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FEBRUARY 7, 2020


I M essenger


IMessenger An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com S. Curet GENERAL MANAGER stewartcuret@myimessenger.com Jessica Hayden STAFFWRITER Marva Sneed EDITORIAL ASSISTANT EDITORIAL TEAM Lajuana Barton Eva Coleman Anthony Council L. Diane Evans Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Cierra Mayes Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Monique P. Stone Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III Chelle Wilson MARKETING TEAM Carlton McConnell Terry Allen PR DESIGN/LAYOUT 619

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Established 2011 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

FEBRUARY 7, 2020


Women That Soar brings Hollywood to Dallas –Women That Soar, LLC, a Dallas-based media company, and Founder Gina Grant are delighted to announce Sara Hines, co-host of Michael, Sara, and Keke, will host this year's “Women That Soar� Awards, which celebrates its 12th year anniversary and its sixth syndicated televised broadcast! In honor of a new decade and partnership with the City of Dallas, Women That Soar, LLC will produce two shows this year. It is a yearlong celebration of honoring women kicking-off February 15, 2020, at the Statler Hotel Dallas, and a second show, November 21, 2020. The “Women That Soar� Awards is Executive Produced by Grant along with her producing partner, legendary Hollywood Producer, Reuben Cannon. The producers are dedicated to creating a global platform and content for women that is edifying, empowering and uplifting. "The 2020 Awards is more than a show honoring women,� says Grant. “We are dedicated to telling stories that will empower all women to believe they too can Soar. This year we are encouraging love, hope and unity." It is the only televised awards show to air in March, during “Women's History Month.� The black-tie, star-studded gala is not just another awards show; it is the kick-off to an entire year of celebrating the


accomplishments of women from around the world by bringing a diverse group of women together on one stage, to honor, empower and inspire one another! The 2020 honorees are a group of innovators with diverse achievements in the following Award categories: AJ Andrews (Sports Award), Loung Ung

Sara Hines

(Global Activist Award), Rhonda Sergeant Chambers (Community Award), Maria Christina Brown (Mentorship Award) and LaToya James (Entrepreneur Award). Each honoree will receive a customized, signature Women That Soar Award designed by renowned sculptor Angela Mia De la Vega. The evening will also feature an amazing line-up of musical guests including: Grammy Award Winner Gretchen Wilson, Gospel Music Superstar Yolanda Adams,

Actress, Singer and Dancing with the Stars Champion Amber Riley and Tenille Arts! Hollywood comes to Dallas for the 12th Annual Nationally Televised “Women That Soarâ€? Awards on Saturday, February 15, 2020! The show tapes at The Statler Hotel located at 1914 Commerce Street in Downtown Dallas from 6 PM to 9:30 PM. For more information on Women That Soar or to purchase tickets, visit www. womenthatsoar.com. Women That Soar’s title sponsors are American Airlines and Toyota. Join the conversation on social media by logging on to our social media platforms: •On Twitter @ WomenThatSoar • On Facebook by liking the fan pages at facebook.com/ WomenThatSoar • On Instagram @ WomenThatSoar Women That Soar, LLC Founded by Gina Grant, Women That Soar is a Dallas-based media company dedicated to producing content and events that empower and inspire women globally to Soar both personally and professionally. The platform empowers women through multifaceted forms of media. For additional information on Women That Soar or to purchase tickets, please visit www. womenthatsoar.com. myimessenger.com





Becoming an effective communicator is something that we should all strive for. Whatever you do in life, the better you are at communicating, the more successful you can be; even when you don’t realize it.

There are numerous benefits for exercising for your overall health. The human body is meant to have movement, do not be a couch potato. (Ouch, did that statement hit home?)

THE RHYTHM SECTION is a great example of substance over style. Blake Lively plays Stephanie Patrick, a wife and mother who loses her entire family in a plane crash (that she was supposed to be on). Her despair pushes her to the lowest possible depths as she becomes a prostitute and a drug addict.




Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner endorses Royce West in U.S. Senate race

State Senator Royce West (D-Dallas) candidate for United States Senate, was endorsed by Houston Mayor and former longtime Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner (far left) on Monday in Houston. State Senator Borris Miles (D-Houston), far right, and State Senator John Whitmire (D-Houston), second from right, were on hand as co-hosts of the announcement event and fundraiser. Courtesy | Royce West for US Senate


HOUSTON— Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner recently announced his endorsement of Texas Senator Royce West (D-Dallas), in the Democratic Primary race for the United States Senate. “Royce West is my choice for United States Senate because his 26 years of experience in the Texas Senate building coalitions to get things done for Texans is exactly what we need in the U.S. Senate during these trying times for our state and our

nation,” said the former longtime member of the Texas Legislature and the mayor of America’s fourth most populous city, adding that Houston needs an ally in the United States Senate who will champion issues Houston voters care about. “On healthcare, on education, on the environment, Royce West is the best choice for Houstonians in the U.S. Senate primary,” Turner said. “Whether it was helping with aid as we recovered from

Hurricane Harvey or working to fight voter suppression, Royce West is the best choice not just for Houston, but for Texas.” West said he was honored to receive Turner’s endorsement. “I thank Mayor Turner for his endorsement and his faith in my ability to do what needs to be done for Texans in Washington. I am humbled and honored to receive the support of my friend Sylvester Turner in this race,” Senator West said.


FEBRUARY 7, 2020

MY TRUTH by Cheryl Smith, Publisher

Basically Speaking

D o ro th y Tu c k e r, M a rlo n W a lk e r, E rrin H a in e s a n d R o y W o o d , J r. B e c o m in g a n e ff e c t iv e c o m m u n ic a t o r is s o m e t h in g t h a t w e s h o u ld a ll s t r iv e fo r. W h a t e v e r y o u d o in life , t h e b e t t e r y o u a re a t c o m m u n ic a t in g , t h e m o re s u c c e s s fu l y o u c a n b e ; e v e n w h e n y o u d o n ’t re a liz e it . FEBRUARY 7, 2020

C o m m u n ic a t io n , a s I t e ll m y s t u d e n t s , is n o t ju s t w h a t c o m e s o u t o f y o u r m o u t h . It ’s w h a t y o u d o n ’t s a y , h o w y o u lo o k , a c t , w a lk , m o v e y o u r b o d y , d re s s a n d m o re . U n fo r t u n a t e ly s o m e t im e s



w h a t y o u w a n t t o c o m m u n ic a t e d o e s n o t c o m e a c ro s s a s y o u ’d lik e o r t o o o f t e n p e o p le p ro je c t t h e ir o w n re a lit ie s u n t o y o u , in s t e a d o f s o m e t im e s , ju s t a s k in g fo r c la r it y . O t h e r s w o n d e r w h y t h e ir myimessenger.com

K e lly L . C a r te r T h e U n d e fe a te d

Jo h a n n C a lh o u n P h ila d e lp h ia Trib u n e

Te rr y A lle n 1 0 1 6 M e d ia

G re g M o rris o n B u m p e r2 B u m p e rT V

A llis o n D a v is N AB J Fo und er

N o rm a A d a m s -W a d e N AB J Fo und er

m e s s a g e s a re n ’t b e in g re c e iv e d . W h ic h b r in g s m e t o m y t r u t h . M a y b e y o u n e e d h e lp ! T h e N a t io n a l A s s o c ia t io n o f B la c k J o u r n a lis t s is b r in g in g it s B a s ic s B o o t C a m p t o b e a u t ifu l P a u l Q u in n C o lle g e , F e b r u a r y 1 4 -1 5 , 2 0 2 0 , in n e r t h e le a d e r s h ip o f fo u n d e r a n d fe llo w FA M U R a t t le r M a r lo n W a lk e r a n d h e re ’s a u n iq u e o p p o r t u n it y t o g a t h e r in v a lu a b le in fo r m a t io n t h a t c o u ld h e lp y o u o n t h e jo b , in t h e s t re e t s a n d e v e n in y o u r re la t io n s h ip s . T h e re w ill b e s e s s io n s o n e v myimessenger.com

e r y t h in g fro m p it c h in g a s t o r y id e a a n d m e n t o r in g t o a p p ro p r ia t e a t t ire a n d w r it in g . Yo u m a y t h in k t h is b o o t c a m p is n o t fo r y o u b u t if y o u a re re s p o n s ib le fo r t h e d is s e m in a t io n o f in fo r m a t io n , y o u s h o u ld c o m e . If y o u w a n t t o b e a m o re e ff e c t iv e c o m m u n ic a t o r ; y o u n e e d t o s ig n u p ! H a v e y o u e v e r w r it t e n a p re s s re le a s e a n d it n e v e r g o t p ic k e d u p b y a n y n e w s o u t le t ? D o y o u R E A L LY k n o w h o w t o w r it e a m e d ia a d v is o r y ? A re y o u fa m ilia r w it h A P S t y le ? D id y o u s c h e d u le a p re s s

c o n fe re n c e a n d o n ly y o u a n d yo u r p e e p s sh o w e d u p ? H ave y o u lo o k e d o n s o c ia l m e d ia a n d a s k e d y o u r s e lf, “w h a t w a s I t h in k in g w h e n w o re t h a t ? ” A re y o u re s p o n s ib le fo r m e d ia c o v e r a g e fo r y o u r s o ro r it y o r fr a t e r n it y b u t y o u n e v e r g e t a n y c o v e ra g e ? I c o u ld g o o n , b u t h o p e fu lly y o u g e t t h e m e s s a g e : y o u n e e d h e lp . W e a ll d o a n d w e c a n a ll b e n e fi t fro m t h is b o o t cam p. T h e re a re s o m a n y c h a n g e s in t h e in d u s t r y a n d N A B J is b r in g in g in p ro s fro m a ro u n d I MESSENGER

FEBRUARY 7, 2020

t h e c o u n t r y , a lo n g w it h m a n y w h o a re r ig h t in t o w n , w h o w ill h e lp e n h a n c e y o u r c o m m u n ic a t io n s k ills . If y o u a re y o u a s t u d e n t , m e d ia p ro fe s s io n a l, jo u r n a lis t , e d u c a t o r, p o lit ic ia n , p u b lic is t , a g e n t , P IO , e n t re p re n e u r, a u t h o r, b u s in e s s e x e c , a t h le t e , b lo g g e r, b ro a d c a s t e r, p o d c a s t e r, c o m m u n it y o rg a n iz e r o r a c t iv is t , v o lu n t e e r o rg a n iz a t io n (fr a t /s o ro r it y /n o n -p ro fi t ) P R p e r s o n , e le c t e d o ffi c ia l, P TA o ffi c e r, e t . a l; t h is b o o t c a m p is w h e re y o u n e e d t o b e . A n d if y o u h ire o r w o r k w it h a n y o f t h e a b o v e , y o u c o u ld b e n e fi t b e c a u s e y o u n e e d t o a t le a s t h a v e a c o m fo r t le v e l t h a t y o u r p e r s o n a c t u a lly k n o w s w h a t t h e y a re d o in g ! B e lie v e m e w h e n I t e ll y o u , s o m e e m p lo y e r s a re b e in g h o o d w in k e d b e c a u s e t h e y d o n ’t k n o w a n d t h e y d o n ’t k n o w t h a t t h e y d o n ’t k n o w ! S u re , y o u T H IN K y o u h a v e a ll t h e a n s w e r s a n d y o u T H IN K y o u k n o w a ll t h e re is t o k n o w . L e t m e a s s u re y o u t h a t y o u d o h a v e a n o t h e r T H IN K c o m in g . F o r a s m a ll fe e o f $ 3 5 o r $ 2 5 fo r s t u d e n t s , I g u a r a n t e e y o u w ill le a r n s o m e t h in g t h a t w ill h e lp y o u . S o m e o f t h e p ro s y o u ’ll h e a r fro m : N A B J P re s id e n t D o ro t h y T u c k e r, a n in v e s t ig a t iv e re p o r t e r fo r W B B M -T V C h ic a FEBRUARY 7, 2020

g o a n d h o s t o n W V O N R a d io ; N A B J V P P r in t M a r lo n W a lk e r, a n e d u c a t io n re p o r t e r fo r t h e A t la n t a J o u r n a l C o n s t it u t io n ; N A B J T re a s u re r G re g M o r r is o n , E x e c u t iv e P ro d u c e r a n d O w n e r B u m p e r 2 B u m p e rT V ; C o m e d ia n R o y W o o d J r. le a d s

J u d g e Ta m m y K e m p a d is c u s s io n o n s t o r y t e llin g a n d h o w h e u s e s it in h is d a ily life ; K e lle y L . C a r t e r, s e n io r e n t e r t a in m e n t re p o r t e r fo r T h e U n d e fe a t e d ; p o lit ic a l re p o r t e r E r r in H a in e s o f T h e 1 9 t h ; N e w s & S p e c ia l P ro je c t s E d it o r J o h a n n C a lh o u n o f t h e P h ila d e p h ia T r ib u n e , a n d fe llo w N A B J B o a rd m e m b e r Te r r y A lle n o f 1 0 1 6 M e d ia a n d F e d E x . A n d , t h e re w ill b e a G o o g le N e w s L a b , b re a k fa s t s p o w e re d b y t h e D a lla s M o r n in g N e w s


a n d A t la n t a J o u r n a l-C o n s t it u t io n , a n d n e t w o r k in g o p p o r t u n it ie s . T h e re ’s a ls o t h e N e w s m a k e r ’s E v e n t: Ju d g e Ta m m y K e m p o f t h e Te x a s 2 0 4 t h D is t r ic t C o u r t , h a s h a d q u it e a y e a r, w h ic h in c lu d e d p re s id in g o v e r t h e m u rd e r t r ia l fo r fo r m e r D a lla s P o lic e D e p a r t m e n t O ffi c e r A m b e r G u y g e r, c o n v ic t e d fo r s h o o t in g B o t h a m J e a n t o d e a t h a f t e r G u y g e r s a id s h e e n t e re d h is h o m e b e lie v in g it w a s h e rs. J u d g e K e m p w ill s it w it h m e fo r a n in t im a t e c o n v e r s a t io n t o t a lk a b o u t t h a t t r ia l, it s c o m p le x it ie s a n d h o w s h e m a in t a in s b a la n c e fro m t h e b e n c h . T ic k e t s fo r n o n a t t e n d e e s c a n b e o rd e re d t h ro u g h E v e n t B r it e . A n d , n o N A B J e v e n t w o u ld b e c o m p le t e w it h o u t t h e p re s e n c e o f s o m e o f o u r illu s t r io u s fo u n d e r s , s o N o r m a A d a m s -W a d e a n d A llis o n D a v is w ill b e in a t t e n d a n c e , a s w e ll a s N A B J H a ll o f F a m e r a n d re t ire d N B C 5 e x e c , J o h n J e n k in s . W r it in g , s p e a k in g , p re p a r in g ; y o u ’ll le a r n a b o u t it a ll. R e g is t e r t o d a y a t ​w w w .n a b j.o rg Q u e s t io n s ? C a ll 2 1 4 -9 4 1 0110. A n d g u e s s w h a t ? T h e re w ill b e s c h o la r s h ip s o ff e re d fo r stu d e n ts! S e e , t h e re ’s p le n t y t o le a r n . L e t ’s g e t b a c k t o t h e b a s ic s ! myimessenger.com


Dr. Neal Barnard


I’m known for taking sabbaticals and my most recent to Colorado was truly life changing. I knew when I returned to work I wanted to create more space to ‘change how we viewed things – so the things we view will change’. My newest interview, Dr. Neal Barnard shares with our audiences how food and hormones play a powerful role in fertility and menopause, sex-hormone related cancers, balancing the thyroid, type 2 diabetes, and regulating metabolism. He is the only physician who has conducted breakthrough research on how foods influence hormones and the problems they can cause. Dr. Barnard is president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a faculty member of the George Washington University School of Medicine, and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. In 2016, he founded Barnard Medical Center in Washington, D.C., to create a new model that integrates nutrition into conventional medical care. His federally funded diabetes research revolutionized the nutritional

approaches to type 2 diabetes, and he now aims to empower readers with life-changing information on hormones and health. Did you know that the causes of a surprising range of health problems

are hidden in everyday foods? Few people realize that a simple food prescription can help you tackle these problems and gently restore your hormone balance, with benefits rivaling medications. In his new book, Your Body in Balance, nutrition researcher and New York Times bestselling author Neal Barnard, MD, shares the science behind how common conditions—like infertility, weight gain, menopausal symptoms, breast and prostate cancers, thyroid problems, and acne—are fueled by hormones that are hidden in or influenced by the foods we eat. Text provided by Dr. Barnard’s publicists

in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show VBS: Why title the book Your Body in Balance? NB: The reason is that a lot of people are not in good balance. They are having symptoms that they did not realize are being caused by foods that are getting their hormones out of balance. Food can control our hormones and that gives us control over a huge range of problems; menstrual cramps, infertility, hot flashes, thyroid function or diabetes. We can get back in balance by choosing natural foods that get our hormones back in balance and we recover our health. VBS: You’ve listed a litany of diseases, do we get the disease because our body is out of balance or does our bodies become out of balance because of the disease? NB: Your Body in Balance, I give an example of many who have used this approach, for example Katherine is profiled in my book, she was in the Air Force, started gaining lots of weight, then ……… Dr. Neal Barnard’s full interview……. YouTube.com/valderbeebeshow

Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video: ValderBeebeShow.com, 411RadioNetwork.com, Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow; PODCAST audio: Soundcloud.com/ valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw; Broadcast:KYBS FM Y99.9, KRER FM 102.5, Streaming TV PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters; On-Demand 411 RadioNetwork.com,. – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP (download free in Google Playstore); Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner myimessenger.com



FEBRUARY 7, 2020

Hanging with Hollywood


THE RHYTHM SECTION is a great example of substance over style. Blake Lively plays Stephanie Patrick, a wife and mother who loses her entire family in a plane crash (that she was supposed to be on). Her despair pushes her to the lowest possible depths as she becomes a prostitute and a drug addict. Her life takes a turn when a freelance journalist pays her a visit and tells her that the plane crash that killed her family was an act of terrorism and he knows who the people are who were involved. That leads her on her journey to become a hitman and get revenge from the people who killed her family. She seeks out a former M-16 agent, Jude Law, who grudgingly trains FEBRUARY 7, 2020

her to be an assassin. Her training is long and difficult but once she gets into shape and kicks the drugs she’s ready to go on her

Lively’s character, telling the story of her relationship with her family in a series of flashbacks and dreams. The title,

mission to seek revenge. The movie, which is based on a series of books, rolls along at a slow pace but in doing so it gives us a lot of background on Blake

THE RHYTHM SECTION, refers to her heart and her breathing being the percussion as she trains to be a cold-blooded kille



The killing begins later in the movie and it makes for a fast-paced and exciting final 45 minutes to the movie with fight scenes and car chases that are reminiscent of James Bond movies. That’s because the movie is produced by the team that gave us several James Bond thrillers, Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Brocolli. The cinematography is dazzling in those final 45 minutes, which includes a thrilling car chase scene that will leave you breathless. The movie may not be everyone’s cup of tea that’s why on my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” I only rate it a MEDIUM. THE RHYTHM SECTION is rated R and has a run time of 1 hour and 49 minutes. myimessenger.com





FEBRUARY 7, 2020


Celebrating African American Heritage, at halftime during Dallas v. Atlanta Hawks, Dallas Black Dance Theatre Founder and Prairie View A&M University distinguished alumni Ann Williams was presented the “True Maverick” award by Dallas Mavs CEO Cynt Marshall and Mavs Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Gail O’Bannon. Photo by Charles "City' Gbdaebo

FEBRUARY 7, 2020






FEBRUARY 7, 2020

Check out The Kinsey Collection at the African American Museum in Dallas 3536 Grand Ave, Dallas, TX 75210 214-565-9026

FEBRUARY 7, 2020




Alpha Kappa Alpha OAO 2020 Founders’ Day Brunch




FEBRUARY 7, 2020

Ifill stamp unveiled The 43rd stamp in the Black Heritage® series honors Gwen Ifill (1955–2016), one of America's most esteemed journalists. Among the first African Americans to hold prominent positions in both broadcast and print journalism, she was a trailblazer in the profession. The dedication ceremony was held at Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, DC, where the honorary member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was a lifelong member. “Gwen Ifill was a remarkable trailblazer who broke through gender and racial barriers,” said Deputy Postmaster General Ronald A. Stroman, who served as the dedicating official. “The Postal Service is proud to celebrate Gwen’s contribution as a remarkable journalist with this beautiful commemorative Forever stamp. Gwen was truly a national treasure, and so richly deserving of today’s honor.” Joining Stroman to dedicate the stamp were Judy Woodruff, anchor and managing editor, PBS NewsHour; Eric Holder, partner, Covington & Burling Law Firm and former Attorney General of the United States; Michele Norris-Johnson, journalist and former National Public Radio host; and Ifill’s brothers Roberto (Bert) Ifill, educator, and college analyst; Rev. Earle Ifill, member of the Atlanta North-Georgia Annual Conference of the Sixth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; and Ifill’s cousin, Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. “The Ifill family is thrilled that our sister, cousin, and aunt has received this FEBRUARY 7, 2020



signal tribute to her legacy as a truth-teller, pioneer and exemplar,” said Bert Ifill, Gwen’s brother and spokesperson for the family. “As a reporter and moderator, Gwen was dedicated to two principles: getting the story right and getting the right stories out. “As a mentor, supportive friend, and family member, she was determined, not only to open doors for those of us previously locked out of opportunity but also to provide floor plans to help us find our way through. She is forever in our hearts, and we are forever in her debt.” Also, participating in the stamp dedication ceremony were Dorothy Tucker, broadcast journalist, and president, National Association of Black Journalists; Rev. William Lamar IV, senior pastor, Metropolitan A.M.E. Church; and D.C. Washington, singer, conductor, member of Immanuel Bible Church and the nationally known Cathedral Choral Society in Washington, D.C. The Black Heritage stamp series, introduced in 1978, also includes Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Height, Madam C.J. Walker, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Lena Horne, and Gregory Hines. The stamp art features a photo of Ifill taken in 2008 by photographer Robert Severi. Art director Derry Noyes designed the stamp. News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtags #GwenIfillForever and #BlackHeritageStamps. Followers of the Postal Service’s Facebook page can view a video of the ceremony at facebook.com/USPS. WBIW.COM Among the first African Americans to hold prominent positions in both broadcast myimessenger.com

and print journalism, Ifill was a trailblazer in the profession. After graduating from college in 1977, Ifill’s first job as a journalist was at The Boston Herald American. She later worked at The Baltimore Evening Sun, The Washington Post and The New York Times, where she was a White House correspondent and covered Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992. In 1994, Ifill moved to NBC, where she covered politics in the Washington bureau. Five years later, she joined PBS as senior political correspondent for “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer”and moderator and managing editor of “Washington Week,”becoming the first woman and first African American to moderate a major television news-


analysis show. During her career, Ifill covered seven presidential campaigns and, in 2004, she became the first African American female journalist to moderate a vice-presidential debate. She also moderated the 2008 vicepresidential debate. In 2013, Ifill became part of the first all-female team to anchor a daily national broadcast news show, “PBS NewsHour.” Ifill died in 2016. Among Ifill’s honors were the Radio Television Digital News Foundation’s Leonard Zeidenberg First Amendment Award (2006), Harvard’s Shorenstein Center’s Goldsmith Career Award for Excellence in Journalism (2009) and induction into the National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame (2012). In 2015, she was awarded the Fourth


Estate Award by the National Press Club. She received numerous honorary degrees and served on the boards of the News Literacy Project and the Committee to Protect Journalists, which renamed its Press Freedom Award in her honor. The 2016 John Chancellor Award was posthumously awarded to Ifill by the Columbia Journalism School. In 2017, the Washington Press Club Foundation and “PBS NewsHour” created a journalism fellowship named for Ifill. Her alma mater, Simmons University, opened the Gwen Ifill College of Media, Arts, and Humanities in the fall of 2018. The Gwen Ifill Black Heritage stamp is being issued as a Forever stamp, which will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1-ounce price.


FEBRUARY 7, 2020

FEBRUARY 7, 2020





What is he hiding? Dear Alma, I have been dating “David” for over eight months, but I have never been to his house. Every time I bring it up, he changes the subject or comes up with a lame excuse. I’m not sure what to think. He will stay with me for weeks at a time, so I don’t think he’s involved with someone else. I’m confused. Hello, Confused, This situation occurs more often than you might imagine. I’ve heard it pondered by countless co-workers and plenty of sister-friends. I’m not going to make this long and myimessenger.com

drawn out. Bottom line: I suspect he doesn’t have a home. You guys are kickin’ it at your house because… No. 1: He might be married. I’m sure

living with his mom. Most men would hide this temporary, oh-I’m-just-passingthru situation. No. 3: He could be homeless. It’s tough out there nowadays, with the economy

He’s definitely hiding something, but you aren’t being honest, either…with yourself. You haven’t made a fuss because you really don’t want to know. Truth is easier to deal with when we deny it. This is real simple. you’ve wondered the same thing. Or, he may be separated and still living with the wife. No. 2: He could be 17

the way it is. Maybe he’s stretching when it comes to his living conditions – a few weeks at your house, a few

weeks at another woman’s house and a few weeks with his mom. Trying to pull together a security deposit and first month’s rent ain’t easy. I find it more disheartening that, after eight months, you haven’t said to him point-blank, “Take me to your crib.” He’s definitely hiding something, but you aren’t being honest, either…with yourself. You haven’t made a fuss because you really don’t want to know. Truth is easier to deal with when we deny it. This is real simple. The next time he comes by, ask him. But make sure you’re ready for the answer. Alma


FEBRUARY 7, 2020

Byrds taking flight in the holistic healthcare field Darrell Byrd’s story is quite literally a “feel good story.” This long-time Memphis area resident has been an incredibly successful businessman, owning several McDonald’s franchises; and a very committed community leader – including being a member of St. Jude’s Memphis Club. But these days, Byrd’s focus is on healing, on helping folks to “feel good” again -- as one of the principals, along with his wife Charlotte, in a family-owned company called “B-FREE CBD.” The company sells medicinal-type products derived from CBD, which is the acronym for Cannabidiol (Cana-bid-die-ol). CBD is a naturally occurring class of chemicals found in the Hemp plant which is also where marijuana comes from. As Byrd explains: “Our CBD journey started with the goal to help my mom, who suffers from Paget’s Disease and whose debilitating pain left her homebound. “We came across CBD while researching alternative solutions to help mom manage her pain and return to her old self. We partnered with top CBD experts, doctors, and hemp farmers to develop a powerful strain of CBD that is 100% organic, safe, and manufactured using industry best practices.” Fast forward a few years – and, Mrs. Byrd is active again and feeling great, and her son and daughter-in-law are marketing a full-line of CBD products to folks across America and around the world. Market researchers estimate that domestic sales of CBD products will rise from $5-billion in 2019 to nearly $24-BILLION in 2023. That’s an extraordinary growth rate -and this is NO TYPO -- of 706%! FEBRUARY 7, 2020

With the nation in the throes of what officials call a full-blown Opioid Epidemic, which is taking an average of 130 American lives each day....there is a sense of urgency to find non-narcotic alternatives to treat chronic pain. While serious research on the benefits of CBD based products is still ongoing, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that it works well for many people in treating a range of maladies. From certain types of seizures, arthritis, migraines, chronic aches and pains, to reducing wrinkles and depression/ anxiety....to name a few. CBD is NOT an intoxicant like Marijuana in which high levels of the chemical THC produce that intoxicating ‘buzz.’ B-FREE’s products contain no more than .02% THC – well below the federal limit of .30% to be considered legal to sell and use nationwide. The company’s current online catalogue contains



about a dozen different products – from CBD oils, to cream rubs, to “bath bombs” for relaxing in the tub, to chewable gummies....even special CBD treats for pets which, among things, can help to reduce aggressiveness. B-FREE’s products are made from the highest quality Hemp available from the nation’s best growers in Florida and West Virginia. And, yet, they are very reasonably priced....ranging from less than $10 to around $130. Finally, because the founders of B-FREE CBD consider the company as much of a ‘cause’ as a business, a percentage of its profits are being donated to organizations providing healing and wellness to children and families around the world.










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FEBRUARY 7, 2020

FEBRUARY 7, 2020




Cute Hair Style vs Exercise for Health ABOUT YOUR HAIR BY DR. LINDA AMERSON www.hairandscalpessentials.com

There are numerous benefits for exercising for your overall health. The human body is meant to have movement, do not be a couch potato. (Ouch, did that statement hit home?) Hyperhidrosis, sweating, is the body’s natural response to certain conditions, such as warm weather, physical activity, sauna, stress, and feelings of fear or anger. Sweating is also the body’s natural way of regulating body temperature…you can lose water weight. On the other hand, when sweating profusely, you may become lightheaded, have shortness of breath, nausea or chest pain may be a symptom of a heart attack. The benefits of exercise includes improvement for your circulatory, cardiovascular, joints, and most importantly brain activity. We have spoken to many fitness gurus and personal trainers, who train women. One common myimessenger.com

topic of concern for women is their hair style not lasting if they work out and sweat. Heart health SHOULD become a priority over a cute hair style. “I just had my hair done, and do not want to sweat out my hair style, or my eyelashes will not last if I exercise,’ is a daily complaint we hear from female patients. We recommend exercise is some capacity to all patients. Circulation of blood to the scalp assists a healthier scalp, better nutrients absorption and hair growth. You have a choice to practice self care with a regular exercise activity, or have a cute hair style, and continue to suffer with poor circulation, and health conditions. One suggestion a personal trainer shared on one of my radio segments, is a good one….since the body normally takes between 1020 minutes to heat up from physical activity. Break up

your exercise time during the day to 10 minutes, at least 3-4 times daily. This way your body is moving throughout the day and you will not perspire (sweat) nearly as much. If you have time to exercise 30 minutes to 1 hour 3-5 times per week, please stay consistent as much as possible. Other forms of exercise parents can do with their children is dance! Dancing is movement and can be fun. Other sports related activities can be team sports with parents and their children. Hot yoga classes are another option for parents with children, especially if your child is in athletics. Great for sweating, body detox, stretching, joint pain relief, body strengthening. In addition, less injuries occur with regular yoga classes with athletes. Many celebrities, dancers and professional athletes, take yoga classes regularly. Females can wrap their hair up, wear bandanas, chose some of the sweat reducing head wraps now available, etc. Males with short hair or a bald fade, will keep their


scalp and hair shampooed more often. Then there are consumers who wear locs. Scalp care is less frequent, and scalp odor is more frequent, from our experience. The natural hair community needs ‘awareness’ about scalp odor from neglect with natural hair. From my many years of experience. There are exceptions to consumers who may be confined to wheel chair, or no mobility at all, which is understandable. However, with the assistance of a nurse, caregiver or family member, they can assist with leg and arm movement for a loved one. In closing, consumers who are able to walk, please stop making excuses for not exercising/dancing because you do not want to mess up your cute hair style and continue to suffer with hypertension, breathing problems, and other heath related illnesses. Choose heath over a cute hair style. Dr. Linda Amerson, CEO LA’s Hair & Scalp Clinic and Board Certified Trichologist. Help is Available 817 265 8854.


FEBRUARY 7, 2020

Mavs celebrate African American Heritage Night By Dorothy J. Gentry Sports Editor Photos by Charles "City' Gbdaebo It was a fun-filled night at American Airlines Center Saturday night as the Dallas Mavericks held its annual African American Heritage Night celebrating the African American culture duringBlack History Month. Pre- and post-game activities included a pre-game mixer presented by Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey and featuring music from DJ Steve Nice. Attendees danced to his tunes while mingling and enjoying a meet and greet in the Old No.

FEBRUARY 7, 2020

7 Lounge. The game featured an exciting matchup between the Mavericks and the visiting Atlanta Hawks with star Trae Young and veteran Vince Carter in the house. Mr. Carter, who played for the Mavs from 2011-14, was honored with a special tribute video in the first half and was treated to a standing ovation from the crowd that included his former Maverick’s teammates Dirk Nowitzki and Shawn Marion. Carter, 43, is the oldest



active NBA player and the only player in NBA history to play 22 seasons. Saturday night was likely his last time playing at the AAC. A special half-time performance by Prairie View A&M University's “Marching Storm" Band got the crowd to its feet. Also at halftime, Dallas Black Dance Theatre Founder Ann Williams was presented the “True Maverick” award by Mavs CEO Cynt Marshall and Mavs Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Gail O’Bannon. The

award honors those who give back to the Dallas community by “making it a better place to live.” The Mavs won the game, their 30th win of the season, 123-100. The victory gave Head Coach Rick Carlisle his 500th win with the Mavericks. A post-game party capped off the festivities. Guests enjoyed music, dancing and mingling in the American Airlines Center’s Lexus Club (Platinum Level) with DJ Steve Nice spinning the records once again.


Fight with insurance company may be worse than accident On from “From Marva with Love,” I interviewed Brenda Marks, who has a story to tell about how her life changed after a car accident. What seemed to be a quick claim has turned her life upside down. Ms. Marks called it, “Theft, Fraud, and Corruption in Company-Sponsored Disability Insurance Court Systems.” MS: Ms. Marks tell us about yourself and how the accident happened? BM: I was a very active person in my community and my church working with kids and on this particular day I had agreed to work with students from one of the recreation centers in the community. I was leaving my job and I was going there. This was a designated place that was set up by my employer, by another manager to tutor kids. I was rear-ended while stopped at a red light. I didn’t want to be late… I saw who it was that hit me. I’m like ‘oh my goodness. Just send me the information because I am on my way to meet the manager and I need to make sure I’m there on time.’ I was running late. So when she sends me the information the next day. I was in the process of doing some community service. So I feel like I’m a veteran I’m an injured veteran. I was trying to assist some kids. MS: So you were on your way to work for your employer and didn’t myimessenger.com

insurance? BM: I did have long term disability insurance. It’s actually called ERSIA. You buy through your employer. I have always had that at every job. It is supposed to replace your income from your job if you are disabled to the point you can’t work. So I did have the insurance, it was in pending status. The fact that the document Cigna is using was filed in the wrong venue. It includes extra terms & conditions I did not agree to. They were never even discussed. However, the email correspondences and documents that I did agree to are not being utilized by Cigna or their counsel. My written response was in response to their first offer. I later submitted a counteroffer; it was never to be used as a final settlement agreement and must be rescinded. As far as my requests: I asked that several employers, employees, subsidiaries, coll-eagues, etc., be removed from that ‘so-called” document. There was so much more to my interview with Ms. Marks. Listen to the rest of my interview on “From Marva with Love” on BlogTalkRadio.com Cheryl’s World. You can also follow Ms. Marks on Instagram @ b23jd-Be about it. Tune into “From Marva with Love” Fridays 11 am. - 1 pm. on BlogTalkRadio. com Cheryl’s World

From Marva with By Marva Sneed

want to be late when the accident happened. What was the damage to your car? BM: When I got out and looked at my car the bumper was knocked out. That was all I could actually see. It didn’t look like it was very much

Brenda Marks

damage. I just want to let people know that because you don’t have much damage to your car or you don’t feel like you’re injured or anything serious, you should still go and seek medical care. Go to your doctor, let them know you were in an accident. Because I think they fixed my car and it was like $900.00 of damage then. Later on I found out that I had a bent frame that was overlooked. MS: Did you have disability



FEBRUARY 7, 2020

FEBRUARY 7, 2020




Jarvis Christian College advances in 31st Annual Honda Campus All-Star Challenge Hawkins, TX – Jarvis Christian College will compete in the National Qualifying Tournament of the 31st Annual Honda Campus All-Star Challenge (HCASC), America’s premier academic competition for top HBCU students. The fast-paced buzzer competition highlights students’ academic prowess and ability to answer questions about history, science, literature, religion, the arts and pop culture. Jarvis Christian College is one of 65 teams competing for institutional grants and a spot in the HCASC National Championship Tournament taking place on the American Honda campus in Torrance, Calif., March 28 – April 1, 2020. WHEN: Saturday, February 8, 2020 – 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. WHERE: Prairie View A&M University (Prairie View, TX), Memorial Student Center




FEBRUARY 7, 2020

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FEBRUARY 7, 2020

FEBRUARY 7, 2020




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