The Bulletin Newspaper - 7 February 2020

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education: educate yourself I

n the last few months there has been an uproar as parents are fighting against the new Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum that is being piloted in 1500 public schools across the country. The CSE curriculum is being funded by USAID (United States Agency of International Development) to implement the scripted UNESCO lesson plans. The government won’t release the names of the schools and the only way to find out is to phone your child’s/children’s school/s. This curriculum will be implemented without the knowledge or consent of parents. In the handbooks, children are being taught about culture, HIV/Aids, respecting the bodies of others, only to mention a few. The lesson plans were carefully planned with group activities and individual activities. On the Department of Basic Education (DBE) website, the department makes it clear that this is not sex education nor does it teach children to have sex. The department also states: “A significant number of adolescents and youth, especially within the age group between 14 to 24, are losing their lives due to HIV/ AIDS and TB. Female learners are dropping out of school before completing their studies because of teenage pregnancy and a large number of female learners are victims of sexual gender-based.” The DBE also states on their website: “The core aim of CSE and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives.” In December, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga replied to DA MP Nomsa Marchesi, in Cape Town: “Teachers who refuse to teach comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) face being hauled before a disciplinary hearing by the Basic Education Department.” This is according to a written response to a parliamentary question by DA MP Nomsa Marchesi. On 23 January, a meeting between the DBE, UNESCO and religious leaders,

from across the spectrum, was hosted at the Fire & Ice Hotel, Menlyn, Pretoria. If you watch the videos it would appear that the aim of the meeting was to insult and bash the religious community. The DBE and UNESCO informed the religious leaders that they were out of touch, spreading homophobia and did not read the curriculum properly. This information session appeared to be a “get-onboard-or-else” mission according to sources. The mics of religious leaders were unplugged and they could not express their concerns about the curriculum. At the session, the DBE also expressed their intention to roll the programme out as a compulsory subject in all schools, from Grades R – 12, in 2021. That is over 12 million students. The DBE makes it sound like a wonderful curriculum but the public outcry to stop teaching children, as young as 10-years-old, this curriculum has been phenomenal. One such group is #Leaveourkidsalone. Lauren Evanthia started the group last year. In a few short months 133 094 people have joined the Facebook group, #Leaveourkidsalone, in support

of Lauren to ensure that this curriculum will not be taught in schools. This group is to ensure that parents are aware of what their children are being taught in schools and not be left in the dark. “PLEASE NOTE: We as a group are not against sexed for children, we are against the government’s version of sex-ed given to the whole class without considering individual circumstances.” This statement is from the website. A movement on 13 February, same day as the State of the Nation Address (SONA), parents, grandparents, teachers and anybody who would like to join, has been organised. The organiser of the GMM movement, Mrs Michelle Booyzen, spoke to The Bulletin. “One of the things is that they are not teaching kids about sexual health, they are teaching them what their rights are. Sex Ed has been taught in schools from 2000 but teachers were allowed to filter what they want to teach the kids.” She continued: “There are only 14 confirmed schools, that we know of, taking part in the CSE pilot programme. Angie Motshekga also said that there is no opting out.

If you do not want your child in the CSE class, you can remove your child for that period, home school your child or send your child to a private school.” Michelle also mentioned the fact that there are kids in schools who were abused, grow up in abusive homes or are still being abused. “This will only cause these children more trauma.” For more information contact Mrs Michelle Booyzen: 082 647 5731. – Ané Prinsloo Sources: https://www. ComprehensiveSexualityEducation. aspx za/Portals/0/Documents/ CSE%20Scripted%20lessons/ Gr4%20EG%2010_11_2019A. pdf?ver=2019-11-11-143244-000 leaveourkidsalone2020/ errol+naidoo+religious+groups+silenced -or-else/ WWF.html




snippets DAWN is concerned that Nkomazi’s Phillip Mathonzi is still a danger to society On 16 December 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa approved the release of 14, 647 convicted offenders, of which one of the selected was Philip Mathonzi from Nkomazi, who was convicted and sentenced for 5 years for robbery in 2016 and is still awaiting trial for attempted murder and 5 charges of rape which all took place around the same time. The Democratic Alliance Women’s Network (DAWN) in Mpumalanga is concerned that he will be set free, while awaiting trial for the other alleged horrendous crimes and could interfere with the witnesses. Mathonzi stood trial in 2016 at the Komatipoort court in Nkomazi, Mpumalanga and was found guilty of robbery and sentenced to prison for 5 years. The other charges are still pending due to a back log on DNA results. It is crucial that a swift strategy for releasing DNA results needs to be put in place. Mathonzi will go to court next week Tuesday, 4 February 2020 to set a date for these pending charges. DA’s shadow minister of justice and correctional services, Glynnis Breytenbach, slammed President Cyril Ramaphosa for granting remission late last year as it undermines the work done by under-resourced police and prosecutors, and is a “slap in the face of victims of crime”. DAWN reiterates these sentiments and believes that due diligence was not done as the presidential office did not pick up that this convicted prisoner was facing other horrendous charges and that should have been factored in. Nevertheless, we applaud the quickthinking SAPS of Malalane of picking this oversight up and objected to his release. It is imperative that alleged rapists are convicted and remain in jail. Mpumalanga has had a series of serial rapist cases in the past couple of months and we applaud the justice system in handing out life sentences to these serial rapists. Rape is a serious crime against women and has become an epidemic in Mpumalanga. We need to actively fight this atrocious crime and make our society safe again. DAWN will pose parliamentary questions to President Ramaphosa asking him: “How did the President

miss these pending charges?” As he stated clearly: “remissions of sentences are always carefully considered, taking into account the interests of the public and the administration of justice” and that these pardons will not include offenders for sexual offences, murder and attempted murder.

MEC Shabalala calls for cautious driving The MEC for Community Safety, Security and Liaison, Ms Gabisile Shabalala has once again appealed to motorists to use the road more cautiously after what appears to be one deadliest weekend so far. The MEC reacted to a head on collision that saw six people losing their lives. The head on collision between a sedan and Light Delivery Vehicle (LDV) happened around 02h00 on the N11 Road between Ermelo and Amersfoort. Two people were seriously injured. The cause of the crash is still being investigated. Another two separate crashes that happened on 1 February also left six people dead. Three people were killed when a head rear collision occurred between two Light Delivery Vehicles (LDVs) on the N4 toll road between Belfast and Wonderfontein around 14h00. Three of the deceased were from one LDV and they included two passengers and a baby, about six months. They all died at the scene. The driver and one passenger were seriously injured. Another incident on the R50 Road between Bapsfontein and Delmas further recorded three fatalities when a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a sedan collided head on. The deceased included the driver from the sedan and two passengers. The victims were killed at the scene. Two people were seriously injured. The MEC said: “With increased vigilance and respect for the rules by the road users, needless loss of lives due to crash will be halted.” Therefore, Shabalala, insists, motorists must prioritise their lives and that of other road users when they are behind the steering wheels. The MEC is sending condolences to the bereaved families and she is further wishing a speedy to all the people who are still recovering in various hospitals.

Provincial Commissioner condemns killing of an infant, father remanded in court The Provincial Commissioner of Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma has strongly condemned a horrific incident wherein a two-month-old toddler was brutally killed allegedly by the biological father. This painful and senseless act took place on Tuesday, 28 January 2020, at Kwamhlanga at approximately 14:00. Police in Mpumalanga have arrested 27-year-old, Irvin Lotta Mahlangu, following the death of the toddler. Mahlangu has appeared at the KwaMhlanga Magistrate’s Court on 30 January, facing a charge of murder. According to the information, Mahlangu who is known to be the toddler’s father, had a heated

argument with the mother of the toddler regarding some alleged rituals that he was performing involving the child. Reports further indicated that Mahlangu was furious during the argument he was having to a point where he allegedly strangled and stabbed the defenceless child. The 22-year-old mother was so terrified as the assailant threatened to kill her as well. She however broke her silence by screaming for help and broke windows in an effort to get attention from people and fortunately neighbours notified police about the barbaric act who responded with medical personnel. The child was unfortunately declared dead at the scene by the Paramedics. Police opened a murder case and Mahlangu was immediately arrested as a result. During his appearance in the Kwamhlanga Magistrate’s Court, Mahlangu was not asked to plead but was remanded in custody until 6 February for a formal bail application. The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma, has strongly condemned the infant’s murder and welcomed the arrest of the man. “It is regrettable to hear of incidences where children, like this little one, are allegedly murdered by their own parents who are supposed to be protecting them. Children are the future and a home is regarded as the first line of defence where children should be nurtured as well as protected. However, at this age, homes have become battle fields and horrific places where children witness pain, suffering and death in the hands of those that should provide love and care. Our society has indeed lost a moral compass and we therefore call upon all opinion leaders as well as community-based organisations to work hand in hand with the police with a view to restore morals in the society. We trust that our Detective Team, the Prosecution as well as the Judiciary will ensure that justice is served and we wish for a maximum sentence for perpetrators of crimes against women and children, “ said General Zuma.

Former police sergeant sentenced for corruption David Ntuli (36), former Police Officer was found guilty and sentenced to four (4) years imprisonment by Boschfontein Magistrate Court on Wednesday, 29 January. The sentence was wholly suspended to five (5) years on the condition that the accused is not convicted of corruption during the period of suspension. The accused person was on duty at Komartipoort on 17 December 2018 during deployment when he accepted gratification in the form of money from the motorist during an undercover operation. Ntuli was arrested by members of the Hawks Serious Corruption Investigation Mpumalanga on 21 June 2019 after a lengthy investigation and he was dismissed from the service.

Daughters arrested for the murder of their mother Police in Mpumalanga had made a

7 February 2020 major breakthrough on a gruesome murder case where Ms Wanter Dlamini aged 62, was allegedly killed by her daughters on Monday 06 January 2020, in the Barberton area. According to reports, Dlamini was invited by her 30-year-old daughter, Nonhlanhla Mthunywa, for a visit. Nonhlanhla apparently came with a male friend when she convinced her mom (Dlamini) about the intended visit and she agreed without any hesitation. Unbeknownst to her, the said visit was a well-orchestrated plan that would lead to her death. On the day, Dlamini could not contain her happiness and she prepared herself for the journey to visit her daughter as requested. Information further indicated that Nonhlanhla organised her 41-yearold friend and two other male friends and waited for her mother to arrive. When Dlamini arrived at Nonhlanhla’s place, she was allegedly kidnapped, assaulted and gang raped by the two male friends whilst Nonhlanhla and her friend were holding her. When the suspects were done, they strangled Dlamini to death, wrapped her body with a blanket and hid it in an outside toilet. Later that day, 6 January, Nonhlanhla’s sibling was restless to a point where she organised transport which helped to remove Dlamini’s body and dumped it in a nearby veld. Reports also unearthed that Dlamini’s body was discovered, whereby a murder case was opened and an investigation ensued. The police investigation revealed that Dlamini’s death was well planned ahead. It has since surfaced that in November 2019, an Insurance policy was taken by Nonhlanhla’s friend wherein Dlamini’s name was in the centre of the policy and Dlamini’s unnatural death would imply that there would be a double cash pay-out. The Investigation team managed to unearth preliminary truth about the death of Dlamini, hence the arrest of Nonhlanhla on Tuesday, 29 January and charged her with murder. She appeared in the Barberton Magistrate’s Court on 29 January, where she was remanded in custody until 5 February. The 39-year-old sister was arrested on 29 January. The police have launched a manhunt for the remaining suspects and calling on those who know them, to work with the police. The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma, has strongly condemned the woman’s murder and welcomed the arrests. “It is very shameful to witness the murders of people who are allegedly killed or kidnapped by their own family members that are driven by greed and the love of money. There is indeed a degeneration of morals in our society and we call on Faith-based organisations as well as communitybased organisations to work hand in gloves with the police with a view to instil morals in the society,” said General Zuma.

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7 February 2020


Death threats for Sniper employees Loyal and believing in their leader, that is the impression that was made when visiting some of the workers at Sniper. These three ladies are closely connected with Sniper and Walter Stander. Tales of lies and death threats surfaced as the tension is growing between Sniper Security Services and their accusers. The Bulletin received frantic calls on Sunday asking not to disclose the ladies’ identities. All three claimed to have received death threats and threats of rape if they continue to support Walter Stander from Sniper Security Services. Martie* said that she would be eternally grateful to Walter and his wife. Walter started a rehab centre when they first arrived in Bethal and Martie’s* son was admitted to the centre. “My son was a drug addict,” said Martie*. “He turned his life around while he was in the hands of Walter and his wife.” She continued to say that he is a loving boy now. Johannie* accused another security firm of being behind the whole attack on Walter and Sniper Security Services. “I was called late on Saturday night and threatened to be raped and murdered,” said Johannie*. “They knew too much about me and said that I had to watch where I walk. Life is short.” Johannie* then stated: “He said that he worked for another company that he mentioned by name.”

The Bulletin is familiar with the phone number of the person who allegedly threatened Johannie*. He refused to identify himself and cut the call short when we phoned him. It is also alleged that there is now a group that swear and shoot obscenities at the ladies. Walter told The Bulletin that people are shouting insults at him and curses him wherever he goes. Walter obtained injunctions against some individuals, but the details were not given to The Bulletin at the time of going to press. People are hellbent on seeing the end of Walter and his company. They started WhatsApp groups to discuss plans and strategies. Johannie* told to The Bulletin that she was offered R3000 to lay a charge of rape against Walter. The initial group was allegedly offered R700 to turn against their former employer. It is now also alleged that some of them didn’t receive the R700. Some of Walter’s initial accusers have begged for his forgiveness. “One of the first to turn against me was Kobus,” Walter said. “I met him and his wife in a squatter’s camp and gave him a job. I even paid for their accommodation.” The Bulletin also learned that the EFF has now joined in the fight against Sniper Security Services, threatening the Sniper guards.

Dispute between VUKTA and Megabus to be heard in court? Tuesday, 28 January, saw 100s of passengers stranded; Sasol employees, mine workers and school children. This was all because of a contractual dispute between a local taxi association, Vukanini and Megabus. Negotiations failed several times as Megabus allegedly did not honour invitations to the all meetings requested. This was all a rumour. Taxi owners from Vukanini Taxi Association blocked all the entrances to eMbalenhle in order to send a message to the management of Megabus. This was to ensure that negotiations will take place. Social media was buzzing from Wednesday as community members blamed the chairman of Vukta, Mr F Sibanyoni (Maleleza), for being greedy and inconsiderate of other people’s lives. Taxi co-owners took it upon themselves to block Megabus from entering eMbalenhle. There were no buses seen in or around eMbalenhle and taxi association owners continued with their routine patrol around eMbalenhle to ensure that no bus would be able to enter eMbalenhle. Speaking on national radio, Mr Sibanyoni said: “People must stop finger pointing the association and get the story from both sides because the allegations they are making are very serious and can cause disruptions and unrest amongst the community.” He further elaborated that in 2014 there was a signed agreement between Vukta and Megabus that stated that from that date, if new job opportunities would appear, Megabus would not be involved or would not take part because they already employ so many people locally. According to Mr Sibanyoni Megabus did not honour the agreement. After that, Megabus continued to add more buses to operate thus, breaching the agreement. It is alleged that by then they had no more than 100 buses operating but today they operate with 169 buses between

eMbalenhle, Leandra, Kinross and Evander. The controversy arose between the two parties late last year when it was reported that a local taxi association started to stop all the buses operating between Secunda and Leandra. It was also discovered that people were paying the bus drivers tips. Many of those people are from in Kinross. Vukta started with a preliminary investigation which led to the discovery of two mystery buses running in Kinross. A meeting was held by the involved parties and an agreement was reached to stop those buses. That didn’t happen. In a period of 5 years Megabus has added 69 buses which negatively affected the taxi business. When asked what is happening, Mr Sibanyoni said: “It all depends on Megabus management coming to the meetings and having engagements with us. We are businesspeople and we work professionally but this time around we have been pushed to the limit and we want to protect our black owned business. We want them to remove two buses operating in Kinross and buses in Bethal, Leandra as well as Embalenhle and honour our written and signed agreements.” “We want to make it clear to everyone that we are not fighting with the community as our taxis are in full operation. If we were in disputes with the community, we wouldn’t have taxis running around making sure people get to their different destinations,” concluded Mr Sibanyoni. Megabus was contacted for comments but their operations manager for Mpumalanga didn’t comment. It was only said that the case is in court and they are not allowed to comment on such cases. The Bulletin discovered that Megabus filed an urgent court interdict to stop Vukta from blocking them from eMbalenhle. The matter was allegedly referred to the Middleburg High Court. - Sandile Mkhwanazi

It would also appear that a new company was formed and is now guarding the sites that Sniper lost. The Bulletin learned that it is allegedly a company called Rumble Security. Facebook searches show that Rumble Security is at least 12 months old. However, a search at PSIRA did not return any results for Rumble Security. The Facebook search also turned up empty handed regarding registration details. The Bulletin is in possession of unverified copies of a contract between Rumble Security (employer) and an employee (identity hidden). The saga is not over yet. It would appear as if the fight will only intensify. Keep reading The Bulletin as we dig for the whole truth and nothing but the truth! * Names changed to protect their identities.



So is die lewe

• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903 Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279 Sandile Mkhwanazi 072 182 0142 eMbalenhle News

BEMARKING / ADVERTISING 017 631 1845 Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279 Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589

FINANSIES / FINANCES Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander, Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin.

Ds Marius Britz Die weskus is bekend vir sy eksotiese plaaslike geregte. Snoek, kreef, mossels, en harders (waarvan bokkoms gemaak word, ‘n soutvisbiltong) is volop hier te kry. Tydens die vangseisoen verkoop die plaaslike manne sommer van die bote af hier teen die pad. Dan ook nog per geleentheid galjoen, stokvis, kabeljou en vele ander visse waarvan binnelanders nog nie eens gehoor het nie. Baie van hierdie vissoorte word eiesoortig gebraai; dis nie sommer net vir oppie brikette gooi soos ‘n stuk supermarkwors nie. Die eet daarvan is ook ‘n kuns. Ek het persoonlik gesien hoe ‘n Velddrifveteraan ‘n gaar heel harder soos ‘n roomys eet; van die kop af na die stert, en dan die binnegoed, grate, skubbe en vinne met ‘n welhaaglike kreun uitspoeg. Dit bly volksvreemd vir ons inkommers op die weskus. In Paternoster is ‘n plaaslike restaurant, Wolfgat, in 2019 in Parys aangewys as die beste restaurant in die wêreld. Geen geringe prestasie nie, as in ag geneem word dat internasionale restaurante van Milaan, Amsterdam, London, Parys en New York gekompeteer het om diè gesogte toekenning te wen. Hierdie 20-sitplek restaurant is onopvallend; ‘n ou vissershuis sonder enige helder beligting of vertoon aan die buitekant. Die meubels is eenvoudig, dit lyk of dit op veilings aangekoop is. Maar die uniekheid van die plek is daarin geleë dat die voorraad elke dag vars geoes word uit die omgewing: vars mossels uit die see, wilde kruie en seegras uit plaaslike poele, seisoensveldkos, plaaslike skaap- en wildsvleis. Om daar te kan eet, moet jy lank voor die tyd bespreek. Die Kaap met sy streeksgeregte is egter veel wyer as die weskus. ‘n Weeklikse bylaag in die Burger handel juis oor die eksotiese geregte en wyne

van plekke soos Stellenbosch, Franschoek, Riebeeck-Kasteel en die Nuy-vallei, en dan natuurlik die boheemse restaurante in Kaapstad en sy Waterfront. Die landgoedwyne hier het allerande neutmuskate en subtiele geure soos aarbeie en sjokolade, delikate aromas en Franse of Nederlandse name, eenvoudige geregte soos ganslewer word in status verhoog deur hoipolloiFranse name soos Foie gras Eguisheim. So eet jy dan in die snikhete Franschoek met ‘n servet in jou boordjie ingesteek delikate, gekultiveerde happies van jou dis, en drink jou landgoedwyn uit ‘n kristalglas met jou pinkie in die lug, nadat jy dit eers besnuif en beloer het. Die twyfelagtige voorreg om die Kaapse cuisine te proe, kos ‘n snaps meer as jou huisverband. Vir een ete. Ek was bevoorreg om frittes in Brugge te eet, bitterballen in Amsterdam, beleë kaas in Switserland, swartwoudkoek in Duitsland. Ook sterk gespysde geregte in Turkye. Dit was min, maar dis in. Soos armykos. Maar. Daar is ander eetplekke op aarde wat my maar kan kry. Dis nie geleë tussen die toegesneeude Alpe of die mistige Himalayas nie. Ook nie op die vyftigste verdieping van die Trumptowers nie. Hulle kyk nie uit op die Teemsrivier of die blou Donau nie. Hulle is ook nie geleë teen die kobaltblou see by Tietiesbaai nie. Hulle het nou wel nie eksotiese en pretensieuse Franse name nie, nog minder eet jy uit fyn porselein en drink jy uit kristalglase. Maar, hier voel jy tuis. Hier eet jy boet, met of sonder mes en vurk. Die een is die Fireplace-padkafee in Secunda. Vriend Ernie het my lankal vertel dat jy die heerlikste Sondagmiddag gekookte etes daar kry, en dan is daar so baie kos dat ‘n groot eter nog ‘n woefkardoes kan saamvat huis toe. Al het hy nie ‘n woef nie. Dan die hartseer een. Die Casbah-padkafee in Brakpan. Die een wat daar was solank as wat ek kan onthou. Verlede week het die Brakpan Herald berig dat hy finaal sy deure gesluit het. Die bekende landmerk met sy groot sement-Cokebottels teen die pad wat hom van veraf sigbaar gemaak het. As enige iemand in my, as kulinêre connoisseur,

se opinie sou belangstel, dan sou ek van mening wees dat die beste maalvleis en rys op aarde daar gemaak is. Ook die “mixedgrills”, die hamburgers wat netjies toegedraai is in waspapier, met ‘n agurkie bo-op as versiering, en dan natuurlik die beste slaptjips op planeet aarde. Afgespoel met aarbei-melkskommel. Maar dis meer as die kos. Daar is net iets aan die plek, iets boheems. Iets nostalgies. Daar is ware ambiance. Daar is nou wel nie Vivaldi gespeel oor die luidsprekers nie, en geen kersligte nie. Die kelners het ook voorskote gedra, en net sodra jy in een van die rylane parkeer het, al was dit heelagter in die ry, het een van hulle dadelik langs jou motor opgeduik met sy bestellingsboekie. Die spyskaart was groot teen ‘n stellasie, amper soos ‘n inry se rolprentskerm. Wanneer jy klaar jou bestelling geplaas het, is dit blitsvinnig

ingedien by die kombuis waar die bestuurder na agter geroep het: “een burger en chips, een mince en rys!!!” Met ‘n onduidelike intonasie, amper soos die korporaal in die weermag wat die pas uitskreeu. Dan was daar nie eintlik vreeslike sigbare reaksie in die kombuis nie, wat jy uit jou motor kon dophou. Maar tien minute later was die kelner terug met sy skinkbord en jou kos. Jy het jou motorruit so halfpad afgedraai, en die skinkbord is ingehak op die ruit. Jy en liefie het dan gedank vir die kos, en per hand of met eetgerei, afhangende van die aard van die gereg, weggeval. As agtergrondmusiek het jy Neil Diamond se Hot August Night op jou motor se agttrekbaan-kassetspeler geluister. As julle klaar geëet het, het jy jou ligte tweekeer geflits, en jou skinkbord is kom haal. Foie gras Eguisheim? Nee wat. Nag, ou grote.

Tannie Poppie se Pannekoek (met of sonder Turkse lekkers) 4 eiers 4 koppies meel 4 koppies water ½ koppie olie 2 t sout ¼ koppie wit asyn 4 t bakpoeier (Opsioneel: paar druppels rooswater) Olie vir die pan Bediening: Kaneelsuiker, suurlemoen. Opsioneel Turkish Delight in sjokolade, opgesny

COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

7 February 2020

Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee

Metode In ‘n groot mengbak klits die eiers. Sif die meel en sout saam. Voeg die meel by die eiers en die water. Klits goed. Meng die olie en asyn by en voeg laaste die bakpoeier by. Bak die pannekoeke. Strooi kaneelsuiker oor. Vou stukkies Turkish Delight in die warm pannekoek en vou in waaiervorm of rol op.

7 February 2020



Smoking laws and what you should know Smoking is extremely harmful to you and the health risks of second-hand smoke is wellknown by most. Recently at the police station in Secunda a woman was asked by one of the officers to not smoke in the car where her young children were sitting and waiting with her. The woman was shocked when the officer told her that it is illegal to smoke with children in the car. Children are extremely vulnerable to second-hand smoke as they have higher metabolic and respiratory rates than adults according to the UK Action on Smoking and Health organisation. According to CANSA, everyone has the right to a smoke-free environment. If someone breaks the law, here’s what you can do: - Know your rights and speak to the owner, manager or supervisor. - If they refuse to help or allow it to continue, you are within your rights to report this to the authorities. - Take a photograph (make sure the venue is clearly identifiable) and send it to the local authority’s environmental health officer. - The environmental health officer has the responsibility and authority to act under the Criminal Offences Act, and enforce penalties against the individual. Cigarette Laws - If you are under 18, you are banned from buying cigarettes. This includes buying flavoured tobacco products used for hookah

smoking. You are also not allowed to enter smoking areas if you are under 18. - Smoking is banned in places like restaurants, offices and malls where there is no isolated, sealed off smoking room. - No smoking in a car (even if it’s

schools or teaching/tutoring such as crèches is banned. - Tobacco companies aren’t allowed to advertise, hold parties or use marketing to target the youth. - Those sugar cigarettes in cute packaging which some of us

your own car) when one of the passengers is under 12 years. This is because children are negatively affected by tobacco smoking because their lungs are either still developing or too weak to handle that kind of environmental pollution. - Smoking in partly closed public areas such as balconies, pavements and parking areas is not allowed. - Smoking in locations used for commercial childcare activities, for

have been exposed to have now been banned. Children learn by example and if they buy sweets and toys that look similar to cigarettes they are more likely to start smoking because of curiosity. - No smoking is allowed in cinemas, on domestic flights in the country and all public transport. - Some hotels have also banned smoking inside the building. - Only up to 25% of a public place, such as a building or public transport can be allocated a

The Myths and the legends of the metal community, history of the metal genre in South Africa: Part 2 Sacrifist, the legendary hardcore death metal band that destroyed, plundered, screamed and headbanged their way into our souls and onto our stages! Guitar gods, vocal beast, and drumming demon, some of the most influential musicians on the scene, the founding members of Sacrifist; Sammy F Simegi, Paul Verster (mentioned in part 1), Michael Kiefer and André Liebenberg. These guys were one of the longest running South African metal bands to date, with arguably the highest merch and albums sold in SA, but where they truly blew minds was on stage. They’re political and anger fuelled lyrical content and punching messages turned heads all over. Started in 1993, they were rocking out, playing gigs and recorded an album without a label titled “The Tides will Turn” releasing a few years later. In 1997 they joined Metamorphosis and Jaded Jane on the “Agony and Ecstasy” tour, sponsored by Jack Daniels and Old Kimberly. “In a blur of hotels and motels, highways and byways, aspirin and a truckload of bourbon”, through the country, growing rapidly, said Sammy, one of the founding members, guitar player and composer. “The goal would be to not search for gigs anymore, for them to contact us and that’s where the headlining starts and such.”The same year Sacrifist joined Agro on the “Death before disco” tour, leaving a streak of amazing memories and chaos wherever they went. In December of 1997, they headlined “The Summer

Blast SA tour” backed by Nuclear Records. In 1999 they released their second full album titled “Liquid Seasons” and Andre Liebenberg persisted to target the mainstream audience and in 2002 Sammy F. Simegi, Michael Kiefer and Paul Verster reincarnated its original sound and heaviness with Shaun Moseley joining on the bass. 2004 sadly saw Paul Verster leaving the band to attend to business. Byron Meyers took over on lead guitar and it was in 2004 that Sacrifist entered the studio once again to record their most brutal, mind bending, heart racing album yet: “The Well of Sacrifice”. After Dwayne Coetzee was brought in on vocals, creating a unique sound that the SA metal scene devoured and loved! Til this day you will see people wearing merch and talking about the legendary Sacrifist. 2005 saw Sacrifist gigging from Pretoria to Durban to Nelspruit. Their powerful angry chaotic yet melodic metal had a massive reaction causing them to regain their original fan base and gathering an increasing number of new fans, not only locally but across the globe. The live shows had an everincreasing amount of energy and are an experience on its own to watch. The songs online have had over thousands of downloads: “and Sacrifist is finally taking back the original metal glory.” In 2005 Sacrifist signed a distribution deal with Alter Ego Records.

Continued to page 6

smoking area. This area needs to be physically isolated from the rest of the interior. In other words, this smoking area needs to be enclosed and can only be used as a smoking area where the smoke can escape to the outside. - Cigarettes are not be sold individually or ‘loose’. - Some restaurants allow families with young children to sit in the smoking area of a restaurant because there might be adults in the family who want to smoke. By law, the manager of the restaurant must make sure that no one under 18 is present in that smoking section. Punishment for disobeying these laws - If the owner of a restaurant/ pub/workplace has broken the cigarette laws, where smokers are smoking in a non-smoking area or there are under 18s present in the smoking area, then they will be fined up to R50 000. This is because they have put those nonsmokers/second-hand smokers in harm through indoor pollution. Second-hand smokers are at risk for the same health problems that smokers are at risk for. - This fine also applies to people selling cigarettes to people under 18. - Any smoker found smoking in a non-smoking zone/area will be fined R500. - If someone is caught selling a ‘loose’ cigarette they can be fined up to R100 000 - Ané Prinsloo

Jak de Priester Valentynsdag 14 | 01 | 20 Deure open 14h00 Deur

VO LWA S S E N E: R 1 0 0 KIND U/12: R80



7 February 2020

Katrien skryf Goggastories Katrien Retief is gebore in Trichardt, Mpumalanga in 1993. Sy het haar skoolloopbaan in 2016 voltooi. Sy’s ‘n spastiese dipleeg. Sy wou van klein tyd al n boek geskryf het, maar het gesukkel om ‘n idee te kry... Haar ma het ‘n groente tuin en het baie kwaad geword vir die goggas in die

tuin. Dit het vir Katrien die idee gegee om haar boekies “Goggastories” te noem. Boek 1 het in 2016 verskyn, boek 2 in November 2017 en boek 3 in 2019. Deur haar boeke sien ons ‘n saggeaarde Katrien met ‘n sin vir regverdigheid. Iemand wat ‘n kinderhart ken.

Katrien het respek en ‘n liefde vir die natuur. Die absolute pragtige illustrasies is deur Sulette de Bruin van Pretoria. Elke storie eindig met ‘n morele les vir die leser. Haar uitgangspunt is: maak nie saak wat

in ons lewens gebeur nie, God is in beheer en deur Hom kan ons die alledaagse uitdagings te bowe kom. Ons hoop om binnekort nog Goggastories te sien! - Engela Strydom


Wen jou eie stel boekies! Skakel Elmarie by 082 461 3821 en sê wie is in beheer volgens Katrien. Jy mag dalk die wenner wees!

The Myths and the legends of the metal community, history of the metal genre in South Africa: Part 2 Continued from page 6 “The DestrucTour” was planned for early 2006 seeing Sacrifist and Mind Assault with many other companions rip across the country. “2008 saw the release of “Surrealist Plague” and became one of Subterania Music’s best South African sellers ever. The band again toured, notably with Mind Assault.” Today Sacrifist is seen as one of the biggest and most successful metal bands in SA history and is fortunate enough to be part of the headline bands at all major metal festivals across the country, clearly, definitely worthy of being called one of the blazing myths and legends of South African metal. The one message that Sammy would want everyone to at least read once: “Support the local scene, treat musicians and bands like the business they are, gear is expensive and every cent the bands make, goes straight back into the band and people need to understand this. It’s expensive, even to the average metal fan, yet we still pulled through. We went through to watch metal shows whenever we could afford it.” I asked him for some words of wisdom to rising bands: “Every band should go overseas, seeing it on videos is nothing compared to experiencing it, it is absolutely astounding, that’s how you make it.

The average lifespan of bands in SA is about 2 years and it’s sad really.” So, come on people! Bands, fans and everyone in between! Support the local scene! Give credit where credit is due. Let’s fuel the fire that is SA metal. - Henco

Photo: sacrifist

Photo: Liquid Vision Photography

7 February 2020



Pilgrim South: "Our music is our pilgramage"

LTR: Frikkie Swanepoel, acoustic and rhythm guitar, Ras, vocalist and lyricist, Jacques Koen, lead guitarist, Brendon Fick, drummer and Wihan Franzen, bassist (Photo supplied)

Pilgrim South is a local Secunda band making waves. When I spoke to them the vibe was very relaxed and that of a brotherhood. Ras, the vocalist and lyricist, started the conversation by telling me how he ended up joining the band. “I was playing Oktoberfest at eish! in 2017. A friend of mine said that two guys would like to speak to me. It was Jacques and Frikkie,” explained Ras. Jacques Koen is the lead guitarist and Frikkie Swanepoel plays the acoustic and rhythm guitar. Ras was keen to join the duo and they teamed up. At the time, they had another drummer and bassist but unfortunately, they could not commit to the band as much as they wanted to. By April 2018, the three of them had found their rhythm and started marching to the beat. In 2019 Brendon Fick, drummer, joined the band and 4 practices later they played their first show together. The same year at Misty Waters, Wihan Franzen was asked to join the band. Wihan is originally a guitarist but took to the bass like a fish in the sea. Wihan did not have much time to practice either before he played his first show with the band. Finding a name for the band was like

searching for a needle in a haystack. Ras explained: “We want to talk about the journey of life. Once we found our sound, we struggled to decide on a name. One night at Misty Waters, Jacques thought of the name Pilgrim South. We use the word pilgrim as a verb. We use our music as a pilgrimage and we are from the South.” Ras continued: “The message we want to carry over to our fans is one of hope, from dark to light and there is always a silver lining!” Within 5 months of the band forming (August 2019) they wrote 3 new songs and 2 new songs are almost ready. On 26 October 2019 they recorded a 7-track original EP at DOBE Entertainment recording studios in Middelburg. They sell their EPs at shows and by word of mouth. The band’s marketing is also done by them. They have played 3 local shows and 13 shows in other areas since the end of June 2019. “One of the first shows we played was in Harrismith for the Free State Round Table. My bass guitar broke and I only realised it during sound check. One of the gentlemen offered me another bass guitar to play with and fixed my bass with matches and glue. I still play with it!” Wihan told me through his laughter.

Sasol hosts media briefing Sasol hosted a media session on Wedenesday, 29 January. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the media of Sasol's transparency and willingness to work with the media. The session was very informative and the media was taken on a site tour after they had a virtual reality tour. The day was enjoyed by all. Ané Prinsloo Left: Mr Simon Baloyi, Senior Vice President: Sasol Secunda Chemical Operations

The band’s sound is a mix of Southern Rock, Rock and Blues influences with Country lyrics. This sets them apart from anyone else out there.

On 28 February they will be launching their EP at Stoepstories with Saving Oliver and Etienne Smit. All the best for the future! – Ané Prinsloo




7 February 2020

Laerskool Hoëveld atletiek Laerskool Hoëveld het op Saterdag 1 Februarie atletiek aangebied met Curro, Kinross en Oranjegloed as besoekende skole. Goeie resultate was opgelewer.

TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845

Links: Tyra Newman van Laerskool Hoëveld, breek die rekord vir verspring dogters 13 jaar met ‘n afstand van 4.81m

Follow us on Instagram: @thebulletininsa

Regs: Toriq Schambreel breek die verspring rekord vir seuns 13 jaar met ‘n afstand van 5.43m

TP Stratten Annual Prestige Athletics TP Stratten held their Annual Prestige Athletics meeting on Saturday, 1 February. Standerton Primary, Highveld Ridge Primary and Laerskool Secunda took part in this event.

Junior Victrix Ludorum: Simphiwe Sibanyoni U/8. She is congratulated by her principal, Mr Mossie Ourique.


Magupurutse Tladi won the high jump for boys U/11.

Girls U/8 - 80 m: LTR - Khumo Moumakwe, Snakhokonke Khutsoane, Thatohatsi Makae. With them is an athlete from Laerskool Secunda.


7 February 2020


Hoërskool Secunda presteer puik

FG Visser, Lisa Venter en Adrian Greeff het puik presteer tydens die jaarlikse MP - muurbalkampioenskappe wat Saterdag, 1 Februarie by Sasolklub plaasgevind het. FG Visser was 1ste in MP van die 0/19 Seuns. Ook Lisa Venter wen die goue medalje vir die 0/19 Dogters. Adrian Greeff was 3de in MP in die


Seuns 0/14 afdeling. Die atlete van Hoërskool Secunda het ook puik presteer tydens die Prestige Atletiekbyeenkoms wat op 31 Januarie by Secunda stadion plaasgevind het. Skole wat deelgeneem het was: Hoërskole Standerton, Volksrust, Hertzog en Secunda. Die volgende leerlinge trofeë gewen: 1. Natsidiso

Makgeto - Beste Junior dogter en Junior Victrix Ludorum 2. Siyanda Mkanza - Beste Junior Naelloop seun en Junior Victor Ludorum 3. Ronnie Tshabalala - Beste Senior Naelloop Seun 4. Tiaan de la Rey - Beste hekkiesatleet 5. Liane Parks - Beste middel en langafstandatleet: Junior Dogter 6.Brilliant Mahlangu - Beste

Goedehoop Nuus

Goedehoop se Bybelvasvraspan vir 2020 is aangekondig. Cayla Rossouw, Marelise de Jager, Melani Slabbert, Calene Grobler

middel en langafstandatleet: Junior Seun 7. Sharona Klein - Beste middel en langafstandatleet: Senior dogter 8. Ryan Erasmus - Beste Spronge 9. Jessica van den Berg - Worpe (Beste Junior Dogter) 10 Nicole Lindeque Worpe (Beste Senior Dogter) 11. Ian Morgan - Worpe (Beste Junior seun)

Diskus en Spiesgooi

Op Woensdag, 29 Januarie het Laerskool CR Swart ‘n byeenkoms aangebied slegs vir diskus en spiesgooi. Die volgende atlete behaal medaljes tydens die byeenkoms: Voor: Jamie-Lee van Rooyen (0/13 1e Diskus), Walt Vorster (0/13 3e Diskus), Micaela Berman (0/13 2e Diskus). Agter: Carla Bronkhorst (0/12 2e Spiesgooi), Rieghardt van Zyl (0/12 2e Diskus), Danika Burger (0/13 2e Spiesgooi)



Goliath vs David:

do or die

Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge teams are competing with the Premier Soccer League in The Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge in the last 16 National Knockout Development teams on Sunday. The Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge pre-season tournament will be played in Johannesburg at Marks Park on 9 February. Lake Umuzi organiser, Jacob Mtakwende said: “This is a good

opportunity especially for our young players to compete with bigger teams from PSL development.” All the teams must arrive at 8 am and 9am is kick-off. All teams must arrive on time. The final will be played at 15h15 pm. Supporters are not allowed with alcohol at or next to the pitch. For more information and information about transport please call Mr Jacob Mtakwende @ 082 70 512 47.

Henry Brown, WITS Coach and Mthokozisi “China” Mndebele

Alroy Pieterse and Xolani “Khama” Savanguane

7 February 2020

Sasol Cricket weekend results: 5 out of 5 for Sasol Cricket Club On Saturday Sasol Griffons travelled to Ermelo to play against Ermelo 2 in the promotion league. Sasol set up a mammoth total of 360/6 in their 40 overs. Gerhard Henn scored 160 runs of 77 balls and Nicolien Janse van Rensburg scored a fantastic 70 runs. In reply, Ermelo could only score 114 runs. JC Roarty took 3 wickets, it was also a hatrick for him! James Mendoza also chipped in with 3 wickets. Sasol Griffons was crowned Gert Sibande promotion league winners. Sasol Kinross won on default against Standerton as Standerton was not able to fill their team. Sasol 2 played against Bethal Bears in the Gert Sibande Premier League. Sasol was sent in to bat and scored 222 all out in 50 overs. Douglas Richardson scored 133 not out. Sasol managed to bowl out Bethal for only 65 runs. Nicus

Boshoff took 4 wickets. On Sunday, Sasol 2 played their second game of the weekend against Standerton. Sasol scored 268. Werner Coetzee scored 72 runs. Standerton was bowled out for 66 runs. Dodds van Zyl took 5 wickets with Nicus Boshoff chipping in with another 4 wickets. Sasol 1 played Ermelo 1 also on Sunday. Sasol could only score 169 runs. Sasol managed to defend the total by bowling out Ermelo for 137 runs. George Louw took 5 wickets. Sasol 1 remains top of the log, 5 points clear of Piet Retief. Sasol 2 moved up the log to overall 3rd place. This weekend will see 2 mouthwatering clashes with Sasol 2 taking on Ermelo 1 in Ermelo. Sasol 1 will play in a top of the league match against Piet Retief in Dumbe.

Photo: Archives


7 February 2020

Pandas does it again Aden Jospeh and Jacobus Le Roux, both from Pandas, played in the final of the South African 10 Ball Championships. In less than a year, Pandas had 2 players in the finals of a major Cue Sport event in South Africa. Aden Joseph and Jacobus Le Roux beat a strong field to reach the finals and had to meet some Panda players on the way to the finals. Currently the Panda team has won a couple of major titles

in various Cue Sport disciplines in the past year. Aden Joseph will represent South Africa at the Predator World 10 Ball Championships in Las Vegas in March 2020. The next event on the 9foot table will take place at Panda’s Cue Sport from 20 - 23 February 2020. US Open Qualifier and SA9Ball Raning event 1. The winner of the US - Open Qualifier will win a fully paid trip to Las Vegas. For More Information, contact Hendry Erasmus : 0832804712


Jackson wins in true Panda-style Back to Back South African Social Championship Titles. Jackson “Underdog” Mashetsi, from Pandas Pool Club, participated from 26 to 31 January at the South African National Blackball Championships, held at Tempe Bloemfontein. For the 1st time in the history of Mpumalanga, one club dominated the provincial team with a 100% representation from Pandas

into the Mpumalanga provincial teams. Jackson played against a young star from the Free State in the finals, eventually Jackson’s experience contributed to his title. This is the 3rd year that Mpumalanga has won the Single Social Title. Other results: The Grand Masters team won the Speedpool title and followed it up with 3rd place in the team event.

Top from left: Vice President from NBF, Comander Jones, David Koen, Mari Paul and Collin Cato. All from Panda’s representing Mpumalanga. Left: Jackson “Underdog” Mashetsi, National Blackball Champion Aden Joseph

Follow us on Instagram: @thebulletininsa

Jacobus Le Roux

February Shows FRIDAY 7 | 02 | 2020

Menu Available on 14 February 2020 only Bookings Essential for this menu Limited Bookings

Complimentary glass of Sparkling Wine Main Course: Mini Eisbein with roast Vegetables, Garlic baby Potatoes served with Honey Mustard sauce Dessert: Amarula Malva Pudding or Chocolate Browny Standard Eish!! Menu will be available

Bookings: 017 634 5980

Steve Umculo

FRIDAY 14 | 02 | 2020 Fay Lamour

THURSDAY 20 | 02 | 2020 Gerald Clark

For more info follow us on





Rhino Cup is coming home: Panda’s team no 1 in South Africa

Pandas Team from the left: Jacobus Le Roux, Hendry Erasmus, Wilfred Van Niekerk, Vincent Halliday, Aden Joseph, Thabo Taljaard and Adam Nel


he Panda’s 9Ball pulled off an excellent team performance in the inaugural Rhino Cup held at Vadin Billiard Room in Cape Town on 23 - 24 January. Panda’s started day 1 on a mission and led 8 – 2. They were looking to make it easier for themselves on day 2 but the Vadin team had another agenda. Like all Western Cape teams, they put on a good fight. Post the 3 doubles matches and 6

singles matches on day 2, Vadin was up 7 – 2, making the overall score line 10 - 9 to the Pandas. This meant that the Pandas team had already secured a draw and needed to win the captain’s pick match. In the final match, Aden Joseph (Pandas) came up against Jamiel Jacobs (Vadins) in a thrilling final match with one team playing for the win and the other for the draw. Jamiel and Aden were both playing

an amazing 9ball match and had everyone on the edge of their seats. In a very tense, thrilling and actionpacked match, Aden managed to get across the line for the Pandas with a 5 - 4 win to claim the first ever Rhino cup for the Pandas with an overall score of 11 - 9. Congratulations to both teams for showcasing their amazing skills on the table. The next event will be hosted by Pandas in Secunda and promises to be

a mega event with some amazing prize money on hand. Pandas Rhino Cup Team would like to thank the following sponsors: KWV, Prima Skryfbehoeftes, Vadins Billiard Room and Pandas. Players can qualify for each team by participating in the SA 9ball ranking events and Majors to earn their spot on the respective teams. #RhinoCup2021 #9ballPool - Henry Erasmus

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