Chepos Mini 2015

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2015 CHEPOS | 1


make this decision you will get help from a professional coach and a student mentor. Choose a direction that fits you and that brings you fulfilment. What brings you joy, you will do better! You have chosen a study which will be demanding. You will have to work hard from the very first moment and


sometimes the importance of a course only shows later in your education. The

As dean of the Department of the Built

study to become a building engineer is

Environment, I feel honoured to write

a creative, ground-breaking, innovative,

the preface of this Chepos Mini for all

but most importantly fun and societal!

new students of 2015-2016. First of all I congratulate you dearly

As you all will know these are hard

with your choice to study Architecture,

times for the construction sector.

Urbanism and Building Sciences in

However, it is expected that by the time

Eindhoven! You have chosen a marvel-

you graduate, there will be a shortage

lous and highly ranked education, at

of building engineers. These highly

a very good university in the smartest

educated engineers with up-to-date

region in the world. Furthermore, you

knowledge will play an important role

have chosen a programme which gives

in innovation within the construction

you the opportunity to do what you

sector. I wish you a tremendously fun

like. You can be creative, technical or

week and a pleasant first year at the


Department of the Built Environment, where small pieces of your dream for

In the first year you decide in what you want to specialize. You can choose between B (Building Physics Service and Structural Design), A (Architectural Urban Design and Engineering) and U (Urban Systems and Real Estate). To

the future will already be realized. Elphi Nelissen Dean Department of the Built Environment (ex-first year student Built Environment TU/e)


18 NOW









































40 42 CHEPOS | 3

We are Chepos and three times a year we publish a magazine about architecture, urbanism, technology, real estate and CHEOPS. This Chepos Mini contains (in)famous buildings in Eindhoven, great studytips and of course the best bars in Eindje! 4 | CHEPOS


Dear first year student,

by the editorial board of the Chepos.

Today the Intro finally starts and with

The magazine has been compiled on

that your life as a student in the beauti-

our annual ‘business trip’, where we

ful city of Eindhoven. This Introduction

combine business and leisure.

Week will prepare you for your study at the Department of the Built Environ-

In this magazine, Eindhoven, the

ment. Lots of fun, sports and educati-

campus and the faculty are introduced

onal activities will make you feel right

to you, but also the CHEOPS board

at home. My time as an Introkid was

members will introduce themselves to

one of the best weeks of my life as a

you. Remember their faces as you may

student thus far and got me acquainted

smear them in with custard, chocolate

with Eindhoven and the campus.

sprinkles, flour and other sticky treats to inaugurate them as the 30th board

This Chepos Mini is a special Intro

of CHEOPS. I want to wish you lots of

edition of the Chepos. The magazine

fun during one of the best weeks of

focusses on the world of the Built

your life!

Environment and CHEOPS activities. One of those activities has produced

Justin Agyin

this Chepos Mini, which has been made

Chief Editor, Chepos CHEPOS | 5

MONDAY 08.30 Last minute registration for the absent-minded @ Metaforum 09:30 Welcome at department @ Vertigo - Welcome speech - Introducing the CHEOPS board - Announcement of the groups by the Introduction Committee - Meeting your group 12.00 Lunch @ Vertigo 12.30 Business case @ KOE-veld 17.00 Dinner @ Your introduction parents’ place 20.00 Official opening introduction week @ Markthal 20.45 Science Quiz @ Markthal 22.00 Drink @ Markthal 23.30 End of the ‘official’ programme

Introduction programme TUESDAY

8.30 Breakfast @ Green Strip 9.00 Parallel programme @ Green Strip - Green Strip festival - Departmental tour - University tour 12:00 Lunch @ Green Strip 12:30 Continuation of the parallel programme @ Green Strip 17.00 Dinner at study association @ Next to Vertigo 22:00 Party at study association @ Café Thomas 23.00 End of the ‘official’ programme 6 | CHEPOS



9:00 Breakfast @ Green Strip 9.30 Parallel programme - Student life City tour 12:00 Lunch @ Various locations 13:00 Continuation of the parallel programme 18:00 Dinner @ The student associations 20:00 Night of the student associations @ KOE-veld 22:00 Party by student associations 00:00 End of the ‘official’ programme


09.30 Breakfast @ Vertigo 10.00 Activity: Scavenger Hunt @ CHEOPS 12.00 Lunch @ Vertigo 13.30 Introtraining 1 @ Various locations 15.00 Introtraining 2 @ Various locations 16.30 Introtraining 3 @ Various locations 18.00 Dinner @ KOE-veld 22.00 All TU/egether @ KOE-veld 00.00 End of the ‘official’ programme

FRIDAY 11:00 13:30 15.00

Hangover breakfast @ Café Thomas TU/e Splash @ KOE-veld End of Intro 2015; collect your belongings @ SkyBar! Underground


What is CHEOPS?

The Party Committee of CHEOPS

Work for 24 hours on a

organises a faculty party four

multidisciplinary design assignment

times a year at CafĂŠ Thomas.

at a location that is kept secret until

With 700 visitors, these legendary

the last moment. That is the essence

theme parties are the largest - and

of the 24UP design competition.

certainly the best - student parties

You will get a lecture and a guided

of Eindhoven! Besides, you can

tour, after which you work on the

come to the SkyBar! Underground

assignment in teams of four on site.

every Thursday for cheap (!) beer

Afterwards, a professional jury will

and a grilled sandwich.

choose a winning team.


NOW CHEOPS is the study association for all

At the beginning of the year you can

students of the Department of the Built

sign up for lots of committees. We

Environment. When you register as

will elaborate on committees which

member, you can gain a lot of benefits

are especially interesting for freshmen

during your study. For example:

students on the following pages.

you can buy all your study books at CHEOPS for a student price.

Stop by the coffee corner on the bridge between Vertigo and the Zwarte Doos

You can also sign up for many amusing

for a cup of coffee and to meet other

activities organised by CHEOPS,


ranging from excursions, lectures and symposia to sport activities and faculty

Feel free to ask your questions about

parties. It is even better to organise

education and activities at the CHEOPS

these activities yourself!


Not all parents are familiar with

Because we all love to play with

the Department of the Built

Lego, there is a LEGO-workshop

Environment and studying at a

for freshman students. You are

university. Therefore a Parents’ Day

challenged to build the best Lego

is organised for parents of freshman

construction with a group or

students. On this day they get

on your own. For example: the

a guided tour through Vertigo,

challenge from last year was to

an exemplary lecture, a drawing

build the strongest bridge with the

assignment and of course a drink in

largest span.

the SkyBar! CHEPOS | 9

FRESHMAN COMMITTEES CHEOPS, Study Association of the Built

party. When involved in the committee,

Environment consists of more than

you will design and make decorations

twenty committees, of which some

for the location, and make sure you

will be formed by freshman students.

arrive at the party in an awesome outfit.

Are you interested in becoming active

Promotion of the event is very important

within the study association? Drop by

and the responsibility for this lies with

the CHEOPS counter in Vertigo and

the Party Committee; the committee has


to make a striking poster and appealing flyers. The members of the Party

Party Committee

Committee are in charge during the

The Party Committee organises the

works out as planned. So if you like

famous faculty parties! Four times a

social activities and you would like to do

year there is a party in CafĂŠ Thomas,

something parallel to studying, maybe

attended by many students. The

the Party Committee is something for

committee thinks up a theme for the



event and have to make sure everything


Propaedeutic Council Being the study association, CHEOPS has the important task of carefully monitoring all educational aspects. Even in the first year of your education things happen that cannot be tolerated. Exams that are not checked in fifteen workdays or lectures that do not fit the course curriculum. The Propaedeutic

Activity Committee

Council monitors all of these problems

The Activity Committee organises

and mediates between students and

course-related activities for all students

teachers. The council consists of

of Department of Built Enviroment.

freshman students who are interested

These activities are complementary

in education and find it important that

to the educational courses students

the education is continuously improved.

attend at the university. This committee

They initiate dialogue with professors

has a lot of freedom; the members

or send letters, but they may also come

can organise every possible event

up with their own striking event to raise

imaginable, as long as it is course-

awarness and celebrate education. Do

related. Think of a workshop in

you have a special interest in education

presenting your project, a workshop in

or do you want to be involved in your

building with Lego or guest lectures. Are

faculty and like the faculty board to hear

you an enthusiastic student who likes

your opinion? The Propaedeutic Council

to conceive and organise fun activities?

might be the right committee for you!

Then join the Activity Committee!


Study Association of the Built Environment

SIGN UP FOR FREE TODAY Discount on books

Introduction days Faculty parties

Lecture notes Weekly drinks

Excursions Study trips Guest lectures and conferences ...and much much more!

Yes, I would like to sign up to CHEOPS* Initials: ___________

* I agree that CHEOPS gets the following information from the Faculty of the Built Environment for administrative purposes: name, address, student number, student email address and date of birth. This information will never be passed on to third parties.

First name: ________________________________________ Surname: ________________________________________ Hand in this flyer at the CHEOPS counter in Vertigo 12 | CHEPOS


CHEOPS BOARD The CHEOPS board runs the study association. They participate in every committee offered by CHEOPS. This year the 30th board is taking the lead, consisting of Neeltje, Julius, Jelle, Stan, Alex and Pim. Being the 30th board, they have the exclusive chance to organise the festivities around the study association’s sixth lustrum. This event will be featured later on in this magazine. They will also participate in the introduction activities this week, to make everyone feel welcome. The board members will introduce themselves in the following pages. CHEPOS | 13

NEELTJE VOESENEK, Chairman My best bodily feature are my abs. Hardstyle and dubstep I like both not, I am more of dance. My English is not very good. During my own introduction, my unfortunate group was forced to listen to Pim’s jokes every day. After a week, we knew them all. So never laugh at one of Pim’s jokes.

JULIUS OOSTING, Secretary My favourite faculty girl is dean Elphi Nelissen. Stan thinks that I will be the most dangerous during the introduction, since I will seduce both sexes. But I think freshmen should be most worried about Alex, especially when he is on alcohol. I like both fries and kebab, especially in the form of a kapsalon. Long live the kapsalon.

JELLE VERSTEEGE, Treasurer My favorite food on campus is the grilled SkyBar! sandwich served on Thursday in our faculty bar. am generally a smart guy as I am good at Mechanics and I am dating the secretary of a committee to avoid punishments, but I also plagiarise essays about Modernism. The innocent freshmen should be most worried about Julius, once you will get to know him you will know why.



STAN DE BIE, Education Last year’s Plugged Festival was a big success. We welcomed 2000 visitors who could listen to upcoming bands and drink several beers. Also, you should ask me about my shitty stories. One day my dad went to a toilet on a camping in Italy. Two days later, while tipsy, he told us that on that day he had shit behind the toilet and cleaned it with his hands.

ALEX DONKERS, Professional Relations In our faculty you will be thrown into the deep sometimes, but don’t be afraid to ask something to a senior student. The lunch ladies in Vertigo make delicious food, and you can always wake me up for their tomato soup! But make sure you will watch out for the Boston fish soup… Also, watch out for Pim Labee, the Casanova with his catchy, fresh-trimmed beard.

PIM LABEE, Public Relations My biggest insecurity is whether or not my hair is in the right shape. However, my best body feature is my perfectly trimmed beard. Alex Donkers is not hairy, he is the cutest girl in our faculty. I often compare Modernist architecture to car lovers. Car manufacturers however, are no real objective actor in the modernism part. This proves I know nothing about Modernism.




12 November - 11 December 2015 This year CHEOPS will celebrate its 6th lustrum. A lustrum is a fiveyearly celebration which means that CHEOPS has its 30th anniversary. CHEOPS will explore its boundaries and organises many activities during this month. It starts on November 12 with a spectacular gala and will end on December 10 with a magnificent party in the faculty building Vertigo. The various activities, the theme and the data you need to mark on your calendar will be announced during the first faculty party. During this month you will experience several different activities, from a LEGOworkshop to a culture night. So save the dates!

Faculty Party



29 September

12 November

20 November

16-11: CHEPOS Release 18-11: Culture night 23-11: LEGO-Workshop 16 | CHEPOS




A lustrum cannot be complete without

The lustrum month will be closed with a

a gala. This will take place on November

spectacular faculty party at a unique, but

12 at a unique and secret location. Take

well known location: Vertigo. Every five

your dress or suit from your closet,

years the Vertigo building is transformed

remove the dust and get ready for an

into a true party venue. It will be a

unforgettable evening! - Gala

grand celebration and great closure of the lustrum month. If you want to


dance and drink beers in Vertigo, write

It will be a race against time, with an

December 10 in your agenda! - Vertigo

enthusiastic group of people you will travel across Europe to capture buildings


on camera and collect enough points

A real engineering student needs

to win the prestigious Photohunt

to have certain skills. Therefore, a

International Cup. If you want to be a

workshop day will be organized. On

part of an unforgettable competition

this day you can discover materials in a

keep track of the announcements this

hand-on approach and you can feel like

year! - Photohunt International

a real engineer. - Workshop

Photohunt International

Vertigo Party

3-7 December

10 December

25-11: TEDtalk

9-12: Lectures

26-11: LUSTRUM-drink CHEPOS | 17


City of Light Eindhoven is the city of Frits Philips. Since 1232 Eindhoven has her city rights, but the city changed drastically in 1891 with the opening of the light bulb factory of Philips. The company grew into a multinational business and Eindhoven grew accordingly upon this success. Therefore Eindhoven is also called the Lichtstad (city of light). One week a year, with Carnival, the name of Eindhoven is even changed to “Lampegat”. In the Second World War many historical buildings downtown were lost, which left Eindhoven without a real historical centre. As a result, there is space for progressive architecture. For example, the 18 Septemberplein has undergone a significant metamorphosis a couple of years ago. The TU/e Science Park is also transforming with the plan ‘Campus 2020’. But the remaining history of the city is still secured; the buildings on Strijp-S keep their industrial character despite their change in function. This allows the city to gradually gain more and more character. The old factories and large empty sheds in the city centre and on Strijp offer new opportunities for creativity, start-ups and city development. Eindhoven is still proud of its titles such as ‘smartest region in the world’ and ‘best city centre of the Netherlands’ and is known as an evolving city. The light has not disappeared either. In November the annual artificial light festival GLOW takes place. This way Eindhoven remains the city of light till today.

Kl bo


1 Ketelhuis Ge rar d





Are An

Welcome to Eindhoven



Ven to

sefla Blob t TAC Lichttoren Witte Dame Bruine Heer Admirant Philips Museum Regent

Emmasingel Area


TU/e Science Park MetaForum





Station Area Kennedy tower

The Railway station Student Hotel Effenaar


Smalle Haven tor

Vesteda tower









You will probably witness the

Moreover, in the future all faculties will

completion of the plan ‘Campus 2020’

be situated around de Groene Loper

during your study career; the work is

in the Compact Campus. This allows

already in full swing and noticeable on

the campus to be a lot more compact,

the entire campus. In the new campus

which should increase the interaction

design the TU/e aims to develop a

between the faculties. It also creates

sustainable science park.

space elsewhere on the Science Park, which will be used to house students

An important part of ‘Campus 2020’

and businesses. This should make the

is the Groene Loper. This car-free

campus more vivid and a breeding

zone stretches from the Kennispoort

ground for sustainable innovations.

to Flux. The zone is currently in a

Late 2012 the first project of ‘Campus

final stage of construction and will

2020’ was officially opened; the

get the appearance of a city park

Metaforum. The university library can

with places to sit, bushes and a pond.

be found here, where a pleasant work



environment for students is created.


The department of Mathematics and

Last November a new building has been

Computer Sciences is also located in

completed at the far end of the Green

In the plans of ‘Campus 2020’ the TU/e aims to develop a sustainable science park Strip; Flux. The departments of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering share this building. The next two projects in ‘Campus 2020’ are the renovation of Hoofdgebouw and Gemini. The work on Hoofdgebouw begun after the completion of Flux and the work on Gemini will begin in 2018, after the completion of Hoofdgebouw.


STATION AREA Railway station The railway station of Eindhoven is a

volume the tower is built and designed

monument designed by Koen van der

in such a way that it seems to be loose

Gaast. It is the sixth most crowded

from the lower floors, the overhang

railway station of the Netherlands and

is quite impressive. The building is

the busiest one outside the Randstad.

famous for its success as an integral

Daily, 75,000 people travel by train

design, whereby architect, construction

and 200,000 people walk through the

engineer and contractor worked closely

tunnel. These numbers illustrate why

together from day one.

the current transformation is needed. The second tunnel of 35 meters wide is


being built parallel to the former tunnel

The old post office of Eindhoven makes

of eight meters. This makes it possible

room for a new eyecatcher in the centre

for the railway station to function

of Eindhoven: Lichthoven! This project

as usual during the transformation.

will be in the east of the Stationsweg on

Moreover, the transformation will mean

the southern part of the railway station.

that the railway station will be enriched

To make the area more appealing, the

with escalators to the platforms in both

old post office and parking places will

directions and elevators in the new

make room for eight new volumes with


a diverse set of functions. There will be apartments, a hotel, cafĂŠs, shops,

Kennedy Tower

offices, a bicycle parking and parking

This outstanding tower is one of

garage. The most southern volume will

the highest buildings in Eindhoven,

be a residential tower of 23 stories high

northeast from the railway station is

and the student hotel is currently being

the Kennedy tower. This office building

constructed. The space in between

consists of two volumes, which are

the volumes will be mostly filled with

separated by an atrium. On the eastern




The Kennedy Tower is famous for its success as an integral design CHEPOS | 25

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL INTERThe Stationsplein is located next to 18 Septemberplein, redesigned by the Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas. On this square you find the Blob, shopping centre Piazza and a guarded bicycle parking. The Blob The front part of the Blob can already

building is formed of a special shaped

be seen from Stationsplein. You may

faรงade with triangle elements and a

find the Blob hideous or marvellous,

construction of concrete floors. The

but there is no in between. The most

reason to call this building the Blob is

important critique is its contrast with

because of the abbreviation of Binary

other parts of the city centre, but on

Large Object. Two years ago the smaller

the other hand this is exactly also

Bubble was built, on the other side of

the reason to appreciate it; the Blob

18 Septemberplein, which made the

suits the modern city Eindhoven. The

discussion lively again.




Emmasingel area The Witte Dame The big white building on the other side

the iconic value of the Witte Dame and

of the Emmasingel is the Witte Dame. It

Lichttoren gave lots of critique arose

is built in the 1920s as a light bulb fac-

against this plan. Therefore architect

tory of Philips and was the first multi-

Bert Dirrix (of diederendirrix) was asked

level factory in Eindhoven. The hep-

to make a design for the redevelopment

tagonal pinnacle was used for quality

of the building. Currently the building

test of the light bulbs. In the 1980s Phi-

is home to the public library of the city,

lips wanted to tear down the building,

the Design Academy, a part of Fontys

because the production was moved, but

and GGD among others. CHEPOS | 27

SMALLE HAVEN The Smalle Haven is an area that connects several different inner city zones with each other, and serves as a keystone in the city centre of Eindhoven. The master plan for the area was designed by architect and urbanist Jo Coenen and consists of a great variety of functions. Instead of implementing an isolated concept into the inner city, he chose to take advantage of the existing structures to enhance the coherency between the old and the new. The highlight of the plan is marked

The first four floors house commercial

by the Vesteda-tower, which serves

spaces, the remaining floors are for

as a landmark for the entire city

residential purposes. The top two floors

of Eindhoven and gives the area

contain two luxurious penthouses.

personality. This concept is enforced by the narrow shape of the building and

Next to the Vesteda-tower, between

its faรงade, which gives it a monolithic

the busy Vestdijk and vibrant

appearance. The building peaks at

Stratumseind, the Medina building is

ninety meters and is fourteen meters

situated. It provides room for residents,

wide at its greatest width. The tower is

business, governmental functions

designed by Jo Coenen and contains 24

and cafes. Under supervision of Jo

apartments, divided across 28 stories.

Coenen, the building was designed



Apart from being the dominant structure in the

Smalle Haven, the Vesteda-tower defines the Eindhoven skyline. by the British architectural firm Neave

allegorical oasis has been created by the

Brown, in collaboration with Van Aken

busy inner city.

Architecten. The transition between different functions is characterised

On the corner of the Smalle Haven,

by a rigid faรงade for the office and

youth center Dynamo is situated.

progressively stacked residential blocks

Alternative rock events are organised

on the Stratumseind side.

in this building, designed by diederendirrix. Dynamo is distinguished

Because of this gradual height change

by the faรงade with brown concrete

and the appliance of roof terraces,

panels in combination with an

patios, conservatories and balconies,

abundance glass, and provides

all apartments have their own outdoor

interaction between the neighbouring

space. In combination with the green

Catharinaplein and the activities inside

faรงades and hanging gardens, an

the building. CHEPOS | 29

Strijp-S Currently, Eindhoven is working hard on the rehabilitation of Strijp-S, the former site of the Philips factories behind the stadium. Design related cultural initiatives, enterprises and educational facilities will be realised, but there will also be room for residential projects and cafes. Below, a summary of the highlights of this area. Klokgebouw

Anton and Gerard

The Klokgebouw served as a

These are the two great white buildings

watertower, hidden behind the great

in the Hoge Rug with the characteristic

clocks it was named for. Also, it was

industrial appearance. Inside, a broad

the location where bakelite was

spectrum of appliances has been

manufactured. The Klokgebouw was

produced in the past. Currently, the

originally slated for demolition, but the

ground level houses design boutiques

demolition costs turned out to be too

and galleries. In addition, the buildings

high. Currently it is one of the most

house office space and several cafes.

vibrant buildings of Strijp-S. 30.000 m2

The special thing about Anton and

of floor space house stages for festivals

Gerard are the newly created lofts.

and events. The building functions as a

These apartments can be divided in

major location during the Dutch Design

different spaces by the inhabitants


themselves, consisting of one big space. Gardens are located on the roof with a view of the entire city.

The Klokgebouw was originally slated for demolition; currently it is one of the most vibrant buildings of Strijp-S. 30 | CHEPOS


Ketelhuis For a bite or a complete meal, you can

as accommodation for Plaza Futura, an

always drop by the newly renovated

art house cinema and theater complex.

Ketelhuis. The tastefully furnished

In addition will Sint Lucas, a school for

building houses a bakery, coffee shop,

creative, technological and adventurous

restaurant, ‘foodlab’ and rooftop-

students move in to the NatLab.

garden. Previously, heat was distributed from this structure to the rest of the


factory site.

Previously the central tool factory, currently one of the biggest indoor


skate parks in Europe (2800 m2). The

The former physics laboratory Natlab

entire park, including the floors and

(Natuurkundig Laboratorium) used to

ramps, consists of wood. At least once

be the epicenter of innovation and new

a year, the lay-out of the entire park is

Philips products.

changed. In addition to the skate park and skate school, a BMX park is also

Here, the compact disc was invented

housed in the building. Regularly, shows

here and Albert Einstein paid a visit to

take place in the small music venue on

Philips. Currently this building serves

the first floor of the skatepark. CHEPOS | 31

NINA VERKERK, DELFT: “When I was asked to write a piece to compare Delft and Eindhoven, a smile. Nothing is nicer, better and more beautiful than Delft, and definitely not Eindhoven! Hereby my vision on the fact why you are better off in Delft. Firstly, Delft is not situated in Brabant. The picturesque city Delft has a wonderful location in the Randstad, with a minimal distance of ten minutes by train to the big cities Rotterdam and The Hague (instead of villages like Veldhoven and Helmond). Not only the surrounding areas of Delft, with the green heart, the beach of Scheveningen, architectonic and progressive cities, but also Delft itself is interesting in a cultural and recreational sense. The


historical city centre attracts tourists from all over the world.

more handsome in Delft than in any

The popularity of TU Delft comes from

other random place in the Netherlands.

the years of good results and (inter)

Delft is a real student town as well,

national prestige. The new faculty from

with all facilities students need. There

after the fire is not only architecturally

are lots of student associations and

justified by its classical façade and

the study association of the faculty

modern interior, it is also the most

D.B.S.G. Stylos owns the Maaskantprijs,

beautiful faculty of the Netherland. Far

a reward for the contribution to the

better than the depressing concrete of

architecture debate throughout the


years. Stylos also provides InDeSem: the international one week workshop,

The ratio of men and women in Delft is out of balance, but the men are way 32 | CHEPOS

initiated by Herman Hertzberger.”

THAT’S WHY tive and modern ‘City of Light’, Eindhoven. This appearance is strengthened by the collaboration with the local design world. By the absence of a historical city centre Eindhoven has the opportunity to profile itself as a modern city with progressive architecture. The city does not need to refer far back in history. Eindhoven however most definitely has a history, which can still be discovered in monuments like the small Philips light bulb factory (now Philipsmuseum), the Witte Dame, the iconic Lichttoren and the Catherinakerk.


Vertigo is architecturally speaking full of surprises and the figurehead of the TU/e. The open character is appreciated by students as well as teachers. Besides, Vertigo is in aesthetics and sustainability a progressive project, as a faculty of the


Built Environment should be.

“To the question: ‘How did you end up

Concerning student life there are

in Eindhoven?’ I always answer: ‘The

lots of activities in Eindhoven. In the

choice was Delft or Eindhoven’ and for

“gezellige” city centre everyone can

me the choice was Clear! Eindhoven is

find their own way, for both men and

situated in Brabant, where “gezellig-

female. You can find a big shopping

heid” dominates. The best party of the

mall, intimacy at the Kleine Berg and

year “CARNAVAL” is not celebrated

of course Stratumseind, the longest

more intense anywhere else and at-

pub street of the Benelux! In addition,

tracts people from all over the country

CHEOPS organises the famous faculty

every year.

party in Café Thomas four times a year

Philips gave the city international allure,

and is active on various levels in the city

as founder of the technological, innova-

and at the university.” CHEPOS | 33

SPOT THE FIFTEEN DIFFERENCES Like our facebook page and find the answers there next week!


After one great week of parties, having fun and not worrying about anything, it will be hard to start again with lectures and BAU-studio, but with some Tips & Tricks you will be prepared for your first year!



be kept in mind, designing is not a linear

There you are, sitting in your studio.

process; you will get back from your

One hour ago you were attending a

computer to your drawing board and

mechanics lecture and from now on

vice versa. So the design process is a

you have to focus on your project.

complex process with several feedback

Sometimes you look around a little,


while your supervisor is walking around the studio. When he spots you, he


approaches and asks: “How is your is


project going?”. Generally your answer

After several weeks you have to present

is: “Fine…”

your design to your supervisor, probably nobody has slept much last week as is



Where do you start with your design? Your sketch paper will be your best

A few of you will have some trouble

friend in the first few weeks, and the

with finishing your projects: their

further you get in your education you

notebook has crashed and everything

never leave your sketch paper. But

will be lost, a part is lost, etc... When

probably you do not know what sketch

you ask senior students, everyone will

paper is, right? It is a kind of paper, soft,

tell you: “Always backup all your stuff!

thin but most important: transparent.

ALWAYS!”So we will give you some

And what do you use your sketch paper

advice, the first shortcut you must know:

for? That thin transparent paper gives


you the possibility to work organised and to adjust your previous design.

However, to set your mind at ease,

But most of all, sketch paper is the

usually everything comes together in

paper every architect needs to be a true

the end. Then the moment of truth will


be there: your presentation. Convincing your supervisors about your design,

Most of the time you start with hand

tell them why it is the best design, tell

drawings, then you put your design

them why it should work in practice

more detailed in one of the given digital

and tell them everything they want to

drawing programs. One thing that must

know. But do not think: “I will compose


TOOLS the presentation in a minute before the start�. All your supervisors will make you believe the process is the most important, but believe us, your presentation will make or break you. Take your time to structure your story, to convince everyone of the essence of your design, and it is very important to hold the attention of your audience: make them curious about what you are going to tell. SOME TIPS Being a good student goes hand in hand with having fun, enjoying your first year, enjoying the things you must do and do things you want to do. Learn some extra skills by joining workshops organised by CHEOPS. Your first year will be a year with hardship and success, when finishing your freshman year you can be proud of yourself.

be creative, but realistic and critical CHEPOS | 37

Where to go around Campus Facilities of the TU/e

Education Office – Vertigo – Vrt. 2.12 The Education Office is responsible for timetables and student administration, and are open every day from 12:00h till 14:00h. In addition, it serves foreign students wishing to study at Eindhoven University of Technology, as well as Dutch students wanting to study abroad. Facility Office – Vertigo – Vrt. 1.50 The Facility Office on the first floor provides printing on A2, A1 and A0, with reduced prices for students of the Department of the Built Environment. Here they also lend beamers, help with software like Adobe and Autodesk programs and make reservations for rooms and facilities. CHEOPS – Vertigo – Vrt. 1.53 The desk of the student association can be found on the bridge between Vertigo and the Zwarte Doos. Here you can pick up books you have oderded, subscribe for activities and drink coffee with fellow students. 38 | CHEPOS

TOOLS The Education and Student Service Center – Metaforum - MF 1.214 The Education and Student Service Center is the central point at the TU/e where questions are answered about study application, tuition and other services in the field of education. CareerCenter – Metaforum - Energy Forum The CareerCenter forms the bridge between students and employers. The centre offers labour market orientation, job matching, career coaching meetings and workshops to support TU/e students with their next career step. Notebook Service Center ICT – Metaforum - MF 1.557 The Notebook Service Center is available to all TU/e students. It provides support for hardware and software on the TU/e notebook and the clicker. Reproshop – Metaforum - MF 1.597 The MFPs, placed all over the university, are used for printing. Prints however can also be made at the Reproshop. The shop offers more extensive options for printing, editing and binding, and sells various office products as well as for example TU/e hoodies. Spar supermarket – Flux – ground floor The TU/e campus has recently opened its own small supermarket, with a formula aimed specifically at students. The shop offers several hundereds of items specifically for lunch and coffee breaks and a lot of healthy products like fresh juices. Furthermore, ovenfresh bread can be picked up on the spot, and fresh coffee will be served for one euro. CHEPOS | 39

Going out in Eindhoven Some of the city’s finest restaurants and bars

Restaurants are found throughout the city centre. The area surrounding the Catherina plein, marked by the twin towers of the Catherina plein, hosts most of the restaurants and bars. Especially Stratumseind which houses over fifty different bars. Filmhuis ‘De Zwarte Doos’ Situated in the former chemistry lab attached to Vertigo is ‘De Zwarte Doos,’ which serves as cinema and grand café.

Trafalgar Pub Among the many restaurants in the Dommelstraat is the Trafalgar Pub. This Irish pub serves excellent meat dishes.

De Burger De Burger, serves the best burgers in town, next to the Catherinaplein. For an affordable price.

Le Connaisseur Le Connaisseur has formidable dishes without being very expensive, making the restaurant beloved by students. 40 | CHEPOS

TOOLS Café Thomas Café Thomas is the favourite bar of CHEOPS, as the faculty parties are organised here. Besides these parties, students of the Department of the Built Environment frequently party until 02.00h on Thursday nights.

Café Spijker Next to Café Thomas, Café Spijker is situated. Popular among students, this bar is the few to enjoy substantial amounts of visitors on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. It also serves 3-course meals for €15,- Monday to Thursday.

‘t Lempke ‘t Lempke is one of the most popular student bars as it sponsors many study and sports associations (as can be seen by their emblems on the walls). Like the Thomas and Spijker, students dancing on the bar occurs occasionally.

Café Santé Café Santé is the economical alternative to the prominent bars in the street. Thirtheen beers, a ‘blaadje bier’, are served for just over €10. It is based halfway the first section of Stratum.

Bierprofessor Bierprofessor translates to Beerprofessor, which gives a hint what kind of bar this is. The bar pours 6 kinds of draught beer and has 166 more on bottle, it can be found opposite to ‘t Lempke. CHEPOS | 41

Agenda tips for you and your intro group

On the first Monday of the new college year, TU/e celebrates the

31 AUG

Opening of academic year. For the students a huge party will be organised! From 17.30h till 00.00h the party will take place by Metaforum at the Markthal. There is no better way to start the new academic year!

17 - 25 OKT

The 14th edition of the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven presents promising Dutch designers. Their work is exposed

during the Dutch Design Week. In all of Eindhoven expositions are held and many workplaces are opened. This event is very inspiring for students of the built environment and definitely worth visiting! The program will be published on

7 - 14 NOV

Philips made Eindhoven the City of Light. More than fifty artists offer light shows, sculptures and projections and give the

audience a surprising new view of the city. The returning event GLOW will publish the route of this spectacle on and will go on till 00.00h. Every week Filmhuis ‘De Zwarte Doos’ shows the latest movies. The program will kick off on the 2nd of September


with an outdoor screening and the week after MAD MAX: FURY ROAD 3D is shown. Find the entire programme on 42 | CHEPOS



Introduction Camp This camp is organised for the freshmen of Architecture, Building and Planning. During these days you will get to know each other while partying and doing fun activities. Tue. 25/8 - Thu. 27/8


25 euro

Register till 21-08-2015

You can register by filling in this flyer and handing it in at the CHEOPS-counter on level 1 of Vertigo. Or you can register on our website

Name: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Allergies: _________________________________ Vegetarian: _______________________________



Chepos - Magazine of the built

Chepos is a publication of CHEOPS,


Study Association of the Built

ISSN: 1873-183X

Environment at the Eindhoven

University of Technology. Images and

texts may be used for research and

study purposes, accredited to Chepos.

Copyrighted images may not be reproduced or published without the

CHEOPS, Study Association of the

explicit consent of the author.

Built Environment Eindhoven University of Technology

Contributing to this issue

Vertigo 1.15

Elphi Nelissen, Central Lustrum

Postbus 513


5600 MB Eindhoven T 040-2473140


Gildeprint Drukkerijen, Enschede

Oplage: 400

Editorial board

Advertisements and distribution

Rick Abelen, Justin Agyin, Lennart

Kim Raijmakers,

Arpots, Ilke Broers, Martijn Creemers, Wouter Loomans, Taeke Offringa,

Photo credits

Jeroen Pospiech, Marinde van Rooij,

Jantina Talsma (cover), Bart van

Chastity Verhoofstad

Overbeek, CHEOPS, Toon Vogels, CHEPOS | 45


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