I Messenger

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I M essenger JANUARY 31, 2020





An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com S. Curet GENERAL MANAGER stewartcuret@myimessenger.com Jessica Hayden STAFFWRITER Marva Sneed EDITORIAL ASSISTANT EDITORIAL TEAM Lajuana Barton Eva Coleman Anthony Council L. Diane Evans Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Cierra Mayes Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Monique P. Stone Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III Chelle Wilson MARKETING TEAM Carlton McConnell Terry Allen PR DESIGN/LAYOUT 619

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Established 2011 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

JANUARY 31, 2020


Congratulations to Mrs. Ann Williams on being selected by the Dallas Mavericks as a True Maverick in our community! Being a True Maverick is about giving back to the Dallas community by making it a better place to live. Throughout the season the Mavs will highlight leaders in the community during various home games. As a recipient of this award, she will be recognized on-court during African American Heritage Night, Dallas Mavericks vs. Atlanta Hawks, Saturday, February 1st at 7:30pm.







Has there ever been a moment for you when time stopped? Maybe you have wished or said to yourself, “time could stop right here, right now.” It’s a beautiful feeling and one that I think everyone should experience, not just once, but over and over again. Heck, I’d be overjoyed to have that feeling daily.

Walking past the TV, the news flash froze my steps. The announcer said jubilantly that the U. S. Navy would posthumously name a future aircraft carrier in honor of war hero and Waco native Doris “Dorie” Miller. The honor is a first for an African-American and was bestowed January 20 during a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday ceremony.

The Gentlemen is a new English gangster film directed by Guy Ritchie. The movie revolves around Mickey, played by Matthew McConaughey, who’s a transplanted American living in England and running the biggest weed operation in the country.




Stand Up and Be Counted – Importance of the 2020 Census am dedicated to working with my colleagues in Congress and our local partners to BY CONGRESSWOMAN EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON ensure that our communities will not be Congresswoman Johnson represents the 30th congressional faced with the risks and consequences of district of Texas in the US House of Representatives. undercounting. An accurate count in this Census is vital By Congresswoman to the well-being of our communities. It will decide how our country Eddie Bernice Johnson assigns over $675 billion dollars in federal funding. In 2016, Texas received $59.4 billion in federal funding based Every 10 years, the Census shapes important local infrastructure on Census data. This vital funding is at risk. For each Texan who is and investment decisions. It impacts our chance to build new schools, not counted, we could lose more than $1,161 per person, per year, create workforce training sites, invest in public transportation projects, and fund health care and affordable housing. The Census over the next 10 years, according to George Washington University. That means lost funding for crucial programs such as Head Start, is also critical to ensuring fair representation for our communities Medicaid, SNAP, Pell Grants, and Section 8 Housing, as well as in Congress. support for local transportation projects. The next count will take place on April 1, 2020. We need each and I also want to make sure that our communities know – there every person to complete the simple questionnaire when it arrives. is NO citizenship question on this Census. That means that your You can do this online, by phone, or by mail. information, regardless of residency status, will be protected and Currently, I serve on the Congressional Black Caucus 2020 safe. Census Taskforce, which promotes effective outreach and access. I




Also, there is great opportunity in finding temporary employment as a Census worker. The US Census Bureau is recruiting approximately 500,000 temporary workers to help conduct the Census. If you are interested, please call the Dallas Regional Census Center at 972-5101800. In November 2019, Congress agreed to provide the Census Bureau with $7.6 billion for operational spending, as part of the larger government spending package. I partnered with the Department of Commerce and the Census Bureau because I understand the importance of and need for spreading the word about the 2020 Census. By participating in the 2020 Census, you help determine funding for health care, local schools, and hundreds of other critical services and programs. If you are visited by a Census worker, please take the time to answer his/her questions. When you receive the invitation from the U.S. Census Bureau, please take the time to complete the simple questionnaire online, by phone, or by mail. Be counted. We ALL can make a difference. I MESSENGER

JANUARY 31, 2020

MY TRUTH by Cheryl Smith, Publisher

You bring me joy

H a s th e re e v e r b e e n a m o m e n t I d id n ’t k n o w I w a s g o in g to o f th e a m o u n t o f b u s in e s s th a t I fo r y o u w h e n tim e s to p p e d ? h a v e s u c h a w o n d e r fu l tim e w h e n to o k c a re o f. It w a s F U N ! M a y b e y o u h a v e w is h e d o r s a id o n c e a g a in I a tte n d e d th e N a tio n Ye s , it w a s a p ro d u c tiv e fo u r to y o u rs e lf, “tim e c o u ld s to p rig h t a l N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e rs A s s o c ia - d a y s th a t I w a s in th e S u n s h in e tio n ’s a n n u a l w in te r c o n fe re n c e in S ta te , a n d e v e n th o u g h it s ta r te d h e re , rig h t n o w .” It ’s a b e a u tifu l fe e lin g a n d o ff fre e z in g c o ld a n d I d id n ’t o n e th a t I th in k e v e r y o n e h a v e a n o p p o r tu n it y to g e t s h o u ld e x p e rie n c e , n o t ju s t a n y g a rlic c ra b s ; I w e n t to once, b ut over and over b e d e v e r y n ig h t a n d w o k e a g a in . H e c k , I’d b e o v e rjo y e d u p e v e r y m o rn in g w ith a to h a v e th a t fe e lin g d a ily . s m ile o n m y fa c e ! T h e re h a v e b e e n s o m e S o m e o f th e h ig h lig h ts w o n d e r fu l tim e s in life a n d in c lu d e d w a tc h in g th e A s s o c ia tio n ta k e a v o te a p re c e n tly I h a d th a t fe e lin g p ro v in g m e m b e rs h ip o f m y th a t, “th is is it!” d ig ita l p u b lic a tio n , I M e s I w a s n ’t ta lk in g a b o u t th e s e n g e r. W ith th a t v o te , I “b ig o n e ” th a t c o m e d ia n M e s s e n g e r jo in e d th e t w o R e d d F o x x w o u ld re fe r to in s is te r p u b lic a tio n s u n d e r h is p o p u la r 1 9 7 0 s s itc o m , th e I M e s s e n g e r M e d ia L LC S a n fo rd a n d S o n . u m b re lla , Te x a s M e tro N e w s N o , I’m ta lk in g a b o u t “it ” a n d th e G a rla n d J o u rn a l, a s b e in g th a t w o n d e r fu l fe e lin g th a t c o m e s o v e r y o u a n d m e m b e rs . VICKIE FRAZIER-WILLIAMS, CELIA GIPSON-HUDSON, MARY BROWN m a k e s y o u re a liz e w h a t life is T h e n s o m e o f m y lin e s is a ll a b o u t. DEDMON-BRAY, SABRINA BEASON -VEAL AND CHERYL SMITH te rs , fo u r w o m e n w h o w e re in itia te d in to D e lta S ig m a I c a n ’t h e lp to th in k a b o u t w h a t m y s o ro rit y s is te r “B re e z y ” F o r t L a u d e rd a le la s t w e e k . S u re I T h e ta S o ro rit y , w ith m e in 1 9 7 8 a t s a id d u rin g th is p e rio d o f to ta l e n jo y g a th e rin g w ith fe llo w p u b - F lo rid a A & M U n iv e rs it y c a m e to e u p h o ria . H e r d a u g h te r s a id , “E v - lis h e rs a n d I a ls o h o p e d to s e e s e e m e a n d d in n e r a lm o s t tu rn e d e r y b o d y d ie s b u t n o t e v e r y b o d y s o m e o ld frie n d s fro m c o lle g e , a s in to a m id n ig h t s n a c k ! liv e s !” w e ll. Ta lk a b o u t a w o n d e r fu l tim e . W h e n I te ll y o u th a t I fe lt lik e I T h e re I w a s s u rro u n d e d b y w o m W h ic h b rin g s m e to m y tru th . w a s o n a v a c a tio n , e v e n th o u g h I e n w h o h a v e a u n iq u e e x p e ria c c o m p lis h e d s o m u c h in te rm s e n c e w ith m e a n d w h o , e v e n a fte r JANUARY 31, 2020




m e e tin g a p p ro x im a te ly 4 2 y e a rs a g o , o u r b o n d re m a in s s tro n g . I fe lt s o m u c h jo y . H e re w e w e re , s o m u c h w is e r th a n w e w e re w h e n w e th o u g h t w e k n e w e v e r y th in g . A n d w e w e re a b le to e n jo y o n e a n o th e r, s h a re life s to rie s a n d o ffe r lo v e a n d s u p p o r t fo r a n d to o n e a n o th e r. Ta lk a b o u t s u p p o r t. W e w e re s ittin g a ro u n d ta lk in g a fte r fi n is h in g u p o u r m e a ls , w h e n th e m a n a g e r w a lk e d o v e r to u s . S h e in fo rm e d u s th a t a n o th er one of our lin e s is te rs , w h o w a s c e le b ra tin g h e r Omega Men b ir th d a y th a t d a y in N e w Yo rk , h a d c a lle d in to p a y fo r o u r m e a l! J u s t a n e x a m p le o f o u r lo v e ! O h , th e lo v e a n d th a n k s fo r m o re m e m o rie s w ith V ic k ie F ra z ie r W illia m s , S a b rin a B e a s o n V e a l (B re e z y ), M a r y B ro w n D e d m o n -B ra y , C e lia G ip s o n H u d s o n , a n d d e a r K a re n C a ld w e ll F le m in g in a b s te n tia . T h e n th e re w e re t w o s p e c ia l c la s s m a te s w h o w e re in a tte n d a n c e , W e s ts id e G a z e tte P u b lis h e r B o b b y H e n r y , w h o s a t in jo u rn a lis m c la s s e s w ith m e , a n d im m e d ia te p a s t in te rn a tio n a l G ra n d P o le m a rc h o f K a p p a A lp h a P s i F ra te rn it y , T h o m a s B a ttle s , w h o w a s a little o ld e r th a n I w h e n w e w a lk e d FA M U ’s c a m p u s . myimessenger.com

m e n t A w a rd . N A B J E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r D re w B e rr y w a s in a tte n d a n c e a n d u n fo r tu n a te ly a b ig s to r y in C h ic a g o a v e r te d P re s id e n t D o ro th y T u c k e r ’s p la n s to a tte n d . S till th e s u p p o r t s h o w n fo r N A B J w a s im p re s s iv e a n d a p p re c ia te d . I fe lt s u p p o r t, lo v e a n d re s p e c t o n a ll fro n ts . It h e lp e d , a ls o , th a t I h a d a te a m b a c k in D a lla s , ta k in g c a re o f b u s in e s s . A n d , a s a lw a y s M r. S te w a r t C u re t w a s ta g -te a m in g w ith m e in F lo rid a , s o I d id n ’t h a v e a p ro b le m w ith NNPA President Dr. Ben Chavis, Dr. Melanie Belt, Honoree Mollie Belt, James Belt III and NNPA Chairwoman Karen Carter Richards h im ta k in g to th e d a n c e fl o o r c a re e r a n d h is lo v e o f th e to A to m ic D o g w ith M r. H e n r y , o rg a n iz a tio n le d to h im b e c o m - H o u s to n F o r w a rd T im e s’ J e ff re y in g “To p N u p e .” I w a s p ro u d o f h is B o n e y a n d th e d e e ja y , D J D y n a le a d e rs h ip a n d a c c e s s ib ilit y b e - m ite . fo re , d u rin g a n d a fte r h is te n u re T h e n B re e z y ’s fa th e r s e n t m e ended. s o m e S p e c s (s p e c k le d tro u t) s o A s th e c o n fe re n c e c o n tin u e d , I I h a d a g re a t fi s h fr y w h e n I g o t w a tc h e d p u b lis h e rs s h a rin g a n d h o m e ! w o rk in g to g e th e r. N N PA P re s iI c o u ld g o o n a n d o n . Yo u g e t d e n t B e n C h a v is a n d C h a ir w o m - th e p o in t. T h e re a re s o m a n y a n K a re n C a r te r R ic h a rd s le d w ith p e o p le fi lle d w ith lo v e . B e o n e v is io n , fo c u s a n d lo v e . T h e y a p - o f th o s e p e o p le a n d s p re a d th e p e a r o n a m is s io n a n d w e re v e r y lo v e . It c a n b e c o n ta g io u s . in c lu s iv e a n d e n g a g in g . T h e p ro I re a lly e x p e rie n c e d le a rn in g , g ra m m in g w a s v e r y b e n e fi c ia l lo v in g a n d liv in g a ll a t th e s a m e a n d I a m s o o p tim is tic a n d d e fi - tim e . If I c a n ’t b e w h e re I fe e l jo y , n ite ly fe lt a s th o u g h m y tim e a n d g ro w th a n d lo v e ; tru s t a n d b e lie v e , I’m lim itin g m y tim e in th a t re s o u rc e s w e re w e ll-s p e n t. I’v e k n o w n M o llie B e lt a b o u t 3 0 s p a c e . J o in m e ! y e a rs a n d it w a s a jo y to s e e h e r re c e iv e N N PA ’s L ife tim e A c h ie v e A s a s tu d e n t o f D r. T h e lm a T. G o rh a m , I w a s a m o n g th o s e in o u r c la s s e s w h o lo o k e d a t B o b b y w ith m o re th a n a little h a te ris m . H e w a s , a fte r a ll, th e s o n o f T H E Le v i H e n ry, w h o o w n e d a n e w sp a p e r, s o B o b b y ’s fu tu re w a s s e t. B u t to s e e w h a t h e h a s d o n e a n d c o n tin u e s to d o , w e ll y o u c a n ’t h e lp b u t fe e l p ro u d . A ls o To m m y h a s h a d a s te lla r


JANUARY 31, 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020







VISION 2020 Baby Boomers is to highlight how we Live, Work, Play, Pray on the Valder Beebe Show. We’ve surmised what is living without being as healthy as possible. Statics are confirming how we enter our boomers years will be the quality of life maintained. The Valder Beebe Show is revealing this to our audiences made-up primarily of 89.9% Baby Boomer women. Think you’re not addicted to sugar? Think again. You can become truly, physiologically addicted. World renowned cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston is working to help break the sugar addiction. The creator of one of the world’s most popular eating plans, he’s back to talk about America’s sugar addiction and how his newest strategy, The KetoFriendly South Beach Diet, can help you kick your bad habit. New year, new resolutions, and a new KetoFriendly South Beach Diet is now available. Arthur Agatston, M.D., internationally recognized pioneer in cardiac disease prevention,

author of the internationally bestselling book The South Beach Diet and founder of the Agatston score (calcium score) – the best predictor of a heart attack – is back this year to talk to you all about YOUR SUGAR ADDICTION and how his newest strategy, The Keto Friendly South Beach Diet, can help you kick your bad habit. The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet is unique in that it follows the proven principles of the low-carb/good-carb, good-fat, healthy-protein approach of the original South Beach Diet, layers in science-backed elements of the keto diet’s higher fat, and modifies it to increase protein. A newly released CDC study published in JAMA Pediatrics revealed a shocking statistic that 1 in 5 US adolescents are now prediabetes putting them at risk of heart disease and diabetes. Dr. Agatston firmly believes that these numbers have risen due to one reason: sugar addiction resulting in insulin resistance. He is confident these issues start at a very young age

and can be prevented with proper diet. And guess what? It started with the acceptance of Dr. Agatston’s own sugar addiction! With the knowledge that his constant need for seconds and thirds of desserts was not lack of self-discipline, but addiction, he has been able to end his prior yo-yo diet pattern and keep his weight down. Dr. Agatston is the medical director of The Agatston Center for Private Medicine in Miami Beach where his cardiology practice is focused on preventing heart attacks in high-risk patients. - Text provided by Dr. Agatston’s publicists in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show VBS: What is the value of the Keto South Beach Diet? AD: Keto friendly allows you to lower your insulin level. It normalizes and can everse diabetes. Keto and Keto friendly helps you to burn fat which leads to weight loss. ……… Dr. Arthur Agatston’s full interview…….YouTube.com/ valderbeebeshow

Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video: ValderBeebeShow.com, 411RadioNetwork.com, Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow; PODCAST audio: Soundcloud.com/ valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw; Broadcast:KYBS FM Y99.9, KRER FM 102.5, Streaming TV PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters; On-Demand 411 RadioNetwork.com,. – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP (download free in Google Playstore); Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner myimessenger.com



JANUARY 31, 2020

Hanging with Hollywood


The Gentlemen is a new English gangster film directed by Guy Ritchie. The movie revolves around Mickey, played by Matthew McConaughey, who’s a transplanted American living in England and running the biggest weed operation in the country. The trouble starts when Mickey decides he wants to sell his illegal drug operation and settle down with his beloved wife Rosalind (Michelle Dockery). While Mickey is negoti-ating with an Oklahoma billionaire to sell his operation he is confronted by some other criminal syndicates who want to buy his profitable business as well. The involvement of the other bad guys in the story makes for some really good action JANUARY 31, 2020

in the film and a lot of colorful characters that memorable one-liners plot twists and turns work well together as and quips. “When the lion is hungry, he eats” was my favorite line performed by M c C o n a u g h ey (right before he shoots dead one of his rivals). The Gentlemen is a very enjoyable movie. It’s rated R for violence and strong lan-guage and has a run time of 1 hour and 53 minutes. The movie will stay with you long after you leave the theater. I loved it. On my which are well thought an ensemble. “Hollywood Popcorn out by director Ritchie, Ritchie does a great Scale” I rate The who also wrote the film. job of pairing up the Gentlemen a JUMBO. The supporting actors supporting cast to are strong. Hugh Grant, deliver a very smart Charlie Hunnam, crime caper and the Collin Ferrell, and writing is excellent Jason Wong all deliver and filled with some




Redefining Suffrage, Unerasing Black Women Sojourner Truth. Harriet Tubman. Ida B. Wells. Shirley Chisholm. Rosa Parks.

pioneers joined with their men to resist and carry the torch for all people – Native Americans, Chinese immigrants and even Irish indentured servants – denied fundamental liberty. Then and now, we wage claims to own our bodies, voices and choices. We build on that truth by redefining suffrage beyond the limited act of casting These household names, spanning a ballot. For Black women, the narrative a couple of centuries, qualify for the is rooted in telling herstory, unerasing the Suffrage Hall of Fame. achievements of yesterday Almost a buzz word and the possibilities for the synonymous with the Year of the FROM THE NNPA future. Woman, in 2020 the centerpiece This centennial year is an of suffrage will be marked by the appropriate time to redefine 100th Anniversary of the 19th universal suffrage through Amendment granting women’s BY GWEN MCKINNEY the prism of triumphs voting rights. Referred to as a and tragedies. Trust Black bold justice movement, suffrage women must be more than a will be celebrated as America’s cliché. march to full democracy. The Year of the Woman battle cry is Unerased Black Women promises to In popular parlance, can we unpack perversely at odds with Black women’s create brave spaces and in alliance with the significance of suffrage and inclusive unbroken quest for liberation. Although Black newspapers across the country, democracy for Black women? Words lauded today as the most reliable and unfurl a frank public conversation about matter. But the impact and impetus of consistent voting bloc for democratic Suffrage, Race, and Power. their meaning matter more. Here’s a composite definition from change, we’ve historically endured being Through a digital destination, we’ll turn marginalized, dismissed and erased. our ear to a beating heart of resilience, online dictionaries: Black women’s demand to be equal resistance, words and deed. Daughter of Suffrage is the right to vote in public and heard extends beyond the century slaves, descendants of warriors, writers, elections. Universal suffrage means run-up to the 19th Amendment. It was journalists, teachers, mentors, activists – everyone gets to vote, as opposed to only intersectional and linked with abolition universal suffragists all – have something men or property holders… For example, of slavery, anti-lynching battles, to say. after trying for about a hundred years, literacy drives, sharecropper land rights Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. Anna American women were granted suffrage campaigns and the establishment of a Julia Cooper. Mary Ann Shadd. Harriet and voted for the first time in 1920. radical Black press that was led by many Jacobs. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin. Mary The 19th Amendment was adopted Aug. Black women suffragists. McLeod Bethune. Fannie Lou Hamer. 18, 1920, after the required number of Our suffrage quest continued through Ella Baker. Gertrude Bustill-Mossell. states ratified the constitutional measure. the Civil Rights Era and passage of the Charlotta Bass. Marvel Jackson Cooke. Though many Black women led suffrage Voting Rights Act of 1965 which finally, Most of these women can’t claim campaigns, the 19th Amendment put for the first time, delivered the franchise household name status in the traditional white women on an empowerment tract to Black people in the South. suffrage roll call. But their noble stories to electoral engagement. Interestingly, Rewind centuries earlier. will be unerased. the suffrage movement, festooned in the symbolic color white, is often Our demand to self-govern predates Stay tuned as suffrage, redefined, meets portrayed through a narrow window the formation of this republic, beginning our truth. uncomplicated by the strictures of race in 1619 when the first Africans, snatched and power that framed the Amendment from their ancestral home, landed on Gwen McKinney is campaign director of an initiative, Race. Power: Unerased Black Women,” that will these shores. Those nameless suffrage “Suffrage. then and now. launch in March. myimessenger.com

Look no further than the historical landscape of that moment. Congressional approval of the Act in 1919 was the same year as the infamous Red Summer, a tumultuous white supremacist reign of terror and lynching in Black communities across the country. One year after the 19th Amendment was adopted in 1921 racist mobs set ablaze Tulsa, OK, decimating what was revered as Black Wall Street.



JANUARY 31, 2020

NBA Great KOBE BRYANT, eight others die in crash

John Altobelli, head coach Orange Coast College baseball team, wife Keri and 13-year-old daughter Alyssa, a basketball player for Mamba; Gianna and father Kobe Bryant, Sarah Chester and daughter Payton; pilot Ara Zobayan; and Christina Mauser, basketball coach at Harbor Day School in Newport Beach, where Kobe’s daughter attended school. PHOTO: CBS/KHOU 11

JANUARY 31, 2020




World mourns helicopter crash victims BY DOROTHY J. GENTRY Sports Editor

The Dallas Mavericks retired the No. 24 jersey, players of every professional sport poured out tributes on social media, fans held their loved ones a little tighter and the whole world froze on Sunday afternoon with the news of the death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others in a helicopter crash in California. Mr. Bryant, 41, was traveling in an S-76 helicopter when it crashed just before 10 a.m. into a hillside near Calabasas, Calif., roughly 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles. The flight manifest listed nine people on board — one pilot and eight passengers. Immediately upon news of the tragedy, tributes began pouring in from all over. “We are shocked and saddened by the devastating news of the passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna,” Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said in a statement. “Kobe was an ambassador for our game, a decorated legend and a global icon. Above all, he was a loving and dedicated father.”Mr. Cuban also announced the retiring of Mavericks’ #24 jersey. “Kobe’s legacy transcends basketball, and our organization has decided that the number 24 will never again be worn by a Dallas Maverick. Our hearts go out to all the lives lost and the families impacted by this terrible tragedy. We send our thoughts and prayers to Vanessa and the family, the Lakers organization and Kobe Bryant fans everywhere.” The Mavs were in Oklahoma preparing for a Monday game with the Thunder when news of the crash became public. Many took to social media to express their condolences. MVP Candidate Luka Doncic wrote on Instagram: “Not you!!! RIP mamba! Thank you for everything you showed and did for the world.” Mr. Doncic had recently met Mr. Bryant and his daughter a month ago when the Mavericks played myimessenger.com

the Lakers. Kristaps Porzingis also wrote on Instagram: “My favorite player growing up just passed. I can’t believe this is true. Rest in peace Kobe. Legends live forever.” Retired Maverick Dirk Nowitzki wrote a heartfelt letter on Twitter to Bryant: “Mamba – This is hitting me really hard. I will always remember coming home after games so I could watch you dominate in the fourth quarter! You inspired so many around the world, including me. You will always be missed. You will always be remembered. You will always be loved. Rest in peace with your angel Gigi. Deepest sympathies to Vanessa, the girl’s and all the friends and families of the lives lost today.” Shaquille O’Neal, with whom Mr. Bryant won three championships with on the Lakers, said: “There’s no words to express the pain I’m going through with this tragedy of losing my niece Gigi and my brother Kobe Bryant. I love u and u will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW.” NBA Legend Michael Jordan released a statement that read in part: “I am in shock over the tragic news of Kobe’s and Gianna’s passing. Words can’t describe the pain I’m feeling. I loved Kobe – he was like a little brother to me. We used to talk often, and I will miss those conversations very much.” The NBA Coaches Association, of which Mavs Head Coach Rick Carlisle is president, released this statement: “The membership of the National Basketball Coaches Association joins the NBA family and fans across the globe in mourning the passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna. Kobe’s impact on and off the court has inspired countless people including so many of our current and former NBA Coaches. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Bryant family and the families of other passengers on board.” In addition to his peers in the sports world, sports media also commented on the tragic passing of Bryant. “It’s just so hard to comprehend the sudden death of Kobe Bryant. I just talked to him less than a month ago when the @dallasmavs were in Los Angeles. He was a great young man. Please pray for his family. RIP,” said Mavs.com writer Dwain


Price, a member of the Pro Basketball Writers Association. Fort Worth Star-Telegram Cowboys beat writer Clarence E. Hill Jr posted on Facebook: “I’m just paralyzed over tragic deaths of Kobe and his daughter Gigi, as a sports fan, as a father, as a journalist-- it hits hard.” The NABJ Sports Task Force released this statement: “Numbness and disbelief is the state that so many of us are in after learning of the helicopter accident that claimed the life of NBA icon Kobe Bryant. The NABJ Sports Task Force offers its heartfelt condolences to Vanessa Bryant as well as the other families impacted by the accident.” Michael Wilbon, ESPN NBA analyst and columnist, a close friend of Mr. Bryant’s, said he was “fortunate to have countless opportunities to talk with, interview, interact with Kobe Bryant. I’m grateful to have had a front-row seat to an amazing life. I think we are all, even now, underestimating the enormity of Kobe’s death on an international level. He was truly a global citizen.” Mr. Bryant was a five-time NBA champion and two-time Olympic gold medalist. He spent 20 seasons in the NBA, all with the Lakers. He retired as the NBA’s third-all-time leading scorer with 33,643 points. He was expected to be inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame on the first ballot this summer. He was a head-lining member of a star-studded class that also includes Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett. He was twice named Finals MVP, 18-time All-Star and 11-time All-NBA First Team. “For 20 seasons, Kobe showed us what is possible when remarkable talent blends with an absolute devotion to winning,” NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. “He was one of the most extraordinary players in the history of our game with accomplishments that are legendary. “He will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world to pick up a basketball and compete to the very best of their ability. He was generous with the wisdom he acquired and saw it as his mission to share it with future generations of players, taking special delight in passing down his love of the game to Gianna.” NOTE: Hall of Fame chairman and former USA Basketball Director Jerry Colangelo said Kobe Bryant will be inducted into Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame’s 2020 Class. I MESSENGER

JANUARY 31, 2020

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner endorses Royce West in race for U.S. Senate

H O U S T O N — Ho u s t o n Mayor Sylvester Turner on Tuesday announced his endorsement of Texas Senator Royce West (D-Dallas), in West’s Democratic Primary race for the United States Senate. “Royce West is my choice for United States Senate because his 26 years of experience in the Texas Senate building coalitions to get things done for Texans is exactly what we need in the U.S. Senate during these trying times for our state and our nation,” said Mayor Turner. Turner, a former longtime member of the Texas Legislature and the mayor of America’s fourth most populous city, said Houston needs an ally in the United

State Senator Royce West (D-Dallas) candidate for United States Senate, was endorsed by Houston Mayor and former longtime Texas State Representative Sylveter Turner (far left) on Monday in Houston. State Senator Borris Miles (D-Houston), far right, and State Senator John Whitmire (D-Houston), second from right, were on hand as co-hosts of the announcement event and fundraiser. Courtesy | Royce West for US Senate

States Senate who will champion issues Houston voters

care about. “On healthcare, on edu-

cation, on the environment, Royce West is the best choice for Houstonians in the U.S. Senate primary,” Turner said. “Whether it was helping with aid as we recovered from Hurricane Harvey or working to fight voter suppression, Royce West is the best choice not just for Houston, but for Texas,” Turner continued. West said he was honored to receive Turner’s endorsement. “I thank Mayor Turner for his endorsement and his faith in my ability to do what needs to be done for Texans in Washington. I am humbled and honored to receive the support of my friend Sylvester Turner in this race,” Senator West said.

Check out The Kinsey Collection at the African American Museum in Dallas 3536 Grand Ave, Dallas, TX 75210 214-565-9026

JANUARY 31, 2020




The Jacobs welcome Baby Eli On January 10, 2020, Eli Jr. Jacobs was born to Dareia and Bishop Eli Jacobs. Baby Eli Jr. and his parents would personally like to thank the best medical team in the state of Texas who helped to ensure his safe arrival into this world. The exemplary medical staff, including Dr. Randall J. Chee-Awai, Dr. Ashmead Ali, and wonderful nursing/administrative staff at Charleton Methodist Hospital (Ashley, Vivian, Nikki, Kerri, Rasharien, Janet and Riley). Thank you for spoiling and providing the best care to his mother, Dareia, during her time in the hospital. Baby Eli Jr. is excited to be here and though he is unable to utter any recognizable words, is grateful to each of you for the abundance of love and support you have


extended. As his parents, we intend to raise Eli Jr. to be an active churchgoer and avid book reader. We hope that one day he will also take an interest in playing sports such as basketball or track like his mother. As for now, he seems to enjoy family time with his Mommy Tolbert, papa, aunties, cousin


London, and others who are close to his parents. Hopefully, attending an elite university such as Harvard will be in his future, but who knows what gifts God has in store for him in the future? Ultimately, his life is in God's hands, the best hands to be in.


JANUARY 31, 2020

Waiting for Glory Waiting for Glory

Miller, of course, has been Captain and later other written about countless wounded sailors to safer Walking past the TV, the times as the Naval “Mess locations, thus, as Navy news flash froze my officials later steps. The announcer reported, “unsaid jubilantly that questionably the U. S. Navy would saving the lives posthumously name of a number of a future aircraft people.” carrier in honor of African-Ameriwar hero and Waco can newspapers native Doris “Dorie” and civil rights By Norma AdamsWade Miller. The honor is organizations I Messenger Media a first for an Africanpushed to have the American and was government and bestowed January military recognize 20 during a Martin Luther Attendant” and later Miller’s heroism. King Jr. holiday ceremony. kitchen cook who became a Of course, segregation The rest of the celebratory hero. and discrimination were comments faded to “bah, Outside his usual duties, rampant across the country bah, bah” as I immediately the 6ft., 3in. 200-pound and in the military at that began to wrestle with my Naval boxing heavyweight time, but some elected anger. champion repeatedly fired officials took action to have This is crazy I said to my an anti-aircraft machine Miller honored. Their anger, trying to make it go gun at a Japanese enemy efforts worked – to a point. away. This is happy news. aircraft that attacked the U. Miller became the first to Why are you reacting this S. battleship West Virginia at African-American way? Pearl Harbor on December receive the Navy Cross, given for exceptional Because I’m tired of 7, 1941. waiting, my anger answered. After he ran out of heroism, particularly in Waiting? What do you ammunition, Miller then combat. The Navy Cross mean? Let me explain. helped carry a wounded at that time was the third


JANUARY 31, 2020




highest Naval honor, behind the congressional Medal of Honor and the Navy Distinguished Service Medal. Admirers were pleased. Yet, there was a problem. Many supporters felt strongly that Miller deserved the top recognition – the Medal of Honor. Champions for his cause kept the heat on and Miller did get diverse recognition – but never the top honor. He was approved to join a war bond tour with other recognized soldiers in 1942 and even visited Waco and Dallas as part of the tour. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, a Waco native, still was continuing her longtime effort to get the top honor for her hometown hero even as recently as 2016. Circumstances dictated otherwise. In 1943, Miller was assigned to the escort carrier Liscome Bay. An enemy torpedo struck that ship on November 24, 1943. Miller was pronounced missing in action and later declared dead among more than 900 other crew members who went down with the ship. His parents received official notice of his death on myimessenger.com

DORIS “DORIE”MILLER December 7, 1943 -- exactly two years after his heroic actions. I was just thinking... Many, many legacies do honor Miller’s name. A previous frigate warship, the USS Miller, also was named for Miller in 1973. Navy officials say they will make a future formal announcement about this new carrier in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on a date to be announced. Other honors including housing communities, statues, plaques, schools, 15

community centers, a cemetery, American Legion posts, a medical center, a foundation, and commemorative stamp. Naming this recent aircraft carrier for Miller – more than 78 years after Pearl Harbor -- is a big deal, yes. One has to assume it is an effort to right wrongs and mend wounds. Yes, thanks are in order for those who led this effort. Norma Adams-Wade is a veteran, award-winning journalist, graduate of UT-Austin and Dallas native. She is also one of the founders of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and was inducted into the NABJ Hall of Fame. I MESSENGER

JANUARY 31, 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020





Holding a grudge He was doing it before you married him. You heard him during the courtship and thought it wasn’t so bad. You married him anyway, thinking, “Aww, I can handle it.” It wasn’t cute then, and it’s not

part of his personality, and he ain’t gonna change. Nobody’s perfect, and if he’s been doing this with his family, it’s really just a continuation of who he truly is. Your question should be: How do

Dear Alma: My husband cannot let things go – he holds grudges for way longer than the offense is worth. He brings up things that happened months/ years ago to remind me of what he says are my faults. It’s not just me; he gives his sister grief for dropping him when he was one and she was three. Aside from pointing out that he’s being ridiculous when he gets going on some old grudge, do you have any suggestions on how I can make him stop? Name withheld

Well, remind yourself of when it didn’t bother you so much early in the relationship. Funny how things switch after many years of marriage. What wuz cute is about to get on your last nerve. All of you longtime married folks know what I’m talking about.

Dear Nameless One, News flash: You can’t change another person’s personality. Your husband didn’t start this yesterday.

cute now. So, follow through on the decision you made when you said your vows (for better or worse) and live with it. It’s a



I live with it? Well, remind yourself of when it didn’t bother you so much early in the relationship. Funny how things

switch after many years of marriage. What wuz cute is about to get on your last nerve. All of you longtime married folks know what I’m talking about. LOL. Anyway, back to my suggestion: When he gets going, leave him in his space. Meditate on things about him that make you happy. I’m sure he has many other qualities that you admire. That’s why he’s your husband. I can understand if this isn’t the answer you were looking for, but it will keep you guys united as one for many years to come. Your or my answer can’t change your husband. That Sweetie is an act only he can control. Alma


JANUARY 31, 2020

Rep. Clyburn to speak for IMA U. S. Rep. James Clyburn will headline the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA) 55th Annual Human Relations Banquet on Friday, February 7, 2020. at the Dallas Trade Mart Grand Ballroom, 2100 North Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75207. The theme for the banquet is “Stand for the Count, Vote for Change.” Congressman Cly-burn is the Majority Whip and the thirdranking Democrat in the United States House of Representatives. He represents South Carolina’s sixth congressional district. As a national leader, he has championed rural and economic development and many of his initiatives have become law. He is also a passionate supporter of historic preservation and restoration programs and his efforts have restored historic buildings and sites on campuses of historically Black colleges and universities He is a native of Sumter, South Carolina. He and his late wife Emily England Clyburn met as students at South Carolina State and were married for 58 years. His memoir, Blessed Experiences: Genuinely Southern Proudly Black, was published in 2015 and has been described as a primer for any student interested in pursuing a career in public service. “With the 2020 elections approaching and in keeping with our theme, we are honored to have the Honorable James JANUARY 31, 2020

Clyburn as Under his our keynote leadership, s p e a k e r ,” the IMA said Dr. avoided D a v i d the list of Wilson, cities that president experienced of the IMA full-scale civil and pastor disturbances, of Greater c om m itt ed Cornerstone to tranquility Baptist within Dallas’ Church. His African appearance American will remind community us of the and built U. S. REPRESENTATIVE importance consensus in JAMES CLYBURN of voting in an effort to the upcoming election.” bridge Dallas’ racial divide. Attorney Lisa Blue will receive Following the death of Dr. the Human Relations Award and Wright in 1995, Dr. Stephen Former NFL/Cowboy, Gregory C. Nash Sr., pastor of Mt. Ellis will receive the Presidential Tabor Baptist Church was Award, the IMA’s two highest awards. Additional awards to be presented will include these categories, Healthcare, Education, Prince of Peace, IMA Civic and Community Connecting. For more information, contact Lola Wilson, (404) 245-8028. For over 90 years, the IMA has provided support to all ministerial denominations and addressed social and political issues during urban and racial unrest. Dr. E. C. Estell, Sr, pastor of the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas organized the IMA and was its first President. He was succeeded by Dr. S. M. Wright Sr, pastor of People Missionary Baptist Church.



named the new president. He implemented several programs including Pastors and Churches Leading Our Communities (PAC-LOC) which concentrates on political, economic, social and youth activities. Upon his retirement, Dr. David E. Wilson, pastor of Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church was elected the IMA’s fourth president. He had previously served for 20 years as vice president. Dr. Wilson continues to lead the IMA as a voice and active body promoting the work of its founders. He organized statewide efforts to get voters to the polls in the 2018 U. S. Senate Race which resulted in record voting among the African American communities and turning Harris County Blue.





JANUARY 31, 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020








JANUARY 31, 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020




Ten “H’s” of Hair Loss ABOUT YOUR HAIR BY DR. LINDA AMERSON www.hairandscalpessentials.com

There is Help for Hair loss! In the USA, the population is 300 million, and the fact that 90 million are affected with some form of alopecia is alarming! Do you need help with your unexplained hair loss issues? There are over 100 categories of alopecia, aka hair loss in laymen terms. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss from any cause. This term is used often by consumers who do not know this ‘broad umbrella’ is very scientific and the range of the degree of severity. Seeking expert assistance with a person whom has ‘credentials’ is always a good first option. We are referencing 10 alopecia categories, all beginning with the letter ‘H’ for Hair loss. Men, women and children may become victims from various factors. Some of these influencers on the hair growth cycle, may cause temporary, partial or permanent hair loss. 1. HEALTH. Your health plays a vital role with your hair growing healthy. Many systemic illnesses can cause hair loss. One example is a high fever, or a surgical procedure that has needed general anesthesia. In addition, over 15 autoimmune diseases can affect the hair growth cycle and/ or hair follicle. A few examples include discoid lupus erythmatosus, systemic lupus, scleroderma and alopecia areata. 2. HEREDITARY. Yes it is a fact! The hair problem torch is passed down thru your genes. If one or both parents have hair loss, hair thinning or other systemic illnesses, then the chances are myimessenger.com

increased that their children will also suffer the same condition. In some cases, even the grand-children are affected. 3. HAIRSTYLING. Many consumers and professionals use mechanical styling tools to enhance a hair style. Do not use vigorous brushing, highest heat blow drying, highest heat flat iron, curling iron, crimping iron, etc on your hair. Furthermore, daily usage of grooming tools should be avoided… only use 2-3 times maximum weekly. Hair breakage and hair shaft damage is commonly seen under a polarized microscope. 4. HEALING. Prescription medications or treatments for a particular illness, may have a side effect of hair loss. There are over 300! Some examples include: radiation therapy, chemotherapy, anticoagulants, lithium based medications, large doses of vitamin A, certain blood pressure medications and agents which block cholesterol synthesis, can all inhibit hair growth. Consumers should take their prescription medications to put health first, or you may talk to your doctor about changing the medication. 5. H O R M O N E S . Androgenetic Alopecia aka AGA is a genetic hair loss in both men and women. The androgens act upon the hair follicle producing a reduction in the size of the afffected follicles, which results in a reduction in the diameter and length of the hairs they produce. In addition, an endocrine gland malfunction may cause hair loss and hair thinning in

men and women, while an irregular menstruation, and other hormonal changes may affect the hair cycle leading to hair thinning. 6. HASSLE. Commonly known as stress. There are various levels of stress: mild, manageable and excessive. Severe stress can influence diffuse hair shedding, alopecia areata, trichotillomania and sudden handfuls of hair loss. Many researchers believe that androgen hormones are aggravated during stressful episodes. Try to balance or minimize your lifes stressors. 7. HUNGER. Poor diet, starvation and the numerous weight loss options both over the counter and surgical impact your body, hair and scalp health. Please note that undernourishment slows the growth rate of hair. Why you may ask? This is because amino acids, fats and vitamins are all NECESSARY to grow healthy hair and maintain a healthy scalp. Eat healthy foods, little to no fried foods, and lots of vegetables and fruit. According to nutritionists, a daily consumption of 65-75 grams of daily protein for adults and less for children is recommended. 8. HATS. Some consumers develop a ‘Hattitude’ for their wardrobe. Use caution to make sure the hat fits properly and is not too small. When a cap, derby, kango or other hats are worn daily by men, friction and hair thinning may develop. When women wear hats, make sure you also have a properly fitted hat, to avoid friction and hair thinning. One last notation is to cleanse the inside of your hats as needed to remove dirt, sweat and makeup. 9. HYPER & HYPOTHYROIDISM. With hyperthyroid, the thyroid is enlarged, and produces too much hormone, and increases the bodies metabolism. There are more than 200,000 US cases


per year. On the other hand with hypothyroid, the hormone is very slow revealing an underactive thyroid. There are over 3 million US cases per year. Severe and prolonged hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause loss of hair. The loss is diffuse and involves the entire scalp rather than discrete areas. The hair appears uniformly sparse. Regrowth is usual with successful treatment of the thyroid disorder, though it will take several months and may be incomplete. 10. HEAVY EXTENSIONS. Con-sumers need to use caution when applying braids or hair weave extensions. When crotched braids are attached to children’s hair, parents please make sure that the person braiding does not put too much hair on your baby girls head. Hair thinning and folliculitis may happen. This caution also applies to teenagers and adults. This extra weight on your neck is not good either. In closing, it is normal to be concerned about your hair loss, however, do not over stress yourself. Do what you can internally with a healthy diet, getting adequate rest, water consumption and staying away from negative toxic people. For help, seek the expertise of a Board Certified Trichologist. Avoid taking advice from anyone who does not have qualified credentials. Many consumers use every product on the market, before getting to the ROOT of the problem. Many factors are considered by a Board Certified Trichologist during a microscopic analysis. For additional information contact world renown Dr. Linda Amerson. LA’s Hair & Scalp Clinic, Arlington, TX 817 265 8854 www.hairandscalpessentials.com. We also invite you to listen to our weekly radio show Ask the Hair & Scalp Doctor on www.DfwiRadio. com.


JANUARY 31, 2020

Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020



Photos: Becky Lewis


Photos: Eva Coleman




JANUARY 31, 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020




Former judge, civil rights activist Nathaniel Jones dies CINCINNATI — Nathaniel Jones, a former federal judge who served for more than two decades on the federal appeals court in Cincinnati and previously served as general counsel for the NAACP, has died of congestive heart failure. He was 93. Judge Jones' death was confirmed by his daughter, Stephanie Jones and the Hamilton County Coroner's Office. Stephanie Jones said her father died of congestive heart failure Sunday at his home in Cincinnati, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer. In 1979, former President Jimmy Carter appointed Judge Jones to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, where he served until his retirement in 2002. The federal courthouse in Youngstown later was named in his honor. The native of Youngstown had served as the chief lawyer for the NAACP from 1969 until his appointment to the federal appeals court. As counsel for the NAACP, he argued for the organization in school desegregation suits filed against public school districts in Cleveland, Dayton, Columbus, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco and Los Angeles. In the 1980s, he traveled across Africa, assisting emerging nations in establishing judicial systems. He also helped South African leaders draft a constitution ending that nation's system of legal racial segregation known as apartheid. In 2016, the NAACP announced myimessenger.com

its selection of Judge Jones as recipient of its highest honor, the Spingarn Medal. He was also a recipient of the International Freedom Conductor Award from the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. The award recognizes the contributions of individuals who reflect the spirit and courageous actions of conductors on the historic Underground Railroad. Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley praised Jones on Sunday for his work in civil rights and said that knowing him "has been one of the greatest honors of my life." "Cincinnati and our country is a better place for his life," Mayor Cranley said in the statement. Judge Jones is survived by five children and eight grandchildren. Information on funeral services had not been released at press time. He was a Prince Hall Freemason and a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Philadelphia Tribune and staff reports.



JANUARY 31, 2020

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JANUARY 31, 2020




National Black History Month: February 2020 -- Focus on Census To commemorate and celebrate the contributions to our nation made by people of African descent, American historian Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week. The first celebration occurred on Feb. 12, 1926. For many years, the second week of February was set aside for this celebration to coincide with the birthdays of abolitionist/editor Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, as part of the nation’s bicentennial, the week was expanded to a month. Since then, U.S. presidents have proclaimed February as National African American History Month. The following facts are made possible by the invaluable responses to the U.S. Census Bureau’s surveys. We appreciate the public’s cooperation as we continuously measure America’s people, places and economy. DID YOU KNOW? 47.8 million The Black population, either alone or in

combination with one or more races, in the United States in 2018. Source: 2018 Population Estimates

87.9% The percentage of African Americans age 25 and older with a high school diploma or higher in 2018. Source: Current Population Survey (Source includes more on education, including advanced degrees and school enrollment.)

29.9% The percentage of the employed Black population age 16 and older working in management, business, science and arts occupations in 2018. Source: 2018 American Community Survey (Source includes more on occupations, commuting and industries.)

121,466 The number of Black-owned employer businesses in the United States in 2016. Source: 2016 Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs 2.2 million The number of Black military veterans in the United States nationwide in 2018. Source: 2018 American Community Survey

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JANUARY 31, 2020


JANUARY 31, 2020








JANUARY 31, 2020

JANUARY 31, 2020




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