1st Week Hilary Term 2022

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Plagued by the tracksuit: How Covid-19 changed fashion fundamentally Elena Buccisano explores the best, and worse, fashion consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.


the beginning of an online shopping ince being somewhat released from addiction. Just as fast as I rehomed my old the restrictive hold of Covid-19 clothes, I replaced them with new ones lockdowns and being allowed back – a process which I now look back on as into a world in which we see more unmaintainable and primarily done out than just our families every day, I think of boredom. Although I am now trying to many of us reached some sort of crisis consciously change how and where I shop when it came to dressing. After months for clothes, I occasionally find myself of being inside, curating my tracksuit tempted by that ‘out with the old collection, the easing of lockdown and in with the new’ mindset, restrictions certainly made by lockdowns, of me re-evaluate how I dress, “The lockdown triggered periodically reinventing my a process which I think wardrobe and searching started in the midst of did not only the internet for new lockdown. mean a clear‘trendy’ clothes whilst Having not much else selling or donating my to do during the first out, but also the older ones. major lockdown in 2020, I Like many, I have spent beginning of an spent time going through much of the last year all the clothes I owned online shopping in more casual clothes – and wondering either why primarily tracksuit bottoms I had ever bought such an addition.” and an endless rota of hoodies ugly item, or why I still owned and jumpers – telling myself clothes from my questionable that there was no point in dressing and much less fashionable pre-teen up because there was nothing to dress days. The wardrobe I was staring at was up for. However, since we’ve gained more thoroughly outdated and uninspiring. So, I liberty to go out and do more things, I began the gradual process of rehoming the find myself starting to enjoy fashion once clothes I knew I would never wear again again – something which Covid took away. through platforms such as Depop and Even on simple trips to Tesco or to a bar eBay or donating them to my local charity with friends, I now put more effort into shop and clothes bank. Unfortunately, as my outfit than I would have in pre-Covid many of us experienced, the lockdown times. On reflection, after so long of not did not only mean a clear-out, but also

having a reason to pick out a nice outfit, the chance to do so has become enjoyable again, even if it is for a fairly mundane occasion! For a while though, the idea of putting on a dress for a special occasion felt bewildering and frankly intimidating after residing in my fashion comfort zone for so long. But after some time, that stopped being strange. Now not only do I appreciate fashion more, but I wear things that aren’t so familiar to me – opting for more ‘out there’ clothing which I would have previously been too self-conscious to wear. Covid has certainly made me appreciate the power of fashion and has meant that I have refound the satisfaction of finding a new clothing gem or of simply rediscovering something in the back of my wardrobe which I had forgotten I owned. I think that for many, choosing an outfit which makes you feel confident has gained a new meaning as we all now know what it’s like to sit at home in slightly unflattering clothes with selfconfidence lacking. Nonetheless, the legacy of Covid remains in the background of my fashion choices and the comfy clothes are never too far away, retaining their place in my wardrobe

—although not necessarily at the forefront of it anymore. Those items now bring back memories of when comfortprioritising outfits became all the more socially acceptable, and still are. Covid has certainly made us increase the status of comfort as a requirement for clothing and I still often revert back to it as a safe and frankly inviting choice. So, although Covid has gotten me to experiment more with fashion – those tracksuits will never quite leave my wardrobe. Image Credit (above and below): Max Pixel// Creative commons (CC0), Adam Niescioruk via Unsplash

The Black Sheep: On Princess Diana’s statement sweaters Iustina Roman discusses the People’s Princess’ best sweaters because Ar Di would have loved Cherwell.


ith the release of Larraín’s bifeeling even better as a direct result of stayopic Spencer at the end of last ing home during the worst of the pandemic. year, and season 4 of the NetfMoreover, it has been observed that lix-produced drama series The Princess Di may have used her garments Crown in 2020, the life of Princess Diana has to convey certain messages. For example, once again come under the spotlight. one of her most famous pieces is a Known not just for a remarkable red jumper by the ‘70s knitwear “Some have rise to fame and tragic death, brand Warm & Wonderful Princess Diana is also well described them which she first wore in 1981, remembered for her iconic and many more times afas ‘grandma fashion sense which is apter that. The top features preciated even to this day. a pattern of sheep which sweaters’ or Though she is often are all white — except ‘campy’, but it is remembered for her for one. This black sheep most daring and glamcould be a metaphor for clear that they orous looks, especially the princess herself, since remain influential she was seen as an outside the infamous Revenge Dress, I find the Prin- and appreciated in member of the royal famcess of Wales’ casual looks ily. Since then, the brand fashion.” featuring statement sweatRowing Blazers has brought ers even more iconic. Some have back this design with the help described them as ‘grandma sweatof its original creators, so now you ers’ or ‘campy’, but it is clear that they retoo can emulate Princess Diana’s iconic main influential and appreciated in fashion. look—if you have £280 to spare, that is. Several influencers and models have Another piece I am particularly fond of come out with outfits that are very remiis a graphic sweater which was also reniscent of the athleisure wear Diana used cently reproduced by Rowing Blazers. This to be spotted in while running errands offtime, the message on the salmon-pink duty. Her combinations of cool sweaters sweater she was pictured in while spendand luxury handbags with a pair of cycling ing time with her sons is much more inshorts and sporty trainers are perfectly fityour-face. On the front, it reads “I’m a ting for us nowadays, as we have become luxury…” and on the back, “few can afford”. accustomed to combining looking good with The tongue-in-cheek design showcases the

Princess of Wales’ sense of humour which she managed to express through fashion. It is perhaps for these reasons that her statement sweaters have made a comeback, gaining huge popularity among a generation born after her death. As more people seek to find new ways of expressing themselves, who better to look up to than the queen (or princess, rather) of making a statement through clothing herself? Without saying a word, Diana gained the sympathy and admiration of many around the globe. Though some of this popularity may be exaggerated — blame your middle-aged mum for continuing to idolise her 25 years on — it is undeniable

that her style has had a long-lasting impact. Fast fashion and high-end brands alike are now flocking to produce a plethora of cool sweater designs which Diana herself would have probably been proud of. Nowadays, you probably won’t have to search long for a statement knit featuring bright colours and cool images. Harry Styles himself was pictured in a sweater vest featuring Lanvin’s sheep design similar to, but maybe not as powerful as, the Warm & Wonderful one (since the sweater vest does not include a black sheep standing out). However, you don’t have to splurge out or consume fast fashion to find an iconic sweater of your own. Popping into a charity shop or even rummaging through your dad’s wardrobe will probably provide you with the perfect ‘ugly sweater’ to channel your inner Di. It’s no wonder that entire generations have fallen in love with her classic, timeless style in a world of trends which come and go before you’ve even had time to form an opinion on them.

Image Credit: Paisley Scotland// Flickr - CC BY 2.0

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