Texas Metro News

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VOL.8 NO. 47

September 2, 2020


By Cheryl Smith


Coach John Thompson 1941-2020

Chadwick Boseman 1976-2020


Please wear your mask and wash your hands!

If Only You Knew I’ve always cared about others’ feelings. Or at least that is what I thought. As a child I remember playing the “dozens” where we talked about one another’s big head, lazy eyes, siblings, big ears, slew feet, pigeon toes; you get the picture. But I also know that if I ever got wind that I was hurting s o m e o n e’s feelings, or if the laughter moved Chadwick someone to Boseman tears, I immediately backed off. For me I just didn’t find any pleasure in making people feel bad about the way they looked and as I grew older, I developed a practice of not talking about things folks have no control over. After all, “Bucky Beaver” got braces and his teeth are beautiful today, but Peanuthead’s dome never caught up with his body so 50 years later, he is still, “Peanut” and we know why. We were kids and sometimes, actually most times, we were lacking in compassion. However, as adults we should have, and use, more common sense. We should be mature, but sadly, many will never get past that stage, “when I was a child…” Which brings me to my truth. see MY TRUTH, page 7

Remembering Wallace Edgar Faggett AUG. 15, 1952 - AUG. 24, 2020

emergency response initiatives to providing immediate support for public health practitioners and other essential workers on the frontlines. The fund provides $100,000 in total to select students at universities around the world, with each grant awarded ranging up to $5,000. The Action Fund was

Services were held for Wallace Edgar Faggett on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. Born August 15, 1952 to Edison and Eula Mae Faggett in Marshall, Texas, Wallace was preceded in death by his parents, brothers, Willie and Bervin Faggett, sister Phyllis Holmes, and son Oba Najja Faggett. Wallace married Edna Lee of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. To this union Oba Najja, Nneka, and Nicholas were born. Wallace and Edna made the priorities for their children to train them in a Christian manner, as well

see COVID-19, page 11

see REMEMBERING, page 13

On August 28, 2020, several thousands attended the Commitment March in Washington, D.C. The march celebrated the 57th anniversary of 1963 March on Washington, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Credit Photographs by----Milbert O. Brown, Jr. Email: oeditorbrown@gmail.com

Clinton Foundation announces $100,000 of funding for student projects to fight COVID-19 New York, NY – The Clinton Foundation recently announced the recipients of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) COVID-19 Student Action Fund, providing $100,000 to student projects to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The Student Action Fund is funded by Founding Partner, Kevin Xu, and the colleges and universities that comprise the CGI University Network.

Working within the CGI U Commitment to Action model, this fund is geared towards 38 innovative social impact projects addressing the public health, economic, and societal impacts of the novel coronavirus — with commitments ranging from infectious disease monitoring and response systems; social enterprises; awareness and prevention campaigns; and other

Expanding during COVID-19: 1st Anniversary for Rosie’s Beauty Spa By DR. LINDA AMERSON

Ashley Woodard

Opening a business can be an exciting and exhausting time for owners. With a vision and tenacity, Ashley Woodard persevered. Most consumers will agree, glowing, flawless skin gets attention. Ashley’s parents, two siblings,

Aunt Toni, family and friends attended the 1st year celebration of Rosie’s Beauty Spa, Sunday, in Arlington. Delicious culinary food and desert was catered by Ivy’s Eateries. Balloons and lighted-brand décor shined in celebration style. Pastor Rodney Petty, Sr., Jericho Baptist Church, Fort Worth,

gave a prayer of blessing and words of encouragement. “I have watched Ashley grow,” he said. “From obtaining two degrees, to becoming an entrepreneur, God has expanded her business, during a time of stress and duress. She is a young, bright, shining star, impacting others, using holistic methods.” see ROSIE’S SPA, page 5

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