Pftw Easter week 3

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1880 – 26 January 2018

Our Year 8 Music Scholars before the Scholar Concert

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog & Commendations Kingfishers Update Lower School News Boarding Update Genie House D&T Competition Review Sport Updates House Bakery Competition Birthday Announcements Notices

a e v a h l al u o y e p le b We ho a y o j n e d n a g relaxin Exeat!

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents My congratulations to all children who entered the inaugural House Design and Technology competition. The challenge was to create an original board game and the end products throughout the school are very impressive. Mr Norman, father of Jasper in Year 8, is to be heartily thanked for his input which was incisive and enthusiastic. Clearly, this rubbed off on the audience when he came into an assembly to promote the competition. On another extremely positive note, I have to congratulate The Prep School team for its performance during match days. Wednesday saw us welcome many visitors from a range of schools and, not only were we competitive on the games field, but also our standards of hosting and behaviour off the pitch were high. Contrast the fortunes of two visiting players: one received serious facial injuries after being allowed to play without a mouth guard and one was rendered unconscious by a swinging hockey stick during horseplay on the side of the pitch. The sporting experience goes way beyond the results on the field of play. It was time for a quick reminder to the pupils on how to deal with challenging relationships. By this I mean disagreements and consequent friction. The procedure that the children are asked to follow is simple and easily remembered:

This simple system is relatively effective and, should the matter reach the final stage, the issue is confronted with the appropriate response. At this point, however, there does appear to be a slight disconnect between some children and the school. The point is that not all disagreements between children will result in the ultimate sanction. Instead, there has to be a reasoned and graded response, supporting both victim and perpetrator in different ways. My sincere request to you is that you encourage your child to seek support immediately should anything occur which undermines their happiness and fulfilment. No institution is perfect, but all can strive for improvement. The Heads of Section and their teams of tutors will also seek to be pro-active in this respect, attempting to diffuse situations, which inevitably come to a head during ‘the difficult bit in the middle’, before they become challenging and disruptive. Mr Jon Whybrow Headmaster

1. “Please stop what you are saying/doing as I find it upsetting.” 2. “I have asked you politely to stop. If you don’t, I will tell a teacher.” 3. Tell. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


Headmaster's Commendations James Futers

Maya Forde

For looking after a fellow pupil.

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Amelia Weale

William Matthews

For exceptional private reading in her own time.

Freya Barltrop

For manufacturing a creative and high quality biplane.

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Oliver Lane

Harry Rushworth

For manufacturing a creative and high quality biplane.

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Edward Carter

Diana Mawundula

For manufacturing a creative and high quality biplane.

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Imoleayo Ajayi

Jayke Njung'e

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Nicholas Pulford

Sophia Griffin

For manufacturing a creative and high quality biplane.

Outstanding progress in swimming.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


Kingfishers Update Lunch with the Kingfishers It was lovely to see our boys and girls enjoy their lunch with their Mummies, Daddies or Grandparents this week. The children were proud to host their visitors by leading them into the Dining Hall, showing them where to sit and saying our lunchtime prayer. Our excellent hosts helped pour drinks for our visitors and clear the tables at the end of the meal, before finally guiding them for post lunch tea and coffee in the Library. Well done boys and girls for being such excellent ambassadors and we look forward to another parents’ lunch next term.

Science Club There has been a splash of colour in Kingfisher Science club this week as we have enjoyed exploring what happens when you add water or milk to skittles.

Year 2 Update This week the Year 2 children have continued learning about money. The children really enjoyed playing shopkeepers. The customer chose two items, the shopkeeper added up the amount and then the customer found the correct money. The children were practising so many key skills of handling money but through play. Year 2 parents, please ask your children to help you with your coins next time you are in the shop! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


Kingfishers Experience Taster Morning Do you have a child under the age of 7? Come and join us for a morning of discovery as you explore our Nursery and Pre-Prep, led by our lovely pupil guides. Meet our Headmaster, Mr Jon Whybrow and our Head of PrePrep, Mrs Rachael Buttress, as well as other teachers and pupils. Bring your friends and your children along for a morning of fun as you get the chance to explore and understand how we give our pupils the best possible start to life at school. For more information or to reserve your place, please email: prepadmissions@ or call 01242 265 639.

Thursday 1 February, 9.30am. Help us spread to the word! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


Lower School News Year 4 History Trip to Gloucester Cathedral 'Monks and Monasteries' Year 4 headed off last Thursday to visit Gloucester cathedral. Not only did we find out about its past as a monastery, but we were treated to a detailed tour by the fantastic Abbot. The day began by putting on habits; the hooded robes of the brotherhood. We were treated exactly as the monks would have been and were given roles and positions to share. We visited the cloisters, the cellar and the lavatorium, learning all about the responsibilities and the daily life of monks. To pray, to learn, to work; the three main values in the ethos of monks. Much of which was done in utter silence. After a quick break and a snack, we began some brilliant activities from attempting to recognise different herbs from their smells, to playing ancient board games and creating their own scented bag to keep under their pillows. Painting their own illuminated letters and learning how to write with a quill were also popular choices. The children had an amazing learning experience and are able to recall so many facts! The perfect way to start our history topic of the Vikings. A big thank you must go to Mr Theedom for such a well organised trip.

Lower School Open Morning With the theme of ‘Heroes and Villains’, Years 3 and 4 ran a variety of literacy activities to showcase their learning to prospective parents on Thursday. Up in Year 4 ‘Brother Powell' engaged pupils in writing poetry about the Viking raids, drama scripts were written and acted and Viking king character profiles were created. Meanwhile in Year 3, wanted posters appeared for the villains, colourful posters for character words were created and iPads were used to tell a story with the Puppet Pals app. Our Year 4 and Year 5 guides impressed the parents with their knowledge, enthusiasm and confidence. Touring around Lower School and the Sports Hall they made their learning come alive as they told our guests about all the activities, topics, special theme days and trips they enjoyed. A big thank you to our Year 8 guides: their maturity and hospitality shone through as they chatted to parents at break then took them on a further tour around the DT, Science and Art blocks. It was a wonderful opportunity to really show what Lower School was all about, pupils and staff really enjoyed the chance to demonstrate the effort that everyone in Lower School puts into teaching and learning. We look forward now to seeing some of our new acquaintances again.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


In previous issues of Prep for the Week, we have shown you some of our evening activities, including photos from Mr Baker's popular CDT Club. Again this week Boarders were able to take advantage of the Tuesday night Pirate Ship in the Swimming Pool. The Boarders are incredibly lucky to have access to this fantastic resource every week; at weekends it is rented out for Birthday Parties!

Boarding House Update

Many of our Boarders love making use of the Pool every time it is available, as it gives them space to relax and have fun at the end of a busy day. There are normally multiple float races and contests as well as ball games and diving competitions. The Pirate Ship offers an extra element of adventure, as Boarders battle to make it to the end of the inflatable and down the slide without falling into the water. The hardest part is trying to shimmy around the mast without it tipping over and throwing you overboard! Over the course of the weekend the Houseparents' Lounge was a hive of activity with Air fix models, colouring, Lego, and even a bit of extra colourful revision! Saturday evening films were enjoyed with the usual popcorn treat, after a few slightly damp trips to Bath Road and an epic football match. Sunday afternoon saw a choice of newly released films, all of which were greatly enjoyed. The Greatest Showman was very popular with the songs being hummed throughout the evening, Coco was another great Disney triumph whilst the more highbrow viewers saw The Darkest Hour and the hard-core Star Wars fans watched The Last Jedi (many for the second or third time!). Our thanks to Mrs Theedom and Miss Cox for leading the trip down to the cinema and also to the Gaps for their hard work helping to look after the full Boarders over the weekend. I'm sure all the Boarders are anticipating a restful weekend over Exeat and then returning for the last two weeks of the first half of term. There is a trip to the new Adventure Golf centre in the Brewery Quarter, which we are looking forward to as well as the celebration of Harry Potter Book Night on Thursday 1 February, on the theme of 'Fantastic Beasts.' Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


When Mr Norman and I planned and announced the launch of this new House Competition, we hoped that it would inspire the children to creatively produce similar games that had already been in circulation. In reality we were overwhelmed with the positive response. The level of quality and effort that went into manufacturing each game was exceptional and their endeavours will have contributed towards their House position and maybe even an individual award. A selection of the games are now on display (unfortunately, there were too many to display them all) outside the Head's Office, so please do take some time to have a good look at what the children have designed and produced (to be taken home at Half Term). Congratulations to Sparta, who are the first House to have their House name engraved on the cup and my sincere gratitude must go to Mr Casey Norman for his input from start to finish, culminating with the wonderful prizes his company sponsored. I look forward to adjudicating future events. Mr Boyd

Genie House D&T Competition

Results House Positions: 1st - Sparta win the Genie Trophy 2nd - Persia 3rd - Rome 4th - Troy 5th - Corinth 6th - Athens Upper School Winner - Luke Richardson Runners up - Fred Barter, Angus Wragg and Finn Keatinge Middle School Winner - Sofia Games Runners up - Matilda Barter, Henry Watkinson and Sienna Baggioli Lower School Winner - Franchesca Flexer Runners up - Evie Ward, Jemima Penny and Lawrence Young

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


Netball Results U13A vs Clifton 14 - 15 At the Severnside Tournament W1, D1, L2 U13B vs Clifton 19 - 2 At the Severnside Tournament Winners


U13C vs The Dragon 5-2

Team of the Week - U13B

U12A vs Clifton 10-12 At the Severnside Tournament W1, L3 U12B vs Clifton 9-6 U12B vs The Dragon 9-5 U11A vs Clifton 8-13 At the Severnside Tournament W2, D1, L1 U11B vs Clifton 5-5 U11B vs The Dragon 7-1 U11C vs The Dragon 2-7 U10A vs Clifton 16 - 1 U10A vs Prior Park 15 - 0 U10B vs Clifton 9-5 U10B vs The Dragon 3-1 U9A vs Clifton 4 - 10 U9B vs Clifton 6-5

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018

We started off a little shakily, dropping easy balls and finding it difficult to retain possession. Clifton’s defending was really tight in the D and our shooters had little opportunity to set up in good shooting positions, resulting in the score being two goals all at the end of the first quarter. We mixed our team up a little and the players just clicked. We implemented the square ball passing strategy that we had worked on in training and Clifton found it difficult to intercept our short, sharp passes in the centre court. Our Centre and Wing Attack became fully involved around the D, becoming effective options for passing to our shooters, and our Goal Keeper and Goal Defence were solid in defence. We had a real rhythm going and it was impossible for Clifton to break that down. Well done for great play girls.

Tennis Academy Dates The names of those selected for the Tennis Academy are now up on the sports notice board. Please make a note of the training rota below if your daughter is involved.

Upper School

Middle School

Monday 22 January (Week 3) Monday 5 February (Week 5) Monday 26 February (Week 8) Monday 12 March (Week 10)

Monday 29 January (Week 4) Monday 19 February (Week 7) Monday 5 March (Week 9) Monday 19 March (Week 11) 9

BOYS' SPORT U11A report from the Clifton match and the Dean Close Festival The Hockey season is now well under way and the U11As are resembling a freight train, with nothing deterring their winning ways! However, we are doing anything but resting on our laurels, with lunchtime short corner sessions in place to ensure the boys know them inside out. Last Saturday, they played a tenacious Clifton side who played with passion, with no goal having been scored by half time the match was evenly poised. The Cheltenham boys displayed a determined performance in the second half and put two goals past them to win the match, with some excellent individual play. Moving on to this Wednesday, and they took part in a festival at Dean Close. With seven games back to back, they all passed the fitness test with flying colours. After being coached about making the right choices and easiest passes, they had passages of play which were a joy to watch, playing effective and simple hockey, putting numerous goals past other teams. Crucially, they really enjoyed themselves and were brought closer as a team and started to play for each other. Now we are focusing on our IAPS qualifiers next Friday, which will be a sterner test. Watch this space! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018

Upper School House Hockey Results 1 - Athens 2 - Corinth 3 - Rome T4 - Sparta, Troy and Persia 10

House Bakery Competition

All pupils in school are encouraged to participate in the House Baking competition. This year the theme is ‘music’, with different sections of the school being asked to bake different items, all with the same musical theme. Recipes and further information are available here: This year the biscuits, cupcakes and slices of large cakes are being sold at the end of the day to raise money for our School Charity HEAL Romania. Please ensure entries come in on paper plates or old plates. All entries need to be handed in as follows: • Kingfishers: Kingfisher Hall • Lower School: Lower School Middle Room • Middle and Upper School: Assembly Hall by 08.25am on Monday 19 February 2018 Please can you let your child bring in £0.50 or £1.00 to allow them to buy some cake on the day, many thanks. Happy Baking!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018



Christmas & Easter Fun Time in the Nursery In December, we ran our first Christmas Fun Time session in our Nursery. Children in Nursery and Reception were able to enjoy extra fun after the end of term. One of the favourite activities included numerous trips to Forest School followed by hot chocolate and yummy biscuits. Our boys and girls enjoyed festive cooking in Lower School and making their own wrapping paper and Christmas decorations. With plenty of time to relax and play indoors and outdoors with their friends, our little ones had some wonderful Christmas fun.

Happy birthday to the following pupils who have their birthdays this week: Noah Holder (10) Charlie Attwood (6) Oliver Meadows (4) William Meadows (4) Jemima Penny (9) Mialou Jin (5)

Look out for our Easter Fun Time week at the beginning of the Easter Holidays.


Easter Camp Tuesday 3rd Friday 13th April 2018


Monday 9th – Friday 13th April



30 minute lessons Small Groups LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! DISCOUNTS 10% for Swim School 15% for NHS staff 20% for Cheltenham Activity Camps (Extended week ONLY!)

In partnership with

Swim School 01242 705 551 CAC-033 Local Answer Easter advert half page AW.indd

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018





Invites you to join our Private Marquee on CHAMPION’S DAY AT THE CHELTENHAM FESTIVAL Tuesday 13th March 2018 To Book

Cheltenham Racecourse

Ticket Prices £140 for Non Members £65 for Racecourse Members or those with entrance tickets £12 Parking Ticket

Card Payments: 01242 265694 Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD

Included in the Marquee Cash Bar Private Tote Racing Coverage

Invites you to aCollege performance of

WEST SIDE STORY Friday 16th March 2018 Big Classical, Cheltenham College

Card Payments: 01242 265694 Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD

Price: £10pp for Refreshments Welcome Drink: 6.45pm Upper College Common Room Curtain Up: 7.30pm Interval Drinks: c 8.45pm Upper College common Room Curtain Down: 10.30pm

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


CALL MY BLUFF Wine Tasting Quiz …back by popular demand

Sharpen your tastebuds and raise your spittoons for this cork-popping annual event!

Friday 2nd February 8-11pm Prep School Dining Hall

ENTHUSIASTIC WINE LOVERS NEEDED: To make up Quiz Teams of 6-8 People Wine tasting, Quiz & Supper: £22.00 per person (To join in the fun: Email Your Year Rep)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1880 26 January 2018


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