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INTRODUCTION To<fihscensienlJils













"What are Essential Oils?"

Essential oils are non water-based phytochernicals rnade up of volatile organic cornpounds. Although they are fat soluble, they do not include fatty lipids or acids that are found in vegetable and anirnal oils. Essential oils are very clean, alrnost crisp, to the touch and are irnrnediately absorbed by the skin. Pure, unadulterated essential oils are translucent and range in color frorn crystal clear to deep blue.

• Derived from Natural Aromatic Compounds found in Plants • Extracted by steam distillation cold pressing. The purest method known for extracting oils • Powerful and safe, without negative side effects. • 50-70 times more powerful than herbs because they're concentrated. • Ascension Oils are a third eye awakener. Every oil blend is blessed with Divine Love and Light. • Antibiotics cannot penetrate cell membranes. However, essential oils CAN penetrate cell walls to kill viruses and bacteria. • Ascension Oils do not build up in your body and create toxicity like drugs. Simply re-apply or inhale as needed.

NOTE: People with eczema may react to foreign substances on their skin. AJways do a small skin patch test if you know you are sensitive around concentrated products on your skin. Always avoid getting oils in the eyes. If this happens flush with milk.


Introduction: How this Workbook will Help You This brief workbook will provide the tools you need to make positive, healing, transformational changes to your life in seven amazing days. It does this in two essential ways. First, we have drawn liberally on the writings of Emmet Fox in his very short, classic book,"The Seven Day Mental Diet'' originally penned back in 1935. Fox provides an understanding of why it's essential to think in a positive way, and, vibrate at a high level all the time. If you want to create a happy, joyful, prosperous, abundant life this is critically important. The excerpts from " The Seven-Day Mental Diet" build a foundation of knowledge that helps you understand how and why this works so well. The writings from Fox will help you appreciate how the principles of thinking and vibrating at a higher level can and will change your life, your environment and your world. Because written language has changed over the years and the book is in the public domain I have changed a few words to make it a bit more modern while retaining the all-important message and flow. Second, in-between excerpts from "The Seven-Day Mental Diet'' you will discover useful information regarding the Ascension Oils products and their use. These products can help you in completing the Seven-Day Mental Diet presented by Fox. Along the way you will reach a higher level of thinking, vibration and healing of your body, soul and thoughts.

Ready to get started? Keep reading.

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To order your Crystal Diffuser go to:

~~<r»m~coomm Shopping cart at- Enclosed you will find: • Pendant • Packet of Crystals • Bottle of oil • Affirmation of Intent

• Oil dropper pipette

So let's get started! Take out your Crystal Rose Oil and carefully unwrap the cork. A little oil may have seeped out during shipment. If this happens see page 14 for more information. Replacement Pipettes and Corks are available online at: Next, take the packet of Crystals and open them. Choose which crystals you resonate with and that you would like to use together with your oils. Or, you can use all of them. Drop the crystals you choose into the Crystal Rose Oil container. Inhale directly from the diffuser throughout the day. Notice your mood lift and your spirits elevate to a higher vibrational/eve/. Holistic Mind-Body therapies including aromatherapy and Energy Healing con produce satisfying results where other methods have foiled. Disclaimer: Please, always consult with your physician or medico/ professional regarding serious heolth concerns. Never attempt to self-diagnose your medical condition. Ascension Oils are a powerful tool for healing, but we do not claim to be a cure-all for major medical problems ..


Using Your Diffuser for Maximum Benefit • Step 1:


Open the oil, take the pipette and squeeze it into the oil then withdraw pipette with the oil inside.

• Step 2:

Open the diffuser, then take the pipette and gently squeeze the oil into the diffuser. Or, using the pipette squeeze oil onto the Terra Circle.

• Step 3:

Take adeep breath of the oil. Truly enjoy the fragrance.

• Step 4:

Hold your breath for acount of five and then release your breath.

• Step 5:

Replace the cork into diffuser. Be careful not to push the cork in too far.

• Step 6:

Wear the diffuser around your neck and enjoy adeep breath of Crystal Rose Oil anytime you want.

Featured Pedants


Murano Gl ass Diffuser

Sterlmg S1lver Diffuser

Terra Cotta Diffuser

Breathe, Hold, and Release. Remember to hold your breath for a count of five and then release your breath. Then do Breath of fire. Breath continuously counting each breath up to 33.

Do this many timesthrough out the day. It is wise to test a bit of any essential oil, on a small patch on your inner wrist before use. If any irritation occurs, do not use the essential o il d irectly on your skin. Unless specified keep essential oils out of reach of children, pets, and, away from heat and light.

Wear your diffuser for 40 Days to get best results!


Grow Work Lesson One Did you know We have More than One Body? Physical Emotional

We each have:

A physical body

An ethereal or etheric body (soul)

An emotional body (aspect)

A mental body (aspect)


{\ The Bodies

Causal or Physical Body Our causal body regulates the physical body. This is about cause and effect in the physical world. Sometimes this is known as ou('Pain Body" because it is where physical pain is experienced. It is perfect for recording your relationships with physical pain or dis-ease. The Causal or Physical Body actually holds the energy of pain itself. Etheric Body Your soul self or true self is the aspect of yourself that moves through time and space no matter where your physical body happens to be located in the Universe. Emotional Body The emotional body is sometimes known as our blue body. It holds our feelings and emotions in space for us. Mental Body Your mental body almost scientifically processes our thoughts and beliefs in an analytical left-brained, unemotional way.

There are more subtle bodies as well. However, these are the major bodies we need to work with to become more balanced and centered now.


Working with the Mental Diet Now that you have your diffuser, your Crystal Rose Oil and your crystals it's time to put them to good use. At this point you also know about the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. This is all valuable knowledge for you to have before embarking upon the Seven-Day Mental Diet as outlined by Emmet Fox.

The Seven Day Mental Diet By Emmet Fox

With AIwisT!


How to Change Your Life and Your World in a Week!


of diets is one of the biggest topics of the present day you wiDfind online and offline. Everyone always seems to be going on a diet, or, just coming off a diet. Newspapers and magazines teem with articles on the subject. Television and Internet ads announce the latest diet concoctions and plans. Book stores are filled with volumes unfolding the mysteries of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and more. The whole world seems to be food-conscious and bodyconscious. Experts on the subject say physically that you become the things you eat. Your whole body is composed of all the food that you have eaten in the past. What you eat today will be in your bloodstream after a few hours have passed. It is your blood-stream that builds all the tissues that make up your body - and there you are. Until every seven years your cells rejuvenate.

Change Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts Of course, no sensible person has any quarrel with this. It is perfectly true. The surprising thing is that it has taken the world so long to discover this fact. In this booklet I will deal with the subject of "dieting" at a level that is infinitely more profound and far-reaching in its effects. I'm referring of course to "mental dieting.''



The Seven Day Mental Diet Continued

The most important of all factors in your life is the mental diet on which you live. It is the"food;' you furnish your mind that determines the whole character and quality of your is the thoughts you allow yourself to think, the subjects you allow your mind to dwell upon, which make you and your surroundings what they are. Everything in your life today is entirely conditioned by the thoughts and feelings which you have entertained. The state of:

• •

Your body, whether healthy or sick, Your fortune, whether prosperous or impoverished Your home, whether happy or the reverse, Every phase of your life- is shaped by the habitual tone of your thinking.

The condition of your life tomorrow, next week, and next year, will be conditioned by the thoughts and feelings which you choose to entertain from now forward. In other word, you choose your life. You choose all the conditions of your life, when you choose the thoughts upon which your mind dwells. Our thoughts, whether of a high vibration and a positive nature or low vibration and a negative nature are the true causative force in life that creates our results. There is no other. You cannot have one kind of mind and a totally different kind of environment. This means you cannot change your environment (including your level of prosperity and abundance) while leaving your mind unchanged. This is the supreme key to life and the reason for this information. If you change your mind your outer conditions must change, too. Your body and your environment must change along with your thoughts.

The Seven Day Mental Diet




Making Changes For your life to change your daily work or other activities must change. Your home must change. The color-tone of your whole life must change. Whether you're habitually happy and cheerful, or, low-spirited and fearful depends entirely on the quality of the mental food upon which you feed yourself. Please be very clear about this: If you change your mind your conditions must change, too. The Bible says, "We are transformed by the renewing of our minds:' So, now you will see that your''mental diet" is the most important thing in your whole life for one week. This may be called the great Cosmic Law, and its truth is seen as perfectly obvious, when it's clearly stated this way. In fact, I don't know of any thoughtful person who denies its essential truth. The practical difficulty in applying it, however, arises from the fact that our thoughts are so close to us that it's difficult, without a little practice, to stand back and look at them objectively. Yet, that's exactly what you must learn to do. You must train yourself to choose the subject of your thinking at any given time, and, choose the emotional tone, or, what we call the mood that colors it.

Essential Bath Crystals (to Purify Your Thoughts) Something else you can do that will support you as you do the Seven-Day Mental Diet is to take a Crystal Bath. A Crystal Bath will melt away the tension of your busy, stressful day Once you experience it you will know what it is to enjoy pure Bliss! Here's how to take a crystal bath: Place your crystals directly into the bathtub with you as you fill the tub with comfortably warm or hot water. Enjoy our "New Essential Bath Crystal Soak:' All you do is simply fill up the cap with bath salts and toss it in the bathtub. Amethyst crystals are included with the Essential Bath Crystal Soak kit because amethyst crystals also have a very high vibrational level. Raising your vibrational level is important because positive emotions like love, joy, confidence and radiant good health are found at the higher vibrational levels. At the lower emotional levels you will find the emotions of fear, sadness, anger, depression and more. You will love how you feel when you enjoy a Crystal Bath after a long day at work. Or after your children go to sleep and you can enjoy a little "me time:' When I take a Crystal Bath, I also like adding some nice calming essential oils, like lavender, which is included in the Essential Bath Crystal Soak kit. Just a couple drops of calming Lavender Oil is perfect for anxiety and stress relief. Then you can just soak in the positive vibrational frequencies. A good 15-20 minute soak can help you feel completely renewed, refreshed and relaxed.



The Seven Day Mental Diet Continued

If you have a negative mind set or disposition you cannot be:

• Healthy ·Happy • Prosperous If you're sulky, surly, cynical or depressed you cannot. If you're superior or frightened half out of your wits, and life is barely worth living you cannot. Unless you are determined to cultivate a positive mind set or disposition, you may as well give up all hope of getting anything worthwhile out of life. It is kinder to tell you this directly even if it sounds like harsh information. Be determined to start now. All day long carefully select the kind of thoughts you will think. Otherwise, you may as well give up all hope of shaping your life into the kind of thing you want it to be, because, this is the only way.

Crystal Diffusers The design of Our Ascension Oils Crystal Diffusers have been influenced by nature. The pure essence diffusers celebrate fresh botanicals and living crystals. You'll discover indulgently fresh fragrances that have been richly infused into a long lasting, Crystal Energy Enhancing Diffuser with a fragrance blend that leaves your senses captivated.



The Seven Day Mental Diet Continued

In short, if you want to make your life happy and worthwhile, which is what God/Source wishes for you, then you must begin immediately to train yourself in the habit of"thought selection" and "thought control:' This will be exceedingly difficult for the first few days. But, if you persevere, you will find it will rapidly become easier. Actually, it's the most fascinating experiment that you could possibly make for one week. In fact, this thought selection and thought control is, a thrillingly exciting hobby for you to take on. You will be amazed at the fascinating things you'll learn about yourself and you'll get incredible results almost from the beginning. Now, many people, knowing this truth, make sporadic efforts from time to time to control their thoughts. However, since the thought stream is so close to us, and the impact from the outside world can be so constant and varied, many people often don't make significant progress in achieving this goal. This is not the way to change your life with the seven-day mental diet. Your only chance is to definitely and completely form a new habit of thought. Doing this will carry you through when you are pre-occupied, off your guard, or, when you are consciously attending to the business of changing. This new thought habit must definitely be acquired. Its foundation can be laid within a few days. The way to successfully do it is this: •

Make up your mind to devote one week solely to the task of building a new habit of positive thought. During that week, let everything else in life be un-important as compared with forming this new habit.

If you will do this, that week will turn out to be the most significant week in your whole life. It will literally be a turning point for you. If you will do this, it is safe to say your entire life will change for the better. In fact, nothing can possibly remain the same. This does not simply mean you will be able to face your present difficulties in a better spirit; it means that all the difficulties will disappear.

Continued on page 19




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. People often ask us, "What's a Chakra ?"


~ 1

How do the Chakras Affect Our Bodies?


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I've referred to the term "Chakra" several times throughout this workbook. Here's what Chakras are all about. A Chakra, pronounced "shah-kra" is the Sanskrit root word meaning "wheel:' Also known as Vortexes. There are seven chakras in the human body. They are very important to us. Our Chakras are spinning electromagnetic energy wheels or vortexes energizing and strengthening each of our seven endocrine glands daily. Health problems are formed in the body from mental and physical blocks or imbalances in these wheels or vortexes. When the Chakras are out of balance disease and sickness results.

The blocks that prevent us from having the life we want are built up by lower vibrational thoughts. Another way of saying negative thinking, gossiping, fears, certain foods and inaction. Therefore we all need to balance our Chakras to be healthy not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually. When you balance your Chakras your whole organism as a human being is healthier. As a result you enjoy living a calmer, more peaceful life. One way of balancing your Chakras is by thinking positive thoughts. Another way is by placing the relevant crystal or gemstone directly on the Chakras and meditate on that particular point of the body. This helps many people in restoring or enhancing the positive attributes related to that particular area of the body where the Chakra is located. This way of balancing your Chakras has been around for centuries. Or, you can simply wear the crystal diffuser at the heart Chakra level, while including some crystals and the Crystal Rose Oil in the diffuser.

Naturally Chic, Ascension Kit

We invite you to experience a beautiful, modern, hand- blown glass vessel made of prized Murano glass. It is ready for you to fill with our signature Crystal Rose Oil We believe our Ascension Oils will help you connect to your higher Consciousness more effortlessly. Your spirits will lift as you enjoy the lntense1 delightful fragrances in this diffuser. Also included in the Naturally Chic Ascension Kit is a second blend of oils in a roll-on applicator. We call this oil Zen Blend. It has been created to honor your Truth. Along with the oil, you will discover a beautiful package filled with three genuine crystals that emit an energy-enhancing vibration to shift your en vi ron ment. All this comes complete in a box ready for your use. Your senses w ill be awakened and you'll delight in the fragrances of the two oil blends when you purchase the Naturally Chic, Ascension Kit at


THE EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS AND BODIES You'll note below the Ayurvedic words for healing different aspects of your bodies- physical, etheric (or soul), emotional and mental.

The Seven Chakras

Sahasrara Spirituality

Ajna Intuition

Vishuddha Thoughts

Anahata Love

Manipura Forgiveness

Swadhisthana Inner Power

Muladhara Survival




One: \.

It is a healing process that happens in three stages. HEALING THE PHYSICAL BODY To help awaken the illuminated heart, essential oils are very powerful physical healers for our bodies. They have many "anti-qualities" that make them a valuable tool in first healing the physical body. Essential oils are anti-bacterial, to anti-viral, and anti-parasitic in nature.


Crystal Rose Oil with crystals can assists your body in fighting off unfriendly micro-organisms, purifying organs, glands and body systems, balancing body functions and raising your vibrational level by breathing it in on a daily basis.


HEALING THE HEART As Crystal Rose Oils secure our physical health, they also provide us with the energy needed to penetrate the heart Chakra and enter the emotional body. More information about Chakras can be found on page 14. When Crystal Rose Oils raise the vibration of the physical body, our body instantly lives in a higher state of vibration. Leaving the lower energies behind, also known as "suppressed emotions." The power of your emotional feelings can actually become unbearable on an ongoing basis.

These emotions or feelings then must be released. Which the Crystal Rose Oil helps to create. The emotions I'm referring to include: stagnant anger, sadness, grief, judgment, and low self-worth. These low vibrational feelings cannot exist in the same environment alongside new feelings of balance, peace and love. The Crystal Rose OJ/ helps to create these new higher vibrational positive feelings.

,f stage Three

It is a healing process that

happens in three stages. RELEASE AND RECEIVE Healing is gradually experienced as old negative feelings re-surface and are released over and over. Often people who experience the ongoing release of layers of negative emotions are known to say, "Gee, that onion can get big sometimes," since an onion is a common food that contains layers and layers within.

Sometimes this experience of releasing our negative emotions is confused with regression. Some people mistakenly perceive they are going backwards or that the Crystal Rose Oil and Zen Blend are not working for them.

In reality, the oils are working perfectly. They are working to permanently release and finally heal emotional issues by supporting you through your healing process. We are so accustomed to symptomatic healing from the over-use of prescriptions and over the counter drugs. We have been incorrectly conditioned to view healing as the immediate cessation of all physical and emotional pain.

Healing is a Gradual Process Remember, the two primary principles of healing include: Release and Receive. SOME KEYS TO HEALING IS : 1. you must release trapped negative emotions before you can let positive feelings come in. 2. Watch your self talk. Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening. 3. Be still. In the stillness you recharge and reconnect with your inner most high self.

So once again, you release that which isn't working in your life. Then, you replace it with that which is positive, at a higher vibrational level, and it will support you in creating the wonderful life which you desire. Ascension Oils suggests that you:

• Meditate quietly • Breathe in the oils and • Connect with your Higher Self daily. Once you are connected to Spirit, Source, the Universe or your Higher Self you then say: "/am now open to receive the energy of Love and Divine Wisdom and I surround myself with white light." Or any other affirmations you may have. Get out your Journal or tablet and start writing down everything and anything that comes to your mind. Take a personal inventory of your feelings, to facilitate the healing process. In your later phases of life this journal may help you appreciate your transformations over the years.


The Seven Day Mental Diet continued

This is the scientific way to Alter Your Life and be in accordance with The Great Law. (The Law of Attraction) So, it cannot fail. Now do you realize by working in this way for one week you do not have to change your conditions? What happens is you apply the Law, and then, the conditions change spontaneously. You cannot change conditions directly. You have tried to do so many times and failed. Go on The Seven-Day Mental Diet (with a Twist!) and conditions must change for you.

This is Your Prescription For seven days you must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on any kind of negative thought. You must watch yourself for a whole week as a cat watches a mouse. You must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, not constructive, not optimistic or unkind. This discipline will be so strenuous, that you could not maintain it consciously for much more than a week. But I won't ask you to do so. A week will be enough. By that time the habit of positive thinking will begin to be established. Some extraordinary changes for the better will occur. Extraordinary changes for the better will come into your life, encouraging you enormously. When this happens the future will take care of itself. Your new way of life will be so attractive and so much easier than the old way, you will find your bodies- the physical, the etheric, the emotional and the mental aligning almost automatically But the seven days will be very strenuous. I would not have you enter upon this without considering the cost. Mere physical fasting would be child's play in comparison, even if you have a very good appetite. The most exhausting form of military workout, combined with a thirty-mile march is mild in comparison to undertaking the Seven-Day Mental Diet. However, it is only for one week in your life, and, it will definitely alter everything for the better. For the rest of your life here, for all eternity, in fact, things will be utterly different and inconceivably better than if you had not carried through this task.



The Seven Day Mental Diet continued

Do not start lightly. Think about it for a day or two before you begin. Then start in, and pray the grace of God, Source, Spirit, the Universe goes with you. You can start it any day of the week. You can begin any time of the day, first thing in the morning or after breakfast or after lunch. It doesn't matter. But once you do start, you must go right through for the entire seven days. That is essential to your success in changing your thoughts permanently. The whole idea is to have seven days of unbroken mental discipline. In order for you to get your mind definitely bent in a new direction once and for all. If you make a false start, or, even if you do well for two or three days and then for any reason you "fall off" the mental diet, simply drop the process all together for several days and then start anew. There must be no jumping on and off the "mental diet:' Do you remember Rip Van Winkle? He would take a solemn vow of teetotalism, and then he would promptly accept a drink form the first neighbor who offered him one saying calmly, "l won't count this one:' Well, on the Seven-Day Mental Diet (with a Twist!} this simply won't do. No negative thoughts are permitted for seven entire days.

What is a Negative Thought? Let's consider exactly what a negative thought is so you know what you're avoiding:

A negative thought is any thought of: • • • • • • • • • • •

Failure Disappointment Trouble Criticism Spite Jealousy Condemnation of others Self-condemnation Sickness An accident Limitation or lack

Replacement Pipettes and corks are available on line at ...

Continued on page 22



Transmitters of Liiving Light and Energy In this section we will discuss the use of crystals and how they provide an important and powerful tool which aids in healing your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. If you've always wondered about people who have beautiful amethyst, rose quartz or other crystals around their neck in a pendant or on a ring for healing purposes, this information will be helpful to you.

What to Do when You Receive Your Crystals? The first thing to do is, soak the crystals in salt water for 30 minutes or whatever you feel is long enough. Then place your crystals into the oil. As you wear the oil-infused crystals in the beautiful diffuser around your neck, they will allow you to gradually balance your emotional body and provide a sense of calm to your mind, and spirit. Using the crystals, by increasing your vibrational level, will also ~ powerfully activate your heart Chakra, releasing a surge of loving energy around your entire electromagnetic fiela which is also known as the "auric field:' Remember, when we increase our vibrational level we increase our positive, loving emotions and we release the lower emotions. Using these stones will allow you to move out of fear and anxiety and into a peaceful heartcentered, calm place. Crystals are also well known for releasing stress, calming nerves and allowing you to relax. Ohmmmmm.

Consider the very real possibility that doing the Seven-Day Mental Diet with a twist with the aid of the oil-infused crystals around your neck all the time will make it easier to think positive thoughts and release negativity. They make it easier to change your thoughts and succeed with the mental diet. When wearing diffuser 40 days straight it will change your consciousness .



The Seven Day Mental Diet continued

Any thoughts of a pessimistic nature are included here. Any thoughts that are not positive and constructive in character, whether it concerns you or anyone else is a negative thought. Don't bother too much with the question of classifying your thoughts. In practice you will know immediately whether a given thought is positive or negative. Even if your brain tries to deceive you, your heart will whisper the truth. You must be quite clear this seven day program calls for you to not entertain or dwell upon negative things. Note this carefully. It is not the thought that comes to you that matters, but only those you choose to dwell upon. Dwelling means thinking the thought over and over again. Of course, many negative thoughts will come to you over and over again. Some negative thoughts will just drift into your mind. Often it seems like they are doing it of their own accord. These come to you out of the race mind.

Handling Negativity As It Arises Other times it will be people, either in conversation or by their conduct, who will cause you to think negative thoughts. Or, you may hear unpleasant news perhaps on television, the Internet, in tweets on Twitter or on posts in Facebook. Perhaps you see crimes and disasters blasted all over the headlines. These things don't matter as long as you don't entertain them and dwell upon them. In fact, these very things will provide the discipline to help to transform you during this all-important week. The thing to do is direct the negative thought away from you as it presents itself. Turn away from it. Turn away from the negative headlines. Turn away from the unkind email, tweet or ignorant remark. When negative thoughts float into your mind, immediately turn away from them and think of something else. Best of all, think about God, Source, the Universe, your Higher Power or Divine Love and take another whiff of your Crystal Rose Oil. Fill your mind with the sweet smell of goodness at once, without hesitation.


The Seven Day Mental Diet continued

Suppose you're having lunch with a friend who talks negatively. Don't try to shut him up or snub him or her. Let your friend talk, but do not accept what he or she says. Your"diet''won't be affected. Suppose when you get home at the end of the day you're greeted with a lot of negative conversation? Do not preach a sermon, simply do not accept it. It is your mental consent to negativity that you are changing and transforming. Remember, this is what the Seven-Day Mental Diet is all about. Suppose you witness an accident or an act of injustice. Instead of reacting with pity or indignation, refuse to accept the appearance of what seems to have happened at its face value.

Concluding Thoughts Fear is another way of saying "False Emotions Appearing Real." Do anything you can to make matters right. Give it the right thought and then simply let it go at that. You will still be on the Seven-Day Mental Diet.

Of course, it's very helpful if you can take steps to avoid meetings or events during this week where you must be around anyone who seems particularly likely to arouse negativity or lower vibrational emotions in you. Like people who get on your nerves, rub you the wrong way, or people who bore you. These people are better avoided while you are on the diet. If it is not possible to avoid them entirely, then you simply must be ready and use a little extra discipline. Suppose you have a particularly trying ordeal before you next week. If you have enough spiritual understanding you will know how to meet the challenge In a spiritual and positive way. However, for our present purpose, I think you would be wise to wait and start the diet as soon as the ordeal is over. As I impressed upon you before, do not take up the diet lightly. Think it over well first before starting.

Remember the four keys to each thought- Awareness • Acceptance· Forgiveness· Freedom they will help you remove the barriers that keep you from acheiving your goals. Continued on page 26

Ascension Bag What to do with your Ascension Bag or Individual Crystals? With the Ascension Bag of crystals, simply keep it by your side as much as possible. Perhaps keep it close to you in a pocket, or in a pu rse. It may also be p laced under your pillow whi le sleeping, or right by your bedside at night. When you feel any fea r, anxiety or sense of uncomfortable emotions creeping over you, grab your little Ascension Bag and give it a squeeze. Know that the energy of the stones within are there helping you to ca librate your energy and bring you back into perfect ba lance.

What Crystals are Included in the Ascension Bag? In each Ascension Bag of crystals you will discover one or more of certain crystals depending on your need: • Amethyst, for its ability to reduce anxiety, fear and depression • Aventurine, for its ability to establish a calm state of mind, keeping you free of fear and anxiety


• A Tigers Eye Tumblie, for its confidence boosting energies, driving anxiety far, far away • Quartz, to be used together with all the other stones, to help amplify the energy

Your bag may also include... Gem Quality AMETHYST- Moderation, Devotion, Insomnia, Addictions, Peace, Tranquility, Happiness. Gem Quality OPAL -Attraction, Creativity, Beauty, Prosperity, Luck, Power Gem Quality GARNET- Creativity, Anemia, Infections, also has the ability to open the Crown Chakra. QUARTZ CLEAR- Purification, refinement, purifies the air, the body, cleanses the system & the mind. QUARTZ ROSE- Love, Forgiveness, Peace,Purification, Healing, connects us to ahigher plane ofexistence. TIGERS EYE -Insight, Integrity, Good Luck, Atalisman to overcome deceit. To see more definitions for Crystals go to www.


The Seven Day Mental Diet continued

In closing, I want to tell you that people often find starting the Seven-Day Mental Diet seems to stir up all sorts of difficulties. It seems as though everything begins to go wrong at once. This may be alarming , but it's a good sign. It means things are moving along. Not surprisingly, it's not about the object, it's about the lesson. Suppose you start the diet and your whole world seems to rock on its foundations. Hold on steadily and let it rock. When the rocking is over the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire. This point is vitally important and rather subtle. Actually dwelling upon these difficulties and challenges is in itself the true negative thought. It's probably the thing that will throw you off the diet. Of course the remedy is not to deny that your world is rocking in appearance, but to refuse to take the appearance for the reality. Release the struggle to Spirit. Surrender what no longer serves you. Let go, Let come. While all of this is going on, you will become healthier, more successful with less effort, happier, and more capable of real love. Your friends will notice a difference; the changes are permanent...You will discover there is an automatic teacher within yourself. Judge not according to appearances but only judge righteous judgment. Let go! Don't let negativity rob you of your life. The situation may appear difficult now but the more we ubuy into it" the more we are exhibiting and living in fear. Remember, our acronym for FEAR is "False Evidence Appearing Real:' A closing word of caution: Do not tell anyone else you are on the Seven-Day Mental Diet, or, that you intend to go on it. Keep this tremendous seven day project strictly to yourself. Your Soul should be the Secret Place of the Most High. When you have come through the seven days successfully, allow a reasonable time to elapse to establish your new mentality. Then go ahead and tell the story to anyone else you think is likely to be helped by the Seven-Day Mental Diet. Do not tell the people who you believe will pooh-pooh the effectiveness and the transformative effect of the Seven-Day Mental Diet. Finally, remember that nothing said or done by anyone else can possibly throw you off the diet. Only YOU with your own reaction to outer circumstances or another person's conduct can do that.


1. Crystal Rose - Empower Me T







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This oil helps you release lower vibrational emotions so that they can be replaced with higher vibrational emotions.

Rose Oil is one of the highest and purest of oils. Rose Oil can help open your heart Chakra very quickly. So, it can be a little overwhelming for some people Because Myrrh helps the soul to feel the love and nurturing presence of"Mother Earth" to comfort you we added Myrrh Oil to the Crystal Rose Oil blend. This addition of Myrrh helps inoculate individuals from the adverse and harmful effects of the race world. Then, Melissa Oil is added to awaken the Soul to your Truth and Light. This special oil invites you to release everything and anything that has held you back, from reaching your fullest potential. This oil invites you to participate within the higher realms of living and dreaming.

How to Use Crystal Rose Oil

Place one drop of the Crystal Rose Oil blend on your thumb. Place it on the roof of your mouth and inhale regularlythroughout the day. Wear the Crystal Rose Oil in your diffuser around your neck dose to your heart Chakra 40 days.

-----=2. Zen Blend - Complete Bliss

The oils used to create Zen Blend mdude. Frankmcense, Clary Sage and avender This oil helps vou Rece1ve Truth

This oil helps you Receive Truth Frankincense has long been a tool for meditation and for opening the third eye which is the sixth Chakra. This oil helps you "let go of lower vibrations:' It is helpful in releasing lies, deception, and negativity and finally seeing the truth. Lavender o il is known to be calming and a wonderful aid to de-stress and relax.

How to Use - Whenever you are unsure of a question or concern in your mind and you want the truth to be dear, use the roller applicator and roll Zen Blend on your wrists. Then inhale the fragrance regularly throughout the day. You can also rub Zen Blen d on the bottom of your feet at night. Of course always make sure that your feet are dean before doing this. Also, be sure to wash at the end of the day to wash off oi l on your face and wrist. Be ready for positive, uplifting changes in your life and a higher vibrational level as you use our Asce nsion Oils, and follow the Seven-Day Mental Die t

Vegas Indoor Skydiving 200 Convention Center Dr Las Vegas , NV 89109 702.731.4768


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