4 minute read

Vonn Teoh Bource – Bio

Born in Holland at the beginning of WW11 to a Jewish mother and protestant father her first formative years were not conducive to seeing the world as a safe place to be. Her family moved to Indonesia in 1948 where they found themselves very quickly into another war. The family fled back to Holland in 1952 but due to many returning from the East, work was not easy to find and they came to Australia in 1954.

Von started her journey of Spiritual Awakening as a Truth Seeker and Light Worker in 1987. She embarked on the path as a Wayshower and Lightbeing to raise humanity’s consciousness and prepare them for the ascension out of duality into unity consciousness with dedication and passion. An Author, Shaman, Intuitive Life Coach a Spiritual Educator and Mentor, she continues to support and guide people to living their best life. Vonn is the founder of Connect to Soul, a community of her students all on their personal journeys to finding their authentic selves and live empowered lives.


She still offers private mentoring sessions, a monthly Global Spiritual Book Club and has run 7 Day Transformational Spiritual Retreats in Bali since 2012. Connect to Soul Community messenger group https://www.facebook.com/ groups/249074645756855

Connect to Soul Global Spiritual Book Club

https://www.facebook.com/ groups/1814204355551683

I WALK WITH ANGELS Yvonne Teoh Bource

Yvonne Teoh Bource

Author, Shaman, Intuitive Life Coach, Spiritual Guide and Mentor

‘You are not alone.’ This was very comforting because at that time my life as I’d lived it was being turned upside down and all my beliefs and opinions were being challenged and dismantled. It felt like a very lonely time in the physical realm as there wasn’t anyone to talk to about what was occurring inside of me without being thought crazy. Unlike today when spirituality is a common topic and there are many who are on a similar journey.

But strangely enough I had a deep knowing that I was being protected and guided by an energetic force beyond the physical. I was made aware of the opening of the 11:11 gateway and this is when I began to have dialogue with unseen beings that always seemed to be there when I needed them and were continuously feeding me information about my intentions for incarnating on this planet at this time. I was told that I had volunteered for this time of transformation and my designated role was to awaken as many as I could to their empowered self and reconnect them to their soul consciousness.

When I went through my awakening in August 1987, I received one download over and over again.

My proof that I was not alone and that I wasn’t going crazy as my friends and family feared, was the constant double digits that appeared on clocks or number plates and always at times when I felt doubt creep in. I also received many signs that I was being looked after, particularly when there was imminent danger to my wellbeing either physical, financial or emotional. It was knowing that I could not act unless, I called them in consciously.

These etheric energies are my soft place to fall; they fill me with a sense of being held in a bubble of love that goes beyond the physical. This feeling of love and protection gave me the courage to enter the road less travelled and follow my soul guidance into unchartered waters to begin and continue to this day my journey to a deeper innerstanding of the meaning of life and the transition of humanity to its destiny to awaken on the return to the rebirthing of the Christ Consciousness that lives within us all.

This journey is not for the fainthearted and requires much courage, commitment, discipline and perseverance and would simply not be possible without the connection, guidance and protection from our higher self, guardians, guides and angels that walk beside us and will never leave us. They keep us on our soul path and alert us when we get distracted or make a wrong turn. They were with us before we incarnated into this lifetime and they will be there to welcome us home when we leave this physical plane.

Today my connection with the angelic forces is as real to me as the laptop I am typing on, they are a very intrinsic part of my being and continue to be my greatest protectors, cheer squad and place of loving comfort. Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Elohim, all names we have given to the myriad of metaphysical and galactic forces that are working with us to support and guide the planet and its inhabitants safely through the portals of energetic vortices to the New Earth Reality that is destined for us all. The more we acknow- ledge and engage with these high frequency beings, the more prevalent they become in our daily life. I never walk alone; I always walk with angels and they always walk with me, showing me I am loved and I am safe. Walking with angels lights up your path.

To contact me; For Private Sessions Vonn Teoh Bource voncorp@optusnet.com.au https://www.facebook.com/yvonneteohbource

Von started her journey of Spiritual Awakening as a Truth Seeker and Light Worker in 1987.

Vonn Teoh Bource – Bio

Born in Holland at the beginning of WW11 to a Jewish mother and protestant father her first formative years were not conducive to seeing the world as a safe place to be. Her family moved to Indonesia in 1948 where they found themselves very quickly into another war. The family fled back to Holland in 1952 but due to many returning from the East, work was not easy to find and they came to Australia in 1954.

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