Work in progress_Wearable R.I.P.

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Research through Explorative Design


2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012

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1 year ArtCenter exchanged student Nominated Special Award Sliver

W E A R A B L E 穿 戴 式 告 別 式

R . I . P.


Wearable R.I.P. Speculative Interactive Wearbles 讓懂得人懂,讓不懂的人不懂;讓世界是世界,我甘心是我的繭 (簡媜 2003)


穿戴式告別式是一個互動裝置,當穿戴者頭往 後仰時,裝置便會播放音樂。 Wearable R.I.P. is a speculative interactive wearable project. When users lean back, the device will be triggered to play music.





Stress and fear from the reality would make even the most active people want to run away to find their own peace in mind. We are often educated to do our best to get connected with others, but the truth is, that we might not always want to be socially active. In the tremendous industrial cities, urbanites keep commuting between apartments and offices, moving among more and more people. What they asked for might be a wearable, portable peace with them. “We need air, we need space, and we need peace.” There is a great possibility that the urbanites need a wearable design to make them soothe uncanny souls and relieve themselves.

「讓懂得人懂,讓不懂得人不懂; 讓世界是世界,我甘心是我的繭。」- 簡媜 都市有著巨大的鐵則,都市人每天來回其中, 穿過馬路與十字街口,來回奔走家的大樓和辦 公大樓,走走停停,都市人穿梭人潮且不停移 動。科幻世界的一隅,都市人背負著壓力與責 任不間斷地喘息,極其期待與幻想一個掙脫窒 息的瞬間,一個隨時帶來平靜的角落,「就讓 世界是世界吧!」穿戴式告別式,協助都市人 隨時告別現實,宣示自我解脫,讓自身於外在 世界中獨立。當其頭往後仰裝置,即能聽見來 自另一個世界的音樂,與內心自我展開對話。

Inspired by such imagery, we conceptualized Wearable R.I.P. as an interactive wearable design for speculation as follows. Bringing the death experience to urbanites, they can rest in peace in a protective and comfortable wearable coffin, engaged in their own world at any time and any place. “There’s no peace quite like death, a fact that seems to have inspired this coffin-shaped, sensorydampening hood encouraging you to ‘say goodbye to everything’ no matter how chaotic your environment may be.” Users only need to lean back their head to the hood, Wearable R.I.P. will be triggered to play the soothing music to the wearer. Wearable R.I.P. gave wearers bravery to wave farewell to the reality, the chaos.


Wearable R.I.P.


Speculative Interactive Wearbles 讓懂得人懂,讓不懂的人不懂;讓世界是世界,我甘心是我的繭 (簡媜 2003)



接續,我們邀請自願者與雲門舞者上街體驗, 探索人與人的互動經驗。 Drawing on the fiction that Wearable R.I.P crafts, we want to know what felt experience could be drawn on user’s mind and how meaning making emerges through the speculative wearable interaction. Therefore, we asked volunteers and dancers from Cloud Gate to wear Wearable R.I.P. to walk on the street to situated in the scenarios.

f r o m


地點:中正紀念堂捷運站與中山雙連站公園 時間:2015/10/18, 11/01, 2016/01/07 Location: MRT station & near park Time: 2015/10/18, 11/01, 2016/01/07

地點:中正紀念堂 時間:2016/01/07 Location: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Time: 2016/01/07


Wearable R.I.P.


Speculative Interactive Wearbles 投稿至NordiCHI 2016

Submit paper to NordiCHI 2016 附錄01 see appendix 01

TOWARDS WEARABLE SPECULATION: Understanding wearable interaction with public performance

ABSTRACT Recent years have seen increased attention being given to wearable interaction in literature. ‘How to design wearable object’ was widely discussed both in function-driven and fashion-driven styles. However, it was not completely explored. Some studies stated wearables as a relationship tool allowing us to better understand the interaction with each other through explorative design. Drawing on the speculative wearable design, Wearable R.I.P., which challenged the relation between user and object, we seek to explore the meaning-making process from participants. By operationalizing design fiction with anticipatory ethnography with exploiting Wearable R.I.P. as an input, we invited people to walk on the street, an informal public performance. Findings of the exploration showed that participants’ meaning-making through performance and reframing process by expert extended our understanding on wearable interaction. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the meaning making from R.I.P. interaction, as well better understanding of wearable interaction through performance.

[1] Qihang Xu, Xiaoou Yi and Younghwan Pan. 2015. A structured interaction model of wearable system. HCI Korea (HCIK ‘15), 71-75. [2]Sabine Seymour. 2010. Functional Aesthetics. Austria: Springer-Verlag. [3]Jeremiah Nugroho. 2013. A conceptual framework for design wearable technology. Ph.D Dissertation. University of Technology Sydney, Sydney. [4]Jessica Charlesworth. 2007. Wearables as ‘‘relationship tools’’. AI & Soc, 22, 63-84 [5]Mads Hobye and Jonas Löwgren. 2011. Touching a stranger: Designing for engaging experience in embodied interaction. International Journal of Design, 5, 3, 31-48. [6]Matt Malpass. 2013. Between wit and reason: Defining associative, speculative, and critical design in practice. Design and Culture 5, 3: 333-356. London, UK: Bloomsbury [7]Steph. 2015. Wearable RIP: Coffin Hood Helps You Relax Among City Chaos. webUrbanist. Retrieved December 30, 2015 from http://weburbanist. com/2015/12/30/wearable-ripcoffin-hood-helps-you-relax-amongcity-chaos/

INTRODUCTION The last few years have seen a great deal of work on wearable design. One of the major preoccupations of wearable design in these years has been investigating the nature of wearable interaction between user and object. Moreover, how to design a wearable object or system has been widely discussed in wearable research both in function-driven and fashion-driven styles. Qihang, Xiaoou, Younghwan [1] noted the interaction model of wearable system, “the functional division of wearable device includes information collection and delivery.” Sabine Seymour’s theory offered a sounder theoretical basis for functional aesthetic and fashionable technology, where “Fashionable technology refers to the intersection of design, fashion, science, and technology. [2]” Drawing on either function-driven or aesthetic-driven styles, they focused on the wearable object itself, an approach to designing wearable objects [3]. However, Nugroho (2013) stated, “the field itself is not well researched in terms of design thinking, including design process and design attributes.” Some studies appeared and discussed that wearables could be relationship tools [4], an embodied interaction [5]. As a tool, it encourages us to reconsider how we interact with each other through explorative design [5]. Drawing on the speculative wearable design [6], Wearable R.I.P. [7] intends to challenge the relation between user and object, questioning what the most comfortable wearables for people are. The speculation that Wearable R.I.P. tries to make could be a tool for us to explore the

meaning-making process between user and object. Thus, this paper attempts to explore the situated felt experience of the participants through speculative wearable design and to open discourses on wearable interaction. The primary questions to be addressed in this paper are as follows: 1. How can we make and use a speculative wearable design to allow us to explore the insitu experience of participants? 2. What is the felt experience of participants through wearable speculation? 3. How could we reframe our research to focus on exploring further experiences with thick description? 4. What do we learn from these felt experiences to extend our understanding of wearable interaction? With these questions in mind, the research results may lead to a better understanding of wearable interaction. In this paper, we presented two parts, one is what and how speculation the artifact makes, and the second is how we approach to exploring the participants’ experiences as well as what they reflected and what we leaned from the interaction.

DRAMA 卡米地喜劇 in Taiwan - 2016/04/22-24 兩個人的事 Truly Madly Deeply

PUBLISHED Core 77 - 2015/12/11 Wearable R.I.P.: Relax lika the dead in the Middle of City Mayhem Urbanist - 2015/12/30 Wearable R.I.P.: Coffin hood helps you relax among city chaos


Wearable Heaven Speculative Interactive Wearbles 穿戴式告別式的未完成系列之延伸:穿戴式天堂 The extension of Wearable R.I.P.: Wearable Heaven (WIP)


穿戴式天堂是一個互動裝置,當穿戴者頭往後 仰時,裝置便會發亮升天。 Wearable Heaven is a speculative interactive wearable project. When users lean back, the device will be triggered to light up.


Wearable Heaven Speculative Interactive Wearbles 穿戴式告別式的未完成系列之延伸:穿戴式天堂 The extension of Wearable R.I.P.: Wearable Heaven (WIP)


下個系列:隱匿人群中的穿戴者 / Wearable Ghost / 孤魂野鬼 The next extension will be Wearable Ghost, an anonymous, hidden wearer.


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