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By Cheryl Smith Publisher


IN MEMORIAM: David Dinkins,

New York’s First and Only Black Mayor, Dies at 93 BE A BLESSING Farmers will tell you that every planted seed may not yield a return. When the fruits of your labor blossom, you can’t help but feel proud. Which brings me to my truth. Dorothy Gentry was my first journalism intern in 1989. The first of many who have come behind her, that University of North Texas student was talented and a quick learner. Then there was Diva (aka

Kimberly Sims (Lil Bit)

Trina Terrell-Andrews (Diva)

Trina Terrell), the young intern who walked up to me at a National Newspaper publishers Association reception in 1990 and told me she wanted to be a journalist. I invited the 14-year-old to join me at the Dallas Weekly for her Spring break and I gave her the same instruction that I had given Dorothy, who today is an educator and a sports editor who has the respect of those she covers and works with. In a conversation with Dallas MAVs CEO Cynt Marshall, this summer, I was beaming with pride as she praised the second-generation journalist. After all, she is the daughter of the legendary journalist, Clarence H. Gentry. And I didn’t cut Diva any slack as an intern. Then when the Summer came Diva stayed on, joining others including Texas Woman’s University’s Kimberly Sims who rounded out the team of hard-working, enterprising, attentive, interns who wanted to learn and grow. Fast forward 30 years later and today these ladies are seasoned professionals. Earlier this year, Diva was named CEO of Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center. Last week, during an interview, she spoke matter-of-factly about the work of the Center. She told about thousands of citizens who were fed thanks to funding by The Mark Cuban Foundation, The Dirk Nowitzki Foundation, The Heroes Foundation and North Texas Food Bank. Poised and well-prepared, it wasn’t the first time I heard Diva talking about the great works and the many lives touched by the Center. She skillfully shared the message and mission of the Center. Recently I participated in one See MY TRUTH, page 3

By Lauren Victoria Burke

Dinkins was viewed as a compromise candidate during a time of turmoil in New York. Elected a year after the infamous 1989 “Central Park jogger” incident that led to the wrongful convictions of five Black and Hispanic boys, Dinkins proved to be a cautious and stoic figure who was a competent caretaker of the city, including its many fiscal, social and political challenges. Dinkins’ administration followed that of one of New York City’s most storied politicians, Ed Koch.

NNPA Newswire Correspondent

David Dinkins was the stuff of political legend in New York’s Harlem. From 1990 to 1993, Dinkins served as the 106th Mayor of the largest city in America — New York. Dinkins was a historic figure as the first African American to hold the office. He often referred to the city as “a gorgeous mosaic.” Dinkins was part of Harlem’s Democratic Party machine that dominated politics from the late 60s and into the 1990s. He was part of a power base that was made up of businessman Percy Sutton, New York State Assemblyman Herman “Denny” Farrell, attorney Basil Paterson, and Congressman Charles Rangel. Dinkins won an Assembly seat, was appointed City Clerk and served as Manhattan Borough President before being elected Mayor of New York. Dinkins was one of fifty Black investors who helped Percy Sutton found Inner City Broadcasting Corporation in 1971. Sutton also invested in The Amsterdam News. Dinkins was viewed as a compromise candidate during a time of turmoil in New York. Elected a year after the infamous 1989

The inaugural ride of the Second Avenue Subway was led by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on December 31, 2016. Among those in attendance were former Mayor David N. Dinkins and Veronique “Ronnie” Hakim, President of MTA New York City Transit. On the night of November 23rd, David Dinkins succumbed to natural causes at his home on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

“Central Park jogger” incident that led to the wrongful convictions of five Black and Hispanic boys, Dinkins proved to be a cautious and stoic figure who was a competent caretaker of the city, including its many fiscal, social and political challenges. Dinkins’ administration followed that of one of New York City’s most storied politicians, Ed Koch. Following violence in the Crown Heights section of Brook-

lyn that many believed was not handled well by Dinkins, he lost his bid for re-election. Dinkins was a member of the 20,000 strong Montford Point Marines and served in the Marines from 1945–1946. In 1956 he earned a law degree from Brooklyn Law School. He graduated cum laude from Howard University. On the night of November 23rd, David Dinkins succumbed

to natural causes at his home on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. His death follows the recent passing of his wife Joyce, who died at their home on October 12th. Joyce Dinkins was 89. The former Mayor, and member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., is survived by their two children, David N. Dinkins Jr. and Donna Dinkins Hoggard. Lauren Victoria Burke is an independent journalist for NNPA and the host of the podcast BURKEFILE. She is also a political strategist as Principal of Win Digital Media LLC. She may be contacted at and on twitter at @LVBurke

COVID-19 called “profoundly deadly“ By Ashley M. Moss Staff Writer

Eight months after the first emergency order was issued for Dallas, positive cases for COVID-19 have risen sharply across the state. The numbers show a need for continued vigilance, Dallas’s COVID czar Dr. Kelvin Baggett said, calling the virus “profoundly deadly.” “We have taken actions to ensure the health and safety of our city,” said Dr. Baggett. “But we need to do more to reduce the burden on healthcare workers and the hospital treatment capacity in order to look forward to a time when we can all look forward to a vaccine.” The recent surge has prompted the City of Dallas to invest $500,000 towards an ongoing prevalence study by UT

Jasmin Tiro, PhD.

Southwestern Medical Center. The study was originally launched in the summer as an invitationonly initiative, but was expanded this fall after the initial response rate was lower than hoped. “We saw what was happening with the surge and we wanted to expand so all people could participate,” said Jasmin Tiro, PhD, an Associate Professor

at UT Southwestern in the Department of Population and Data Sciences. “initially we had a low participation rate. We have a lot of needs and a lot of interest, but we’re looking for a 100 percent response rate.” There are still many unanswered questions. “Our study seeks critical answers we still don’t have – how many in the community have been infected with COVID-19 and why some communities are being harder hit. The large data set from 30,000 community volunteers will allow us to improve the strategies for countering its spread as we continue to restore business and school operations,” Amit Singal, M.D., the principal investigator for the study, said in a statement. The study, which is one of the largest in the country, is designed

to help health officials learn more about the virus and how it spreads. It will include tests to determine whether participants have or ever had COVID-19, a vital point since many people are often asymptomatic. “The latest estimates from the CDC suggest that 4 in 10 people show no signs or symptoms of COVID infection, which means they are potentially (going out and) infecting others,” Professor Tiro added. Tiro, who leads community engagement efforts for the initiative, said the DFW COVID-19 Prevalence Study will also help researchers better understand why the disease adversely affects Black and Latino communities in high numbers. “This disease is very challenging and fast moving See COVID-19 page 5

What I’m thankful for -- and why I Was Just Thinking By Norma Adams-Wade O. K. I’m like you. I used to think it was kind of meaningless for a family to surround a table of tempting food and makeup pat answers for why they’re grateful on this day of Thanksgiving. I’ve grown much now. I’ve lived more life. I’ve witnessed more misfortune. I’ve watched more endless, depressing TV news reports. And I’ve come aboard the thankful train. Today on this Thanksgiving, November 26, 2020, the world is overrun with misery.

And yet, I was just thinking... Is your glass half empty or half full? Somebody wise, and probably full of Thanksgiving turkey, said, “It depends on how you look at it.” For every negative, there is a positive. For every loss, there is a gain. For every death, a new life is born. For every tear, there is a bright smile somewhere. So here is my glass: 1. My glass is full of opportunity. I now realize that each morning when my feet touch the floor, I have another chance to make good what I messed up the day before, or at least to start anew. And I am thankful for it. 2. My glass is full of possibility. I have come to realize the simple truth in the saying “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” And I am thankful for it. 3. My glass is full of a made-up mind. When I was younger and

Family at dinner table

even small than my current weight and height, I used to move my upright piano alone, from one wall to another while rearranging the furniture. I told my mind: “I can do this.” And I did. I’ve always believed the mind is a computer and will follow the programming you

install in it. And I am thankful for it. 4. My glass is full of hope. The opposite of hope is despair. Hope lifts up. Despair pulls down. Up is better. And I am thankful for it. 5. My glass is full of blind spots. I See THINKING, page 5

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