4 minute read

AscensionLife October 2021

Yvonne Teoh Bource

a beautiful soul who is helping us learn about our vibrational creations of our next experiences.


Conversations about New Earth Communities


What I am observing is that one of the greatest ingrained, conditioned modes of operandi that we as humans need to get from under, is the belief that by changing the outside, we can change the whole.

Right now, I see many activists, and I believe they are fulfilling their perfect role, their soul path as they go to battle against the status quo that is diminishing the life force in the collective. They are focusing on making physical changes so that we can return to freedom.

However, this is the linear Old Earth way of doing things that we are leaving behind. We have all heard that you cannot find a solution using the same mindset that has created the problem.

Other than the activists I see many newly awakened beings and lightworkers going around buying land to begin growing organic produce, getting out of the urban sprawl and returning to the soil of the Earth. And let me tell you I am one of those, although I am focused on land for the creation of healing sanctuaries as they will be much needed when the masses begin to see beyond the veil of deception. Again, I know that is fulfilling a soul path and it is all an essential piece of the puzzle of this Ascension Process we are experiencing and a valuable outer expression of what we want the New Earth to look like.

The idea of a New Earth is giving people a glimmer of light in what has been and continues to be a world of fear, confusion and chaos and a worthwhile goal to work towards. What I am constantly being shown to be true however, is that because everything is energy, the chaos we live in has an energetic vibration of that specific creation, and the only way to have something different is to create a different energetic frequency. What humanity is facing right

now is that the solution is not out there but only when we alter our inner vibrational frequency can we experience a different outcome.

We can object and resist as much as we like, buy as much land as we can find, grow as beautiful organic produce as is possible, but unless we do the inner work and raise our state of consciousness to a higher vibrational frequency, we will remain in the old 3D world and will ultimately be back where we have always been, doing before being. The New Earth we are seeking is not a place, it exists on a different frequency.

Our planet is shedding its old energetic skin and birthing itself into a renewal of a more refined energy of light that will require us humans to recalibrate ourselves in alignment if we wish to continue to live on this beautiful place, we call our home. To be able to continue to not just exist but thrive on Gaia in her new state of being, we must peel off every thought, word, action, belief, habit, addiction and anything else that has us trapped in this old matrix of self-destruction.

This is why I am focusing my intention on creating New Earth Communities before looking for land, or looking to change the outside world. When we the people become the energetic equivalent, vibrational frequency of the New Earth, right here, right now, we will indeed become the Way Showers to the doorway that leads to the Ascended Masters.

What is on offer here is to become the Conscious Creators of all that is needed, self-governing, self-responsible, in service and alignment with our divine self, others, the planet, and the galactic family of the cosmos. This is an identity crisis of monumental proportions, letting go of all that we have known as landmarks and stepping with faith into an unknown, without a map.

The New Earth Communities are a safe practice ground where we can put into effect the newly found conscious awareness and elevate our vibration with support and

encouragement from others on the same path of intention. A place where we learn to be a conscious energy being creating a physical world, where everything in form is perceived energetically before engaging with it physically. It is the kindergarten of the New Earth humanity being created. Only when we have mastered being off the New Earth can we experience that Eutopia.

What will that feel like and look like you may ask? This is how I am beginning to experience life when in that state of consciousness. Everything flows as if by magic, from thought, to feeling, to experience in complete synchronicity in a symbiotic dance of ease and grace. There is a fluidity to life as it responds to your every need and desire. In conscious relationship with nature, with the planet and with each other.

The old will seem like a very distant, very disturbing dream, never to revisit or give attention to again. It takes courage to step out of this matrix, but once you have made the leap, you’ll wonder why it took you so long. The New Earth of our desire does not live out there, it awaits you within. Come and experience the magic of living in a New Earth Community, or begin one of your own.

Namaste´ <3 <3 Yvonne Teoh Bource

Yvonne can be reached at: YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube. com/channel/UCFAV2L3qH2z_6mojCbQ3ajA

Her personal FB page: https://www. facebook.com/yvonneteohbource

The Connect to Soul New Earth Community FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/249074645756855

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