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AscensionLife May 2021

IN MY OWN WORDS. – CINDY EDISON AS I ASSIST JOSEF IN EXPOSING THEMSELVES (AND THEIR VIBRATION) We welcome you aboard as we set sail for the New Earth vibration.

“We are Josef and we welcome you to our plane of consciousness, the consciousness and vibrational pattern of the New Earth. We come intentionally at this time, as the evolved vibrational consciousness of Seth, who was channeled by Cindy Edison.


Jane Roberts, Abraham who is channeled by Esther Hicks, and many who have come along with us, some by name and others not. Some of us have experienced your physical earth and some have not; however, all of us have and are experiencing the New Earth in its non-physical form and we have come at this time to assist the human collective in their movement forward, toward our realization of the New Earth in its physical form.

We offer our message as a bridge of sorts, the bridge that is the new perspective of our vibration. You see, as the human aspect, the physical aspect of the Soul evolves, it moves through vibrational patterns, vibrational timelines, that you refer to as “past lives”. These “past lives”, from our perspective, are physical experiences of evolution, some consciously experienced and others not so much. The vibrational timelines you choose to experience, are for many reasons, many purposes, not the least of which is for your own evolutionary experiences that expand your awareness of who you really are, the physical aspect of the Soul. As one expands, the All expands simultaneously.

Through our teachings, you have the opportunity to shift your current perspective, the perspective that manifests as your beliefs and understandings of the physical realm, to the perspective of your Soul, where there is no fear, no contrast, therefore no ‘out of alignment’ manifestations that take you off course, so to speak, from your chosen purpose of evolution. Common teachings, beginning with the understanding of contrast, that are still being taught today throughout your spiritual collective, are based in the contrast, conjured and perpetuated from the realm of what is referred to as ‘fear’, do not exist in the new vibration that is now being offered to you. In order to shift to a new vibrational timeline, as this one, one must accommodate and shift to include the perspective of the vibrational pattern in your awareness or no manifestation will occur. There is no vibrational agreement, you see. Therefore, before one can move into the vibration of the New Earth, new perspective-based beliefs must be formed and understood, to give the manifestation a chance...a chance to manifest the New Earth in its physical form.

Our teachings include new modalities, new scientific discoveries, and expanded views of what you currently believe to be ‘solid evidence’ of scientific data. You will experience, for the first time in your collective history, living in the physical realm with no limitations and no fear. We are here to show you the way and the way is by expanding your own awareness to include us, to include our vibrational understanding. When we ‘are included’, when our vibrational pattern is understood and included, carrying possibilities that are currently unknown to you, you expand into more of who you are, which is what your expansion and evolution is all about, which is the knowing more of who you really are and then, living it.

When one is offered the opportunity to shift a perspective to a new way of seeing things, it is (naturally) met with resistance, for the beliefs you currently hold about yourself and the world around you, have been ‘proven’ to be true by evidence, whether real or conveyed. However, the manifestations you have created as a collective, are realized from the vibration which created them. As you can see clearly, many are manifested from an out of alignment position, meaning out of alignment with the loving vibration of your Soul, therefore are not in agreement with the vibration of Love. We are offering the steps to shift as ‘the bridge’ to ‘get to the other side’ so to speak. We are offering the way out of the contrast and into the vibration of pure light.

We encourage you to take the steps necessary and consciously move yourself forward along your eternal journey, the eternal journey of your Soul aspect, who is the God within you. It is the God Consciousness that is ever evolving, ever living and ever moving forward, experiencing every aspect of itself along the way. It is now time for the human collective, individual by individual, to choose their way out of the fear and into the world created in its non physical form, and to, simultaneously create its new physical habitat and its new form of being, the New Human Aspect, who will experience physi- cal life from the perspective of pure love. This event, this evolutionary platform, is being offered now. It is our mission and our intention, collectively set to unfold with all its Aspects in agreement, at the perfect time of understanding and that time is now.

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