving school), attended Truro School and John became Chairman of the Truro School Society, helping strengthen the invaluable link between the School and the parental body. He involved himself very widely in the community of West Cornwall, more proof, if it was needed, of his keen sense of commitment. He was Chairman of Penwith College, overseeing its successful union with Truro College, Chairman of the Cheshire Home in Marazion, twice President of Penzance Rotary and for two years boarding advisor to the Island School on Scilly. For a number of years, he got up early once a week to help at the Penzance Breakfast Project for the homeless. Along with all this he found time to host, together

O B I T UA R I E S All the following obituaries have been compiled from ones published in national and local papers, addresses and tributes given at funerals, and in some cases by family members, or those who knew the deceased very well. I am extremely grateful to Rachael Merrison and Debbie Beames (Archives) for the research they have carried out and for providing some of the photographs. For those I have missed, if you would like an obituary for them published in Floreat 19, please get in touch.

Malcolm Sloan OC Administrator


John Boutflower

Harvey Cole

David Cooper

Reynaud De La Bat Smit

Richard Evans

David Grainger

Sir Cosmo Haskard

David Ince

Damon Jarrett

Lt. Col. Peter Jenkins

John Legard

Leonard Manasseh

Jonathan McInerny

Hugh Milton

Clive Mossford

Desmond Neil

Bill Offer

Professor Ian Porter

David Richards

John Shipman

Major John Sim

Lt. Col. Ian St Johnston

Major David Thatcher

Luke Wendon

Anthony Goodwin

Guy Wilkin

John Willday

Cheltonian Society Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD   Contact Details: Tel: 01242 265694 www.cheltenhamcollege.org

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