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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1871 – 13 October 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Maths News Chess Challenge Science Investigations Sports Update Literature Festival Review Boarding Update Next week's calendar Birthday Announcements

at k e e w t a e r g r e k a Anothe T ! p re P m a h the Chelten f o e m o s t a n i a look e r e h ts n e m o best m eek...

W e h t r o Prep f

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents In Monday’s assembly, I spoke about ‘taking one for the team’. This theme was prompted by the response of two girls in the U10 hockey squad who, when they heard that we were short of a goalkeeper on account of illness, stepped up to volunteer their services. One girl substituted for the ill child as goalkeeper, whilst the other, already nominated to play in that position, played back to back matches. This selflessness is a great quality to have and these girls’ efforts will be recognised in Monday’s assembly. I am sure that there are countless examples of this taking place in the school every day. If there wasn’t, then I do not feel that we would be able to achieve the atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation which pervades the Prep for most of the time.

As we work up to Half-Term, I would ask that parents seek to achieve a balance between activity and rest over this period. On our return, we face a busy six weeks and the inevitable excitement of the lead up to the Christmas break. To have missed the opportunity to catch one’s breath over Half-Term, could put a child under unnecessary pressure through November and December. Thank you. Mr Jon Whybrow Headmaster

I think that parents should be aware that on Tuesday 17 October I will be meeting with Mrs Huggett, the Head-elect of Cheltenham College. She will be on ‘home soil’ as I am travelling down to Blundell's School. This will be the first of several communications that I will have with her as I am determined to ensure that the handover of my responsibilities goes smoothly, not only in matters to do with my successor, but also with those concerning the relationship between The Prep and College.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


Headmaster's Commendations Verity Cooke

Commitment and perseverance with completing a Summer Holiday Pack for Literacy

Sophia Ward

Learning to swim butterfly

Edward Davies

Being awarded a Blue Peter badge for sport

Imogen Mansell-King

Scoring 3 hat-tricks, 3 weeks in a row and working hard in training and being a good role model for her peers.

Arabella Parry

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Eliana Hale

Amelia Jenkins

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Nina Blakey

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Sophie Essenhigh

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Henry Hiscock

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Pablo Rodriguez-Percival

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Georgina Hiscock

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Lily Brown

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Persevering with summer holiday Latin work

Imogen Mansell-King Outstanding maths holiday work

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


The Grow Your Own Cash charity group will be holding its first event on Friday 20 October at pick up time. Please come and buy cakes (and possibly a few secondhand books) to help us create cash reserves to plan out next fundraising venture.

Fundr aisers your h need elp!

The sale will be at Day End from 16.15. If you still have unwanted books and toys to donate, please drop them off at reception labelled for Mrs Jenkins. Thank you all for your support!

Pupils visit Maths Challenge On Tuesday afternoon, four members of Year 6 went to Dean Close for the annual Maths Challenge. Taylor, Grace, Thomas and Ben met the demands of this tough competition with determination and enthusiasm. There were three rounds of high intensity problem solving, testing only only their numerical skills but also their ability to solve problems and puzzles. They worked in pairs and all did really well to finish in the top third of either section.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


Kingfishers and Lower School Chess Challenge On Friday afternoon, Lower School was filled with the excited buzz of 16 Kingfisher and Lower School children who had assembled for a challenging afternoon of chess. The Kingfishers children enjoyed some coaching on a 1:1 basis from a member of the more experienced Lower School and consolidated their knowledge of how the pieces move and game strategy. Finally the competitions were held: one for the Kingfishers and one for the Lower Schoolers. The children were focused and it was impressive to see their concentration, as if practising for a real chess congress. After several rounds, the finalists geared themselves up for an epic battle, watched by their friends and counterparts. Congratulations to Freddie Birch for becoming Kingfishers champion and also to Sean Degnan and Henry Brewis for finishing off the Lower School tournament with an exciting draw. Well done to all those who took part in our Autumn Chess Challenge. We look forward to inviting all of those who want to get involved with ‘pushing the wood’ in our next tournament.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


YEAR 4 SCIENCE INVESTIGATIONS From reading previous articles in ‘The Week’, you will be aware that the Year 4 pupils have been learning about ‘Moving and Growing’ and focusing on their skeletons. This week, they had the chance to plan and carry out an investigation of their choice. Questions being investigated included topics such as: do girls have heads witha larger circumference than boys and are boys taller than girls? Each group then predicted what the answer would be and planned how to ensure the test would be fair. In the following lesson, each group took accurate measurements and collated their results, before finding averages and drawing the investigations to a conclusion. This is the first of many investigations to be completed this year.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


Kingfishers Parents' Lunch A big thank you to the parents who visited us this week for Parents' Lunches. The children really enjoyed eating their yummy lunches with you and demonstrating their wonderful table manners.

Lula in 2G said, "I loved having lunch with Mummy because she shared her food with me". Eva in 2B said ,"I loved eating lunch with Mummy and we had fun". Charlie in 1J said, "I liked eating lunch with Daddy".

Lower School Logic Some of our Lower School pupils had to Peer looking after our community use their maths thinking skillsand thismentoring, week, doing our bit for the Prep Award Scheme when they were competing against one This week in our Section Assembly we were joined by Peer another to solve a 'Mastermind' type Mentors Josh Yang, Imogen Mansell-King and Ben Cunningham. mentorsthey are Year 8 pupils who have undergone training so puzzle. Using coloured cones Peer as keys, that they can help support pupils with friendships, school life or had to break a code by using logic. listen to any other worries that younger pupils may have. Pupils

will know who they are because they wear a special yellow badge on their blazer. Josh, Imogen and Ben have also agreed to come discussion of strategies and be reading buddies with Year 5 on Wednesdays.

There was lots of used, and how (if we were feeling nice) Whilst it is clear to see how much mutual benefit there is in we could make the task easier to solve, helping each other, Middle School pupils have been thinking what roles they could do in order to support teachers and and how (if we were feeling about a little more pupils in other areas of the school. If any pupils are interested in mean!) we could make thehelping, challenge I have put up a list of suitable roles that you can sign up for outside MS Office – from supporting pupils in Kingfisher at much more difficult.

break-times or with their reading, to running a Lower School book clubs in the Library, or helping out in the Art room. All of these jobs will go towards earning Community Service and Leadership credits towards their Silver Prep Award.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


One of the benefits of being situated in the heart of Cheltenham is in the ease with which we can access world class talks and workshops at the famous Cheltenham Literature Festival. Several groups and classes have been this week and their teachers have written a brief summary of their trip...

YEAR 4 PUPILS MEET AUTHOR LIZZIE STEWART This week, a group of Year 4 pupils were lucky enough to attend a writing workshop held by author and illustrator, Lizzie Stewart. Lizzie has written an illustrated the picture book, There’s a Tiger in the Garden and is soon to release Juniper Jupiter. The children were told how Lizzie plans her stories and what a typical day for her was like. They then moved straight on to writing and illustrating their own story. First, each of the pupils closed their eyes and drew a random shape, which was passed on to a partner to turn into a character of their choice. The children then chose at random, a genre, setting, main character, character to meet, object and a theme. Lizzie and the pupils wrote their stories and compared them with each other, which was great fun. The group are very keen to write in the same way again and really enjoyed the morning.

KINGFISHERS On Tuesday 12 October Years 1 and 2 joined award winning picture book author - illustrator Alexis Deacon. He entertained the children with the tales of a little finch called Henry who wants more from his world. It was both hilarious and thought provoking. The children also had the opportunity to meet Alexis after the performance and have a copy of the book signed. On Thursday 14 October Reception, had the opportunity to attend the Literature Festival. They enjoyed an hour listening to the poems of Hilda Offen and watching her draw an array of different characters. The children then had the chance to write a collective poem and some of them were asked to perform on stage as musical sheep.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


Upper School Year 7 visited the Literature Festival on Wednesday to listen to the author Tanya Landman, who writes inspiring and strong books, such as Buffalo Soldier and Hell and High Water, bringing historical events to life. She spoke about her choice of characters, why she decided to become a writer and the events and jobs in her life. Year 7 were interested to hear how she’d chosen to focus on female characters and researched into history to understand their motivations and drive. The students added: “I loved hearing about the different jobs she had had and her decision to start writing” “She was a funny and strong person"

Year 5 Stretch & Challenge: Katherine Rundell at the Literature Festival On Tuesday 10 October, we went to see the author Katherine Rundell talk about her new book, The Explorer. We were immediately interested in what she said. She told us about her research when she visited the Amazon and took part in a survival course. She ate piranha (they taste a bit like chicken), swam with pink dolphins and got bitten a hundred and seventy times by mosquitoes! In her books, she always has some kind of food and she has tried out all of the meals except for tarantula! She told us about the research for her other novels – Rooftoppers and The Wolf Wilder – as well as how long it takes her to write them (three months and then she has to edit over ten times before it appears on the shelves for you to buy). Afterwards, we had our photo taken with her. She was very kind. By Emmiline Cyphus-Hocken 5M

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017



rdin gH ouse Upd ate

This weekend was a little bit quieter (and drier!) for the Boarding House. The Boarders had a relaxing time chilling out and catching up on some rest after a busy two weeks since Exeat. The highlight of the weekend was heading into town for some bowling with Mrs Reid and it was a highly competitive event! There was some great fun had and some impressively high scores! Aidan and Imole came out victorious in the competition, scoring 112 and 129 points respectively, well done both!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


GIRLS' SPORT THIS WEEK'S HOCKEY RESULTS 1st VII vs Clifton 1-3 1st VII vs Beaudesert 1-5 2nd VII vs Clifton 0-5 2nd VII vs Beaudesert 4-1

Cheltenham Prep U9 and U10 Hockey Tournaments

3rd VII vs Clifton 5-2 3rd VII vs Beaudesert 4-2 4th VII vs Clifton 4-0 5th VII vs Clifton 1-1 4th VII & 5th VII Pinewood Festival U11A vs Clifton 4-2 U11A vs King's Hawford 3-0

U10B vs Clifton 0-1 U10B vs Kings Hawford 1-2

U11B vs Clifton 1-6 U11B vs King's Hawford 1-0

U10A vs Clifton 4-5 U10A - Tournament 2nd Place

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017

U10C vs Clifton 3-0 U9A vs Clifton 0-7 U9A Tournament 1W, 2D, 1L U9B vs Clifton 1-0 U9B vs The Dragon 0-0

22 teams arrived on Wednesday to compete in our annual U9 and U10 hockey tournaments. Thankfully, the forecast rain stayed away until very close to the end. It was an action packed day of end to end hockey on both astros with some fantastic skills and team play on display. The U9 event was won by Clifton, after defeating Dean Close in the semi-finals and then St Hugh’s in the final. The U10 tournament was won by King's Hawford, but our U10 girls took them all the way in the final and were unlucky to lose out 1 – 0. I would be doing the day an injustice if I did not mention the excitement of the Cheltenham v Clifton U10 semi-final which, after a 1-1 draw in game time went to running penalties. The goal-keepers on both teams were on excellent form and kept out 7 shots apiece before one of the Cheltenham players stepped up, calm and composed to slot the ball home and take Cheltenham into the final. The girls were unlucky to lose out after coming so close but must be congratulated on a great day of hockey. They thoroughly deserved those silver medals.


BOYS' SPORT THIS WEEK'S RUGBY RESULTS U13A vs Clifton 10 - 15 U13A vs St John's 5 - 30 U13B vs Clifton 0 - 40 U13B vs Prior Park 1st XIII 30 - 30 U12A vs Clifton 0 - 15 U12B vs Clifton 10 - 25 U11A, B & C Beaudesert Festival (also Prior Park Festival for the U11As) U11B vs Clifton 25 - 5 U11C vs Clifton 25 - 25 U10A vs Clifton 10 - 20 U10B vs Clifton 45 - 25 U10 A & B Wycliffe Festival U9 A, B & C Clifton Festival U8 A, B & C Clifton Festival Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017

Team o f the w eek – sh ared bet U11B an ween d U11C On Saturday morning, I had the absolute pleasure of watching the U11B and U11C teams take on Clifton. Both pitches had a similar pattern – huge Clifton boys v smaller Cheltenham boys… however I knew our boys wouldn’t back down. The B team game began with the big Clifton lads in ascendacy. Time and again they carried hard and nearly scored twice, both moments of wonderful defending through heart and determination. Instead of being 10-0 up Clifton found themselves 5-0 down as a wonderful passage of play took the boys the length of the field for an outstanding score. This lit the touch paper and the boys then put together a performance for the ages – width, depth, handling and unselfishness meant that the sideline was simply left applauding at the play. What was most remarkable was the way the boys kept their shape for the whole game. On the next pitch was an absolute thriller. The big Clifton boys v the fast Cheltenham boys and it became a real see-saw battle with Clifton edging the game in the middle of the park, with Cheltenham dominant out wide. Time after time the boys came together with no quarter asked, or given. A 6 try all thriller was the final result as both sides battled each other to a standstill. A wonderful advert for Prep School C team rugby. 12


Sunday, October 15, 2017 - Sunday, October 22, 2017 Sunday, 15 October 2017 10:00

Boarders’ Trip to a Theme Park (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Monday, 16 October 2017 Week 7 (7) 16 - 22 October 10:30

Nicholas McCarthy (pianist) performance during Assembly


Nicholas McCarthy (pianist) talk and performance to Middle School (Assembly Hall)


Nicholas McCarthy (pianist) talk and performance to Upper School (Assembly Hall)


Nicholas McCarthy (pianist) masterclass with music scholars (Lake House)


Assembly to introduce Kingfishers Half Term Reading Challenge

Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00

Kingfishers Diwali Day


Assembly to introduce the House Art Competition


Welfare Committee


Reading Workshop for parents of children in Reception to Year 2 (Library)


Education Committee

Wednesday, 18 October 2017 12:45

Departure for Hockey v St Hugh’s (A): 5th VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:15


Departure for Dean Close Rugby Festival (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:15


Departure for Hockey v St Hugh’s (A): U10B start 14:45, U10A start 15:30. Pick up 17:30


Departure for Rugby v Dean Close (A): U13A XIII, U13B XIII, U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:45


Cheltenham Prep Rugby Festival (H): U12A XII, U12B XII. Pick up 16:45


Hockey v St Hugh’s (H): 2nd VII, 3rd VII, 4th VII, U11B. Pick up 16:15


Rugby v Dean Close (H): U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Pick up 16:15


Hockey v St Hugh’s (H): 1st VII, U11A, U9A, U9B. Pick up 16:30

Thursday, 19 October 2017 16:45

Swimming Gala v Dean Close (H): Years 6-8. Pick up 18:00

Friday, 20 October 2017 06:30

Departure for Vienna Music Tour (Returning 24 October)


Lower School Open Door Morning until 09:00


Chapel *


Half Term begins for pupils in Kingfishers (no after school school care or activities)


Half Term begins for pupils in Lower School (no after school school care or activities)


Half Term begins for pupils in Middle and Upper School (no after school school care or activities)

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Duty Mobiles:

MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school @CheltPrep

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017


Notices birthdays

We wish the following pupils a very happy birthday this week: Star Jamieson (9) Ollie Blanchfield (12) Ben Richards (11) Archie Wills (11) Eve Loosemore (9) Tobias Evans (8) Mary Lu (5) Matilda Kitson (13) Alice Waley-Cohen (10) Isaac Tagg (13) Joseph Tagg (13) Emily Faulkner (7) Bobby Stubbert (6)

otos h p s s a l rget, c o f t ' n Do more r o F . e l on sa l l i t s e r a all H b o R l , emai n o i t a inform via g e l l o c enham t l e h c @ r.hall

Design &Technology Christmas Course Important Information For Years 4 to 8. 18 – 21 December, 09:30 – 15:30 Cheltenham Prep D&T Room Cost: £180 to College by 24 November. REFERENCE: DT/ surname (account details can be found on termly bills)

Monday 18 – Thursday 21 December 2017 with Mr George Boyd, Head of Design & Technology Contact Details Course Leader: Mr George Boyd T: 01242 522697 E: Prep for The Week Issue Number 1871 13 October 2017

Pupils should wear casual, but not loose clothing, and no open-toed footwear. Please bring a packed lunch, with enough drinks and snacks to keep the children going throughout the day. Additional Information •

Numbers are limited to 20 children per day, on a first come basis. • All four days will be needed to guarantee completion of the project. • The cost covers all materials, services, activities and private tuition. • Book via email to Mr Boyd no later than Friday 10 November. 14

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