Prep for the Week - Week 2

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Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1899 – 14 September 2018

Get involved! Make sure you are following us on social media (@CheltPrep) for all of the latest goings on around School! Included in this week’s issue… • Kingfishers Update • Lower School News • Boarding House Update • Sports Update • Birthday Announcements • And finally... Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018

A slight change...

We have changed things up slightly this week. Don’t miss Mr O’Sullivan’s take on the last week in the ‘And finally...’ feature at the end of this week’s edition of Prep for the Week. Enjoy!


Kingfishers Update Crazy Cricket Capers We kicked off our first Super Saturday of the term with a busy and action packed ‘Crazy Cricket Capers’ with Mr Buttress. The children enjoyed everything from learning how to pick up the bat, to seeing how many times they could catch the ball with no hands! We look forward to more Super Saturdays this term!

Nursery & Reception Topic Launch Last week Reception and Nursery celebrated the start of their new topic ‘Fun times with Nursery Rhymes’. The children were able to choose from a variety of activities based around their favourite nursery rhymes. Some of these included, painting Humpty Dumpty’s wall, helping Little Bo-Peep find her sheep and fetching pails of water for Jack and Jill.

Eggsperiments Reception have had a cracking time this week investigating the strength of eggs. Each child predicted how strong they thought the eggs would be before putting them to the test. They used the weights and squeezed as much as they could in the hope to crack the eggs. They found out the eggs were super strong due to their curved edge.

Year 1 & 2 Topic Launch Children from Key Stage 1 thoroughly enjoyed their ‘London’s Calling’ topic launch day! Amongst other activities, the children enjoyed learning new songs and a treasure hunt to find some of London’s famous landmarks.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018


Lower School News Anglo-Saxons On the first Friday of term, an intrepid bunch of Year 4s headed into the wilds of Warwickshire to travel back in time to encounter the Anglo-Saxons. Archaeology, runic writing, brooch making and the odd dressing-up session were involved. Many of the children already had a good insight into this period of history, due to their work over the holidays, and they were able to answer many questions posed by the historians.

Book at Bedtime for Lower School Parents and Pupils Friday 28 September 7pm – 8pm Come and listen to stories, find out more about ‘book talk’ and enjoy refreshments. Pupils, please come dressed in your pyjamas and don’t forget your teddies! Refreshments will be available for adults, hot chocolate for pupils. Please sign-up with your class teacher.

Year 4 Poetry Year 4 have started the term by writing a whole range of syllabic poetry covering Haikus, Tankas, Cinquains and Tanagas. You may have heard of the first three examples of poetry, but any idea what a Tanaga is? Well … it is a form of poetry originating from the Philippines. They are traditionally written in Tagalog language and the pattern follows an AABB rhyming structure, with each line consisting of just seven syllables. All of these were great fun to write and many of them will be on display in Lower School very soon. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018


Boarding House Update The Boarding House has enjoyed a relaxing, but fun weekend, with our Welcome BBQ and a multitude of different games, as seen in the photos. We are really excited about Mountain Boarding this Sunday. Here are some of the best pictures from our weekend of fun...

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018


FREEDOM Year 7 Independent Learning Project The theme for the Year 7 Independent Learning Project this year was ‘Freedom’ and it has prompted an array of very impressive individual and creative projects. The projects will be on display in the Yard Hall for all to see until Exeat. There are many thought provoking projects which have researched the Freedom theme to discuss Nelson Mandela, what freedom means to different people in the world and pupils’ own interpretations of freedom. There was a wide range of media used for the projects: a handsewn banner, a lego construction, a Mexican wall, a musical composition, research posters, artwork and 3D interpretations of pupils escaping to their personal place of freedom! Some pupils have also created PowerPoints with videos or voice overs. Our thanks to all the pupils for their hard work and creative ingenuity in interpreting this year’s theme – well done Year 7! Prizes will be awarded shortly in Assembly. We hope you enjoy looking at the display.

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Year 6 Science This week Year 6 have been learning about the structure of the heart in their science lessons. They had the chance to get up close and personal with a pig heart. The class teacher dissected the heart and the children got to look at, feel and poke their fingers through the blood vessels and the valves!

Sporting Success Congratulations to Matilda who this week took part in the County Athletics Championships, winning a bronze medal in the mile race (despite falling over on lap 3!) and gold in the 4x100m relay.

Let us know

We would love to hear about your child’s achievements outside of school, both on and off the sports field. If you would like us to include them in future editions, please send a photo(s) and brief explanation of their achievement to their class tutor.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018


Year 7 History Who should be king?

Once again students in Mr Bass’ Year 7 History classes have been campaigning for who should be the next king of England in 1066: William, Duke of Normandy, Harold Godwinson or Harald Hardrada!

Corinth House Bonding This week pupils in Corinth have been learing to work together as a team in a variety of different activities, with some interesting results!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018


Girls’ Sport Update Team of the Week – 1st VII A great start and a great example set by the 1st team this year. They played as a team, implemented tactics, and fought for every ball. Autumn and Alice D at the back showed fantastic vision and their powerful through balls opened up so many opportunities for our goal hungry attackers. Captain Izzy AS, Sky and Evie P got themselves on the score sheet with three brilliant goals. Well done girls, starting as we mean to go on!

Girls’ Hockey Results 1st VII vs Wycliffe Won 3-1 2nd VII vs Wycliffe Lost 2-1 3rd VII vs Wycliffe Won 2-0 4th VII vs Wycliffe Drew 1-1 5th VII at the Cricklade Festival Won 2, drew 1 and lost 2 U11A vs Wycliffe Won 10-0 U11B vs Wycliffe Won 8-0 U10A vs Wycliffe

Sport News from College

Lost 1-0 U10B vs Wycliffe Drew 1-1

The teams of the week across the road were the three Yearling (Year 9) Girls’ Hockey teams who completed three wins from three against Kingswood School. Well done girls!

U9A vs Wycliffe

The ‘Performance of the Week’ goes to Flo Fletcher for her selection in the England U16 Hockey team.

U8s vs Wycliffe

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018

Lost 4-0 U9B vs Wycliffe Won 2-1 Won 1-0


Boys’ Sport Update Team of the Week – U10B After a stunning season last year as the U9B team, the U10B team took on the introduction of rucking with a great appetite and continued their outstanding form. The team work displayed was the key to their successes, beating Wycliffe 40-15 and RGS 30-10 . Almo P lead our defensive wall, whilst Ollie C was lightning on the wing, exploiting every gap. Sam A was at the heart of our defence and secured our rucks well, while Michael W was having fun crashing through their defence having turned over possession. Monty C-B and Henry B had a lot of fun and success implementing the crash ball and so testing the oppositions defence in the process, meanwhile, Sam A was crafting fantastic individual runs which left his opposite number feeling dizzy! Last, but not least, Joey R was the glue which held them together in defence and attack, displaying great leadership qualities. We now have an exciting season ahead of us to look forward to, however, the team will not be resting on their laurels, but looking to progress their game in every area to become a formidable force!

Boys’ Rugby Results U13A vs Wycliffe Won 10-5 U13A vs Pinewood Lost 2-1 U12A vs Wycliffe Won 15-10 U12A vs Pinewood Won 30-5 U11A vs RGS The Grange Won 35-0 U11B vs Wycliffe Won 50-0 U11C vs RGS The Grange Lost 55-75 U10A vs Wycliffe Won 45-10 U10A vs RGS The Grange Won 20-10 U10B vs Wycliffe Won 40-15 U10B vs RGS The Grange Won 30-10 U10C vs RGS The Grange

Two weeks ago brothers Daniel and Jason were American Football players in Texas, fast forward to now and they both made their debuts in rugby in A teams. Daniel, normally a Defensive Back, is now a marauding centre in the U11A and Jason, normally a Defensive Tackle, is now a second row. Jason’s first experience of rugby was to come off the bench for the Prep 1st XIII, which was quite a baptism of fire. One of our key attributes here at Cheltenham Prep is Challenge and to cross the Atlantic and pick up a new sport so quickly is a great demonstration of this value. Keep it up fellas !

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018

Won 60-45


Birthdays Happy birthday to the following pupils who have their birthdays this week: • Tom S (13) • Edward D (9) • Matthew S (9) • Francesca L S (5) • Henry W (11) • Hattie L (10)

Peer Mentoring Peer Mentors are pupils in Year 8 who have undergone training in listening skills and empathy, led by College staff, to support and listen to pupils from Kingfishers through to Upper School. We don’t expect them to fix problems, but rather help with friendships, playing games and reading buddies. The Peer Mentors wear a yellow shield on their blazer and are happy to help with any aspect of school life.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018


And finally... Dear Parents The life of a Prep School Headmaster is never less than varied and exciting and more often than not enchanting, weird and fulfilling all on the same day. Yesterday was a case in point. After the normal morning greetings Scooby and I were playing Hairy Maclary and Hercules Morse (as big as a horse - that was Scooby!) in the Kingfishers assembly. Following a quick stop in the office to write the welcome for the Saturday Programme my Year 7 Science class were kept busy learning about continuous and discontinuous variation. There was then a mad dash to meet my co-star (Scooby again) to take our roles in the Lower School Roald Dahl Day performance of (part of ) the BFG. Scooby did the acting, I did the voiceovers!!! I have a horrible feeling it may be floating around the Twittersphere somewhere! A number of senior staff then met the Prefects, Heads of House and Peer Mentors to outline our hopes and expectations of them over the coming months, and listening to a number of their ideas as to how they could best fulfil their roles. A meeting with a couple of delightful prospective parents was then followed by another mad dash to College and chance for Nicky and I to compare notes on our first couple of weeks at the helms of our respective ships. The College Executive Committee then met to look at planning both schools’ future into the next decade before I returned to an office full

A polite reminder

of children chewing the cud with Scooby! Our Schola Cantorum Boys’ Voices then excelled in the College Chapel at Evensong before our Accelerated Reader evening back at The Prep. What an amazing place! My only issue so far - there are never enough hours in the day! Have a great weekend. Tom

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1899 14 September 2018

Please can all parents ensure that their children are in their classrooms by 8.15am at the very latest each morning. This will help us to make sure that our Assemblies or lessons can start on time. Thank you very much! Tom


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