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高雄市四維國小一 00 學年度「引領孩子【閱讀】世界」 參與國際教育學習成果冊

研究主題:哇!沒有水了(環境議題:水) 學生中文姓名:


學生英文名字: 學生學號:

Chris Ho 51102

班級導師:5-11 嚴鈺賢 英文老師:郭威慶 電腦教師:陳嘉斌 教材圖文取材自:教育部配發之生態教學及國土保護知能光碟 教育部配發光碟參考網址:http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/soil/12/ 四維嘉斌教學網站:http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100


目錄 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------目錄......................................................................................................................................................1 自我介紹__英文寫作..........................................................................................................................2 寵物_中英文寫作................................................................................................................................3 bubbl.us_心智圖作品 ..........................................................................................................................5 bubbl.us 心智圖繪製使用心得 ...........................................................................................................6 哇!沒有水了---學習單 Q&A_寫作..................................................................................................8 手繪心智圖作品................................................................................................................................ 11 手繪心智圖作品解說及心得............................................................................................................12



自我介紹__英文寫作 參考網址 http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100/dis_query_class.asp?id=20111024105817&mes =五年級同學向 GVC 國外伙伴學校用英語介紹(請貼上中英文雙 語)&p_name=511

Hello, my nameis Chris Ho. I live in kaohsiung city. I am 5th grdge student at Si-Wei Elementary school. I am eleven years old. My favorite subjects are Math & Science. I like those classes because they are interesting and satisflying. In free-time, I like to read books and play basketball. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. Nice to meet you and I am excited about learning about your life as well.



寵物_中英文寫作 Pets around the world 1-2

MarshaGoren Oct 29, 2011 1:46 am Please join us in writing about your favorite pets on our discussion board. You may send images, draw pictures and answer the questions from the discussion pages. You can write about your favorite pet, please join us as everyone loves pets

re: Pets around the world Sih-wei Nov 7, 2011 1:05 am Our pets from Sih-Wei elmentary, Taiwan URL:http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100/download.asp?pbno=201111717248

參考網址 http://gvc-clubhouse.wikispaces.com/message/view/Pets/45232488



參考網址 http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100/dis_query_class.asp?id=20111031104217&mes =請各班同學用英語介紹家裡的寵物,沒有寵物的也請說明想不想養,為什麼? (貼中、英文)&p_name=511

中文文章 我的名字叫 Chris 何 我目前沒有養寵物, 但是我也不想養寵物, 因為媽媽說如果寵物死了會很麻煩!!!! 不僅浪費時間也浪費生命。 而且寵物身上都會有一些寄生蟲或傳染病, 都會讓大家生病, 況且我們家是住大樓, 如果有寵物發出的噪音, 都會被其他住戶罵呢!

英文文章(利用 Google 翻譯) My name is Chris Ho I do not have pets, But I do not want a pet, Because my mother would say if the pet dies a lot of trouble!!!! Not only a waste of time waste of life. And pets will have some of the parasites or infectious diseases, Will let everyone get sick, Furthermore, we are living at home building, If you have a pet noise, Other households will be scolded it!!!






bubbl.us 心智圖繪製使用心得 參考網址 http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100/dis_query_class.asp?id=20111229115349&mes =請寫出我使用 BUBBL.US,有哪些不方便的?有哪些是好用的功能?使用的心 得?(寫越多越好)&p_name=511

中文文章 一、有哪些不方便的? 1.網路速度較慢 2.對於不會看英文的人較不便 3.需要花較多時間 二、有哪些是好用的功能? 1.可歸類,明顯易懂 2,不用親自繪圖 3.較美觀 4.可做成許多樣式,例如:旅遊.論文等等 三、使用的心得?(寫越多越好) 我覺得這個功能非常好用,而且又是免費的 ,既省時又省力。

英文文章(利用 Google 翻譯) , Which is not convenient? (1) network slow (2) people will not read English than the inconvenience (3) need to spend more time Second, what is a useful feature? (1) can be categorized, obvious and easy to understand (2), no person drawing (3) a more beautiful 6

哇!沒有水了(環境議題:水)-------------------------------------------------Can be made into many styles, such as: tourism. Paper 3 the use of the experience? (Write the better) I find this feature very useful, and also free , Save time and effort



哇!沒有水了---學習單 Q&A_寫作 參考網址 http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100/dis_query.asp?id=2011118161256&mes=GVC 第一次作業_哇!沒有水了!(小組共同討論故事大綱)

中文文章 1)日常生活中我需要用水的時候是?(水量從多至少排列) 1.洗澡 2.上廁所後 3.打掃工作 4.洗臉 5.刷牙 6.遊戲後 (2)校園或家中還有哪些地方需要用到水?(水量從多至少排列) 1.水生池物池 2.樹木 3.花草 4.水族箱 5.廚房 6.浴室 (3)如果班上只有一桶水,除了洗手以外,剩下的水還可以做什麼? 1.清掃教室 2.澆花 3.沖馬桶 4.拖地 (3)請提供省水小秘方? 1.刷牙時,把水龍頭關緊 2.不要用水時把水龍頭關緊 3.淋浴代替泡澡 4.改用蓮蓬頭 5.洗米水用來澆花 (4)教室前的水龍頭漏水或水管破了,怎麼辦? 8

哇!沒有水了(環境議題:水)-------------------------------------------------1.報告老師 2.報告校長 3.報告主任 (5)四維國小裡的哪些設備可以省水? 1.水龍頭 2.馬桶 3.洗手台



英文文章(利用 Google 翻譯) 1) daily life, I need water? (Water at least from the multi-order) 1 clean (2) after using the toilet 3 cleaning work 4. Wash 5. Brushing 6 games (2) campus or at home where needed water? (Water at least from the multi-order) An aquatic pool matter pool 2 trees 3. Flowers 4. Aquarium 5 The kitchen 6 bathroom (3) If the class is only a bucket of water outside, in addition to hand-washing, the remaining water can also do? (1) clean up the classroom 2. Watering (3) to flush the toilet (4) mopping the floor (3) Please provide a water-saving secret? 1 when brushing your teeth, the tap is closed Do not water when the faucet is closed 3 showers instead of baths 4 switch Showerheads 5 rice washing water used to water the flowers

(4) The faucet leaks or water pipes burst in front of the classroom, how do? (1) report on teacher 2 report principals (3) the report of Director of

(5) four-dimensional elementary of which devices can save water? 1. Faucet 2. Toilet 3 washbasin 10





手繪心智圖作品解說及心得 參考網址 http://www.swps.kh.edu.tw/chen100/dis_query.asp?id=2011118161256&mes=GVC 第一次作業_哇!沒有水了!(小組共同討論故事大綱)

中文文章 第一份手繪心智圖解說: 1.主題:水資源 2.重點說明: (一)水的生活應用 1.飲用 2.洗東西 3.洗澡 4.澆水(花) (二)愛護水資源 1.裝置水水水龍頭 2.蓋汙水處理廠 3.盡量不抽地下水 (三)濫用水資源 1.浪費自來水 2.工廠、家庭排放汙水 3.隨地傾倒有毒廢水 (四)回收水資源 1.用洗米水澆花 2.用雨水沖馬桶第二份手繪心智圖解說: 1.主題:河流 2.重點說明: (一)上游 12

哇!沒有水了(環境議題:水)-------------------------------------------------1.瀑布景觀 2.櫻花鉤吻鮭 3.有巨大岩石 4.流速快 5.侵蝕作用強 6.較陡峭 (二)中游 1.流速普通 2.侵蝕作用普通 3.有鵝卵石 (三)下游 1.地勢平坦 2.泥沙較多 3.流速較慢 4.侵蝕作用弱 5.堆積作用強 (四)風災發生時 1.土石流 2.土石滑落 3.溪水暴漲

英文文章(利用 Google 翻譯) The first hand-drawn mind graphic said: (1) theme: water resources

2 highlights: (A) water of life applications 1 Drinking (2) washing 3 clean (4) water (flower)

(B) to cherish water resources 1 device Shui faucet 2 build a sewage treatment plant 13

哇!沒有水了(環境議題:水)-------------------------------------------------(3) try not to pumping of groundwater

(C) exploitation of water resources (1) waste water Two factories, homes, discharge of sewage 3 anywhere to dump toxic waste

(D) recycling of water resources With rice washing water to water the flowers Using rainwater to flush the toilet the second hand-painted mental diagram that: (1) Subject: rivers

2 highlights: (A) upstream (1) waterfalls (2) the Formosan landlocked salmon 3 huge rock (4) flow speed Erosion 6. Steeper

(B) midstream (1) flow rate of ordinary (2) the erosion of the role of the ordinary (3) a cobblestone

(C) downstream (1) flat (2) sediment more (3) flow rate is slower Weak erosion 5 stacking

(4) hurricane occurs 1. Landslides (2) earth and rock slide (3) the stream was swollen.


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