Prep for the Week - Week 3

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1868 – 22 September 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News Boarding House Update Sports Update Next week's calendar 'How We Teach' Information Birthday Announcements

e h t o t rt a t s a t e Wha W ! n e e b s a h t a term i e v a h all u o y e hop t. a e x E lovely

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents Last weekend I attended the Abergavenny Food Festival, which I can heartily recommend. As well as returning home with various foodstuffs, not least ‘salted caramel spread’, it also gave me my theme for Monday’s assembly. Whilst I was there, I did not satisfy my hunger by enjoying one large serving of a particular food. Instead, I picked and nibbled at smaller samples as I walked round, being especially keen to try original fayre, in the knowledge that if I was still hungry I could revert to a tried and tested favourite (in my case, a pasty!). My point to the children was that they should try a selection of activities on offer here, rather than simply gravitating to those where they feel comfortable. Next Monday’s assembly will see a short presentation by the Peer Mentors in Year 8. These volunteers represent another layer of support for all children as they are there to listen to any child’s concern and act as a conduit to staff.

The Car Park The new flow through the car park is much improved, and with this comes the need to ensure that all drivers adopt a most cautious approach. Please keep your speed to an absolute minimum whenever you arrive on the school site. At all times of the day, children and young adults are obliged to make their way across this area and I implore parents to play their part in keeping this area safe. Friends of The Prep

The Independent Association of Preparatory Schools After our return from exeat, my presence in the Prep will be a little sporadic as I have two duties to fulfil. From Wednesday until Friday I will attend the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools Conference, whilst on Monday 2 October I will be visiting senior schools in which parents have shown an interest for their child.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017

I look forward to enjoying a gently competitive and light-hearted ‘ice breaker’ next Friday evening at the Friends of The Prep Quiz Night. Already over 60 parents have signed up so, it should be an enjoyable and relaxing evening.


HEADMASTER'S COMMENDATIONS Iola Waley-Cohen For extra independent maths work on holiday

William Maynell Super research and presentation of holiday work

Felicity Corbyn, Lily Flatman and William Berry For fantastic independent research on Ancient Egypt in the holidays

Theodore Nelson, Kitty Dunkerton, Eloise O'Connor, Maddi Gill, Amelia Weale and Henry Hiscock For outstanding effort on their Maths holiday work

Beatrix Thomson Designing and building a robot as part of her holiday work for Year 3

Flora Maxwell Working very hard on creative pieces as part of a holiday project

ALL ABOUT ME Year 7 Independent Learning Projects The theme for the Year 7 Independent Learning Project this year was ‘All About Me’ and it has prompted an array of very impressive individual and creative projects. The projects have been on display in the Assembly Hall for all to see. There are detailed and interesting research projects into family histories with lots of photographs plus some fascinating projects about the pupils themselves. Some pupils constructed large 3D models including models of themselves, family trees, a mobile, large collages, artwork and 3D interpretations of themselves and their interests. Some pupils have also created power-points with videos or voice overs. Our thanks to all the pupils for their hard work and creative ingenuity in interpreting this year’s theme – well done Year 7! Prizes will be awarded shortly in Assembly. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


Kingfishers Creative Club On Saturday morning this term, Kingfishers run an exciting Creative Club from 9.00am -10.00am for Year 1 and 2 children. It is a great opportunity to try a range of fun activities such from painting to cooking. The children can enjoy chatting to their friends from different year groups whilst trying their hand at new skills. Please sign your child up on the list on the class room door by each Friday.

What's been going on at Nursary? The children have had their first Yoga session of the year. They all enjoyed it and were putting lots of effort in to try and master the position!


We also had a fruit tasting experience! There were some definite likes and dislikes as they tried some different fruits. Their faces, as they tried something different, told us a lot! They then filled in a chart of their likes and dislikes.

Next week the Kingfishers will be taking part in National Beep Beep! Day. They will be involving themselves in activities about this important issue on Wednesday 27 September. The main aim of Beep Beep! Days are to help children start learning the road safety basics through fun activities, and to raise awareness about protecting themselves on the roads. To find out more about the road safety charity Brake, please visit

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


Lower School It is hard to believe we have only been back 3 weeks and crammed so much learning, enjoyment and fun into that time. Everyone has settled into their daily and weekly routines and there is an active buzz around the building. First thoughts from some of the pupils themselves: “I found boarding surprisingly fun with all the activities.” Sean Degnan Y3 “Year 3 is different because it is more challenging.” Kitty Corbyn Y3 “I am sitting next to the funniest person in the class.” Iola Waley-Cohen Y3 “A nice surprise in Year 3 was ‘Starburst’ it is really fun. I really like having a story read to me.” Daisy de Quincey Adams Y3 “I have my own pencil case and my own desk.” Ted McQuitty Y3 “I have enjoyed picking my own lunch.” Star Jamieson Y3 “I thought that all the teachers were scary but they’re not.” Emma Critchley Y4 “I enjoyed doing science when we were putting the bones together.” Max Muirie Y4 “What is different about Year 4, you are upstairs, you have to lead by example to the Year 3s.” Tiger Shaw Y4 “A nice surprise in Year 4 was how friendly everybody is and all the sports.” Fenella Pearson Y4 “I really enjoyed contact rugby because we have to work as a team.” Sam Albutt Y4 Year 3 have started earning certificates for their Times Tables Challenge and everyone is taking pride in what they can achieve. All are relishing the opportunity to be creative, particularly with the Roald Dahl focus in writing. Year 4 have been hard at work finding out about the human skeleton, the Anglo Saxons and writing some amazing poetry. We have started our Enrichment lessons and are working hard to investigate different products be they bread or boxes, cards or caps. We are looking at how things are made and how they work so that we can design and make some of our own later in the term. As we reach the end of week 3 and look forward to this weekend’s exeat, Lower School can feel a sense of pride in their positive and enthusiastic start to the term. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 6 have enjoyed investigating the anatomy of the heart, by dissection of a pig's heart. We have learned about how the heart works as a pump to supply the body with oxygen, and why the left side is thicker than the right side. We will next be investigating the effect of exercise on our heart rate and thinking about how to stay fit and healthy.

Peer mentoring, looking after our community and doing our bit for the Prep Award Scheme This week in our Section Assembly we were joined by Peer Mentors Josh Yang, Imogen Mansell-King and Ben Cunningham. Peer mentors are Year 8 pupils who have undergone training so that they can help support pupils with friendships, school life or listen to any other worries that younger pupils may have. Pupils will know who they are because they wear a special yellow badge on their blazer. Josh, Imogen and Ben have also agreed to come and be reading buddies with Year 5 on Wednesdays. Whilst it is clear to see how much mutual benefit there is in helping each other, Middle School pupils have been thinking about what roles they could do in order to support teachers and pupils in other areas of the school. If any pupils are interested in helping, I have put up a list of suitable roles that you can sign up for outside MS Office – from supporting pupils in Kingfisher at break-times or with their reading, to running a Lower School book clubs in the Library, or helping out in the Art room. All of these jobs will go towards earning Community Service and Leadership credits towards their Silver Prep Award. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


This week the children in Year One and Two enjoyed a trip to the Post Office along Bath Road as part of their topic work ‘Home and Away’. During our special topic launch day we zoomed around the United Kingdom experiencing what each country had to offer. In Ireland we learnt an Irish jig and in Scotland, we created tartan prints. In Wales we got our hands messy and baked some delicious Welsh cakes, while in England we tasted some traditional scones! The children then carefully created their postcard by drawing and writing about their favourite activity from their chosen country.


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


Upper School This week in Upper School Assembly time we discussed “Happiness”, and what it looks like to different people. The boys and girls discussed what they thought happiness meant, and to share a time or moment in their lives which they remembered as particularly happy. The answers were very interesting, and common themes were being with friends, on holiday with family, eating their favourite foods during sleepovers, playing their favourite games and sports. We agreed that happiness doesn’t depend necessarily on wealth and buying nice things (although we do like that too!) but was perhaps more connected to being content with yourself and feeling loved. The assembly concluded with everyone practising their smiles and aiming to enjoy those times of happiness during the day.

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How are you settling in? We interviewed two of your new Year 7 pupils to get an idea of how they're getting on in school. Report and interviews from Kitty Dunkerton and Poppy Watkins:

Nina Blakey:

Mirabel Evans:

Q) Are you enjoying being part of this school? Why? A) I am enjoying it because it is very different from my old school, but I like it. I love the uniform and I find the teachers very nice. I love hockey which I did not do at my old school.

Q) Which subject have you enjoyed most so far? Why? A) I have enjoyed sport and maths because I am very competitive.

Q) Which subject have you enjoyed most so far? Why? A) I enjoy maths and sports because I love working out equations and algebra.

Q) Do you find that you have made a lot of friends? Has it been easy? A) Yes, it is becoming easier as I get more confident.

Q) Do you find that you have made a lot of friends? Has it been easy? A) I feel that I have made lots of friends because there are so many nice, welcoming people that help me to fit in.

Q) Are there any similarities or differences from your old school? A) Yes, it is similar because it is a friendly school, it is very homely and the teachers are very funny and nice.

Q) Are there any similarities or differences from your old school? A) It is a lot bigger than my old school and it has really cool science and art departments. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


The Boarding House has got off to a great start this year, welcoming many new Boarders and catching up with old friends. The first weekend started off with a very British BBQ (indoors due to the rain!!) followed by an afternoon of competitions organised by some of our Year 8 Boarders. There were intense matches of Pool, Table Tennis and Table Football, as well as some indoor badminton, games of twister and not forgetting a lot of dancing! Last Sunday, the Boarders were lucky to enjoy a bit of sunshine as they invaded the AquaVenture course at Cotswold Country Park and Beach. Though the water was ‘a little cold’, everyone had a great time swimming, bouncing and enjoying the awesome inflatable.

BOARDING HOUSE UPDATE We look forward to our weekend away after the Exeat where we will be going on a Farm Adventure in Dorset - watch this space for more photos of what we have been getting up to.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017



Team of the week... U8 Mix

1st VII vs Pinewood 3-3 1st VII vs Moor Park 3-3 2nd VII vs Pinewood 2–1 2nd VII vs Moor Park 3-0 3rd VII vs Pinewoo 9-2 3rd VII vs St Hugh's 5-0

A really pleasing match. The girls showed great determination and perseverance attacking the goal and were able to score twice in the first half. Whilst still clustering around the ball quite a lot and spending a lot of time travelling up and down the centre line, there were some moments when space opened up and we used the wings as they were intended. Overall, great to see much more determination in both attack and defence.

4th VII vs Pinewood 4-0 5th VII vs Pinewood 1-0 U11 A vs Pinewood 2-4 U11 B/C vs Pinewood 2-8 U11 B/C vs Airthrie A 0-7 U10 A vs Pinewood 4-4 U10 B/C vs Pinewood 2-2 U9 A vs Pinewood 1-3 U9 B vs Pinewood 3-1 U8 MIX 1 vs Pinewood 1-1 U8 MIX 2 vs Pinewood 2-1 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017

GIRLS RUGBY CLUB Last week saw the start of our inaugural girls’ rugby club at the Prep, and what a positive start it was! We were lucky enough to have the expertise of Gloucestershire RFU Development Officer, Ben Smith, at our disposal, and he gave the girls a great start to their rugby careers. They were able to use their skills already honed from other sports, such as good hands from netball, and fast feet from hockey, and look at basic game play. Next session sees the introduction of contact and tackling, bring it on! 10

THIS WEEK'S RUGBY RESULTS U13A vs Pinewood 40 - 10 U12A vs Pinewood 30 - 5 U13 B/U12B vs Pinewood 35 - 10 U11 A vs Pinewood 40 - 25 U11B vs Pinewood 35 - 35 U11C vs Pinewood 10 - 30 U10A&B Dean Close Festival U9A,B&C Cheltenham Festival U8s Cheltenham Festival U13A - St Hugh's Festival Runners Up U13B - St Hugh's Festival Runners Up U12A vs Wycliffe 25 - 5 U12A vs St Hugh's 25 - 0 U12B vs Wycliffe 60 - 20 U12B vs St Hugh's 0 - 30 U11A&B Down's Festival U10A&B Down's Festival

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017

BOYS' SPORT Featured team of the week...


What a start to rugby for the U12s. Already they have turned three defeats as U11s into three strong victories this term. The team has been strengthened with the addition of three new players and, as a consequence, confidence is high within the group. Against Pinewood on Saturday, momentum was gained as the match progressed, this being Cheltenham’s first fixture. Pinewood had already played a match, so they had structure established within their game. However, a fantastic rucking performance starved Pinewood of the ball and The Prep ran out winners 6 tries -1. Not bad considering Cheltenham conceded 8 tries in a defeat in the fixture last year. Then onto Wednesday and a triangular against St Hugh’s and Wycliffe. Playing fixtures allows us as coaches to look at areas to improve as well as honing established skills. After the Pinewood game, we focused our training on getting our fly-half to stand flatter and wider to allow us greater access to the gain line. After a slow start that required getting the trip out of their system, the boys put on a show to win the game 4-1. Not bad seeing as though these games were ten minutes each way and considering Wycliffe had won the fixture 4-1 as U11s. Finally, to the St Hugh’s game. St Hugh’s had beaten Wycliffe 5 tries - 0 in their earlier encounter. However, our boys saved the best till last and put on a rucking / hard running masterclass. They won the game 5 tries - 0, reversing the 7-1 defeat to St Hugh’s as U11s. These boys have lost together as a side, now they are enjoying winning. The experience of being under the cosh lower down the school has taught them not to argue as a team and consequently, they play for each other. They are a real team and a pleasure to work with.



Sunday, September 24, 2017 - Sunday, October 1, 2017 Sunday, 24 September 2017 19:00

Boarders return, latest return 19:30

Monday, 25 September 2017 Week 4 (4) 25 September - 1 October 07:30

Departure for GB Hockey Coaching Day at Millfield (A): 1st VII Squad. Pick up 18:00


Pupils’ Informal Concert (Lake House)

Wednesday, 27 September 2017 00:00

Kingfishers Beep Beep Day


Departure for Hockey v The Dragon (A): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII, 4th VII start 14:15, 5th VII start 15:00. Pick up 17:30


Departure for Beaudesert Rugby Festival (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:00


Departure for Hockey v St John's (A): U9B start 14:30, U9A start 15:15. Pick up 17:30


Hockey v The Dragon (H): U10A, U10B, U11A, U11B. Pick up 16:15


Rugby v Sir Thomas Rich's School and Bredon Hill (H): U13A XIII, U13B XIII, U12A XII, U12B XII. Pick up 17:00


Rugby v Richard Pate (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U10A VIII, U10B VIII. Pick up 16:15

Thursday, 28 September 2017 00:00

National Poetry Day: Freedom


Year 6 Shakespeare Schools Festival Cast Workshop at Roses Theatre (Return 13:00)


Year 8 Shakespeare Schools Festival Cast Workshop at Roses Theatre (Return 16:30)


Nominations Committee


Finance, Risk & Development Committee


Choral Evensong: Schola Cantorum Boys’ Voices (Chapel). Pick up 18:30

Friday, 29 September 2017 09:15

Nursery and Reception Harvest Assembly * (Assembly Hall)


Harvest Festival Service in Chapel for Years 1-8 *


Friends of The Prep Parents' Quiz Night (Dining Room)

Saturday, 30 September 2017 09:00

Cheltenham College Open Morning


Cheltenham Prep Open Morning


Boarders’ Weekend Away (Full Boarders Only)

Sunday, 1 October 2017 18:00

Boarders' return from Weekend Away (Full Boarders Only)

Followare ushighlighted on Twitter:in yellow. Like us on Facebook: All changes and additions to the School Calendar

Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Prep for The Week Issue NumberEmail 1868 22- September 2017 Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Duty Mobiles: @CheltPrep MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 12 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school

Notices BIRTHDAYS We wish the following pupils a very happy birthday this week: Flora Mudie (11) Sophia El-Mayet (4) Monty Wayman (11) Fenella Pearson (9) Theo Archer (8) Sophia Ward (7) Charlie Bell (5)

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We are delighted to invite you to our bi-annual 'How We Teach' evening. For those of you who have not attended this before, it is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the teaching and learning process and ethos here at The Prep, as well as experience first-hand some of the inspirational teaching our pupils encounter by participating in actual lessons! The format of the evening will be as follows: 19.30-19.50 Welcome and introduction to the culture of teaching and learning at The Prep Rachel Hamlyn, Deputy Head (Academic) 19.50-20.10 Lesson 1 20.10-20.30 Lesson 2 20.30-20.50 Lesson 3

The lessons will have a rotational nature and give you the opportunity to see a range of Maths, English and Science teaching across the age phases. For more information, or to sign up, email

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OPEN MORNING Saturday 30 September at 10.00am

ead r p s o t us p l e h e Pleas ur o t u o b rd a o w e h t ing n r o M n e p O g in upcom and s d n e i r rf u o y g n i by tell reat g e h t out b a l l a up family t e g n ildre h c r u o y things to!

• Give your child the strongest academic start • Small class sizes • Excellent facilities • Outstanding opportunities in music, drama and sport

Register now 01242 522697

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1868 22 September 2017


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