I Messenger

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JANUARY 17, 2020


I M essenger

“We must pick up the baton and carry it the next leg.” Rev. William Barber on celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



IMessenger An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110

AUTHORS SHOWCASE Healthy Living Expo 1/20/20 at African American Museum


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Established 2011 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

JANUARY 17, 2020








When you are young, you think you are going to live forever. Danger doesn’t bother you…this is your world and others are just living in it…You can beat anything and anybody...You are invincible.

Democrats started this Presidential campaign season with more than 20 candidates. Eventually, it dropped to about a dozen, with, so far, only five of those “qualified” to appear on the next debate stage. But debate performance doesn’t seem to matter much.

I have always loved lighthouses. I have tons of pictures, souvenirs, and decorative replicas of them. Lighthouses seem to have a magnetic pull about them – an aura that seems to say, “Come heather. Rest awhile from your journey. I’m happy that my light guided you here.”




Register your booth for the Healthy Living Expo 1/20/20 at African American Museum 214-941-0110




JANUARY 17, 2020

MY TRUTH by Cheryl Smith, Publisher

Know better, live better When you are young, you na did think she was smarter. forever and Amen! Since I see things differentthink you are going to live for- And while clearly someone ever. Danger doesn’t bother was praying for her safety ly the older I get, I feel comyou…this is your world and and well-being, I on the other pelled to help those who come after me see a clearothers are just living in er picture. Sure they it…You can beat anycan go out and do thing and anybody... something stupid or You are invincible. detrimental to their So, why should you well-being but if worry about anything? they cross my path Nothing is going to and I am aware, at happen to you. least they won’t But, if you live long be able to say they enough, you start weren’t forewarned, thinking about some of thus forearmed. the choices you made That’s why the and if you didn’t beHealthy Living fore; you think about Expo is so importhow blessed you were ant. We must pick to have parents or up the baton and someone who prayed carry it the next leg, for and over you and challenges the Rev. sought to give you William Barber. guidance when you We must address thought you knew everything, when actual- MAVS MANIAACS at 2019 Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo, the issues. Information is key ly in the whole scheme with Iota Phi Lambda Sorority’s Daphne Hornbuckle and too often slow of things, you knew so in coming and that’s very little. Which brings me to my truth. hand, was praying that I could why it is imperative that those I never got the chance to be walk up on her. I just want- who can and know, seize every that child who let my parents ed to catch her one time. Just opportunity to share. So on January 20, 2020, I’m know that I was smarter than once. I wanted to see her dothey were. There were things ing something that she had no inviting you to join me at the my mom didn’t tolerate and business doing and I was going African American Museum in I just didn’t have the guts to to catch a case and teach her a Fair Park for a day of infortry her. Conversely, Alay- lesson that would stay with her mation sharing, entertainment, JANUARY 17, 2020




fun, food and fellowship; all as we commemorate the legacy and birthdate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Beginning at 10:00a.m. there will be sessions on How to live the life of a vegan, Sister CEO, Why the NAACP is important, and Dr. Amerson will once again share critical information on hair loss and proper care. There’s the Authors showcase where authors will read from, speak on and sell their books. Let me tell you about some of the vendors: Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. Community Outreach Center will be there. Now, if you haven’t visited the center before, you are missing out on a wealth of information and resources. There’s also Sage 360, and the young entrepreneur is getting an early start on building her empire with the introduction of her products. Dr. Kang, of Limitless Power, will discuss holistic healthcare and how what you eat impacts your life tremendously. Find out how you can qualify for $10 medical visits with Foremost Family Health Centers where everything from dentistry and podiatry to pediatrics and counseling is addressed. Chanzeta Thompson also has Medicare information and government cell phones. Need a mammogram? Thanks to Round The Clock Entertainment, you can schedmyimessenger.com

ule yours for FREE. Just pick up a voucher at the Expo. Curious about your DNA? Well, we’re giving away DNA tests at the various workshops. Health issues: Parkland Health/Hospital System will provide screenings, family planning, employment oppor-tunities and more. And guess what? Lankford Avenue has the Life Changing Program with courses on everything from anger management and family violence protection to parenting and marijuana education. Drs. Oliver and Keisha Lankford will teach you how to “Stop the hurt and love one another.” And as always, we have Pan African Connection Bookstore and Resource Center with books, jewelry, oils, and much more, including authentic items from Africa! Then, we’ll entertain you with the ICON Classic Car Show, the MAVS Maniaacs, Deejay Ken Bell and more… And don’t forget the Macaroni and Cheese Cookoff! I get excited thinking about a nice, hot helping of macaroni and cheese. In addition to individuals like Eva Coleman who are being judged; Eatzi’s, Sweet Georgia Brown and Two Podners are just a few of the businesses being judged. Call today if you think you have what it takes, (214) 941-0110. I know there will be so much information shared at the Expo and our communities will benefit tremendously. 5

Sometimes folks do what they do because they don’t know better. Together we can make sure that more people know better so they can do better! C O M P L E T E L IS T O F V E N D O R S (a t p re s s tim e ) N E N A’S F IN D S M A S T E R C L E A N C A R P E T S E R V. SAG E 360 G L IT Z O P T IC A L


L IM IT L E S S P O W E R D R. KAN G PA N A F R IC A N C O N N E C T IO N A K W E T E T Y E H IM B A D O U B L E D IA M O N D S M A N A G E M E N T F R E D A R O B IN S O N P U R S U IT O F W E L L N E S S K ITC H E N IL IA J. S M IT H B L A C K B U S IN E S S D IR E C TO R Y SH AN E H EFN ER D A L L A S G O S P E L C O N N E C T IO N M IC H A E L C E A S A R M O N IC A P U R D Y F O R JU D G E JA M IL L E B R A D F IE L D JU D G E TA M M Y K E M P JA M IL L E B R A D F IE L D JU D G E R A Q U E L K E M P JA M IL L E B R A D F IE L D M AV S M A N IA A C S D O RO TH Y G EN TRY D O N ’T B E L IE V E T H E H Y P E N IN A G A R C IA G lu c o se /C h o le ste ro l S c re e n in g s Fa m ily P la n n in g Vic tim In te rv e n tio n P ro g ra m (V IP )/R a p e C risis P a rk la n d H u m a n R e so u rc e s PA R K L A N D H E A LT H /H O S P ITA L S YS T E M Z A N H O L M E S O U T R E A C H C T R D e M E T R IS S A M P S O N G A R L A N D C L A S S IC A L A C A D E M Y M A R T H A C E P H U S F O R E M O S T FA M ILY H E A LT H C E N T E R S M S W IL S O N P O S IT IV E IN F LU E N C E S S TA C IA’ A L E X A N D E R NAACP A N G E L A LU C K E Y C EN SU S 2020 M Y T H E K IR V E N T X H e a lth R e so u rc e s P re sb y te ria n H o sp ita l M O N I C A VEN TU RA A L L IA N C E in R E C O N S T R U C T IV E S U R G E R Y F O U N D AT IO N KAREN PO LAN JB J M A N A G E M E N T LO L A W IL S O N T U R K S T R E AT S E R IC LO C K H A R T H R M D R e se a rc h R H O N D A G IB B S S O L S T E E P T E A C O M PA N Y L A U R E N F LU K E R S P C A o f Te x a s S T E P H A N IE H E R R E R A PA PA R A Z Z I A C C E S S O R IE S JO A N N D AV S O N A M O O M A R Y K AY C O S M E T IC S REN EE RU PO N W O R L D FA M O U S G R E G O R Y ’S G U M B O G R E G O R Y B E L L C IC IE ’S N AT U R A L JE W E L R Y C Y N T H IA M C C A R T Y H O D G E & F IE L D N IN A P. W H IT E D A L L A S D E M O C R AT S R O YC E W E S T, JR . C H A N Z E TA T H O M P S O N I MESSENGER

JANUARY 17, 2020

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C A 9 L 4 L 1 0 1 1 0

JANUARY 17, 2020





Surviving R. Kelly


The holidays have come and gone and I know yours was as joyful as ours. Now a new year, 2020. The Valder Beebe Show’s team has put together an outstanding journey for the show as we feature and focus on VISION 2020 Baby Boomers [& Gen X’ers too]. That makes this interview so intriguing because R. Kelly the R&B crooner is a Gen X’er at age 52. I invited into the Valder Beebe Show studios Jesse Daniels, Executive Producer of Lifetime’s Surviving R. Kelly Part II. A worldwide conversation about the history of sexual abuse from R&B star R. Kelly. Weeks after the program aired, Kelly was indicted on ten felony counts of aggravated assault and was arrested on charges including child pornography and kidnapping. Lifetime Introduces “Surviving R. Kelly Part II: The Reckoning” With Revealing new information about R&B Singer R. Kelly. Jesse Daniels, Executive Producer of Surviving R. Kelly Part II. Now, Lifetime unravels more to the saga with Surviving R. Kelly Part II: The Reckoning. The

new series features interviews with new survivors, supporters, psychologists and cultural and legal experts, and more insights into the ever-growing saga of the R&B singer, who is currently facing federal and state charges. Airing Jan. 2, 3 and 4, the three-night event uncovers new stories with revealing details and explores why the voices of the girls that spoke up decades ago are only now being heard. Jesse Daniels, Executive Producer became a last minute guest to replace Tiffany Hawkins, who was one of those girls. In 1991, Tiffany was a 15-year-old aspiring singer who performed background vocals for Aaliyah. She looked up to R. Kelly and thought of him as a big brother, but when the singer made the relationship sexual, Tiffany says she was damaged, emotionally and physically, and even lost her desire to sing. She later told her mother and hired a lawyer who brought her case to the district attorney – but her complaint was dismissed and she ultimately settled in a civil suit. In the Lifetime special, Tiffany will recount her experiences with R.

Kelly, how he kept her silenced, and what she hopes viewers will take away from Surviving R. Kelly Part II: The Reckoning.Text provided by Jesse Daniels publicists in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show VBS: Tiffany Hawkins originally was supposed to be my guest, at last minute you became her replacement. I’ve heard that victims who came forward have been harassed and threatened. JD: I don’t want to speak for Tiffany, but we need to respect any survivor who is not usually in the public’s eye. Anytime a survivor comes forward we need to know this is a personal sacrifice. Full interview.SoundCloud. com/valder beebeshow Valder Beebe hosts the Valder Beebe Show on FM and streaming TV: ValderBeebeShow. com, 411RadioNetwork. com; SoundCloud.com/ valderbeebeshow FM Broadcast: KKVI FM 89.9, KRER FM 102.5; Streaming on ROKU & Amazon Fire: YouTube/ ValderBeebeShow; VBS affiliate broadcasters; PChatman Network [Roku TV]

Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video: ValderBeebeShow.com, 411RadioNetwork.com, Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow; PODCAST audio: Soundcloud.com/ valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw; Broadcast:KYBS FM Y99.9, KRER FM 102.5, Streaming TV PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters; On-Demand 411 RadioNetwork.com,. – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP (download free in Google Playstore); Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner myimessenger.com



JANUARY 17, 2020

JANUARY 17, 2020




Will money rule? Democrats started this Presidential campaign season with more than 20 candidates. Eventually, it dropped to about a dozen, with, so far, only five of those “qualified” to appear on the next debate stage. But debate performance doesn’t seem to matter much. Both Senator Kamala Harris and former Obama cabinet member Julian Castro having had excellent debate performances, and yet they have still dropped out of the race. It’s a money thing. With just $9 million in the bank, Senator Harris said she couldn’t see her way clear to the nomination given her extremely limited resources. Castro, matching Harris in grace and reflectiveness, said: “It just wasn’t our time.” He, too, felt he did not have enough money in the bank to compete. It almost certainly would have helped these candidates qualify if they had the resources, say, of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who pumped $100 million into his campaign in just one month! In fairness, though, it is essential to note that Senator Bernie Sanders raised a whopping $34.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2019 alone. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former VP Joe Biden raised more than $20 million in that quarter, and Senator Elizabeth Warren came close. The deadline for filing finance reports is later this month, so I’m cautious in concluding based on news articles and partial reports. Still, generally, those who have something to crow about put their numbers out there early. And for some, money isn’t the only issue. Did they meet the thresholds the Democratic party set for debate qualification? Do they and their advisers think they can win? What are the polls saying? So even though Kristen Gillibrand had $14.9 million in the bank when she dropped out of the race last August, she was not polling well and failed to qualify for the September debate. Meanwhile, Senator Corey Booker myimessenger.com

did not qualify for the last debate, but he is hanging in there. Although Booker and entrepreneur Andrew Yang are still in the race, the Dem-


ocratic field is mostly white, and the January debate stage on January 14, 2020, in Des Moines, Iowa is likely to be all-white. The white folks on the stage may be “qualified”, but I find them no more qualified than, say, Julian Castro and Kamala Harris. Their greatest flaw was the inability

to compete in this multi-million dollar cacophony of voices. Neither Harris nor Castro will suffer much for dropping out of the race. Some say that Castro will run for governor of Texas. Harris has three years more of a Senate term, and she is an effective presence in Capitol Hill. I didn’t like seeing either of them dropping out of the race, but the loss is ours, not theirs. The way the election cycle works, candidates can get a big boost if they can win either Iowa or New Hampshire. But with the debate qualification set so high, voters in those states will not have the opportunity to see some great possibilities in action because they don’t qualify for the debates. To be sure, it was useful to narrow the field of candidates from an unwieldy number to


a more manageable one. And candidates all appreciate the fact that they have more time to go in-depth answering questions. Still, if it’s an all-white debate stage, what does that say about progress in this nation? What does it say about the Democratic Party, which presents itself as a big-tent party that has embraced diversity? For Democrats, there are three keys to winning this election. First, Dems must engage “new voters,” including young people and first-time voters. Next, Dems must monitor the rules around elections so that they do not discriminate and scrutinize the ways people are removed from the voting rolls. Finally, and most importantly, Democrats must place significant effort on getting out the vote in November (and during the primaries), and new voters and especially communities of color, must be targeted. Election protection organizations have the monitoring issue covered, and there are likely to be massive GOTV (get out the vote) efforts led by civil society organizations. But what engages new voters? They must feel that the political process reflects them. Already Latino voters are concerned that Democrats aren’t vying for their vote. And African American voters think that the Democratic Party takes them for granted. To engage new voters, perhaps Democrats need to examine their rules to embrace more candidates of color. And they need to fight for legislation that makes it easier to vote. Democrats like to call themselves candidates of the “underdog.” But when billionaires like Steyer and Bloomberg come sauntering through the door, concern for the underdog seems to go out of the window.

Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest project MALVEAUX! On UDCTV is available on youtube.com. For booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit www.juliannemalveaux.com


JANUARY 17, 2020

Realizing the Dream Healthy Living

Enjoy the Dr. Martin Luther King parade then come join us!


January 20, 2020 10a-6p

Building strong, healthy communities physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, holistically and socially


Commercial, Individual and VEGAN

Call 214-941-0110

to enter or for vending opportunities

African American Museum Vendors Workout Sessions Mammograms Health Screenings

Entertainment Good food Yoga Exercise Tips


And many more!

3536 Grand Avenue, Dallas Financial Literacy Voter Education/Awareness Authors Showcase Natural Hair Care Explosion

Car Show and much more

Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Enjoy the Dr. Martin Luther King parade then come join us!

JANUARY 17, 2020




January 20, 2020 10a-6p





JANUARY 17, 2020

Register your booth for the Healthy Living Expo 1/20/20 at African American Museum

CALL 214-941-0110

Check out The Kinsey Collection at the African American Museum in Dallas 3536 Grand Ave, Dallas, TX 75210 214-565-9026

JANUARY 17, 2020




Achieving the Unbelievable: Think Like a Marathoner

Register your booth for the Healthy Living Expo 1/20/20 at African American Museum 214-941-0110

January 18, 2020 10:30AM — 12:00PM The Highland Hills Library, 6200 Bonnie View Rd., Dallas, TX 75241

Speaker: Tony Reed, World History Making & Hall of Fame runner, who completed 131 marathons on all seven continents and 50 States. Think like a marathoner and follow this mindset to win the marathon race of your life. Learn how to Set Short-term and Life-Long Goals; Build Mental Toughness Like a Marathoner; Manage Change & Risk; Expand Your Comfort Zone; and Overcome Obstacles to Success. myimessenger.com



JANUARY 17, 2020

Guiding Light Ahead I WAS JUST THINKING...

darkness. I have always loved lighthouses. That plan I have tons of backfired on April pictures, souvenirs, 4, 1968 on that now and decorative reinfamous balcony plicas of them. in Memphis, Lighthouses seem Tennessee. We all to have a magnetic know the story. B y N orma A dams pull about them – an When Dr. King W ade aura that seems to died, his voice I Messenger Media say, “Come heather. drew louder, his Rest awhile from your power stronger, journey. I’m happy that my light guided you and his guiding light became perpetual for here.” the ages. I was just thinking ... man/ I was just thinking of Dr. womankind has had significant King when I stumbled across individuals who have been information about a new book lighthouses for the rest of us by the forward-thinking Dallasthroughout the ages. area author, motivational This week, we commemorate speaker, philanthropist, mentor, one of those individuals whose and businessman Ralph Harper. light shone forth continuously Here’s how Harper describes his during his impactful life cut book on Facebook. short too soon, too painfully, too “I have written a book that is senselessly. intended to address the plight Ralph Harper The light of Dr. Martin Luther within the Black American culture King Jr. ‘s life could not be snuffed out by an and community over the next fifty years.” assassin’s bullet that sought to silence him The book title went through several and leave us who loved him powerless in changes and the writer and editors settled JANUARY 17, 2020




on: Own the Change: How Our Children Will Lead the Next Cultural Movement.” The cover displays overlapping profile photographs of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barack Obama. The unspoken message seems to be: here is greatness that you, too, and emulate. Yes, the project -- covering 50 years -does sound extremely ambitious. Some might even say the goal seems unreachable. But what I like about Harper’s endeavor is his lighthouse approach. “It’s about guiding our children to the future,” he says in another promotional piece. Harper is seeking to lay out a foolproof path down which new generations, mainly African-Americans myimessenger.com

and underserved Harper, a Dallascultures, can reach area transplant born secure futures for in Birmingham, themselves and Alabama, calls his

our America. And Harper lays out detailed plans covering 50 years of guidance for our children and their children – from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2069.

overall endeavor The 2060s Project. It has various components, and the public can explore the farreaching endeavor at www.the2060s. com and more about Harper at www.


ralphhar per.com. The book takes the reader from black America’s beginnings in slavery to the pinnacle of America’s first African-American president. It also lays out distinct principles necessary for young people to adopt on their journey to make America the “perfect union.” We can all use a little more light on our pathway. Thank you, Abraham Lincoln. Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr. Thank you, Barack Obama. Lighthouse keepers. Media mogul Oprah Winfrey is known for a muchrepeated quote: “When I look at the future, it’s so bright it burns my eyes.” Norma Adams-Wade is a veteran, award-winning journalist, graduate of UT-Austin and Dallas native. She is also one of the founders of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and was inducted into the NABJ Hall of Fame.


JANUARY 17, 2020

JANUARY 17, 2020




ASK ALMA GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS? Dear Alma, My stepson, who I adore and have known most of his life, is getting married next summer. I love him and love the girl he is getting married to. Here is my problem. There is bad blood between his mother and me. I tried for years to get along with her and even acted as a buffer between her and my husband on many occasions. I did this to the point of causing myself anxiety because I just wanted everyone to get along so badly. About three or four years ago, after being married to my stepson’s father for almost 17 years, I snapped. I lost my temper with her; there was a very ugly scene that even took place in a courtroom in front of a judge. It was something I will never forget. I haven’t spoken to this woman since. When my stepson visits, he shares comments that she continues to make about me to this day. I don’t engage at all. I will not let him hear me bash his mother in any way. If this was any other woman, I would be out for blood, but I realize that the people who would get hurt are my stepsons, who I love so, I suppress my anger. But back to why I’m writing: How do I attend this wedding with a woman that I know does not hesitate to start fights, regardless of myimessenger.com

who is around. She will be surrounded by her very large family, and I will basically be there with a small handful of my family members. I will be outnumbered. And did I mention that I am estranged from my husband, too? That I’m not so worried about, but it still causes tension. And, Alma, where do I sit? Jackie B., South Carolina OMG Jackie, sounds like you’ve already lived through one Jerry Springer moment, and you don’t want to participate in another. I don’t blame you, girl; it can suck the life right out of you. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding of your step-son, and congratulations to you for loving him unconditionally. The oneon-one relationship between the two of you is special, and that’s how it should be. Step-parents are an extension of original parents. A relationship with step-children cannot be defined by the relationship you have with the original parent. Once you commit as a step-parent, you commit to that child for life. Now, back to your dilemma. I applaud you for taking the high road, which most times, as you know, is the road less traveled. The high road can be a lonely place--it’s usually not where you find the fist bumps, the I-got-your-backs or the you-go-girl road signs.


Now here’s where my advice gets a little tricky — I want you to stay on that road. It’s great that your step-son is able to include you and wants you to be a part of this most special occasion. But you need to lay back. You know how there are different levels of guests at a wedding? You have the “family” guest, the “really good friends” guest and the “friends from work” guest. For that day, I’d like you to participate as a “friends from work“ guest. I say that because, from what I read in your letter, there’s a chance for a Jerry Springer – Round 2 moment, and you certainly don’t want that to happen. I’m a step-mother, so I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do. I love my step-daughter, TaKisha, with all my heart. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, so I sympathize with your situation. There was a moment in our lives when I had to take a step back. I took the high road. I took the blame and all that extra madness that comes along with it. Yes, it broke my heart. Yes, it made me sad, but those are the yield signs along the way on the high road. Be mindful, be guideful (is that a word? LOL). What I’m trying to say is, you can control this. You know the rituals of a wedding. They’re all basically the same. I’d suggest you arrive on time, sit down

with five minutes to spare. And since you asked, sit five rows behind his mother. You don’t need to get there early and stand outside with the smokers checking everything out. Take your seat, smile, and shut your mouth. Don’t chime in about anything, not the wedding colors, the bridesmaid dresses, the soloist — nothing. Remember, you’re on the high road. Once the couple exits, smile, smile, hug, hug and go get in your car. Make your way to the reception. Walk in and find your seat. I’m sure they’ve made appropriate arrangement for the reception seating. If not, since you asked, sit on the opposite end of the hall from her. You don’t have to be seen. You don’t have to be all up in the middle of the mix, and you shouldn’t. He has a mother and a father. Both, I’m assuming, will be front and center at the celebration. You’re no longer with his father and you don’t want to throw down with his mother, so step back. Repeat it with me: “I’m taking the high road.” If she heads in your direction with some foolishness, that’s your cue to leave. Please, please don’t engage this woman, no matter what. If tensions run high and things get out of hand, take a deep breath, grit your teeth and keep it moving – down the high road! Alma


JANUARY 17, 2020

ASK ALMA By Alma Gill

JANUARY 17, 2020







JANUARY 17, 2020

Freda Ross celebrates 25 years in radio From Staff Reports Veteran journalist Freda Ross, a graduate of the University of North Texas, recently celebrated 25 years with Cumulus Media. Ms. Ross joined WBAP in 1994 as assignments editor and was soon promoted to assistant news director, then news director in 2015. The multi-award winning journalist

started her radio career in her hometown of Sulphur Springs, Texas. Before coming to WBAP she was news director for KETR Radio Station at Texas A&M University in Commerce, Texas. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Texas Associated Press Broadcasters and is involved several non-profit organizations.

Freda Ross

Photo: Sarah Ahamad

Richardson rings in new year in DFW M r. R ic h a rd s o n re w a rd e d fa n s w it h t ic k e t s to h is p e r fo r m a n c e a f te r t h e fa m ily t h e y n o m in a te d re c e iv e d a fre e h o lid a y m e a l. F o r t h e p a s t 2 0 y e a rs , M r. R ic h a rd s o n h a s b e e n o n e o f t h e m o s t im p a c t fu l s in g e rs a n d s o n g w r ite rs in R & B & S o u l, b e g in n in g w it h h is b re a k t h ro u g h h it "K e e p O n P u s h in g ." H e c o -w ro te C h a r lie W ils o n 's h it "T h e re G o e s M y B a b y " w it h “B a b y fa c e ” E d m o n d s ,​ re c o rd e d d u e t s w it h A n g ie S to n e a n d C h ic o D e b a rg e , g u e s te d o n R a p h a e l S a a d iq 's "E x c u s e M e " a n d h a s re g u la r ly h it t h e U r b a n Calvin Richardson with LaWonda Peoples and A C c h a rts. Dock Bookshop owners photographer Madison Hogan H is la te s t a lb u m ​G o ld D u s t ​ d e liv e rs t h e "s t ra ig h t-fro m -t h e b o o k , ‘D o Yo u W it h o u t T h e m ’ is h e a r t " re a l s o u l m u s ic w it h a a n o t h e r w a y o f m e e x p re s s in g c o n te m p o ra r y --a ir w in n in g h im t h a t. a lo y a l fa n -b a s e a n d in c lu d e s t h e In a d d it io n to h is s c h e d u le d h it s in g le "L e t M e L o v e O n Yo u ." p e r fo r m a n c e a n d b o o k s ig n in g , I MESSENGER myimessenger.com 20

S in g e r/s o n g w r ite r C a lv in R ic h a rd s o n b ro u g h t in 2 0 2 0 , fi rs t w it h a b o o k s ig n in g a t D o c k B o o k sh o p a n d th e n a p e r fo r m a n c e a t t h e R it z y in F o r t W o rth . T h e M u lt i-G ra m m y n o m in a te d a r t is t ’s fi rs t b o o k ​ ‘D o Yo u , W it h o u t T h e m ,’ t a k e s t h e re a d e r o n t h e r id e o f a life t im e t ra n s p a re n t ly re v e a lin g t h e u p s a n d d o w n s , t w is t s a n d t u r n s t h a t t ra n s fo r m e d a y o u n g b o y fro m t h e C a ro lin a s to a c h a r t-to p p in g in s p ira t io n w h o c o n t in u e s to b la z e t h e t ra il w it h a n a m a z in g t a le n t t h a t to u c h e s t h e s o u l o f lo y a l lis te n e rs . “A s m y h it s in g le ​ L e t M e L o v e O n Yo u ​ s u g g e s t s , I’m lo v in g o n m y fa n s b y s t a y in g h u m b le , g ra te fu l a n d a lw a y s le t t in g t h e m k n o w t h a t I’m o n e o f t h e m w h o w o u ld b e n o t h in g w it h o u t t h e m ,” h e s a id . “S h a r in g m y s to r y in m y JANUARY 17, 2020


Just Mercy is the true story of a man in Alabama, Jamie Foxx as Walter McMillian, who is sitting on death row for a crime he didn’t commit. While Foxx has a big part of this heart-wrenching drama, it’s Michael B. Jordan, as civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson, who is the star of the movie. The movie is about the early career of Stevenson, a Harvard graduate, who moves to Alabama and begins a law practice to get innocent men off of death row. Stevenson faces a corrupt and racist system everywhere he turns. He fights for justice for Walter and two other condemned men. One is a Vietnam vet, Rob Morgan as Herbert Richardson, who should be in a mental hospital, not on death row and another convicted killer, O’Shea Jackson myimessenger.com

gets his execution carried out. His march to the electric chair may have you shedding a tear or two. Morgan’s performance is powerful.

Jr. as Anthony Ray Hinton, whose only crime appears to be that he is Black. Still, he presses on trying to uncover the truth and give the men a new trial that could exonerate them from their sentences. The performances are moving, especially when one of the men 21

With Foxx’s character, Walter McMillian, you feel the frustration and the sadness with the racist system that has false testimony and no physical evidence stacked up against him but the local Alabama court refuses to give him a fair trial. It’s only after an appearance on 60 Minutes and a hearing in a higher court that Walter finally gets a fair trial. Just Mercy shows the racism that was still very much alive in Alabama in the late ’80s. While it is a true story at the beginning of famed civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson’s career, it’s hard to believe such injustice was still occurring in the deep south at that time. The movie will really stir your emotions. Just Mercy is rated PG-13 and runs a little bit long at 2 hours and 16 minutes, but on my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale,” I rate the movie a JUMBO. I MESSENGER

JANUARY 17, 2020

JANUARY 17, 2020




The 411: Top Five Beauty ABOUT YOUR HAIR BY DR. LINDA AMERSON www.hairandscalpessentials.com




JANUARY 17, 2020

Making education a priority

Citizen, alumni and elected officials gather in front of South Oak Cliff High School. Special to the Texas Metro News Photos by Monique P. Stone

On a brisk winter morning hundreds gathered in Oak Cliff for the ribbon-cutting and celebration of the reopening of the newly renovated South Oak Cliff High School on Saturday. The gathering included Dallas Independent School District Superintendent Michael Hinojosa, Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, Dallas ISD staff, alumni, community leaders, parents, students and supporters. The program included remarks by Dr. Hinojosa, Principal Willie Johnson, Dallas ISD District 5 Trustee Maxie Johnson, SOC Alumni, and a performance by SOC Choir. In addition to the presentation of the history of SOC High School by Gary Blair, SOC class of 1998; there were proclamations by Mayor Johnson, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, Sen. Royce West, Rep. Carl Sherman Sr., Rep. Toni Rose, Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price and Dallas city council member Carolyn King Arnold. The keynote speaker was Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III of Friendship West Baptist Church. Then there was a special presentation by Dominique Alexander, president Next Generation Action Network, followed by a reception and campus tours. South Oak Cliff High underwent a $52-million upgrade, which includes roof, window and exterior upgrades; band, chorus, dance and theater arts spaces; cafeteria and administrative area expansion; new competition and auxiliary gymnasium; JANUARY 17, 2020

football practice field and locker room enhancements; renovation of classrooms, courtyard and infrastructure for technology upgrades. The project was completed as part of the 2015 Bond Program. Mr. Alexander provided insight into the entire process: After a November 2015 gas leak at South Oak Cliff High School, the President of Next Generation Action Network, Minister Dominique Alexander, got involved. He organized seniors, David Johnson, Teah Mitchell, Landon Finley, and Lizzett Godinez to protest & stage a walkout the declining conditions of the school. Various leaks, mold, asbestos, HVAC problems, and more were present as the property had not been repaired since its opening in 1952. These four courageous students were later known as the “Fab Four.” One of our Fab Four students, David Johnson, a senior and quarterback at South Oak Cliff High School, initiated a student walkout on December 7, 2015. He used Peyton Manning’s famous on-the-field battle cry, “Omaha” to signal the student body that it was time to take a stand. Approximately 500 students walked out of class onto the front lawn of the school and proceeded to march and protest. From that point on, history was made and a movement was birthed ultimately changing the conversation regarding South Oak Cliff and other schools with similar problems. Dallas Independent School District was forced to look at equity in the southern sector of the district thanks to the advocacy work of the students, SOC Alumni Bear Cave, SouthWest Coalition, NAACP, and Next Generation Action Network (NGAN).



South Oak Cliff High Principal Willie Johnson

Under the tutelage of these organizations, the students did many things to gain the attention of the district. They attended numerous Dallas ISD Board of Trustees monthly meetings, camped outside the building overnight, and canvassed the neighborhood for additional support determined that change would happen and that it started with them. By the time 2016 rolled around, Maxie Johnson, father of David Johnson, started the South Oak Cliff (SOC) Parent Coalition which joined the advocacy and added momentum to the fight for a better school. After months of advocacy, the District agreed to remodel the SOC building. Negotiations would be intense starting at $13 million. The major concern was for the extent of the work because the students, their parents, and the community wanted South Oak Cliff to have the same amenities as any other school. This was a constant fight because at first renovation plans myimessenger.com





JANUARY 17, 2020

From Marva with By Marva Sneed

The Island Spot Jamaican Restaurant where you can come to taste the flavors of Jamaica and the Caribbean in a fun and vibrant atmosphere. They have a Great New Menu.

JANUARY 17, 2020





Masterclass offered

BY CONGRESSWOMAN EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Congresswoman Johnson represents the 30th congressional district of Texas in the US House of Representatives.

One of the crucially important things that we as a society must do is ensure that our population, particularly our seniors, does not fall victim to the prescription drug abuse explosion that is ravaging our state, and our nation. As a legislator and as a trained health professional it is a subject that is of particular importance to me. It is widely recognized that the vast majority of seniors, those blessed to have lived sixty-five years and more who become addicted to prescription drugs do so accidently. Far too frequently, simple mistakes are made that must be avoided. Seniors, or anyone else for that matter, should never take prescription drugs without sufficient light to determine precisely what they are about to consume. In America seniors comprise approximately twelve percent of the population. They, however, consume nearly thirty-five percent of all prescribed medications and thirty percent of substances and health aids that are purchased without a written prescription. As most people age the number of prescribed medications and over-the-counter remedies they consume increases, recorded data and experience informs us. Fiftyseven percent of women who reach 65 years of age use more than five prescribed medications or other health-related aids weekly. The percentage for men in the same age group is forty-four percent. The imperfection of our healthcare delivery system complicates the problems that seniors encounter when purchasing and using prescription drugs, and other remedies. Consumers are bombarded with television and internet commercials promoting prescription drugs and other substances that include information myimessenger.com

that in some instances is misleading. Often, the individual promoting a health-related substance is wearing a white jacket to suggest that he or she is a medical professional when in reality the individual is a paid actor without any medical or health training. The producers of the advertisement know full well that many viewers, especially the aged, do not notice the small written note saying that the presenter is not a health professional or physician. One of the practical steps that can be taken to minimize mistakes is getting concerned family members, particularly younger ones, involved in the prescription drug delivery process. They should ensure that all substances are labeled, and that they are handled and consumed properly. If a member of your family is living in an assistant living facility or in a nursing home make sure that those whose job it is to care for them know that you are concerned. Ask to see a list of the medications that your relative or the senior you care about takes. A single inquiry by you can positively impact the wellness of a loved one. Become familiar with the treatment processes of those you care about, those who helped to meet your needs when you were younger and when it was task to help you. It is now your time to assist them. Educate yourself about organizations such as the National Institute on Aging, and secure their recommendations on the proper and prudent care of the elderly. It is a decision that you will not regret!

*Congresswoman Johnson represents the people of the 30th Congressional District of Texas in the United States House of Representatives. A highly-regarded legislator and health professional, she chairs the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.


New Orleans based Entertainment Firm, Puissance Maison Productions, partners with DFW based 501(c) (3) nonprofit, Ladies in Film & Television (L.I.F.T.) formerly known as Headline Mentors & Performing Arts, breaks ground January 17-18 with the support of Film Maker & Composer, Elvin Ross, of Tyler Perry Studios. LIFT is a community of ladies building memories together! LIFT is building a diverse team of ladies that do not have to depreciate or devalue themselves to be part of a male-driven industry. The organizations have I MESSENGER

a two-day planned event, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony with hope to engage community support by promoting a more diverse atmosphere for ladies in the Film & Entertainment Industry. Paul Quinn College has partnered with the organizations to host the screening of AwardWinning Filmmaker, Elvin Ross, Kunta Kinteh Island: “Coming Home Without Shackles� January 17th at 7:30 pm. Media Tech Institute has partnered with the organizations to host the Film Making Master Class with Elvin Ross January 18th at 10 am. For ticket information, visit https:// kuntahkinteislandscreening.eventbrite.com

JANUARY 17, 2020



Many consumers have asked me these questions: Do I need to oil my scalp? I have heard that it clogs your scalp, what should I use when my scalp is dry? Now to give you a Trichologists prospective of oiling the scalp. When there is a scalp malady/ condition, yes you need to address your scalp. African Americans have approximately 90,000-140,000 sweat glands. When the sweat dries, it leaves a film or residue on the scalp which is sodium buildup. This sodium buildup is not removed or cleansed from the scalp, in many cases, as often as it should. Many consumers neglect shampooing their hair and scalp for 3-4 weeks, or longer, to hold on to a trendy hairstyle. Sometimes it is laziness. Resulting in dry hair, dry scalp, an excessively itchy scalp JANUARY 17, 2020

A Trichologist’s Prospective about Scalp Oil

which leads to tender scalps, erythema, inflammation, and irritation just to name a few. This is when oiling of the scalp and hair becomes routine after shampooing. On the other hand, there are some consumers who have over-active sebaceous glands, where their scalp produces more oil. Frequency of shampooing should become common practice. In addition, in the Indian community, I have several clients who share with me about applying oil to their scalp and hair for shine and hair re-growth. Lastly, many natural hairstylists will instruct their client who wear twists, and locks to postpone shampooing their hair and scalp for 6-8 weeks to preserve their style. I disagree with this recommendation when there is a scalp condition. The scalp condition needs to be



addressed first, then the trendy hairstyle second. More professionals need to realize this important fact. Top Reasons to Oil Your Scalp

Moisturizes scalp and hair for the entire family Gives hair a brilliant sheen with no pillow residue Softens bonding glue for immediate removal Great for shaving under arms with no irritation Great moisturizer for cuticles of fingernails and toenails Has been used on dogs (by clients) who suffer with itchy, dry skin

To offset dryness from sodium buildup For pruritus of the scalp For scalp diseases For scalp lesions For soothing an irritated scalp For scaly scalp conditions For eczema scalp Please direct all conditions and questions to Dr. Linda Amerson, Board circulation Certified Trichologist. Please join us every Why use Dr. Amerson’s Anti-Itch Wednesday @ 11am CST on Ask the Hair Soothing Oil? Formulated for Dr. and Scalp Doctor Amerson by Chemist Radio Show on www. DfwiRadio.com Tracy Hill-Ashley www. Benefits include: Light, penetrating oil hairandscalpessentials. com with a PH of 5.0 Twitter: @ Anti-inflammatory ScalpDoctor properties Facebook: www. Has healing and facebook.com/ regenerating qualities Stops pruritus divadoctor09 immediately myimessenger.com

Subscribe today, call





JANUARY 17, 2020



January 19

Feeding The Needy, host, Michael “Hollywood” Hernandez, 1641 Corsicana St, Dallas. 3-5p., Sundays.

37th 2020 A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Naomi Bruton Theater, 1309 Canton St. 10a. Student Performance. Tickets: Box Office: 214-743-2400.

Dr. MLK, Jr. Celebration Black Laughs Matter, Staring Arnez J., Theater at Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Pl. 8p. Tickets: AXS.com.

Dr. MLK, Jr. Celebration, Yvonne Orji, Majestic Theatre, 1925 Elm St. 8p. Tickets: AXS.com.

37th 2020 A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Morton H. Myerson Symphony Center, 2501 Flora St. 7:30p. Tickets: Box Office: 214-7432400.

The Kinsey African American Art & History Collection, African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave. Till 3-1-20. 2020 Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade: Sign Up, for info contact: La Ronda Bacon or Natashia Cooper at the King Center, 214-670-8418.


Kunta Kinteh Island Film Screening, By Elvin Ross, Paul Quinn College, 3837 Simpson Stuart Rd. 7:30-9:30p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Wreath Laying Ceremony for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center, 2922 Dr. MLK. Jr. Blvd. 12 noon.

Downtown Dallas Comedy, host TBAAL, Clarence Muse Café, 1309 Canton St. 9p. Tickets: Ticketmaster.com.

Wednesday Night Worship, Speaker: Rev. Michael Fisher Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church,1819 N. Washington Ave.7-8p. AKA Founder’s Day Celebration, host AKA Xi Omega Chapter, Sandaga 813, 813 Exposition Ave. 7p-2a.

JAN 16 - FEB 2 “The Rat Pack Lounge”, Granville Arts Center, 300 N Fifth Street, Garland. 7:30-9:30p. Tickets: sa1. seatadvisor.com.

JANUARY 16 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Workforce Opportunity Fair, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, 1515 Young St. 11a-3p. DPD Listening Session w/ Chief Hall & Councilman Atkins, Dallas Public Library Highland Hills, 6200 Bonnieview Rd. 6-8p. The Cliff Annual Awards & VIP Reception, host Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce, Emcee Rep. Yvonne Davis, The Kessler Theater, 1230 W. Davis, 5:30-8p. Info: Mr. Cooks, 214943-4567 x202. Ribbon Cutting State Re. Jessica Gonzalez, host Oak Cliff Chamber, 400 S Zang Blvd. #1214. 5:308:30p. Info: Zanir Ali, 469-826-3291. 2020 Festival of Laughs, The Theatre at Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Pl. 7-9p. AXS.com. State of the District Press Conference, host Councilman Casey Thomas III, Well Med Senior Activity Ctr, 3107 W. Camp Wisdom # 170 &175. 10a. Celebrate Duncanville, host Duncanville Chamber of Commerce, Hilton Garden Inn, 800 N. Main St. 6-10p. RSVP: 972.780.4990

JANUARY 17, 2020

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs Panel Discussion, Volunteer Now, 2800 Live Oak St. 2-3:30p.

JANUARY 18 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Walls Project, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center, 2922 Dr Martin Luther King Blvd. 9a. Scholarship & Awards Gala in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speaker: Andrew Gillum. Hilton Anatole 2201 N. 35 Fwy. Tickets: 214-670-8418. Smooth R & B 105.7 Smooth Winter Grove III Anthony Hamilton, The Theater at Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Pl. 8p. Tickets: AXS.com. Volunteers Needed! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Clean Team Initiative for South Dallas & Fair Park, 2922 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Reg. 9:45a. 10a-2p.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend “2020” All Black Affair, host Made Men Entertainment, House of Blues, 2200 N. Lamar. 10p-2a. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. SDS Gents Presents - 7th Anniversary Outreach Ball, Los Lomas Banquet Hall, 3761 Irving Mall. 6p-1a. Tickets sdsgents.ticketbud.com. Mingling Over Mimosas, host Debonair Society, African America Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. 123p. Tickets: debonairsociety.ticketspice.com.

JANUARY 20 3rd Annual Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo,Building strong, healthy communities, physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, holistically & socially, African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. 10am - 6pm. , Join us after the Dr. MLK, Jr. Parade. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. March/Parade, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd & Holmes St. to Fair Park 10a. 2020 Downtown Dallas Comedy, host TBAAL, Clarence Muse Café, 1309 Canton St. 9p. Tickets: Ticketmaster.com.

Veterans Benefit Fair, DeSoto Library Multipurpose Rm. 211 E. Pleasant Run Rd. 10a-1p. Info: 972-2309648.

Cowboys of Color Rodeo & After Party, Dickies Arena, 1911 Montgomery St. Ft. Worth. 2p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Breakthrough Series: Breath Reborn, host, M.E.T.R.O. Christ’s Church, 450 E. Parkerville Rd., Cedar Hill. 9a-2p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Tri-Cities Annual Meeting & Holiday Mixer, International Museum of Culture 411 US Hwy 67 Frontage Rd,Duncanville.

Garland Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade & March, host, Garland NAACP. Parade Starts on Dairy Rd. ends at Grandville Arts Center. 10a.

Dallas Bar Association Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon, Dr. King Justice Award: Richard G. Stewart, Jr. Belo Mansion 2101 Ross Ave. 12-1p. Tickets: dallasbar.org.

DFW Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Inaugural Scholarship Brunch, host DFW Moorhouse College Alumni Assoc., African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. 11a-2p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Great Days of Service, Community Missionary Baptist Church, 115 W. Beltline Rd. DeSoto. 8a. Clean up.

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fresh Produce Distribution Center, Bldg. A 2929 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. 10a-2p. Chefs are on-site for cooking demonstrations.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium, Moody Performance Hall, 2520 Flora St. 7-8:45p. Tickets: 35468.blackaudhosting.com. Dr. MLK, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, host, Nu Pi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Hilton Arlington, 2401 E. Lamar Blvd. 8-11a. arlingtonalphas.com.


Grand Prairie Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade & Program, host Grand Prairie NAACP, Parade Starts at Liberty Bell on 317 College St. 10a. Info: Call 469-644-8209

JANUARY 21 Power Hour Knowledge is Power, host IHCC, IHCC Office, 135 S. Jefferson St. Irving. 11:30a -1:00p. RSVP: irvinghcctx.chambermaster.com/ Free Skill Quest Career Readiness, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Ctr. 2922 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Info: 214-879-9950. 9a-11a. Poet’s Groove, Sway’s Room, 1175 N. Watson Rd. Arlington. 9p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com

JANUARY 22-26 Denton Black Film Festival, Denton Black Film Festival 215 W. Hickory St. Denton. Time Vary Tickets: dentonbff.com

JANUARY 22 The Dr. MLK Fresh Produce Distribution Center, Bldg. A 2929 Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. 10:30a-1p. Wednesday Night Worship, Speaker: Rev. Louis Laurent Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church,1819 N. Washington Ave.7-8p. Swing Dance Class, Allure Jazz & Cigar Lounge 110 S. Cockrell Hill, DeSoto. 7:30-9:30p. 8p.

JANUARY 23 Happy Birthday to team member, graduate of Prairie View A & M University Jessica Hayden Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Toastmasters Club, 2922 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bldg. A, Activity Rm. A, 6:45p. Contact: 214-670-8418. Free Skill Quest Career Readiness, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Comm. Ctr. 2922 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Info: 214-879-9950. 9a-11a. Cheers For A Cause, host Dr. Cynthia Mickens Ministries, Tower Club, 1601 Elm St. 48 fl. Dallas. 6-8p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. Level Up Your Side Hustle, Grow DeSoto Market Place, 324 E. Beltline Rd. 6-8p. Register: www.growdesoto.org 410 Line Dancers Thursday Class DFW Sports Garden 1850 E. Beltline Rd. Coppell. 7-9p. Info: www.410linedancers.com

JANUARY 24-25 “Songbirds” feat: Kayla Williams, host TBAAL, Clarence Muse Café 1309 Canton St. 9p. Fri. & Sat. Tickets: Ticketmaster.com.


Trump committed to war without end? It has come to this. An impeached president — still pending trial in the Senate — orders the assassination of one of Iran’s leading generals across the world where he is meeting with the leader of Iraq, a supposed ally. He does so without consultation, much less approval, of the Congress. Besieged at home, he lashes out abroad. This president ran on the promise that he would end the “endless wars “in the Middle East. Earlier, he ordered and then wisely called off bombing strikes on Iran, saying that he did not want a war. Now he claims that he has acted to stop a war, not start one. He is either deliberately misleading the American people or he is deluding himself. Assassination of a foreign official is not the road to peace; violence almost inevitably begets violence. He has acted on what his own officials call “razor thin” evidence, shocking his own military advisers. U.S. presidents now claim the right — and have the capability — of targeting and assassinating anyone in any place, foreigner or citizen, if they decide — on the basis of secret and often scanty intelligence — that person may be considering an attack on U.S. allies or soldiers or representatives sometime in the future. They call this potential threat evidence of an “imminent attack” to pay mock respect to the international law that they are trampling. General Qassim Suleimani is portrayed as a terrorist with American blood on his hands. But he was not a stateless terrorist. He was a high official in a foreign myimessenger.com


government region girds with which we itself for the are not at war. retaliation that Assassinating has already been him is an act of promised. war. Ironically, This is Iran and the utter folly. Shiite militias Under George in Iraq that Bush, the U.S. Soliemani destabilized this guided were region with its leading — if invasion of Iraq. unacknowledged calamity The Reverend Jesse Louis That — allies in the has fostered Jackson, Sr., founder and fight against president of the Rainbow e s c a l a t i n g PUSH Coalition, is one violence across ISIS, who were of America’s foremost the largely Sunnis. region. civil rights, religious and Similarly, those President political figures. who attacked Obama added to the U.S. on 9/11 the mess seeking were Sunnis, regime change in almost all from Saudi Arabia, Syria and in Libya, spreading the funded largely by Saudi money. chaos. The Taliban in Afghanistan are Trump was right when he said Sunni. The attack on Yemen is it was time for the U.S. to get out led by Saudi Arabia, which is of the Middle East. We have no Sunni. Iran fought against ISIS stake in the spreading conflict in Iraq and Syria. Yet, somehow, between Sunni and Shiites. it has become Trump’s leading We have no desire to send the target. hundreds of thousands of troops The road to this escalating needed to win a war or enforce conflict can be traced back to a peace. All we are doing is Trump’s perverse hatred of squandering American lives and all things achieved by Barack resources in an armed presence Obama. One of his first acts was that simply adds to the violence to pull the U.S. out of the Iran without leading to a resolution. nuclear pact, over the objections Why has Trump abandoned of our allies and his own military his campaign promise? Why did advisers. He ramped up sanctions he abandon his wise decision not on Iran, seeking to force them to strike Iran earlier? to surrender to a “better deal.” The only thing that has The result has been escalating changed is that he has been tensions and violence, as Iran has impeached. Is he ramping up demonstrated — in attacks on violence abroad to distract from Saudi oil facilities and on tankers the overwhelming evidence of in the Persian Gulf — that it has his offenses? Is he using the U.S. the capacity to strike back. Now, military as a political campaign after the assassination, the entire prop?


The next move is now in Iran’s hands. If the regime reacts predictably by striking back, Trump’s assassination will lead to escalating violence. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, and soon all are left without sight and without teeth. Iran could — if its leaders can rise above their grief and their anger — use this moment to take an initiative for peace, calling on our allies to join in convening a negotiation, opening a path that leads to less violence and greater exchange. Trump may not wish to respond, but surely our allies in Europe would jump at the chance. Clearly Congress must assert its constitutional war powers and limit the license of this or any president to wage war — or to assassinate foreign leaders — on a whim. It must insist on public hearings that review the basis for the assassination. We need major hearings on what we are doing in the Middle East and how we begin to get the troops home. The Congress needs to pass a renewed war powers resolution instructing the president to bring the troops home, not send ever more of them to the region. If the Congress cannot curb a rogue president, then this Republic is in deep trouble. And the American people and its soldiers are headed deeper into wars without victory and without end. (You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson.)


JANUARY 17, 2020

JANUARY 17, 2020




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