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By Cheryl Smith Publisher



Budding Entrepreneur

I Was Just Thinking

Six-year-old Garland girl starts business

Donald Trump: Damaged child equals damaged man?

NOW IS THE TIME We can all agree that 2020 has been challenging and, for some, overwhelming. This has also been a time when while I have seen some bad, I have witnessed some good and some wonderful, noble acts from so many. We need to salute those who are giving: of themselves, their resources and their time.

our social media and wanted to buy it, so we started selling them.” It’s hard to predict whether Jayleen’s artwork will go viral, but she already has more than 200 followers on a TikTok account her father started in her name. There she shows how she draws the Among Us characters, all short humanoids wearing spacesuits. She meticulously paints between the lines, and her father adds the

I’m embarrassed to say publicly that my heart goes out to President Donald Trump. Yes, I feel sorry for him. Not in the sense of feeling sorry for a homeless person on the street. I feel sorry for who he could have been but did not become – or did not get the chance to be. When I look at our current president who soon will leave office (I promise), I see a damaged child who became a Donald Trump, son and damaged man. I did not vote U. S. 45th President. for Trump, nor do I support him in anyway. But I grieve for who he could have been. I do not even wish for him to serve prison time for his many discretions. If that is too Pollyanna, I confess it. If he does serve time, then justice has been served. But


See TRUMP, page 6

Jayleen Molina, armed with her computer, is all set for business.

Story and Photos By Rebecca Aguilar Senior Correspondent

I remember taking a typing class in high school and the first sentence we typed was: “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” Which brings me to my truth. On Thursday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m.-noon at Mark Cuban HeSee MY TRUTH, page 6

By Norma Adams-Wade

It’s hard to miss six-year-old Jayleen Molina when you drive by her house in southeast Garland. As she sits typing into her laptop computer in her front yard, right next to her is a wooden display with about a dozen of her paintings. On small canvases, she has painted characters known as

“Crewmates” of the video game, Among Us. She has become a young entrepreneur with her father’s encouragement, Ruben, who noticed Jayleen’s artwork was getting attention on his social media. “We love arts and crafts, so we started with one of the AmongUs characters,” said Molina. “And one turned into another one, and then we started collecting them, and people started seeing them on

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