I Messenger

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VOL IX NO 49 AUGUST 7, 2020


Sunday Rally (Drive) Planned Aug. 9, 2020 - 9a.m. Gather at Barack Obama Academy 3030 Stag Road, Dallas Proceed to Church for Program, Voter and Census Registration

Dallas Church the site of anti-BLM Rally

IMessenger An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com S. Curet GENERAL MANAGER stewartcuret@myimessenger.com Jessica Hayden STAFFWRITER Marva Sneed EDITORIAL ASSISTANT EDITORIAL TEAM Allana Barefield Andrew Whigham III Anthony Council Ashley M. Moss Chelle Wilson Cierra Mayes Dareia Tolbert Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Dorothy J. Gentry Eva Coleman Monique P. Stone L. Diane Evans Lajuana Barton Rebecca Aguilar Vincent Hall


Jane Elliott said, “If we didn’t have all those years when Black lives didn’t matter, we wouldn’t have to have a Black Lives Matter Movement now.� Questioning whether we should support Black Lives Matter is like questioning the Civil Rights Movement that brought us thus far or like working against voter suppression because we think one vote won’t make a difference or whether we should support Black businesses or deposit our money with a Black Bank or support Black elected officials who are working overtime against great odds to just keep our heads above water! Isn’t the answer obvious?

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Established 2011 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

AUGUST 7, 2020


Don’t these questioners understand how we got to where we are today? Don’t they understand the sacrifices so many of our people made to bring us out of slavery, through Jim Crow, through segregation and so much more? If we knew our history we would not have to be convinced of the necessity to do business with each other and to be the first in line to vote on everything from dog catcher to President. If you’re a Black person, I don’t care how much money you have, where you live or work, who your non-Black friends are, whether you attended Harvard or Howard, whether you have dark skin or light skin, to those 35-40 percent who still support the current person in the White House and any number of his cronies who are Senators, Governors, House Members, state and local officials, you’re still a

nigger. I didn’t intend to say “the N word.â€? They don’t call you the N word. They call you just what they’re thinking, we must stop acting like saying the N word somehow softens the blow of what they mean when they call you nigger. Whichever paper prints my article and chooses to put n‌.r, that’s on you. We’ve already done too much explaining and excusing the behavior of our socalled allies of another race or culture. Those allies we see in the street now aren’t the people we’ve known and worked with all of our lives. They’re mostly young people who have no fear of treating you like the human being you are. Many of them already have Black spouses and Black babies and truly want a world of equality for them. Where’re those so-called allies we’ve worked with for years on what they cared about? We often worked with some of them because often they were just the lesser of two evils—but we helped them to get what they wanted. Where are they when it comes to what we care about? Well, have you been looking at these polls in the Presidential race where a majority of certain white people still plan to vote for #45 after all he has done not only to insult you, but to make life difficult for them? When #45 gets ready to disrespect us, he doesn’t leave some of them out. It’s clear he doesn’t even care about those poor whites who support him. If another white person tries to tell me about how much #45 has done for this country, how much he’s done for Black people, so they’re going to vote for him, I’m no longer interested in anything else they have to say. They need not ever ask me to give my vote to anything they think is important if I don’t see it as important to my community. Why does any Black person have to wonder for whom they’ll vote this year? Just compare the records of the candidates on things that should matter to you, and you shouldn’t have to be still thinking about for whom you should vote for any office.

Dr. E. Faye Williams is National President of the National Congress of Black Women and Host of “Wake Up and Stay Woke� on WPFW-FM 89.3.







I like voting and I’ve been doing it for decades. I usually try to vote early because you just never know and I want to ensure that even if I should transition before election day, my vote is on the record.

First of all, thank you for responding to my last column, about controlling our narrative and honoring Congressman John Lewis “Good Trouble” and President Obama’s charge for us not to turn on each other when it comes

Congressman John Robert Lewis was just 17 when he reached out to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with a letter conveying his desire to attend all-white Troy State College (now Troy State University) that was just 10 miles from his home.






AUGUST 7, 2020

MY TRUTH by Cheryl Smith, Publisher

No more In-N-Out Voting I like voting and I’ve been doing it for decades. I usually try to vote early because you just never know and I want to ensure that even if I should transition before election day, my vote is on the record. Growing up I heard all the stories about voting and why it was important. The murders, poll taxes, intimidation tactics and suppression efforts were par for the course and some say occurring still today. Some voters are intimidated if they see heavy presence of law enforcement and that AUGUST 7, 2020

mother, seemed to agree that one person ruled supreme. Yep, you had to make sure Mother was happy, or guess what? It would be unhappy for everyone! But Mother also knew that if and when my father spoke up, he was like James on that 70s hit show, Good Times! Which brings me to my truth. If folks don’t vote in this upcoming general election, there will be plenty of unhappy folks. There definitely will be fewer and fewer good times. Now folks in Texas need to get ready. The ballot is long. That’s right voting won’t be like going to get a meal from In-N-Out Burger. Actually it will probably take about the time it takes to eat a burger, but you need to take your time and do it right. I’m urging you to take your time and flip through and read each and every single page. You’re probably wondering “Why?” After all, an overwhelming percentage of Texas, about two-third, cast straight party ballots in 2018. If it was so easy, why did folks have to mess with the process? Well, in 2017, Texas Legislators (who you voted for) said “no” to straight party ballots. Could such a move hurt your candidate?

has been reported in areas. Closing or changing polling locations, inaccurate information posted and now with COVID-19, well some become discouraged or began to feel as though their vote won’t matter anyway. Voting is the best way to effect change. Today there are even votes taken in households. But, growing up there wasn’t any voting going on in my household. It wasn’t even something my siblings and I even considered. As I recall, my father and



Democratic legislators felt so and earlier this year sued to overturn the decision. Their federal lawsuit was thrown out. An upside for some came when the legislator who authored the bill was not re-elected. Voters provided a clear example of how you can show an elected official your displeasure with their leadership! Some elected officials need a message on November 3, 2020. But they won’t get the message if voters become tired or are too lazy to complete the process. In coming weeks, we are going to continue sharing information about the voting process in hopes that those of voting age and legally able to vote will do so. The intent is not to harass or shame. Instead maybe pricking the consciousness of people who for whatever reason, don’t realize how significant their vote is. They may not be able to leave millions of dollars or acres of land, but we’ll talk about what that vote can do and hopefully some readers will be encouraged to walk those extra steps, spend that extra time and follow through with a process that some would rather your forego. Just like with any election I have voted in, whether my candidate won or lost, I did my part. Do yours!



First of all, thank you for responding to my last column, about controlling our narrative and honoring Congressman John Lewis “Good Trouble” and President Obama’s charge for us not to turn on each other when it comes to race and privilege. I heard you loud and clear. The message I got was “this dialogue must go on!” So here we go with Black Card 201. Let’s continue with the original request, we must now make this moment a movement so we will not have to revisit this again. Let’s expand on that right now. Let’s add more strategies to the rules of engagement. The focus today will be reducing the self-hate and increasing our self-power. It is written “self-hatred is a pejorative characterization of persons who are judged to hold members of their apparent identity group to a higher standard of behavior than those not in that social group.” Also, it is the definition that is generally taken to mean


an internalization of the prejudices of a dominant culture against African Americans members belonging to the same African American culture. If you want to see the power of self-hatred visit any beauty supply store in our community and greet the owners. While self-love is defined as regard for one’s own well-being and happiness (chiefly considered as a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic). You need an example: just walk around inside Akwete Tyehimba’s Bookstore and strike up a conversation with any of the regulars who drop in. We must collaborate including all facets of our intra-diversity with Godspeed. We then can maintain this global momentum, so the movement takes permanence. We must stop ostracizing gifted and capable African Americans who are not getting a seat at the table from their own peers.

organized for culturally-competent research with the objective of providing advice on a diverse range of policy issues, economic parity recommendations and inclusion products through the execution/sharing of specialized knowledge, also, it should advocate and open the door for the activation of networks including the coveted supply chain and distribution lanes. The voices of Black economists have been largely silent from any commentary on both pandemics, racial and viral. The Economic Policy Institute stated that not a single Black economist was recognized as an expert contributor to the economic issues grappling our community although we have above average expertise on mobile payments to workers, solutions to the widening racial-wealth gap, and the pandemic’s impact on marginalized communities. MY CHARGE: Re-establish the Metropolitan African American Think Tank now.

So, here are my additional actions for us to create the permanence of a movement. 1. Establish and fund a well-built think tank


2. Un-erase current history books & curriculums which are filled with incomplete revisionist stereotyped western thought and infuse a Black cultural history school inside the nation’s teaching institutions and in our Black churches that inserts truth-infused facts, evidence-based timelines; as well as inclusive of all races that shaped American History. In other words: Everyone needs to know that Charles Drew who was a pioneer of Blood plasma storage and Gladys Mae West, who was a mathematician whose technology helped develop the current GPS system; are both Black. So, join me and my Good Trouble mentoring program for young Black men and women. Those are my thoughts. Now yours? Stay tunes for BC301, Please email me at the paper. Terryallenpr@gmail.com

Terry Allen is a multi-media journalist and board member of the National Association of Black Journalists.

AUGUST 7, 2020


Aging has taught me that clothing has a way of defining who we are. It is the first impression that provides an opportunity for others to make judgments about us. We are defined by our looks and our clothing can serve as an enhancement or a distraction. For many, it is an opportunity to bring attention to themselves by standing out, making a statement, or even fitting in so that we are not noticed. I think no matter how impeccably dressed we are, if we leave home without certain items, we are unprepared for the world that we will face. We can look our absolute best and be ill-equipped to handle the challenges, problems and even darts that are thrown our way without the appropriate attire. Ephesians 6:10-18 provides us with a dress code that is so important to obtain especially in the season that we find ourselves in. It is the famous passage regarding the armor of God. As Paul was watching a Roman soldier, he was given this analogy to help as we engage in those battles we all fight daily. Multiple AUGUST 7, 2020

times throughout the Bible, God commands us to be strong not in ourselves but in God’s power. As we deal with this pandemic, our strength will not come from watching the news. We must be mindful of where we place our focus and what we give our power to. Dealing with the challenges we face requires being prepared mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually--without addressing all these areas of our lives, we are exposed and open. Who would have thought in our lifetimes that we would witness a pandemic along with the increased visibility of racial injustice and inequality? We are pitted against one another, never truly fighting the real enemy. Our fight is bigger--it is addressing systemic oppression that has been created and maintained by individuals and organizations in positions of authority. Knowing this creates an opportunity for developing a strategic approach to solve. This battle we face is a spiritual one. It is imperative that whatever the occasion, you must dress appropriately. You would not wear a tuxedo or a gown to an outdoor baseball game. Paul identifies articles of clothing that are imperative for this fight. We wear belts because they hold up our pants. Without a belt, we might


expose our midriff or even our private areas. Without truth surrounding us, we might allow ourselves to be exposed. Truth keeps us grounded and when we walk in it, there is no need to be afraid of being exposed. The breastplate of righteous is designed to cover our organs, those things that keep us alive and functioning like our hearts. In this season, you need to make sure that you are covering your heart and protecting it. As much as we hear dismal news that frightens us, we must protect our hearts especially so that we do not grow weary and faint from fear. Shoes are important because they protect our feet. They keep us from getting wounded by objects that are on the ground, the things we do not often see coming our way. As we move through this life especially now, we must not allow our peace to be left behind. We will see things or experience matters that will hurt us but even during our trials and setbacks, we must remain covered in peace. God gives us our peace and remaining in God’s presence is the way we can protect ourselves from losing our footing. Use your faith to block those thoughts that come against you causing trepidation and doubt. Protect your head and hold firm to


what you know is the final outcome--God will prevail. To fight what we are facing, we must stand on the Word of God because Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any doubleedged sword...” When in doubt, the solution to our problems lies in the Word of God. You cannot afford to leave home without these items or even as you are in Zoom meetings or phone calls. It is dangerous for you to start your day without being dressed appropriately. When wearing the armor of God, you can know that you might immediately not feel good or even look good, but you are ready, provision has been made and protection is complete. Dr. Froswa’ BookerDrew is the author of three books for women. Her upcoming Podcast, The Tapestry, airs on Society Bytes Radio on Mondays at 1 PM CST. To listen, visit https ://www.drfroswa. com/TapestryPodcast/. To connect to or learn more about Dr. Froswa’, visit drfroswa.com. Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew is the Founder and CEO of Soulstice Consultancy, specializing as a Partnership Broker and Leadership Expert for companies and organizations to thrive with measurable and meaningful impact. She also is the VP of Community Affairs and Strategic Alliances for the State Fair of Texas.




AUGUST 7, 2020


It was a hot summer day, and the pavement on Northwest Highway in front of the Northeast Police substation had to be 108°. I’m not kidding, Stevie Wonder’s hit 1980 album title was right; it was “Hotter than July.” The Warriors had taken their familiar post, and we were exercising our first amendment rights. We never invoked our second amendment right to bear arms. Our mission was always to arrive and leave in peace and not pieces. Non-violent protests and resistance demands that you put your health and safety on the line. We were taking “baby steps” through the crosswalk in a single line and formation. Our perfected technique helped us add as much as three minutes to the signal light’s length. Motorists on their way to work were mad as hell. Some of those people wore blue uniforms and were pissed. Something went awry, as things sometimes do, and I can’t say precisely what or when. Suddenly, a mercurial flash in my peripheral vision captured Commissioner John Wiley Price running in full gait. He seemed to have run a marathon in a minute. He pulled up to the officer, standing toe-to-toe and eye-to-eye. By now, my position as a peacemaker and diplomat was in jeopardy. This one officer, whom we nicknamed “RoboCop,” was slightly under six-foot, all muscle, no neck. He looked like an Arnold Schwarzenegger cutout. Apparently, John was not nearly as impressed as me. I made my way to where all the kinetic energy was amassing. This confrontation was inevitable. AUGUST 7, 2020


Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price and former Dallas Asst. Police Chief Don Stafford

Like I said, it was a hot day, and everyone’s nerves were frazzled. The area residents were restless and frankly sick of us. We heard the same familiar shouts. “Get a job! Why don’t you leave us alone? Go back to your neighborhood. Expletives and racial slurs were a part of the daily regime that fed our resolve. This particular law-enforcement officer had his mind made up. He whispered to or gestured to John that he would whip his ass. John drew closer to him, standing all but on the officer’s toes and said something 25 years ago that I think you should consider. “No MF, you don’t have to drop the gun. Take off that goddamn badge. I’ll show you what time it is. You can keep the gun, just drop the badge.” It is contrary to his reputation, but John is a stickler for rules. That memorable exchange fell in my consciousness the other day while


watching the amorphous hodge-podge of federal officers in Portland. Officers who were instructed to hide their badges contrary to the oath and pledge took when they received the badge. If the badge means nothing, vigilantism and “citizens” arrests will run rampant. Donald Trump’s Gestapo tactics are destroying police, judges, and respect for the rule of law. Any idiot can carry a gun, but badges and courts must be circumspect and above reproach. Anything less is chaos. Somebody needs to whisper to the “Naked Emperor” at 1600 BLM Plaza. When you devalue constitutional rights and procedural norms, you invite anarchy. It’s the badge stupid! Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist, and award-winning columnist.


Embracing youth leadership THE LAST WORD DR. JULIANNE MALVEAUX

Congressman John Robert Lewis was just 17 when he reached out to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with a letter conveying his desire to attend all-white Troy State College (now Troy State University) that was just 10 miles from his home. Lewis submitted an application but never heard from the college, and hoped King would help. Instead, he went to Fisk University. Later, Dr. King reached out to him and invited him to visit Montgomery during spring. That was the beginning of John Lewis’s relationship with King and his 60-plus year commitment to the civil rights movement. Congressman Lewis, who died on July 17, exemplified so many things. Commitment. Resilience. Humility. Goodwill. Good Trouble. He died at 80, and there are photos of him, as a much younger man, marching alongside Dr. King and so many others. One of the things that strikes me about this remarkable man is how young he was when he got involved in the movement. As impressive as John Lewis was, he was one of several very young people who put their lives on the line for civil rights and human rights. There is no wonder that he smiled when he visited Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC. That plaza and the protests after the murder of George Floyd are direct descendants of protests that John Lewis was involved in during the 1950s and 1960s. Many of the youth of that era boldly challenged the status quo. Consider the Little Rock Nine. They were verbally and physically harassed and, in at least one case, experienced economic consequences. The Nine endured a harrowing year. Ernie Green, the best-known of the Little Rock Nine, was the only African American myimessenger.com

Rep. John Lewis

to graduate from Central High School in 1958. The school was closed the following year, and the Little Rock Nine completed their high school education elsewhere. Just as it is agonizing to think of John Lewis beaten so severely that his skull was cracked on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965, it is also painful to think of Melba Patillo one of the Nine who was kicked, beaten and had acid thrown in her face, or Gloria Ray, who was pushed down a flight of stairs. Elizabeth Eckford attempted to walk into Central High School alone, having missed the others because of a communications snafu. She faced an angry and hostile mob and soldiers who would not allow her to enter the school. Gloria Ray’s mother, Julie Miller Eckford, lost her state job because she would not withdraw her daughter from Central High School. These young people, like John Lewis, had tenacity, commitment, and vision. Consider Dr. Ron Walters (1938-2010), the distinguished professor who spent most of his career as a political scientist at Howard University. He was president of the NAACP Youth Council in Wichita, Kansas, when he organized a sit-in at Dockum Drug Store in July 1958, just weeks after Ernie Green graduated from Central High School and more than a year before the Greensboro sit-in in 1960. The students who participated in the sit-in ranged in age from 15 to 22. The sit-


in lasted three weeks and ended when the store manager said the sit-in was costing too much money. In 1960, a young Jesse Jackson led a protest at the segregated Greenville, South Carolina library, when he was told he could not check out a book he needed for his undergraduate research. The Greenville Eight, including Jackson, were arrested for disorderly conduct when they visited the library, browsed, and refused to leave. After the arrests, the City Council voted to close both the white and the dilapidated one-room colored library. The libraries reopened about two months later; available to all citizens. Like Lewis, Jackson has dedicated his life fighting for civil rights and economic justice. In celebrating John Lewis and his remarkable life, we also honor other young civil rights activists who risked their lives to take a stand. They made a difference in the struggle for justice. And just as we celebrate them, we must also celebrate today’s young activists, those in the Black Lives Matter Movement who have mobilized young people to protest police brutality, the myth of white supremacy, and economic injustice. As I think of John Lewis, his remarkable courage, and the leadership he offered at every stage of his life, I also reflect on the much-discussed generational conflict in the African American community. This conflict is, in some ways, inevitable. In other ways, it is unnecessary. Black folks of every age want the same thing – social and economic justice. And depending on our age, we approach the struggle differently. Some will put their lives on the line; some will march, others will boycott racist companies and write checks. Some of every age will do nothing. Those of us who are elders must embrace youth leadership in the spirit of John Lewis, Ernie Green, Jesse Jackson, and others. Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an author, economist, and social commentator.

AUGUST 7, 2020

Beauty Schools Pivots: Classroom to Online during COVID-19 ABOUT YOUR HAIR BY DR. LINDA AMERSON

Beauty schools have faced challenges like many other businesses. Due to the curriculum requiring theory and hands-on experience, owners and students were forced to adjust their curriculum. Two Texas Schools share their challenges. Carol Frasure, Director at Graham’s Barber College, Dallas, said, they reopened their brick and mortar on June 2.The dual school, which includes a barber course, cosmetology-to-barber crosso-

ver course, and hair weaving course; offering online and in-person classes. During the pandemic, classes were all online. Graham’s Barber

EDUCATOR’S FORUM Saturday, August 8, 2020 11:00am Blog Talk Radio 646-200-0459 Texas Metro News FB Live

What are teachers talking about?

Is it SAFE to go back to school?

Joann Dickerson

LaQueta Sturns-Brew

Debra Brown- Sturns

Cheryl Jackson

Tolernisa Butler

College opened in 1965. A historical landmark in South Dallas, the 4,000 square foot building is GI Bill Approved and owners are Carol and Carl Frasure. http://grahamsbarbercollege.com The House of Elegance opened August 2019 and started it first class on January 6, 2020 only to have a mandatory temporary closure in March. School hours are 8:30 am - 9:00 pm — day classes (8:30am-3:30pm 30 Hr. Program or 8:30am-5:00pm 40

Hr. Program) and night classes (5:00pm-9:00pm 20 Hr. Program) The House Of Elegance is offering Cosmetology License and Cosmetology Instructor’s License. As of April the required 1500 hours needed to complete your Cosmetology License was decreased to 1000 hours. There weren’t any major issues during this transition, just a few minor adjustments to the curriculum that worked out for both parties. “Now our eager cosmetologists can get out in the field working doing what they love in a quicker time frame, while still receiving all the knowledge needed to be a professional in their field.” There are two instructors-Director of Education Ebony Stewart and CEO Linda Stewart. There are currently five students attending, with two students still on the 1500-hour program and three on the new 1000 hour program. “This COVID-19 epidemic was a disaster for us, especial-

See Classroom, page 31


Larry Davis

Tune in as educators from around the country discuss COVID-19 and how educators and students are impacted.

AUGUST 7, 2020




Hall’s Honey Fried Chicken (214) 371- 3020 4845 S Lancaster Rd. Dallas, TX 75216

Hall of Famer



AUGUST 7, 2020

COVID-19 Impact: A Dancer’s Hair Diary By Dr. LINDA AMERSON The decision to become a professional dancer requires dedication and countless hours of practice. The arts draws supporters to experience creative choreographed routines. There are many talented dancers, both male and female. Hydeia Champion is a professional dancer from Chicago,\ who now resides in New York City. She studied dance at Stephens College and Webster University, completing in 2017. Due to the fluid movements of twirls, flips, and using props at times; one common hair style is seen in female dancers. Hydeia elaborates about her dance and hair journey.

The Journey I decided to start dancing during the summer when I was 14. I’d been a cheerleader, member of show choir, and played volleyball so I was already pretty athletic and flexible when I started dancing and that helped me advance faster even though I started at a late age. From a sumAUGUST 7, 2020

mer program from the Joffrey Ballet I got invited to a yearround program with them where I could take classes for free, work on choreography from the summer program and perform throughout the year and at The Joffrey Gala. Role Models My teacher, Karen Montenero, was my dance mom when I was in college away from home. She understood me and really boosted my confidence. She also told me I should transfer to a school that would challenge me and wrote an amazing recommendation letter. Artistic director Tiffany Rae-Fisher is another role model. I was struggling with being offered a job with slavery as the subject matter and not wanting to take it. She told me I didn’t have to be ashamed of not wanting to show myself and dedicate my artistry to reenacting a period of time when I wasn’t even seen as a person. I didn’t take that job and I was much happier for it. COVID-19 has impacted Professional Dance Dance really has no clear future of coming back in America post COVID-19, since the arts are so underfunded. I only suspect that the larger institutions and commercial dance institutions will still be around. A lot of the smaller companies will probably go under. Logistically speaking, dancing and social distancing don’t match; you’re in a hot studio, working out and breathing on others, you touch the same bars, you lay


in poorly wiped-over puddles of other people’s sweat, and you wait for class in crowded hallways. It’s actually pretty sad. Hair requirements I keep my hair in braids about 70% of the time for dance. It’s low maintenance and versatile, plus I can do it myself. Any style that can be pulled back and out of your face works well for dance, so the person’s hair length plays a role in what styles they wear. My hair challenges come in if I have to do a hair change for some reason. Even with braids, a bun to a ponytail during a 2-minute quick change is not possible, and I have to tell my director that before he organizes the show order. Having my natural hair out for a performance is a hard no, even though it is longer now. There are too many accidents (humidity, spilled water) that could hap-


pen that could lead to me derailing the show and it’s just an added stress I don’t need. Tips to an aspiring dancer. 1. If you can dance in Europe, GO. 2. Sometimes in dance people shame ambition, especially in students of stand out talent. Keep doing the things that cultivate your talent and don’t be afraid to be “extra.” Ask your teachers questions and for corrections; work on those corrections off to the side (teachers always notice, and they are watching); take your warm-up routine seriously; honor your body when you need rest; and never underperform in class out of fear of “doing too much.” The last one is more of a problem in the Midwest than it is here on the coast, but if you plan to move here get accustomed to your own excellence. Hydeia Champion, Professional Dancer myimessenger.com

ASK ALMA Dear Alma, I am 35 and my sweet lady is 57. I love her and she loves me. Although we don’t go out much, we show our affection to each other in many ways. She and I both are homebodies. We live in different states, so our time together is special. She has a beautiful, spacious home. We have dinner, dance and watch movies. I’m a great cook, and I fix things around the house. We’re both avid readers and it’s a real nice relationship. Here’s the problem. We were at the bank and she was taking care of some business. At first I was in the car but noticed she forgot something, so I took it to her. As I was walking away, I overheard her tell the teller that I was like a son to her. When I asked her about it, she said she lives in a small town and she really didn’t want the woman in her business. She said she really didn’t mean anything by it and asked me to drop it. I can’t get it off my mind. How do I confront her about this again? Youngster


Don’t bring home COVID-19 to your family:

Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer.

Try to stay separated from others, if you can.

Most importantly, wear a mask.



Care. Compassion. Community.


Dear youngster, Dang! That was wrong…and kinda creepy. Maybe she didn’t mean it. Ok – aaah, maybe she did. That’s worse than calling your second husband by your first husband’s name. Ok, that was me, LOL. She owes you an apology and a decent conversation at the very least. I’m sure hearing her describe you that way was shocking and downright disrespectful. I know you’ve been bruised, and I can understand. You’re right; she needs to clarify.

Now, lets cross this bridge for a minute and see what’s on the other side. Depending on where you live, older men with younger women are still more acceptable than older women with younger men. Older women are perceived to be improper or even desperate when taking on a younger suitor. Some view a few years as ok, but over ten is pushing it. (I don’t think Tina Turner would agree with this part of our conversation, since she just married her boo, 16 years her junior.) It sounds to me like you guys have a great companionship going on. Anything beyond that is questionable. Your personalities are similar, and if you believe that men and women hit their physical peaks at different times, age wise you two are perfectly suited for one another. Like any relationship, it works as long as the two of you work at it. In my opinion, people are allowed to have various types of relationships. Or entanglements, if you ask Jada sorry, so not sorry Some are meant to last forever and some are meant to last for right now. Which one are you involved in? If you’re enjoying this journey, by all means, stick with it. Tell her how you feel. Tell her how uncomfortable you were to hear her describe you that way, and after your conversation, if she’s still embarrassed, that’s your cue to keep it moving. Unfortunately, unlike Stella, she’s just not ready, publicly, to get her groove back. -ALMA

AUGUST 7, 2020


Herman Cain passes due to COVID-19 By ALLANA J. BAREFIELD Staff Writer At the age of 74, Herman Cain passed away, Thursday, due to COVID-19. Cain was a former Republican presidential candidate and business executive. He also was the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and an author of many books regarding entrepreneurship. Cain announced before passing that he was going to come out with a weekly show. Heserved on Trump’s committee as the surrogate for the Black Voices. Cain was admitted into an Atlanta area hospital after attending President Trump’s rally in Tulsa in late June. He had been battling the virus for several weeks. Reported healthy in the last few years, cancer was a factor in his medical history. It has been reported that at least eight other team members for the president’s campaign have

been tested positive. Cain’s website also confirmed his death with a statement, “Herman Cain – our boss, our friend, like a father to so many of us – has passed away. We knew when he was first hospitalized with COVID-19 that this was going to be a rough fight. He had trouble breathing and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. We all prayed that the initial meds they gave him would get his breathing back to normal, but it became clear pretty quickly that he was in for a battle.”

Oak Cliff native creates Luggage Drive

Puede Network Luggage Photo: Puede Network’s Instagram

By ALLANA J. BAREFIELD Staff Writer When it’s time to go to college, packing can be stressful. The big question is “what items should you pack?” AUGUST 7, 2020

For Oak Cliff native, Adan Gonzalez, he brought the items but no suitcase. Nine years ago he arrived on Georgetown University’s campus in Washington, D.C. with his belongings in trash bags. He said he remembers going


Serena Williams’ Daughter is owner of a soccer team By ALLANA J. BAREFIELD Staff Writer It’s clear that we can’t get enough of Serena Williams’ daughter Olympia Ohanian. There is so much cuteness when we see Serena and Olympia standing next to each other with matching purple tennis outfits ready to defeat on the court. The star is not even three-yearsold but already following in her mother’s footsteps, making a name for herself in the sporting world. Olympia and her dad, Alexis Ohanian are now owners of a National Women’s Soccer League to the airport and not having the money to pay the overweight fees. The airport employee handed him a plastic bag to take out items and he started stuffing the bag. Gonzalez realized at that moment that many new college students are probably in the same predicament, where families barely have a lot of money for paying tuition and traveling out of state. The following year, he started a nonprofit, Puede Network.


franchise, WFC LA/Angel City. It’s always nice to see athletes supporting sports that don’t always get the recognition. S It’s important to have a stake in a franchise even if it’s early on. Now, she is the youngest person in history to own a team. Alexis took to Instagram and wrote “I want her to have a front row seat to this revolution,” he said. “I’m personally investing on behalf of my family because creating more opportunities in women’s sports is important to my wife @serenawilliams and me, and we want to be a part of making a better future for our daughter @olympiaohanian.” Since organizing the nonprofit, he has helped 1,200 students receive luggage. On their website, it says “Puede Network works to cultivate and prepare America’s students to be candidates for scholarships, fellowships, higher academic pursuits, and inspires them to develop into servant leaders and community stewards.” For More Info: http://puedenetwork.com myimessenger.com

Briefs Obama Gives Heartfelt Message at Rep. John Lewis’ Funeral By ALLANA J. BAREFIELD Staff Writer It’s clear that we can’t get enough of Serena Williams’ daughter Olympia Ohanian.There is so much cuteness when we see Serena and Olympia standing next to each other with matching purple tennis outfits ready to defeat on the court. The star is not even three-years-old but already following in her mother’s footsteps, making a name for herself in the sporting world. Olympia and her dad, Alexis Ohanian are now owners of a National Women’s Soccer League franchise, WFC LA/Angel City. It’s always nice to see athletes supporting sports that don’t always get the recognition. S It’s important to have a stake in a franchise even if it’s early on. Now, she is the youngest person in history to own a team. Alexis took to Instagram and

Two Black Women, Mother and Daughter, Signs Deal with ABC Former president Barack Obama during the funeral for US Rep. John Lewis.


Photo: Alyssa Pointer

wrote “I want her to have a front row seat to this revolution,” he said. “I’m personally investing on behalf of my family because creating more opportunities in women’s sports is important to my wife @serenawilliams and me, and we want to be a part of making a better future for our daughter @olympiaohanian.”

This duo, mom and daughter is taking over Hollywood. The rising star Yara Shahidi and her mother Keri signed a deal with ABC Studios to launch their production company. The company is called 7th Sun and will be under the Disney Television Studios. Many people started noticing Yara playing Zoey Johnson on the hit show Blackish. She then stared

in the spin-off called grownish where Yara produced it on Freeform. She has inspired many women but also young adults to pursue their goals and be comfortable with who they are as a person. Yara is only 20 years old but she continues to push forward and accomplish her goals one by one. Now, with her production company she is able to create content that is needed especially when it comes to the Black community.

Fund supports local business Guns and Roses Boutique has been a staple in Dallas, TX for more than eight years. On Friday, May 29, 2020 the boutique was destroyed by selfish looters who took advantage of the protest. The restoration of Guns and Roses Boutique starts NOW! Princess Pope, owner and leader has been a prominent pillar in the community, and often praised for her support. As a fashion industry leader, she provides education and mentorship to aspiring myimessenger.com

fashion designers and entrepreneurs. A donation campaign was started to help cover damages to Guns and Roses Boutique. The donations will be spent to cover any expenses the insurance does not cover, including but not limited to: inventory, property damage, merchandise and loss of use for the business. The GoFundMe link is https://gf.me/u/x5qxji for Rebuild Guns and Roses Boutique.


Princess Pope stands in front of her boutique shortly after fending off looters AUGUST 7, 2020


Please wear your mask and wash your hands! AUGUST 7, 2020






AUGUST 7, 2020

AUGUST 7, 2020




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AUGUST 7, 2020

Dallas Church the site of anti-BLM Rally

By ASHLEY MOSS Staff Writer It was a tale of two protests on Sunday in southern Dallas AUGUST 7, 2020

Friendship-West Baptist Church supporters drove miles to say “you messed with the wrong church!”

County as more than 1,000 vehicles descended on Friendship-West Baptist Church on Sunday. Ahead of what was to be a planned Black Lives


Matter Rally at the church’s campus, supporters of a Blue Lives Matter group rapidly gathered at the church, later saying they were taking a rest. According to bystanders and church officials, an estimated more than 1,000 vehicles filled the church parking lot, many brandishing Trump 2020 and confederate flags. Many know Friendship-West from the leadership of its senior pastor, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III. The Bishop College graduate has been on the forefront calling for social justice and reform. The church bears a huge sign that explains its position, “Black Lives Matter!” So when a large caravan of cars and trucks began circling in the parking lot, some mistakenly thought that perhaps the two groups had chosen to unite By late Sunday morning an SOS went out from the Friendship-West Facebook page urging members to pray for a rapidly evolving


situation: “Friendship-West Family & Friends come if you may have been made aware of a Blue Lives Matter rally happening on our church grounds. Please note that this is not the church and our pastor is working to handle the matter immediately! Please be in prayer!” It was clear. The morning event was not an effort at unity, but a stunt, to intimidate members of the church, who clearly supported the Black Lives Matter Movement. Folks took to social media calling for supporters to come out in a show of support for Friendship-West. The media was alerted and gathered where a diverse group expressed their displeasure of the intimidation tactics. And Dr. Haynes was vocal and fearless as he called the earlier gathering of mostly motorcycles and trucks, a “Klan Rally.” The pastor, who was on vacation, said he began receiving calls as members reached myimessenger.com

out to him at home following the airing of the church service. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 the church has held virtual services so a small crew has been on hand at the facility. Talking on Roland Martin Unfiltered, Pastor Haynes said the Dodge Ram Club asked to use the parking lot as a pit stop for 30 vehicles. Those 30 vehicles increased to 1000, with over 3000 people flooding the premises. While he said he has heard from some participants who have decried the entire gathering, saying they were misled, Pastor Haynes ac-

knowledged that the incident “enraged” him. But something good will come out of the incident, he said, adding that there’s a “reckoning going on” and even white allies of the Black Lives Matter movement joined others who gathered at the church, after hearing of the “intimidation tactics.” The pastor, who talked about a Black Lives Matter theology, assured members that they would continue supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement, focusing on racial injustice, police misconduct and police brutality.

Pastor Haynes interviewed on church grounds


Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price arrived at Friendship-West

Supporters gather at Friendship-West Baptist Church


AUGUST 7, 2020



By VALDER BEEBE As more of us are under stress during this pandemic I’ve invited trusted health and lifestyle expert, OBGYN, Dr. Jacqueline Walters in the Valder Beebe Show studios. Dr. Jackie is one of the Bravo Network’s stars of Married to Medicine. She has garnered the respect of her peers, patients, and the public with her blend of passion-driven clinical knowledge and compassion. She has a passion for prevention, especially when it comes to women’s health. Speaking direct to the audience, Dr. Jackie explains why National Wellness Month (August) this year will provide special challenges with the stress of quarantines, a pandemic and sheltering in place. This year, more than any in recent history, it’s important to remind everyone to take a moment and access their

Dr. Jackie Walters

overall physical and mental health. Dr. Jackie list includes important wellness checks: Numerous ways that each of us can promote personal wellness; How effective are vitamins and supplements and for young and older people; Serious problems everyone should look out for; What you can do to be as safe as possible during the pandemic. ‘Married to Medicine’ Phi-


11am-10pm Monday-Saturday AUGUST 7, 2020


12-8 Sunday

lanthropist, health expert, women’s advocate, TV personality and award-winning OBGYN, Dr. Jacqueline Walters is on a mission to impact the lives of millions. “Dr. Jackie,” as she is affectionately known, has a private practice where she has incorporated a Women’s Wellness Program and a “Fit Is the New It” initiative into her practice to promote healthy living and awareness of heart disease among women. She has been featured on HLN, the “STEVE” talk show, ESSENCE, Glamour, People.com, BlackEnterprise.com, The Valder Beebe Show, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Rolling Out. She speaks frequently around the country on women’s health, wellness, and self-esteem. Dr. Jacqueline Walters publicists provided text in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show VEB: Welcome to the Valder Beebe Show studio for the first time. Dr. Jackie, Wellness Month is a nationally recognized month dedicated to self-care, creating healthy routines & stress management and we feel, as a female


physician, you are perfect to share with our audiences about the joy and nuances of August as National Wellness Month. DRJ: I want to reinforce optimal health is what to strive for. I’ve written a book The Queen V: Everything You Need to Know About Sex, Intimacy, and Down There Health Care because women must take care of themselves. VEB: Dr. J, the Valder Beebe Show audience connects with us on multiple platforms; FM and Internet radio, streaming TV, newspapers (IMESSENGERS, Texas Metro News, and Garland Journal News) and social media platforms. I’ve got a Facebook question: How to select the right supplement or vitamin? DRJ: It’s really a personal choice on what you would select. I tell patients……..Complete video interview: YouTube.com/valderbeebeshow; Broadcasting to a national audience & global audience: : ValdeBeebeShow.com ; KKVI FM Radio, Streaming TV, Social Media, Print Publications (IMESSENGERS, Texas Metro News, and Garland Journal News). Valder Beebe hosts the Valder Beebe Show on FM and streaming TV: ValderBeebeShow. com, 411RadioNetwork. com; SoundCloud.com/ valderbeebeshow FM Broadcast: KKVI FM 89.9, KRER FM 102.5; Streaming on ROKU & Amazon Fire: YouTube/ValderBeebeShow; VBS affiliate broadcasters; BMIA, PChatman Network [Roku TV].


Mavs kneel before Anthem in first game of NBA restart

By DOROTHY J. GENTRY Sports Editor The Dallas Mavericks, including coaches and staff, and the Houston Rockets and game referees all kneeled during the playing of the National Anthem Friday night before their first game of the restarted NBA season. Everyone wore Black Lives Matter shirts and black warmups, locked arms and knelt down. This has occurred amongst all the teams, players, coaches and staff and referees since the League resumed its 2019-20 season on Thursday night. Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic is the only player thus far who has chosen to stand during the anthem. The NBA technically has a rule on its books prohibiting players from kneeling for the myimessenger.com

MAVs kneeling

Photo: Valencia King

MAVs kneeling Photo: Valencia King

national anthem. Earlier in the week, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver told Yahoo Sports’ Chris Haynes that he would not enforce that rule, though, due to the unique circumstances surrounding this game and moment in

history. “I respect our teams’ unified act of peaceful protest for social justice and under these unique circumstances will not enforce our long-standing rule requiring standing during the playing of our national anthem.”


The Mavericks also collectively wore the word “Equality” on the back of their game jerseys with Kristaps Porzingis, Luka Doncic, J.J. Barea and Maxi Kleber wearing the word in their native languages. AUGUST 7, 2020

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AUGUST 7, 2020

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AUGUST 7, 2020




Dr. Amerson adapts to Temporary Business Closure Dr. Linda Amerson, Board Certified Trichologist, has adapted to the temporary closure of LA's Hair and Scalp Clinic. We continue to offer our award-winning products to consumers. Our exclusive products are manufactured by a facility in Garland, TX. Premium quality natural ingredients are used to assist with dry, oily, itchy, flaky, inflammed scalps, as well as hair breakage, hair thinning and regrowth. Everyone may order from our website, and we will ship your product order to you. http://www.hairandscalpessentials.com We need your support. In addition, we offer Video Consultations globally! We will schedule an appointment, give a diagnosis, them make a recommendation. We are available to serve you in the comfort of your home. Call us today - 817.265.8854 http://www.hairandscalpessentials.com We need your support.



AUGUST 7, 2020

Mansfield Product

Chennedy Carter Photo courtesy: Ned Dishman/NBAE via Getty Images

Chennedy Carter

Living the Dream in WNBA By DOROTHY J. GENTRY Sports Editor

Chennedy Carter is living the Dream; literally. The spectacular guard out of Mansfield Timberview and Texas A&M went No. 4 overall to the Atlanta Dream in this year’s WNBA draft. She’s now living her dream of playing

professional basketball in Bradenton, FL where all 12 teams in the WNBA are housed in a Bubble – one single site – to play a shortened 22-game season. The Bubble is in response to the Coronavirus pandemic which continues to spread throughout the nation. “It’s a bit of a journey and a step for me but I’m just taking it one day at a time,” she said recently, after practice from Florida. ‘I’m honestly blessed to even

Chennedy Carter and family

AUGUST 7, 2020


Photo courtesy: Shonda Perkins


be in this position. I’m the youngest on the Atlanta Dream so it’s a blessing to even be here. “ The 21-year-old Carter, who goes by the nickname “Hollywood,” is A&M’s highest draft selection in the program’s history. Per the WNBA, there have been 13 Texas A&M players selected in the history of the WNBA Draft, with Kelsey Bone being the highest pick at No. 5 in the 2013 Draft by the New York Liberty. She also comes from a line of professional ballers. Her second cousin is former WNBA All-Star Jia Perkins, a champion with the Lynx in 2017; and her godfather is longtime NBA guard Jason Terry, who won a championship with the Dallas Mavericks in 2011. She was also coached in high school by the legendary Kit Kyle Martin, the 2019 Wilson Sporting Goods/WBCA High School National Coach of the Year. Carter was raised as the only daughter in a house full of boys, brothers 25-yearold Cameron, 23-year-old Chandler and 17-year-old Chendall. Her mom, Shonda Perkins, is a Mansfield ISD elementary school teacher. “It is ironic that she is going to the Atlanta Dream because she is living proof that hard work pays off. Never stop chasing your dreams,” Perkins said shortly afmyimessenger.com

ter her daughter was drafted. In the months since the draft, Carter has made her way to the WNBA’s Florida Bubble and is working hard learning the game at the professional level, bonding with her new teammates and making the most of her rookie season. “We work hard together off and on the court. Off the court, once we leave we stick together,” Carter said of her Dream teammates. “We stay connected with team dinners and other things. Us being so close off the court and team bonding and building has really helped us to learn each other.” Because the players will be

away from home for at least the next two to three months, many brought items from home to give the Bubble a more personal feel. Carter was no different. “I brought my PS4. My game system is very dear to me because I like to get on Disney Plus,” she admits. “I’m a big (NBA) 2K girl too, so I’m pretty set in my room with movies and games.” She keeps in touch pretty regularly with family and friends back home in Texas. “They call me about every day. They want to know what’s going on. Having a friend that’s in the professional league, playing against the best players in the world, that’s real-

Chennedy Carter and Mom Photo Courtesy: Shonda Perkins

Chennedy Carter Photo courtesy: Kelsey Bibik/Atlanta Dream


ly amazing to them,” Carter said. I try to give my friends and family the inside scoop of how I’m doing everyday, how’s practice going, just how am I getting along with everything. I’m loving it so far.” Carter also reflected on the unprecedented challenges the world is facing including the Coronavirus pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests and nationwide racial unrest. “I’m here just working hard. That’s how I’m getting through it. I know there’s a lot of things outside of basketball that our world is pushing forward, to get justice for different people and I’m doing that inside the bubble,” Carter said. “I wish I could be on the outside at some of the marches and to see some of


the protests but it’s amazing to see how our world is trying to push forth change. We’re also trying to do that here in the bubble.” Carter said the WNBA players plan to wear Breonna Taylor’s name on the back of their jerseys this sea-son. “We’re all in tune with making a change for the world.” Carter, who had one year of college eligibility left, finished her Texas A&M career with 1,983 total points – just seven points shy of being the top scorer in the program’s history. She holds the Texas A&M record for most 20-point games (62) and 30-point games (13), while also ranking in the top six in field goals made (732, 3rd), 3-pointers made (148, 6th) and free throws made (371, 3rd). AUGUST 7, 2020


MAY 20, 2020

Virtual and liVe Community Calendar

August 5-8

Curbside Market by La Francaise Bakery 10 am – 2 pm Curbside Market @ La Francaise Bakery 201 Gold St., Garland.

NABJ & NAHJ Going Virtual Convention and Career Fair. The #NABJNAHJ20 Convention and Career Fair is the premier conference for journalism education, career development, networking and industry innovation, attracting leaders and influencer’s in journalism, media, technology, business, health, arts and entertainment. August 5-8, 2020, for the first-ever virtual NABJ-NAHJ joint convention and career fair. Info: www.nabjnahjconvention.com/index.cfm

August 5-6 Virtual Resource Fair Showcasing Federal Government Services. FREE! No registration required. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Day One: “Meeting the Needs of Individuals, Day Two: “Addressing Economic & Financial Interests” Link: https://ftc.webex.com/ftc/onstage/g.php?MTID=e78c611fc7f6ddfc7c34b42a7d4e48b47 Audio Link: Call +1-510-210-. Enter Access Code: 199 191 9244.

August 5

Friendship-West Presents Spiritual Care. Hosted by Be Made Whole Counseling Center. Fridays Spiritual Care of our souls helps to encourage us through difficult times.1:00 pm CDT via Zoom: Click the link below. Enter the access code.https:// zoom.us/j/8567036848? Access Code: 856 703 6848. Racial Injustice & Community Restoration: Trauma-Informed Response, Free Webinar Host: Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC. 12:00 pm-1:30 pm. CST https://telementalhealthtraining.com/racial-justice-community-restoration.

August 8 Educator’s Forum Tune in to educator’s from around the country to discuss COVID-19 and how educators and students are impacted. BlogTalkRadio.com and Texas Metro News Facebook Live at 11:00 am-1 pm. Feat: Debra BrownSturns. Join the conversation 646-200-0459. Meet A Black Mental Health Professional: We Are Here, hosted by Dr, Tanisha Guy & Megan Pickens, LPC-S. 7 pm – 9 pm. A 2-hour event will introduce you to 20 Black mental health professionals. Register: Eventbite.com.

Hollywood Live! With Michael “Hollywood” Hernandez and Co-host Shavonda with a “V” Fields. On www.Hollywoodlive.com. From 2 pm– 4 pm. Ask Dr. Amerson, this week’s topic: #Dyslexia with guests, Author, Cornell Amerson and Author, Marsha Lampert. Healthy hair/ scalp care tips, the 2020 scholarship winner on DfwiRadio.com and Facebook Live. At 11 am CST #7yrhost #ScalpDoctor.

August 6 SoulJazz Thursdays Under The Stars feat. Natural Change at 813 Sandaga, 813 Exposition Ave. 8:00 pm12:00 am. Enjoy the sounds of Natural Change. Food Truck, BBQ, Hookahs, and Cigars. Info: email info@sandaga813.com.

Back To School Contact-less Drive-Thru. Host: City of Glen Heights, at Heritage Community Park, 304 E. Bear Creek Rd, Glen Heights. 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Register up to 4 children today! Register for the 20-21 Back To School event and find all pick-up details at glennheightstx.gov. This event is sponsored by Atmos Energy.

AUGUST 7, 2020

Project Unity presents: Together We Dine Virtual. Via Zoom, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm. Following an introduction of fellowship, facilitators will lead interactive small-group discussions about race and current events. Register: www. Eventbrite.com. Zoom call info will be emailed.

August 11 Back To School Immunizations – Fereia de Regreso a Clases Vacunas Gratis. Grand Prairie Family YMCA, 4556 S. Carrier Pkwy. 9:00 am-11:00 am. Tickets: www.eventbrite. com. This is a first come first served event, limited to 50 Reservations. Meningitis Vaccine available. One RSVP per person.

August 12 Hollywood Live! With Michael “Hollywood” Hernandez and Co-host Shavonda with a “V” Fields, on Hollywoodlive.com. From 2 pm – 4 pm. Texas Women’s Foundation Leadership Forum Virtual Series. Texas Women’s Foundation celebrates and recognizes the amazing leadership of the Maura Women Helping Women and Young Leader Award recipients during a six-part series feat. each awardee. Moderated by: Jana Etheridge Capital One. Feat: Karla Garcia. 10:00 am.

SoulJazz Thursdays Under The Stars. At 813 Sandaga, 813 Exposition Ave. 8:00 pm-12:00 am. Enjoy the sounds of Natural Change Under the Stars. Food Truck, BBQ, Hookahs, and Cigars. Doors at 8PM. Info: email info@sandaga813.com.

August 9 NAACP “Secure the Bag: Money Matters – Part 1” 6:00 - 7:15 pm via Zoom. We will explore money management, entrepreneurship, investment options, and credit worthiness. Register now: https://shsu.zoom.us/j/97751872288. Drive-Thru Back To School Giveaway, Dayspring Church, 507 W. Road To Six Flags St. Arlington. 1:00 pm-3:00 pm. Free backpacks, school supplies & Blessing Box (food box) for all K-12th grade students. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED while supplies last. On site Registration only.


August 10-14

BLACK LIVES MATTER #NationBuilding w/ Michael Sorrell, at 12:30 pm. CDT, Wednesdays on Facebook & Twitter. Follow Paul Quinn College’s President, Michael Sorrell on all social media platforms. @MichaelSorrell on Twitter & Instagram and @Michael J. Sorrell on Facebook. A Message For You, with Anthony Council Morehouse student and I Messenger Media intern. Tuesdays at 11am Anthony brings that perspective from those born in this century. Live on Facebook/@TexasMetroNews & Blog Talk Radio.com Join the conversation. Andrew’s World with host Andrew Whigham III on BlogTalkRadio.com 8 am.-10 am. Sundays Tune in for thought-provoking, enlightening, informative, and entertaining news and commentary. Join the call at 646-200-0459 The Stimulus Show, hosted by Ashley Moss a Poynter Koch Fellowship with I Messenger Media, LLC. Join in on Facebook/@ TexasMetroNews and BlogTalkRadio.com at 11 am Mondays. Join the conversation call 646-2000459.

August 13

111th National NAACP Convention. NAACP Virtual Convention will provide two modules, one tailored to members, and another open to our supporters and activists at large to convene critical discussions. Info: naacpconvention.org.

August 7

The Back to School Roundup will be from 8 am-2 pm. Aug. 7 at the Tarrant County College South Campus, 5301 Campus Drive, Fort Worth. Here is the link: http://fortworthtexas. gov/news/2020/07/Back-to-School-Roundup/

August 10

August 9-15

Irving Library & North Texas Teen Festival Presents: Raise Your Voice Virtual Author Panel. 7:00 pm-8:00 pm. On Facebook live and YouTube. Info: www.nttbf. com. Send your questions by 5 p.m. on August 4, to link: https://tinyurl.com/yy7a4cug.

Real Estate 101 for Non-Profits Course. The Real Estate Council five-part series of 1.5 hour workshops to educate non-profit about the real estate development process. FREE! . Contact: kmims@recouncil.com. Apply: https://recouncil.com/ trec-foundation/real-estate-10.

Mark Cuban Foundation Artificial Intelligence 5 Day Boot-camp 3 Sessions hosted by Walmart, Elevate, and Headstorm. Learn how Netflix knows what you want to watch, how self-driving cars and smart speakers work, and more. Free online sessions for 20 Dallas High School Students. Apply: www.MarkCubanAI.org.

Gregory Porter and Ledisi Live. At The Theater at Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Place, 7:00 pm-11:30 pm. Tickets: www.axs.com. Now On Sale - Show Date: Thurs. August 13, 2020. Date is subject to change.

SIP and Eat with LaShante’ “The Lifestyle Chef.” LaShante Williams, Every Thursday at 7pm CST on FB live and IG live and https://www.instagram.com/ lashante@thelifestylechef/

A Message For You, The Stimulus Show with Marva Sneed from11 am -1 pm. CST, Wednesdays and Fridays on Facebook Live/@TexasMetroNews, and BlogTalkRadio.com. Call in and join the conversation at 646-200-0459.

A Message For You, with I Messenger Media multi-media journalist Allana Barefield and the legendary Norma Adams-Wade. Mondays at 11am. Live on Facebook/@TexasMetroNews & Blog Talk Radio.com Join the conversation.



CLASSROOM, from page 10... ly as a new school just trying to get off the ground as far as promotion and advertising,” said Director of Admission, Brandon Stewart. “We were just getting situated and comfortable as things finally got rolling after years of hard work to get this school off the ground and make this dream a reality. We had to act quick to keep our students from falling behind and to keep them on course to meet required hours needed for the program. Our Director of Education did a marvelous job with the students transferring her classes to online interacting and teaching them through video calls. “I am so thankful for our students’ response being so understanding and flexible with their schedules to continue the course they have set to become cosmetologists. They are all so eager to learn, they have been right with us ready and willing to do whatever it requires to adjust and continue on. Revisions were online classes through group video calls May 18, 2020.” He continued,” Due to this Coronavirus we had to change the requirements for all parties involved with the House Of Elegance Cosmetology School. First and foremost we had to sanitize the entire school before considering opening back up from top to bottom. We require all parties to take a COVID-19 screening, as well as checking their temperature and all parties must wear a mask before entering our facility. “Since we have been back in our facility classes have been going well and business is starting to pick up. As myimessenger.com

things start to get back to normal and more people hear of the great education and service we are offering our community, we pray we continue to grow to serve and meet our community needs. “Our mission at House of Elegance Cosmetology School is to give students the education they need to be fully prepared for a lifelong career in the cosmetology industry, as well as the full ability to pass the Texas State Board Licensing Exam to obtain the necessary license to work in the State of Texas.” Brandon Stewart Director of Admission (361)742-2477 Cell (361)334-0255 Office houseofel3gance@gmail. com CEO: Linda Stewart hous3ofelegance@gmail. com Director of Education: Ebony Stewart houseof3legance@gmail. com

We’re open and ready to serve you!

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AUGUST 7, 2020


FEBRUARY 8, 2019

I Messenger

Do you know this man?

POLICE have not apprehended “Pookie” the serial rapist. We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.


He targeted members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. but this is more than about a sorority. We’re talking about a community. Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmother or maybe YOU?

877-373-8477 AUGUST 7, 2020




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