Garland Journal

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Prayers for DeSoto Mayor Curtistene McCowan

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to host virtual ribbon cutting, 10 a.m., Friday, Oct. 30. Ceremony premieres at bond2015 and will be simulcast on Facebook.

- wishing you a full recovery.



By Cheryl Smith Publisher

Johnson to be inducted as Fellow to American Academy of Nursing

Right side of history I try to make my vote stand for something. Now everyone I have ever voted for has not been victorious. Still, I have not regretted my vote because

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson


See MY TRUTH, page 6

On Saturday, October 31, 2020, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) will be inducted as a Fellow to the American Academy of Nursing. The inductees of the 2020 Class of 230 Nurse Leaders will be recognized for their significant contributions to health and health care at the Academy’s annual Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference, which will take place virtually on October 29-31, 2020. “In the past months, our fellow nurses have worked tirelessly and with great sacrifices on the front

By Norma Adams-Wade Professor Clarence Glover Jr, also known as “Professor Freedom,” wears many hats that include Dallas cultural diversity educator, Black history scholar, African heritage drummer, libation ritualist, minister, children’s book author, and youth mentor. But one of his

proudest hats is the old frayed straw he wears when he’s working the land, tending to his backyard chickens, and caring for his fields of cotton. Yes, you read correctly: cotton – that vilified crop that has been the bane of Black folk’s existence for hundreds of years. Glover long has insisted that his fellow African-Americans have it wrong when they view cotton as the enemy. The Grambling State University and SMU’s Perkins School of Theology graduate is

LET’S STAND UP FOR THE PROVEN LEADER ON: - Healthcare - Public Transportation - Economic Opportunity - Public Education - Civil & Voting Rights - Justice & Equality for All RE-ELECT!

Eddie Bernice



lines of direct patient care during this pandemic. I am so honored to be recognized alongside many champions of the nursing community as a 2020 Fellow Inductee to the American Academy of Nursing,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “While some of us are no longer at bedside, which is my first passion, we are all making strides towards substantial change. As a federal legislator, I stand firm with the Academy’s commitment to achieving meaningful policy changes that impact vulnerable populations and

those whose voices would otherwise not be heard.” The American Academy of Nursing serves the public and the nursing profession by advancing health policy and practice through the generation, synthesis, and dissemination of nursing knowledge. More than 2,700 distinguished fellows are the nursing profession’s most accomplished leaders in education, management, practice, and research. They have been recognized for their extraordinary contributions to nursing and health care.

That’s right -- Cotton Pickers Day!

Judge Amy Coney Barrett

I take it seriously and put value in that vote by doing homework and voting my convictions and yes, my heart. Now that doesn’t mean that sometimes people elected ha-




Judge Staci Williams

EARLY VOTING: October 13-30 ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, November 3 There’s no Straight Ticket option in 2020. Please nish your ballot and vote for EVERY Democrat!

Glover in other traditional garments and hat, spinning a bracelet from cotton. Credit: Clarence Glover Jr.

prepared for the pushback he often gets from those who strongly denounce picking cotton. He asserts in lectures that the shame is

not that Black people picked cotton; the shame is that they were not PAID for that honest work, he says. So, Glover has taken the legal steps and instituted the First African-American Cotton Pickers’ Day through the National Day Archives. The day pays homage to Americans of African descent who raised and picked cotton during slavery and Jim Crow, who laid the foundation that formed America’s economic system from See SCHOOL, page 5

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