Prep for the Week - Easter week 9

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1885 – 9 March 2018

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Kingfishers Update Lower School News Upper School Roller Disco Library Refurbishment News Meet Mr Patterson Life in the Science Department Sport Updates Birthday Announcements and more!

y o j n e l l a u o y y l l er Hopefu t t e l s w ne s ' k e e t! this w a e x E un f a e v and ha

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents The Prep School is motoring along quite nicely at present. By this I mean that I sense that the children are much more mindful of the social challenges that they face at this time of the academic year. Aware that they are tired, probably more sensitive than usual and nearing the end of ‘the difficult bit in the middle’, I believe that they are adopting a more empathetic approach and consequently ‘flare ups’ are less common. Sitting on laurels immediately springs to mind and so I exhort all to return after exeat, determined to work together to produce a smooth run in to the end of the term. My thanks, as always, to the ‘home front’ where I am certain many calming and conciliatory talks are had so that ‘storms in teacups’ remain just that. Mr Jon Whybrow Headmaster

Headmaster's Commendations Bella Charlesworth For representing the school so brilliantly at the Gloucestershire Chess Championships and for playing to the best of her ability.

Thomas Hillman-Cooper For excellent practical Science. Thomas has built a very clear home-made camera.

Ruby Coull For outstanding perseverance in improving her Maths.

Alice Bradley For outstanding perseverance in improving her Maths.

Tillie Dessalles For outstanding perseverance in improving her Maths. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


Kingfishers Update This week the children in Year 1 took part in their second Wellbeing session with Miss Norwood. This time they took a trip to 'Superhero School' where they used yoga poses to make them 'strong' and to teach them how to 'fly'. They also had the chance to use different breathing techniques to breathe like Superman, Spiderman and Batman. The session ended with a superhero themed Story Massage and a short meditation. Year one were left feeling very calm with clear minds, ready to learn.

As part of their topic on famous people, Year 1 and 2 have enjoyed finding out about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. It is fair to say that they were disgusted with the conditions of the hospitals before these inspiring nurses made their impact. We spent a long time talking about the influence they have had on modern day nursing and we were fortunate enough to be visited by one of our very own nurses from the Health Centre. The children had lots of questions to ask and were very interested to hear what nurse Lucy had to say.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


Lower School News "Presentations are a great way to have students practise all language systems areas and skills. They also build confidence, and presenting is a skill that most people will need in the world of work." British Council 2017 This is exactly what the children of Lower School have been finding out this week with their Speaking and Listening exams. Although the poor weather disrupted proceedings at the end of last week, the children and examiners were able to adapt and the majority were completed by the beginning of the week. Every year we have a wide range of topics, poems and books that are presented by the children and this year was no different. Holiday destinations, family pets, a wide variety of computer games, hobbies and sports were in evidence. Poets ranged from Burns to Belloc and Donaldson to Rosen. As for the books, well these were just as varied! Nerves invariably play a part in the whole process, but I am impressed by the work that all the children have put in to the preparation of their Speaking and Listening exams and, on behalf of all the examiners, want to thank them for their efforts.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


House Baking Competition Winners

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year's House Baking Competition. The entries were fantastic and as a school we raised lots of money for the HEAL Romania charity. The winners and runners-up can be seen here: Upper School Winner - Eva De Quincy Adams Runner-up - Jason Mawundula Middle School Winner - Sienna Baggioli Runner-up - Harry Crawford Lower School Winner - Morgan Dawson Runner-up - Eva Brown

Design &Technology Easter Course

Important information Pupils will design and build their own electric piano and chicken kitchen roll holder!

For Years 4 to 8 26 – 29 March, 09.30am – 3.30pm Cheltenham Prep D&T Room Cost: £180 to College by 24 March. REFERENCE: DT/ surname (account details can be found on termly bills)

Monday 26 – Thursday 29 March 2018 with Mr George Boyd, Head of Design & Technology Contact Details Course Leader: Mr George Boyd 01242 522 697 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018

Pupils should wear casual, but not loose, clothing and no open-toed footwear. Please bring a packed lunch, with enough drinks and snacks to keep the children going throughout the day. Additional Information • Numbers are limited to 20 children per day, on a first come first served basis. • All four days are required to guarantee completion of the project. • The cost covers all materials, services, activities and private tuition. • Book via email to Mr Boyd no later than Friday 9 5 March.

Art and DT Exhibitions On Monday evening the Art Room hosted this years Scholarship Exhibition for 13+ Art and DT as well as 11+ Art. Lots of people attended and were treated to a personal tour and explanation of the displayed portfolios by the Artists. The exhibition runs until the final week of term so please do pop in and have a look anytime.

Cross-Country Success Our pupils had a great end to the season at St. Edward's this week with some very encouraging individual results:

After all the results for the league season were added together the following ended up with medals for being in the top 12 overall:

Girls (170 Runners)

Isla-Rose Elliman 8th Lois Jevons 9th Matilda Barter 12th

Isla-Rose Elliman 6th Tessa Leung 10th Matilda Barter 12th Lois Jeveons 18th Eme Hesketh 21st Magdalen Archer 27th Boys (200 runners) Max Callon-Hine 7th Tom De Quincy Adams 24th Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018

These three pupils, along with Tessa Leaung and Eme Hesketh have qualified for next week's County Championship race. Good luck to all involved! Overall this is the most we have had qualify for the county race in the last 10 years, a fantastic achievement!


A day in the life of the Science department Wandering around the Science block just before a lesson there is always an air of excitement and anticipation. Pupils really look forward to their lessons and the chatter usually centres around guessing which experiments they will be carrying out. As I write this article I can see Mr Webber, (dressed in his rainbow lab coat, of course) demoing the Thermit reaction as his Year 8 pupils are amazed at the intense heat which is given off, well in excess of the melting point of iron. In fact, in every room this morning, each class teacher is carrying out a practical activity. Mrs Baird’s class have been growing crystals with Year 7, Dr G has been extracting copper with Year 8 and I have been enjoying neutralising acids with Year 6. We continue to enjoy our amazing labs and have been adding to our extensive supply of equipment to ensure that our activities are really engaging. Last week, the scholars enjoyed a visit from a number of lower sixth pupils who delivered a series of lessons on forces, speed and moments. They brought with them an enormous see-saw and the scholars sat on it to demonstrate the principles of moments, which really helped them understand the Science but was also great fun! Having finished their exams the scholars are embarking on a number of projects and the first of these will be to prepare lessons to teach to lower school. Classes from Years 3 and 4 will be taught by a couple of our Year 8 pupils who will use lots of great practical equipment and some imaginative ideas to share their knowledge and understanding of Science with the younger pupils.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


This term we have welcomed Mrs Coley to the Science department, teaching Year 5 Science and Mrs Bell has been helping Mrs Miles out with maternity cover for her Year 5 class. In fact, Mrs Miles became very useful for all Year 5 teachers as they studied the mammal life cycle and she was able to bring in the scan photos of her baby and the pupils were able to see how her bump grew! We wish Mrs Miles our very best wishes and look forward to her bringing in baby Miles to show her class! Next week Mrs Baird and I are off to the Flying Start Grand Final at the Fleet Air Arm Museum with our STEM club pupils. Our pupils have just qualified at the Regional Finals coming second out of 12 teams. The pupils designed and built a glider which they then flew at the competition, with the aim of flying it the furthest distance. It flew really well and they also had to answer questions in a quiz on flight and present their design to a group of engineers. They were all outstanding and as a result they will be flying their gliders under Concord against the other qualifying teams. Looking forward we hope to build on our STEM provision and to team up with the Computing and DT departments to develop some exciting new projects.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


Meet the Teachers!

As part of the feedback survey that we sent out last term, one point that came up was parents' desire to learn more about our staff. We will now be running a 'getting to know you' feature with a different teacher each week! This week, we meet Mr Patterson...

Job Title - Head of Religious Studies Favourite thing about teaching - Encouraging others to share

their ideas and beliefs, helping them to find constructive ways to challenge our perceptions.

Favourite thing about The Prep - Having a brilliant tutor group . Favourite food - Pizza! Ideal holiday destination - A small island in the Adriatic. Favourite book - The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman. Favourite film or TV show - Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Favourite subject at school - Philosophy and Ethics. Favourite sport - Football. Least favourite subject at school - Chemistry. Things you love to do - Going to the cinema, playing football, long walks in very muddy fields and listening to the radio around the house. If you weren't a teacher, you would be... writing film reviews!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


Upper School Roller Disco On Monday night pupils from Year 7 and Year 8 enjoyed a Roller Disco in the sports hall. Here's what the pupils themselves had to say...

Poppy Watkins - Year 7 The Roller Disco was a chance for everyone in Upper School to dress up and have fun together. It was great fun, everyone enjoyed themselves and for a lot of people it was their first time skating! Tom Hesketh - Year 8 The Roller Disco on Monday was amazing and was packed with good fun and cheer all round, from funniest falls to super skating! Even I (who had never skated before) did quite well to start going quickly but not without a few falls. The atmosphere created in the sports hall was really cool as I went (like many others) from running laps around the hall to skating laps and the DJ was a great addition. Overall it is defintiely a night to look back on with laughter.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


The Acheson Library Development Project During Easter 2018 we are excited to be embarking on an entire refurbishment project of the library at The Prep. Having been carefully designed and planned with specialist company, Demco, alongside staff at The Prep, we very much look forward to: - A state of the art, 21st century library facility at the heart of our school. - A multi-media hub designed to facilitate independent and collaborative research. - A space which accommodates and encourages reading for pleasure in comfortable, visually appealing surroundings. - A carefully organised layout that makes the library experience easy, enjoyable and inspiring. - An opportunity to embrace the unique space and make the most of the stunning features. The children are very much at the heart of the plans and, as such, have the opportunity to submit their suggestion for a quote and image to be incorporated into the design. The winning ideas will receive a prize as well as their proposal actually becoming reality. Do come along and view the plans which are on display in Yard Hall next to Mr Whybrow's study to see what all the excitement is about! These give a real sense of how the space will be used although we look forward to the 'real thing' coming to life in a Prep palette of blues, greys and pinks. We have been delighted to receive a match fund of ÂŁ25,000 of donations from the Cheltenham College Charitable Trust and hope to raise ÂŁ25,000 towards the overall costs of this exciting project to benefit from all of the match fund available and be able to put all of the incredible features planned into the development. If you would like to find out more or get involved, please do contact Christiane Dickens in the Development office on 07881 706815 or

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


Netball Results U13A vs Abberley Hall 17 - 22 U13B vs Abberley Hall 22 - 3 U12A vs The Elms 11 - 17 U12B vs The Elms 7 - 15 U11A at the Prior Park Tournament 2nd Place U9A vs Richard Pate 3-7 U9B vs Richard Pate 6-7

Internal Matches There was a fantastic display of determination and competitiveness in Middle School this week as the U10A took on the U11B team, and the U10B took on the U11C team. Both matches were incredibly close - it was end to end, nail biting Netball. In the end, the U10’s just came out on top by the smallest of margins. U10A beat U11B 6 – 5 and U10B beat U11C 5 – 3. Well done to all girls for their enthusiasm and great attitudes.

The U11A Netball Squad Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018

Girls Sport Team of the Week - U13B In comparison to last year’s Abberley fixture, which was a thriller, resulting in a narrow 13 – 11 victory to Cheltenham, the match this year was an easy victory for our girls. It was obvious right from the start that we were a much stronger side and although our team were playing out of their usual positions, we quickly gained rhythm and scored easily. We worked on developing our game, by slowing down our play and focussing on retaining position. An easy win today girls, but let’s not rest on our laurels as next week brings our final fixture – Dean Close!

Report - U11A at the IAPS Tournament On Monday, our Under 11A netball team had a great day at the IAPS tournament in Millfield. The girls started the day with an excellent win, and although we faced a minor hiccup in the following game, the girls’ determination, team spirit and hard work shone through and we placed 3rd in our group; this alone was an excellent achievement as we faced some really tough competition, but the girls rose to the challenge, even beating some of the teams we have lost to earlier in the season. Once we qualified from our group, we certainly made hard work for ourselves, losing to an outstanding Millfield team in the quarter-final (who won the overall tournament), we then faced a tougher draw to reach the semi-finals. Amazingly, we won this semi-final, which left us in a position of fighting for 5th or 6th place. Unfortunately, in the play-off, we were beaten by a strong side, with an excellent goal shooter, which meant that we placed 6th overall in the tournament, only one position away from making the national IAPS tournament! The girls should be very proud of their efforts this week, and all was not lost to IAPS! Their success continued yesterday afternoon at the Cricklade Manor Netball Tournament, where they put on an excellent display of netball. Unfortunately, the cold weather made for a slow start from the girls and we lost our first game; however, as always, they came fighting back to win the next four games, and draw the last, which placed us 2nd overall. What a great way to end the week! Their team-spirit, fight, and determination to win has been testament to their efforts and success this season, and it has been a pleasure to coach. They will be a force to be reckoned with as they move through to Upper School! 12

Boys Sport

U11C Report

Due to illness and absence in other teams, the Under 11Cs took to the field a man short for the final match of the season. We started a little sluggishly, electing not to use the full width of the pitch and trying to pass through Dean Close, rather than work our way around them. That said, we arrived at half time with a two goal lead, having taken our chances well in the opposition’s D. The interval allowed us to reflect on our tactics and right from the restart, we played far more cohesively and intelligently. The ball was moved both quickly and accurately; as a result, spaces opened up in the attacking half and opportunities were plentiful. Both midfielders and attackers were able to surge forward and our finishing was superb. Dean Close deserved their goal at the very end, as they had battled throughout with admirable tenacity. The result leaves the team unbeaten for the season and having conceded just one goal throughout. More importantly, it has been a pleasure to work with a group of boys who were prepared to listen, apply their learning and enjoy both their training and matches.

The U11A won the Rugby School Hockey Tournament with a 3-1 win v Winchester House in the final.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018

Hockey Results 1st XI vs Dean Close 2nd XI vs Dean Close 0-3 3rd XI vs Dean Close 0-1 4th XI vs Dean Close 0-2 5th XI vs Dean Close 0-3 U11A at the Rugby School Tournament WINNERS! U11B vs Dean Close 1-2 U11C vs Dean Close 8-1 U10A vs Dean Close 1-9 U10B vs Dean Close 1-0 U10C vs Dean Close 3-2 U9A vs Dean Close 2-2 U9B vs Dean Close 2-0 U9C vs Dean Close 1-0


Boys Sport U10C Report

U9C Report

The U10C team headed to Dean Close for their last hockey fixture this term, looking to preserve their unbeaten season and finish on a high note. Our six players came up against a much bigger squad, and an opposition who were able to bring on fresh legs throughout the match; physically, our boys faced quite a challenge!

It was a fine day for a fine match. All the Year 4 boys were determined to ensure that this contest, the final match of the season, ended with a victory. It was our last hockey match in Lower School, and everyone wanted to make his mark. The sun was shining, the atmosphere was charged, and we were pitted against a worthy opponent.

Most of the first twenty minutes was played in our own half, with our defence working tirelessly to repel sustained pressure from our opponents. However, one defensive lapse just before the break saw Dean Close take the lead, only for us to reply immediately after a strong run and finish from our midfield past a static opposition keeper.

We spent the first half of the match predominantly in the other team's 'D', and took some excellent shots at goal. Sadly none crossed the line. The boys were using all the skills they had learnt: the ball was being pushed into open space, passes were beautiful, the teamwork was impeccable. The opposition were clearly in for a hard time. Despite the best hockeysbeing played since Mr. Whybrow was a boy, since the ancient Egyptians painted their match reports on walls, since College first beat Radley, no goal was either scored or conceded in the first half.

Sensing the need to put their ‘keeper under pressure, we began the second half confidently, taking the lead after some flimsy defending by the home team. However, having worked hard to get our noses in front, a harmless ball forward which was heading wide was played back into the danger area by our own defence, and Dean Close duly capitalised with a fortuitous equaliser. Despite further late pressure from Dean Close, our defence remained solid and assured, and the game looked set to end as a 2-2 draw which, on balance, would have been a fair result and a just reward for some tireless running from our midfielders and attackers. One last attack from our tiring team saw a shot from distance, which would have gone wide, sliced into his own goal by the luckless home ‘keeper, and highlighted for our boys the importance of never giving up until the very end. We had just three shots on goal in the whole match to Dean Close’s ten, but made them all count. I would like to praise all the players for their effort, energy and determination on the day. With no substitutes, our five outfield players covered a huge amount of ground, whilst our own ‘keeper made numerous crucial blocks and clearances. It was most pleasing to see the team putting into practice the skills we have worked on in training, both in defence, but also in attack, and taking our chances when they come.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018

After a brief but very intense team talk we were back on the pitch, a bit bemused by the ever-growing crowd of onlookers we were attracting. And we set about winning. The second half was simply astonishing. Once again the ball was kept in the opposition half and some incredible teamwork among the attackers resulted in several fine shots at goal. Finally, inevitably, the single, all-important goal was scored, prompting exaltation in the team and not a little relief. Not long after the final whistle was blown the U9C team stood proudly, arm in arm, shouting their three cheers and confident in the knowledge they had given the match their all. It has been a rollercoaster of a season, but the boys have shown camaraderie, resilience and perseverance throughout. They took every opportunity offered, left no team unchallenged and need have no regrets. The Latin Ode tells us 'carpe diem' [Seize the day]. And the U9Cs did. Every match.


Notices BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to the following pupils who have their birthdays this week: Isabella Mawdesley-Thomas (11) Alexander McCombie (11) Isabella Boyd (4) Isabelle Hillman-Cooper (13) Charles Maynell (10) Hector McPherson (10) William Maynell (8) Lily Wheeler (7) Archie Clarke (6) Nginidzashe Mudange (11)

Easter Fun Time in the Nursery During the first week of the Easter holidays we will be running our popular 'Fun Time' sessions in Kingfishers, perfect for working families. Details of which can be found below: March 26 - March 29 10 am – 4pm Extended hours 9am – 5pm £32 per day for normal hours (£115.20 for the four days) £37.10 for extended hours (£135 for the four days) For more information, please email Mrs Buttress via


Easter Camp Tuesday 3rd Friday 13th April 2018


Monday 9th – Friday 13th April



30 minute lessons Small Groups LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! DISCOUNTS 10% for Swim School 15% for NHS staff 20% for Cheltenham Activity Camps (Extended week ONLY!)

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Swim School 01242 705 551 CAC-033 Local Answer Easter advert half page AW.indd

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018






Friends of The Prep invite you to join in the fun at the...


SUNDAY 10 JUNE If you would like to enter the Doubles Tennis tournament, please contact Lucy Hill on Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a doubles partner - this is a friendly tournament where partners swap after each match! If you are a cricketer and wish to participate, please contact Tim Buttress on A delicious match tea will be served at 15.30. Thank you and we really hope you can come, the event will be a lot of fun!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1885 9 March 2018


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