Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2019 I-Tan Chen
963301 Tony Yu _Studio 5
I-Tan Chen email: Education: 2018 - current
Reflection: Bachelor of Design, The University of Melbourne
Work Experience: 2016.12-2018.01 LUP International Environment Design, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Assistant of Landscape designer Awards / Exhibition: 2018
FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery MSDX Exihibition, Alpha Studio
Skills: Rhino AutoCAD Grasshopper Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication Lumion
Design will never be a linear process whatever what type it is. My personal motivation in design is to realise the imagination in my mind and hope that people would enjoy my designs. After the semester, generating design in parametric way is the latest skill that I learned. Moreover, as a designer, creating elegant work is the aspiration. As a result, creating continuous spaceto adapt various human behaviour by booleaning curvy geometries then a smooth spatial sequence was created as a prototype for a pavilion design. According to the prototype, generating the structure with various thresholds with colorful paneling for the micro-climate and changing effect between day and night by using emissive material to enrich the experience for users. After the semester, I realise that the possibility of parametric design can help me to develop more potential idea; however, digital skills has to be improved instantly to represent and modify my designs in efficient ways.
Precedent Study
Generating Design Through Digital Processes
Module 02-01: Surface and Waffle
Module 02-02: Solid and Void
Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion_Lava Pavilion
Module 02-01 Surface and Waffle
Diagramming Design Precedent
Fig. above. MOS Architects. Afterparty at MoMA PS1, 2009. Pavilion, MoMA PS1, New York. Access June 28, 2018.
According to the initial concept of the pavilion, after party, the most essential part of the project must be a sense of flow inside the pavilion. Firstly, the most complicated but most important part of the model should be the structure linked by a series of catenary arches. The structure can be viewed as the foundation of the model, which means junctions between arches not just indicate the size and height of accessible openings but point out the spatial sequence of the pavilion. Moreover, the height and density of huts provide different with a sense of public or privacy. Furthermore, the enclosed room with only one threshold for entry and exit emphasise how vertical elements could influence the atmosphere.
Module 01: Precedents Study
Diagram D iagram 01 01 Structure
Using a sense of gradient to explain the density of users and the effect of temperature which caused by huts, Refer to the initial concept, the movement through the pavilion were influenced by the density and heights of chimneys.
Owing to the profile of the site, the pavilion was surrounded by several walls. Furthermore, those walls filter the entrance of the pavilion and provide a sense of privacy. Secondly, the density of the structure can be view as the soft threshold thanks for the multi-size of openings and the arrangement of sitting elements.
Module 01: Precedents Study
Module 02-01 Surface and Waffle Generating G Ge e ene nerat ne rati ra ting g IIdeas de d eass TThrough hrro hr oug ough ou gh hP Process roce roce ro cess sss
Surface and Waffle
Twisted waffle structure creates an interior volume with lighting from the opening on the top.
Panels with opening allow light into the structure
Owing to the curve and point attractions, distortion of panels represents a sense of movement.
Select the waffle structure with 5 grids to reduce the chance that structure is exposed through the opening of panelling surface.
Two panelling surfaces with different moving direction are employed on the waffle structure with only 5 fins to present the aesthetic consideration in terms of the opening. And thanks for the oppose facing direction, the panelling units illustrate a clear movement through the changing orientation of two surfaces.
Module 02-01: Surface and Waffle
Grasshopper Script for Surface and Waffle
Dispatch & Weave Using Box Container to build the boundary for two parametric surfaces
To control the pattern of both surface, using Dispatch and Weave to organise units. Adapting units for the pattern through redefining the dispatch with 1 True and 24 False.
Setting individual curve for each surface and controlling through Vector.
List item_control each curve attraction To control each curve attraction slightly, utlising List items to adjust each curve separately with VectorX/Y/Z.
Module 02-01: Surface and Waffle
Because panelling surface employed on the waffle structure with large opening area, adjusting the number of the Z contours and X fins to adapted the area with opening. However, the fins cannot follow the junctions of the panelling due to the limitation of the material, which means the mount board can only be cut in flat rather than curving or folding shape.
Design Matrix for Surface and Waffle Key Lofts
1.3 (150,41,150)
(90,127,150) (86,123,176)
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
(129,10,150) (19,77,136)
Grid Points
(52,41,150) (0,77,127) (12,38,79)
(150,87,17) (143,83,0) (150,150,0.)
(0,110,0) (150,132,0)
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Point Attraction, (105,57,20)}
Waffle Structure
Paneling /Waffle Structure
Module 02-01: Surface and Waffle
2 1
Fig 2. The shadow of pavilion offers people a area to stay.
Fig 1. The view illustrates a sense of movement of the panelling surface. Fig 3. The height of the threshold allows an adult to touch the topof the pavilion.
Module 02-01: Surface and Waffle
Task 01 Laser Cutting Linework
2 1
Fig 1. The linework of panels and waffle structure. Fig 2. Three waffle structures with different grid number.
Fig 3. Assembling the panelling surface and the curvy waffle structure.
Module 02-01: Surface and Waffle
Module 02-02 Solid and Void
Solid and Void Thresholds on the top allow natural light into interior space.
The main concept of the spatial qualities are continuity and the density of the space. The whole empty space is created by using 3 different but similar geometries and changing their orientation ,scale, distribution individually to connect the interior space of the box. Moreover, the arrangement of each unit is from different direction, which means the each section can present various density but keep a sense of continuity.
Half booleaned geometry can be viewed as a semi-open space facing outward.
In terms of the connection of curving surfaces, which could be a unique threshold in each scale and it emphasise the concept of the spatial continuity.
The curvy and continuous space distributes along the grid defining by listitem in Grasshopper.
Using BooleanDifference to the overlapped geometries to create a spatial sequence in continuous order.
Module 02-02: Solid and Void
Grasshopper Script for Solid and Void
Grids Creating grids by using Surface Domain Number and adjusting the grid through moving the point in X/Y/Z directions.
List item Box
Point attraction & Point list
Selecting the grid for each geometry(List item 4 -Geometry01; List item 5 -Geometry02; List item 7 -Geometry03)
Creating a Box by extruding the Rectangle.
Setting another point attraction for the grid and using point list to fliter the points/ planes for different geometries.
After chosing the grids, setting one more point attraction for each geometry to create different self rotation through using Vector2Pt and Scale NU.
Generating the Geometry Creating the geometry from a sphere using the commend�Divide Surface and Spatial Deform� to Panelise the surface of the sphere, and changing the number of the Fall Off to fillet teh sharp end of the geometry.
Module 02-02: Solid and Void
List item 4 -Geometry01 List item 5 -Geometry02 List item 7 -Geometry03
Design Matrix for Solid and Void
Grids Distribution
Attractor Point & Original Plane
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Grid Points Point Attraction Selected Plane
{Point Attraction}
{Point Attraction}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Point Attraction}
{Point Attraction}
Unit Transformation
Unit Transformation
Module 02-02: Solid and Void
Design Iterations
In the process of creating the boolean geometry, starting from dipyramids to transformed dipyramids to figure out what type of geometry might create a strong sense of continuity.
Iteration 01.
Iteration 02.
Forming with pure dipyramids in a self rotation.
Transforming the geometry to adapt the concept of the continuity
As the iteration on the left-hand side, transforming from straight line to curving surface represent a stronger connection between the geometries inside the bounding box. The key factor is because of the change in geometries. Because the original unit is dipyramid with sharp edge, it cannot connect nearby geometry in various direction in a smooth approach. As a result, creating a geometry with more corners is a selection to solve the issue; at the same time, the curving geometry provides a strong sense of aesthetics on the intersection that two or more units crossing each others.
Iteration 03.
Iteration 04.
Combining the pure dipyramids and transforming geometries to contrasting the relation of straight line and curving surface.
Using transforming geometries only to emphasise the continuity.
Module 02-02: Solid and Void
IImage mage of of yyour o u r ďŹ n nal al m odel or or other other process process model
Annotation Annota ta attiio on n
The selected part of model in pavilion scale can offer enframed scenery for people in various ways. For instance, the solid platform on the ground can act as sitting elements and the vertical part could define the space but connect though the thresholds; moreover, the thresholds on the top allows people to experience changing micro-climate. In terms of the file for 3D printing, reorienting the model is to print in a more efficient way. At the same time, double checking the thickness of the model before start to print the model is another indispensable point.
Module 02-02: Solid and Void
The main concept for the pavilion, continuity, is inspired by the previous module. To respond to the demands and the concept, the idea of lava could imitate continuous form and extending the pavilion into the landscape in the same language. Firstly, the circulation for interior and exterior space is the key factor and the visual extension from interior space is another way to strengthen the concept. Moreover, to satisfy the demand for the lunchtime seminar and an evening quartet performance extrude some interior curvy opening in to the sitting scale. Furthermore, the ground articulation is connected though the opening toward the main path in the garden and the surrounding sunken area. Lastly, the Materiality for the Pavilion is polishing concrete and glass panels in different colours to create unique visual effect in day time, and some of them can act as lighting boxes at night for dreaming effect.
Module 03 Pavilion Lava
Pavilion Lava The smaller structure nearby the sunken enhance a sense of continuity by using the same language to generate its profile. The scale of the structure is appreciate for a outdoor sculpture and a pavilion for children as well.
The thresholds at the top of the pavilion allow natural light lit into the pavilion. The curvy profile is created with extracting from a boolean model with the concept of continuity. The polishing concrete structure, with reflective glass panels in different colours enrich the visual experience.
The extruded sitting elements offer people place to stay and act as lighting boxes at night.
The extended element creates a continuous strip to allow for visual extension from the pavilion. People can experience the continuous spatial sequence by using the threshold toward to the sunken Circulation
Module 03: Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion_Pavilion Lava
Grasshopper Script for Pavilion Lava Extract Surface Using “ ExtractSrf “ in Rhino to pick out the surface from previous work as the main shape for Lava pavilion. Moreover, the opening on the surface can be viewed as the reference location for thresholds
Structural Line work Setting the line work for the surface generation from the extracted surface. Surface generation Generating the surface by Weaverbird plug-in
Generate the panels for openings on the surface Using “Mesh Edges” to point out the line segments of opening. After that using “Join” to connect numerous lines and “Flatten“ before using Boundary Surface to fill openings. Finally, Offsetting surfaces to get panels with thickness.
Thickness of Pavilion’s structure Using Offset to create the thickness of the structure.
Deconstruct mesh Deconstruct the surface to pick out connecting points.
Module 03: Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion_Pavilion Lava
Centraid for the opening surfaces Using the central points to generate the thickness of the pavilion and the plane for opening to scale to offset the thickness as well.
The initial pavilion with 2 entrances adapting on the landscape with circular sunken cannot create the circulation with high accessibility.
The second iteration with 2 entrances with a curvy landscape to enhances a sense of continuity. And the surrounding item can use to strengthen the parametric language. However, the connection between the main pavilion and the surrounding environment is still so weak to support the demand for lunch time seminar and evening quartet performance.
The chosen iteration with extending pavement surrounding the sunken area can connect the interior and exterior space by the added threshold facing toward the sunken area. Because of the reason above, the extra entrance improve the weak circulation of the previous iterations.
Module 03: Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion_Pavilion Lava
Extending Element in the same language
The sunken area is the focus point of the landscape, which is surrounded by Pavilion Lava and the extending elements.
Using the same language to extend the pavilion in to landscape. Connecting the sunken area to allow people to experience pavilion in different scale, especially for children.
The area can provide people a extraordinary experience of visual effect at night by lighting boxes.
Thresholds at the top of the pavilion Those thresholds allows natural light and ventilation get in to the pavilion.
Entrance Entrance Colorful glass panels Reflective glass panels in different colours create experiential visual effect.
Entrance toward he sunken Entrance
The smaller threshold facing sunken links the interior space and the landscape, and this threshold is for performer mainly because of its location closing the area for performance.
Secondary Entrance toward surrounding lawn The Threshold facing the lawn offers people a clear visual extension.
Module 03: Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion_Pavilion Lava
Primary Entrance toward main path of Queen Victoria Garden The largest threshold is facing the main path of the garden to adapt the surrounding circulation rather than only focus on the area of the site.
Fabrication process
In terms of the model making, modelling the landscape by cutting contours vertically rather than horizontally can build a smooth surface. Moreover, owing to the profile of the pavilion is curvy as well, smooth surface can be used to emphasise the idea of continuity. Furthermore, to imitate the glass opening on the surface, 2.0 mm perspex was selected for the opening, which can keep the transparent effect and show the reflection. About the pavilion’s structure, to decline the printing time,the model was splitted the pavilion into 5 pieces into 4 3D printing files.
Module 03: Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion_Pavilion Lava
Module 03: Queen Victoria Garden_Pavilion Lava
Digital Design Semester 1, 2019