I Messenger

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I M essenger FEBRUARY 28, 2020



Deltas meet about Census 2020

IMessenger An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com S. Curet GENERAL MANAGER stewartcuret@myimessenger.com Jessica Hayden STAFFWRITER Marva Sneed EDITORIAL ASSISTANT EDITORIAL TEAM Lajuana Barton Eva Coleman Anthony Council L. Diane Evans Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Cierra Mayes Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Monique P. Stone Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III Chelle Wilson MARKETING TEAM Carlton McConnell Terry Allen PR DESIGN/LAYOUT 619

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Established 2011 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Leadership met with U.S. Commerce Deputy Secretary Karen Dunn Kelley in the D/FW area recently to discuss their efforts to increase participation in 2020 Census. Organized by DST member and Census Partnership Sponsor Mythe Y. Kirven, Deltas provid-ed an impressive overview of the outreach the public service sorority has undertaken nationwide.


Pictured are Deltas with Sec. Kelley.





Black News Channel


Heavy sigh. Shaking my head. Feeling the pain. In Dallas, TX, a trial began this week and yet another Black man, Desmond Jones, is a defendant; standing trial for the 2017 vicious murder of 13-year-old Shavon Randle.

I am extremely excited to learn that my alma mater, the Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU), has launched the very first and only 24-hour Black news channel through its School of Journalism and Graphic Design.

Atlanta-based Chime Solutions, a Business Process Outsourcing firm, officially opened their new offices at a Ribbon Cutting Celebration at RedBird Mall, 3662 W. Camp Wisdom Road, 2nd Floor Dallas Texas 75237 last week.







FEBRUARY 28, 2020

MY TRUTH by Cheryl Smith, Publisher

Wanna feel better? H e a v y s ig h . S h a k in g m y h e a d . F e e lin g t h e p a in . In D a lla s , T X , a t r ia l b e g a n t h is w e e k a n d y e t a n o t h e r B la c k m a n , D e s m o n d J o n e s , is a d e fe n d a n t ; s t a n d in g t r ia l fo r t h e 2 0 1 7 v ic io u s m u rd e r o f 1 3 -y e a r o ld S h a v o n R a n d le . T h e c a se w a s o n e th a t p e o p le a c ro s s t h is c o u n t r y a n d a ro u n d t h e w o r ld w e re t a lk in g a b o u t b e c a u s e it in v o lv e d s e v e r a l e le m e n t s t h a t c a p t u re h e a d lin e s : d r u g s , k id n a p p in g , m u rd e r, c o n s p ir a c y , o rg a n iz e d c r im e a n d s o m e m ig h t e v e n s a y s e x , s in c e t h e re w e re re la t io n s h ip s in v o lv e d . Yo u m a y re c a ll t h a t m e m b e r s o f a g ro u p w e re in v o lv e d in ille g a l a c t iv it ie s a n d in a t t e m p t in g t o re t r ie v e s t o le n d r u g s , s o m e o n e s n u ff e d o u t t h e FEBRUARY 28, 2020

y o u n g life o f S h a v o n ; n o t b e c a u s e o f s o m e t h in g s h e d id , b u t b e c a u s e o f w h o t h e y w e re . I s t ill re m e m b e r t h a t h o t e v e n in g , s t a n d in g o u t s id e in fro n t o f t h e re p u t e d d r u g h o u s e w h e re S h a v o n s p e n t h e r la s t m o m e n t s o n e a r t h . H u n d re d s g a t h e re d e x p re s s in g o u t r a g e a n d c a llin g fo r t h e h o u s e to b e to rn d o w n . T h e t r a g e d y is t h a t a y o u n g , in n o c e n t fe m a le is n o lo n g e r w it h u s . S h e d id n ’t h a v e a c h a n c e t o liv e t h e life t h a t d re a m s a re m a d e o f. In s t e a d s h e h a p p e n e d t o b e in t h e w ro n g p la c e a t t h e w ro n g t im e . W h o k n o w s w h a t h e r life m ig h t h a v e b e c o m e . M e a n w h ile , h a lfw a y a c ro s s t h e c o u n t r y , o n t h e s a m e d a y t h a t t h e t r ia l b e g a n t o fi n d ju s t ic e fo r S h a v o n ’s m u rd e r, a n o t h e r



1 3 -y e a r -o ld , G ia n n a , w a s re m e m b e re d a t a c e re m o n y fo r h e r a n d h e r fa t h e r, K o b e B r y a n t ; in L o s A n g e le s C A . a n d a t t o r n e y s fo r h e r m o m fi le d a w ro n g fu l d e a t h s u it a g a in s t Is la n d E x p re s s H e lic o p t e r s , Is la n d E x p re s s H o ld in g C o rp . a n d th e e sta te o f t h e p ilo t , A r a Z o b a y a n . T h e B ry a n ts a n d se v e n o t h e r s , in c lu d in g t h e p ilo t , M r. Z o b a y a n , p e r is h e d in t h e h e lic o p t e r c r a s h o n Jan u ary 26, 2020. T h o u s a n d s g a t h e re d in t h e S t a p le s C e n t e r in L o s A n g e le s a s t r ib u t e a f t e r t r ib u t e fo c u s e d o n t h e le g a c y o f M r. B r y a n t a n d t h e d e v a s t a t in g lo s s o f y o u n g “G iG i” w h o a t s u c h a y o u n g a g e h a d a lre a d y t o u c h e d t h e liv e s o f m a n y . M y h e a r t is h e a v y a s I re fl e c t b a c k o n w h e n I w a s 1 3 . I w a s in n o c e n t a n d myimessenger.com

fe a r le s s . I k n e w I h a d p ro t e c t io n a n d lo v e fro m m y fa m ily , s o I h a d n o t h in g t o w o rry a b o u t. L o o k in g b a c k , I n o w k n o w t h a t y e s , I c o u ld h a v e b e e n a h e a d lin e t o o . A n d it s e e m s lik e t h in g s a re n ’t g e t t in g b e t t e r. W h ic h b r in g s m e t o m y tru th ! S h a v o n a n d G ia n n a a re t h e c a s u a lt ie s w e a re t a lk in g a b o u t t o d a y a n d s a d ly t h e re a re s o m a n y o th e rs. W h e n y o u t h in k a b o u t t h e s t a t is t ic s in v o lv in g w o m e n , y o u c a n ’t h e lp b u t p au se. W e h a v e to d o so m e t h in g . T h e re a re s o m a n y a re a s w h e re w e n e e d in t e r v e n t io n a n d s u p p o r t . W e c a n n o t b r in g t h o s e t w o b e a u t ifu l a n g e ls , S h a v o n a n d G ia n n a , b a c k b u t w e c a n w o r k t o h e lp o t h e r y o u n g g ir ls re a liz e t h e ir d re a m s . T h e re is s o m u c h g o in g o n in t h e w o r ld t o d a y w it h fe m a le s : • A c c o rd in g t o t h e In myimessenger.com

t e r n a t io n a l L a b o r O r g a n iz a t io n (IL O ) a n d W a lk F re e F o u n d a t io n , 7 1 % o f t r a ffi c k in g v ic t im s a ro u n d t h e w o r ld a re w o m e n a n d g ir ls . • U N W o m e n re p o r t s t h a t 1 5 m illio n a d o le s c e n t g ir ls (1 5 -1 9 ) w o r ld w id e h a v e e x p e r ie n c e d fo rc e d s e x (fo rc e d s e x u a l

in t e rc o u r s e o r o t h e r s e x u a l a c t s ) a t s o m e p o in t in t h e ir life . • a m fA R re p o r t s t h a t a m o n g a ll w o m e n in A m e r ic a d ia g n o s e d w it h H IV in 2 0 1 7 , 5 9 % w e re A fr ic a n A m e r ic a n , 2 0 % w e re w h it e , a n d 1 6 % w e re H is p a n ic /L a t in a . • T h e N a t io n a l C o a lit io n a g a in s t D o m e s t ic 5

V io le n c e is s u e d s t a t is t ic s t h a t 1 in 1 5 c h ild re n a re e x p o s e d t o in t im a t e p a r t n e r v io le n c e e a c h y e a r, a n d 9 0 % o f t h e s e c h ild re n a re e y e w it n e s s e s t o t h is v io le n c e . N ow I can go on and on, b ut we know w hat need s to b e d o n e . T h e re a re s o m a n y o r g a n iz a t io n s o u t t h e re t h a t w o r k w it h y o u n g g ir ls , a n d t h e y a re d o in g g re a t w o r k , b u t t h e y n e e d h e lp a n d w e n e e d m o re b o d ie s , re s o u rc e s a n d s u p p o r t . T h e re ’s a y o u n g la d y in y o u r n e ig h b o r h o o d , c h u rc h , c o m m u n it y , m a y b e e v e n in y o u r h o u s e ; w h o n e e d s a m e n t o r, a k in d s m ile , a n o p e n h e a r t o r a n o n -ju d g m e n t a l e a r. Reach out and b e a s o u rc e o f in s p ir a t io n a n d su p p o rt. W e ’v e b e e n t h e re a n d d o n e a ll o f t h a t . W e d o n ’t k n o w h o w lo n g e a c h o f u s w ill b e o n t h is e a r t h . L e t ’s m a k e e a c h d a y s p e c ia l, b e g in n in g w it h to d a y. O u r g ir ls n e e d u s . I MESSENGER

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Democrat, Republican or ...?

I WAS JUST THINKING... By Norma AdamsWade I Messenger Media

The dilemma will not be resolved today. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow. Or is there? If you have been paying at-tention, the age-old debate about which political party is best for Black people appears to be growing louder. The question of whether African Americans would be better off as Republicans, Democrats, Inde-pendents or our own separate party is being heard more as the country barrels forward toward the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election -with U. S. House, Senate and state officers in tow. Opinions remain strong on all sides. I was just thinking...Is there an ideal party today that has the best interest of Black America at heart? I talked with some informed proponents on various sides and received provocative history FEBRUARY 28, 2020

lessons that inspire me to have you judge for yourselves. Social commentator Vincent Hall, a Democrat, and civil servant Betty Culbreath, a Republican, view the spectrum from opposing positions. Hall says it is logical for AfricanAmericans to stick with the Democrats. Culbreath says African-Americans should give Republicans another chance. “Republicans have not given (African-Americans) any reason to trust them or believe that they have our best interest at heart,” said Hall, who is on hiatus from his popular I Messenger column, “Quit Playin’.” Culbreath, who has a long history as a political and social activist, said she’s tired of Democrats taking the Black vote for granted. “Politicians would pay attention to us and what we want from them



if we were not bound to the Democrats like cement.” Scholars tell us that consistently, between 80-90 percent of Black Americans vote Democratic today, but that during post-Civil War Reconstruction, we were overwhelmingly Republican. Former President Abraham Lincoln – the nation’s first Republican president -- gets much of the credit for our loyalty at that time: this largely because he signed legislation that ended slavery and led to Reconstruction that introduced African-American political involvement in the late 1800s. At that time, Democrats largely resented Black advancement, believing that upward climb hurt the White population, largely Southern, that relied so heavily on the economic advantages of slavery. So, when and why did we myimessenger.com

switch from being Republican to Democratic loyalists? Scholars point to various reasons. These include the rise of Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal economic policies during and after the Great Depression in the 1930s, desegregation of the military under Democratic president Harry Truman in the late 1940s, the 1960s civil rights gains under Democratic presidents, and the election of the nation’s first AfricanAmerican president in 2008. Hall said the notion that Blacks left the Republican Party is wrong. He said Republican interest in Black advancement appeared to fade as policies of Democrats seemed to offer more. “We did not leave them” Hall said of Republicans. “History shows that the party of Lincoln left us.” He said he sees no possibility for a large-scale return of African-Americans to the Republican Party “in our lifetime.” And that under Republican leadership, all nonwhites are suspect and society no longer is “black vs white but white vs diversity...Diversity has no place in their plan.” Culbreath longs for the day when current AfricanAmericans will learn the myimessenger.com

Vincent Hall

Betty Culbreath

Dorothy Burton 7

history of Black Republicans. She does not defend current leadership but defends the history of the party. “Black people are the original conservative people,” Culbreath said. “We were not liberals seeking free stuff. We were get-it-done-foryourself-folk. We knew how to work and we worked. We were not pushing grocery carts and living on the streets. Today, we think conservative is a bad word and it’s not.” Dorothy Burton, a speaker, blogger and community leader, has a third perspective about political leadership. I could not reach her for direct comment, but I have followed her plainspoken social media comments online. A former Republican, she has chosen to be an Independent. Here is a recent post: “No, I will not be voting in this primary. Call me names, whatever... The Democrats will choose their candidates and the Republicans, theirs. I’m neither any more, and since in Texas you have to vote as one of the other, and I am no longer either, I will vote in November for the candidates whom I believe will serve and govern best. Be they Democrats or Republican.” Sounds like a woman who knows what time it is. I MESSENGER

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Pernicious power of patriarchy THE LAST WORD

Here we go again. By the time this is published the matter of 45’s Supreme Court nominee Brett DR. JULIANNE MALVEAUX Cavenaugh is resolved, but the issue of pernicious patriarchy will not be. Regarding Kavanaugh, he has Our nation, these United States, is been accused by Dr. Christine Blasey founded on the principles of racism and Ford of sexual assault more than 35 years patriarchy. They are reflected in our very constitution, where enslaved persons were ago, when both were teens. She disclosed counted as a fraction of a person, and only her accusations in a letter that California men of property were allowed the right to Senator Dianne Feinstein received in July, but did not share with the FBI until vote. The filthy inequality at the foundation later, mainly because Ford asked for of this nation has now bubbled up and confidentiality. Ford has requested that the FBI boiled over, now polluting every aspect of investigate her assertions, and the Senate our lives. Patriarchy places men at the center of judiciary committee is still fast-tracking life, and women at the periphery. It suggests the Kavanaugh vote. The outcome, while that women do not matter. It allows for the necessary, is not the bottom line. The issue subjugation of women when they attempt is the way that racist patriarchy makes some to enter public spaces that have previously offensive and illegal behavior acceptable. Privileged white male culture allows been earmarked as “male” spaces. and encourages excessive drinking and Thus, there were no restrooms for women obnoxious behavior toward women. It is legislators in the US House or Senate, even as women entered those spaces. They excused because “boys will be boys.” But were only created when women demanded what boys? Black boys, even accused of them. Of course, restrooms are just a “reckless eyeballing”, are fair game for minor manifestation of the hegemonic lynching! White boys on rampages are excused for patriarchy that rules our nation. A great picture of our nation’s racist assault, rape, and attempted rape. Can I patriarchy was the visual of doughy and call the name of Recy Taylor, the young dissipated white men interrogating the Black woman who was walking home from amazingly composed Anita Hill as she church and raped by a gaggle of white men reviewed her experiences with now- who thought her body their right? Can Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. I remind us of the Texas gubernatorial Though Hill was persuasive, she was candidate, Clayton Williams, who said that attacked in the vilest of terms, accused if rape was inevitable, a woman should “lay of nonsense like “erotomania,” and even back and enjoy it”? Ann Richards beat recently harassed by Thomas’ unhinged him, but that wasn’t quite the point. The spouse who was still seeking apology after point was that some man thought that rape was inevitable enough to “enjoy.” two decades. Privileged white male culture allows Note to Thomas, take the phone a man who should not have been elected from your wife when her meds are not President to denigrate women regularly. working. In any case, Thomas is on the Supreme Court because white men chose We are “fat” “dogs” and “liars.” He to disregard the word of a Black woman, bragged about grabbing women’s genitals, a decision that then-Senator Joe Biden says and our society is so poached in pernicious he now regrets. Thomas was confirmed by patriarchy that 52 percent of all women still voted for him. They thought he was joking the narrowest margin in history 52-48. FEBRUARY 28, 2020


because, for too many women, patriarchy has so seeped into our consciousness that the abuse of women is a joke. If we women were honest, we would say that we have all cosigned patriarchy in the interest of keeping it moving. We have deflected the sexist comments that come our way, even as we cringe from them. We smile at men that we abhor because they may have decision making power in their hands. We dress up or dress down depending on the occasion and the way we have to play the game. We know the system is slanted against us, we know we still have to play, and we decide when we choose to blow the whistle, a whistle we could blow every single day. #MeToo is the tip of the iceberg because it fails to deal with race systematically, but also because it manages the evident and personal, not the institutional. In addition to being #MeToo women, we are mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives (hello Julie Chen Moonves), so some of us want to justify patriarchy for “our” men. Our son, husband, cousin, brother “didn’t mean it” and could not be that bad. Wake up call -- if they violated a woman, they were that bad. If they raped a Black woman and you turned away from the accusation, you are wrong, you are horribly and complicity wrong. Tearing down the walls of pernicious patriarchy means attacking the very foundation of our nation. When we attack patriarchy, we also attack the racism that is also part of our foundation. Many have lined up to support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. How many are equally willing to attack the pernicious racist patriarchal roots of our nation? Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author, media contributor and educator. Her latest project MALVEAUX! On UDCTV is available on youtube.com. For booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit www.juliannemalveaux.com






FEBRUARY 28, 2020

FEBRUARY 28, 2020




Finally…A News Channel made for us! and academia,” to factually South Carolina represent black NBCSL President communities. It will also I am extremely excited to offer insight into what learn that my alma mater, issues challenge us, what the Florida Agricultural & experiences influence us, what Mechanical University (FAMU), has launched the very first and only 24hour Black news channel through its School of Journalism and Graphic Design. The Black News Channel (BNC) is designed to accurately inform the Black community about national contributions have been made and international news and by us and what stories inspire unique broadcasts. The BNC us. It is very promising to will be carried by Charter finally be represented honestly Communications, the first by a network that is completely pay TV provider to offer the run by people who come from channel on their line-ups in a place where I come from and some of their largest markets. understand the challenges we While the Black community face on a daily basis. has long experienced a According to the BNC news culture with very low Website, “Americans begin this representation of the African new year with no Black-owned American perspective, BNC full-power TV stations. will provide the opportunity to In 2008, there were 18 Blackfuse our principles, val-ues, and owned and operated full-power traditions into programming TV stations, representing just that will provide a more 1.3 percent of all TV licenses. authentic representation of Today, all 18 stations are gone.” our diverse world views. The Black News Channel The BNC will partner with will fill a void by empowering “African American business and offering our community leaders, policy and lawmakers, coverage of news stories members of the clergy, media,

By Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter



that specifically address our challenges in a fresh and pertinent manner. The BNC will provide a voice to the issues that truly matter to African Americans. As an African American legislator, and President of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL), I look forward to partnering with FAMU, the BNC and Charter Communications to ensure black voices are effectively represented. From Atlanta to LA and other top TV markets, television audiences who receive this channel will have the opportunity to better understand African Americans’ challenging and unique issues from our own distinctive viewpoints. I applaud Charter Communications for embarking on this long-overdue journey of bringing this important programming to television. I look forward to enjoying and learning from new valuable content that will enrich and educate all who receive it. Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter is a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, representing District 66 and is President of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL). Rep. Cobb-Hunter earned her B.S. from Florida A&M University, her M.A. from Florida State University, and her LMSW from the South Carolina Board of Social Work Examiners.


FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Check out The Kinsey Collection at the African American Museum in Dallas 3536 Grand Ave, Dallas, TX 75210 214-565-9026

FEBRUARY 28, 2020









FEBRUARY 28, 2020

FEBRUARY 28, 2020







FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Judge Monica Purdy Up Close and Personal ELECTION 2020

FEBRUARY 28, 2020




Special to Texas Metro News

My name is Judge Monica Purdy. I am a lifelong Democrat and I am running for the 95th State Civil District Court in Dallas County. With the 2020 Democratic Primary election just days away, I want to take this opportunity to tell you why I am running for this bench, share my qualifications and remind you how critical it is to exercise your right to vote. Why I am running I currently serve as an Associate Judge supporting seven of the 13 State Civil District Courts. I have served you in this role since my unanimous appointment in 2013 by the elected presiding civil judges. Since my appointment, I have consistently received amongst the highest ratings, being ranked as one of the “top two” civil judges in the yearly judicial evaluation poll, evaluating judicial performance, conducted by the Dallas Bar Association of lawyers appearing before my court. After seven years of proudly working for the citizens of Dallas County as an Associate Judge and three years prior as a Municipal Court Judge for the City of Dallas, I decided the time is NOW to serve you and affect change in our Civil Courts at the next level as an myimessenger.com

elected judge. As an Associate Judge, I currently handle several of the day-to-day duties of an elected judge including but not limited to presiding over hearings on a range of motions, injunctions, temporary restraining orders, discovery disputes and both jury and bench trials. My extensive knowledge of the law and critical decisionmaking skills have already been put to the test over the past decade and now I want to put that experience to work for you in a specific court.


I am running for the 95th State Civil District Court to ensure justice is served in every case that comes before the court and to guarantee both plaintiffs and defendants have their day in court. Whether it is breach of contract, personal injury, property damage, defamation 17

or other type of civil case, you can rest assured that I will continue to mete out justice impartially and preside with the integrity and judicial temperament you expect from your elected judges. Poised and ready to preside My journey to the 2020 Democratic Primary is paved with hard work, commitment and the heart of a public servant. I have been practicing law for more than 26 years, with 20 of those years in civil litigation including the latter 10 years as a judge. I am a native of Tampa, Florida, and a proud product of not one, but two, historically Black colleges and universities — Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, a highly selective, liberal arts college widely recognized as a global leader in the education of women of African descent, where I earned my undergraduate degree, and the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas, where I earned my law degree. While at Thurgood Marshall, I was a member of Law Review and began my legal career at the Houston office of a national law firm collecting various governmental receivables. Building a practice focused I MESSENGER

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

on civil litigation and Director for the bankruptcy matters, I National Bar Association relocated to the firm’s and conducted countless Dallas office and was community voter engagelater promoted to ment seminars. partner. In this role, I assisted with various I am a member of Alpha municipalities and Xi Omega Chapter of other public agencies Alpha Kappa Alpha in the recovery of Sorority, Incorporated, property taxes and Trinity (TX) Chapter of related revenue, The Links, Incorporated, and successfully Dallas Chapter of Jack represented these and Jill of America, governmental clients, JUDGE MONICA PURDY IN ANNUAL MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY PARADE Inc., and St. Luke which also included “Community” United College in Dallas, Texas Dallas County, in a number Methodist Church, and last where I previously taught as of cases heard in jurisdictions but certainly not least, I am an adjunct professor. I have across the United States. married to a wonderful, served the community as supportive husband and we In 2004, to accommodate have two amazing children. the needs of my growing Your vote, your voice family, I opened and built a private law practice in Today, our nation is divided Dallas, primarily serving as more than we have ever regional counsel for Fortune witnessed in the 21st century. 500 clients in litigation and The disparities minorities and collection disputes before state women continue to endure and federal courts. In 2010, in the workplace, in our I was appointed as Associate educational and justice systems Judge for the City of Dallas, are unacceptable and serve as a position that allowed me to a reminder that although we maintain a private practice have come a long way, there is while performing significant still much work to be done. duties in the enforcement of That is why, now more than the city’s laws and ordinances. ever, it is important to make Active in the community your voice heard at the ballot JUDGE MONICA PURDY WITH ATTY. BEN CRUMP box. A staunch advocate for To have a seat at the table education, I helped develop in the conversation on real President of the J.L. Turner the Legal Studies Department change and improving the Legal Association; Regional curriculum for Paul Quinn quality of life for you, your FEBRUARY 28, 2020




JUDGE MONICA PURDY WITH DAUGHTER ZOE, SON ZANE AND HUSBAND, TOBY. loved ones and for generations to come, I encourage you to exercise your right to vote in 2020. It is up to YOU to make a difference in your community by electing leaders who represent the interests of ALL citizens. Whether you vote early or on Election Day, please participate in the process, take five people with you to the polls and vote DEMOCRAT to level the playing field and myimessenger.com

achieve equity for every Dallas County citizen. Reminder that House Bill 25 eliminated the straightticket voting option for all races in Texas beginning with the upcoming 2020 Primary election, so it is critical that you select a candidate in EACH INDIVIDUAL RACE. Please take your time, vote ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BALLOT and look for my name, JUDGE MONICA PURDY.

The time is NOW! Elect Judge Monica Purdy for the 95th State Civil District Court

TESTED. TRUSTED. EXPERIENCED. Election Day is Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Political advertisement paid for by Judge Monica Purdy Campaign, Richard A. Sayles, Treasurer


FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Chime Solutions brings almost 1000 jobs to area

The Wilsons are proud to bring “real responsibilities with real opportunities” to Dallas. From Staff Reports

Atlanta-based Chime Solutions, a Business Process Outsourcing firm, officially opened their new offices at a Ribbon Cutting Celebration at RedBird Mall, 3662 W. Camp Wisdom Road, 2nd Floor Dallas Texas 75237 last week. “We are excited to continue our commitment to provide exceptional customer care solutions for our clients,” said Mr. Wilson., “And to not only cultivate talent in an underresourced community, but also repurpose former retail space here at RedBird.” Dallas City Councilman Tennell Atkins, who participated FEBRUARY 28, 2020

in the Ribbon Cutting event cited the various other opportunities that have arisen at the Mall, including Workforce Solutions, Jarvis Christian College, said, “As Chime Solutions expands its footprint in Dallas their investment in Oak Cliff brings opportunities to this community.” Peter Brodsky of Redbird Mall applauded the leadership of both Councilman Atkins and Mr. Wilson. “We’re so happy to have the Chime Family here at Redbird,” he said. “They are providing jobs in this community close to where people live.” Mr. Wilson said he is excited about the opportunity, pointing



out that he has a goal of creating 10,000 jobs around the country. Chime Solutions, a privately owned, certified minority and woman owned business provides U.S..-based customer contact services for its clients in a wide range of industries, including financial services, insurance, health care and telecommunications. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Chime is a different kind of outsourcing contact center partner; one who offers an integrated strategic partnership approach to its clients by offering both a lowcost service delivery model combined with its high value differentiated solutions. myimessenger.com





FEBRUARY 28, 2020


Where do I sit? Dear Alma,

of who is around. She will be surrounded by her very large My stepson, who I adore and family, and I will basically be there have known most of his life, is with a small handful of my family getting married next summer. I members. I will be outnumbered. love him and love the girl he is And did I mention that I am getting married to. Here is my estranged from my husband, too? problem. There is bad blood That I’m not so worried about, between his mother and me. I but it still causes tension. And, tried for years to get along with Alma, where do I sit? her and even acted as a buffer Jackie B., South Carolina between her and my husband on many occasions. I did this to the OMG Jackie, point of causing myself anxiety because I just wanted everyone to Sounds like you’ve already get along so badly. lived through one Jerry Springer About three or four years moment, and you don’t want to ago, after being married to my participate in another. I don’t stepson’s father for almost 17 blame you, girl; it can suck the life years, I snapped. I lost my temper right out of you. Congratulations with her; there was a very ugly on the upcoming wedding of your scene that even took place in a step-son, and congratulations to courtroom in front of a judge. It you for loving him unconditionally. was something I will never forget. The one-on-one relationship I haven’t spoken to this woman between the two of you is special, since. When my stepson visits, and that’s how it should be. he shares comments that she Step-parents are an extension of continues to make about me to this original parents. A relationship with day. I don’t engage at all. I will not step-children cannot be defined by let him hear me bash his mother the relationship you have with the in any way. If this was any other original parent. Once you commit woman, I would be out for blood, as a step-parent, you commit to but I realize that the people who that child for life. would get hurt are my stepsons, Now, back to your dilemma. I who I love so, I suppress my applaud you for taking the high anger. road, which most times, as you But back to why I’m writing: know, is the road less traveled. How do I attend this wedding with The high road can be a lonely a woman that I know does not place…it’s usually not where you hesitate to start fights, regardless find the fist bumps, the I-got-yourFEBRUARY 28, 2020


backs or the you-go-girl road signs. Now here’s where my advice gets a little tricky — I want you to stay on that road. It’s great that your step-son is able to include you and wants you to be a part of this most special occasion. But you need to lay back. You know how there are different levels of guests at a wedding? You have the “family” guest, the “really good friends” guest and the “friends from work” guest. For that day, I’d like you to participate as a “friends from work“ guest. I say that because, from what I read in your letter, there’s a chance for a Jerry Springer – Round 2 moment, and you certainly don’t want that to happen. I’m a stepmother, so I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do. I love my step-daughter, TaKisha, with all my heart. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, so I sympathize with your situation. There was a moment in our lives when I had to take a step back. I took the high road. I took the blame and all that extra madness that comes along with it. Yes, it broke my heart. Yes, it made me sad, but those are the yield signs along the way on the high road. Be mindful, be guideful (is that a word? LOL). What I’m trying to say is, you can control this. You know the rituals of a wedding. They’re all basically the same. I’d


suggest you arrive on time, sit down with five minutes to spare. And since you asked, sit five rows behind his mother. You don’t need to get there early and stand outside with the smokers checking everything out. Take your seat, smile, and shut your mouth. Don’t chime in about anything, not the wedding colors, the bridesmaid dresses, the soloist — nothing. Remember, you’re on the high road. Once the couple exits, smile, smile, hug, hug and go get in your car. Make your way to the reception. Walk in and find your seat. I’m sure they’ve made appropriate arrangement for the reception seating. If not, since you asked, sit on the opposite end of the hall from her. You don’t have to be seen. You don’t have to be all up in the middle of the mix, and you shouldn’t. He has a mother and a father. Both, I’m assuming, will be front and center at the celebration. You’re no longer with his father and you don’t want to throw down with his mother, so step back. Repeat it with me: “I’m taking the high road.” If she heads in your direction with some foolishness, that’s your cue to leave. Please, please don’t engage this woman, no matter what. If tensions run high and things get out of hand, take a deep breath, grit your teeth and keep it moving – down the high road! myimessenger.com

Popular violinist leaves Dallas-Fort Worth area


RICHMOND PUNCH WITH WIFE KELLE PUNCH By Eva D. Coleman Music moves you. On this, I believe we can all agree. Richmond Punch is the sound you hear at events with class and a lot of sass! Richmond Punch, the man, is a violinist who delivers a master class each time he performs. Classically trained with degrees from Juilliard and Yale, this Dallas Booker T. Washington graduate's renditions of popular tunes across all genres provide memorable experiences. For myimessenger.com

years, he's made many memories with audiences at events throughout Dallas-Fort Worth. Punch is taking his strings and bow to Atlanta where he foresees new opportunities. "Atlanta becomes such a prosperous place for all people," Punch said. "I feel like it's gonna be a good move." His farewell concert took place on January, 31, 2020 as part of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration, Pre-Black History Month Celebration and Tribute to Kobe Bryant

at Swingtime Center in Fort Worth. Dancers hit the floor with their smooth swing-out moves to Punch's sound. He hopes his move elevates his career. "There are things in entertainment that I've never done," Punch said. "Being able to SPEAKER ED GRAY collaborate more often with A-list artists, film and radio are my goals in going to Atlanta. I feel like it's the place to live the best life." We wish him the best of luck as he packs a punch in the A-T-L. SPEAKER ESTELLA D. WILLIAMS




FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Boys and the Barbershop When a child is born, the scalp is not 100% BY DR. LINDA AMERSON formed. The www.hairandscalpessentials.com crown of the The first haircut head is an area known experience a boy receives as the ‘fontanelle’, also at the barbershop does known as the soft spot. not have to be traumatic. This soft spot will tale The male or female 1 year or longer to professional barber completely form. should show patience. Parents are advised it Otherwise, the already is dangerous to press on fearful child may cry, this soft spot. Parents move their heads, or can still shampoo their fidget. As a result, many child’s scalp, please use barbers may ask the caution…use fingertips, parent to hold the child’s or palm of hands, never head, to ensure an even use fingernails. haircut. Cradle cap, infantile Many parents are seborrhea dermatitis, is a advised to wait until their very common concern of child is two-years-old mothers. before their first haircut. Cradle cap is the Considering the human natural secretions of an anatomy, there is a reason infant’s scalp, which has for this recommendation. ABOUT YOUR HAIR

FEBRUARY 28, 2020



congealed together… usually a yellowish-brown color. It may appear several weeks after birth, with the degree of severity differs with each child. In addition, milk sensitivity could be another villain. A baby not given the right milk, therefore being sensitivity to the wrong milk may also produce abnormal scalp secretions. Consult with your pediatrician. Sometimes by changing the kind of milk your baby is drinking can help alleviate cradle cap.’ Put simply, shampoo your babies scalp, moisturize it if necessary, comb and brush his hair. All questions may be forwarded to Dr. Linda Amerson, Board Certified Trichologist, CEO LA’s Hair & Scalp Clinic, Arlington, TX. 817 265 8854. #ScalpDoctor www. Hairandscalpessentials.com


Lessons for on and off the field taught by former pro athletes

Powerhandz, Promakers, NFL Hall of Famers, Pro NFL Players and more, with several NFL pre-draft athletes at The Power of a Dream dinner sponsored by Hennessy at Bob’s Steakhouse in Plano, Texas on February 12, 2020. Photo Credit: Kauwuane Burton Special to Texas Metro News

In celebration of Black History Month, POWERHANDZ (a global athletic training and rehabilitation product tech company), PROMAKERS and HENNESSY, the world’s leading cognac, presented The Power of a Dream dinner to 30 pre-draft athletes in an intimate setting designed by celebrity interior decorator Nikki Chu at Bob’s Steakhouse in Plano, Texas. While mingling, guests responsibly enjoyed Hennessy Ginger, Hennessy Tea or a Hennessy Sidecar at the private cocktail reception, and after dining – Hennessy XO paired with their dessert. The collaborative event saluted young athletes who have achieved the next step in their professional career with an evening program of mentorship, education and panel discussions led by NFL Players, Hall of Famers and other professionals specifically chosen to impart wisdom to the curated group of young men. “This opportunity is not just about you or the field, it’s about changing the community and transforming your dreams into legacy,” said Danyel Surrency Jones, Visionary of “The Power of a Dream” Dinner, CEO of POWERHANDZ and President of the Power to Give Foundation. “We want you guys to start thinking about what’s next because myimessenger.com

that’s how you continue the legacy and the dream. After you leave here today, I challenge you to create moments your history never dreamed of.” The elite selection of panelists included: NFL Hall of Fame Select player Darren Woodson; NFL Hall of Famers Brian Dawkins and Tim Brown; Las Vegas Raiders NFL Player (2019 first round draft pick) Johnathan Abram; and American football wide receiver Dez Bryant. Professional panelists included: Dave Robinson, CEO of D-ROB Sports & Fitness Training; Clay Mack, CEO of Clay Mack Skills Academy; Stacie McCall Harris, Entrepreneur and Owner of Inspire by Stacie; Ken Alexander, Senior Partner of Axiom Financial, LLC; and Darnell Jones, entrepreneur, investor and Co-Founder of POWERHANDZ. From transitioning the dream to training the dream to the power of a tribe, the seasoned panelists delivered a transparent discussion on the realities of NFL life on and off the field, in an artfully moderated discussion by event creator, Danyel Surrency Jones. Discussing everything from business acumen to financial literacy to family dynamics, mental health issues, external influences, agency inquiries and more – the pre-draft athletes were not only activated for their dreams but also empowered


to think and envision beyond football. Above all, The Power of a Dream (as a honorable nod to the late Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ vision), was to inspire the athletes to evolve personally and professionally, on and off the field, and as men. “There’s more to life than just football. I knew that there was life after football and I needed to take full advantage of it,” Darren Woodson said to the group, as he described the diversification of investments by NFL colleagues Deion Sanders, Michael Irvin, Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman and Jay Novacek. Brian Dawkins, who flew in especially for the event closed the discussion inspiring all to be examples of the dream and that, “Your character will take you further than your talent ever will.” “A quote by Darren Woodson really stood out for me at the event,” said pre-draft attendee James Porche, wide receiver for the SMU Mustangs. “He said ‘People are going to love you for the time being, so take advantage of it during that time.’ It hit home to me because I know so many athletes who try to get their life going after football, when the best time is to do it while you’re in it. Making it to the NFL is not just for football – it’s a platform – a key to access avenues in life you thought you’d never have access to.” I MESSENGER

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

De-Gentrification Act Legislative Goals •

Create Opportunity Zone Task Force made up of business owners within the zone and residents within a 4-mile radius to keep track of a Needs Assessment that all Opportunity Zone developments must adhere to. Opportunity Zone investors will gain access to their tax-free investment two years earlier. Community has buy-in 4 our development.

Allocate federal subsidies for Retiree homeowners in developing neighborhoods to keep them in their homes as taxes/cost of living rises, creating security and generational wealth 4 our futures.

Create development partnerships with Historically Underutilized Business Contractors when outside developers want to develop within Minority-Majority communities. Increasing Minority-Majority sovereignty 4 our neighborhoods.

Increase funds to First-time Home Buyer Grants through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide more opportunity 4 generational wealth. These 4 points outline the Vision for the De-Gentrification Act legislation proposed by Hasani Burton. A more prosperous future is now within your hands, one vote away.

VOTE FOR HASANI BURTON, U.S. CONGRESS, DISTRICT 30 @Hasani4Progress 3839 McKinney Avenue , Ste 155-230, Dallas, TX 75204 Ad Paid By the Hasani Burton Campaign. Treasurer, James McGee.

FEBRUARY 28, 2020




Steyer’s Headquarters opens in Southern Dallas

Democratic Presidential Candidate Tom Steyer’s campaign opened its Dallas headquarters office on Feb. 20 in Southern Dallas to a crowd of supporters, volunteers, and community and government leadTexas State Director Omar El-Halwagi addresses supporters and volunteers at opening of Dallas heaquarters. ers. Several speakers people of diverse “We deserve a emphasized the backgrounds and president who importance of this sharing how Tom’s protects our right election for residents policies in healthcare, to clean water and of Dallas and across education, climate breathable air. We the country. and economic justice, deserve a president Texas State Direc- and other key areas who works to ensure tor Omar El-Halwa- will improve the lives all Americans can gi spoke about the of all Americans. ” earn a living wage growing momen- Jacqueline Espinal, and have access tum of the Steyer a community organ- to the American campaign in states izer and founder of Dream. We deserve with large African Reimagine Fair Park, a president who American and Latino delivered remarks on is honest and has populations. “With what the campaign integrity. That man this new office, we’re is doing to set itself is Tom Steyer,” said bringing even more apart in Texas and Espinal. “Tom’s of that momentum why Steyer’s message campaign is the only into Texas ahead of especially resonates national campaign Super Tuesday. We in Dallas. that is taking the are reaching out to myimessenger.com


time to listen to us.” Texas is part of Super Tuesday, when voters in many states will determine which presidential candidates will earn delegates toward the party’s nomination. Early voting in Texas is underway and ends Feb. 28. The primary will be on March 3. This may be the most important election of our lifetime, so it is crucial that everyone casts their vote and makes their voice heard. The Tom Steyer campaign office is located at 3614 S.Tyler St. in the Five Mile Creek area of South Oak Cliff, and is open MondaySunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more info, visit the campaign website at tomsteyer.com.


FEBRUARY 28, 2020

FEBRUARY 28, 2020




Let’s Continue Your Breakthroughlet’s drive customers to your door! Terry’s Tips By Terry Allen

Thank you all for showing up at the Healthy Living Expo on Dr. Martin Luther King Day. The best thing about having a great business is the face-to-face experience you execute when customers find you? The number one way to create a face-to-face experience with your customer is let them see you in print. Have you

created that awesome print ad to drive traffic to your business yet? I can say that print is forever! Small business owners, here are six of 24 (Rise in Peace Kobe) tips you can use to have a good print ad: 1. Advertise in Print! Create a Unique Selling Offer (USO). In the spirit of Aretha Franklin’s vocals

for the movie Sparkle “Give Them Something They Can Feel.” 2. Create a good personal message. Example FedEx: “When your package absolutely, positively has to get there overnight.” M&Ms: “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” 3. Tell the readers why you are better than your competition without negativity. 4. Make them an offer that has a great value and a deadline. 5. Include a customer testimonial in your print. People trust what others have to say about you. 6. Include complete con-

tact information. You would not believe how many times I’ve seen advertisements, often expensive magazine ads, posters, billboards, etc. without clear-cut company contact information. Here is another tip for all of you in communications. If you want the best pitch for your story, to write the best article for your organization and/or improve the readability of your stories; then attend training classes such as The National Association of Black Journalists’ Basics Boot Camp held recently at recently at Paul Quinn College. I Messenger will offer you

a great advertising discount RIGHT Now. Call us at 214.941.0110.! Call I Messenger today and get on board for your Business Breakthrough in 2020. It is time for your Business Breakthrough. Email me at terryallenpr@ gmail.com to get the other tips to show up and show out! Until then that is my “fiddy” cents. Save or spend it on you! Terry Allen is an award-winning media professional, journalist and entrepreneur who serves as the Media Related Representative on the National Association of Black Journalists Board of Directors. He is also the founder of City Men Cook and 1016 Media

Subscribe today, call





FEBRUARY 28, 2020


Join the Small Business Expo, host WERE Community at Kaye Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S. Griffin St. 10a-5:30p. Eventbrite.com.

Recurring Events

Intuit Black Business Panel at Intuit. 5601 Headquarters Dr. Plano 5:30-8p. Free Eventbrite.com.

Feeding The Needy, hosted by: "Hollywood Hernandez Live" 1691 Corsicana St., Dallas. 3-5p. Sundays. The Kinsey African American Art & History Collection, at the African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. now-3-1 Comerica Bank Prom Dress Drive, All sizes, shoes, purses, and accessories welcome. Drop Off locations & Info: Comerica.com/promdress from 2-1 to 29th. Free Job Training, Jobs in the Low Voltage Field, at Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. 7:30a-3p. This is 4-week program. Info: Jasmine Anderson, jasmine.anderson@zwhjcoc.org. Free Tax Help at Dr. MLK, Jr. Branch Library, 2922 Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. Thursdays 11a-3p. Feb. 1st - April 15th. To Be Young Gifted and Black, at Jubilee Theatre, 506 Main St. Ft. Worth. Times Vary, Tickets: jubileetheatre.org. Funny You Don’t Like A Negro, at Theatre Three, 2800 Routh St. Ste. 168. Times Vary, Tickets: 214-871-3300. 2-20-3-15-20. A Raisin in the Sun, Featuring: Durant Searcy at Theatre Arlington, 305 W. Main St. Tickets and times: 817-275-7661. 2-14-3-8-20.

The Melanin MANIFESTival at 4 The Culture Studio, 115 N. Carroll St. Times Vary. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.




Student Career Fair, at St. Philips School & Community Center, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 4-7p. Info: mholmes@stphilips.com.

38th Annual Irish Festival at Fair Park, 3809 Grand Ave. Tickets: NTIF.org.

CE Credit and Lunch with the Council host Carol Holmes, Realtor at JP & Associates, at Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen 3520 Oak Lawn Ave. 11a-1p. Tickets: www.wcdallas.com.

1st Friday Hat Social Old School Party at The Island Spot, 309 W. Jefferson Blvd. 8p-12a. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

1984 Michael Jackson wins record 8 Grammy awards for his best-selling album Thriller.

DeSoto Arts Commission presents-The Dallas Black Dance Theatre, DeSoto High School-Eagle Stadium, 700 Eagle Dr. 7-9p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. Ladies First Monthly Mixer at One Love Lounge, 2315 S. Cooper St. Arlington. 7p-12a. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. I Am Africa Art Show at WrightArt, 830 Exposition Ave. 7-10p. Tickets: wrightarttwinse.bigcartel.com.

Monday School at Inspiring Body of Christ, 7701 S. Westmoreland Rd. 7p. www.IBOCCHURCH.ORG. Trap Step Mondays at Jam Box Addison, 3965 Belt Line Rd. 7:30-8:30p. Until September 28, 2020.


Black History Month Event at Restland Funeral Home, 13005 Greenville Ave. 3-4p.

Election Day

Dallas New Foster Parent Orientation host The Bair Foundation at 3630 North Josey Ln, Carrollton, 6-8p. RSVP: 972-957-0030 Glen Heights City Council Meeting, City Hall 1938 S. Hampton Rd. Glenn Heights. 7-9:30p. Zan Wesley Holmes Lunch & Learn Series, Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. Dallas. 11:30am-1pm.


Chris Tucker, at The Theatre Grand Prairie 1001 Performance Pl. 8p. Tickets: AXS.com.

Black History Youth Program at Ideal Family Church, 1000 E. Redbird Ln. 7-8:30p. DFWJAMSESSION Presents Open Mic, Sandaga 813, 813 Exposition Ave. 9p-1a. Tickets: rcandthegritz.com. Women of the West Bible Study, Friendship West Baptist Church 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. 7p. “Building Food Justice” Presentation, TCU, Sid Richardson Bldg. Lecture Hall 1, 2955 S. University, Ft. Worth 7:30-9p. RSVP: tarrantcountyfpc.eventbrite.com

Together We Dine, hosted with Dialogue Institute Dallas, 1416 E. Collins Blvd. Richardson. 6-8p RSVP: Eventbrite.com.

WAYO & City of Dallas Casey Thomas/Homeless Expo 2020, Crozier Hall2218 Bryan St. #105. 9a-1p. Hidden History Tour - Black History Alive and Well, Dart Transit Center, 1423 J.B. Jackson, Jr. Blvd. 9a. Book Tour: https://www. hiddenhistorydfw.com/ Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's-DFW Joint Founders Day Luncheon, Sisterhood: The Call…The Journey…The Destination… Irving Convention Center, 500 West Las Colinas Blvd. 11a.

Known Woman Bible Study Series at Aloft Plano, 6853 North Dallas Pkwy. 1-3p. Tickets Eventbrite.com.

1902 World-renowned opera singer Marian Anderson is born.

Connect Dallas Mobility Fair and Symposium hosted by the City of Dallas at Briscoe Carpenter Center in Fair Park. 4-7p. Arlington Black Chamber February General Meeting at Brickhouse Lounge of Arlington, 2525 E. Arkansas Ln. #253. 6p.Eventbrite. Brown Lady “We want you in our Network”, Business Lounge Dallas, 13740 Midway Rd. Suite 528. 12-2p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. Black History Month Mixer, host North Dallas Suburbia at Blends Daiquiri Lounge, 2810 E. Trinity Mill Rd. #145. 6:30-11p.

2nd Dallas Black College Expo Feat: Senoj at Paul Quinn, 3837 Simpson Stewart Rd. 3p. Warren Avenue Christian Church Sesquicentennial Homecoming Musical Clinician Clark Joseph at Warren Ave. C.C.2431 Warren Ave. 3p. Info: 214-421-4895. Our Youth and Support – Love Deposit, host Coffee and Politics 101 at African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. 10-11a.



Jamrok Wednesdays, A Night of Jamaican Music, Art & Culture, Hero’s Lounge, 3094 N. Stemmons Fwy. 7p-2a. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. DFWJAMSESSION Presents Open Mic, Sandaga 813, 813 Exposition Ave. 9p-1a. Tickets: rcandthegritz.com. Adult Hip Hop Dance Class, City of DeSoto Civic Center, 211 E. Pleasant Run Rd. 8p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

The Dr. MLK Fresh Produce Distribution Center, Bldg. A 2929 Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. 10a-2p.


FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Justin Lawson at Hyena’s Comedy Night Club, 5321 Mockingbird Ln. #220. 5th 5p. & 6th 8p. Tickets: www.prekindle.com.

1940 Hattie McDaniel becomes the first African American Woman to win an Oscar for “Gone with the Wind”.

1928 R & B singer “Fats” Domino Is born.


Soul’d Out Sunday, Pan African Connection Bookstore, 4466 S. Marsalis Ave. 11a-1p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.



28th Celebratory Appreciation Musical for Pastor Cedric Adams, Divine Life Christ Consciousness Center, 2801 Peabody St. Ave. 3:30p.

Conversations at The West, Friendship-West Baptist Church, 2020 Wheatland Rd. 7p.m

FEB 28 - MARCH 1

Non Profit Governance Workshop at UNT Dallas, 7300 University Hills in Founders Hall Rm. 138. 8:30-11:30a. Free Contact: HS.UNTDALLAS.EDU/workshop-series.

1869 15th Amendment proposed in Congress, giving former slaves The right to vote.

Teach Me How To Love, Part 2 at Pan African Connection, 4466 Marsalis Ave. 2:30-4:30p.


Natural Change Band at Southern Eats Arlington, 6407 S. Cooper St. #101. 9p-12a. Eventbrite.com. Kings Remembered in Time DFW Poetic Showcase at YBE Promotions, 4300 N. Northgate Dr. 7-11p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. 1st Friday #Happy Hour Presented by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity at Favoritz Restaurant and Lounge, 6501 S. Cooper St. Arlington. 6-11:30p. For the Love of Jazz and Poetry at Sway’s Room, Inside RL Lounge, 1175 N. Watson Rd. Arlington. 9p. Tickets: www.instaseats.com.

MARCH 7 Happy Birthday to Team Member and a great lady Eva D. Coleman The African American Book Tour, Grace Banquet Hall, 7111 Marvin D. Love Fwy. Dallas. 12-10:30p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. DISD Read For Me International Festival, W.H. Adamson High School, 309 E. 9th St. 8a-1p. Diamonds and Sneakers Gala host Trinity Links Inc. at Hyatt Regency Hotel, 300 Reunion Blvd. 7p. Tickets: trinitylinksinc.org. Hearts & Heels Brunch & Show host EMB Chrysalis Foundation at Hilton Garden Inn, 800 N. Main St. Duncanville. 10a-1:30p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.


Smooth Jazz @ bishop Arts at 303 Bar and Grill, 303 W. Davis St. 3-7p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Who is Jill Scott? 20 Anniversary Tour at Fair Park Music Hall, 901 1st Ave. 8p. Tickets: Ticketmaster.com.

The Exchange – DFW African American Market and Vendor Showcase at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rec. Center, 2901 Pennsylvania Ave. 12-5p. Free Eventbrite.com.

Pretty Girls Love Trap & Paint – Thirsty Thursday at Candy Shack Daiquiris, 6401 S. Cooper St. Arlington. 7:30-9:30p. Eventbrite.

Poets & Jazz #4 at Clarence Muse Café, 1309 Canton St. 9p. Tickets: Ticketmaster.com.

Soul Jazz Thursday’s w/ Natural Change Band, Sandaga 813, 813 Exposition Ave. 8p-12a.

Women Making History: Round Table Brunch at The Help Studios, 2435 Squire Pl. Farmers Branch. 10a-2p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

410 Line Dancers Thursday Class DFW Sports Garden 1850 E. Beltline Rd. Coppell. 7-9p. Info: www.410linedancers.com Faith and Culture – John McCaa, host Cambridge School of Dallas at Fellowship Dallas, 9330 N. Central Expy. 6:45-9p. Tickets: app. donorview.com.


MARCH 8 “Brown Skin Girl” Play, host N.I.A. Kids Center at DeSoto Corner Theatre 211 E. Pleasant Run Rd. 3p & 7p. Tickets: www.niakids.org. International Women’s Day, Fancy Hats Wraps Fashion Show at Alto211, 211 Ervay St. 5-9. Tickets: Eventrite.com.


Hanging with Hollywood





FEBRUARY 28, 2020

FEBRUARY 28, 2020




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