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Spiritual Eye

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he Spiritual Eye, also known as the third eye or sixth chakra, is located at the point between the eyebrows. It is the seat of spiritual awakening. When all of our energy becomes centered there, enlightenment occurs.

When seen perfectly, The Spiritual Eye consists of a silvery-white five-pointed star, surrounded by a field of deep indigo blue, which in turn is framed by a ring of gold.

It is extremely important to have your eyes turned upward to the Spiritual Eye in meditation. Focusing there helps you attune to, and magnetically draw, the highest states of consciousness. (You should remember, however, that although the eyes are physically gazing at the Spiritual Eye (your concentration should be on your breath).

You can also focus on this point while going about your everyday activities the more time spent focusing on the spiritual eye, the higher your consciousness will become. If you feel tension when you look at the Spiritual Eye, try this advice from Swami Kriyananda:

Raise your gaze upward – not crossing the eyes, but focusing them on a point somewhat beyond the forehead at about the distance of your thumb when you hold your arm extended above you. The height of your thumb should be level with the top of your head.

The important thing is that your attention, not your eyes, be focused on that point in the forehead. Don’t try forcibly to bring your eyes to a focus, but gaze mentally at that point, and let the Spiritual Eye draw you into Itself.

If you notice that your mind has wandered off, try a mantra, you may also notice that your eyes are no longer looking upward. When this happens, raise your eyes again and refocus them on the Spiritual Eye, and your mind, on the breath. In time, you will feel a pull of energy within the forehead, and it will become easier for you to keep your eyes focused upwards.

Once you end your practice, you should spend some time focusing on the Spiritual Eye, whether you can see the light there or visualize it. If you see the light, calmly go over yourself into it. If you don’t see the light, pray deeply, “Reveal Thyself… Reveal Thyself.” Even if you don’t see the light, you will feel your consciousness supplied.

Concentrate at the point between the eyebrows. Visualize there a tunnel of golden light. Mentally enter that tunnel, and feel yourself surrounded by a glorious sense of happiness and freedom. As you move through the tunnel, feel yourself bathed by the light until all worldly thoughts disappear.

After soaring through the tunnel as long as you feel to so do, visualize before you a curtain of deep violet-blue light. Pass through that curtain into another tunnel of deep, violet-blue light. Feel the light surrounding you. Slowly, the tunnel walls disappear in blue light. Expand your consciousness into that light — into infinite freedom and bliss. Now there is no tunnel. There is only the all-encompassing blueness and bliss of infinite.

At last, visualize before you a silvery-white, five-pointed star of light. Mentally spread out your arms and legs, assuming with your body the shape of that star. Give yourself to it in body, mind, and soul as you surrender every thought, every feeling to absolute, Self-existing bliss.

Bliss cascades gently over you, like a waterfall of mist, filling your heart with ineffable peace.


Awaken Ascension Radio

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