The Backcast

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Vol 41 No 2

The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters

February 2014


February 2014

What’s inside ... Kelly Kukes, President Lee Tschetter, Vice President Cheryl Alexander, Secretary Matt Stanton, Treasurer

Terms expire in 2015: George Axlund, Brian Bayer, Derrick Dietz, Joe Meyer Terms expire in 2016: Cheryl Alexander Lee Wilson The Backcast is the monthly newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters, an affiliate club of the Wyoming Council of Trout Unlimited, the Nature Conservancy and the Federation of Fly Fishers. Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, board or members of the Wyoming Fly Casters. Annual dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership or $450 for a life- time family membership. Visit the club website at www. To pay dues or contact the club, write to P.O. Box 2881, Casper, WY 82602. The deadline for submission of information for each issue is a week before the end of the month. Make contributions to the next issue by e-mailing material to the Backcast editor at cheryl_ea06@ or call (307) 267-1903. The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) documents. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger. Your e-mail provider may have limits on the size of attachments. In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a request to In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub- scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses.


6-7 The polar bear

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Terms expire in 2014: Spencer Amend, Bob Fischer, Jim Johnson, Chris McAtee



joe’s smoked fish


Lyin’ and tyin’




CALENDAR Front Cover Image: Photo by Lee Wilson


If you haven’t already, call Joe Meyer at 307-235-1316. He’ll give you pointers and advice to make sure you catch The big one! Mission Statement:

The mission of the Wyoming Fly Casters is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.


The Wyoming Fly Casters club was formed in 1974. The membership currently consists of approximately 160 members. The WFC was organized by a group of dedicated fly fishermen and since the club’s inception the Wyoming Fly Casters have strived to further the sport of fly fishing through conservation and education. Conservation of our water resources is one of our primary goals and in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department we have and will continue to carry out worthwhile projects for the benefit of Wyoming fisheries. In addition to conserving Wyoming’s water resources we encourage conserving the fish themselves. A fish safely released today will live to give sport to others.

For easy access to digital version of newsletter go to:

Wyoming Fly Casters

President’s letter


Dear Wyoming Flycasters!

I caught my January fish; I am off to a good start. Hope all of you are well and making some good gains on your resolutions for the year. The club is off to a great start as well. We had a successful Polar Bear Fishing day on January 1st. We are planning our Cabin Fever and Annual Spring Banquet, and we are proud to announce our support to Blue Downey Park Project. As a board we approved to donate $7, 000 to the project. I feel great that we can help in these conservation efforts, to help a natural brook trout fishery to sustain for more years to come. This month we will have a presentation from Colin Tierney and Nate Cook, from the Wyoming Game and Fish. They will be describing the Blue Downey Park project and what the job entails. Please come and ask questions or just become knowledgeable on what the Wyoming Flycasters Club does for our surrounding fisheries in conservation. We will have Lying and Tying again at the Oil and Gas Building at 8:00 am, the Saturday after the general meeting. The first of many banquet committee meetings will be January 28, at 5:30 at the Ugly Bug. Thank you, Bob Fischer, for letting us use your space. The annual Cabin Fever will be March 15, at the Rec Center from 1-4. If you signed up, please let us know if you are helping with information, tying, or casting. Our Annual Banquet is April 5, mark your calendars and come join us for a fun filled evening. With your contributions and support it allows the club to donate to deserving conservation issues. We will be looking for any volunteers this upcoming month to become President, Vice President, or a board member. Please consider donating your time to a great club. We need you! Elections will be held at the March meeting so please make sure to participate in this meeting. Which also brings up membership dues. Dues must be current to vote. Please make sure to get your dues in so you can participate in the March elections. Tight Lines and Happy Fishing!



February 2014

Blue Downey Park Reservoir: The Erosive Threat Last month, I wrote an article for The Backcast describing Blue Downey Park Reservoir. In this article, I mentioned that the Wyoming Game and Fish Department had some concerns regarding the integrity of this reservoir. This month, I would like to explain the issue and how the Department proposes repairing the problem. Beforehand, I should provide a little background information. Incisions (AKA, waterfalls) downcut a stream-bed while moving gradually upstream. In other words, an incising stream is trenching itself. These effects can be minor and are naturally part of a functioning ecosystem…when the conditions are right (i.e., stable soils, healthy riparian vegetation, low stream gradient, or small incision). Under adverse conditions, the result are often incised channels, and in severe cases, gullies. These incisions lower the water table, reduce the health of the stream, and exacerbate water storage problems. A six-foot incision near Blue Downey Park Reservoir’s outflow currently blocks upstream fish migration. Unchecked, this incision could drain the reservoir and the surrounding wetlands, eliminating the reservoir’s water storage capacity and its viability as a fishery. With these factors in mind, the Department intends to create a rock chute to stabilize the incision and maintain the local resources. The chute would allow the water leaving the reservoir to slowly descend to the level of the creek, dissipating energy over a greater distance and reducing erosion. Rock would be placed in such a manner as to naturally create riffle-pools, with the added benefit of allowing fish migration. Sheet piling will reinforce this rock chute by adding stability. Work will begin in summer 2014, to be finished within two weeks. The replanting will occur in either the fall or following spring. The objectives of the project are to: A) Stabilize the incision threatening Blue Downey Park Reservoir; B) Maintain the populations of brook trout and northern leopard frogs; C) Create a structure passable by fish and other aquatic organisms, while maintaining or enhancing riparian function. Implementation will halt this stream incision, allowing the upstream areas to improve habitat quality through sedimentation, bank building and water storage. As you read in the President’s Letter, the Flycasters board graciously agreed to help fund this project. In advance of the general meeting, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Club, on behalf of both the Department and myself. I will be presenting on the project at the February meeting on the 12th. Fisheries biologist Nathan Cook and I will be outlining in detail what the implementation time line and procedures will be, what we hope to accomplish and answer any questions you might have. -Colin

Wyoming Fly Casters



February 2014

The Polar Bear

"Twas eleven AM on the first of January when all through the Reef, not a fisherman was stirring, not even a Greenie. The fish were all nestled in the river by god, in hopes that the Fly Casters would not catch them this year." Bill and I left to head out to annual Polar Bear Outing a little later than normal, the effects of the party the night before and although we didn't want to admit it, another year under our belt. It was the same every year. Almost impossible to get up and going, let alone think about fishing in freezing weather, and once on the road the anticipation would build. How would the wind be below the dam? Would we be able to find a fishing spot? Would the temp be above 26 degrees to minimize the ice in our ferrules? Would we catch our first fish of the year? The same questions every year for over 20 years. It had become a ritual. One that seemed to always start the year on the right foot. Almost always it didn't disappoint. We drove past the Sunset Bar a little before 11o'clock wondering if any familiar vehicles were parked in front. Not one that we recognized. Must be the icy roads kept those who don't want to fish, yet want to start the year with fellow fly fisherman, away. It seemed like each year this group of members was steadily increasing the last few years but not so this year. We turned left off the highway towards Grey Reef. As we drove along the reservoir we were asking ourselves the questions that seemed to become more important every year the river became more well known: "Wonder how many fisherman will be there? Do you think many braved the bad roads to travel up from Colorado?". We also reminisced about the good old times when the Fly Casters had the whole river to ourselves on New Years day. As we came around the last curve the parking lot came into view. "No empty drift boat trailers in the lower parking lot. Good sign so far. Look.... not a car in the camp ground!" As we pulled into the parking lot there was an untouched layer of fresh snow from the night before. Not a foot print to be seen any where. The place looked untouched and we repeatedly voiced our good fortune to each other. We drove to a stop in awe, snapping a picture to record the moment. Bill and I tried to guess the last time we were at Grey Reef on a holiday without seeing another sole. We got out of the truck to look over the bank to survey the river as some steam rose above it. What a sight for hung over eyes! Continued on page 7

Wyoming Flycasters


As we stood there taking it all in we had not noticed that another car had driven up behind us. As we turned to look at the license plate with the wanted Wyoming number 1, Marty walked up to say hi. Three Flycasters had the whole river to ourselves! We talked about what a day this will be! The anticipation was harder to suppress than normal as we rushed to get geared up. As usual Bill and Marty hit the water first. I had decided to take my time and ensure I got some pics of the only two people in the river to memorialize the moment. Once fully geared up, I decided not to brave the deeper water and the climb out to my regular rock in the middle of the river. My knees weren't feeling up to it. Instead I dropped below the deep hole where the water was shallower and less rocky. Bill had already caught fish below me. After a few dead drift casts with not a hit I decided to strip nymph. After a few small strips, I had one and he behaved well as he came into my hand. He had taken the egg on a strip after the drop. Why this sometimes works, I still don't know. Yes, the year was starting as it had for the last 20 years. It put a smile on my face and I toasted to friends, The river and the fish as was my normal ceremonial good luck routine after the catching the first fish of the day. A few casts later I seemed to have a snag, then my line started to move slowly. This was a big one and it took awhile to realize he was hooked. After two good runs back up the river the line unexpectedly went limp. I'd lost him. Must have had him only on the size 20 nymph. Another smile crossed my face as I thought about how great a fishery this place is. A few more casts and I broke one off. With cold fingers and the Sunset's green chili and Bloody Marys beckoning, I decided to simply pack it in as I reeled up the line and headed towards the truck. While breaking down my gear I watched Bill out of one eye catch a few more fish across the river. I shouted and gave him a thumbs up. Always good to see someone starting the year right. I thought again..... "Yes, we sure are lucky to live near to a place like this!" Bill soon returned to the truck also after also breaking off. We shared a few snacks and stories with Marty who said she was staying a bit longer and she'd catch back up with us at the bar. We sauntered into the Sunset a little before 12:30 and noticed two unfamiliar fisherman at a table. No Flycasters......? We said hi to Jodi and after greeting us with a warm welcome she informed us that we had just missed a few other Flycasters. Darn it, I thought, we would miss one of the better parts of the outing; enjoying the jovial camaraderie and stories with other club members. Soon Marty joined us. This, along with the green chili and bloody marys, helped bring back some resemblance to Polar Bear outings of the past. As we asked Jodi for the bill and gathered up our things, I couldn't help to think how the year was starting like the good old days on the river yet when one gets old enough to begin thinking about the good old days many things will never be the same again. I wondered how many more years we could count on enjoying green chili and Bloody Marys with club members at the Sunset. As I said goodbye to Marty, I made a new years resolution to myself," I will attend the polar bear outing next year and many years after." Clarke Turner


February 2014

Joe’s Smoked Fish If you enjoyed Joe’s canned trout recipe from a few issues back, check this one out! Many of us have enjoyed his smoked fish at club events, now you can try it out for yourself! For smoked fish, I started with an old wood ice box with an electric skillet on the bottom full of hickory chips. I would dissolve salt in water and inject the fish in the backbone with a hypodermic needle. When the ice box burned up I used a propane barbecue grill. I fill a pie tin with hickory chips and hickory sawdust (sometimes I use black walnut). Cover pie tin with aluminum foil and poke several pencil-sized holed in the foil.

I place the pie tin on top of the briquettes. I cover the metal grid with a sheet of aluminum foil. I split the fish by the backbone and lay it open. I use 1-2 tablespoons of my cure sprinkled on the flesh of the fish (1½ to 2½ pounds of fish is a good size). Let the cure soak into the fish for a couple of hours- either before or after smoking. Be sure and use the barbecuer outside.

Place the cured fish on the aluminum foil – turn flame to maximum – check after 15-20 minutes. It should be done by about the 25-30 minute mark. You can use your own cure made with brown sugar, salt, and other seasonings. I use turkey cure. Any questions, call me at 235-1316.


Wyoming Fly Casters


WFC 2014 Officer and Board Election Ballot

PRESIDENT (Vote for one) ______________________________ � ______________________________ � ______________________________ � VICE PRESIDENT (Vote for one) ______________________________ � ______________________________ � ______________________________ � TREASURER (Vote for one) __Lee Tschetter_________________ � ______________________________ � ______________________________ � SECRETARY (Vote for one) ___Cheryl Alexander_____________ � ______________________________ � ______________________________ �

INSTRUCTIONS Mark through the boxes adjacent to the candidate(s) of your choice. Vote for one candidate for officer positions, and as many as four for board vacancies. In order to be entitled to vote, you must be a WFC member in good standing (dues current). Absentee ballots can be mailed to the club (P.O. Box 2881, Casper, 82602). All other ballots will be marked and collected during the membership meeting on March 12th. Nominations from the floor will be accepted before ballots are cast, especially for the position without any announced candidates. Officers and board members elected in March take office in April. The obligation of an officer or a board member is to attend a general membership meeting and a board meeting, on the second and third Wednesdays of each month, respectively, at 7:00 p.m. BOARD -- 2 year term expiring 2016 (Vote for two) ____ ______________ ____________�

BOARD -- 3 year term expiring 2017 (Vote for four) ___________________ ___________�


______________________________ �


______________________________ �


______________________________ �


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______________________________ � ______________________________ � ______________________________ �

BOARD -- 1 year term expiring 2016

This is a sample ballot that you will see at the general meeting on March 12th. As you can see, there are several spots to fill on the board, and as of now, we have received very little response. Lee Tschetter has graciously accepted the position of Treasurer, relinquishing his position as Vice-President. Kelly will be stepping down as well from her role as President. I encourage everyone to consider running, even if it is just for one term. You will have complete support of the board and the clubyou won’t have to start from scratch. If anyone is interested in running for one of the positions, including general board members, please contact Kelly Kukes, Cheryl Alexander, Lee Tschetter, Matt Stanton, or any other board member. Voting will take place at the March general meeting, so please plan to attend. Thanks!!! Cheryl


February 2014

Lyin’ & Tyin’

If you want to learn how to tie flies, or just need an excuse to spend a few hours tying, come down to the Oil and Gas Commission on the Saturday after the general meeting every month (see Calendar). There will be novice tyers and experts in the same room, including Blake Jackson. You can learn new patterns, work on your go-to flies, and chat with club members. Participation is free, and there will be some suppliers for new tyers. If you have a vice and materials, bring them along. Blake usually does some demonstrations featuring flies that work great in Wyoming waters.

Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. Oil and Gas Conservation Office 2211 King Boulevard, Casper

Photos by Guy Whitlock

Wyoming Fly Casters


Flycasters! This is a great way to help our partner, Healing Waters! This is a very exciting raffle- just check it out! If you want to purchase a few tickets, contact Derrick Dietz for more information! Tickets will be sold at the Cabin Fever Clinic on March 15th, as well as the next few general meetings.


February 2014

Flycaster of the Month Name: Spencer Amend Where are you originally from? Kansas What is your occupation? Retired fish and wildlife biologist/manager. Why did you join the Wyoming Flycasters? To learn when, where, and how to fish around here What is your favorite fishing experience? Fishing with Joe... I always learn something useful What is your favorite rod to use?

5 wt Sage One built by my friend Tommy. It is nicely balanced, light to cast, and will handle any fish I am likely to tie into. And Tommy did a beautiful job on it! What advice could you give new members to the club? Get involved! Don’t be shy about asking for help. Are there any outings/events with the club you are looking forward to? Social events are fun, but I like the outings best. And the informal ones, Fishing With Joe, are often some of the best. If you could fly fish anywhere in the world, where would you go? New Zealand, and back to Alaska. Besides fly fishing, what are some of your other hobbies? Bird watching, travel, Yellowstone trips in the winter.

Wyoming Fly Casters

Letter from the Editor


Flycasters, I apologize for this edition being late to get out. I have been so busy with work and managing my crazy life, it has been quite a challenge. There are still several things I want to include in the BackCast that I just haven’t found time to work on. I appreciate your patience and kind words! A few things: I know we have been talking about it... A lot... We really need club participation in the board of directors. This is not a difficult thing. We meet once a month, on the third Wednesday, at the clubhouse. We discuss current issues with the club, like upcoming events, fund-raisers, how we spend money, etc. Please please... Please consider running for office! The Spring Banquet committee met last week to kick off the planning. If you would like to participate in the planning, no matter how small your contribution, it will be greatly appreciated! We meet again on Wednesday, Feb. 12th at 6:00 at the clubhouse (just an hour before the general meeting!). Start tying a few flies for Joe, as he will need them for the Spring Banquet, for several fly plates as well as bucket raffles and give-aways! Please keep Dick and Susan DePaemelere in your thoughts and prayers. For those of you who have not heard, Dick suffered from a stroke in late January and is in the hospital in Denver. Susan has been keeping us all up to date on Facebook. He is doing ok but has a ways to go on the road of recovery. Dick, I hope you start feeling better soon, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and Susan both!

Cabin Fever will be on March 15th- if you can attend, we need volunteers for fly tying demonstrations as well as casting lessons. Thanks for listening, and remember to keep sending in your great pictures and stories. This has been a great issue, thanks to several club members- too many to list here! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together! Always,



February 2014

Secretary’s Report January 8, 2014 Call to order 7:00 p.m.

Members in attendance: Kelly, Lee T., Matt, Lee W., Cheryl, Derrick, George, Joe Previous meeting minutes approved; all in favor. There is no Treasurer’s Report this month.

The board continued to discuss supporting the Game & Fish Dept. Blue Downey project. Joe made the motion that the board commit $7,000 to the project. Matt seconded the motion. Colin will be the presenter at our February general meeting and he will review the project with the members. The Spring Banquet will be April 5th. The banquet committee is looking for volunteers. Our first committee meeting will be held on January 28th at 5:30, Ugly Bug Fly Shop.

We discussed the Cabin Fever Clinic which will be coming up in March. Volunteers are needed for this event as well. Derrick will be selling tickets for a Healing Waters raffle at Cabin Fever. The general meeting in April will feature a fishing trip to Belize- more information to come in the next few weeks. We need to encourage all new members to contact Joe once they join the club. Previous meeting minutes were approved with no objections. Meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Cheryl

Photos by Peg Novotny

Wyoming Fly Casters




Let’s tie some flies! Flies needed for the Spring Banquet!! It would be great to get 2 flies from each McTavish recipient, 1 from anyone else AND any member can tie one dozen for door prizes! Contact Joe Meyer at: 235-1316


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February 2014



A look ahead: • Cabin Fever Clinic will be held on March 15th 1:00-4:00 • Spring Banquet will be held April 5th.

Wyoming Fly Casters P.O. Box 2881 Casper, WY 82602

February 2014

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