6 minute read

AscensionLife October 2021



How to go on a Crystal Diet Choose for yourself!


It may seem strange that someone known for teaching about the fabulous energy, healing and spiritual benefits of crystals would recommend going on a crystal diet. But, I do. There are a lot of reasons that curbing your over-consumption of crystal energy could be beneficial for both you and your crystal allies.

A 30 day crystal diet will help you to recalibrate your energy, reconnect to crystals in a more meaningful way, and stop using them in an addictive manner.

A crystal diet doesn’t mean that you stop using crystals altogether, but it does mean that you’ll use them only in mindful interaction.

What are some signs that you might need to go on a crystal diet?

1. You feel “naked” if you don’t have your bra or pockets full of crystals, or if you are not wearing gemstone jewelry.

2. You have a hard time getting your energy level up unless you get a “crystal hit” or “get stoned” on your crystals.

3. You carry, wear or sleep with multiple crystals on a daily basis.

4. You rarely meditate with a single stone, but often pile up on stones for meditation, sleep or daily wear.

What are the benefits of going on a 30 day crystal diet?

1. Healing addiction or dependence on stones for your energy. Yes, you can become addicted to crystals when you use them unconsciously for long periods of time to “support” your energy, but you don’t actually address the healing of your energy issues directly. This is like someone being addicted to coffee for an energy boost, without ever addressing their terrible diet, exercise, or energy hygiene directly. Any addiction is an imbalance, and just because you may be addicted to stones doesn’t make it O.k. In fact, it can be a form of energy vampirism. When you go on a crystal diet, you’ll be able to address your energy issues directly, without artificial energy supports. This will ensure that when you do engage them, you’re doing it in an aligned way.

2. Build real relationship with your stones. When you are constantly using multiple stones in an unconscious manner (carrying or sleeping with them, but not meditating or working with them consciously), you are not building real realtionship with your crystalline teachers, but are instead simply using them as energy slaves. This isn’t right relationship with the mineral kingdom. By honoring your crystal teachers by working with them singly and intentionally, you can learn much more about yourself and them.

3. Recognize which stones are creating which effects. When you are constantly “loaded for bear” and carrying many different stones together, it makes it very difficult to know which stones are having which effects. Sure, you have someone elses’ opinion that they’ve written in a book or online about the stones’ properties, but you aren’t going to be able to understand how they are working with you personally if you mix them all together. This is like taking a hand full of pills. You don’t know which one made you see the pink elephant. You might want to see that pink elephant again. By going on a crystal diet, you’ll be able to gain clarity on what each stone specifically is teaching you.



Preparing for the 30 day Crystal Diet

1. Clear all of the stones out from within 4ft (or a little over a meter) around your bed. Also ensure you don’t have any strays in your pillow cases, under pillows, under your bed, or in your sheets. You’ll be sleeping alone for the next 30 days. Well, without stones, at least. Why? The 4ft. radius is the “hot zone” of your aura, including both your heart and brain electromagnetic fields. Keeping this zone clear of stones will ensure your energy has a chance to reset during your most restful time.

2. Clear a meditation area where you won’t have stones within 4“ of you during meditation. If you have a regular meditation area that is loaded with stones in the room, you may choose to relocate for meditation during this 30 day period, and use that room as your “stone room” where you can store everything until you are ready to re-engage them. Why? You’ll be engaging only one stone a day during the diet, so that means needing to ensure that you don’t have any other stones influences within the hot zone of your energy field while you are meditating. This ensures that the experiences you are having are related to the single stone you are engaging, without too much back ground “noise”.

3. Remove and clear all crystal or gemstone jewelry. You can wear metals such as gold and silver, but no stones as jewelry during your diet period. Why? Again, this is to ensure that the energy you are engaging is that of the single stone you are working with, without other stone energies confusing the issue.

4. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of pure water each day, containing a colloidal trace mineral source. Yes, that is a lot of water. If you weigh 140 lbs, you will be drinking 70 ounces of water (a little over a gallon) each day. In that water, you’ll want to use a colloidal trace mineral supplement from natural sources, such as Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops from Trace Minerals Research. Why? Your ability to effectively resonate with crystals and minerals depends upon having healthy levels of bio-available minerals and trace minerals

in your body. If you have proper mineral balance, your body will be able to easily resonate with external crystals and minerals, and information exchange will be enhanced. Drinking this large amount of water will flush toxins from your body and rehydrate you. Adding proper amounts of colloidal minerals will ensure you don’t become demineralized, and that you have a good variety of trace elements in your human crystal. No crystals in your water, please!

5. Establish a daily meditation practice in the morning. This should be the same meditation or meditation technique each day. For instance, if you’re going to practice mindful meditation, practice it each day in the morning before doing anything else– even before eating or getting dressed. Why? By practicing the same exact meditation every single day, you establish a baseline for your energy and practice. This means you’ll be doing the same thing, at the same time and vibrating with the same basic energy each time. When you then add a crystal to the mix, it will be readily apparent the effects of the crystal versus the general effects of the meditation.

6. Practice Crystal Immersion. This means working with only one stone each day (or the same stone for multiple days), and only working with it during meditation or during mindful attention periods throughout the day (no carrying or sleeping with the stone). Why? By working with only one stone at a time, you will be able to attune to its energy mindfully and therefor be more aware of its unique effects on your human crystal. By only engaging it during meditation and/or mindful awareness periods, you will give yourself time to integrate the energy shifts without the stone present. This is key for helping your energy to reset and heal, as well as allowing you to understand the more physical effects the stone may be having on your body. These effects tend to show up after meditation, in the periods of time when the energy is integrating. Crystal immersion is a key practice on the path of the crystal initiate that I teach.


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