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Due to the resurgence of the pandemic and accompanying state and local mandates, AscensionLife very sadly had to close again for all public. We have also temporarily stopped accepting reservations for the month of June. We will update the site as often as possible when new information is available. We are very sad to share this and we’re sending our love and best wishes to all of you and our front-line workers during this time. The healing power of gratitude, mastering mindfulness, and the power of positivity are all things that will help create our new Earth. In this issue we are going to be discussing different perspectives on Ascension. I hope that you enjoy this issue and please give me some feedback at Thank you. Cherlyn Fields Publisher A SCENSIO N LIF E Art Director Editor Publisher
Journalist Writer
Contributing Writers
Antonia Lyons Cindy Edison Bryan Tilghman Yvonne Teoh Bource Adamas 1`Channeled by Ayelet Segal, Sherilyn Bridget Avalon
200 Convention Center 89109/ Las Vegas (310) 703-8047
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How to give a chakra Selfie
Ascension oils mastery kit
Conversations about New Earth
Meg Some symptoms you may experience as you are in an Ascension Process: tones, or pressure in the ears, tingling or itching anywhere, extreme somnolence or severe fatigue, mood changes, blurry vision in eye...
Sherilyn B Avalon We promote health via physical and energetic crystal entrainment. We recognize crystals as powerful energetic tools that help you heal your Physical and energetic bodies.
M. Suhail Frequency of essential oils and how they affect us. M. Suhail, an immunologist, says that cancer develops when the DNA in our cells’ nucleus is corrupted.
Hey friends!!! Ascension Pain
Yvonne Teoh Bource On e of th e most p owerfu l le arn in g s rig h t at th e b e g i n n in g of my jou rn e y from an u n con sciou s re actionary e g o d rive n in d iv id u al was to b e ab le to h ave a d e sire wi th ou t attach me n t to wh e ther
05 The Great Shift and the energy Bryan Tilghman From the book “ Telos welcoming New Earth”. Since the time of the last great shift and all that has resulted since that time, there has come about a layer of energy. By Bryan Tilghman
PAGE 24-25
10 comandments of new humanity
Loving Yourself
Cindy Edison The Soul is, as you already understand, what you refer to as the God portion of your make up. It is your Guiding Light so to speak and when we speak of surrender, it is this portion of you that is the receiver of your surrender. When you surrender to your
PAGE 26-27
Ayelet Segal
Antonia Lyons
In the journey we are taking, we experience our humanity in the denseness of the 3rd Dimension of perceived reality.
O, Dear Ones, as human beings you are awakening and taking a greater role in life. And so your heart is whispering new and inspiring messages to you.
I bless you. I am Adama. (Channeled by Ayelet Segal )
PAGE 28-29
PAGE 34-35
If you want to soar in life, you must first learn to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself) Antonia Lyons
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Ascension Pains?
Hey friends!!!
Some symptoms you may experience as you are in an Ascension Process:
Body pains and aches, ringing, or tones, or pressure in the ears, tingling or itching anywhere, extreme somnolence or severe fatigue, mood changes, blurry vision in eyes, nausea or constriction in the stomach, pressure in the head, vertigo or headaches, swollen lymph nodes, heart flutters or palpitations, fluctuations in body temperature, changes in appetite, disruption of sleep patterns and resetting Circadian Rhythm.
Hydrating is essential!!! I like to add Himalayan Salt to my H2O. Just a tiny pinch. You should not be able to taste it. For you to be absorbing your fluid intake, this will keep electrolytes in the cells balanced. You can drink a gallon a day, but if you are not absorbing and utilizing it in the cells, you will still not hydrate. Avoid ice. It puts out the digestive fire that helps with breaking down and assimilation.
What are some things YOU do to help with your Ascension symptoms? Feel free to share or ask questions. Gaia is so good to us. Yes?!
Epsom Salt baths are beneficial as it pulls toxins and soreness out of muscles and systems in the body. It will dry your skin, so hydrate on the inside and outside after a soak.
Many Blessings My Galactic Kin -I Love You As I Am~ ℳℯℊ
Attune to Self-care at this time of significant change. It is paramount you focus on Self-Love also as this is key to the Ascension Process. Be gentle and kind to yourself and others NOW. We are in this together. ONE LOVE.
Tips for relief: Peppermint • Essential Oil is great for nerve pain! And Lemon • is good for lymphatic cleansing and immune boost. You may apply directly or mix with a carrier oil. This will assist with releasing blockages and soothing the physical systems as we integrate chakras into the One Central Sun Chakra.
At this point, I’m finding ingesting coconut oil daily is vamping up my metabolism. About one teaspoon tablespoon a day is helping me. I use it in my coffee in the mornings and eat it in oatmeal at bedtime. You may cook with it too. Good fats are necessary... and I’m losing weight as a result of it balancing my metabolism.
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ow do I activate my Heart and Intuition?
The first thing you need to do is to choose to heal. A quantum healing grid will be created with crystals, oils, and sound as part of your healing. (Essential oils are recommended. Apply or diffuse therapeutic grade oils.) 2. The Chakra Awakener will raise your frequency and help you experience the healing energies on a deeper level. We often suggest: to start at your root chakra. (But, the chakra balancer will proceed to the Chakra that the energy feels must be aligned the most.) 3. How? • Affirm I am ready to heal any blockages. • Understand why blockages are there. • Inner talk. • Focus on the feminine energy. Receiver, magnetic • masculine energy - giver, electric (Info in Book) 4. We need to rewire our brains. Change our belief system. By doing this for a month, your mind patterns will change. • Changing the energy imprints. • It takes repetition. (Info in Book) 5. Sherilyn will teach an ancient phenomenon mastered through the chakras, the art of ancient energetic therapies. After being hidden for thousands of years, the knowledge is coming back today in response to our society’s profound need to find truth and understanding once again. 6. This system representing the chakra energy of many years of research and practice, Sherilyn offers the public one of the complete sets of chakra techniques and perceptions of the human being’s subtle anatomy ever collected. It will re-align your energetic frequencies and remove some emotional blockages which can include healing and spiritual growth. 7. It will re-align your energetic frequencies and remove some emotional blockages, including healing and spiritual growth. 8. Crystals assist all areas of most energetic imbalances that end up manifesting as physical ailments or emotional issues. We promote health via physical and energetic crystal entrainment. We recognize crystals as powerful energetic tools that help you heal your physical and energetic bodies.
WH AT TO U NBLOCK WI TH CH AK R A SELF I E STI CK . 1. Root Earth Chakra - Deals with survival. Its blocked by fear. 2. Sacral Water Chakra - Deals with pleasure. Its blocked by guilt. 3. Solar Plexus Fire Chakra -. Deals with power. Its blocked by shame. 4. Heart Love Chakra -. Deals with love. Its blocked by grief. 5. Throat Sound Chakra -. Deals with truth. Its blocked by lies that we tell to ourselves. 6. 3rd Eye Light Chakra- Deals with insight. Its blocked by illusion. 7. Crown Thought Chakra -. Deals with pure cosmic energy. it's blocked by all earthling attachment. 10
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What is Awakening, what is Ascension, what is Evolving? I am going to try and give you a better understanding of what they mean. By helping you open your mind, body, and spirit. We want to help you discover how to heal yourself.
S .U S
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Crystal Singing Bowls WH AT AR E CR YSTAL SI N G I N G B OWL S ? Singing Bowls produce a harmonization between their vibration and that of the person. Resonance is the principle on which vibrational medicine works. Resonance is the capacity of a certain vibration to produce a response in something with a similar vibration. The vibration of Crystal bowls has the power to make atoms vibrate and reorganize themselves in a crystalline structure, which is stronger, healthier and more balanced. The sound will affect the whole individual in a holistic manner, balancing first the energetic body and chakras and then cleaning the auric field. The vibration actually spikes the spinal cord which acts as a strong resonance vehicle sending the waves through the nervous system, cells, tissue and organs. These tones or vibrations bring the individual playing or listening into heightened states of consciousness because of the effect on inter-neuronal connections. The sound waves produced by the bowls induce a state of relaxation similar to the practice of long term meditation. While in this relaxed state induced by the bowls the mind guides the consciousness on an inner journey giving sensation of what Zen Masters call “filling oneself up with emptiness”. This state of emptiness gives us the opportunity to see the world and ourselves from a different perspective.
H OW WILL SIN G IN G B OWL S M AK E M E F EEL? The people who experience the effects of the bowls describe it as a deep physical and mental relaxation, sensations of floating and wellbeing. The experience can unblock and dissolve energetic and physical obstructions in the physical and astral body and thus is a therapeutic tool for deep healing. This is because the seven musical notes reverberate in the 7 chakras, and the 7 colors of the human aura creating a vibrational bath which emits a natural balancing effect.
SCIENCE BEHIND T HE B OWL S Modern quantum theory tells us that everything is essentially energy. When two quantum of similar vibration are united matter is formed, meaning all matter is composed of a different frequency of particles in movement. So too, all organic forms are created by the quantum field with similar vibrations, our bodies, organs, muscles, tissue etc. If bacteria or any other organism with a different vibration enters our bodies, it alters the vibrational model, producing illness. This is where sound therapy gives the best results as it can realign the affected tissue. Resonance is the principle on which vibrational medicine works.
In his book “The Body Electric”, R. O. Becker said that our bodies’ electronic frequency determines...
Ascension oils mastery kit According to the latest studies which are searching for a natural cure against cancer, essential oils can help. The human body resonates at a frequency of 62-78 MHz and scientists believe that diseases start at 58 MHz. Many studies have shown that negative thoughts can reduce our frequency by 12 MHz, while positive thinking raises it by 10.
This means that there are many things that can affect our health in ways we can’t imagine. According to the latest studies, essential oils can fight cancer thanks to their antibacterial properties and their ability to change the frequency we resonate at. One of the scientists involved in the study, Bruce Tainio, developed a special Calibrated Frequency Monitor that measures the frequency of essential oils and how they
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affect us. M. Suhail, an immunologist, says that cancer develops when the DNA in our cells’ nucleus is corrupted.
Here’s a list of some of the oils used in the research and their electrical frequencies:
Essential oils can correct this and repair the code, effectively improving our chances against terrible diseases.
• Juniper – 98 Mhz
• Angelica – 85 Mhz
• Frankincense – 147 MHz
• Rose – 320 Mhz.
• Sandalwood – 96 Mhz
• Helichrysum – 181 MHz
• Peppermint – 78 Mhz
• Lavender – 118 Mhz
Each cell has a frequency pattern of your cells. Which can be healed through oil frequencies. Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils When considering using essential oils for whatever reason, you must make sure they’re therapeutic grade. Most of the oils available on the market are of low quality and are mixed with additives such as alcohol. They don’t work nearly as great as pure oils, so make sure to get yours from a trusted source. In his book “The Body Electric”, R. O. Becker said that our bodies’ electronic frequency determines our health. Even Nikola Tesla said that removing outside frequencies can make us more resistant against ailments, while Dr. Otto Warburg discovered over a century ago that our cells have a specific electrical voltage that can drop due to various factors and trigger diseases such as cancer.
Essential oils and their healing abilities In the study, cinnamon, thyme, jasmine and chamomile oils had the best results when put up against breast cancer cells. Chamomile destroyed 93% of the cells in vitro, while thyme destroyed 97% of the cells. A closer look at the oil revealed that chamomile oil has powerful antioxidant properties which were the main reason behind its efficiency against breast cancer cells.
Frankincense oil According to Suhail, frankincense oil can divide the nucleus of cancer cells from the cytoplasm and prevent it from reproducing. The oil works thanks to the presence of the so-called monoterpenes which have the ability to kill cancer cells. Frankincense oil works in all stages of cancer and is cytotoxic, meaning it doesn’t destroy healthy cells. Here’s how the oil helped patients suffering from different types of cancer in the research: End-stage 4 liver cancer patient In the study, a patient with end-stage liver cancer was given only a few months left to live. The tumor was inoperable due to the large size, so having nothing to lose, the man decided to try frankincense oil. He applied a bit under his tongue and topically on the area of the liver, and on his next doctor visit, the tumor has already reduced in size. The patient continued using frankincense oil, and it eventually reduced
11 oils were examined in total including bitter and sweet fennel, winter savory, peppermint, sage, lavender, chamomile and thyme.
However, science has now discovered that essential oils with higher frequencies can destroy diseases with lower frequencies.
A prayer for creative liberation May I be the channel. May I allow. May I remember. May I receive. May my heart expand so much There is no choice but to flow, No choice but to let go. May my thoughts melt away, The ones keeping me focused on me, And whether what I’m creating is good enough, Whether they’ll like it or not, Whether it’s worthwhile. Instead of the Truth. That each brush stroke,
Each word, Each movement, Each melody, Each creative impulse Is an act of creative liberation. May I create with intention, With wild devotion, With holy surrender, To feel the freedom that is here, Already. May I see with the eyes of Spirit, Knowing my creative work Is a living prayer of love. And creative prayer is a powerful thing. Aloha, Amber
P.S.S. If you’re looking for a community of creative, intuitive, spiritual women, who use our creativity as a living prayer, consider joining our Unleashed Inner Circle. Be the first to find out when we open doors again by joining our waitlist here.
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Ascension oils mastery kit continued. just enough to be operable. His tumor was later removed and the man is now happily enjoying his life free of cancer. A child with brain cancer One of the toughest cases among all the patients in the study was a little girl aged 5 with brain cancer. After exhausting all other options, the parents decided to give the girl a mixture of frankincense and sandalwood oil.
They rubbed the mixture on her feet while also rubbing a bit of lavender on her wrist. After a few months, the cancer was completely defeated! Bladder cancer patient Jackie Hogan is a woman suffering from bladder cancer who needed to undergo a surgery for bladder removal due to the cancer.
However, she decided to try using essential oils in her condition and after a few months of applying a mixture of sandalwood and frankincense oil topically on the area, she is cancer-free.
One woman in the research was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer which has already spread to other organs in her body.
Stage-4 cancer patient Instead of agreeing to chemo and surgery, the woman started applying a bit of frankincense oil topically on the affected areas of her body every 2-3 hours and she was completely healthy in 7 months. Breast cancer patient A woman diagnosed with advanced breast cancer used a mixture of frankincense and lemongrass oil (topically and under the tongue) to defeat the disease in only a few months. Cervical cancer patient A woman with cervical cancer was given only a few months left to live, but thanks to the powers of frankincense oil, she managed to defeat the diseases in a couple of months. There are many more patients who have managed to defeat different types of cancer using the remarkable powers of various essential oils. All these oils can raise your electrical frequency and defeat any disease, including the deadliest one.
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We are blessed to be living here at this time. Be aware of your surroundings, and always tap into your true source self connection.
Conversations about New Earth Communities
Yvonne Teoh Bource, a beautiful soul who is helping us learn about our vibrational creations of our next experiences.
A New Earth Reality Day 343 – Letting go of attachments to outcomes One of the most powerful learnings right at the beginning of my journey from an unconscious reactionary ego driven individual was to be able to have a desire without attachment to whether or not that desire would become a reality. Yesterday I was offered two huge examples of what occurs when I truly let go of my personal desired outcome in certain situations. I have been a huge fan of the now Wimbledon Champion Ash Barty and always get nervous when she plays, always wanting her to win. Those of you who follow any kind of sport know what that is like. Last night I found myself become so invested in my desire for her to win that I was even asking for interference from my angels when things became tight. There was a moment in the third set when I observed my emotions and what that was doing to my energetic vibration and asked what do I need to do here to enjoy this experience. I took a deep breath, gathered my energy and did what I have done many times before when my ego gets out of balance because of me wanting to manipulate thing to get what I want, a very old pattern I let go of in most areas of my life a long time ago. I let go of my attachment of the outcome by changing it to trusting in the highest possibility for both of the players soul plan and destiny.
I disengaged from the outcome and the moment I did that I was able to enjoy the experience fully. This has been presented to me a few times of late. I had an attachment to being recognised for my soul work by my children and grandchildren, but they were so busy with their own lives and in my eyes only saw me in the role of mother and grandmother. Recently I let go of that story and allowed my relationships to unfold with all people into a high state of consciousness of pure love. Yesterday having lunch with my loved ones, they all gave me signs that they were very much on my wavelength, telling me they loved my video with Souvereign. watch?v=4daAIyrU03I When they never seemed to have time or were interested before and were sharing with me soul connected movies and documentaries they had seen that would be of interest. A complete turnaround. When I let go of attachment and investment in my desired outcomes, I give space for the highest possibility for all concerned to come forward. Big lesson. Namaste <3 <3 Yvonne Teoh Bource
The Great Shift and the energy that follows. Since the time of the last great shift and all that has resulted since that time, there has come about a layer of energy. - the collective conciousness, the astral plane and lower vibrational energies - that have been trapped in her bodily fields now for a great period of time. This negative energy and conciousness have been allowed to expand, and expand, and expand such that the time has come when Creator has decided that change is needed. This is the activity
Love always wins! Stay in the Love Frequency and Vibration.
This activity includes such things as previously Ascended Masters coming back at this time to offer assistance and leadership, new levels of Light , and higher vibrational energies, increased levels of Divine Feminine energies and Christ Conciousness, and also special dispensations brought forth from the Heart of the Creator. These activities offer opportunities for humanity to advance, opportunities that have never been present in this world before.
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Connect to your Infinite Source Self to escape the Matrix.
One such example is that of Grace and a new lessened requirement for the balancing of Individual Karma such that humans now may only be required to balance fifty-one percent of their karma to move forward. Through new levels of grace that are coming forth now, the company of Heaven may assist them in releasing the remainder of their karma.
This was a special dispensation sent forth by Creator with the specific intentions of raising the collective conciousness of humanity and giving each of you an opportunity to achieve your ascension in the Light. From the book “ Telos welcoming New Earth”. By Bryan Tilghman
“BEGIN my dear. We are always with you. Your light, as it flickers, is an indication of our presence as it has always been. We enjoy how you enjoy that symbol of us for it is indeed beautiful. As we begin this transmission, you will come to points in time where we will appear to have stopped. Be not in fear for it never stops; it only pauses for a re-grouping as it were. Simply go with the flow and you will understand our steps. This is Master St. Germaine and I will be beginning this influx of information to you. Know when you are ready, you will be inspired to receive us. This is all in the right timing of this task. You may begin with the first order of business which is the difference between the Soul and Spirit. It will have to do with how they interact with the ego portion of the human body and mind. This will be new to you, however, it will make sense as it has been buried in you for a long time.
The Soul is, as you already understand, what you refer to as the God portion of your make up. It is your Guiding Light so to speak and when we speak of surrender, it is this portion of you that is the receiver of your surrender. When you surrender to your Soul, you hand over your power to yourSelf … to your higher self, to in fact, run the show as it were. When you do that, you have the Power of God guiding you through this life which, if done in the flow and without resistance, it will result in a smooth and happy life that will lead to all the experiences the Soul has chosen since before its inception into this physical world. That is not to say there will not be challenges, for one reason you chose to come is for the contrast of experiences which cause you to choose the Soul’s guidance over anything else. Each time you make this choice, you continue to smooth out your path and
Choose Love in all Resolution 26
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the answers easily flow and the solutions to what you perceive as problems are set before you with ease. This is the reason you came; to experience more of physical choice in order to continue to choose your way back to God. This is, indeed, the fall away from Love, and now is the time of rescue; the rescue of the human race and the push forward toward Love; the Love that will
lead to the peaceyou came to example. That, that I came to example – has gone (for the most part) un-noticed by so many. It must be brought back to the forefront in order to re-claim the power of God through manifestation…this manifestation is you, all of you. You must rise to the occasion and now show the way home. But the home you are seeking is the peace of mind you seek which is in fact, God. Choose Love In All Resolution — Josef
Telos: The Ten Commandments of The New Humanity
Dear Reader, Nurik Tabenkin and I were spiritually called to be interviewed on “The Good Life,” a show of Radio Hahaim, Tel Aviv, Israel, at the beginning of the Jewish Year (September 1, 2015). We were eager to share the messages regarding the 5th Dimensional reality that we had received by Telos High Priest Adama. We had recently visited Mt. Shasta, a sacred mountain in Northern California, where our Initiation Journey group of 21 Israeli women had explored the Ascension process within the self, which was spiritually supported by Master Adama and the White Brotherhood Masters of Telos. The New Humanity reverberated in all the cells of our being, and High Priest Adama, having been channeled by Ayelet Segal, leader of Telos Israel, had showed us a new set of Ten Commandments that carry within them the Light Codes of Creation of the New Humanity. They concerned: * What should we human beings do at this time to transform ourselves from the old reality to the new reality Consciousness? * How should we human beings act at this time to proceed on the dense plane of 3rd Dimensional reality, while activating the enlightened consciousness of the 5th Dimension? Once a week for 10 weeks, as the number of the New Commandments received, we came to the Radio Hahaim station. We spiritually invited High Priest Adama to be with us as the Teacher of Humanity, so that we could study the New Commandments with him. The vibrational frequency of the Lost Continent of Lemuria, where Adama has been serving, enveloped us. Articulate wisdom flowed from him, and the audience experienced the entering into the portals of an amazing initiation process. This book contains High Priest Adama’s knowledge and wisdom that our group received in this series of meetings. We invite you to take in what he shared regarding spiritual learning, understanding and expansion from his 5th Dimensional reality. The Words of High Priest Adama of Telos This is your time, Dear Ones, the time for Transformation and Renewed Choice. And your time for the Sacred Creation of our becoming enlightened human beings, Children of God, and recognizing that We All Are One. In the journey we are taking, we experience our humanity in the denseness of the 3rd Dimension of perceived reality. This ordinary
consciousness is one in which the particles of Divine Light exist in a heavy denseness relative to the atomics cell of which they are composed. The space in which we conduct ourselves also includes Higher Dimensions, in which the density of the frequencies is airier, and the atoms circulate with more rapid acceleration. This generates an energetic flow that has the ability to speed up the coming of Divine Light; thereby creating the 5th Dimension – which is characterized as being airy, light, and multidimensional, with quantum mobility, and no time, space or depth. With the condition of human consciousness on this planet in this Year of Divine Light, the cosmic cycle is completed and thus we enter a new cycle, the Age of Aquarius – because of new stellar and energetic realities. For humanity, this enables the opening of the Divine Portals of Light to the Earth. Thus, based on each Soul’s choice, this planet has another opportunity for opening the portals to elevated human consciousness. So, Dear Ones, as human beings you are awakening and taking a greater role in life. And so your heart is whispering new and inspiring messages to you. Yes, the time is ripe for big change. As you remember ancient memories, you walk through the portals of initiation. Given your new heightened ability to experience your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies, they become the foundations of energetic vibrations, and thus enable your Soul to learn to move to the higher frequency of Compassion, Giving and Love. These elevated frequencies are now flooding the planet, more than ever before in human history. For long periods, your planet was in darkness; but today human beings are choosing to take responsibility to be connected with the Divine Light. There is no longer time or room for quiet clandestine discussions; rather, this is Enlightenment of the Masses. As a lighthouse illuminates the way for collective humanity, the expanded Light is flooding any places of darkness that still cling to existence. This is the time for you to walk the Paths of Faith. Accelerated time is collapsing into itself. You can feel time collapsing. It no longer contains what you want it to contain. You must understand that there is no time. It is you who creates your sacredness in every one of your thought vibrations. You possess the ability to create many realities simultaneously, which will bestow on you All your heart’s desires. What Is your path at this time? Your path, Dear Ones, is to breathe the vibration of your Heart, and nourish your being with Love.
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Your path, Dear Ones, is to tread and illuminate the paths of the planet with the Light of Your Heart, and to heal yourself by supporting the Light Communities to which you already belong. The Light Communities being currently built on the planet will continue to exist on the Earth for a long time. They are making the New Humanity a new reality. It is they that will bring the planet into a new world, a world of the Consciousness of Being! In the coming years, we will indeed deepen multidimensional communication with you, Dear Ones. We are already going out from the cities beneath the Planet Earth. With the full support of the Shambhala, the guiding council of Inner Earth, we are making connections with its Light Leaders, whose heart is pure, and supporting their leadership of the Light Communities. The unity of Children of Light at this time is vital! You need to let go of the ego, and unify your hearts as one. I invite you to see the imperative of enhancing the Light of God in all its shades, of which there are many. Yes, Dear Ones, embrace the principles of the 5th Dimension. Observe and follow your path through the eyes of your inner-self master, which is your I AM Presence. And give your love to yourself and to others – Who Are You, which is the Law of the One.
All this Wisdom is encrypted in the DNA you carry within you. Those helices copy themselves every time you undergo a quantum leap and expand your consciousness. Your body is building the New Human Body. Your consciousness is expanding and opening to the Cosmic Knowledge that is breaking through all old boundaries. Your brain is expanding and opening to the power of the consciousness of Cosmic Energy – to what is not understood and known – generating light energy that enhances your mind’s functioning. Your four Light Bodies are connected to the Soul Source, thus surrounding you with the Light of Divinity. I congratulate you on your Spiritual Maturity, which gives you the light and the passion to see human beings and the Planet Earth in their Stages of Ascension. We embrace you and are present with you – in your place of work, in your Community meeting place, in meditation and in pain. I, Adama, am visiting many of you at this time and prompting you on what you must learn and implement in your lives in order to fully thrive as a being in the New Humanity. I bless you. I am Adama. (Channeled by Ayelet Segal )
Essential Oil Safety & Use ESSENTIAL OIL SAFETY & USE Essential oils are concentrated and potent, so you will need to dilute them with water, alcohol, a carrier oil, or an unscented lotion before using them on the face or body. Be sure to follow the following safety guidelines when enjoying pure essential oils. Never apply undiluted essential oils directly to your skin. Never take essential oils internally. Avoid during pregnancy or lactations. Wipe up any spills immediately with a disposable towel and dispose of them outside the home. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes and wash after use. If you have an adverse reaction, stop use immediately and seek medical advice. Keep oils away from children and pets. Do not blend or store essential oils in plastic or ceramic containers. Do not blend with animal fat, fish oils, mineral oil, petroleum, bay oil, or other synthetic oils. Essential oils come in bottles with one drop dispensing tops for easy measuring. Most essential oil recipes call for a certain number of drops, depending on how the oils are being used.
An excellent as follows:
For Massage & Body Oils: To use essential oils on the skin, they must be diluted by blending with a base or carrier oil. Any unscented plant-based body oil or lotion will work, even a good quality olive oil. Should create the blend with no more than five drops of essential oil per teaspoon or 25 drops per ounce of the base product. For Bath: Run a bath, add up to 6 drops of essential oils, disperse through water and enjoy. You may wish to add the essential oils to a teaspoon of the carrier or raw milk to spread through the bath to increase skin hydration, especially in the case of sensitive skin types. For Diffusion into a Room: Use an essential oil diffuser according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not have such a diffuser, you can add 5 - 10 drops of essential oils to a teacupsized bowl of just-boiled (but removed from the heat source) water and allow the aroma to diffuse. Eau De Toilet: Did you know that you can create your signature scent by blending a few drops of your favorite essential oils with distilled water and the highest proof vodka available? It is true! Create your concoction in the following percentages: 5 - 10% Distilled water, 3 - 9 % essential oils, 70 90% alcohol. You can also use This method for room sprays.
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Loving Yourself
Antonia Lyons “I am an “Energy Intuitive” I help others identify what stops them from thriving and truly enjoying their life. I use writing as a way to connect to Spirit and evoke awereness and wisdom. I’m based in London,
They say that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all, and yet for many, this will be the hardest thing they’ll ever do.
that he actually liked himself much. He contacted me because his wife accuses him to be “a robot trying to be human.”
Truthfully, this is often a foreign concept for most of us. We may spend thousands of pounds on therapy hoping to be fixed but we will never want to really embrace ourselves. I have recently worked with a client whose life is a constant attempt to better himself & his situation.
No matter their comfortable life & love for each other, she feels there is always something keeping them apart. I asked him if he feels the same way as her.
enjoying my beautiful husband, and our lovely dog, and everything this mad life has to offer.
Nothing wrong with that at all. If not for one small caveat: whilst talking to him, I never had the sense
If you want to soar in life, you must first learn to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)
To my surprise he admitted that he has trouble feeling relaxed and at ease most of the time. Usually clients can only admit their struggle in later sessions; this was a man who was atypically very clear about his circumstances. He knew his tendency to “go up inside his mind” stops him from being present and available.
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Sometimes you’ve got to FLY! He also spoke of his attempts to remember what may have caused him being so rigid and often uptight. Heres what struck me was: as my client spoke, I had the very strong sense that nothing could help him. No matter how much time I’d spend with him, I’d only give him a brief break from his predicament. Surely I could help him feel better for a while. Perhaps even think that his wife would now appreciate his improvements. Yet, one thing was very clear to me: nothing would ever work, for this man has no love for himself. “You don’t love yourself much, do you?” I blatantly stated half way through our first session. We spent the remaining time talking about his difficulty to really be OK with himself and how he never thought it to be a problem. Here is the interesting thing: we go through life either trying to deserve someone else’s love or paying them to make us feel better. It never occurs to us that all our accomplishments will add to nothing when compared to the absence of self love. In fact, I dare to say that most of us would rather live a half-life rather than embracing ourselves for what we truly are. Human beings often have a very messy time whilst trying to remember their divinity. Truth be told, I was once guilty of that too.
Antonia Lyons - Energy Intuitive There was a time when just the words “love yourself” would make me puke. Seriously. I used to think it was a whole bunch of “New Agey BS”, trying to turn us all into some wishy washy dreamers. One day though, I saw how my whole life revolved around fighting against something. Fighting against my hideous imperfections. My fear to be too small in a world way too big. I fought against my inability to know what the future holds. My humanness.I fought against the fear of dying, ’cause I never thought I truly lived. And in that moment I saw how this struggle was tearing me apart, leaving me unable to truly enjoy what I am. There never had been space for love, because I was constantly out there trying to find anything that would end my overwhelming struggle.
Here I am today, inviting you to stop the fight. No success, money, or power will ever fill the void you have inside. No therapy, guru, or self help book can offer you the peace you are seeking. Whatever it is that you are going against, know that it will never change who you truly are. Being human takes extreme courage, and you my friend, are the bravest of them all. You are here not to get it perfect or have it all figured out. You are here to experience life in all her wondrous messiness. Along the way not much will make sense but you will see that you are never alone. I bow to your courage to be alive and your magnificent flaws. And so it is, Antonia Lyons
There was no sign of compassion for all my fellow humans, let alone myself. 33
In the early 1900s, Royal Rife discovered that certain lower life forms could be “devitalized“ by subjecting them to specific frequencies produced by an electrical apparatus. He used a combination of AC and DC power to do so. Royal Rife used a powerful dark field microscope, another device he perfected, which allowed him to watch the effects of his frequency generator on live viruses, bacteria, paramecium, and other potential pathogens. He watched as they were devitalized in several ways, either losing their motility, pleomorphic into a different (and hopefully nonpathogenic) form, or bursting. Unfortunately, most of his work and the exact design of his frequency generator was lost. This story is detailed in a book called „The Cancer Cure“ by Barry Lynes. In a small clinical study during Rife‘s time, his frequency generator reportedly had a 100% cure rate for the types of investigated cancers sarcomas and carcinomas. He also had a perfect cure rate for other severe diseases of the time, like tuberculosis. The tale of how this work was almost lost to humankind due to fledgling pharmaceutical companies and the AMA is a story for the conspiracy theorists. Rife‘s dark field microscope was also an innovation far ahead of its time. It allowed him to view even the tiniest viruses. At the same time, they were still alive by staining them with light, unlike today‘s electron microscopes for which the sample must be „fixed,“ which kills the pathogen being viewed. With this microscope, he saw and reported instances of pleomorphism, which is when an organism mutates, as when a bacterium mutates to a fungal-type lifeform. Beauchamp also reported this, another early microscopy pioneer but is considered abhorrent to the conventional medical establishment, even though complementary modern researchers working with darkfield microscopes have clear proof that it occurs and are willing to show anyone who cares look.
The exploration of this phenomenon and frequency and other electrical effects on pathogens will likely one day be typical. However, there is little profit, hence motivation, for large corporations to research electrical modalities to treat disease, especially with devices that one can build oneself. Not to mention the political and legal pressure from government agencies pressured by organizations that have the most to lose from the development of such treatments, like pharmaceutical companies, which may be a much more significant factor. It will only come about when so many people know about this treatment, use it, and are more successful than conventional modalities. It may become the preferred method to treat some diseases due to cost, safety, and efficacy. Eventually, doctors will have to lobby the AMA and FDA to use these devices better to perform their services without fear of persecution and prosecution. However, with the entrenched medical bureaucracy in the United States and other countries, this may take a century or more. In the meantime, people will perform their own bit and piece of research for diseases that conventional medicine has little luck in treating successfully. Luckily, this can occur at a much faster rate due to the internet as people worldwide share results. Plus, there is not yet political pressure hampering this research in many developing countries, which could speed results. Another factor that may accelerate progress in this field is the vast number of commercial applications for this technology outside the governmentprotected internal medicine field. There is a (rather expensive) „pimple zapper“ which uses a single sharp electrode in one hand (and the box in the other) advertised, which claims to kill bacteria that can cause eruptions locally. A salmonella detector was once developed for egg processing lines which stimulate eggs with audio waves and listens for salmonella resonance. Other potentially profitable applications are a safe pesticide in homes (and perhaps farms) and a disinfectant.
Since the early 1990s, James Bare has been working to recreate Rife‘s work. He has a book and video showing how to build a generator that approximates Rife‘s. His video shows pathogens succumbing to the effects of his generator, usually bursting or hemorrhaging from the field effects from the transmitter, which is five or more feet away. Bare‘s Rife device generates a 27 MHz AC waveform. It combines it with a DC waveform at varying frequencies, usually in the audio range. The waveform excites a plasma tube from which the power is transmitted. The high frequency penetrates the body efficiently, but the antipathogenic action is mostly the harmonics caused by the DC portion. The Rife-Bare device will not generate high enough frequencies to match those discovered by Hulda Clark (in the DC portion) to kill pathogens directly. It must use the harmonics of the frequency generator and, as such, produces a DC waveform that produces enough harmonics to generate them. This may be an inexact science at this time. Due to fluctuations in construction, equipment, tube variations, operating technique, results differ from those building and using the devices. However, most admit when they follow Bare‘s instructions to the letter, they have the best results. Once the device is constructed, some cautious experimenters test it on cultures of bacteria, molds, paramecium, etc., to ensure the machine produces a sound wave. The people working with Rife/Bare generators report that it is easy to tell when a frequency generator is causing harmful effects since the user will feel pain. They have experimented on lab rodents and declared that they would not tolerate harmful frequencies without trying to escape. Incautious experimentation with high voltage devices can cause damage or even death, so it is critical that one thoroughly understands the ramifications of dealing with these types of bioelectronics.
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Electrical and Frequency Effects on Pathogens
OFFICIAL EBOOK How frequencies resonate with you This official paper was produced by a team of resonant light technology experts with over two decades of research experience. If you are considering electroherbalism or just genuinely interested in learning about the wellness benefits of frequencies for you and your loved ones, this short read is for you.
The problem with society worldwide is that we were all taught to utilize chemicals to treat disease from childhood. From the time we are conscious, we are told to “see your doctor.” We are told this a thousand times every year, which gets repeated every year of one’s life until one dies. The same goes with “take this medication or pill” for this condition or that condition. Get yourself a blue pill, get this immunization, and so on. It never ends: one cannot read a magazine, turn on a TV or a radio, and not be subjected to this constant form of message reinforcement. There are many other methods of healing that don’t use chemicals. Dr. James Bare Resonant Light Expert, Rife Technologies
OFFICIAL EBOOK How frequencies resonate with you This official paper was produced by a team of resonant light technology experts with over two decades of research experience. If you are considering electroherbalism or just genuinely interested in learning about the wellness benefits of frequencies for you and your loved ones, this short read is for you.
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Ovidel invendi gendandus dolore volupta sit abori rero dolum vel ium labori venihic imuscil in perem et rerchictios dolorae.
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I am Archangel Michael.
want to begin to have control. That is a thirddimensional illusionary process.
And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion.
Those that want to have control, they want to control the entire planet. They want to control the world. How much folly is that? But they are not to be allowed to do so.
Everything you are watching on your internet, on your televisions, everything you are hearing is largely a part of this illusion. It is a show or a movie, as you have heard many times, being played out in front of you. But the whole reason for this is not to bring grief, certainly not to bring fear, but to be a part of this Great Plan which is bringing you closer and closer to move through this transition that you are in, and move through your ascension process. As you are, indeed, in that first wave of ascension right now. Have you ascended? No. If you feel an attachment of any kind, you have not ascended. And as your discussion was earlier about your loved ones and those that may or may not be exiting as a result of those choices they are making, you do not need to be concerned about them. They have their own life path. They have their own soul path to follow. And they are following that, just as you are following yours. You must come to understand that more and more that you have no control. No control at all. Just as I have no control. Sananda has no control. Saint Germain has no control. The One Who Serves … on and on. No one of us has any control over any of you, nor would we even
You have heard many, many times, the Light has already won. And, indeed, in has. In the higher dimensional frequencies, it has already won. It has already happened. You have already had the Solar Flash in the higher dimensions. But it has not filtered down yet. And you have heard it will not be in the third dimension, and it will not be. It cannot be. For if the Solar Flash were to happen now in your third-dimensional illusion with the veil still up, you would not survive. Most, if not all of you, and the Lightworking Community included, would not survive it. This is why it had not yet happened. But rest assured that when it does happen, you will be ready for it. And the consciousness of mankind will have progressed enough. For there are those things in the works now that are bringing about this Great Awakening. This Great Awakening is leading to higher consciousness, higher vibrations, and a movement out of the third-dimensional illusion, a movement to bring the veil down. And when this happens, the Solar Flash will also happen. Will it take a lifetime? No. Will it take many years? Most likely not. But it could take months, and yes, even years for this to occur. But again, it is all on what you call ‘God’s time.’ Not your time. It is all in Divine timing. Even I, Archangel Michael, I do not know the timing for this. And if I did, I wouldn’t be allowed to tell you. Because you must live it. You must live your lives day by day, moment by moment. But that is what you came here to do. You came here to live. You came here to express, express life. You
She is a Holistic Health & Business Expert, a Master Chef, Founder of the Rawvolutionist Academy, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation, and a former TV-Host.
Aurora‘s first contact by the Galactic Federation happened when she was just six years old and for many years she was taken on ships regularly in order to get specific healing therapies and upgrades on a quantum level.
Aurora was raised by her Persian parents in Frankfurt, Germany. She lived a few years in Tehran then moved to Los Angeles where she studied food and nutrition. Today Aurora lives on the island of Ibiza and travels regularly through Europe to teach and coach conscious living. Aurora‘s first contact by the Galactic Federation happened when she was just six years old and for many years she was taken on ships regularly in order to get specific
came here to anchor the Light. That is what you are all doing to one degree or another. It is true: it is not up to you to manipulate or to help to change anyone’s soul path. It is their soul path. It is your soul path. As you move closer and closer on your soul path to coming back, and I say specifically “coming back” to remember who you are, and to remember the connection to your Higher God Self, when you have fully realized that, and you have let go of all of the attachments that hold you to this third-dimensional illusion yet still, then you will have ascended into and even beyond, at times, the fifth-dimensional frequency. If you want to, if you wish to, call upon me, Archangel Michael, that I would come with my Flaming Blue Sword of Truth and sever any remaining psychic ties that still may be holding you down to this third-dimensional illusion. So that you might once and for all move beyond this game, end this game for yourselves, and move into those higher vibrational frequencies for good, not to keep going back and forth. Unless you wish to do that. And many of you, as you have heard, will wish to do that. Once you have ascended, you will want to come back, many of you. Come back and assist those loved ones that are still lagging behind, and help them to cross the finish line, just as you will have. I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love. And know that I, and many, many of us, and you know of who and whom I speak of here, all the ones that you call upon—we are always here, just a whisper away. Just ask, and we will be with you. Peace and love be with all of you. Blessings. Channeled by James McConnell
healing therapies and upgrades on a quantum level. When she was 11 (1989) she was told that the internet would be invented to connect the earth-incarnated star people who were strategically placed all over the planet to begin their mission.
ORDER NOW! I AM god, Ascension Guide by Aurora Ray (Currently available as Ebook only.) You will be redirected to download the ebook instantly, and you will receive an email with the download.
She had been in training for her entire human life to step in as a teacher, healer, and master guide when the time of the great awakening and global ascension for humanity was to come.
Discover your ‘electric body’ and biofield, and how sound can harmonize your electromagnetic energy to address physical and emotional imbalances in the body...
Sound-healing therapies also address fibromyalgia, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders and boost the immune system. Plus, sound healing just plain feels good! If you’ve ever experienced it — whether through the vibrations of a tuning fork, drum, Tibetan singing bowls, gong, or even specially composed music — you’ll attest that it can leave you in a delicious state of calm relaxation. Stress, even pain, dissipates, and feelings of joy filter in as your brain waves slow down and every cell in your body shifts from dis-ease to ease. In this healing 60-minute online event with renowned sound-therapy practitioner Eileen McKusick, you’ll discover and experience the balancing effects a tuning fork can have on your biofield (the energy field that surrounds and permeates your body). Eileen uses a tuning fork to help create the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy by sending out vibrations that detect a physical or emotional imbalance, which shows up as resistance and turbulence in your biofield. In essence, she’s sending out sound to detect imbalances — and listening for the sound that indicates that balance or resonance has been established.
Experience a whole-body ‘tuning’ conducted with a tuning fork, which can slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease.
Experience a Whole-body “Tuning” and Discover the Benefits of Harmonizing Your Biofield with Sound
Most of us are aware that our body contains invisible energies. The concept of chi or life-force energy flowing through and around us is ancient and well established...
Ultimately, the use of coherent tones on and around the body reduces dissonance and resistance in the body’s electrical system, allowing for optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy and an overall state of wellbeing.
Yet, did you know that this energy has electromagnetic qualities... and that just the correct type of sound can have the positive effect of “harmonizing” your “electric body” to promote optimal wellbeing?
Simply put, sound healing through the use of a tuning fork creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself.
Sound-healing therapies are used in medical facilities across the globe to address PTSD and its associated symptoms, including anxiety, sleep challenges, grief, depression, anger, and panic attacks... 38
And they’ve shown remarkable success in helping lessen the tremors in Parkinson’s patients, in calming autistic adults, and assisting the anxious and agitated in homeless shelters to achieve and maintain a state of peace and homeostasis quickly.
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The Lionsgate 88 Portal is activated by the numerology of 8/8, the Sun in Leo Season, and the rising of the star, Sirius.
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