Prep for the Week summer week 5

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1892 – 18 May 2018

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog & Commendations Kingfishers Update Lower School News Music & Drama Blog Year 7 Trip Prefect Selection Information Sports Update Birthday Announcements

res a p e r p n i a t i r B As big s ' y r r a H e c n i r for P ave h p e r P e h T , y da e h t f f o edk c i k y alread s! n o i t a r b cele

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents The Friends of the Prep Parents Cricket and Tennis event takes place on Sunday 10 June. As always, the emphasis is on friendly participation. The tennis, a mixed doubles event, is run by Lucy Hill whilst Tim Buttress and I ensure that the cricket runs smoothly. You might think it strange that I should concentrate on this event in my ‘blog’ but, actually, I consider such events as really important in the school’s calendar. Any organisation which supports the work of the school by bringing parents together should be supported. Normally, the aim of any such organisation is to raise money either for charity, the School or both. During my tenure I have asked that the efforts of the Friends be directed towards the charitable organisations, believing that it is the School’s responsibility to ensure that it is well resourced.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018

More importantly, a well supported parents group can enhance what is already a strong sense of esprit de corps within the School. And so, please come along to the two events run by the Friends this term; cricket and tennis on 10 June and the fete on 16 June. If it is the former that you are interested in, and you are unsure of who to contact, simply drop me and Sally-Ann an email ( and we will ensure that you are fully involved on the day. Be assured that neither the cricket, nor the tennis is taken too seriously and the format of the former will change this year. Instead of a staff v. parents match, we will instead pick two balanced sides including staff and parents in both teams. Jon Whybrow Headmaster


Lower School News Headmaster's Commendations Theo Archer

For great participation in the Year 3 trip to the Corinium Museum.

Ruby Stevenson

For making excellent progress with reading and spelling.

Alice Wheatley

Producing an outstanding cartoon booklet on Thesus, which showed creativity, humour and excellent knowledge.

Alfie Cox

For being an extremely caring and emphatic buddy.

Jasper Brumpton

Thomas Churchfield

For showing great empathy towards a young visitor during our Lower School Open Morning, explaining, encouraging and including our guest.

Zach Rudin

Doing jobs which needed to be done, without being asked.

Oliver Smith

Doing jobs which needed to be done, without being asked.

Freddie Greenfield

Excellent holiday revision showing a superb knowledge of Latin vocabulary.

Ruby Coull

Excellent captaincy during 3rd XI match vs Clifton.

An outstanding mono print with Chine-collĂŠ.

Edward Davies

Archie Wills

For showing great empathy towards a young visitor during our Lower School Open Morning, explaining, encouraging and including our guest.

Jack Bulley

Doing jobs which needed to be done, without being asked.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018

A selfless act during Saturday's Cricket match.

Fenella Pearson

Writing an excellent critical debate about the chicken or the egg as voluntary extra prep.

William Hall

Completing an impressive-looking Colt.45 revolver, demonstrating his strengthening skills in both wood and metal.


Kingfishers Update It has been a very busy and enjoyable week in Kingfishers! It all started on Monday when we had our ‘French Day’. The children came dressed in some amazing red, white and blue clothes. A number of berets, neckerchiefs and even onions around the neck were spotted! The children from the Cottage had a fantastic time at Cotswold Farm Park on Wednesday. They were really captivated when watching a sheep being sheered, although it was little bit naughty as it kept on moving! Seeing Strawberry the cow being milked was another highlight; although the children were surprised to find that the milk was warm and it wasn’t pink like strawberry milk! The children were excited to be given the opportunity to hold five day old chicks, as well as a rabbit called Snowy. We are pleased to report that none of the animals were harmed in the process! A tractor ride around the park allowed the children to see a variety of animals, including donkeys, horses, lambs, calves and goats, to name but a few. The children also had great fun letting off some steam and playing in the play barn. To top it all off, the children (and adults!) were fortunate enough to meet and have their photo taken with Adam Henson himself! What a great day! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018


Kingfishers Update Royal Wedding Celebrations On Friday, the children were very excited to spend the day looking forward to the Royal Wedding this weekend, with wedding themed English and Maths lessons as well as plenty of arts and crafts activities. The highlight of the day was a celebratory picnic, where the children were in charge of making their own delicious sandwiches!

Surprise Rugby Session Year 2 had two special visitors from Gloucester Rugby this week to talk about the benefits of exercise. Thank you to coach Jonny Bell and Ollie Thorley, who is a former Prep pupil himself! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018


Lower School News Year 4 Summer Science There is no doubt that the most exciting activity of the Year 4 Summer term is the forthcoming visit to Bushcraft, but this is followed very closely by pond dipping activities using the wonderful school lake. The whole of Year 4 took it in turns to visit the lake and spend some time using the nets to plunge into the water and see what they could find. Despite there not being an abundance of fish present, there were certainly many other organisms to observe. Throughout the afternoon, the children managed to find several different organisms, which were collected to form a mini-aquarium. From this they could then transfer them into view finders to see the features of each organism closeup. The most interesting was the Fresh Water Shrimp and Lesser Water Boatman, but they also found a Water Louse and many tadpoles. The children will be repeating the activity again to see what else we can find and then use the scientific keys to identify anything found.

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A view from the Music & Drama Departments It’s been another jam-packed year for the creative arts at The Prep! The music department will have had around 300 individual lessons per week being taught, and the drama department will have had around 50 children taking our newly offered LAMDA lessons per week (Speech & Drama). A huge number of children have been successful in both music and LAMDA exams throughout the course of this year (with the results being listed in ‘Prep for the week’, and certificates being handed out in assembly), too many to mention here, but the sheer number of merits/distinctions obtained is testament to the quality of teaching and the inspiration drawn by these creative subjects for the pupils. Our team of 20 visiting staff do sterling work with the children across the year, and we are indebted to them for all they do. The music department will have had its usual main events throughout the year, ranging from the Christmas Concert (Santa hats, antlers and tinsel galore!) for Middle School, Upper School and the separate Christmas Concert for Lower School, through to the Summer Serenade, the Lower School Summer Concert, the Kingfishers Summer Concert and the Summer Concert for Middle School and Upper School in Chapel later this term. We have had a very successful House Music solo competition in the Spring term hearing over 220 performances from across Year 3 to 8, and the school is currently working towards the House Singing Competition taking place later this term. We have our weekly round of chapel services which always contains a performance by one of our choirs (Junior Choir, Chapel Choir or Chamber Choir), and this term the Junior Choir has enjoyed taking part in a collaborative concert with two local primary schools (St. John’s and Gloucester Road). Various musical groups took part in the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts this term, ranging from Kingfishers Choir through to some of our Year 8 music scholars (Charlie Keene winning the U14 solo wind category on his tuba against very stiff competition!), and we have enjoyed working with various visiting musicians throughout the year – such as members of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (who have worked with Kingfishers and Lower School during each term), and Marv-ill (beatboxer) who will be coming in to work with our Year 8's as part of their post CE programme.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018


A view from the Music & Drama Departments Special mention should go to our Upper School music award holders who play weekly in assembly infront of the whole school, who form part of our community outreach programme (playing recitals in local primary schools and local care homes for the elderly), who form the backbone of all of our musical groups, who perform to prospective families at every Open Morning and without whom the music programme would be significantly poorer as a result. They performed an outstanding recital at College in January as part of their preparation for 13+ auditions, and we were very pleased to hear that all six candidates were awarded music scholarships/awards to College. College will be very lucky to have them! Not to be out done by music (!), the drama department has also had an extremely busy year across all sections of the school. The Autumn term begins in earnest, with not one, but two Shakespeare Schools’ Festival performances being prepared. Pupils in Year 8 and Year 6 worked on very impressive performances of ‘Julius Caesar’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’, and both groups were outstanding in front of a large audience at The Roses theatre in Tewkesbury in November. This was then followed swiftly by the eagerly anticipated Lower School Christmas Production Pantocrime and the Kingfishers Christmas Production(s). Never has our assembly hall been so busy as at Christmas time! In the Spring term, it was then time to transform the hall into a dockyard/ship/jungle for the main production of ‘Treasure Island’. This was a fabulous performance given by our Upper School pupils, and special mention should go to both Joe Tagg (Long John Silver) and Tilly Dessalles (Jim Hawkins) for leading the cast with such professionalism. The Summer Term will see the turn of our Middle School pupils, who are working on ‘A complete history of the world (abridged)’, and that will round off the very busy year before it all starts again in September.

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Year 7 trip to the Royal Shakespeare Company's Romeo & Juliet Pupil Review On 10 May 2018, all of Year 7 visited Stratford to watch the Royal Shakespeare Company's recent production of Romeo & Juliet. We found the journey there on the bus very enjoyable! The performance was very intriguing! The stage was very interesting because they had a large cube in the middle of the stage which they acted all their scenes around. We also particularly liked the actress who played Mercutio: she was very goofy and funny! The actors who played Romeo & Juliet were extremely good at interacting with the audience. We also learnt a lot about Shakespeare and further through the play I started to understand exactly what the Shakespearean language meant once you see it performed on the stage. The journey back was also good because there was barely any traffic! By Poppy Watkins and Alice Wheatley

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Prefects and Positions of Responsibility 2018-2019 As we move through the Summer Term, staff are now starting to consider pupils for prefects and positions of responsibility next academic year. The posts are: Head Girl Head Boy Head of Boarding Heads of Houses These positions are all automatically prefect holders. In addition, we have Positions of Responsibility: Heads of Sport Head Chorister and Leader of the Orchestra Chapel and Library Monitors These positions are not automatically prefect holders; this is because these pupils may not be ready to be prefects, but should be recognised for their talents and qualities in a specific role. Finally, there are usually two or three pupils who are appointed prefects in their own right. These pupils may not have been chosen as Heads of Houses, for example, but are great role models, and are kind and responsible. At the start of the Summer term, we spoke to Year 7 about the different positions of responsibility, and we have now collected in letters of application from interested pupils during last week. All pupils in Year 7 are considered, no matter whether they joined in Nursery or this academic year. In Year 7, there are strong, bright, capable and ambitious young men and women. There will be some pupils who will be disappointed if they do not get the coveted tie or public recognition. We would stress to all Year 7 at this point that although there is a visible reward in wearing the tie or badge, we expect our older pupils to fulfil the role of leaders and setting the right example. During the year, we expect to appoint two or three more children as prefects. It’s key that pupils can see there is scope to be appointed and that good behaviour, endeavour and positive leadership can be rewarded throughout the year. Staff will be looking carefully at how all of the year group conduct themselves and how they encourage other children to speak up, do their best and act in a way which inspires all of our community. How can they act as positive role models? This is a difficult question to answer at an age when there is pressure to act independently, and with peer influence, perhaps, but one which should be considered by those keen to aim for any position of responsibility. It’s also important to remember that all staff have a vote in the appointing of prefects. The roles of Head Boy and Head Girl also have a public speaking trial next half term, as the ability to speak with some confidence at Open Mornings and other public events is important. We look forward to working with Year 7 during this term and next year. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018


Sport Update Team of the week U9 Cricket vs Dean Close The U9 girls had a very successful afternoon playing cricket at Dean Close on Wednesday. Both of the teams managed to secure good victories and in doing so, showed some very good skills. In particular, the fielding was very impressive. This was especially true when the opposition had a free hit from the tee due to a wide or no ball. It was great to see the girls attacking the ball as it came towards them and managing to prevent it reaching the boundary. One of the girls also took a very good catch to take an important wicket. All the girls had the chance to bowl and improved their technique as the game went on. When batting, it was good to see the girls making an effort to really hit the ball and also to communicate with their partner as to when to run or stay put. This is something we have worked on in training. Many girls managed to hit 4 runs and there were even a few 6s hit! All in all, it was a very competitive afternoon and was enjoyed by all.

Girls' Tennis Results U13A vs Clifton 7-1

U13A vs Dean Close 4 - 11 U13B vs Clifton 9-0 U13B vs Dean Close 10 - 6 U13C vs Clifton 16 - 0 U13C vs Dean Close 12 - 3 U13D vs Dean Close 6-3 U13E vs Dean Close 9-0 U13F vs Dean Close 4-2 U11A vs Clifton 6 - 10 U11B vs Clifton 8-8 U11C vs Clifton 4-0

Girls' Cricket Results

U11 vs Dean Close 12 - 15

U9 vs Clifton Friendly

U10A vs Clifton 11 - 2

U9A vs Dean Close Win

U10B vs Clifton 8-8

U9B vs Dean Close Win

U10C vs Clifton 9-3

U8s vs Dean Close Friendly

U10 vs Dean Close 8-4

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018


Sport Update 1st Team Cricket - Two good wins against Clifton and Dean Close. The two wins against Clifton and Dean Close followed very similar patterns. The Prep batted first against both Clifton and Dean Close posting 207 and 171 respectively. Against Clifton the innings was built around the opener, Joe T, who carried his bat scoring 111 no in 30 overs. The innings accelerated even when the boundaries dried up due to regular scoring shots and good running between the wickets. Against Dean Close, the scores were accelerated by the captain who challenged the defensive fields posted at the boundary edge regularly with some strong hitting building a slightly under par 171. The bowling was brilliant in both games with the opposition’s opener losing his off stump to excellent deliveries from our opening bowler who is finding his form. This was followed by stands from their middle order and long partnerships. The bowlers, ably supported by some excellent ground fielding, gradually built up scoreboard pressure on the opposition who lost wickets quickly towards the final overs and fell well short of the targets. These games demonstrated the realisation from the team as a whole that small contributions from bowlers and fielders builds pressure on the opposition. We seem to have enjoyed the pressure and used it to help us perform as a team. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018

Boys' Cricket Results 1st XI vs Clifton Won by 62 runs 1st XI vs Dean Close Won by 26 runs 2nd XI vs Clifton Lost by 6 runs 2nd XI vs Dean Close Lost by 36 runs 3rd XI vs Clifton Won 3rd XI vs Dean Close Won by 5 wickets 4th XI vs Clifton Lost by 5 wickets 4th XI vs Dean Close Lost by 8 wickets 5th XI vs Clifton Lost by 5 wickets 5th XI vs Dean Close Lost by 4 wickets 6th XI vs Dean Close Friendly U11A vs Clifton Lost by 29 runs U11A vs Dean Close Won by 12 runs 12

Sport Update U9A Match Report vs Dean Close On Wednesday 16th May, Dean Close U9A team made the short journey to Cheltenham Prep for a much-awaited match between two very keen cricket teams. Dean Close had lost their last two games and had never lost more than that in one season for at least eight years at U9 level. The local derby was played on the stunning college fields, giving the boys a taste of what could be to come later in their cricketing careers. We won the toss and decided to bat first, hoping to set a high score. The opening pair batted superbly and scored quickly, but most importantly lost no wickets, setting the team up perfectly. The second pair batted more tentatively against some of the opposition’s stronger bowling, but continued to add to the score, only losing one wicket in the process (off the first ball to a nervous run out). The third pair continued the momentum with some much-needed boundaries and sensible running between the wickets. The final pair started well, but unfortunately lost three wickets due to some poor running between the wickets and lack of patience, hitting the ball in the air too often. We posted a final score of 265 for 5. Dean Close took to the crease and their opening partnership got off to a flyer, scoring 32 in their four overs. Thankfully, some excellent bowling and even better fielding kept our boys in the game, with the run rate slowing down considerably. By the end of the third pair of batsmen, Dean Close looked to be cruising to a win and ending their run of defeats; the final pair needing 12 runs to win in their 4 overs. The next bowler really rose to the challenge of turning the game around, taking two wickets in the next two balls. The over finished with a superb run out; a direct hit from some distance, and we were now back in the running. Dean Close then swung the pendulum back in their favour, with two good overs, which left them needing 7 from the final over. Steadily they got to within 2 runs, but a fantastic ball took middle stump. Dean Close bravely fought on, but ended with a score of 260 for 6, meaning that we won by 5 runs in a very tight and exciting match. We bowled fantastically and fielded with energy and enthusiasm, which turned out to be the difference between the teams.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018

Boys' Cricket Results U10A vs Clifton Won by 29 runs U10A vs Dean Close Lost by 1 run Colts C vs Clifton Won by 27 runs Colts C vs Dean Close Won by 61 runs Colts D vs Clifton Won by 22 runs Colts D vs Dean Close Lost by 5 runs U9A vs Clifton Won by 38 runs U9A vs Dean Close Won by 5 runs U9B vs Clifton Lost by 16 runs U9B vs Dean Close Won by 15 runs U9C vs Dean Close Lost by 16 runs U8 Blue vs Dean Close Won by 45 runs U8 White vs Dean Close Won by 17 runs


Notices BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to the following pupils who have their birthdays this week: Oliver Lane (12) Alfie Cox (11) Harriet Wilson (3) Ella Backhouse (4) Kate Officer (11) Harry Cole (6) Jayden Singh (5) Mikhail Shulzhenko (8) Sophia Griffin (10)

Middle School Chill & Chat The Middle School 'Chill and Chat' stall will be selling squishies, sweets, cakes, bracelets, second hand toys and books on Friday 25 May at 4-4:30pm outside the Davies Block. Pupils are allowed to bring in up to ÂŁ4 to spend after school. Any proceeds will be split between providing new resources for the 'Chill and Chat' group and also the Young Minds charity. If you would like to contribute to the sale with any second hand items, cakes or sweets etc, please bring them to Middle School office on or before next Friday. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018



Friends of The Prep invite you to join in the fun at the...


SUNDAY 10 JUNE If you would like to enter the Doubles Tennis tournament, please contact Lucy Hill on Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a doubles partner - this is a friendly tournament where partners swap after each match! If you are a cricketer and wish to participate, please contact Tim Buttress on A delicious match tea will be served at 15.30. Thank you and we really hope you can come, the event will be a lot of fun!

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Invites you to drinks at


Thursday 21st June 7.30pm - 10.30pm To Book Card Payments: 01242 265694 Online Booking: Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed, Society Manager Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD

Price: £40pp Includes: Welcome drink & canapés Cash Bar

Subject to demand, a return coach from Cheltenham will be available at £10pp.

Invites you to


Thursday 5th July 2018 Througham Court, Througham, Gloucestershire, GL6 7HG To Book Card Payments: 01242 265694 Online Booking: Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed, Society Manager Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD

2.30pm - 5.00pm Price: £30pp Programme 2.30pm Garden Tour with Dr Christine Facer 4.00pm Tea in The Garden Room

Invites you to

THE BREWIN DOLPHIN CHELTENHAM CRICKET FESTIVAL Gloucestershire v Durham The Specsavers County Championship Game on

Sunday 22nd July 2018

To Book Card Payments: 01242 265694 Online Booking: Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed, Society Manager Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD Prep for The Week Issue Number 1892 18 May 2018

Price: £60pp or £50 for under 16s Programme 10.30am - 6.00pm Cash Bar Open 11.00am Play Starts 12 noon Welcome Drink 1.00pm (approx) Buffet Luncheon 3.40pm (approx) Afternoon Tea 16

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