Oct obe r 17, 1947 April 4, 2020
By Cheryl Smith Publisher
Self-Actualized Last century, I was dealing with some issues that were almost devastating. While I wasn’t shouting my situation from the rooftops, some knew of my situation and were very supportive. Others didn’t have a clue, while still others couldn’t have cared less. Now I did talk to myself from time to time. It was the safest way to deal with the situation. You see, I talked myself out of reacting and equally important, talking to myself kept me from talking to some people who would have ensured there were consequences and repercussions. During that time, I was told by others that “tough times don’t last forever, tough people do!” Well, guess what? Those tough times did pass and I am still here. But there are people who left me high and dry then and so when the good times came back around it was clear that they were not, to use a word that has been overused during this pandemic, “essential” to me, my life, or my livelihood. Which brings me to my truth.
Once again we find ourselves dealing with “tough times.” Some have already lost their jobs since the coronavirus hit and others are going to lose their jobs. Sadly some have lost their jobs through no fault of theirs. Instead it’s a sign of the times. Experts say there were not enough precautionary measures See MY TRUTH, page 8
VOL.8 NO. 28
April 15, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dallas resident John Wilson gets a surprise 74th social distancing happy birthday from his daughters, holding signs in front of his home .
Self-made face masks
Coronavirus prompts entrepreneurial spirit to fill need
I WAS JUST THINKING... By Norma Adams-Wade
Countless Grammas and Grampas were way-makers, prophets, and trailblazers – particularly in African-Americans families -- setting examples we
did not realize we one day would follow. Back in the day, when funds and materials were limited, Gramma or Grampa always found a way to create what was needed. I remember a friend describing to me a truck his Grampa fashioned by hacking off the top back half of a car and top of its trunk to produce a truck that would carry what he needed.
Today, with increased calls for
face masks, and a limited supply of them, during the coronavirus pandemic, average citizens are creating ways to create their own. Any quick trip to a grocery store or pharmacy and you will see all sorts of home-made masks as protective gear. Tips and demonstrations for making your own masks are all over the news as well. I was just thinking how some See PARKLAND, page 5