LIM CHEN HEE | Y2S2 | Architectural Study Trip - Taiwan

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: 29 NOVENBER 2019

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Abstract 2. Acknowledgement 3. Introduction 4. Field Observation 5. Conclusion 6. References 7. Appendix

1.0 ABSTRACT This field trip study and documentation was conducted with the intention to provide a better understanding on the architectural, historical and technological significance in the real world through experiential learning. It was also an opportunity for us to explode to the world and also the most efficiency way to learn architecture due to “The best teacher of architecture is travelling� said Tadao Ando, a self-taught Japanese Architect who won Pritzker Prize. For this reflective journal, I have to write what had I had learn or experienced in this 11-days Taiwan Trip. To research and apply to the integration of knowledge from a variety of disciplines to support on this field trip. Field observation of the background and history of the buildings allowed us to demonstrate our level of understanding and familiarity on designing and planning a space from different kind of site context. My observation and comprehension for array various of building or talks and how these aspiration can be applied in future of my education learning are presented in the following pages of the report, summary up as a comprehensive study on this trip of Taipei, Taichong and Tamkang, Taiwan.

2.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest respect and thank lecturer, Mr. Tan Kok Hong and tutor, Mr. Leong Hung Sek for giving us an opportunity to do this assignment work and providing us all support and guidance which made us complete the assignment on time. We are extremely grateful to them for providing such a nice support and guidance. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to our lecturer, Mr. Tan Kok Hong and tutor, Mr. Leong Hung Sek for providing us with guidance and explanation of this report and giving us very useful knowledge about how to experience and observed through architect’s view during our tutorial sessions. By all means, we would like to thank once again to Mr. Tan for arranging such a nice itinerary and always taking into account our safety, especially in Yi Lan.

3.0 INTRODUCTION This Field trip study in Taiwan was an exposure trip to a place for experiencing the cultural and immersing ourselves into the local life during 11 days, a long short not short time. From Taipei to Taichung, we had exploded different kind of historical building and unique phenomenon as well as the local people. In order to enhance our communication and relationship in future learning in architecture field, we had also visited Tung Hai, Tang Kam and Taipei Technology of University during our trip. It is a wonderful and unforgettable learning experiences for us in our path of education as we said It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.

4.0 FIELD OBSERVATION Tai Pei (台北), on Day 2 [24th September 2019] Cheng-En Gate / 北门

Fig. 1. Cheng-En Gate (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Cheng-En Gate is the main entrance of Taipei City. It was built in the 10th year of Qing Dynasty which located in Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan. It is one of the five major city gate in Taipei City that maintains the existing appearance of the built-up era. North Gate is well organized in terms of the Western District Gateway Project at the same time, It would not be too crowd around the North Gate that actually a quite successful case for preserving the historical building. Secondly, I was appreciated how the architect revitalize the surrounding environment and the building in term of the historical intention.

Fig. 2. Historical intention’s explanation about the North Gate turning 13 degree to face the Qi-Xing mountain. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 3. Historical intention’s design concept that using weeds for landscaping. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Mitsui Warehouse / 三井仓库

Fig. 4 & 5 & 6. Mitsui Warehouse and related showpiece. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

It can be said that it is really good example to show how well urban planning committee are organizing the historical building. Although it had to be removed due to the planning, but they also proposed an alternative way to replaced it around 100 meters away from the site to exhibit the history and some showpiece to the visitor and act as a platform for them to understand easily.

Di Hua Street / 迪化街

Fig. 7. Di Hua Street. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

This is a street that remained the traditional shoplot but some are refurbishing to become a platform for the local youngster as well as students to exhibit their works or their products. However, this street are now developing to enlarge the width of the road and enhancing the traffic circulation while respecting to the past which means try not to demolish the historical building.

Fig. 8. Baroque style buildings. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 9. Presentation prepared by 吕大吉建筑师. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 10 & 11. The courtyard of shoplot. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Most of the shoplot actually consists of three spaces which including a courtyard at the middle part. This is very interesting and similar with Azuma House which designed by Tadao Ando, creating a internal oasis for the owner which can also feel the natural and climate changed on skin.

Tai Pei (台北), on Day 3 [25th September 2019] University of Taipei technology / 台北科技大学

Fig. 12. Innovative green facade designed by students. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

I appreciated the learning environment and also the teaching planning for the students there, the lecturers would provide an opportunity and act university as a platform for them

while combining their creativity to design a social spaces or installation that can improve the environment. For example, the green facade installed on the main gate is a attractive element and a sustainable design method to reduce the temperature as well as regulate the humidity that effect to surrounding neighbourhood. The students failed several times In this experiment due to the hot climate that sun illuminating directly to the vertical plants on the facade. However, ‘ failure is the mother of success’ and this would become a unexpected learning process for them to the future development.

Fig. 13 & 14. Innovative green facade and landscape. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 15 & 16. Innovative green facade and landscape. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Secondly, I really enjoy that the campus actually surrounded by man-made river. This is not only can lower temperature but also giving a relaxing environment to the students and passer-by. Although it faced leakage and the corrosion of wood bench problem, but the overall performances of water ecological design is successful and they also provide certain solution to solve the problem.

Fig. 17. Multipurpose space. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

VVG Chapter / 文房

Fig.18. VVG Chapter. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

In 2013, VVG Chapter is a rebuilt plan to recover a Japanese house at the end of Japanese occupation and transform it into a place as a tourist spot as well as open library to activate the heritage of cultural assets. It is a valuable chance for me to experience a Japanese style architecture and zen garden during this 11-days Taiwan trip since I have never traveled to Japan and really enjoy Japanese’s minimalism that can giving a sense of meditation. The landscape of VVG Chapter is well-designed even every types of plants and trees are planted.

Fig. 19. Different types of plant. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig.20. Different types of plant. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The visitors can enjoy reading while touching the sun light that illuminated from outside. At the same time, the layout is well-designed that some of the rooms are located to face the garden and having a board view.

Fig. 21. The interior view of VVG Chapter. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Qi Dong Poetry Salon / 齐东诗舍

Fig. 22. Qi Dong Poetry Salon. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Qi dong Poetry Salon is a seed for educational opportunities to preserve and reform the Japanese dormitory for the next generation. After visited this building, I deeply feel the identity and emotions of the historical memory’s spaces and respect the cultural authority -龙应台局长, also a well-known Taiwan writer who conserving this literary place without earn any profit.

Fig. 23. Different height of ceiling have defferent meanings. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The ceilings of the exhibition rooms have different height which means 尊卑 in Chinese. The owner or older will seat at the side of higher ceiling while the younger will seat at the lower side.

Taipei 101 / 臺北 101

Fig. 24 & 25. Taipei 101 & Sectional drawing and floor plan. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee &

At night, we visited the most significant building of Taiwan -101 Tower.Taipei 101 Tower inspired by the Chinese pagoda from resembling the flexible vet persistent bamboo that reaches the sky.

Fig. 26. Different height of ceiling have defferent meanings. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

In Malaysia, I do not see this kind of staircase is used so it make me so excited when I saw this staircase in Taipei 101. This double sides staircase can reduce the people circulation and less congestion in the peak hours.

Tai Pei (台北), on Day 4 [26th September 2019] University of TungHai / 东海大学 The Luce Memorial Chapel / 路思义教堂

Fig. 27. The Luce Memorial Chapel. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The Luce memorial chapel designed by firm of noted architect I. M. Pei (Chinese: 貝聿銘), who was also responsible for the master plan and the early development of the campus of Tunghai University, with likely participation by architects Chi-kuan Chen (Chinese: 陳其寬) and Chao-kang Chang (Chinese: 張肇康).(, 2019)

Fig.28 & 29. Concrete structure and connection of the covers. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The chapel is set on as irregular hexagonal base and is a tent-like conoid structure with four warped facade rising to the sky from ground to reach 19.2 m. The chapel actually failed four times in the design process in term of the materials for instant, using wooden structure at first












climates.(, 2019) In the end, they use concrete as the structure materials and what I felt was we are praying in a thick hands-folded-like tents that suppress our fluctuating emotions.

Fig. 30. Interior view of the chapel. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The exterior of the Chapel is covered with yellow, glazed, diamond-shaped tiles echoing the diamond-shaped coffer beams on the building’s interior.(, 2019).

College of Art and Science in Tung Hai University / 文理学院

Fig. 31. Sketchy presentation of College of Art and Science. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig.32 & 33. College of Art and Science (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee) College of Art and Science are designed by architects Chi-kuan Chen (Chinese: 陳其寬)

and Chao-kang Chang (Chinese: 張 肇 康 ) respectively. Their buildings had symbolized the architects’ cognition and personality.

The gable wall of the college classroom is filled with a custom-made red brick wall of half a brick, slightly convex, with wooden louvered ventilation windows of different shapes on the top, and fine wooden doors and windows in the cubicle. The glass is divided into transparent and frosted according to indoor needs. For example, the upper window of the

classroom is transparent, and the lower part is frosted to reduce the interference with the sight between the corridor.

The construction design of the corridor also has its own characteristics. The Faculty of Science uses square wooden pillars to detach the forehead and is connected with I-beams. The Faculty of Arts uses round wooden pillars to seal wooden boards between the forehead and beam. Plum blossom hole. All these subtle differences cannot be noticed without entering the college, but also reveal the temperament of each college in a euphemistic manner(Anon, 2019)

Fig. 34 & 35. College of Art and Science (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 36 & 37.Floor Plan of College of Art and Science (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The floor plan is well-designed that promote people-oriented consideration which the distance between two corridors is 32 meters. This is transitional and comfortable distance that between public and private conditions. It would not too noise when people standing at the opposite of corridor and is a quite successful design in term of physical and mental psychology and sociology of people behaviors.

Wen Li Da Dao / 文理大道 文理大道

Fig. 38 & 39. Wen Li Da Dao. (Source:

Dialogue of Life Before entering the college of art and science, Wen Li Da Dao is located in the middle in a board field of view surround by Eucalyptus. It served as negative space which promote a spacious experience for the both colleges. This design was inspired by Japanese zen philosophy which means ‘空间’ and it was remind me of a Tadao Ando, a Japanese architect is familiar to create space in this way, for example the hill of buddha in Sappora.

Fig. 40 & 41. The hill of Buddha. (Source: ed-hill-temple/5989f28fb22e38dac60002c3-tadao-ando-envelops-giant-buddha-statue-in-lavender-plant ed-hill-temple-image)

As compared to the hill of Buddha The path surrounds square water court was a ritual instead of straight to allow people feel the serenity and the flowing water also can purifies the people soul and feeling. This is same concept with 文理大道.

Taichung (台中), on Day 5 [27th September 2019] National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts / 國立臺灣美術館

Fig. 42. Sculpture and concrete wall. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

In National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the human circulation is quite interesting. Before enter to the main door, there is a sculpture placed in the hole of wall with sky background and will pass by a big field. Then the spiral staircase is located at the left side of the main door and there is a boarder view of interior spaces that make me feel magnificent. Before going to the exhibition hall on 3rd floor, we should walk through a long corridor and a U-shaped staircase. This circulation allow us to experience every spaces of the buildings and also promote our interaction to each other as well as having a relaxing mood before going to the exhibition. The U-shaped staircase actually blocked by a high wall that allow us feel unexpected on the journey. After going to 3rd floor, the interesting platform is located at the right side and when you reached there, you would able to view the people pass through the bridge on 2nd floor.

Fig. 43. Spiral staircase . (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 44 & 45. U-shaped staircase bloclked by high wall. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig.46 & 47. View from 3rd floor to 2nd floor. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 48. A space for activities, talk or events.. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Taichung Metropolitan Opera House / 台中大都会歌剧院

Fig. 49 & 50. External and interior view of Taichung Metropolitan Opera House. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 51 & 52. Roof garden and interior perspective of Taichung Metropolitan Opera House. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Taichung Metropolitan Operea House is designed by Japanese architect - Toyo ito.The design is notable for its cavernous, curved and folded interior forms, which produce a dramatic and complex section that is neatly resolved into a rectilinear exterior form. (ArchDaily, 2019) This building also apply sustainable design which the large roof surface will collect the recycling rainwater and sewage and filtered it for the irrigation used and for landscaping plants of surrounding. The Sound Cave is both a horizontally and vertically continuous network. Even before entering one of the three theatres, the Sound Cave is perceived as a fascinating and flexible “acoustic space,” which, in three dimensions, connects Arts Plaza, workshops, foyers, restaurants etc.(, 2019) This is how architect design a building with his strong design concept that show extraordinary and a landmark for the visitors in Taichung. I also admired the layout plan that is actually merge with the outside and inside spacial organization and giving a sense of harmony and relaxing when entering to the opera house.

Taichung (台中), on Day 6 [28th September 2019] Miyahara / 宮原眼科

Fig. 53. Miyahara. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Miyahara is built by Dr. Miyahara a Japanese eye doctor and it was the largest ophthalmology clinic in Taichung in 1945 which is a Japanese occupation era. After Japan was defeated in 1945, the doctor returned to his country and Miyahara Ophthalmology became Taichung Healt Center. However it became a ruin of weeds by a earthquake and this building is now become a shop selling pastries and ice cream and it also has a branch near to it. I can really feel to touch the history of the building when I was enter it. The light-transparent glass on the ceiling illuminates the light naturally, the sunlight is sprinkled into the building is serves as a attractive elements to the visitors. The interior decoration is also quite imposing, the design of the high is like the extreme scenes of Hogwarts College in Harry Potter which using wood-based book selves and cabinets create a unique texture. It uses low-e glued glass to reduce the sun exposure effect by 55%~60%; the curtain Glass has water power and rainwater recovery function to reduce air conditioning energy consumption. The air conditioning heat pump system provides kitchen hot water to reduce dependence on gas and provide a constant temperature water source for the toilet.a large number of reused in book imagery, salon compartments and railings. Miyahara Ophthalmology breaks the myth of "as it is," and adopts the intersection of "current preservation",and "new and old juxtaposition". Its focus is not on remain time and space or preserving the past, but also giving the building a new vital life.

Green River Water Landscape Viewing Trail / 綠川水岸廊道

Fig. 54. Green River Water Landscape Viewing Trail. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

This design is quite interesting which can allow people walking down and enjoy the river flow while also can become an interactive platform for the local and tourists for resting. Breaking

the traditional waterfront landscape improvement method, It also attempts to create

an ecological habitat and a low-impact development environment, creating a new waterfront portal image of Taichung Railway Station.(臺中觀光旅遊網, 2019)

Dali Art 艺术广场

Fig. 55. The waterscape light gallery. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

This waterscape light gallery 水景光廊 reminded me of the grove of grand bay designed by Spanish architect - Bjarke Ingels Architect. Using same prototypes that create a rhythm flow to show the fluidity and dynamic movement. We can appreciate art not only on building but a space visualization as architecture is a visual art, and buildings speak for themselves.

Fig. 56. The grove of grand bay. (Source:

Taichung (台中), on Day 7 [29th September 2019] Lanyang Museum / 兰阳博物馆

Fig. 57. Lanyang Museum. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 58. Facade of Lanyang Museum. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The museum building was designed by a team led by Kris Yao those design was inspired by the cuestas commonly seen along Beiguan Coast. The museum adopts the geometric shapes of the cuestas where the roof protrudes from the ground at an angle of 20 degrees meeting a wall which rises from the ground at an angle of 70 degrees. Thus the building emerges from the ground in a similar fashion to those cuestas.(, 2019)

Jiaosi Civic and Public Health Center / 礁溪户政与卫生所

Fig. 59. Jiaosi Civic and Public Health Center (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

In order to adapt to the slender base perpendicular to the main road, the plane of the building is a long flat plane, with rooms on one side and corridors on one side, and auxiliary spaces such as vertical traffic spaces and toilets on both ends. The nature makes it possible to feel the rich and changeable space effect in the walk. Also this building won 2006 Taiwan Architectural Excellence Award. I was attracted by this building due to its irregular form but still can feel harmony in the natural elements.

Fig. 60. A church beside Jiaosi Civic and Public Health Center. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Beside the Jiaosi Civic and Public Health Center is a church. The materials used consists of concrete, brick and steel that three different materials. In some case, if a building was formed by three or more materials and it would look unbalance or weird. However, same method that applied in this building looked more interesting and balancing in the design. The concrete chapel is designed vertical to reach to the sky and “steel container” act as a secondary elements while brick act as tertiary element in this building.

Taichung (台中), on Day 9 [1st October 2019]

Luodong cultural Center / 罗东文化工厂

Fig. 61. Luodong Cultural Center. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 62. Structural of Luodong Cultural Center. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

Fig. 63. Sky Bridge of Luodong Cultural Center. (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

The Luodong Cultural Factory, located next to Yilan Luodong Sports Park, is a large public space with cultural development as its main purpose. It covers an area of 4.3 hectares and has exhibition, cultural, creative and sports functions. Since its operation in 2012, it has become Luodong’s new landmarks and popular attractions in the city.

The main architectural design of Luodong Cultural Factory is mainly based on the history of Luodong Forestry Development. The 18-meter-high net shed can not only accommodate thousands of visitors, but the sky gallery, which is vertically above the cultural workshop, is the main exhibition. place. Cultural workshop The main facilities of the building also include a semi-opening "cultural living room", "Aesthetics Salon", one of the exhibition rooms in the North District, "Cultural and Creative World" with cultural and creative hands as the main axis, and suitable for various events. "Aesthetics Workshop" with courses. The Luodong Cultural Workshop, which makes extensive use of industrial design materials, combines nature and art, and presents profound cultural implications, as well as presenting contemporary cultural innovation in the aesthetics of daily life. The scaffolding square outside the Luodong Cultural Factory is a place for community residents to relax. The floating track and extreme sports field combine sports, ecology and recreational functions. Through special design and landscaping, the facilities and landscapes such as lawns, runways and ecological pools are integrated. Fully integrated to form a vast open space, it also perfectly explained Luo Dong's local culture and customs.( 旅 遊 資 訊 王 TravelKing, 2019)

Yilan (宜兰), on Day 10 [2td October 2019] Tamkang University / 淡江大学

Fig. 64. Presentation prepared by Mr lh-Cheng-Lai (Source: Photo Taken by Lim Chen Hee)

First time I met Mr lh-Cheng-Lai that he was giving a talk in UTAR and this was the second time I met him. He graduated from Cornell University and now teaching in Tamkang University. He uploads an idea which is from “Machine for living” by Le Corbusier to “ Architecture as a Living Thing”. Robotic architecture is to explores the dynamic architecture based on the ideas of information flow and spatial adaptation. Also, applying physical computation and digital fabrication in design to open a new vision of space and design methodology to approach different scales of design, interior, architecture, urban and landscape.

5.0 CONCLUSION Reading thousands of books is not equal to traveling thousands of miles. In these 11-days field trip studies and based on my observation, what I found and learn is the future and innovative thinking is becoming more and more important today due to the environmental, social and economical as well as cultural problems. And I realized Taiwan is moving forward to a more technological and sustainable goal. Da Dao Cheng to provide a real piece of platform for the local youngster to establish either their individual entrepreneurs or selling their creative and innovative idea. And this can promote the cultural and innovative industry in future development. I was deeply attracted by the River in front of Miyahara because It is quite interesting due to their innovative mindset that rethinks its function and it has variety of possibilities. I really appreciated that they make the river become a community area for the local or even the tourists for resting and this is what I have not seen in my country. Other than that, there are a group of student and teachers are having sketching or painting beside the river on that day, this is the way can promote the relationship with nature and purify their feeling and emotion. Furthermore, one of the places that made me ponder for a long time is the people living in Taiwan is so enthusiastic and having a good atmosphere of neighbor and community. Hence, I love the open space in Taiwan, although is night but still have a lots of people willing go out maybe jogging with dog and interact with others. It is quite a good atmosphere to promote the interaction between people and people. Small thing make big change, what I saw in North Gate is they well planning and design the landscaping by using weed to give a sense of reminiscing to the past. And the lighting around North Gate also designs carefully in order to protect the building. And the small change always had a big impact on the surrounding environment. In the nutshell, I think Taiwan is really a nice place to stay and I hope I will visit Taiwan again in the future to explode my viewpoint and mindset.

6.0 REFERENCES (2019). Luce Memorial Chapel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019]. Anon, (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019]. 臺中觀光旅遊網. (2019). 綠川水岸廊道. [online] Available at: B4%E5%B2%B8%E5%BB%8A%E9%81%93 [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019]. ArchDaily. (2019). Toyo Ito's Taichung Metropolitan Opera House Photographed by Lucas K Doolan. [online] Available at: ucas-k-doolan [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019]. (2019). Taichung Metropolitan Opera House - [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019]. (2019). Lanyang Museum. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019]. 旅遊資訊王 TravelKing. (2019). 罗东文化工场 - 罗东镇 - 宜兰县 - 台湾旅游信息 - 旅游导览 | TravelKing 旅游王. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2019].



Simplicity is a way to show the soul of

architecture ...

\ human \ environment \ expression \ sketch


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