Mall Shooting


What started out as a somewhat typical day for many turned into trauma for a Texas community. With weather reports of pleasantly warm and breezy with average highs in the mid 80s, thousands were out shopping at the Allen Premium Outlet Mall in Allen, Texas when mayhem erupted, on May 6.

The resounding messages of hope and healing are the central theme to the You Can Live Again Expo taking place Saturday, May 20th at Gilley’s Dallas located at 1135 Botham Jean Blvd., Dallas, TX, 75215. Doors open at 10 AM. Actress and comedian Cocoa Brown is the event emcee.


It’s their time. The WNBA kicks off its 27th season on Friday, May 19th with the theme: More Than A Game, taking what’s already loved about the WNBA and shows that there's even more. More passion. More multidimensional. More perfection. More primetime.

To Text or Not to Text
Have you ever had serious regrets?
Wondered if you could just have another chance?
You have all the answers, don’t you?
After all, hindsight is 20-20 and oh what you would do if you had a chance for a do over.
Now some may ask why I didn't write this column a week or two ago, and that is a very good question.
My answer is, better late than never because hopefully you will get a chance for a do over as Father’s Day approaches.
Which brings me to my truth.
Sometimes I just really don’t have a good feeling about texting. Back in the day at Paul Quinn College I would tell my students that they couldn’t text me because I knew I would be editing their messages instead of paying attention to the message.
Then too, I told them there
were special times they could text, but don’t waste time with messages telling me you’re going to be late for class, especially when you are already 15, 20, 30 minutes late.
Finally, identify who you are because you may not be locked into my phone so I don’t know who to respond to if I deem your text worthy of a response.
Now Father’s Day is approaching and we know that Dads don’t get the love that Moms do, but here’s something for you to consider with either parent.
1. First pick up the darned phone and call! - I know you are busy but just think about it. If you are fortunate enough to have a mother or father that you have deep love, affection and respect for; if you outlive them, one day you are going to long to hear that voice again! There are so many
who wish they could have picked up a phone any day, and you have a parent to call and you send a darned text! Shame on you!
2. Have your signature if you do text! - You may say it is a display of love to friends but if they don’t have you locked in their phones, for whatever reason, like they have a new one, or lost their contacts; well it can be awkward! I wouldn’t want to respond “same to you” to someone who is saying “Happy Mother’s Day” to me, only to find out that the well-wisher was either a man, or worse, someone who wanted to have children and couldn’t!
3. No one is that busy! What comes around can go around, and I guarantee you that you won’t like the feeling if and when you're a parent!

History continues to be made. Mrs. Opal Lee's portrait was placed at the Texas Capitol today and she was there to witness it.

Texas Democratic Party Congratulates Colin Allred for Announcing His Candidacy to Defeat Ted Cruz
AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa has released the following statement congratulating Congressman Colin Allred after his announcement that he is running for the Democratic nomination in the U.S. Senate race against Ted Cruz:
“I want to congratulate Congressman Colin Allred for announcing his candidacy for the Texas Democratic Senate nomination. Colin’s a true fighter and an outstanding Texan, and I wish him the best of luck in what is sure to be a spirited and constructive primary.
“The 2024 election cycle will be a great opportunity for Texas Democrats to flip a seat in the United States Senate and send a real fighter for Texas families to Washington DC. Senator Ted Cruz has proven that he does not have the best interests of everyday Texans at heart – his spinelessness, lack of leadership, and cowering to special interest groups and rich donors have time and time again failed the working families of our state.
“Texans deserve a real leader as their Senator: someone who will actually address the most critical issues that our
state is facing, instead of just sitting in a studio to record a podcast three times a week about whatever the BS culture war of the day is. Someone who will fight to
ture. Someone who will work day-in and day-out to ensure all Texans are able to access quality healthcare and education.
“Throughout his time in Congress, Colin has proven himself to be a remarkable leader – bringing huge victories home from Washington not just to his constituents in North Texas, but across the entire state. Though we at the Texas Democratic Party remain impartial in primaries, were Colin to earn the Democratic nomination, I have no doubt that he’d be fully capable of sending Ted Cruz packing to Cancun and fill his Senate seat with a Senator who’ll actually be able to deliver results for Texas.
end gun violence in Texas. Someone who will work in Washington to create American jobs and economic growth in Texas and fix our state’s crumbling infrastruc-

“I also implore Texas Democrats to engage in the now-launched primary election campaign for Ted Cruz’s seat. From going to hear our candidates speak, to taking the time to learn about their policy positions, it’s critical that as many of us as possible participate in the process so that we can ensure we choose nominees – up and down the ballot – who best represent our diverse, growing, strengthening Texas Democratic Party.
“I’d like to again congratulate Colin and, with that, let’s go turn Texas blue!”

Realize that Faith without Works...
Last week, I was out of town when I received the alerts about the Allen mass shooting. As I scrolled through Twitter, I was horrified of the raw footage of the murder scene. My heart ached and as I fought back tears, I found myself experiencing an array of emotions. I was angry. I was sad. I was disappointed. I was fearful. It was a rollercoaster ride of feelings. I’m heartbroken for the loss of life, for the pain and suffering of these families. I’m angry that so many people who were there are dealing with trauma because of the experience that will be with them for the rest of their lives.
I’m sick of this becoming common and I’m tired of a society that is becoming so desensitized because it happens so often.
I’m tired of once again the onslaught of only thoughts and prayers.
I’m tired of families losing their loved ones to random acts of violence and those who witness these atrocities dealing with injuries and memories for the rest of their lives.
I’m tired of people who have no value for human life who choose to deal with their insecurities, racism, hatred, and unresolved pain by murdering innocent people.
I’m tired of politicians sending condolences who choose to do absolutely nothing but offer lip service. They pander for votes but chose to
hand off the significant issues to the next generation to address.
I’m tired of people who don’t vote and do not see the correlation between their everyday lives and these folks who make decisions.
I’m tired of people who do vote but only focus on single issues, who do not pay attention to how those they elect are impacting other facets of their lives or that only care about how it impacts them and no one else because they aren’t affected.
I’m tired of children and adults losing their lives, of families grieving because of the unexpected loss of life taken senselessly.
I’m tired that there is no safe place. Churches, Synagogues, Malls, Grocery Stores, Schools, Public Places and the list goes on and on and on…
I’m tired that people will live in fear and isolating themselves from enjoying the freedom we are supposed to have in this country.
I’m tired of the divisiveness and rhetoric that creates a ‘us versus them’ dynamic, not recognizing that when one suffers, we all pay the price either directly or indirectly. We all are connected.
I’m tired of the passion to protect unborn babies but when they get here, we don’t want to make sure they thrive throughout their lives.
I’m tired of mental health being blamed when there are hundreds of thousands of people with mental health issues who do not make decisions to harm others instead of recognizing that we have created a culture that does not value human life. We feast on a diet of destruc-
tion and viciousness.
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. And you should be, too.
I would be foolish to believe that there is only one problem and one solution. It’s multifaceted. Just as mental health is an issue, it’s not the only issue. Just as guns are an issue, it’s not the only issue. We have got to be willing to address root causes and not just symptoms. Otherwise, we will continue to place a band-aid on a rapidly growing tumor.
As a woman of faith, I believe in prayers. I know they work but I am also one who understands that without action, nothing happens.
James 2:14-18 is a reminder to all of us:
“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”
America, let’s see your faith AND your works…
Please Don’t Forget James Byrd!
BY VINCENT L. HALL“The past is never dead. It’s not even past!”
– William FaulknerJames Byrd. Jasper Texas. June 7, 1998.

Wikipedia lends an ample synopsis of the crime by three avowed racists and suspected members of the Ku Klux Klan.
“On June 7, 1998, Byrd, age 49, accepted a ride from Shawn Berry (age 23), Lawrence Brewer (age 31), and John King (age 23). Berry, who was driving, was acquainted with Byrd from around town. Instead of taking Byrd home, the three men took Byrd to a remote county road out of town, beat him severely, spray-painted his face, urinated, and defecated on him, and chained him by his ankles to their pickup truck before dragging him for about three miles on Huff Creek Road.
Brewer later claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed by Berry before he was dragged. However, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up while being dragged, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive during much of the dragging.
Byrd died about halfway along the route of his dragging when his right arm and head were severed as his body hit a culvert. While almost all of Byrd's ribs were fractured, his brain and skull were found intact, further suggesting that he maintained consciousness while he was being dragged.
Berry, Brewer, and King dumped the mutilated remains of Byrd's body in front of an African American cemetery on Huff Creek Road, then drove off to a barbecue. A motorist found Byrd's decapitated remains the following morning.”
What is it about hanging or mutilating Black folks that make these racists so hungry. Crowds used to throw picnic, after lynchings and James Byrd’s murderers left him to eat barbeque. Anyway…
I was sitting in the choir stand at church last week when William Faulkner's quote was read. The past is never the past! I immediately went to my modern-day encyclopedia, which most of you know as Google. I aimed to see what else Faulkner was known for.
murderers had been acquitted. James Baldwin excoriated him roundly for his racist rants. Who am I to argue with them?
So, I had to go to the one sophist and social thinker that never fails us. Google…Get me Richard Pryor, 1976, Bicentennial Nigger!
Richard Pryor’s epilogue in his classic 1976 standup held a one sentence sentiment that summarizes being Woke and Black in America. After opining hilariously on subjects from slavery to Civil rights, Pryor delivered a crushing blow. Pryor made light of everything from the slave master's whip to the constancy of police brutality in the black community through America's 200th birthday.
Without warning, the laughter and the lighting faded to black. Richard Pryor muttered these words with as much comedic effusiveness and enlightening honesty as he could muster. "Y'all mighta forgot it, but we ain’t never gonna forget it.”
Sadly, we have forgotten.
Although he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his works like “Absalom, Absalom” and “The Sound and the Fury.” The very next line of the global encyclopedia forced me to take the famous Mississippian out of my syllabi of sound reasoning.
“He (Faulkner) did not believe in the equality of black people, and during the school desegregation battles, he sided with those who would prevent blacks from gaining access to "White Only" schools. He knew black people as servers and laborers but not as equals.”
Faulkner’s quote made me think he may have been down with the brothers at first. But after further research, the truth revealed that he was just a slightly more intelligent Southern Cracker than most.
W.E.B. Dubois offered to debate him on the court steps where Emmitt Till’s
The waters of disrespect, disregard, and disdain haven't receded for Africans in America who were bound on slave ships and brought here before the Mayflower. Even when President Barack Hussein Obama rode into office on a tide of hope, he soon learned he had to tread the waves of racial hatred lightly.

Ross Byrd, the only son of James Byrd Jr., campaigned to ban capital punishment and thereby spare the lives of those who murdered his father. But on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, John William King, 44, was executed. Lawrence Brewer was executed I 2011, and Shawn Berry is serving a life sentence.
Ironically, Faulkner was right in one sense. For Black people in these yet-tobe United States, the past is never the past. But in the spirit and wisdom of Richard Pryor, I ain’t never gonna forget it. Unfortunately, this nation won’t let me.
Know Your Lemons to Detect Breast Cancer
As we approach Women’s Health Month in May, Parkland Health is raising breast cancer awareness and education. Breast cancer in women is the most common cancer diagnosed in the United States. The cancer cells begin in the ducts and then grow outside the ducts into other parts of the breast tissue. Regular self-exams and mammograms that can find lumps before they can be felt help with the early detection of breast cancer.
Knowing the 12 high-risk signs of breast cancer comes with the territory of ‘knowing your lemons’ which is the impetus behind the Know Your Lemons Campaign. This initiative was created by the Know Your Lemons Foundation, a non-profit
that supports breast health education that is utilized by the Parkland Breast Health team. Cancer is a scary topic that is often avoided. However, the campaign is based on the idea of sharing visual explanations to further explain
the important health message that resonates with all sorts of people with different cultural backgrounds and literacy levels. The imagery uses bruised and bumpy lemons meant to reflect changes to look for in and around breasts.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prolonged delays in screening related to the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to delayed diagnoses, poor health consequences and an increase in cancer disparities among women already experiencing health inequities. Parkland’s mobile mammography services aim to bring needed screenings and care to the community. The purple mobile mammography unit travels throughout Dallas County, visiting each of Parkland’s community clinics. On some Saturdays, it also visits local health fairs, churches and community events. Check Parkland’s community calendar for events near you.
BEFASTT – Know the Stroke Signs

Strokes are often called “brain attacks” because they affect the blood vessels in our neck or brain. By learning and sharing the BEFASTT warning signs, you just might save a life from a stroke.
Call 911 if these signs are present:
• Do they have a sudden loss of balance?
• Do they have a sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes?
• When they smile, does one side of their face droop? Ask the person to smile. Is their smile uneven?
Arm Drift
• When they raise both arms, does one arm drift downward? Ask the person if one
arm is weak or numb.
Slurred Speech
• When they say a sentence, are any of the words slurred?
Terrible Headache
• Do they have a sudden, se-
vere headache?
Time is Key
• If a person shows any of these stroke symptoms, get help immediately by calling 911. Other stroke symptoms in-
clude numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg especially on one side of the body. Confusion may settle in if someone having a stroke has trouble speaking or understanding others. They may also have trouble seeing or walking.
Whether you are a stroke survivor or a family member, joining a support group helps with the emotional changes. You will have opportunities to learn, listen and socialize with others. On the third Thursday of every month from 1-2 p.m. at Parkland Memorial Hospital in the private dining room in the back of the cafeteria, medical providers host meetings about different topics such as sleep changes, reducing risk factors, pain and the impact stroke has on loved ones.


S.B. 840: Addressing Violence Against Healthcare Workers

Senator West's S.B. 840, also known as the Jacqueline "Jackie" Pokuaa and Katie "Annette" Flowers Act, stands as a crucial legislative response to the escalating violence against healthcare workers. The bill recognizes the urgent need to protect those who dedicate their lives to caring for others.
By amending the Penal Code, S.B. 840 significantly elevates the criminal penalty for assault causing bodily injury when committed against hospital personnel. This change, from a Class A misdemeanor to a third-degree felony, sends a powerful message that such acts of violence will not be tolerated. Under the bill's provisions, hospital personnel encompass a wide range of healthcare professionals and staff members, ensuring comprehensive protection across
different roles within the healthcare setting. By holding perpetrators accountable and imposing stricter penalties, S.B. 840 aims to create a safer environment for healthcare workers and prevent further instances of violence. S.B. 840 has passed in both the House and the Senate and is on to the Governor's desk for his signature or veto.
Moving Beyond Condolences
In the wake of yet another devastating mass shooting, we find ourselves caught in a cycle of heartbreak and despair.
While prayers and condolences are undoubtedly important, it is imperative that we go beyond mere words and offer tangible actions and solutions to prevent these tragedies from occurring. Our
communities are pleading for meaningful change and effective measures that prioritize the safety and wellbeing of our citizens. We must address the root causes of these horrific acts and implement policies that promote gun safety, mental health support, and comprehensive background checks. It is not enough to offer condolences; we need proactive steps to prevent further loss of innocent lives. However, despite numerous bills being filed to address these issues, Republican legislators have denied these bills the hearings they deserve. We must recognize that our communities deserve action. Let us work together to create a future where we no longer have to mourn these senseless acts of violence, where the safety of our citizens is prioritized over partisan divides. Our communities deserve better.
Message from Dallas Mayor
BY MAYOR ERIC JOHNSON“This is absolutely the perfect place.”
That is how one prominent Dallas developer described this city in a recent interview.

Ms. Billingsley is right. Dallas has a palpable momentum that I call “Big Dallas Energy.” And people and organizations across America have taken notice.
Bloomberg reported that Dallas has emerged as the “latest outpost of the Wall Street diaspora,” citing the investments of financial industry giants such as Goldman Sachs in Dallas. And this week, numbers revealed by Penske Truck Rental confirm Dallas is ranked No. 7 on the list of the top moving destinations in the country in 2022.
Dallas’ international partners are also drawn to this city’s undeniable energy. Soon, the European American Chamber of Commerce Texas will open an office in the Dallas International District, where the French-American Chamber of Commerce opened the Trade Office of France less than six months ago. This area in North Dallas is on its way to becoming a hub for international businesses and retailers.
Dallas is truly the place to be and remains well-positioned to win the future.
Never forget
It was a privilege to deliver remarks at the 2023 Dallas Police Memorial. This ceremony is held each year to recognize the law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty while serving the Dallas Police Department.

On this solemn occasion, we paid tribute to one hero in particular who died in the aftermath of his choice to selflessly guard and protect Dallas. In 1972, Sergeant Claude Standridge and his partner stopped a car that had been involved in two hit and runs. The driver, who was a wanted criminal in Oklahoma, shot Sergeant Standridge three times in the abdomen, neck,
and face. Following this senseless shooting, Sergeant Standridge struggled with his injuries for 26 years before he died in 1998.
We honor Sergeant Standridge for his sacrifice — the ultimate sacrifice for which this city will never be able to repay him or his loved ones.
May God bless all of the brave men and women of the Dallas Police Department.
ed the Dallas city manager to lower all City of Dallas flags throughout the city to half staff today through May 11, 2023.
A new chapter
It is a true honor to continue serving as the 60th mayor of Dallas. Despite an array of significant challenges faced by this city since 2019 — including a global pandemic, tornadoes, devastating winter storms, a nationwide surge in violent crime, and civil unrest — Dallas is safer, stronger, and more vibrant today.

Dallas emerged from the pandemic as a national leader — as America’s “Comeback City” — and recently became the only top 10 city in the United States to record two consecutive years of year-over-year reductions in every major violent crime category. No other major city in the nation has seen results like this.
In addition, last year the Dallas City Council reduced the city’s property tax rate to its lowest level in 15 years with the largest single-year rate cut in four decades. More than $14 billion worth of new development has come to Dallas since 2019. And this city has successfully attracted major national corporations, including several Fortune 500 companies, to relocate and expand their presence here.
There are many more collective achievements to highlight, but now, my focus is on the future. The support of the people of Dallas has made possible everything that this administration has accomplished over the last four years — and it will remain critical as we begin a new era of opportunity for all Dallas residents.
It is time now — together — to recommit to building on the significant momentum that you can truly sense when you are out in this great city.
A devastating tragedy
May God also bless the victims of yesterday’s horrific shooting at Allen Premium Outlets and their loved ones.
I have been in communication with Allen Mayor Ken Fulk to offer Dallas’ full support, and Dallas Police Department commanders are in contact with Allen Police Chief Brian Harvey. Out of respect for the victims of this terrible tragedy, I direct-

Dallas continues to be a city on the move and on the rise. There is no doubt that the best is yet to come!
That is all for today — it is time to get back to work! Take care of yourselves and each other.
Until next time,

Call issued to Support Black Businesses

Buy Black!
By Cheryl SmithWhen Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, of Friendship-West Baptist Church, announced 100 Days of Buying Black in acknowledging the 100th Commemoration of the Tulsa Race Massacre, we joined the movement. December 31, 2021 marked 100 days of featuring Black Businesses. and we decided that the struggle continues and we must also. So enjoy reading about more Black-owned businesses and please support.
Pressed Roots is a haven for your hair. Like a love letter to every texture. No Matter if your hair is 4C, 3A, fine loops, tight curls, they are all about it. They learn, nourish, and press your tresses to perfection, in a thoughtfully cultivated space where you can truly relax and reconnect, because caring for our hair is a beautiful thing. The Founder of Pressed Roots is Piersten Gaines, and she says, “Hair is an important part of our culture – a part of our roots. It’s not simply about the aesthetic, it’s a ritual. While the journey to healthy hair is unique to each person’s hair texture, it shouldn’t have to be difficult, or inconvenient. On the contrary, it should be enjoyable.” Pressed Roots is the solution with locations in Arlington, Dallas and Plano. Book your appointment today.
Ade Hazley is the founder of Rock Star Fitness Camps and co-founder of V12 yoga. V12 Yoga classes provide a yoga

flow that builds energy using the power of vinyasa flow. They also offer restorative, deep stretch, high-intensity FIT classes, and meditation. With a mixture of ancient practice and modern everyday living, V12 yoga teachers teach you to connect with your inner power self. Their location brings yoga to Downtown Dallas and creates the experience that is missing in the heart of the Farmers Market district. It’s organic, urban, and natural. Check them out in person at 600 S Harwood on the 2nd floor, 214-741-9642.
Homegirl Therapy Services is owned by Shanta Jackson, a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, licensed in Texas and Georgia. She has been a therapist for the past eight years and has worked in community therapy. Currently, Homegirl Therapy Services private practice is based in Dallas. Shanta specializes in working with Black women and individuals of color, creating a space for clients to be seen and understood. Visit Homegirl Therapy Services online, shop, check out the podcast, and book your therapy session. 445 E. FM1382 Ste. 3 Cedar Hill.


Hamilton’s Social Media Marketing & Design Firm is the media solution for small businesses. They look to cultivate relationships with clients while providing affordable business solutions. The firm is award-winning and located in Plano. They understand that some businesses aren’t able to sustain large budgets for developmental or marketing solutions for their business need, which is why they specialize in assisting businesses of all sizes from startups to small, corporate, or franchise. Visit their website.
Beloved Community Center (BCC) provides capacity building assistance (CBA) and technical assistance (TA) to nonprofit
organizations. The capacity building assistance menu of services includes funding research and grant writing. The TA menu includes grant writing workshops and workforce development support such as “soft skills” training. The primary CBA and TA clients include community-based organizations (CBOs) that serve low-income, urban communities. Rev. Dr. LaTrese Adkins, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of BCC. For more information on the BCC services visit their website.
3227 Goldspier Dr. Dallas, Texas 75215, (214) 883-3308 email:
Fitness by Nori came about through Nori’s ( Mz. ButterflyBeast) own fitness journey. She has always been a dreamer. Nori is a Certified Master Trainer through International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and she assists others with their health and wellness goals. Fitness by Nori encourages healing through fitness (mindset, motivation, and movement). To get in touch with Nori visit the website. https:// 214-288-1426 or: FitnessByNori@
Bringing Families Back to the Table One Meal at a Time, says the Professional Celebrity Chef, Felicia Guimont the founder of OMG Cakes & Southern Best Catering, LLC. She touts these two companies with one mission – “quality service”. Upon hiring Chef Felicia, you will be totally put at ease with the catering at your event. You can expect to be treated like a celebrity by getting her Southern BEST experience. Visit the website and check out her menus and products.
Advocacy Committee Addresses Behavioral Health Disparities, Honors Trailblazing Former
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson gun violence
By Ayesha Hana ShajiAs mental health experts gathered at the University of North Texas Dallas to discuss disparities in treatment, they lauded a longtime legislator for advocating for fair and equal treatment.
In an effort to address racial disparities in behavioral health and human services, the African American subcommittee of the South Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center (SSW ATTC) is making significant strides by convening courageous conversations.
Led by Dr. Constance Lacy, Dean of the School of Behavioral Health and Human Services at the University of North Texas at Dallas, the committee aims to empower African American communities by advocating for equitable access to resources and knowledge.

"Our common goal is to empower our community to live healthier, holistic lives, particularly in the areas of
behavioral health, mental health, and substance use disorder," Dr. Lacy said.
Eddie Bernice Johnson, who retired in December after representing Texas's 30th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1993 to 2023, was recognized as a trailblazer and for “her pivotal role in supporting” efforts in the field of behavioral health.

"She very much was supportive of the concept of an African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and so she helped sort of guide that vision into reality," Dr. Lacy said.
As the first registered nurse to serve in the Texas House, Texas Senate and U.S. House; it wasn’t a surprise to many that healthcare was a priority for Johnson.
“I was a psychiatric nurse before I went into public office,” said Johnson, adding that she “never really had a committee assignment that was related to what my interests were.
“I really wanted to be on
a committee where I could deal directly with healthcare and especially mental health, but I didn’t get it… but I never forgot that we needed to give attention to this area so every chance that I got that I saw I could do something or impact with some type of amendment or direction I tried to do that because it was clear to me that not only was it a need there, it was getting to be more grave,” she continued.
The program included a
conversation between Dr. Lacy and Johnson about the void in the representation of African Americans within the Addiction Technology Transfer Centers.
"There was not one designated for the needs and challenges of the African American community, unlike the designated centers for indigenous people and Hispanic populations,” Lacy said. “We saw this as an opportunity to advocate for change and create equitable access to resources, information, and knowledge."
The process of establishing the African American Subcommittee began in 2019 when the subcommittee members reached out to Congresswoman Johnson to collaborate on gaining legislative support for their initiative.
Through research, they discovered that there had been an African American Technology Transfer Center many years ago, but it was not funded to continue, leading to its eventual demise.
Dr. Rochelle Head-Dunham, Executive and Medical Director for the Metropolitan Human Services District, said it is important to target African Americans specifically due to the systemic oppression they continue to face.
"We have an obligation to address the component of racism that has nothing to do with us. It is an ongoing struggle that requires overt efforts to address the underlying trauma and promote healing," she said.
The event brought together individuals representing Region Six – Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and American Indian Tribes and Communities.
Dr. Head-Dunham, in highlighting the significance of the event, said, "This event allows us to take a deeper, more courageous dive into the impact of inequities on the health of African Americans. We have an opportune moment in time to address racial inequities that have been exposed, particularly within the African American community."
Maureen Nichols, Director of the SSW ATTC, also stressed the importance of addressing addiction treatment and mental health within African American communities and emphasized the need for culturally appropriate and effective treatment options, aiming to bridge the access gap and reduce health disparities faced by African Americans.
"In the traditional healthcare systems, they often face a lack of access and higher risks in various different health outcomes,” Nichols explained. “It is important that we take a look at why that is, and find solutions for making sure that the African American community has access to the health and wellness that everyone in our community serves."
To address this pressing issue, Nichols shared their organization's collaborative efforts with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence.
These initiatives focus on increasing the representation of African American students in the behavioral health workforce and fostering discussions within the Black community, she said. By promoting healing and seeking solutions, communities can unite and heal from the impact of substance use, mental
health challenges, and experiences of racism.
The significance of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson's presence at the event was also highlighted. Nichols expressed gratitude, stating, "She has been a strong advocate for mental health throughout her career... and helped guide the vision of an African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence into reality."
Dr. Lacy also expressed gratitude for the impactful advocacy of former Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, who played a crucial role in revitalizing the ATTC for African Americans.
The recent tribute to Congresswoman Johnson not only acknowledged her instrumental role but also highlighted the enduring importance of equitable access to behavioral health and human services.

uation of knowledge that happens, and that's what we're working towards."
The committee's vision of courageous conversations and inclusive representation has helped the team recognize the systemic oppression faced by African Americans throughout history, from slavery to persistent generational trauma.
These realities have highlighted the urgent need for targeted initiatives and systemic change. By amplifying marginalized voices and promoting informed dialogue, the committee strives to address the underlying factors contributing to disparities within the community.
Dr. Head-Dunham said moving forward, the team plans to extend the concept of courageous conversations to various communities and workspaces. Their toolkit, which includes "courageous conversation cards," provides tangible resources for engaging in these discussions and empowering community leaders, coalitions, and organizations in addressing health inequities.
Dr. Head-Dunham emphasized the importance of involving multiple parties and levels to drive systemic change effectively. From power brokers who influence decision-making to the voices and needs of everyday individuals, their collaboration aims to create a more inclusive and just society.
Through projects such as courageous conversations and engaging young people in discussions about health inequity, the African American Advisory Team has already made a significant impact.
"By celebrating the work of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, we affirm the impact she has had and acknowledge the results of her advocacy," Dr. Lacy said. "She has been a champion for change, and it is our privilege to honor her as we continue to push for equitable access to behavioral health resources."
The African American Subcommittee’s work extends beyond the committee room. Through their efforts, they aim to positively influence public perception and policy by giving voice to the needs and concerns of the community.
Dr. Lacy explained, "Engaging in a conversation can open doors and show how change can affect them. There's a perpet-
"Our recent project focused on racial healing and health inequity empowered first-generation college students from under-resourced communities," Dr. Lacy said. "This project opened up opportunities for further dialogue and change."
The committee's work benefits not only those directly involved but also has a ripple effect on the wider community. By empowering individuals to have a voice and advocating for change, they aim to create a positive impact on the lives of random individuals on the street. Through education, engagement, and awareness, they hope to inspire others to take action and make a difference in their own lives and communities.


Hector Chico
Monique Cortez
Joanna Ramirez
Kharyngton Armstrong
Yajaira Baca Cabrera
Emariah Banks
Kashari Barron
Esmeralda Benitez
Alondra Caro
Alexis Chairez
Destinee Hathorn
Aujenae Jones
Abubakar Saidi
Francis Zepeda
Martavion Bull
Princess Govea
Zariyah Hawkins
Leslie Jaramillo
Francine Kalala
Trevor Lumpkin
La’Maya McGowan
Aulajia Morgan
Christian Piedra
LaZariya Taylor
Akirea Williams
Giovany Aguado
Michael Aguirre
Joel Almaguer-Enriquez
Homero Araujo
Yasmine Ates
Genesis Castillo
Jaedon Caudillo
Katherine Cerna
Blanca Charcas
Jessica Clark
Faith Cooper
Jose Corpus
Daniela de la Torre
Griselda Diaz
Jesus Espinoza
Karen Espinoza Gutierrez
Noe Garcia
Emanuel Garcia Barrera
Alexis Garcia Del Rio
Ava Gonzales
Bryce Grigsby
Alexis Gutierrez
Cristina Hernandez
Abigail Juarez Trejo
Katie Kha
Yesica Martinez
Brianna Mmbaga
Imran Muktar
Sandy Nguyen
Elida Ortega Rivas
Ashlee Reyes
Jedoria Richards
Angel Rios
Janet Rivas Reza
Kennady Robinson
Deyanira Romero
Cristian Ruvalcaba
Alexander Sanchez
Alexis Sanchez Serrano
Erandy Segura
Miguel Solis
Annette Soto
Aisha Torres
Tram Tran
Fatima Zambrano
Belinda Alonso
Yadira Chavez Reyes
Mariana Garcia
Jessica Hyde
Cristy Juarez
Ashley Lopez
Michelle Lopez
Mariana Mares Solano
Xitlaly Matehuala
Jennifer Mendoza
Melanie Mota
Leslie Quintero
Jessica Ramirez
Jennifer Ramirez Mendoza
Valerie Reyes
Vivianne Valdes Pereira
Ashley Vazquez
Ashley Vela
Katherine Farner
Taylor Guerrero
Stefany Guzman
Celeste Jaramillo
Judith Manzanarez
Audrey Robertson
Diana Ruiz
Sofia Sanchez
Natalia Vales Rivera
Allen Mall Shooting Survivor Speaks About Journey to Recovery
By Ayesha Hana Shaji Texas News TeamWhat started out as a somewhat typical day for many turned into trauma for a Texas community. With weather reports of pleasantly warm and breezy with average highs in the mid 80s, thousands were out shopping at the Allen Premium Outlet Mall in Allen, Texas when mayhem erupted, on May 6.
Irvin Walker II dropped off his girlfriend at an entrance and was on his way to park when he heard bullets shatter his windshield, hitting him multiple times. Fortunately she was not injured during the attack that
left several dead and injured.
“I didn’t see the shooter, I just felt the shots,” Walker said. “I was bleeding profusely.”
The Louisiana native said he immediately got out of his car and started “running, then I started jogging and then I started walking fast as I knew the urgency of my situation.”
He ran to a security guard – Christian LaCour, who lost his life at the shooting while he bravely escorted visitors to safety – who asked him to have a seat.
Walker, an independent contractor, reportedly was the first to get shot and was also the first to be
taken to the hospital, Medical City McKinney.
He was brought to the hospital within 14 minutes of the initial reports, said Janet St. James, Assistant Vice President of PR and Media Communications at Medical City Healthcare.

On that day, Mauricio Garcia’s senseless act of violence was registered as the second-deadliest mass shooting in the US this year.
On Tuesday, May 16, Medical City McKinney addressed media to provide an update on the hospital's response to the tragic shooting. Trauma Director Dr. Elizabeth Kim, Chief Nursing Officer Cassidi Sum-
mers, Walker and Walker's attorney, Daryl Washington were all present.
Dr. Kim detailed Walker's injuries, explaining the extent of the bullet fragments and the potential risks they posed.
“He had multiple bullet fragments, you know, on around his head, his neck, his chest, his arm,” she said. “There were several bullet fragments that we were extremely worried about… some of those bullet tracks were so extensive and we had to open them up and clean everything out underneath.”
But Dr. Kim said he still had a smile and that was one of the bright parts of that day.
“You were calm and you were an inspiration for me,” she said to Walker.
Walker expressed gratitude for the support and expertise of the medical professionals at Medical City McKinney, acknowledging their love and dedication in treating him.
Despite the difficult circumstances, Walker's faith and the prayers of people from across the country and beyond provided him with strength and hope. He thanked the hospital administration, his family, his faith, his friends and his Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity brothers for their unwavering support.

“I’ve nothing to say about the shooting or the shooter…evil is not gonna win,” he said. “The power of God just showed brightly and gave me the opportunity to fight through this process.”
Civil Rights Attorney Darryl Washington appeared on the Black Star Network with journalist Roland Martin, at a press conference along with Walker’s daughter and.again at a community vigil for the victims. At every occasion, Walker's concern for the other victims was expressed.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. released a statement on Monday, May 10, mourning the lives lost in the shooting and offering condo-
lences to the families of the victims.
“The Fraternity is outraged and condemns the acts of the alleged mass shooter, Mauricio Garcia, who was found to have Neo-Nazi ideation and killed eight people, including three children,” the statement read. “We also pray for the speedy recovery of its seven victims, including Brother Walker, a Spring 1997 Delta Sigma initiate at Grambling State University and member of the General Organization.”
Several of his fraternity brothers from the area were also in attendance on Tuesday. It was Jayson Johnson, another Spring 1997 Delta
Sigma initiate who, along with others, started a Gofundme account to help defray the enormous costs associated with multiple surgeries, rehabilitation, loss of work, etc.
Johnson wrote on the page that has garnered close to six figures since May 8, “First, I am asking that everyone keep Irvin and all the victims in your prayers. Second, if you find it in your heart, please donate to help cover Irvin’s medical and personal expenses as he fights to get back on his feet.”
Donations can be made to: https://
Expo focuses on Hope and Healing
The resounding messages of hope and healing are the central theme to the You Can Live Again Expo taking place Saturday, May 20th at Gilley’s Dallas located at 1135 Botham Jean Blvd., Dallas, TX, 75215. Doors open at 10 AM.
Actress and comedian Cocoa Brown is the event emcee.
The You Can Live Again Expo features nationally recognized guest speakers in the areas of sports, business, entertainment, health and wellness as well as musical performances and specialty vendor activation stations.
Hosted by award-winning
philanthropist and You Can Live Again, L.L.C. Founder Kertrina Dauway, the expo was created to provide men and women from all walks of life and varied experiences a clear path to reclaiming their power and forging ahead beyond life’s difficulties and traumas.

“I know what it’s like to experience intense feelings of loneliness and hopelessness,” said Dauway. “It was my faith that helped me pull through those times, but I have also learned that different people need different coping mechanisms to not only survive but thrive. I created this platform so that
no man or woman is left behind. If someone is experiencing mental or emotional struggles, we have experts to speak to that. If the issues are rooted in financial illiteracy, we have experts for that. So many times, people fall through the cracks, but the You Can Live Again Expo provides empowerment sessions conducted by different speakers who tap into very specific areas.”
Another highlight of the expo is the announcement and introduction of the 2023 You Can Live Again award recipients! The honorees will walk the Green Carpet at 12:30
pm just prior to the announcement.
“We are thrilled to recognize this amazing group of men and women who serve as inspiring examples in their communities of rising from despair to excelling in their respective fields and professions,” said Dauway.
You Can Live Again Expo panel discussions include financial literacy and health and wellness presented by Baylor Hospital.
To purchase tickets, become a vendor or for more information, visit

20 Years Later, Patrick Lemle earns his Degree
At 38 years old, Patrick Lemle has already achieved significant business success – working his way up from entry-level jobs to management positions at some of the world’s largest hotel chains. He will graduate cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in business on May 9 at Texas Trust CU Theatre at Grand Prairie.
But he always yearned to fulfill his dream of getting a college degree and pursuing a career in law. He started college in Los Angeles right out of high school. But when his mother passed away at the beginning of his junior year, he made the difficult choice to withdraw and begin working, so he could take care of his twin sister, who had just learned she was pregnant.
With his family’s recent move to Phoenix, he was hired as a front-desk clerk at the Ritz-Carlton and worked his way up, eventually landing regional and senior sales management positions at various Marriot properties in Dallas and Phoenix.
Currently, he works full-time as a sales partner in the sports division for Hilton Worldwide, but his journey in the hospitality industry hasn’t been easy.

When the pandemic hit, he was stuck in Paris. By the time he returned to the U.S., he learned that he had been furloughed for three months, which later turned
into six months (although he fortunately survived a massive layoff).
A high-energy, go-getter all his life, Patrick was bored and depressed. Comforted that he still had a job, he realized “that I need something to fall back on, something that can’t be taken away from me.”
He chose UNT Dallas because it was local, affordable, small and flexible – an institution willing to work with non-traditional students facing challenges. Because of his lifelong desire to become a corporate attorney, he was also thrilled with the prelaw program and excited to learn that UNT Dallas has a College of Law in downtown Dallas. He also praises his professors; several he believes will be friends and mentors for life.
As an older student, younger students looked to his leadership, leaning on the skills he gained through nearly two decades managing time and achieving goals. His hard work was recognized by the Sigma Beta Delta National Honor Society for business, management and administration majors.
In May 2020, he enrolled in Dallas College and attained his associate degree in 2021. Spurred by his success, he immediately started at UNT Dallas, taking a full course load while juggling a 40-plus-hour position that required travel.
With a “no-excuses attitude,” Patrick has made huge sacrifices – from books and laptops on planes and minimal social life, to Saturday and Sunday mornings studying at a local Deep Ellum coffee shop.
Last Tuesday (May 9) Patrick graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in business at Texas Trust CU Theatre at Grand Prairie.
So what’s next for him following commencement? A well-deserved, two-week breather and vacation celebrating with friends and family!
Armed with his degree, Patrick feels as if “life is just getting started!” Once back at work, he’ll begin tackling his next dreams –law school or an executive-level position.
Jessica’s Journey: From streets to UNT Dallas to Howard
From homeless and depressed to Student Government Association President and McNair Scholar, UNT Dallas senior Jessica Armstead beat the odds and overcame obstacles to achieve academic success.
Soon, Jessica will graduate from UNT Dallas with a bachelor’s degree in child development and family studies. Next, she will be headed to Howard University in Washington, D.C., on track to earn a master’s degree in social work and eventually a doctorate degree in a related area.
“This is where I need to be,” Jessica thought when she visited the Howard campus in October. But getting there hasn’t been easy.
Jessica’s journey from the street to the UNT Dallas commencement stage is one of strength, persistence and dedication. Following an abusive marriage in which she was victimized both physically and emotionally, Jessica was accepted into UNT Dallas in 2020. It was the beginning of a new chapter in her life where she would finish her undergraduate education and excel in ways that she had only dreamed.
The challenges Jessica endured started when in 2005 she met a young man at Six Flags. They started dating, and when Jessica graduated, she had plans to attend college in Abilene. But Jessica came home for winter break and never returned to Abilene. Her already-controlling boyfriend would tell her later, “The only reason I asked you to come back from college is I thought you’d find someone better.”
Despite the troubled relationship, Jessica and her boyfriend got married in 2007. Their relationship worsened over time, and they got divorced in 2018. Jessica desperately wanted to go back to school, so she enrolled in Mountain View Community College. But, by the spring of 2019, while still attending Mountain View, she lost her housing and was forced to live in her car and couch surf for temporary places to stay.
Jessica applied to UNT Dallas in 2020
as a transfer student and was accepted into the Child Development and Family Studies program in the School of Behavioral Health and Human Services. At UNT Dallas, Jessica found her home. The small campus provided the community feel, connectedness and guidance she needed to thrive and excel in college. Balancing her academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities, to say she became an overachiever is an understatement.
Once she earns a Ph.D., Jessica hopes to present research to Congress, contribute to policy changes related to foster care, and teach at the university level. Her ultimate goal is to operate her own facility focused on assisting children and youth in need, both under 18 and 18 and over. That’s an important distinction because foster children “age out” of the foster care system when they turn 18, often with nowhere to go.
“People don’t realize if we help this demographic, we help so much more,” said Jessica.
When asked about her greatest strength, Jessica replied, “Adaptability and positivity.” Jessica believes her positive attitude is a “light that draws people” and shows “you can do whatever you want.”
She needed to rely on that trait when applying to Howard University. “I worried I was not good enough. I doubted myself, but went ahead and did it,” Jessica said. She would check her email “50 times a day” hoping for an answer.
Jessica was elected SGA President in 2021 and reelected in 2022. She also has served as vice president and activities director of the Jax Squad, and president and vice president of the First-Generation Club. Jessica was appointed a student regent on the UNT System Board of Regents. She is a member of the Black Student Union, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, and the Sigma Beta Delta honor society. All while maintaining a 3.9 GPA.
In addition, Jessica interned for Black Women in Nonprofit Leadership and Promise House, a Dallas organization that helps homeless children, teens and their families.

Last but not least, Jessica is a Ronald E. McNair Scholar through a federally funded program that recognizes students for their accomplishments, offers academic, social and emotional support, and provides a path toward obtaining a Ph.D.
One day, she was so anxious and nervous, she called the Howard admissions office as soon as it opened at 8 a.m. to ask about her application status. Later, at 3:14 p.m., she received her acceptance email. “It was the only place I applied,” Jessica said. Her hard work at UNT Dallas and her persistence paid off once again. She was so ecstatic she noted and now remembers the exact time that much-anticipated email arrived in her inbox.
Dr. Curtis McDowell, a UNT Dallas lecturer who has been a valued mentor for Jessica, believes her experience is truly inspirational. “Her rags to riches story is powerful,” said Dr. McDowell. “It shows when people collaborate at UNT Dallas, amazing things can happen.”
Last week, Jessica took the stage to share her story with attendees of the Advancing Socioeconomic Mobility conference hosted by UNT Dallas at the Statler Hotel. The audience listened intently as she described overcoming hurdles and feeling empowered by her UNT Dallas experience.
2023's Problem Drug Areas
With National Prevention Week in full swing and the number of annual drug overdose deaths in the U.S. reaching more than 103,500, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released its report on the States with the Biggest Drug Problems, as well as expert commentary, to highlight the areas that stand to be most affected.

This study compares the 50 states and the District in terms of 20 key metrics, ranging from arrest and overdose rates to opioid
prescriptions and employee drug testing laws. You can find some highlights below.
Drug Abuse & Prevention
in Texas (1=Biggest Problem; 25=Avg.):
• 51st – Share of Teenagers Who Used Illicit Drugs in the Past Month
• 51st – Share of Adults Who Used Illicit Drugs in the Past Month
• 36th – Opioid Pain Reliever Prescriptions per 100 People
• 48th – Drug Overdose Deaths per Capita
• 31st – Drug Arrests per Capita
• 50th – Share of Adults Who Couldn’t Get Treatment for Illicit Drug Use in the Past Year
• 5th – Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities per 100,000 People (Age 12+) Using Illicit Drugs
LaToya K. Porter Completes Nine Month Leadership Program
LaToya K. Porter, Project Manager at JBJ Management has successfully completed the LGBT Chamber of Commerce Foundation nine-month LGBT Leadership Institute.
“JBJ Management is committed to supporting the leaders in our company as we work to deliver creative strategies to our clients who connect people and transform communities,” said Willis Johnson, CEO of JBJ Management.
“LaToya makes JBJ better and we are extremely proud of her accomplishment. As a member of the 2023 LGBT Leadership Institute class, she represents our company and our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and her passion for leading others by example and with dignity and respect is unparalleled.”

Members of the LGBT Leadership Institute partic-
ipate in a nine-month program that provides valuable skills and knowledge, along with an historical view of the LGBTQ+ equality movement and community. Graduates of the program have completed more than 50 hours of course instruction each on a variety of topics with an emphasis on the impact by, or on, the LGBTQ+ community.
“The goal of the LGBT Leadership Institute is to fill the generational information gap that exists within and regarding the LGBTQ+ community”, said Lisa Howe who manages the Leadership Institute program and serves as Vice President of Membership & Programs for the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce. “Although there are a number of quality leadership programs in North Texas, none of them address topics
specific to and the contributions made by the LGBTQ+ community”.
The LGBT Leadership Institute provides a safe and nurturing environment for a diverse cohort of individuals to develop skills and explore the critical issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. Whether one identifies as LGBTQ or an Ally, graduates of the LGBT Leadership Institute can be confident in their abil-
ity to represent and articulate the issues facing LGBTQ+ community.”
LaToya is a current participant in Engage Dallas. She is also a member of the Texas Young Professionals. She served as the Advocacy Chair for the Park South YMCA for several years, where she is still a member. In addition, she is the 2021 recipient of the Sam Winstead Volunteer of the Year award. She was a member of the D Magazine Young Leaders Network. In 2017, she was selected as a Millennial to Watch by Go to Know media. LaToya has volunteered with the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the Special Olympics, the Dallas Police Athletic League, and many other organizations. LaToya enjoys reading, creating artistic pieces, and doing crossword puzzles.
Meetup in The Alley Draws Fashionable Crowd
By Eva D. Coleman Lifestyle & Culture EditorNearly a hundred people gathered in The Alley at the Galleria Dallas on May 10, 2023 for an evening where the stakes were high… Fashion!
Fashion Group International (FGI) of Dallas bestowed “Rising Star” honors from among excited nominees during their 27th annual event. FGI Dallas Regional Director Nerissa Helpenstill greeted guests from the stage crafted in front of a few rows of many seated in white, folding chairs. Helpenstill proudly shared that FGI Dallas is the largest and most active chapter outside of New York City, to which the crowd cheered at being closely aligned with a long-running city that is synonymous with fashion.
With a 2023 theme of “Supernova,” five categories of local recognition were celebrated: Fashion Design, Fashion Styling, Beauty, Accessories and Retail.
Nominees enjoyed drinks and light bites as they interacted with the crowd of family, supporters and friends.
Event co-chairs were famed celebrity designer Venny Etienne of Project Runway and personal stylist Roxanne Carne. Before the event started, Etienne shared
Fashion Group
International of Dallas Celebrates Rising Stars
with Texas Metro News how fashion unites us in a time when we’re so divided.
“Fashion is a form of art,” he said. “In the midst of all the noise, it's what brings everyone together. There’s no division when it comes to art. It’s all about per-
spective and viewpoints.”
“When you appreciate the time that an artist puts into their craft, you see beyond what your opinion is,” Etienne added. “With art, it’s a safe space. It’s a place where people can just express themselves and show their art that humanity really needs.”
During the awards presentation, winners from 2022 came to the stage to introduce nominees who were featured by video, followed by a live announcement of the 2023 recipient.
Fashion Styling category winner Dexter James was humbled yet inspired by his win. He shared with the audience about being conflicted with pursuing his art or going back to a 9 to 5 job. He expressed his motivation to continue with the honor he received.
During the networking portion of the event, Fashion Design category winner Munisa Khuramova shared with Texas Metro News her love of bold colors and

how being bullied as a child led her to boldness in fashion.

“Fashion became the armor for my confidence and armor from bullies,” Khuramova said. “Later on it became the armor for my empowerment, so I really want women to feel empowered and carry that light around them and magnify it and never let it be smaller.”
She shared her goal and dream for women and the celebration of life and looking good in her acceptance speech as well.
Many fashion notables were in attendance during the event, including celebrity costume and wardrobe designer Shawn D. Florence. Florence has worked with Elton John, Madonna, Chloe Bailey, Lil Nas X, Lizzo and many others.

“Fashion is the great unifier,” Florence said. “Art is something that brings us all together. When we put on fashion, we’re displaying ourselves as a work of art or expressing ourselves through style, and it always is fun; it’s always a great opportu-
nity for us to come together and unify on that one thing that we all love, and that’s ‘Fashion.’”
Fairly new Dallas transplant and lifestyle influencer from D.C., Dr. Keith Harley, serves on the FGI Dallas board of directors leading membership, and presented an award as well.
About Face Pros
Tina Adams-Mason
MKT Stores
Stephen Swetish
Fashion Styling
Dexter James Accessories
Elizabeth Hooper
Elizabeth Hooper Studio
Fashion Design
Munelle De Vie
Munisa Khuramova
While the Rising Star Awards recognizes the best in local fashion design, accessories, beauty, retail, fashion styling, home and interior design, and fashion tech and innovation, FGI Dallas’ signature event, Night of Stars Gala, was announced to take place on November 10, 2023 at the Thompson Hotel in Dallas. For more information, visit

Healthy Living EXPO
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Cervical Cancer Awareness
Birth Defect Prevention/Screening
Blood Donor
Glaucoma Awareness
Healthy Weight
Mardi Gras
Black History Month
Children’s Dental Health
Heart Health
Burn Awareness
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia care
Eating disorders Awareness
Women’s History Month
Black Press Week
Brain Injury Awareness
Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Kidney Month
Nutrition Month
LGBT Health Awareness Week
Doctors’ Day
Major League Baseball
Election Guide
National Financial Literacy Month
Community Banking Month
Alcohol Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month
Donate Life Month
Foot Health Awareness
Humor Month - Black/Brown comics
Religion - Easter
STI Awareness
Public Health Week
Eye Health and Safety
Infant Immunization
Cinco de Mayo
Class of 2023
Mother’s Day
National Small Business Month
ALS Awareness
Bike Month
Better Sleep Month
Healthy Vision Month
High Blood Pressure Education Month
Lupus Month
Skin Cancer Awareness
Mental Health Month
Older Americans Month
Stroke Awareness Month
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
Asthma Day - May 1
Food Allergy Awareness
Black Music Month
Father’s Day/Men’s Health Month
Women Veterans Day
PTSD Awareness
Cancer Survivors Day - June 2
Blood Donor Day - 14th
Minority Mental Health
The Black Church
UV Safety
Hepatitis Day - July 28
messenger am the
Metro Community Calendar powered by

MAY Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month 20
11th annual Tux and Chucks Gala, a charity fundraiser event in support of Fit and Faithful Living’s mission of inspiring hope, vision, and possibilities for youth and families. This year’s event promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience for the whole family, featuring guest speakers Olympians Michael Carter and Michelle Carter, who will share their personal journey and insights on the importance of mental health in families and achieving goals.
6pm - 9pm at The Highland Dallas Hotel. In addition to the guest speakers, the event will include awards, live performances, dinner, silent auction.
Southern University

Alumni 40th Bayou Bash at African American Museum ***

You Can Live Again Expo and Awards Announcements, 10a -3pm at Gilley’s Dallas, 1635 Botham Jean. Get tickets at
Juanita J. Craft Open House
4500 Spring Ave, Dallas, TX 75210 at 10:00 am 25
Full day of FREE interactive workshops, panel discussions, and networking events designed to empower and support those who want to grow their leadership skills or break into a new career.
8194 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas TX 75231
The Elusive Ladies of the Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. were introduced on the Florida A&M University Campus, in 1978.

Black Music Month Saluting Fathers CELEBRATING JUNETEENTH 3
2023 Gentlemen’s Toast, fatherhood, faith, finance, 10am-2:30pm - a collective of professional Black men focused on building their kingdoms.

Birthday Reception for THE HONORABLE JOHN CREUZOT Dallas County District Attorney
Kier’s Hope 5th Annual Fun & Run Walk. Log on to

RSVP REQUESTED 6:00-7:30pm
5110 Southbrook Drive Dallas, Texas Drive to the top of driveway for complimentary valet parking
SOCIAL INNOVATION LUNCHEON: Hidden In Plain Sight: Combatting Financial Elder Abuse & Helping Vulnerable Seniors
Affected by Financial Scams

8250 No. Central Expressway, Dallas 11:30AM - 1:00PM CST
Presented By Social Venture Partners Dallas

The BEATLEukemia Ball is the annual signature fundraiser for Leukemia Texas, held in Fort Worth, TX each spring. Guests of all ages travel from many locations to attend this fun event, and it is always a special night to remember. The featured entertainment is “The Fab Four” who are considered the finest Beatles tribute band in the world.
Ivy & Pearl Foundation of Dallas, in collaboration with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, Alpha Xi Omega Chapter’s 2nd Annual Top Golf Tournament Scholarship Fundraiser 2:00 pm at TopGolf in Dallas, TX.

Hosted by Jeff Tillotson, Lisa Blue Baron and Black Family Good Governance
HYPE w/Cheryl Smith
Weekday mornings on FaceBook
Bringing you hype you can believe!
The Real Deal w/ The Reality Coach on 11 am.- noon CST. and FaceBook, Mondays. Join the call 646-200-0459 on Cheryl’s World.

Have a great Father’s Day with City Men Cook - Stay tuned for information.

The World According to Drew on 8 am.-10 am. CST. Sundays Tune in for thought-provoking, enlightening, informative, and entertaining news and commentary. Join Andrew Whigham on the call 646-200-0459 SEND
or call 214-941-0110

‘If You Look Hard Enough, You Can See Our Future’ – The Nando’s Art Collection World Debut at the African American Museum, Dallas 11am-5pm weekdays
Celebrating Mothers Congrats to the Class of 2023
10th Anniversary of ReuNight for The Family Place. At this year’s event, at the Dallas Petroleum Club at 6:30 pm, guests will enjoy an evening of cocktails, exceptional cuisine, a luxury live auction and more. Support from this year’s event is critical, as one in three Texans will experience domestic violence during their lifetime- one of the highest rates in the country. Contact or call 214443-7717 for more information. 20
Line Dancing & Swing Out Meet Up!
Cherry Moon Grill & Bar · Arlington at 6:30 PM
Nonprofit organizations have changed the news landscape in Texas — but nothing has been easy. Join Fort Worth SPJ for an insightful discussion with Fort Worth Report CEO/publisher Chris Cobler and Texas Observer editor Gabe Arana at 6:30 p.m. at Joe T. Garcia’s Mexican restaurant (Villa Room) on Fort Worth’s fabled North Side. Twenty bucks covers the program and Joe T.’s enchilada dinner. Such a deal. Add $1 to pay with a credit card.
Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce

Business Mix & Mingle 5:30-8:30pm Register at

The Annual Malcolm X Community Festival is at Grimes Park in Desoto,TX! Live music, games, vendors , good food & family fun. This event is free & open to the public! Now accepting food & merchandise vendors. Save The Date!


Ivy & Pearl Foundation of Dallas, in collaboration with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. , Alpha Xi Omega Chapter’s 2nd Annual Top Golf Tournament Scholarship Fundraiser 2:00 pm at TopGolf in Dallas, TX.

You Can Live Again Expo and Awards
Announcements, 10am-3pm. Enjoy amazing celebrities, speakers, panelists, performers and fun for the entire family! Hear why Now Is The Time To Do It in 2023! *Special Q and A session with WFAA’S legendary Sports Commentator Dale Hansen! Tickets available www., Gilley’s Dallas, 1635 Botham Jean, Dallas, Tx. Proceeds benefit Boys and Girls Club Dallas

Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae and Lambda Nu Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority present HANDS OFF MY CROWN, a community conversation about the Crown Act and the politics of Black Hair. Moderated by Tashara Parker, at Paul Quinn College’s Grand Lounge, 6:30 pm 30

Line Dancing & Swing Out Meet Up!
Cherry Moon Grill & Bar · Arlington at 6:30 PM JUNE

Line Dancing & Swing Out Meet Up! Cherry Moon Grill & Bar · Arlington at 6:30 PM

JUNE THE REALITY COACH Tune in on Mondays on BlogTalk Radio 646-200-0459

w/Cheryl Smith
Believe Hype

You Got to Have Some Skin in the Game
BY TERRY ALLEN“Big Mama's” Playbook was always deeply rooted in biblical structure and presence. Yet it was also immersed in the colloquial norms of our culture with informal everyday language that she used was steeped in her multi-cultured experience of being African, African American and Native American. She was BIPOC!

Now remember that colloquial culture is similar to slang. It is shorthand used to express ideas, people, and things that are frequently discussed between members of a group. Unlike slang, it is often developed deliberately. Skin in the game had two meanings for Big Mama.
First, to have skin in the game means you have an active interest in the success of something. If it fails, it affects you in some way. For example, workers who have stock in their company have skin in the game. So, they may work harder to make it successful.
My diverse career spans over decades. I have been a Chief Development Officer for a media company; founder of various nonprofits; I have been a brand & event management specialist for multiple business owners; and for 20 years I have successfully served as a J.E.D.I (Justice,
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Expert for clients from Fuji to Facebook.
I have been a servant leader on the Boards of several organizations such as NABJ, NBPRS-DFW, Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), University of Dallas, City of Dal -

awarded "Best 10 Events of 2015 Manager by, 2015 Award “Best of the Best of Professional Executive, Recipient -NABJ Salute to Excellence Winner, Top 50 Movers and Shakers Awards, Best of Dallas 2019 Public Relations
ers. Thanks, Cheryl Smith!
FYI, in the phrase, "skin" is a synecdoche for the person involved, and "game" is the metaphor for actions on the field of play under discussion. According to Stack Exchange, Warren Buffett raised the bar on the phrase when he raised money with 10 doctors for his first fund as he contributed the first $100.00 and called it his skin in the game.
All I can add is that during the 23 years we have executed City Men Cook and its mentoring program, I have learned about so many talented young Black men under 40. At Evolution Academy Charter School and Barack Obama Leadership Academy (B.O.M.L.A.) I have been blessed to see their tech savvy, their hunger for knowledge and their extreme talents!
Are you good at TikTok? What I know for sure is that those young men have “Skin in the game" too. In summary, Skin in the game also means to convey that these men also have some equity and/or financial risk in any kind of venture, but also have some kind of emotional investment.
las- OCA, Pastor Richie Butler’s Project Unity’s Together We Dine, TMC Media podcast personality, Bestselling author and more.
Those appointments have been very beneficial as I have been also recognized as multi-year honoree - Who’s Who Dallas · Who’s Who American Colleges and Universities,
Company of the year and so on.
Big Mama said that has earned me skin in the game!
But nothing has been more rewarding than being my grandmother’s servant and voice with - “Big Mama Said”, which began here and has expanded to a book project. See what happens when you reach out to oth-
So, paying honor to my colleague, Pamela Purifoy, we have to cross the aisle and open the doors to all of us who have "Skin in the game" or we will fail. Thanks, Big Mama!
If We Do Not Cross Generations and Collaborate, We Will Fail!


Dallas Wings Finalize Team Roster; WNBA Season 27 Tips off Friday
By Dorothy J. Gentry Sports EditorIt’s their time.
The WNBA kicks off its 27th season on Friday, May 19th with the theme: More Than A Game, taking what’s already loved about the WNBA and shows that there's even more. More passion. More multidimensional. More perfection. More primetime. (View below)

WNBA Season 27 Promo: More than A Game
There will be lots to look forward to this season as the WNBA con-
tinues its pace of record growth and viewership forward from last season. Familiar faces like Candace Parker and Natasha Howard have changed teams, while the
ly smuggling hash oil. She was released in December 2022 in a prisoner swap.
Locally, the Dallas Wings are gearing up for their eighth season
Brittney Griner Visits
Dallas June 7 and 9
highlight of the season is sure to be Phoenix Mercury star Brittney Griner who returns to the league after being detained 10 months in a Russian prison for alleged-
in North Texas where they play their home games at College Park Center on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington.
They will open the season this
A breakdown of the full 12-player roster can be found below: 2023 Dallas Wings Roster
Saturday, May 20, vs. the Atlanta Dream at College Park Center. Tip-off is Noon, with entry for fans at 10:30 a.m. The game will be broadcast live on ABC.
On Wednesday the Wings finalized their 2023 roster featuring a league-maximum 12 players.
The Wings will be led by twotime WNBA All-Star Arike Ogunbowale, who averaged 19.7 points in 2022, tying her for third in the WNBA. Ogunbowale is joined by newly-acquired forward Natasha Howard, a three-time WNBA champion, two-time All-Star and former Defensive Player of the Year.
Leading the team is Latricia Trammell who makes her WNBA head coaching debut in 2023 after spending the three previous seasons as the lead assistant coach for the Los Angeles Sparks.
The Wings front court features recently extended 6’7 center Teai-
ra McCowan who is coming off a strong showing during her 2022 year. McCowan, after joining the Wings in 2022, earned WNBA Player of the Month accolades for August. She is joined by 2021 AllStar Satou Sabally, who enters her fourth season with the Wings. The former No. 2 pick in the WNBA Draft enters the 2023 WNBA campaign following an impressive overseas season that included Euroleague and Turkish League Championships.
The team will be without two of its players as the season starts, however. Rookie guard Lou Lopez Senechal is scheduled to undergo knee surgery next week and will miss approximately six to eight weeks of action. Guard Diamond DeShields will also miss extended time this season as she deals with a knee injury. The team will provide medical updates on both players when appropriate.
Brittney Griner Returns to Dallas
Texas native Griner makes her return to Dallas when she and the Phoenix Mercury play a pair of games against the Wings at College Park Center on Wednesday June 7 at 7 p.m. and Friday, June 9, also at 7 p.m. Griner, a Houston native, went to college at Baylor University in Waco where she led them to the 2012 NCAA Championship, which capped the team's perfect season (40–0). Griner received both the Naismith Award and the Wooden Award as the outstanding collegiate women's player. In addition, she was named AP Player of the Year.
Tickets to Wings games can be purchased by calling 817.469.9464; texting 833.668.0823 or emailing Fans can follow the team on all social channels, including Facebook, Twitter (@ DallasWings ) Instagram (@dallaswings ) and Tik-Tok (@dallaswings).