The Cheltenham Trust is an independent charity, managing some of Cheltenham’s most historic and iconic cultural and sporting venues, including Pittville Pump Room, Cheltenham Town Hall, The Wilson Art Gallery and Museum, Leisure at Cheltenham, and the Prince of Wales Stadium.
As a multi-functional organisation, the Cheltenham Trust is driven by a key tenet, to make a difference by improving the health and wellbeing of the community through a careful blend of culture, community, and commercialism. This mission is woven into the DNA of our charity, reflected in the venues, services, and activities we provide to nourish the mind, body, and soul. Our year-round free events significantly impact the collective mental health, diversity, community cohesion, and overall sense of wellbeing
With this in mind, we are excited to launch our 2026 Charity Collaboration. Through this initiative, one exceptional charity will receive free venue hire, along with support for an event to be hosted in January or February of 2026 at Pittville Pump Rooms or Cheltenham Town Hall. This partnership will amplify the charity’s mission, foster community engagement, and increase their impact.
At one of our iconic venues, Cheltenham Town Hall or Pittville Pump Room
Dedicated planning support and on the day management of your event and staffing support
Managed by our in house technicians for the duration of your event.
Digital and print marketing support from The Cheltenham Trust marketing team.
Use of our established ticketing platform for ticket sales
Freedomtodesignandthemeyourevent, includingdécorandothercreative elements.
Entertainmentandassociatedcosts,such asperformersorspeakers.
Fundraisinginitiatives,includingrafflesor auctions,ifapplicable.
Artworkandbrandedmaterialsfor promotion.
Anyadditionalvolunteersifrequired dependingonyourevent.


Key dates...
16th January– Applications open
28th February – Applications close
6th March– Shortlisting entries
10th March – Finalists announced
20th March – Finalists panel
3rd April – Drinks reception and winner announced
The registered address for your charity must be within a GL postcode and must match the registration details on the Charity Commission.
Your charity must serve and support the local people through its initiatives.
Charities must meet a minimum annual turnover of £250,000 and be able to demonstrate their ability to engage the community and amplify their impact.
To ensure broad awareness, the chosen charity will be expected to promote the collaboration through all their social media platforms, website, and relevant press releases.
The charity must be able to attract a minimum of 100 guests to the event to ensure strong community engagement and impact.