2019 sem 1_DD_I-tan Chen_M2 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2019 I-Tan Chen

963301 Tony Yu + Studio 5

Critical Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental types of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

Kolarevic mentions subtractive, addidtive and formative fabrication technisues as the fundamental fabication of three-dimensional obj ects. Subtrsctive fabrication involved the removal of specified volume of material from solids by using electronically, chemically or mechanically-reductive processes such laser cutting and CNC milling. Additive fabrication involves incremenatl forming by adding material in a layer-bylayer fashion as opposed to the processof millimg such as 3D printing and contour crafting. Formative fabrication involves the the deformation or reshaping materials by utlising mechanical forces, heat or steam. For example, Formative fabrication can be utlised on the process of large-scale manufacturation through employing the numerically contrilled system to bending of materials. And Compuyer Numeric Controlled fabrication can satify the requirements of construction design with parametric design through enfancing the accuracy of measurements and forms of materials, as a result,



Dispatch & Weave Using Box Container to build the boundary for two parametric surfaces

To controll the patten of both surface, using Dispatch and Weave to organise units. Adapting units for the pattern through redefining the dispatch with 1 True and 24 False.

Curve Attraction Setting individual curve for each surface and controlling through Vector.

Because panelling surface employed on the waffle structure with large opening area, adjusting the number of the Z contours and X fins to adapted the area with opening.However, the fins cannot follow the junctions of the panelling due to the limitation of the material, which means the mount board can only be cut in flat rather than curving or folding shape.

List item_controll each cuve attraction To controll each curve attraction slightly, utlising List items to adjust each curve seperately with VectorX/Y/Z.



Iteration 01.

Iteration 02.

Iteration 03.

This iteration of panelling employe a point attraction for each surface to represent a sense of gathering. As the image, the surface in the right handside represent the concept better than the other side due to the shape of the surface. As a result, this iteration of panelling organisation cannot present the contrast relation between both surface, though they work well individually.

The option is used to represent the oppose movement on two surfaces to adapt twisted surfaces.

The feature and the problem of the option is because of the 2D panel. In the grasshopper, dramatic offset grids are easily achieved; however, if the 2D panel was However, the sharp shape with large opening is not a created with slight angle even less than 5 degrees, the proper choice for physical model making owing to the distorted edge for each panel. To make the model mak- panel would be influenced on its appearence. As a ing process could be more efficient, the moved distance result, all 2D panels are distorted into 3D shape. of manigitude cannot be dramatical. Owing to the situation, the 2D panel has to be controlled in flat without any angle.



According the concept of movement, creating two twisting surfaces working well with each other is the main aim when generating the foundmental surfaces. After that, organising panelling units with a aesthetic pattern to strengthen the concept is the other mission. As a result, adapting panelling units with a lot of opening and dramatic offset grids is to achieve the goal. Surface Iteration 01

Iteration 04. As oppose to the iteation 02, the panelling surfaces are used to represent the movement in the same upward orientation. Each single side works well individually, but they cannot cooperate well with each other. Because one surface is more outward and the other one is in the oppose form, they cannot meet the effect that I have expected. when they work with the same direction, the panelling pattern on one of those surfaces will overlap.

Surface Iteration 02

Surface Iteration 03


All four iterations on the left-hand side are used to tested different possibilities. For example, there is a limitation for 2D panel due to dramatic offset grids. And units’ distortion will make influience on the model making as you might spend more time to solve the overlapped issue when you tried to use PtUnrollFaces in Rhino. The last point is because of the different orientation for each surface, so the location of point attraction is another consideration for avoiding overlapping.


The key concept of the penaling organisation is to creating a sense of movement through organising the patterns with opposit orientation on two surfaces. And Using Curve attraction to controll the distance between of two surfaces and the offsetgrid.


The final version of waffle structure with only 5 fins on each side is for adapting the paneling design with aethestic and structural considerations. Compare with the structure with only 4 fins, it can support the whole model in a more stable status.


Firstly, in adjustinng paneling units for two surfaces, the possibility of each unit can be unrolled without overlaid surface is the main consideration.Eventhough the paneling is just a 2D panel, it might still fail for unrolling the unit due to the curving surface it located on. Secondly, panels with bigger opening and dramatic point attraction/curve attraction would influence panels’ ability to unroll. For instance, as iteration 04 on page 5, it is exhausted that most panel are overlapped because of those panels with distorted edge. The third point is in terms of the waffle structure. As a result of tha various number of Xfins, it might look quite messy when I tried to assemble panels with large opening area to the waffle structure with more fins,which means those fins will explored from the opening area. As a consequence, adjusting the number of grid for the waffle structure is another valued approach with an aethestic consideration after the experimentation from previous physical model tests.

To combine the 2D and 3D panels on the same surface, all panelling units are created with various triangular openings. Because of the oppose orientation of both surfaces, simplifying the panelling units to keep two surfaces working with similar elements.


Lastly, the most influiential factor for the physical model making is that double checking the front and back surface of the model is absoultely essential before starting to Unrolling panels.

SURFACE AND WAFFLE STRUCTURE Matrix and Possibilities_Task A

Key Lofts



1.3 (150,41,150)

(90,127,150) (86,123,176)


1.4 (0,147,145)





Grid Points

(52,41,150) (0,77,127) (1,6,34,61)



(150,87,17) (143,83,0) (150,150,0.)




(0,110,0) (150,132,0)





Paneling Grid & Attractor Point










{Point Attraction, (105,57,20)}


Waffle Structure





Paneling /Waffle Structure


Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves













After finishing a series of the iterations, I chose 1.3 surface to develop the panelling design. The 1.3 surface provides a sense of movement and twist ing. Furthermore, one surface is face upwards and the other one is facing downward, and the relation between them brings an interesting shadow as a pair of wings. In terms of the anelling grids, controlling them individually with List item provides a flexible approach to create a sense of movement. And the last, because of two surfaces in oppose directions, using same panelling units for both to explore the contrast moving orientation with the same panelling and represent the clear pattern for oppose movements.

Two panelling surfaces with different moving direction are employed on the waffle structure with only 5 fins to present the aesthetic consideration in terms of the opening. And thanks for the oppose facing direction, the panelling units illustrate a clear movement through the changing orientation of two surfaces.




Owing to panels with various triangular openings, when they are adapted with the dramatic offset grids, the distortion of the geometry is very interesting. For instance, the panelling unit with thinner part might be twisted, which represent the meaning of the developable surface. Moreover, the movement of the surface is emphasised though the distortion of panelling geometries and the visual can be seen on not only the form of the physical but its shadow. Even though all panelling units are created with various openings, the entire shadow is not broken because of the transition and orientation of panel shapes. For example, the surface facing upward has larger geometries on the upper part and most openings are facing up as well, so those openings provide visual extention into the waffle structure rather than the visual effect of its shadow. It is hard to attach the panelling surface to teh waffles structure due to the number of the fins. there are only five fins on each side to be connected with the panelling surface; however, fewer fins illudtrate a aethetic sense of the waffle shadow.



Visual Scripting of Parametric Model

Grids Creating grids by using Surface Domain Number and adjusting the grid through moving the point in X/Y/Z directions.

List item Selecting the grid for each geometry(List item 4 -Geometry01; List item 5 -Geometry02; List item 7 -Geometry03)


Point attraction & Point list

Creating a Box by extruding the Rectangle.

Setting another point attraction for the grid and using point list to fliter the points/ planes for different geometries.

After chosing the grids, setting one more point attraction for each geometry to create different self rotation through using Vector2Pt and Scale NU.

Generating the Geometry Creating the geometry from a sphere using the commend�Divide Surface and Spatial Deform� to Panelise the surface of the sphere, and changing the number of the Fall Off to fillet teh sharp end of the geometry.


List item 5 -Geometry02 List item 4 -Geometry01

List item 7 -Geometry03

SOLID AND VOID Surface Creation

In the process of creating the boolean geometry, starting from dipyramids to transformed dipyramids to figure out what type of geometry might create a strong sense of continuity.

Iteration 01.

Iteration 02.

Forming with pure dipyramids in a self ratation.

Transforming the geometry to adapt the concept of the continuity

As the iteration on the left-hand side, transforming from straight line to curving surface represent a stronger connection between th geometries inside the bounding box. The key factor is because of the change in geometries. Because the original unit is dipyramid with sharp edge, it cannot connect nearby geometry in various direction in a smooth approach. As a result, creating a geometry with more corners is a slection to solve the issue; at the same time, the curving geometry provides a strong sense of aesthetics on the intersection that two or more units crossing each others.

Iteration 03.

Iteration 04.

Combining the pure dipyramids and transforming geometries to contrasting the relation of straight line and curving surface.

Using transformimg geometries only to emphasise the continuity.


SOLID AND VOID Isometric view

Isometrics from 4 directions

Section 01


SOLID AND VOID Isometric view

The main concept of the spatial qualities are contunnuity and the density of the space. The whole empty space is created by using 3 different but similar geometries and changing their orientation ,scale, distribution individually to connect the interior space of the box. Moreover, the arrangement of each unit is from different direction, which means the each section can present various density but keep a sense of continuity. In terms of the connection of curving surfaces, which could be a unique threshold in each scale and it emphasise the concept of the spatial continuity.

Section 02



Matrix and Possibilities_Task B

Grids Distribution


Attractor Point & Original Plane








Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Grid Points Point Attraction Selected Plane

Task B Matrix










{Point Attraction}

{Point Attraction}




{Attractor Point Location}

{Point Attraction}

{Point Attraction}

Unit Transformation






Unit Transformation







SOLID AND VOID Matrix and Possibilities

Comment on the choices you have made while iterating on task B. Which versions you chose to develop and why? (Max 50 words) The initial iteration is pure dipyramid with strong self ratation, but it not a correct selected geometry to response the concept of the spatial continuity. After a series of test including distorting dipyramid and combining different shape with sharp edges and curving surfaces, the appropriate selection is the geometries as the figure below. The relation of them is stronger than other oterations owing to generating order of them.

Fig. Three Geometries for task B. all of them are generated from the same script in grasshopper, so they keep in a consistent order. Isometric 05


SOLID AND VOID Photography of Model

Iteration 01

Iteration 02

Iteration 03



Photography of Model

When Choosing the area for booleanintersection, the core concept for me is figuring the connection between two or more geometries. Because the area with more connections present a opportunity to discover stronger sense of continuity; at teh same time, the area might provide more selection forthresholds and more complex circulation. i prefer to select the cube with arious openings, since those differnet thresholds can create experiential microclimate in differnet scale which would rich the spatial experience. After a series of test, I realised that using eometries with different features as straight line and curving surface would not work well due to a sense of messy. As a result, selecting and organising geometries in detail will keep entire model in a clear but interesting order. Iteration 04

Iteration 05(final)


SOLID AND VOID Scale Exploration



Proces_Task A Digital Model Making

Step 01.

Step 02.

Step 03.

Using List item to choose the edge and trying Curve on Point to redefine the end ofteh edge.

Using Point /Curve Attraction to slightly adjust the offset grid for the pnaellinf surface.

Testing different type of panelling units to figure out the appropriate units.

Step 04.

Step 05.

Step 06.

Using List item to filter the selected attraction and moving the panelling grid with Vector X/Y/Z.

Setting unit one by one for chosen Dispatch to organise the pattern ith higher control choose .


Adjusting the value of Dispatch pattern (1* True+24False) to customise the panelling unit for the area.


Process_Task A Physical Model Making

Step 01.

Step 02.

Step 03.

Labeling each omponent for the physical model and using previous model as a example.

Assembling the waffle structure first.

Comparing and choosing the waffle structure for the final model.

Step 04.

Step 05.

Step 06.

Sticking panelling units in a row according teh label on the surface.

Assembling panelling urface according teh label on the surface.

Attaching teh surface on teh waffle structure.



Proces_Task B Digital Model Making

Step 01.

Step 02.

Step 03.

Setting Grid and Point Attraction for the Boundinf Box and Setting ne more point as another point attraction for the interior point.

Generating pure dipyramid through Weavebird and using Vector2Pt to create self rotation.

Changing the Geometry through Spatial Deform.

Step 04.

Step 05.

Step 06.

Uaing Point list and List item to filter the gris/point for each geometry.

Setting Another point attraction for each geometry’s self ratation.

Using BooleanDifference and BooleanIntersectionto explore the interior spatial sequence and selecting the area for the 50*50*50mm cube.



Process_Task B _3D printing File Setting

Step 01.

Step 02.

Preview mode

Importing the.stl file from Rhino and changing the mode to Digital Design Mode( Download from NextLab)

Orienting the model to reduce the printing time for printing support.

Step 03.

Step 04.

Estimating the printing time and previewing the model with support material.

Renaming teh file to meet the teh requirement from NextLab

General mode



Task A_Scale Exploration


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