4 minute read

7 things that affect your vibrational frequency from the point of view of quantum physics.

Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are vibrant beings each on certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling, in the world of "Vibrational," there are only two species of vibrations, positive and negative. Any feeling makes you broadcast a vibration that can be positive or negative.

1st. Thoughts


Every thought emits a frequency to the universe and this frequency goes back to its origin, so in the case, of you having a negative thought. Such as discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, all this comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive thoughts.

2nd. The Companies

The people around you directly influence your vibrational frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. Now, if you surround yourself with people complaining, gossiping and pessimist, be careful! Indeed, they can reduce your frequency and therefore prevent you from using the law of attraction in your favor.

3RD. The Music

Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all this will interfere with what you are feeling. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could reduce your vibrational frequency. And Remember: you attract exactly what you feel in your life.

4TH. The Things You Look At

When you look at programs that deal with misfortunes, dead, betrayals, etc. Your brain accepts this as a reality and releases a whole chemistry into your body, which affects your vibrational frequency. Look at things that you feel good about this helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.

5TH. The Atmosphere

Whether it's at home, or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a messy and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibrational frequency. Improve what surrounds you, organize and clean your environment. Show the universe that you are fit to receive much more. Take care of what you already have!

6TH The World

If you claim or speak wrong about things and people, it affects your vibrational frequency. To keep your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining, and bad talking about others. So avoid drama and bullying. Assume your responsibility for the choices of your life!

7TH Gratitude

Gratitude positively affects your vibrational frequency. This is a habit you should integrate now into your life. Start to thank for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, thank you for all the experiences you've experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.

~Shared by Jojan Hendricks ��

Discover your ‘electric body’ and biofield, and how sound can harmonize your electromagnetic energy to address physical and emotional imbalances in the body...

Experience a whole-body ‘tuning’ conducted with a tuning fork, which can slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease.

Most of us are aware that our body contains invisible energies. The concept of chi or life-force energy flowing through and around us is ancient and well established...

Yet, did you know that this energy has electromagnetic qualities... and that just the correct type of sound can have the positive effect of “harmonizing” your “electric body” to promote optimal wellbeing? globe to address PTSD and its associated symptoms, including anxiety, sleep challenges, grief, depression, anger, and panic attacks...

And they’ve shown remarkable success in helping lessen the tremors in Parkinson’s patients, in calming autistic adults, and assisting the anxious and agitated in homeless shelters to achieve and maintain a state of peace and homeostasis quickly.

Sound-healing therapies also address fibromyalgia, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders and boost the immune system.

Plus, sound healing just plain feels good!

If you’ve ever experienced it — whether through the vibrations of a tuning fork, drum, Tibetan singing bowls, gong, or even specially composed music — you’ll attest that it can leave you in a delicious state of calm relaxation.

Stress, even pain, dissipates, and feelings of joy filter in as your brain waves slow down and every cell in your body shifts from dis-ease to ease.

In this healing 60-minute online event with renowned soundtherapy practitioner Eileen McKusick, you’ll discover and experience the balancing effects a tuning fork can have on your biofield (the energy field that surrounds and permeates your body).

Eileen uses a tuning fork to help create the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy by sending out vibrations that detect a physical or emotional imbalance, which shows up as resistance and turbulence in your biofield.

In essence, she’s sending out sound to detect imbalances — and listening for the sound that indicates that balance or resonance has been established.

Experience a Whole-body “Tuning” and Discover the Benefits of Harmonizing Your Biofield with Sound

Ultimately, the use of coherent tones on and around the body reduces dissonance and resistance in the body’s electrical system, allowing for optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy and an overall state of wellbeing.

Simply put, sound healing through the use of a tuning fork creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself.

7 things that affect your vibrational frequency from the point of view of quantum physics.

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