Rebecca Aguilar President-Elect Society of Professional Journalists Serving North East Texas
My Truth Publisher Cheryl Smith
Let People Love You Birthdays are special times, for many. Then there are those who are celebrating alone because of COVID-19. During these times when social distancing should be practiced, some are paying heed; while others are doing their own thing like they don’t have a care in the world. Thanks to the video conferencing platform, ZOOM, birthdays and special occasions are being shared around the world. Last week, I thought about my mother as I attended two ZOOM birthday calls. It was especially endearing to hear special stories about Mrs. Jean Mackey, who turned 90, and Dr. Froswa Booker-Drew, who hit the 50 mark. My mother’s date of birth is September 10 and I would really love to be able to look into her eyes, hear her laughter and share precious memories. On those ZOOM calls, there was a lot of laughter, nice stories and some tears. There was dancing, singing and praying. Which brings me to my truth. These are some challenging times. As I listened to folks sharing their love for the women of the hour, it was heartwarming to hear their expressions. In recalling other birthday parties I’ve attended over the years; the ones I have been attending lately have been more emotional and for some reason, it could be COVID-19, people are going deep and revealing more of their inner feelings. What a beautiful scene to witness. COVID-19 is making us realize what has been our reality all along, we just didn’t internalize it. With over 26.6 million infected and 875,000 dead worldwide; we’ve had to do some reckoning. At Dr. Booker-Drew’s ZOOM Party, the Rev. Donald Parish Jr. had a message I hope will also resonate with you. He said, “always check in” and “let people love you.” Are you guilty of closing yourself off from the people who want to check on you or give you love? Rev. Parish said, “When you say no, you’re blocking our blessings.” Let people love you and you in turn, give love.
Inside Kamala Watch
Kamala Harris Selection Represents Unprecedented Moment Of Racial Reckoning
Lawlessness and Disorder p4
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and DISD Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa outside at Eddie Bernice Johnson Elementary School
it comes to all students being enrolled for in-person classes. For many households, a digital divide has been an issue for students not having the accessibility to Wi-Fi or even a computer. “Technology is needed to make sure they do not fall behind,” Johnson, who is chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, DISD Supt. Dr. Michael Hinojosa and Principal Umoja Turner of Eddie Bernice Johnson Elementary School talk with art teacher Tessa Williams
Technology, said. “I hope every school and every neighborhood will have access. Our rural areas have suffered, even more. I’m hoping we can close that gap.” Hinojosa, who began his career as an educator in 1979, said this year is like no other. The school year was supposed to start three weeks ago and he thought the delay was much needed to adequately prepare for changes necessitated by COVID-19. “We are all learning as we go,” Hinojosa said, adding that, “It’s about managing the cases and implementing strict protocols to limit the spread.” During the visit, music teacher, Nelda Washington sang a popular song, “I Love School,” that she
see SCHOOL, page 3
Sen. Cornyn visits with community members Sen John Cornyn discussed his position on issues while visiting with several African Americans in Dallas on Labor Day, at the invitation of former Dallas ISD board trustee Ron Price and Elite News publisher Darryl Blair. School choice, prison reform and economic opportunities were uppermost on his mind as he spent at least an hour answering questions. While he fielded many questions on helping the formerly incarcerated, the senator stressed the importance of eco-nomic growth and development and he didn’t flinch when told he needed to have Black people working in his office and also when questioned about social unrest across the controversy. Citing George Floyd, who was killed by police officers in Minneapolis, MN. Sen. Cornyn said the “original sin of the United States was to claim to treat
everyone as equal but to treat Black people as less than equal and we’ve been paying a terrible price for that…we are still paying the price.” He also said there was no justification for the looting and vandalism that has occurred in several cities. State Rep. candidate Will Douglas was in attendance and
received the senator’s endorsement. Abilene (Tex) Mayor Anthony Williams, who is doing well af-ter battling COVID-19, spoke during the gathering and shared information about the Senator’s contributions to the growth of Abilene. Senator Cornyn was accompanied by his wife, Sandy.
Latinos to city: Hispanic should lead Police Dept. By ASHLEY MOSS Staff Writer Leaders of two Hispanic organizations – one within Dallas Police and another outside – called Wednesday for city administrators to hire a Hispanic to replace the outgoing chief. Police Chief U. Renee Hall informed city administrators late Tuesday she planned to leave her position by the end of the year. A day later, the president of a Latino officers association, said Hall had failed to galvanize the support of Latinos within the department - and outside of it. “We had some huge concerns about her not being able to meet with a majority of the population,” said George Aranda, president of the Greater Dallas Chapter of the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization. “Our city is suffering. Our community is suffer-
Like us on GarlandJournal Follow us on Twitter@GarlandJournal SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
I was just
Thinking Norma Adams-Wade
Dr. King’s only grandchild picks up torch
By ALLANA J. BAREFIELD Staff Writer Wilmer, TX Class is back in session and the new Eddie Bernice Johnson Elementary School had two special guests to kick off the school year. U.S. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), and Dallas ISD Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa visited several classrooms, talked with teachers and viewed the new setups of plexiglass at students’ desk. But not all students will be sitting down in classrooms. Instead some will continue virtual learn-ing at their homes. “I encourage them to keep the interest and I cannot express how different it is for them,” Johnson said. “I have great admiration for the teachers who are willing to be here and teach virtually.” Johnson and Hinojosa are not sure what the future will hold when
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George Aranda, president of the Greater Dallas Chapter of the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization Photo courtesy: LinkedIn
ing. Our citizens are suffering. Crime is at an all-time high. “We have communities that are looking for a chief that can lead,” said Aranda, who is a sergeant and supervisor of the department’s recruiting unit. Outside of Dallas Police Department, the head of a leading Latino civil rights organization, said Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax should hire someone of Latin descent
Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax Photo courtesy: Dallas City Hall Twitter
as Hall’s successor. “I think that it’s time for Dallas to find a qualified Latino. We’ve had African-American chiefs that have been good, but we are 42 percent of the community,” said René Martinez, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens Chapter 100 in Dallas. “I think it’s time for the manager to go select a Latino who can lift morale and focus on
see LATINOS, page 3
The weight of legacy can crush. But that weight also can inspire. I was just thinking of 12-year-old Yolanda Renee King, only grandchild of the monumental civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Already the child is under the microscope and it’s a bit overbearing to speculate about the weight she faces in the future.
Yolanda Renee King, Dr. King Jr.’s granddaughter Photo courtesy: Twitter
The youth, Yolanda Renee King, bears the name of her late aunt, Yolanda Denise King – the eldest of Dr. King Jr. and Coretta Scott King’s four children. The elder Yolanda was an actress, motivational speaker, and theater producer. Relatives said she appeared to be in good health but died suddenly, reportedly of a heart ailment, in 2007 at age 51. The younger Yolanda already is drawing much media coverage, usually appearing at public events with her dad, Martin Luther King III. Most recently, the youth spoke at the August 28, 2020 Commitment March on Washington that the Rev. Al Sharpton organized with help from leaders including King III. The march highlighted goals including police reforms to halt killings of unarmed Black men and women and banishing increased racism in the nation. The march also commemorated the 57th anniversary of the Aug. 28, 1963 March on Washington where young Yolanda’s grandfather delivered his historic “I Have A Dream” speech. I also was just thinking of the weight of living up to so many towering figures in history and learning to navigate the cruelties and demands that society can dish out. I thought of Dr. King’s children and how they endured bombings, certain part of society hating their parents, and the uncertainty of not knowing if they would see their father again as he traveled championing racial equality in the face of brutal resistance. The elder Yolanda was the same age that the younger Yolanda is now, 12, when Dr. King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Reports say that the elder Yolanda was a tower of strength throughout that shattering tragedy, doing what she could to console her younger siblings. Another almost forgotten occurrence of history is that Dr. King’s mother Alberta King, the youngest Yolanda’s great-grandmother, also was assassinated. She was playing the organ at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta during a Sunday morning service on June 30, 1974, six years after her famous son was killed. Marcus Wayne Chenault Jr., a 23-year-old Black man who hated Christianity, sprang up from the pew and fatally shot Mama King, 69, and also a deacon, and wounded another female church member. Chenault was given the death penalty but the King family opposed capital punishment so the sentence was changed to life in prison. Chenault died of a stroke in prison in 1995 at age 44. I interviewed Martin Luther King III during one of his visits to
see DR. KING, page 4